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SHKURUFIY, P. L. ; AWNUMLIN, A.G. Replacing foundry coke with natural gas. Mashinostroitell no.9:38 s *i6o. (MIRA 13:9) (Gas, Natural) (Founding) ANDRYUKHIN, V.S.; FEDULIN, L.Ye.; SHKURUPIY, P.L. Chain pusher. Gor. zhur. no.9:74 S 163. (KRA 16:10) SHMUPIYI YE. Conveying Fiichinpry Apparatus for lifting and transporting f;utr;. Mas. ind. SSSR 23, no. 3, 1952. 9. Monthly List oC Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September -195Y, Uncl- 2 SHORUPTY, YE. Lubrication and Lubricants Device for lubricatng traveling rollers. Mias. ind. SSSR 23 no. 3, 1-952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September -195X, Uncl. 2 SHKURUPIY. Y8. Unit for singeing packing-house by-producta. Mias.ind.SSSR 27 no-3: 52-53 '56. (MIRA 9:9) l.Khjoellnitskiy myasokombinat. (Fackixg houses--Equipment and supplies) SHKUTA _A.A., gornyy inzhener.;FOGAY. Yu. T., gornyy inzhener. :- I; ~;,, -7: ~ Mining inclined and flat veins by the longwall advanced method with roof caving. Vzor. zhur. no.2:18-21 F 157. (MlaA 10:4) 1. Treat Altayzologo (for Shkuta). 2. Radnik Cktyabr"skiy (for Nogay) (Mining engineering) (Shale) - SHKUIA,..B-, A. _, "Now technology of open-pit mining of mineral depoeitan by M. G, Novozhilor, V. G. Selianin, B. N. TartakovBkii. Reviewed by E. A. Shkuta. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.10:451-46 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Glavnyy inzh. upravleniya gornodoby,7ayushchey promyshlennosti. (,Strip mining) (Novozhilov, M. G.) (Selianin, V. G.) (Tartakovskii, B. N.) ANDREDiV, Yevgeniy Timofeyevich; YRDOROV. Sergey AlekseyevicIU. ~--- Ikluard Iva.novich- SAUKHAT, I.G., redaktor; KRLIHIK, V.P.. radaktor Te.m., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Kine supports of slag brick] Kreplenie gornykh vyrabotok litymi sh'Lakovymi kamniami. Sverdlovsk, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.ird-vo lit-ry p0 chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, Sverdlovskoe otd-nis, 1957. 79 P. WMA 10: 7) (Mine timbering) 13ONDARENKO, I.I., ZRKOV, M.N.; ZINCIIEVSKIY, N.P.jEF-D'XO9 ISAI SEMENKO. P.I.; SVINAREIWO, D.M.; KHIVRENKO, A.F.,~-41RRIRA, B!I.- SHOSTAK, A.,.!. Review of "Ventilation of mines after large-scale blastirg' by S.I.Dagovskoi. Reviewed by I.I.Bondarenko and otbers. Bezop.t,rada v Prom. 3 no.8:38 Ag 159. (MM 12:11) 1. Glavnyy inzboner upravlenlya Krivorozhskogo okruga Gosgortekhna- dzora USSR (for Bondarenko). 2. Glavnyy irxzbener institute. Krivbassprc.yekt (for Zhukov). 3. Glavnyy inzhener rudoupravleni- ya im. Earls, Libknetbta (for Zinchevskiy). 4. Nacballnik otdela kapitallnogo gtrnitei'stva rudoupravleniya im. Dzerzhinskogo ~for Ry-ng),, 5. Nachallnik ventilyataii tresta Dzerzhinskruda (for Redlko). 6. Upravlyayushebly rudoupravleniyem Jn. Dzerzbinskogo (for Svinarenko). 7. Upravlyayushchiy upravleniyam Im. Karla Libk-nekhta (for Somenko). 8. GlavxWy inzhener tresta DzerzbinBI=uda (for Xhivrank-o). 9. GlavW inzhener rudouprav- leniya Im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Shkura). 10. Nachal'nik tekhni- cheskogo otdola tresta Dzerzhinskruda (for Shostak). (Blbllog~-aph7--Inclustrial safety) (Lugovskol, S.I.) VAGANOV, V.V.; IKODITIKOV, A.11., KOfI'AIWErS, V.P.-, F.I. Basic problems of minint ,; low-grade iron ore deposits. Trudy Gor.-geol.lnst.UFAII SSSR no.Lq- (MIRA 13:5) .181-187 '59. (Iron mines and mining) A.R.; SIPFOROV, G.Ye.; SEMITA, E.I.; TETMOV POLYANSKIY, F.S.; PISANKO, K.S.; SMORIK, V.K.; ALITSHULER, M.A.; RIVKIN, I.D.; ENGELI, Ya.R.; CHETYRKIIT, M.I., red.izd-va; PMINENtKIY, A.A., red.izd-va,- OSVAWD, E.Ya., red.izd-va; ly-ROZOROVSKAYA, Y.L., LSharp increase in the labor productivity of Krivoy Rog Basin miners; practices in the "Bollshevik" and "Gigant" mines] Kruto-i pod"em proizvoditellnosti trade gorniakov Krivbassa; iz opyta raboty shakht "Bol'shevik" i "Gigant." Mosk7a, 1960. 173 P. (MIU 13:11) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Iron mines and mining-Labor prod-activity) MALAKHOV, G.M.j prof., dolctor tekhn.nauk.; SEKUTA, S.I.; CHEWNKO, A.R.; VASHCHMKU, V.S. For the highest possible labor productivity in underground mines. Gor. zhur. no. 11:3-7 N 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1, Krivorozhijkiy gornorudnyy inBtitut (for Malakhov). 2. GlavW inzh. rudnika im. Dzerzhinskogo (for ShkbLta). 3. Nachalluik Bhakhty Gigant krivorozhskogo rudnika im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Chernenko). 