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S/200/62/000/008/001/002 11-lotion of a gyroscopic pendulum ... D234/D308 pendulum with respect to its axis is small. The equations of motion are linearized under these assumptions and integrated for the case. when the pendulum is subject to the force of gravity only. It is found that the motion of the pendulum can be considered as a super- position of: 1) two free vibrations with the angular velocities CA) 2 -,1,2 + P., C3 2 + k2 p 0 (19) where const P P t + TO, (13) 2 2 2?- A/C, k = G10 Cp0 G is the value of the force of gravity, 1c is one of the components of the vector radius of the center of gravity of the pendulum, A is the axial moment of inertia, C+c'(t) and C+E(t) are the equatorial moments of inertia, 2) vibrations Card 2/3 S/20OJ62/000/006/001/002 Motion of a gyroscopic pendulum D234/D308 caused by the disturbing inertial moment due to the asymmetry, having the same two frequencies as above, 3) forced vibrations having the frequency p * Two special oases are considered:, a) symmetrical pen- dulum, for wRich the authors obtain Oc = ~ - 0, y = p t, b) slight asymmetry, one of the two parameters which characteroize it being equal to 0. In this case the free vibrations 1) as above are absent. Maxi- mum deviation of the axis is det ermined for this case. There are 2 fiEures. ASSOCIATIONs Novosibirskiy elektrotekhnicheakiy institut (Novo.- sibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering) SUBMITTED: November.20, 1961 Card 3/3 D26 nf C,!-,(-' .fLlcrc 0-111 y C)j Ll L,,C C- C -1: t + i(-p TO) X o C L 1-2 (16) V/72 ta is 4: c Ll (j c t 0 - - S- I c0 arc a . - C C -'CC4- co,,x-) is disc-o-sscd ,,,:,t-'C 'I _ 0 ne, 0 3 :X is Ccc~:eL 2/3 3/14 -.2/oOS . - D26 .. 2 D3o Ls C 0 C: tes OSC-; j-L i7c Y L j-'Isti-Lut (i "Ov . o- Sti.L LO) --D: 1;'Coordinate Para- meters defin-4n., the po,i_ tiOn of the gyroscopic pendulum SHIUG9LIGILYAS, A.S. Prevention of errors in storage ~nd distribution of drugs in a hospital. Med. sestra, Moskva No.2:13-18 Feb 52. (CLKL 21:4) 1. Of the Order of lenin Clinical Hospital imeni S.P. Botkin (Head Physician-S.A. Chesnokov; Assistant Head Physician-A.V. Ikonni va). ~WIGELIGLYAS, A.S.; VILMSKIY, A.F. The DPK dynamograph for testing agricultural machinery. lzm.tekh. no.5:62-63 5-0 156. OffBA 10: 2) (Dynamometer) A UTHOR: Shpigel;glvas, SOV/115-58-1-19/50 TITLE. A Weight-Dosimeter for Liquids (Vesovoy dozator dlya zhid= kostey) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1958j Nr 1, PP 36 - 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The described device is a combination of a simple manometer and scales designed by the author, for determining the quan- tity of liquids by weight within' tanks or cisterns during the process of filling. The device has an electromagnetic inlet valve for liquids and an electric contact which auto- matically stops the filling when the weight of the liquid in the vessel reaches the limit set by the scales, There is 1 diagram. 1. Manometzs-Des_ign 2. Manometers---Equ~pment 3. Manometers 4. Liquid level control Card 1/1 ITSKOVICH., Ya.S.; SHPIGELIGLYAS, A.S. Automatic TsN:ErzW-0-4,-59 make membrane weighing and proportioning station. Trudy TSNIIKEIF no-8:34-35 160. (MIRA 15:8) (Proportioning equipment) (Automatic control) IrSKWIGH., Ya.S.; SHPIGELIGLYAS, A.S.; bELITSER, I.A.; KURA~SRIN, Yu.N. Apparatus of TaNIIKHP-L-1-58 make for the inspection of baker's yeast quality. Trudy TSNIIKHP no.8:35-36 160. OURA 15:8) (Yeast-Testing) (Bakers and bakeries-EquIpment and supplies) riee mo s - GORDIYENKO, N.V., inzh.-zemleustroitell; SHPIGELIMAN, inzh.- zemleustroitel I Some possibilities for more efficient land use. Zemledelie 7 no-2:81-82 F 159. (MIRA 12-.3) (Belgorod Province--land) SHPIGELIRAN. B.I. Improved connection circuit for treadles. Avtom., telem. I eviazi 2 no.11;24 H 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1.Zamestitell nachallnika sluzhbr signalizatsii i svyagi Tomsko7 dorogi. I I- (Railroads--Electric equipment) SHPIGELIMAN, B.I. Signaling device for the grounding of the high-voltage line of auto- matic block systems. Avtom.telem. i sviaz! 4 no.11:28 11 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika sluzhby signalizateii i evyazi Tomskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Signaling--Block system) (Railroado-Electronic equipment) SOV/ 137-58-9-18962 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 115 (USSR) AUTHORS: Brovman, M.Ya., Sbpigel'man, R.M. TITLE: The Turning of Metal in Rolling on Continuous Billet Mills (Kantovka metalla pri prokatke na nepreryvno-zagotovochnykh stanakh) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prokatn. i trubn. proiz-vo. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1958, pp 137-146 ABSTRACT: One of the special features of the rolling of steel on contin- uous billet mills with horizontal rolls is the need for turning after cach stand. Here, the turning process is continuous and is performed by means of helicoidal or roller guides. An at- tempt is made to provide a theoretical analysis of the turning process from the viewpoint of permissible angles of twist (AT) of the raetal, and the added expenditure of energy thereon. An equation is adduced determining the relation of the ultimate AT upon the shape and dimensions of the billet, and also upon the mechanical properties of the material. It is observed that the presence of tangential stresses at the surface of the billet re- Card 1/2 duces the ultimate AT. It is established that turning in SOV/ 137-58-9-18962 The Turning of Metal in Rolling on Continuous Billet Mills helicoidal guides increases the energy requirement for rolling by 14-20%, and this is confirmed by the practical experience of the operation of the mills of the Magnitogorsk Kombinat. The energy consumption is considerably lower when roller guides are employod. Thus, if the neck mountings of the turning rollers are placed in textolit,-, I Oearin:~s, the additional energy required for turning is 1.2-1.7%, whereas i,, :-, 0.4-0.6% if the rollers are mounted in 0 roller bearings. B. T s. 1. Rolling ni-ills-PerforTance 2. Rolling irtills-Equipment 3. Materials-Control Card 2/2 qIA --CRS: L.Ya. a~nd- En_- L -I TI-Le De-._-e_---Ide lice of ~i_al F~resz-~ _~,rzo~nno IIS o_- c ~D c De.J. o :,--- a -I i j nJ. ~;r S dav le niy _~ Le tv a I.a 7S, 0, _z,'zorosti defqr,-.-.,atsii) 2ZRICDICAL: Stal'3 DP 230-235 (USSR) 3 I';,- - -M e t.- D c -ua 3 1 S 4 -.-,- of 4-'-e __ot rolli- V vel_,cit.v and c_hE:_n---es V4 -ress eld: s+,- P--Lo-- -,-e arc D IF' br2.- tI':'.:crl into colIsJderat-on is PrOPOsed (Forzu -e L I T-'-- e cooipari soil o f the re sult s obtai ned usiliz- Tse s E,:e -1-11zid' s and the au. tLor I s f ormulae i s sl-.o-,-n i-n. tI- e t le it is ~;o_icludcd that: 1) under -t.,-:e influence of t'; e velocity - u' d c a ii t-',-.e pressure of metal on rolls inicrea es U -tio, 'on Ic 3 --isidcrab, ly ; 2) t-he use ~D_f t.- e -~~ r. o I D s e d -rr e t h o d 3 f c a 1 c u 1 a,,.L StCrlS 4 --- 7 1 for allo.,, difficult due to lac',%. of exoieri_r-c-~ -t- U~_L Uz~ o f luence of velocity Df deform)ation. on- tLe j-,-Lcld S--ess. in tLe ,_-ajjr_J. ty of existinL f ormulae , the ' _nflucnca of th-e Veljo-'t,, (~C4-0~-jr;:.tiolL 4,- ta'rer J,-.+-o cons derat`on I ~ - __ - I __ U " __ _._V L app_rI-,x_JL,atcly, a;-sumin,_ thre constancy of the yield st-re--s a 10 t';- rC - or 2~rj_. ?14tl- 4rcrE:as4n.-, rolljnr VLJOCit~.7 of allo7 steels, the !n_f_Iu~__-.,cC -D f. --oco-,es z:--re Cardl/21 133-58-3-13/29 T~x D,-7)e.-ldc.,Icc of Eetal Pressurc on Roll.,- ol-I th-c Velocil c f t.7 Defor=ation There are 5 ficures, 1 tahle and 4 Soviet ref,~-~c--,.ccs. A'3SOCIATIGN --U--.-,als'Lliy ma-ahinostroitellrLy'y zavod "South- Ural trachine Buildin;-, I.Yorks) AvAILABL: Library of Congress Card 2/2 I~OVITSKIY, S.V.; SHPICIIIL111~11, S.D. Case of acute intestinal obstruction with ascariaais treated by enterOtOTV with extraction of helminths and a one-stage administration of oxygen during surgery. Nov.khir.arkh. no.4:99 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 12: 11) 1. Zastavnovskaya ravonnava bol'nitsa, Chernovitskoy oblasti. AtIres Novitskogo: Zastavna, Chernovitskoy obl.,' Ralronnava boll- nitna. (INTESTINES--OBSTRUCTIONS) (ASCARIDS AIED ASGARIASIS) (UKYGEN--TBP_UP."0TIC USE) KANTOR, P.B.; FINKEWSHTEYN, V.Ye.; SHPI S. '-AAA6-z"- Now . - Steam thermostats for controlling surface thermocouples. lzm.tekh. no.4:76-77 Jl-Ag 156. (MLRL 9:11) (Thermostat) (Thermocouples) USSR/Processes and Equipment for Cheracal Industries - K-2 Control- and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regulation. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33334 Author Finkel'shte~m, V.Ye-, Sh1Ria(zl'man,,-Ye.S-, Kandyba, V.V. Inst Title EOP-5-114 and OP-1100M Pyr(-,mut~.-cn for Nt~a~,Lxin,,', Temperatures up to 6oooO. Orig Pub Izmerit. tekhnika, 1956, 110 5, 52-54 Abstract The apparatus described have been developed at the Khar1kov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments, on the basis of the oP-48 and EOP-51 pyrometuers. The glass absorbers of both pyrometers, which are required to make possible an expansion of the scale up to 60000, were made, of a larger diameter, from PS-2 glass 4.71 = thick and were mounted on the objective of the apparatus in lieu of being set in fronts of the pyrometric b 1b; their pyrome- ~rlc attenuation is of about 430 - 10-91gree-i. Card 1/2 SHPIGELIMAIT, Ye.S. -- z"" '.. , '.1 1 - r -4''. New method for plotting scales of optical pyrometers in temperature ranges over 3000*C. H-D 156* MaA lo:l) (Pyrometers) --- 212AI, -Ye. S. , Gand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Experimental study of SHPIGP optical pyromctora for measurement of temperatures over 3000 0C." Len, 1957 --, 12 pp (Committee of Standards, Measures,and Pleasuring Devicesl:t the Council of Ministers USSRO All-Union Sci Res Inst of Metrology im D. I. mendeleyev), 100 copies (KL, 17-58, 109) -5-s- SHFIGELIMAN Ye,S,-, KA YRA, V.V. - - Solar radiation used in calibrating of high-temperature optical pyrometers. Izm. tekh. no.2.-29-31 Mr-Ap 157. (MLEL 10,-6) (Calibration) (Pyrometers) (Solar radiation) 24(o); 5(4); 6(2) PHASE I BOOK ZXFL40ITAT.TON SOV/2215 Vaesoyu--nyy nauchno-Lasledovatel-Skly -Insatut metrologil Iani D.I. Mendeleyeva Referaty nauchno-lanledovatellaklkh rabot; abornik No. 2 (Scientific Research Abstracts; Collection of Articles, Nr 2) Moscow, StandartgIz, 195c3. 139 P. 1,000 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Kom1tet standartav, mor I J=arj.tsl1nykh priborov. 3d.i S. V. Reshetina; Tech. Ed.: M. A. Kondratlyeva. PURPOSEt These reports are Intended for scientists, researchers, and engineers engaged in developing standards, measures, and gages for the various Induatrtea. COVEHAOE: The volume contains 1213 reports on standards of measure- ment and control. The reports were prepared by scientists of Institutes or the Komitet standartov, mer I '=.ri1eI'nykh priborov prl Sovete Minlatrov SSSR (Commission on Standards, Measures, and MeasurIng Inr%trumenta under the USSR Council or Ministers). The participating Institutes are: VNIIM Vdemo.yuznyy naucnno-isaledovatellskiy metrologii ln~nl D.I. Mandeleyeva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute Or MuL- rology Imeni D.1 - Mendele~cv) in Leningrad; Sverdlovsk branch of thin institute; VNIIK - Voesoyu--nyy naucnno-lasledovatel-akly Inatitut Komiteta, 3tandartov, mar I I=er1tel'nykh prl~orov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute or the Comajoalon on Standards, Measures, and Measuring Inotr~umenta), created from MGIMIP - Moskovskly gozudar3tvannyy Institut mar I I=crltellnykh priborov (Moscow State Institute of Measured and McanurInF _nz'--umL-nta) October 1, 1955; VNIIFTRI - Vaeooyuznyy nauchno-lasladovatellskiy ln*t--tvt riz_1ko-tokhnL- cheakikh I radio t.khnIcheskIkh lzmerenly (All-Union 5clentlfll~ Research InctItute or Phyaicotechnical and Radio-enj:inaering Measurements) In Moscow; Kh0IM.1P - Khar-kovskly gosudaratvennyy institut mar I lzmeritellnykh priborov (Khar1kov State Institute or Measures and Measuring Ins trum ants); and NOIMIF - Novoul- birskly gosudarstven3ry inatitut mar I i=erItel'nykh priborov (Novosibirsk State InotItute or Measures and Measuring Inatru- No personalities are mentioned. There are no references Formula fsr a Platinum Resistance Thermometer In the Interval -183 - 0 C 72 Al_ly_qXa- P 7 , .5.N_DIeyjUk. and jLZ_DqIZjy. [Deceased] (VNIIM). Producing and Studying the Triple Point of Water 73 ,Zoadr&t.~YcY_a.x., F.Z. Aliyeval A-N--Dordov G.L.