4. Glavnyy inzhener shakhty Gigant krivorozhskogo rudnika im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Vashchenko). (Mining engineering-Isbor productivity) VASILIYEV, M,V., gornyy inzk.; KOTOV, V.17., goraV inzh.;'RUSSKIY, I.I.,, gornyy inzh.; KHOKffMKOV, V.S., gornyy inzh.-; POPOV, S.L, gornyy inzh.; SHILIN, A.N., gornyy inzh.; TARAS, M.I., gornyy inzh.; SHKUTA, E.I., gornyy inzho -- ------- - "Strip mining" by M.G.Novozhilov. Reviewed by M.V.Vasillev and others. Gor. zhur. no.7-:79-80 Jl 161. (KIRA 15:2) (strip mining) (Novozhilay, M.G.) KOVAUV, A,F., !;and. tckhn. nauk~ LINN11K, G.F,, kani. tekh-i. r,-Iuk-; BELASH, A~S,,, _t -,, E.I.-- LUBENE76, V,A,; KMTA, P.V, Advantages of using hardening filling In Krivoy Rog Basin mines. Plet. I gornorud. prom. no.l.-56-59 Ja-F 164. (MITRA 17.10) ARSENTIYEV, Alelcsandr Ivanovich; VINOGRADOV, Vladimir Samoylovich; DZIUBEIEO, ?ikhail Grigorlyevich; YESFICFMKO, Aleksey Andreyevich; KALYAKIN, Viktor Vasill'yevich; KAPZAZIN, Vitaliy Ivanovich; KISELEV, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich- KULIKOV Vladimir Vasillyevich; MELESHKRI, Sergey Mikhaylovich; SINAPENKO, Aleksandr I-vanovich; KHIVIRENKO, Akim Foteyevich; ,9-~T4,-_jDduardjyanovich; SHOSTAK, Afonasiy Grigorlyevich; MOSKALIKOV, Yevgeniy Fedorovich, retsenzent; SOSEDOV, Orest Orestovich, retsenzent; ROSEEIT, Aleksandr Filippovich, otv. red.; SUROVA, V.A., red.izd-va; LAVRENTIYEVA, L.G., tekhn. red. [Overall development of an iron-ore basin] Kompleksnoe razvitie zhelezoradnogo basseina. [By] A.I.Arsentlye* i 4r.Moskvay Izd- vo "Nedra'11 1964. 293 P. (MIRA 17:3) BELASH, Aleksandr- Sergeyevich, inzh.; KOVALEV, Aleksey Fedotovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; LINNIK, Grigoriy Filippovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; NESTER-70KO, Vladimir Vasillyevich, inzh.; inzh.; DUDKO, V.D., inz~,., retsenzent; AFONINA, G.P., red. (Improving systems of raining iron-ore deposits] Usover- shenstv-3vanie sistem razrabotki zhelezorudnykh mesto- rozilde-iii. Kiev, Tekhnika, 1965. 207 p. (MIF-4 18:12) "KI -4, 1 . ; - - 7:3 z-rl x, -AM Lj-.. E . -' KIY, L.I., dclzor fe'-- SKIY, l.B., gornyy inzh. ~'ot.en`als of min- ven"Ia~~on. 'or.z~ur. ro.3:"6-3() Mr '65. Ll 1. Glavqyy ixzh. Upravleniya gornodobyvay-ashchey promiyshlernosz-i Pridneprovsko~ro soveta narocinogo khozyaystva (for Shkuta). I ShKUTA, F.I. I Revi..w of the book by M,F.Drukovanyi and r-,thers "Blasting hJuh benches." C;or. zhur. no.5:77 My 165. (141RA 18 15) 1. Gulavrin, inzh. Upravleniya gornodobyvayushchey promy stile nno sU Pridneprovskogo soveta narednogo khozyays'uva. I S AYTASHEV, G.A.; SHKUTA, L4..;,,.40GAY, Yu.T. Working of an inclined Espe lode. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. gor. dela, no-1:3-9 '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Kazakhstan--l-tining engineering) ACCESSION NR: AP4044724 S/0207/64/000/00410101/0104 AUTHOR: Shkutin, L. 1. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Postbuckling defornation and stability of a shallow spherical. segment :SOURCE: Zhurnal -prikladnoir mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki~ no. 4, '1964, 101-104 ~TOPIC TAGS: postbuckling deformation, shallow shell, shell stability$ ~shell deformation, spherical shell, spherical segment, shallow spher-i ical segment ~ABSTRACT: The shape of a convex shallow shell deflected as deeply as! possible is assumed to be a mirror image of the initial shell except for the edge-adjacent area, where an additional deformation takesplace, ,The energy of deformation Ln this area is determined by applying the .theory of edpe effect. ThLs method of investigation leads most quick- ly to the 9olution of the -problem and is especially convenient for .shallow shells because the effect of boundary conditions on the value, of the buckling energy, iteot on the magnitude of the lower critical., Card ,ACCESSION UR: AP4044724 I !load, can be easily estimated. The application of this method is dem.6 ionstrated in i the investigation of the deformation and stability of a ,thin-walled spherical segment clamped along its edge and subjected to! !uniform normal pressure on the convex side. Formulas are derived forl ithe energy 9f deformation and the lower and upper critical loads, andi ;the behavior of the segment Is discussed and -illustrated by liagrams, ;The poasibiiity is pointed out of generalizing the results obtained ~for an arbitrary shallow shell of revolution having a continuously ;variable thickness and subjected to other types of loading# Orige, lart. has: 3 figures and 7 formulas. 