-K"mov.1.0h., and A.A. Dollnakaya (vNIIx5, -i~ternatlonal Com- jirinon of ff-a-iletance Th-e-mFo-ea-t-c5' 74 ftgdj=a._A,j-, (Sverdlovsk Branch of VNIIM). Developing a Method and Studying the Apparatus for Calibrating and Checking Hadiativo PyrometerB In th a 150-8000C Temperature Intamal Kantor, -P.B., and Studying Errors in Reproducing th,_'~Cv --20OU C Interval or the International Scale Of Temporaturea and Improving the Accuracy Of the Chocking system .75 FInkW.*ht.eYn.._V,_ Ye., and Ye.S. Shplgellman (KhGIMIP). Designing Card 15/ 27 7'r T H ShDi-ellmpr v SOV/1 15 -58-6-251/4 3 'T' )ur'ace -hermocotiples (Poverkhnostnyye terr.-.oppry) F~~RTODTCAL: TzmeritelInaya tekhnike, 1958, Nr 10, pp 6o-r"i (ussR) ABS-RACT: The dispersion of readings of present surface thermocouples reaches 5C to 400 C for temperatures around 200 0 C and still more for hic-,her temperatures. The inertia is 1-3 min. A rlbbon.and a disc thermocouple are described here which reach a higher accuracy jf measurp-ent. 9be ribbon thermocouple (Figure 1) consists of twostrips .2 mm thick and 5 mm broad. The disc V-ermocouple (Figure 2) consists of a copper disc C.5 mm thick and 7 mm in diameter with four openings for thermo-electrodes. Their dispersion does not exceed 2 0 C at a temnerature of 450 0 C. The error in the temperature range 0 r, - 1cc to 50C , doeq not exceed 1 1.5 for the disc and i- 2.5 % for the lifton -.hermocoulDle. The inertia is 15-20 and 25-30 sec respectively. There are 2 diagrams. Card 1/1 SOV/58-59-8-18972 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Ur 8, p 272 (USSR) AUTHORS. Finkel'shteyn, V.Ye., Shpigellman, Ye.S., Kandyba, V.V. T ITLE Extending the Range of the "EOP-51M" Pyrometer up to 6,0000 and 10,000 0C PERIODICALi Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta metrol., 1958, Nr 35 (95), pp 60-69 ABSTRACT.,, The range of the "EOP-511,1" pyrometer, originally callbrated up to 4,0000c, was extended up to 6,0000 and 10,OOOOC by using two absorbers made of "PS-2" purple glass. The magnitude5of the pyrometric attenuation of the absorbers were determined, as well as their variations with a variation in the apparent brightness temperature, Strictly speaking, the calibration of the scale was made according to the formula 1/TO - 1/TW = A, where T 0 is the apparent brightness temperature, corresponding to some intensity of the current of the pyrometric tube, and A is the pyrometric attenuation of the absorber, The value Tw thus obtained, which is the approximate value of the measured temperature, is adjusted by the correction T - TW, computed on the basis of allowance Card 1/2 for the inaccuracy of Wien ,s formula, The error in calibrating the scale sov/58-59-8-18972 Extending the Range of the "EOP-51M" Pyrometer up to 6,000 0 and 10,0000C is compounded of the errors involved in calibrating the pyrometer's basic scale, measuring the pyrometric attenuation and determining the correction T -TW. The root-mean-square error is equal to 50 OC at a temperature of 6,OOOOC and to 16ooc at a temperature of 10,OOOOC. The obtained estimates are apparently very over- s~.ated. Ye.Antropov Card 2./2 SIJFIOELTMIAN~ yeas. Using aluminum in graduating thermocouples of the first degree. Izm.tekh. no.5:28-29 My 160. (MLPA 14- - 5) (Thermocouples) (Calibration) 20441 S/11~/61/000/003/004/013 0 (110 S- 3 0 B124 B204 AUTHORS: Shpigellman, Ye. S. and Golub, L. M. TITLEj The dependence of the thermal electromotive force of the TE'PA-50/900-1800 (TFRA-50/900-1800) telescopes on temperature PERIODICALs Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 3, 1961, 16-17 TEXTs For the ideal case that the scheme of the radiation pyrometer is simple and contains no reflecting and refracting systems, the relation e = a(T4 _ T4) (1) holds for the variation of the thermal e.m.f. as depending on 0 the temperature of the black body at all wavelengths. Therein, T denotes 4he temperature of the source (of the black body) and T0 the temperature of the receiver. Since the coefficient of total transmissivity of the optical system of rational telescopes varies with temperature to quite some extent, (1) can only difficultly be satisfied, and the dependence of e on T may be rendered by the relation e = a(T b _ Tb) (2), where b denotes a factor which is constant for every 0 Card 1/5 204411 S/1 15/6 11/000/003/004/013 The dependence of the-, B124/B204 device and whose numerical value varies between 3.5 and 4.5. The size of the source and its distance from the telescope are in this case assumed to be constant. For pyrometers with a lower measuring limit of 9000C and b . b more, To is very small as compared to T , and therefore the equation e - aTb (3) is correct for practical purposes. The calibration curve plotted according to (3) in logarithmic coordinates, is a straight line according to which radiation pyrometers may be calibrated lip to 1300 - 1400 00; at higher temperatures, the values of the thermal e.m.f. must be ascertained by extrapolation. Work carried out at the KhGIMIP (Kharikov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) showed that a discrepancy highly exceeding the trouble in calibration exists between the experimental log e-versus-log T curve and that calculated according to (3). The authors examined 10 radiation pyrometers (type TERA-50) with glass lens and a factor of aighting 1/20 in order to find an analytical equation for a sufficiently exact description of the dependence of the thermal e,m,f. on the temperature of the telescope. The results were evaluated according to the method of the least squares and expansion of Eq. (3) into a series, with toC taken instead of TOK. The Card 2/5 20441 S/11516110001003100411013 The dependence of the... B124/B204 fourth-order equation e = at + bt 2 + ct3 + dt4 (4) rendering the mentioned dependence the most exactly was found. It was further found that the best suited temperatures in plotting the curve of Eq. (4) according to four measured points, are at 1000, 1200, 1400, and 1600 0C. On the basis of the thermal e.m.f. at the above temperatures for each of the telescope investigated, the system of erations 3 4 el = a1OO0 + b1000 2 + c10003 + d1OO0 4 e2 = a1200 + b1200 + c1200 + d1200 e3 = a1400 + b1400 + C1400 + d1400 e4 = al6oo + b16 002 + c16oO + d16004 was solved. Therefrom, the coefficients ai, bi, ci9 and di were calculated for all telescopes. Table 2 shows the values of the thermal e.m.f. as obtained on experimental calibration of seven telescopes according to the "black" emitter and calculated from the coefficients ai, bi, ci, and d. 3. from (5), as well as the values At which denote the difference between the experimental and calculated thermal e.m.f. In this case, Lt is much Card 3/5 2o441 S/11 61/000/003/004/013 The dependence of the ... B124YB204 smaller than 2o (c stands for the mean square error of second-class radiation telescopes which amounts to +2-50C in the range of from 900 to 13000C, and to +460 in the range of 'From 1400 to 18000C). Only at some telescopes, At at 180000 is somewhat greater than 2a. There are 2 tables. Card 4/5 GOLUB., L.M.; SHPIbELIMAN, Ye-S- Efficient methods for calibrating standard telescopes for radiation pyrometers. Izm.tekh. no.4:30-33 Ap 163. (nRA 16-5) (Calibration) (Pyrometers) L 103Q-1-66. _Fiff (I Gil _7,-Vc~f -NR. AP6000033 SOURCE COt)E- - UR/01 15/65/000/010/0050/0051 J~AuTHOR- Golub, L.M.; Finkelishteyn, V. Ye ORG: None 4i, 5 < . qqinv~ TITLE: A method for expanding the range of a radiation pyrometer in the high- temperature region SOURCE: Izmeritelinaya tekhnika, no. 16, 1965, 50-51 telescope, optic TOPIC TAGS: meteorologic instrument, radidtj2R_pyromqter black body 'ABSTRACT: From the meteorologic viewpoint, one of the practical disadvantages of telescopes of radiation pyrometers is that they are calibrated directly by "black body" emitters, as a result of which the upper temperature limit is restricted by the maximum working temperature of this emitter. It is desirable to have a me thod of range expansion which would make it possible to construct the range by means of calculations, but which would be free of any assumptions regarding the optic pro- perties of the telescope itself. The authors propose the application of a method widely known in optical pyrometry, but never used in radiation pyrometry. The method is based on the following. In measuring high temperatures the light flux is attenuated by a glass selective absorber, the transmission " of which, in the Card I /? UDC: 536.521.Z L 10304-66 ACC NRs ft.V0UUUUj3 entire longwave range admitted by the radiation pyrometer is related to the Long wave ;Lby the relationship: A n3t. Where (1) After absolute black body emis.sion passes through such an absorber, the tempera- tures T are made identical (i.e., equal at all wavelengths) to the emission of the absolute blackbody at a lower temperature Toj related with T by the relationship: A const, Tc, - A.1 Furthermore 02 (Z) where c2 is the second constant in the Planck formula, equal to 1. 438 cm x deg. Hence, irrespective of the properties of the radiation pyrometer, the signal origina-s ting from the black body of temperature T through the absorber will be equal to the signal originating without the absorber of the black body temperature To. Several examples of application of the method are presented. It is concluded that the utiliza- tion of an absorber which satisfies the condition of formula (1) in the region of 0. 8-2. 7 microns makes it possible to extend the range of measurement of indus- trially produced telescopes of radiation pyrometers up to very high temperatures. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 17,04 / SUBM DATE: None / ORIG REF: 003 Card Z/Z 7 ~-06CE--C,-0-D-E UR /0115 65'11000 /611 /OM~/oo 67 AU11OR 'ORG: 1-1. Finkei'shteyn, V. Ye.; Shpigel'man, Ye. S. G~jli~b None A new "black body" radiator for the 1500-30001C temperature range :TITLE: :SOURCE: Izmeribel'naya teklinika, no. 11, 1965, 66-67 TOPIC TAGS: black body radiation, radiation measurement, pyrometer i ABSTW~CT: The authors describe a "black body" radiator developed at the Kharkov ;SLatc Institute of Measures and tleasuring_Tpgt-_,runi.e.nt..s_ for graduating the-~-e-f-escopes of s*ighting index of 1/40 (and less) in the 1500-30000C tem- -'1perature range. Tfi~~ radiator (see figure) is an electric resistance furnace in which the heating element is graphite:.;tube 1 400 mm long with an inside diameter of 25 mm ,and Fi. -wall thickness oCS rrim. cut inside the tube for holding gra- I thread, is phite put-i.ition 2 and diaphragms to increase the blackness of the radiating cavity. The heater -*is placed in i cyiindrical inetal housing 3 with double walls for passage of running w-ater. Inside the housing is a graphite screen 4 in 'the form of -- tube vrith firee-Iny rings 5 - The screen and rings separate the furnace housing .1,-71M 'the heater iLube. The space between "lie housing and screen is filled Bath a heat insulation ma- iterial;(carbon black) 6. The furnace is covered on both sides by metal lids with double Card 1/p UDc:681.2.o8q.6:536.521.2 r ' 0 i, 45604_6' --------- ACC NR: AP014526 wall's cooled bi running water. The heater (graphite tube) is threadcd.into movable 7 .and stationai-y 8 mietal flanges which simul- Laneousiy servi~, as current conductors. The CC .movable flange is necessary for e.Cpaxision of the heated tube. Both flanges are iequipped with glass windows 9 with metal 4 ibaffies to avoid burn-through of the gra- phite heater. Argon is fed through pipe branches in the movable flange for the same purpose. The maximum working tem- I iperature of 30001C is reached in one hour at a pover of 20 kv. lo.98o�o.015. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: None Radiation blackess is Ca 25 (1,7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1687 r Radkov, B. A., L.N. Grachev *q P.M. Shpigel'shteyn, V.A. Kudinov, A.S. Lapious, G.M. Azarevidh, Yu. A. LeshcHenkb Modernizatsiya tokarnykh stankov; rukqvod ashchiye materialy (Modernitation of Lathes; Instructions~ Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 286 p. 6,800 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Moscow. Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallorezhushchikh stankov. Ed.: A.Ye. Prokopovich; Ed. of Publishing House: N.A. Ivanova; Tech. Ed.: Ye. N. Matveyeva; Managing Ed. for Literature on Metal Working and Tool Making: R.D. Beyzellman, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for manufacturing personnel dealing with the operation of machine tools, and for designers in plant machine-shops, and engineer-technologists. Card 1/ 5 I: V, V I. i I-Irltirn- t" -2-,ri btl~-ii-m 3impiq rnolz~cvil,ic ranrl Caujacir.