1ASSOCIATIONs none !SUBMITTEDs ATD PRESS: 3091 ENCLi 00 iSUB CODEt AS NO REF SOVI 002 OTTIERi 001 2 2 F. SHKUTIN, L.I. (Novosibirsk) Dynamic snapping of disk springs. Izv. All SSSR. Mekh. mashinostr. no. 2:157-159 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) L 41151-66 Lid ACC NR-. AP6021547 LA) SOURCE CODE: UR/0198/66/002/006/0063/0070 AUTHOR: Shubin, 1. A. (Novosibirsk). Shkutin, L.,L-(Novosibirsk) 3 ORG: Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Department, AN SSSR ([nstitut gidrodinamild, Sibirskoye otdeleniye AN SSSR) TITLE: Experimental investigation of the stability of plane conical shells under static loading 1 -2, ~ SOURCE: Prikladnaya mekhanika, v. 2, no. 6, 1966, 63-70 TOPIC TAGS: shell deformation, conic shell structure, shell struciaire stability, static load test ABSTRACT: A met1iod is proposed and results given of testing plane conical shells having an angte of elevation of iV36, 1/18, 1/12 radians, walls 0. 1-0. 6 mm 'thick, and base diameter of fA8 mm for stability under an acternal pressure. The shells were manufactured by the galvanic method out of copper. Tvio types of loading (pneumatic and hydraulic) and restriction of tl~e shells at the base (fixed and movable) were used. The process of deforming the shells 1/2 L 4U51-66 ACC NR: AP6021547 from the start of loading to compleiR rev sing In a state of equilibrium clbse to specular re- flection of the Initial state is described inl~letail. Thi magnitudes of the breaking loads and the forms of undulation of the shells are established. It was found that the loss of stability of carefully manufacturod plane conical shells occurs in two stages. The first stage Is the tran- sition of the axisymmetric equilibrium form to an asymmetric form with an optimal number of waves fully determined for the shell of the given geometry (the formation of a number of waveq other than optimal indicates the presence of WHO ifinji~rf6cif&iii~ i1W iQl) 1 'The occu"; 9 asymmetric equilibrium form proves to be unstable at- first (unstablwtu the unall) but then * becomes stable. The replacement of the stability of the asymmetric form by instability sipk,% flee the second stage of loss of shell stability. Equilibrium proves to be unstable over a path of deformation (kristability in the large). Under "dead weight" loads, overturning of shell occurs which ends with Its complete reversal. The authors express deep gratitude' C, E. L Grigolyuk on whose suggestion this Investigation was performed. Orig. arL has: tables and 6 figures. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 1JL43ct65/ ORIG IREF: 002 2/2 he J ACCESSION NR.- AP4019086 S/0096/64/000/003/0054/0057 AUTHGRS. Tyullpanov,-R. S. (Engineer); Shkutov, K. G. (Engineer', TITLE: Experimental combustion of gas turbine fuel in the experimental -installation GT 700 POURCE: Teploenergetika, no. 3, 1964, 54-57 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine GT 700, gas turbine fuel, gas turbine combustion chamber, gas turbine bucket wear, gas turbine combustion, gas turbine GT 700 2.5, gas turbine 550, gas turbine GT 6C0 1.5, gas turbine GT 700 4, gas turbine 700 5, fuel lyr 1 ABSTRACT.- A new gas turbine fuel (Q = 9 786 kcal/gm, ash content = 0.022/1-; specific gravity --: 0,82, sulfur = 2.38%, vanadium = 0.0007%) was Investigated in the experimental gas turbine GT-700-2.5, consisting of a low pressure compressor and a single stage, turbine (628 mm diameter, 64 mm high buckets) which runs at a nominal speed of 5000 rpm and at'a turbine Inlet temperature of 70013. The major part of the experimental program was devoted to the development of a combustion chamber for burnirg of the heavier fuel. The final design is shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The injection nozzle head was of standard design with an air Card 113 ACCESSION NR: AP4.019086 consumption of 0.025 kg/kg of fuel at an air pressure of 1.5 atm on the nozzle hbad. The combustion chamber and turbine blades were inspected after 5, 12~ 50 and 85 hrs of operation. It was found that the specific wear' of the turbine blades increased to -- 15 mgm/cm2 after 85 hrs of operation while the combustion chamber uras still in good condition after 100 hrs of operation. At the present wear rate, the loss of turbine blades would amount to 18-20% after 10 000 hrs of operation. Orig. art. hast 5 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATIONs TsKTI-IZL SUBMITTEM 00 DATE ACQf 26Mar64 SO COMI M NO my BOV 1 001 ENCLt 01 OTHWRI 000 Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR- AP4019086 Fig. I* Combustion chamber. ENCLOSURE: 01 Card 3h S=KO, M.V., Izand.sellskokhozvaystvennykh nauk Dynamics of acorn ripening and fall in the Fmglish oak (Quercus robur L.). Vestai.AN BSSR.Ser.biial.nav. no.4:43-50 159. OURA 13:4) (white