--type 1. Do k! SSSIR I r"T rio .4 t 9511- 3'ir") An !?:5) IAP~~3kDvs~l v 7r)survir3tvfnnyy unilr,~ rs"L t~ i, te-i !"iept-i-mber 24 SVI it I DENKO) ,;.K [I.; AKPI-IMBET, L.S.; VOLKOV, A.A.; KEY.STEL I, A. M. , VIZHEVSKIY, L.L.; POLYAKOV, L.M.; HASHKOVICH, SRI&IIER, L.A.; KINALOV, Yu.G.; SHPIGIER, L.A.; SFE~AGO, L.K.; ORLIKOV, MI.L., L.V., inzh., retsenzent; MATSIYEVSKIY, A.G., inzh., red. PE'lements of the automation of machine tools] Elementy avtomatizatsii u.,etallorezhushchikh stankov. Moskva,14ash- giz, 1964. 210 p. (MI--?-A 17:12) (MLARCHKVSKAYA, Yu.M.; HFILINKO, O.D.; KLOCHKOV, V~F.; SHPION, A.A. X-ray d'ffract~on exaraLriation of ion exchargers. Ukr. khim. zh-ur. ~L - 31 no. ll.-I.161--1164 165 (MTRA 19 t1) 1. Institut oloshchey i neorgaricheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. 00724-67 a1T(m)/ZVP(j)/T IJP(c) RM1W ACC NR': AP6024845 SOURCE COPEt UR/0073/66/032/004/6j66/03701 AUTHOR: Klochkov"V. P ; hpigunq Aj, A.; Mj~~eZ~-R-' Frikhod1kop G. P.; Ivanovat Kabakehi, A. Mo, %le-shevich, P.; Natansonpa. Ic- Ye, I'; OAGI Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, AN ukrSSR (Institut obshchay i neorganichasko.v,khimii AN UkrSSR) I TITLEs X-ray diffraction study of ED6-5 epwcy.-diane resin irradiated with C060 gama rays and of metallopolymers based on SOURMI Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 321, no. 4, 19669 366-370 TOPIC TAGS: metallopolymer material, epoxy plastic, resins, irradiation effect, galm. irradiation ABSTRACTS The effect of guma radiation on the molecular structure of ED-5 epoXY-.; diane resin and metallop2?~24Drs~~llrepared~from it and c( ,ptaining from I to 6% copper and URS "~& - 5% lead was studied by using a - 0 1 1 ffractometeiA and a scintillation method. The irradiation of purified uncured ED-5 resig and its mixtures with colloidal metals was carried out on a UK-70 000IRnit 6rith a CoOO activity corresponding to 70 000 g-eq of Ra). A distinct structure appeared in the resin as a result of the irradiationt under the influence of the high-energy radiation, the highly dispersed copper wau found to accelerate the ordering effect in the resin. An appreciable increase in the 4egree of crystallinity was produced by the irradiation in the binary system ED-5 +6% Card 1/2 - UDCt 621-039. L 00724-67 ACC NRs AP6o24845 0 copper. The combined influence of gamma radiation and colloidal lead on the structur- ization of ED-5 and the Interaction of the latter with the metal were much less pro- nounced than in the case of the system containing copper. Orig, art.-hast 5 figures$ I tableg and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: Ii/ SUBM DATEI O8jul64/ ORIG REFs 004/ OTH RZFJ 002 Card 2/2 afs OLISHANSKIY, M.K.; SHPIGUN, G.B. Reinforced concrete pits for slow metal cooling. Metallurg 7 no.9:20-21 S 162. (MIRA !5:9) 1. Prokatnyy tsekh No.1 Chelyabinskogo metallurgicheskogo zavoda. (Furnaces,, Heating) 17( lei OV/177- 53-9-:1-513/51 AUTHOR: Shpigunov, F-1., Colonel of the Ledical Corps ---------------- TITLE. Immunological Effectiveness of Living V,:~riolovaccine, Brucellar Vaccine and Polyvaccine of the ITIISE Then Simultaneously Applied PERTODTCAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 24-85 (TJO'-'SR) ABZI)TRACT: The immunobiological effectiveness of 1,he v,3,,jolovaccine and the components of polyvaceine was st-Lidic-d in rabbits, and of brucellar vaccine, in guinea-pigs. 'N'-e sttidy of the immunological effectiveness of combined ilnoccula- tion was carried out in comparison with the effectiveness of monovaccination with vaccines bein- a pa-ri-. of the combination. Both, rabbits and guinea pigs. took the vaccination without any reaction. The resoits obtained in various animal experiments warrant thle conclusion that the immunological effectiveness of variolovacci-ne, tetanus, abdominal typhus parathyphus -L2) ~3Ld dvsent-erar. Card 1/2 SHFIGUNOV, F.A. Immunological effectiveness of certain components of the polyvaccine developed by the Experimental Sanitation Research Institute when com- bined with live smallpox and bracellosis vaccines. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i imun. 30 no.1:24-28 Ja '58. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Iz kafedry miltrobiDlogii Voyenno-meditsinBkoy ordens. Lenina akade- mii imeni Kirova. (VACCINES AND VACCINATION, immunol. eff. of polyvaccine against enteric dis. assic, with live smallpox & brucellosis vaccines (Rus)) supiamlfov, V.A. Immuiologiral offectivonenn of live vaccines Etur3ociated with pol-ivaccine NIISI. Report No.2. Zhur.mikrobiol,epid- i immin. 30 no.4:19-23 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Iz kafedry m1krobiologii Voyenno-meditainskoy akELdemii imeni Kirova. (VAGGINES AND VACCIN&TION, i=inol. effectiveness of various live vaccines assoc. with poly-vaccine 111ISI (RuB)) SHPIMTOV, F.A. Immunological effectiveness of smallpox vaccine combined with live brucellosis vaccine. Zhur.mikrobiol.,epid.i immun. 30 no.11:25-28 N '59. (MIR-A 13:3) 1. Iz Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina almdemil imeni Kirova. (SMAUPOX immunol.) (BRUMMI-OSIS immunol. ) (VACCINATION) PUKHOVSKIY, Ye.P..; ZAKHAROVA, P.A.; SHPIGUNOVA, N.A.; BLMAY97, G.P. Sulfidization of chromium stainless steel. Metalloved.i obr.met. no.5:40-43 My 156. MRL 9:8) 1. Kaluzhakiy turbinnyy zavod. (Steel, Stainless) sllll~ LOV . V.D, kIg. ]:~,-dtrov) . -, - J. Efficien'--7 promoters aesume higher Shve4n. prom. no.1.2c'-2q Ja-F 161. (KIRA 14:3) (Dmitrov---"--..o"~,Ln,T industry) a 0 41 6 * 0 0 0 0 0 410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 q I is of 11 '1 if it 't it it a 1111 3,1116 J411 Jim A of (A to 4 U 41 63 9 0 Q A 0 P , -00 00 00 Ir -00 0 111 S 00 a Distribution of borats between liquid and saUd phases of the Luder Lake (Western If-s-khats-) brines during ther isal ov a tiQn is 1 bk N L d -00 o v ra . . . ov an cpcs ap ..A_1,. r-rad. drad. Sci. U. R. S. S. 24, -0 07-8il%19)(in Hulilish).