Russia--Acorns) and 0 V!S t B i o.1 S tx'/ 'N.V. Pjcullfnrltie~i in Acorne.; rjf ()bk Woods icy. t),e 7 5 bioA4 n,t t e Siz-v ,Spe I determ-i-ned that of q7f-,:LAtj'1 ., " Stands i~~ Y-ijiltion 'to C,:Lji-Vt1.c and In typer, -ri-ch Kr~c~e coneutir-nn for oaki, -,~-uci-, as, f-ur in hornbearl-goaiweeti onk wooda the aoorn-, have lar6sr size and SpeC-MC Weifht:, in lxor;abi- a-ir,-- f%?, gl 4- fox-Ti. 13ak wood(- wtorg thj! graw-U%. rate is lern inte:x*ive acoln size '15 y we,ight thc r-.;ye eq In waadm :is 3_15,11 arid la,e Acorns on the late hae ar OtOd form and higler 2.1 Ir.. j:Qjj- eP11 071 early tree-s are -a.,, leaig on di~mp goil Acor,-'z rjak hial-ld !A~con-tnin less IfAter thar thC4~:a in t a-,,% . . 'elith ci chay)ge in coudit, tl~,M-s Of -Oak growth tilij c 2/3 I A r S i 20- ',(,I C)r1j. ;_4 ~j. T-;:~ 411 I r ov, SHXTJTKO, N.V. Ecological role of the size of acorns. Testsi AN BSBR.Ser,biialonav. no-3:93-97 158. (mm u: n) (Acorns) SHKUTKO, N.V.; CHAKHOVSKIY, A.A.; BOBOREKO, Ye.Z. Effect of the drought of 2959 on trees and shrubs at the Central Botanical Gaxden of the Academy of Sciences of the White Russian S.S.R. Sbor. nauch. rab. TSBS'no.1:37-41 160. (MIRA 14:10) (Minek-Plants.. Effect of aridity on) ~014ku? jr e -,treet, idexitatiors of 'Unsk. Sloor. (~,,I:,a 1/,:10) ti '.0.rer": ~n C~ ---2) SHKUTKO,, N.V. Fruit bearing of English 0~ak (Quercus robur L.) in plantations of various density. Sbor. bot. rab. Bal. otd. VBO no.2:111-11.9 t6O. (White Russia-Oak) SHKUTKO., N~V--.; CHAKHOVSKIYY A.A. Natural reproduction of some introduced coniferous varieties. Sbor. nauch. rab. TSBS no.2:61-64 161. (Y-TRA 15-7) (Minsk--Coniferae) SHKUTKO, N.V., CHAKIIOVSKIY, A.A. Watering street trees in Minsk. Sbor. nauch. rab. TSBS no.2-. 126-135 161. (MIRA 15t7) (Minsk-Trees-Water requirements) , I . o F ,, I "TR ~, .1 . . I ~ ,1~ ~ J , IT f'~. r-- t, r~.,- ,- f~ !-) I ~ --~ '~ c r)nf I I 1~1 ;n :i on t-he rjrop,~rti r.!7, ~; I ~, :: , I , .-A . , j . o,c~. . V I ~-) r.~5 . 5 : 1 lh3. -'l-, : ) SHKUTKO, N.V,-; lWMNoVICH, B.S. Some data on the growth of pitch pipe 4n 'he White Russian S.S.R. ~ U - Bot.; issl~ Bel. otd. VBO no.6s258~-261 164~ (AURA !8v7) -S~HIH U -.1"l-I . Nj 1- 1- ljiz :I ?yev; ch; CEAKHOVSK R, A-laicsandravich - L -1 - , -1- -- 1 -1 j.Landscaping of cities and settlementsi, Dzelenenie go- ro,~av -i naselennykh punktov. Minsk, Nau"la. i teklinika, 10, 6 5. 81 p. (Mi HA 19: 1) SH'.)TIM, N.V.; MARTINOVICII, B.S. Llttropc-an bei3ch in ',,hi to~ I'Lucs a _-i a. B i v -I. fGl",(. bot. scid a no. 5',~ : 2 4-~,- 6165. (",Iuu~ 1. T;-)c,,ntrallny-y botanichookiy oad AIN B~.ICJ7,13,skoy SSR, I-flmk. 'VI12/59/000/02/02-1/067 A002/AOOI Translation from. Referativn:yv, zhurnal, Elektrot~_khnika, 195% Noz 13~ P, 32, # 26377 AUTHDRS. Pychenkov, S. A., Kuzne-".sov, L. A., Dorfman, L. A., Sl~,kutov, K. rr.-LF The Experimental Gas Tlarbine Plart. of NZL EFUH11ODY-AL- Tr, Nevsk. ma-zhinostrolt. z-da, 1-957 (1958), No. 1, pp. 211-226 "'EXT- An experimenzal gas turbine power plant was built at _NZL in 1945- 1948~ At this plant a single-shaft FT-250 (G-1-550) unit was installed working ,Dn an open cycle wit-1- reg6nerat-ior. (5,50 'C' gas temperature, 3.5 atm pressure) In 12~5t, the unit was conve;~,ted -to a I-T-700 (GT-700) two-shaft ins.t-allation 'e.mpera-wirs) . The plant was in operatlon for 2,500 hours with. 130 (700 il gas t j S.~ar~-s, The G~-5.55.0 with a capaoity of 840-1,000 kw has 5 reaction stages :!Onst, 2 const, -a./,0 - O~56-0~63~ The axial compressor has 16 stages wi.h a 50% reaction. The adjuqtment of the oompressor was performed during the tes tz. 'The stage characteristic or. which the calculation of the compressor of lbe In-d-Ustrl'al 7-600-1~5 (G-D-600-1,5) was based, was plotted on the bas:.,s of these Card 111/2 S/112/59/000/0i3/021/067 The Eimerimental Gas Turbine Plant of NZL A0021AOOI imes'igatlons. The nonniniform distribution of temoeratlires over the t-.irbizle casing arid. great temperature ztr-esses in the rotor- bcre necessitate a preheating of the ixstallation for 60 - 80 mirfates. Cbaracteris'.-ICs of' tha turbine Unit at diff6rent oper-ating conditions are given. Changes of the out-sId=- j-m--Ir tSMDeraf-ir 0 C a -Iroll +2h) C. 4.-,o -20 do not affec-f% the specific fuel consumption, but the power rises h-y 4-5 I.Ames. The two-snaft GIV-700 unit was designed on the basis of th= GT-550 by adding a superimposed, single stage turbine with a -(0001". Ip-lat tC-Tr,,Pera- ':u-~ uid a tIgh-prsswire comprezsor, V. S. P. 'rq:,,EIator-'s note.,, This is the full translation of the original Il'issian abs t--ac t ,7ard 2/2 ACCESS103 NIZ: AT3008538 ;automalAc control by means of a digital electronic control device (ErsuM). This ;device has boon described by Yu. A. Bolyayov (19619 Izv. GAO AN SSSR, 169). it j)pcraw3s ui-U-i a binary codo of sidereal tire, computed in angular scale from the panol. This involves the use of a quartz-crystal clock running on sidereal time, a ~frcquoncy dividor and pmior amplifior,, a froquoncy convertor, and a cumulative ,adder. The operation of the parts is described Li considerable detail, 11B, N, Datanov (deceased), Yu. N. Gell'.. and Aa V. Norplev participated in this work." art. has: 7 figureso 'ASSOCLITIONr Glavnaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya AN SSSR (Main Astronomical ~Observatory IS SSSR) ;SUDMTr.0EDs 00 DATE ACQs 160ct63 WCLs 00 .SUB CODE, 1 101.0 1B No REF SOVS 004 OTHERt 000 2/2. CC.-J A. ACC NR% AP6()35,-,5t* SOURCE CODE- UR/0337/66/OoO/Oo9/00',0/OO43 ALMIM: Shkvar, A. Ya. ;ORG: Sevastopol' Administration for Ocean Fishing (Sevastopol'skoye upravleniye :okeanicheskoflo ryboloystva) TITLE: The operation of fresh water distilling plants in refrigerated fishing ~trawlers of -che Tropik class SOURCE:- Rybnoye khozyaystvo, no. 9, 1966, 4o_43 TOPIC TAGS: desalting equipment, steam auxiliary equipment, distillation, vacuum distillation, fishing ship 44,d_ LrV4L-- "AACIA.~-, AL~t 414-~' Of ABSTRACT: The fresh water distillation process in Tropik class trawlers is discussed in detail. A schematic description of the steps in the process, from the initial in- take from.tbe main or auxiliary engines to the ultimate flow of distillate into the storage tanks, is given. Corrosion problems encounterea in other trawlers are men'~ioned. Results of the first operational tes-L3 of the installation are cited. Orig. art. has: .3 figures. SUB CODE: 1,^,./SUBM DATE: None UDC: 639.2.061 SPUAR, 11. A., (Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Cherkassk Rsion Cherkassk OblastS) The use oILE' b-21ovetin in the avjtLaminot-ic dyspepsia of th~ newly born pigs. Veterin~jriya vol. .3P, no, 10, October 1961, pp. F149. SHWAMI-R-4) 7. L (Edib8d b.1f) 1113itY Construction", rublished by the Academy of -4rehitecture of the USSR, M., 1945. SVF.TL:ECHNYY, V.I., red.; BABUROV, V.V., red.; DBSYATKOV, G J., red.; KRASILINIKOV, P.A., red.; KUDRTAVTS3V, A.O., red.; SVMICIM11, B.Te., red.; SMIRBOV, H.S.. red., SHKVARIXOT, V.A., red.; PWZNER, A.S.. red.izd-va; GILEKSOY, P.G., [Regulations and norms for city planning and constraction (Sff 41-58)] Pravila i normy planirovki i 2Sstroiki gorodov, 91 41-58. Izdanie ofitsiallnoe. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i atroit.materialam, 1959. 178 P. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitel'stva. (City planning) 21AUSSKAYA, L.S., kand.arkl,,.; ALSKSMIDROVA, V.D., arkh.; SHKVIUIIKOV, V.A., red.; DYUMAUM, U.S., red. [deceased]; KOLESN]XdV-, DOMSHLAK, I.P., red.; RALA SHINA, Ye.S., arkhitektor, red.; FRIIMG, G.V., inzh., red.; BRUSIUA, L.Iff., I.Manual for architects] Spravochnik arkhitaktors. Red.Y.A. .Rlkvarikov i dr. Moskva, GoB.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkbit. A otroit.materialam. Vol-3-. P'V-2- [Landscaping of cities] Oze- lenenie gorodov. Boat. L.S.ZalesBkais i V.D.Aleksandrova. 1960. 463 P. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SbSR. Institut grado- ittroitel'Btva i rayonnoy planirovki. (Landscape gardening) V.A. SHKVARIKOV Planning and building, the southwestern districts of Moscow. Izv. ASIA ao.2:13-20 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Ghlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Moscow--City planning) SHKVARIKOV, V..~'J Objectives of socialist urban development. Stroitell no.4:34 AP 16o. (MIRA .13:6) 1. Chlen-korresprndent Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Direktor Nauchnorissledovatellskogo institute. gradostroitellstva i rayonnoy planirov1d. (City planning) SHKVARIKOV.9 V P, otv. red.; SOKOLOVA, Ye., red.; GROSSMAN, V., red.; G.V., red.izd-va; MOCHALINA, Z.S., tekhn. red. [Regional planning and city planning abroad]Opyt raionnoi pla- nirovki i gradostroitellstva za rubezhom; sbornik. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 159 p. (MIRA 15: U) 1. ILkaderiya stroitel'stva iarkhitektury S&M. Institut gra- dostroitel'stva i ra$onnq$ planirovki. (Regional planning) (City planning) SHKVARIKOV, V. 4~, The most impo.