-A discussion of the problems 00 ivmwd. with the it-velopincist anti utilitallon of thr Inder 0 ii Lake brines contig. Ca. Me. K. N&. B and 11r. It. G. t i i 04 00 00 - % too A S a S L A at tALLUNCOCAL LfffwarLtrt CL WIFfCATION Uz- 00 t 111111 am a- s, b u starpot1j; 0 Pit OIN Kit IESI Ktttt if 11 -AnL S a Cw 0 0 1 w 54 5 i3 a 31 6 v n I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 0 0 0 0 ' , 1 Its Y # s tolluumblou a W a 11, it 041 1. 0 a ii as a a a if a b V a W a 41 * a 0 ,A JL C A a ago --- __ _A_ - _1LAL_1__IL A- -A k-A. The rate of oxidatim o( high -CArognium iron-brt-lum- AltUninctims RHOYS. 1, 1. Karnilor arul A~ 1. Shpik,)'rrtLn. '-pt. rend. o,od. its. V.R.S.S. S3, .464fl(146Y -The oxii.itiott jutes were invctigiatntof A writmid tertiary Fe- Cr-Al "HoY4 with 4 ccrist. Cr cistitent of 411% and with 1. 7. S. 14), -sul 13'*, Al. Tbc-A~ alloy% abo cont.%incd 1' 0 tki C atid it. I., 41~37 St. Aft- XiII.L61111 tile' ~ :11joyq were analyzetl Chemically and their Wt, It,,s anti vlcc~ resistivity wcm decti. MuthM,; employed mut data obt.tined tevre sinaiLtr to th,sw I)rcvitm%ly rrixmtril by the It F P l t~ . . tutho". 13 Arl is SaVALLUMSX&L LrIlItATWM CL"WXATION ------- ------ S.9`2~ .4. M, cat -;o z-i r cm am. III 111 AT to AS I It An & S a lm a a a I V 3 T 0,;;;; ;i;;;;;;*Q 0 gee 46 t., 11 1., It if 11 "UtO Ito In j )a it v It 14 z it it 0 41 &1 A L .11, 1, --A .3- L-z4 M U. 7- 1 .1 A it Rate of Oxidation of Iron-Chromium-Aluminunt Al- loy!L 1. 1. Kornilov and A. 1. Shpikelman 7 1xitt- (Translation No. nn Calif Alt d h . e a er, , Ifenry Brutc of the AcadernV of Scienees of 1965.) From Reports 2 00 V.SS.R., v. 63, tin. 9, 1946, p. 813-816. The repistntive of n Pwries of the aliove allo". to : Z:06 ctirrusion wits detertnined. The sikoillentiri, of Ott- z sigina phnse in alloys with 40% Cr und ul, to S,!,`:~ r** Al and the optimum composition for heat mskt 00 nn~c, are indicated. g z0 41 A Sa - S L 4 UETALLLPrICAL LITERAILRE CLASSIFICAIIIN ma iL'' A A% Wj it I t t a It t 01 v W40 x, v n, o it m v I I t i go 109 0 0 0 *10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 foe 46 0.0 40 0 0 0 0 71 1 d S Itale of (hidallon of an l1ran-Chronilum-Nickel Aus- 00 1 Irciltic Allo), I I Ki-ritilm, and A I S hpikel'ilms, 8 jms,~.m. Urnry l1rutcher, Altadroa. Calit (TraoAa ti,m So. *-'0:14,) From M41ady Akodernii N.,.A- SSSk 00 J! - (Reports of the Academy if Sci,-oces of the U.S. 00 S.R.). v. 54. no. fi, 19-16. p. 516-618. Gives rt-sult,,, of an vicl-wrinit-ntal study of the rate 'If midation of un iron-ba,;p austenitic all,,y con 00 tainhij: 0.6'; C. 1.7",. Si, 2S% Cr. 27% Ni, and 00 O.3V;- Mit M 1101)"A200"C. f,-r 120 to 740 ltric Discuisrs nivehuniAm (If tixidation-, riple of the dif- 04, ferent eli-nivoiba; und reduction (if chromium oxide lly silicon. OW 1! a A S A. S L A AETALLVA~KAL LITIRATURC CLAISiFKA11ON t Kown' T n AV K) 33 0 0 * 4: An A s v pw 0 m -1 IF of 9 a a 2 0 0 v 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 60600900909006*000 goo =00 -V 0 see fte $09 - -49 age too a 0 0 a o0 I so.. A A I A 10 11 11 11MU16 IIIII its n AIND UVAIN'bil 11LI bin MU N)PS a) dj a a A Aa a I I v I AA N M 00 U 4 Gat'l.1 4 Fooes: ~~ftbv Raw of Oxidationol Rkh-ChrdMIUM Fe-&-JU AlloyL and A. l,,Sb&kr1m&n (V~npt. --d. (D.Hady) Arad. Sri. U.B-SA. 19". 53.(9), f oxidatiort of alkyys containing -A - ~[Tn 1,44b). The rate 0 chromium 44). &Iuminium 2. 4. 7. S. 10. and 13%, and iron remainder. was 06 4; ineasured at NOP C. by detvrmining the wright 10-- 71w rraulta of oxi&- 00 titm lasting IIXX) hr. ah4;w that the rate ofoxidatkm dern-a" with an incrcaa- -00 ing aluminium ctIntent in the alloy, attalrunS a minimum with an Aurniniuni go -as content of 10-130~, 7be of oxidation in fiAkywed by a lom in .00 00 aluminium conteni of the a]= an incrr&w in its chromium content. so j; -V. K. .00 00 =00 j Zoe 0 j !0=-~ I 9,10 f.0 A S I L ANETALLUPGIC-L LITER-11,01E CLASUFFCAMN 00 S C 1 0 It: 0. 10 T W IT o' IT 11 IT At 9- UIS AT At It X U K M It at Or MW a Ixa 0 0 0 0 0 0 jo 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 000 0 5HPIKINV A.A.,.polkovnik med. sluzhby, dotsent Some data on the medical service of the United States Navy; based on data from foreign literature. Voen.-med.zhur. no.6s82-86 164. (MRA 18-.5) -, : ' T ;.' - .~ 1: ~:- ~ " rl; : ~7,-t -'~' -, -,' -, ~ ~~ -, 7,,3 ~ L ! 9 ' n r, k- oy s I i -, h by ,,~, -, ~ - . ''; . ~-, -- :_ - - -1, 1. . f ~~ f-~-me -,rob~eims oc care in the U,;3,N'arj. Voen.-med,zhur. - 1-1 - '7 (MIRA 18- 5) n-- 164. 1 I f T 11 _7 TUSTANOVSKIY, A.A.; SHPIKITM, V.O. Initial structural changes in procollagen during denaturation. 4.70-82 '52. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Laboratoriya khimii tkanevykh bolkov Instituta biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimil AWT SSSR, Moskva. (PROCOLLAGEN) (HEAT--PHYSIOLOGICAL MECT) The Co=aittee an Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Kinlaters UM) in t1w fields of scie-ace and inventions announcea that the following sicientific works,, popular scien- tific books, and textbooks have been subuItted for caqmUtion for Stalin Prizes for No. 22 , 20 Feb the Years 1952 and 1953 (�2j!kdmn Matura Ymcov -40. - 3 Apr 1954) Name Title of Work Nominated by 3*hni,Kit~-I- V 0. 'Trocolla,~cns,, Their Chlem- Institute of Biolo7ical ical Composition, Pro- and M'edical Che-,istrj, pe-rties, and D-Jolo-ical Academy of 1`edical 6ci- Role" enceS so: w-3o6o4, 7 JulY 1954 f4 Rtk I t N Ifee weight and the degree.of 43ym 0 F Q c N. N. Orekhov ich and V 11 A 1. (Inst. B OL C kki - Ifect-4-187h 'and Med Chem Acad ~W Moscow) .- . . . . . , 'Biokhimiya 20, 438-43(1956); cf. CA.;49, MMe-A i i F-"p-t1-. were to - , LfT j crit cttl discu% on was presented of the methods and forma- ' at approx. 23* pprox., 0M (a on us e d lao usuallyemployed In the detn. ofS (sedlinentatiou coast.). COnst. ofprocollagenataconcca;of6.OM2 inM aC12(othi, Af (mol, wt.)~ f (molar coeff. of viscosity)jv (molar coeff. of coudltians~ being the -me). detd. with aid , 61 a polariz- vkuslty for sphelitnt partleles),und the degree of Asymmetry Interferomettr on the Tsvokovapp., was D. from the ratio f/lo and the ratio of the scinlaxes b/a. White lu-7, m. crn./scc. Extrapolation to Sew pTot*611_MXn,! were tu&ed avd prmollageu wasobtalned bya previously ' ~yitldcd the same D va L in 1% CaCIj and 11 ft~ 0.4 X lue method (V. N. Orckhovich , Prokolla Y ikk r Khitd D ar S0 s t 1 j Bi l R Ti P (M (10521 ) Ill O,6Af urn . VL=wity detri~- wt-re 10-1 s cm,l. , o,ini0er. vi ill 3 v s ra o osca , le . 