-tant problems in planning and building cities. Na stroi.Ros. 3 no.4:2-5 AP 162. OAIRA 15:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR, direktor Instituta gradostroitel'stva i rayonnoy planirovki. (City planning) SHU.,uRIKOV,t V.A.; BLINKOVA I L.M. , inzb. Way-s, of reducing the cost of urban constructf-on. Izv. ASJ_A 4 no.2:3-11 t62. (M-IRA 15:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondjDnt Akademii stroitel'stra i arkhitektury SS::'!R (for Shk7arikov). (City planning industry-Costs) TRKMAN, B.; SHEVARKIN. A. Double the planned capacity'. Sov. profsoiuz3r 7 no-7:33-34 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1.Direktor zavoda No.4 zhelezobetonnykh izdelly- Glavmospromstroy,- materialov (for Trakhman). 2.Predeedatell zavlcoma profs-oyma (for Shkvarkin). (Moscow-Reinforced concrete) (Industrial officienc7) MASLOV, Ivan Nikola78vich; CHIZHOVA, Klavdiya Hikolayevna; ~MARKINA, Tatl1rana Ivanovna; ZAPENINA. Nina Vaeillyevna; ZAGLODINA'- - .-Zi i F6-d-oi ya I~`a~-oiifa; FLOTNIKOV, P.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; CHINCHUK, A.M., inzh., retsenzent; PRITYKINA, L.A., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., [Technological and chemical control of the baking ind-ustryl Tekhno- khimichaskii kontroll khlebopekarnogo proizvodstva. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1960. 359 P. (MURA 13;9) (Bakers and ba;eries) .. - t -~ ~. ., . ,~ 1. 1tI SHCHEMTENYO, V.V.; CHIZHOVA, K.N.; SHILVARKINK, T.I.; L'UR'YE, T.S. Now method for preparing rye and wheat doughs. Xhleb. i kond. prom. 1 no.1:7-11 '57. (mrsA 10:4) 1. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatel'skiy inatitut khlebopekarvoy promyshlennosti. (Dough) SIE'VARKILIA, T. I., VASLOV, 1. 1,111. , and CHIZHOVA, Y. i- (USSR) "An EKaminat-jon of the Properties of Gluten in Relation to Bread Baking." Rei--,ort presented at the 5th In, ernational Biochenistry Congress, Mof3cow, 10-16 Aug 1961 MLOV., P.N.; BIUBETS, Ye.N. Estimating the baking properties of the new wheat varieties presently under industrial testing in collective and state farms and having prospects for use in zoning. Trudy TSNTJJEF no.8-.90-100 160. (1,MU 15-8) (Wheat-Testing) MASLOV., I.N.; SHKVARKINA, T.I.; KINIMp P.N.; BRABETS, Ye.N. Gomparison testing of various wheat varieties different as to their baking properties. Trudy TSNIIW no.8.100-lU 160. (MM 15:8) (Wheat-Testing) SHKVARKDM ".I.; KOROVIN F.N.; AUEMUN, L.Ya.; ZHIGUNCIVA, V.V. 1 *, - - .9 Ibre accurate specification and development of the methods for test';n,a the baking properties of flour. Trudy TSKIIKHP no.8.111- 123 160. (KM 15:8) (Flour--Testing) I ~)V I . 11 F FVI"'. P.pc-uL',.3 of -,-? t-s:~tlng of tile bak--'hg properties of the "Cde5sk"aia 16" and var~et---es. Truq, -Qj~i-LT Y - -KHT ':mpari5an t-zs- ng of different w,,eat -yarieties by their- bakirg ertie,-, Ibid.:100--115 kvu'-R~-- 18:2) ." [I hlll I ',I K 7 ~ T' IGIONF)VA , -'V.V. 1'. - A , T. 1. ; H rnvesti gating -Lhr-- baking properies of evezial Durpose wheat f I a-,ir obtained with various milldng mel,laoJs. Trudy TSNITKFF na. 10: 116-121 1 t"'2 - 0.[DRA 19:2) FUCIIKO' A, Lyubc,vl Ivanovna;,_�~UARKIIIA, T.I. , kand. tekhr-. nauk, rc-tsenzent; RgITER, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; '~ A - - ,kU --I, L.Ya., prof., red.; PRITYKINA, L.A., red. (Practical laboratory work on the b technology Fad bak- ing] Laboratornyi praktikum po tekhnologii khlAe _cheniia. Moskva, Izd-vo "Fishchevaia proryshlennost'," 19 . 145 p. (MIRA 17:7) IMARKIN11, NANOVA, YO.A.; LRIFIV V,fi~ S p S Elr-r -,,ro3-s--3 tc!stlng of wheat ficur gu-,t-. .. , -,t,rcrj r I I L ,- zer, i khicb-opes-h. no.7~2?i-2?4 f 64. 1- ~ 9,.f 1. Veesoy-uzny-j nauchno- i s sle"'I ovatc- ILI s k-1, y instit.-ill 'Kbilet~:)-pekarnoy promysh'lemne t-,-. 511KVARKO, V. Communist Yclith Leag-ue as a patron of the personnel of major chemical indiustrial complexes. Prof.-tekh.obr. 21 no.~13:3 Ag ltj4. (141RA 17:9) 1. Zaffestltell zaveduyusfichego otdelom rabochey molodezhi T3entrallncgo komitett Vsesoyliznogn Leninskogo komviunisti,-!heskOgo Soyliza molodezid. TYKEKIN, V.11.,- SHUARNIKOV, A.P. -1 -1 -------- Propatz tion f flexural wa-,es a-long an plalue U-1 ~h smcotily varx~--Ing parameters. A!mdst.zhur. 10 1". (M-IRA l8i2) 1. A-Iaistichenkiy inst-itut AN SSSR, Moskva. SIIVAIR~IIIIKOV, P. K. "The influence of HiE:h Tamperature on the 1,11utation Frequency of Whe-at." (P. 503) bj -Shl-iarnibcov, P. K. SO: Biolo7izal JournEa (Biologichesldi Zhwnal) Vol. V, 1935, 110. 3 31,111',71.1,11,41IKOV, P. K. "On Inemasing the 111%it-ation Percenta.-e of I-Theat as a Result of Prolonc-ed Storing of Seeds." L~ (P. 513) bir Shkvarnikov, P. K. SO: BiojQt-ica JoMaj (Biclogicheskii Zhtu-nal) Vol. V, 1935, -No. 3 F. K. IlThe influence of jmcreaoed temperature on Ule frequency of chromosmal mutations in Crer-is wiler different conditions of relat--',,ve hw-ddity of the air." GytojoCT Laboratory (Chief: M. S. I'llavashin), K. A. TI!,a.