4 , O , w) t; _ ary made h the aid of a U-shaped mp ' needle-shaped crystals pptd, wer- thoroughly washed and - (dia .0.03cm., length upprox. 10cus., Vol, 0.0 cc.) ht 21) * m ' stnred In a mois' , condition. For use in cWs. the protein . itt 0.0511 i and at different. flow zaten. For procoflage-. wai dissolved in 0.11if citrate buffer of PH 3.6. Total N i citrate buffer and for CaCl:* 1% and PH 3.6, IV] va! 17 ,'1; war then-detd. 11~0 soln. of CaO~ and urea was added so th o olfa t l i 0 it t ff f H 3 0 05M b with O.5M urea hl was 16-9. Afol. wt. detus. werL caled.' ; a . a pr gen so n. n . c u er o ra e p P for M6 with the aid of formulas for 8 and.-D aud for In a 40a soln. and another in OXM urea were obtained. Nis [,~j with the aid of formulas for S and In 1, C-S in 9 V Thyt;P1 was added as a preservative. In the case of the jal -specific vol.) - 0.72 and forrajdas 1.1 SRT/i - diffusion erpts. Zoins. iveze dialyzed against the solvent for ' (2). 1140 hrs.-in the cold. Sedimentation siudies were made The av. viol. wt, for procolLagen thus obtained v.-as M.500.;, with the uselof a Svedberg ultracentrifuge at 61,GM r.p.m.; In dttg. the degree of a*-muietry and the size uff the pro-, in the summer some exptg. were performed at a of 60,COO r.p,m. and at a temp. of spprox 24*. Sedunenta-: collagen partld'e3 the following discus3lon in vrespatLd'! formula (1) and Stakes equatlOr 14W to, f/fl is t din tion diagrams were prepd. Results indicated that the pro- . accor o g 9.3.. If it is assumed that the shape of partof t~- procal-i c(iften sediment tepresented a single component and that' ellipsoid. Then, in the c~jse isith lagen 6-aft elongated tht singlueak at approx. 0.03% conen. is an hidication of,, ' On I Jhe t f h i the f/ts, b/a - 1/525, i.e,, the length of the particles is 5W = MV/N l m sPerse na ure o t e prote n. Byextrapolation e lzr. With the formula, partic times their diam. to zero PrQtein pourn. in expt..;, with 0 .05M citrate buffer. Nfrr11/N the size of the promflagen. purticies are foulld; PH 3.0, and with 1% CaC13, S was 3.w X XV-12; in the to be IM mA in diam. and 075Z mp long.-: P.~.LqXl qrea soln., S was 3-25 X 10-11. Diffusion Physicochamical chameteristic-S of the soluble fr-ofeliff- of the eye lens. V. N. Orekhovich, K. F. Firfarova, V 0 Sh 'kit r (Inst. Blol. Nfed. Chem., Acad. Med.'s"'Ild. U:5-t-K.' F --.w). Matti. Bivkhim. Zhur. 27, 36543 (1055)(In Russlan).-Lenses of eyes of cattle and other, animals were comminuted in a homogPnizer In a ratio of 50 lens" Per 1W-200 nd. ofillstd. HiO. Thehomogenatewas allowed to stand for 60 min. at 6% centrifuged twice, and the Insol. protein was removed. Protein fractionation was as follows. to the clear lens ext - (NHI)ISO, was added to 0.3 satn. The first ppt. was di=lvcd In dist. HIO and repptd. twice. To the first supernatant (N1I,)rS0j up to 0.45. saim. was then added, which completely pptd. the a-crys - talline. The second ppt. was dissolved In Hj0 and repptd. twice with 0.3 satn, of (NHj)zSO4. (NUO-SO, was then added to the original supernatant to 0.5 satn.* The third pptn. Isolated #-crystalline and -y'-crystafline. (NHj)gS0, was then added to the original supernatant to 0.6 satn. The fourth ppt. contained the remainder of Pi- and y~- staulne. Tg (NH4):SO4 was then added to complete satn, T fifth ppi. con & fued the remainder of, the proteins, leav- hig'a protein-free supernatant fluid. Mectrophoretic sepn. Was done by means of Tisellus app. in a buffer of PH 7.9, Ionic strength 0.07 at 6.3 v./cm.1 gradient and +21. -Dit-- ferendal Centrifugation was accomplished with a Svedberg ultracentrifuge. Diffusion Index and specific vol. detns. were alla made. In the lenses of many animals are present 6-7 sol. protein components which can be well different 4 late Pptn. with (NI14)-.SO4 Med~to yield h 0 eous components. The a-cry in stafflue fraction Ob- at 0.3 (NH,).SO4 satu. contains fl-crysWtine. At-' tempts to remove same by T-atCd pptn. resulted in a par- t:.fat denaturatiot: of a-crystalline. Ultraffitration of clectro~ ' ally obtained a-crystalline produced results point- horet Ing tollible monodispem nature o! that protein. Its scill- mentation coast. (S - 18.7 X 10-12) and diffusion constant (D - I M X to- cra.1/sec.) make possible the detn. of the mot. wt. of a-crysWilne (800,OW) as well as the degree of asymmetry (1/17). In the cast, of guinea Pigs, rats, rab-. bits, and dogs the a-crystalline fraction of the lcn~ contained anothercompovent which had aloverelectroPhoretic mobil- Aty, In the p-crystalline of the Jew of,cattleelectrophorelk, anplysts showed the presence c,f 2 components. Inallother animals the esence of 2 such components was even more . pr rifugatlan studies Indicated the clearly In evidence. UltrActntl 12 components; a lighter presence In fraction P-trystalline 0 one, which corresponds to the component of greater electr~ phoreticinobility (09 bavingamot,wt.ol`45,000, and a heav. - jer comKouent, corresponding to the component Of 10wei; electrop oretic mobility (fi) having a mot. wt. Of 100,0W in the fraction T-crystalline of the lens of cattle electrophoresis. disclosed 3 components as indleated-by the ascending part' of-the graph; Generally. -the arat. of -crYstallfiie in- the- - lens of the eye of cattle was lower thau that of other animals.' A 11-crystalline-free -y-fraction was not obtained by fractional 1. Pptn. It %im obtained electrophoretic-allY and In only small' Amts, Ultracentrilagation studies of 0.5 (NH4)tS0rsatd... fraction gave data reg-aziling!& component Of -fraCtiOnI.1 I was denoted as 7'-CrYstalflne, having a MCI. wt- Of B. S. Lemine USSR/Biology Biochemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 22 3_5/49 Authors I Orekhovich, V. N., Act. Memb., Aced. of Med..Sc.,'USM; and Shpikiter,:V.. 0i Title t Study of certain properties of.denatured procollagen by means ofan ultracentrifuge Periodical I Dok. JOT SSSR 10113, 529-530. Mar 21 , 1955' Abstraot I It was determined on the basis of experimental works that native procol- lagen represents a couplex of,two or mote albumina components. A study, of procollagen properties, by means of the.Svedberg ultracentrifuge, sho,;.,ed that the procollagen.componenta have relatively weak bonds and unusually high viscosity whereas the.producte-of denatured procollagen have a very low viscosity. Three references: 2 tSSR and 1 English (1940-~ 1952). Graphs. Institution Acad. of Med. So., USSR, last.