-TE=E Biolcgical Institute (Dir: B. P. Tokdn), (p. 887) by Shk-inr d k , P. K, SO: Biological Joix.-n1l (Biologicheskii Zhurnal"~ Vol. V, 1936, NO. 5 C'.7:n-c c,,-f' ro,-wE ome in Cre7,-)-~s :USO/Nadlcine - Plants i mar 1948 Medicine - Chromosomes to"Erfeot of Several Chemical Compounds on Chromosome %r - E-R6'buildin6 in, Plants," P. K. Shkvarnikov, Lab Botani- L~ ceal Cytology, Inst Cytology, Histology, and Embryol, '~Acad Sci USSR, 31 P 7 pp "Dok Alcad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol 1IX, No 7 Author has conducted experiments an atudi of the In- fluence of ethyleninine on the imitational process In sevpral type's of plants, such as Horde=, Rolanum, and,, Crepis. He presents results of experiments ~ on tha influarieu of this aiivetance on chromosome rebuilding In Crepis capillarie. Results presented on the in- low 47T58 USR/.K9djc (Contd) 1 mar, Ly4c of eth3rl ether Of carbonic acid an the,fre quency of chromosome change of interest, as berore only data on the influence of genetic lethalB On the frequency existed. Submitted by Academician V. N- Sukaehev, 29 Dee 1947. S)l'YTPMlPl-(Vl -. F. Fotatoes Stunner Flanting of lotatoes in the Cri-Eea by using newl3, harvested tubers., Izv. MT SFSR, Ser. b-fol. no. 1: 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Libr.ary of Congress, I'lay -1951, Uncl. 2 _ I -toil ils~~ e ght-ritilin. iout of the d?hhizht; tia 1~ d --,the- liqRguo 0. with thiourea-k -up-to C, P4 -6r best ults i I gave mom protiouni _.potatoesco ;within* 15-20 da~i. 7777 --A S.')HKVARNIE.OV, P.K. Relation between secondary coastrictions of chromosomes and rLucleoli. Izv.Sib.otd.AN SSSEL no.6s75-83 161. (MIRA 14:6) I.. Institut tsitologii i genetiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, flovosibirsk. 01hromooomes) SEIVARNIKOV, P.K.; CHFMM, IN. Experimental mutations in spring wheat and their breeding significance. RAdiobiologiia I no.2:296-303 161. (MI-PA 14:7) 1. Institut tsitologii i genetiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirs1c. (PLANTS, EFFECT OF RLDIATION 011) (WIMAT MESDING) SHKVAW4IKGV, P.K.; CHERIPLY, I.V. Experimental mutations in apring wheat and their significance for breeding. Report N6.2. Radiobiologiia 1 no.5:799-806 161. (MA. 14:11) 1. Institut tsitologii i genetiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (WHEAT'BREED114G) (PLANT3, EFFECT OF RADIATION ON) 311 KVA',,dlLK0V.1 P.K.) LIVELZI, A.M. Variation in zhe frequency of rai.iation inj-a---ies of chro- mosomes in prima y roots of wheat seeds. Iz-v. SO A-11 SSSR no.4. Ser. biol.-med. nauk no.1:28-34163. (ML-.1 16:8) 1. Institut tsitologii i L--,enatiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya kN SSSR, llobosibirsk. K. .-eased oxygen _a~,fe2, o1' ganvA rays. -13itologita 4 no.5- r)_,lp:,r, on tn~: . -3. (MIfUl 17-L) 5355-52~5 -c 'A Instituta -R Novosibirsk. Ex-per',:ental ~rcduction of ;..utati~~n ~n win-ter Izv. ~;SSR no.4 Ser. ',)iol.-med. nalk nc.1:64'-'f3 164. t (~. 1 (~. t:~ (? - 1, 1 -r~ ~1 -1 : 111 i - 4 -a Al" -enetiki SibirskoiTo ctd~ler,., r sk, SHKIIi,ii UKOV, P. K. ; 11 . ~*. Influence of seed temperature and oxygen presoure, on the rad-i,-.,bio-j.cg1caj affect. Radloblolloglia 4 no.2:297-305 '64. (MIRA 18-3) 1. Iristittit tsf'oJ,-CjgJ1J i Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, I- ,ACCESSION NR: AP4027984 -S/0205/64/004/C'02/0297/0305 ATJTEEOR: Shkirarnikov, P. K.; Chern-y*y, I. V, ,TITM Influence of storage temperature and oxygen tonsion on the 'rad-lobioloGical effects of seeds WE: Radiobiologiya, v. 4, no, 2, 1964P 297-305 ;TOPIC TAGS-. ionizing radiation, Millturum 553 wheatp gamma- irradiated, ;seed, thermal neutron irradiated seed, s'~orage temperature (40oc); ,storage oxygen level (6VIo), mutation froquencyj, mutation spectrum ::change ,:ABSTRACT: Air dried Millturum 553 wheat seeds were treated with I ,various doses of gamma, or thermal neutron irradiation and stored under different conditions. One group of irrvdiated seeds was stored for 30, 'days at room temperature, a second group was stored at 400C, and a ;,third group was stored in a 60% oxygen ooncentration at room tempera- ,ture. All seeds were planted in a hot house and transplanted to a -field when two or three leaves appeared,, The second generation seeds ,were planted directly in a field. Germ:Lnation and viability were i Card 1/3 ~&CCESSION NR: AP4027984 !indices for the first generation. In the second generation morpholo- gical and pllysiological changes -were studied during the entire vegetative period mad checked in following generations. Findings show that temperature and oxygen level during storage period of seeds9 -1 treated with gaimna- or thermal neutron radiation, significantly modify ,their radiation effE)cts. The mutagenic effects of gamma-irradiated ,seeds are more affected by storage at 1~000 or in 6(?f. oxygen than thermal neutron irradiated seeds. Storage at 4000 decreases the ,mutation frequency of gwmaa-irradiated seeds and changes their muts. ,tion spectrum by a decrease in number of general ty es and a Ancrease of' new mutation types. Howev,3r, storage at 40 C significant-' ly increases the mutation frequeney of thermal neutron treated seeds,, but producos fewer specific mutations (5.8%). The mutation frequency of gwmna-irradiatod seedsp stored In 60% oxygen, increases and the mutation s- pe ur pectrum changes the same as with Increased tem, rat 0 (400)~ ,However, the mutation frequency of thermal neutron treated seeds# stored in 150%'oxygen.. decreases and the mutation spectrum changes Withi a decrease in number of eneral typos and'a higher, number of specifio type mutations than for VOOC. The mod.ifying action of storage conditions on the genetic effects of radiation appears to be based on Card 2/3 Mi ACCESSION NR.- AP402*7984 the interaction of chemical substances forming and aooumulating in thel seeds as a result of' radiation and other external factorse Orig. artel has: 4 tables and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut tsitologii i genetiki 80 AN SSSR,.Novosibirok imd Genetios Institute*SO AN SSSR) !SUBMITTED: 13sep62 ENCL: 00 ASUB CODE: is NR REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 065 'Card ... -3/3--- 311KIII!IJUIIF~(m,r) EA11 !K, M.I.; 'iiF(),',T)VA, V.T. FclaLilyc eflF' of sorre c)-c.-mical com-ound'u On -Q . plants. Doki. All SSSR 164 no.5,.116I-1164 0 '!: ~~. (141FLA 18:10) 1. Lnstitut tsitologii i genetild SibirsVogo ctdelen.;-.,;,a Idi SSSR. Subpi,ttad Deceinber !.1, 196,!,. "I "I .~ ~ , -IF ; ~ . if ) if, ~ ~k~ , - , . an,' 27 no.6:.-~--/ Je 165 ("'- J- " 1" " 4 ... - -i I _'. -. , , .1, -n-l-n-,- (tu-d,-niya "' S--- 'I . I n ~ -- t i t,, 1 1, 1 , ' ~ ~ I C, g i 4 i , -, ' k * "' 1 1, 1 , I ___ _-.t - j - ~ L. P_ - - - ~~i :;',i , _kVARNIKOV , P -K. ---- ------ -- c:rLLf4 cancp -~4, j al ', y ILdLced =. tatic ro rur field croop - ~ I ~ -* - -., 6ic .- _ c. ;,a . b-:,,'!., 7r, rs., '65- br,E:ad!ng. Ku!. -)~d ! V ., -~- -.1, " . k"t-I-RA 18:91", SHKVARTSEV,.&.A., kandidgt tekhnicheskikh nauk; BORCDIN,V.A., kandidat 11.1 --v ~fiomi~]~eskikh nauk; BALYASOV,P.D.,, inzhener "The orgpnization of cotton manufacture." Mamakhovskii, T.Poliak, K.Fridenberg. Reviewed by A.A.ShkviLrtsev, V.A.Borodin, P.D.Baliasov. Tekst.prom..8 no.2:46-47 F,48. (KLRA 8'.11) (Cotton manufacture) (Zamaldiovskii,L.) (Poliak,T.) (Fridenberg.K.) mm SUVARTSMI, A.A.; CHMTKOV, L*Ya. Ifew work organization in the M.Frumse Spinning and Weaving Factory in Moscow. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.tekst.prom. no.2:3-~5 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Mookovskly tekstiltrV7 institut i Moskovska7a prvadilluo-tkatekaya fabrika imezd- M.V.Frunze. (Moscow Textile industry-Management) RAYAl., I.B.; SHYNART-STIV, A~A. International Colloquium on operati~)nal planning Slovakia. izv. vys.ucheb.zav.-, tekh.tekstp1lorri. held in Czecho- no.6:144-145 'C'L (MIRA i-:,-i) 1~ Eoskovskiy tek~~til'r~vy institut ( i~Ail'e industryN, j .~,!Yevich[Shkvaruk, doktor sellkhoz. a M~~t nz~ lay !I' ich[Delemenchuk, LEMENCHUK, Niko ~o bF kand. sellkhoz. nauky (lots.; BELCUSOVA, mJ. k;oil science] Hruntomavotvo, Kyiv, Urozhud, 1965. 387 p. (1,11 U1 A 19,- 1) 1., Uma-nskiy sel'skokl1ozzyayjtv-,-nnyy institut (for Shkvaruk, Dolemenchuk), KULISKAYA, O.A.; SHUARIM, R.N. Spectral analysis of main comp-Gnents in silicate rocks, glass, and plant, ashes. IRr. khim. zhur. 30 no.3;281- 286 164. KRA 17:10) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR. c K 'YA, Goor--,~- Y.%kc,~-Ievj h; U 1, 'S K 1.',U ' 01 1 vri r Galina Dmitrivt a, Pririnali riz A.I. i- h.- uch---stiye: G-A'T UST i,*r,,:.n- k; LOGIIIINA, L.A.,inzh.-kii-Im4k; kliimi _k; GUDTLf,*:L%'K(), L.F., inzh. INAZAU, VICH, Ye.S., irzh.. SHKVAP,UKJ R.N.,, inzh~.; CrIlOVA., L.A., inzh.; BASHMAKOVA, Z~.G., Ye.S., otv. red.; MELINIK, A.F., r~d. [Cjcochem~stry anc'- analytic ch-amistn I - - y of ran~-earth elements. Ft.l. A'ccessrj---.- rare-iE;a-th mi,,ierals and elerients of the c,:~riurm sulgroup in the Mkrainlari Cry~;tallire Geokh.-liniia -i ana- litichec-l-aia r;~Ikozum~!llnykh elernentov. Kiev, Dluullmva rEidko~Lem~-Iln-; miinit~rrily i elereLlty ',~5E!rievoi FrAEr-Lz,-,,-,y ukcrainsl