~ of Biol. and Med. Chemistry Submitted i November 25, 1954 iA'010 Of active center of trMtn In flormation a avoinucold. M. 11. Chanikov mul jDoklady Akad. ftak S.S.S.R. 104, 760- .alai sedimentation of ovamucoid (from fractionated e .trotrerin) and diisapropylphosphoryltrypsln (1) in phosphate . uff_ at pH 5 was examd. The typical sedimentation curves are reproduced. Inactive I does not coinplex w;th avomucoid at all, but the active trypsiu forms a complex which has a sedimentation rate some 50% greater than that of the components alone, The comi 11" rnj!rlLtes .to the d alone . The block- nucor anode more slowly than does ovoi ing of trypsin action by diisopropyl fluorophosphate Is prob. ably gannected with loss.of ability of protein complex for- maSXa at the active center of the enzyme. GN~.~ ka - (n ~Iuu U '4HOldcular ireigbts of pqiinojea and-papsim.- V'.*N- Orek. ' ' ., havich V. 0. Shpikiter, and V, 1. remva, ~Dokkdy Akad. ' - Nauk ~.S-S7R-rrr,-4Ur-3(1056).-~-The cenftn" seditnen4- tation method. gave a"sedimentati'm const. of 3.6, X 10-161 sec. for pq*Iaopn and 3.25 X W', see. to.; pepsill (cf;' PhUpot and Frilwon, CA. 28, 17251; Stciuhardt, CA, 32, WV). niflusion in a Laram cdt gave diffmion COUSM'. -Mp.,017.54 X X 10-1(c..Po6on. - C.A. 33,66841, Nort1rop; CA. ~1-4, MIS)." Riamn. of the- ,submanm In -r4zpect 6 wid~!uicg of sscdin~ciamlon curm CA, 46, 110,1Mb) shawul their individual - homogencity. ~The specific vo!e, vf the 2' ~ubjt"nccs wtre detd. pIfenomettlically, obtalnin~ o.726 wid U,72-5, rup, (Cf. POLan, C.A. 33, FMV), n[ 8,~Mbergg formuld gave nw], wu. oN-1240 aw-372.UM r-~j,,Jor ptp~3jnpgpjand 1 The u~ rutio 6/a vias 4;akd. as4, 7 = . vc of cleavage of a fe-agalevt flu'rin t -ctIVdt!bT? 0t pep=c to and conver-ion to .hysicochem-ical attwe of -1-rocol I agen," paper tted to the Conference on Avances in Gelatin and 3lue Re's.-earch, Univ. of C;pkridge, -England, 1-5 July 1957. Translation - E'nel. -'.1-3098,181, 11 Feb 1953 Inst. of Biol.ogical and Medical Chemistry, Acad. ~ed. Sci. USSR, Moscow %r and C'ElE ~(~'VICH, "Procollagens - A Citrate-soluble Fraction of Colla= is assumed to 0 F~-,rm a Special Grou- of Connective Pissue I~roteins.ll Science, 13 June 1958, Vol. 127, 1,'0. '1311. .Cscow, ..,st. _"iolo.7icall and ied. "hnm. , ~ca,,. 'ledical Lei. jL~~ Dr. Th'-s art'.cle is based on a caper ''r. -'_relhov;~ch ~xe~ented at -iass. Uen 'Ecs J.tal-, 3or-~trn, Il D-1-C 5~- ORMOVICH, V.N.; PAVLIKHINA, 'Ij.V.; SHPIKITIM. V.0. ~A fl4r~~y ~%-_-Jwer '4~7 Nature of the alkali-soluble fraction of collagen1with somrr in 3uglishl. Biokhimiia 22. no.1/2:210-213 Ja-F 157- (KIRA 10:7) 1. Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii Akademii meditsin- akikh nauk SSSR. Moskva. (COLLAGER, aikali-soluble fraction (Rus)) 20-1-37/54,,. AJ'THOR OREKHOVICH, V.N., Re.ular member of the zcader-,ty of ~tdicai bcience_9 of the U.S.S.R.,and SH-PIKITER) V.0. TITLE Isolation of a- and-0--components of Procollagen (Vydeler.iye a- i P-komponentov prokollagena. Russian) a PLRIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nau.k SSSR, 1957, Vol 11;5, Nr 11 PP 137-14o(U.S.36 a.) '~S': ating the sedimentation of procollagen in a 3 M urea i i~ rRkCT Yflnen i-rivestig Q solution the authors observed a decomposition of protein after lo min. heatin;r at 300C. This permits the conclusion that the procolla- gen molecule represents a two-component complex. These complexes are bound together in their native structure by comparatively weak perhaps saline or hydrogen linkage. This splitting'in two,~as algo ob- served on sedimentation of procolla.gen solutions which were previous- ly treated with 5 M KGNS in a phosphate buffer solution at room tem- perature, or which were heated for 2o min. at 700C as suspensions in such a solution (pH 8). This indicated that the liberation of indi- vidual components takes place under the influence of various actions (temperature, area, KCNS) which lead to the splitting of weak non- -~ralent linkages. One of the objects of further studies was the iso- lation of individual components. The decomposition products of pro- colla-en in their chemical composition and several physical proper- ties are somekat like gelatin. Therefore the authors employed a Card 113 number of methods which earlier served in the fractioning of gelatin. 20_1~37/54 Isolation of a- and p-Components of Frocollaen 0 gen were produced. In a comparison of the chromatograms of all three preparations no marked difference in the content of amino acids were found. According to provisionary results the amount of oxyprolin in the P-component is smaller than in the two dhers. The a-component contains somewhat of this acid more than procollagen. 1,inally pub- lished data are analy7ed. ( With 3 illustrations, 1 Slavic reference). AS3CCIATION Not given PRE3ENTED BY ,fILTTED 18.1-1957 I AVAILABLE Library of Congress Gard 3/3 OREKHOVICH, V.N.. SHPIKITER, V.O. Sedimentation and diffusion lagen and their quantitative in English]. Biokhimiia 23 of theDC- andft components of procol- procollagen [with summary no.2:285-290 Mr-Ap '58 (MIELA 11:6) 1. Institut biologicheskoy i maditainskoy khimii AMN SSSR, Moskva. (COLLAGEN, procollagend- &/?-aomponents, determ. of sedimentation & diffusion conatants (Rus)) Member AWI SSSR, 2 C 12 j - N., Shpikil,f..r, 'i. TITLE: The 7nfluence of Temoevature Uoor the Velocity of .-_rccollagen Splittin- by CollaEenqse C.,".1yan.4ye temperatury na sk-orrost' rasshcheplen-iya prokollagenoy kollagenazoy) 10 D I CA L _".ok;,tdy Nauk Vol. 120 Nr 2 , , ABSTRkCT: Tne parper dea'S with this influence regard to soiub~e collla6ens of' the skin of' rats, the shin of the air lj~ad-~er of the -arr) jokoll) and t~,_~ :;k-*Ln uf tKe cc(l- i I Th e s P_ proteins approximately have the same molecular -xel,ghts and size of molecules (reference 1) as well as a similar configuration of the polypeptide c'nains. On the other hand Lbey differ by the quantitative content of czyproline 2). The latter fact causes a different tempi-ratute of t*K.-_ heat-denaLurition of procollai-ens ir, the srluticn which is accompanied by a sp`.itt'n- .-f hydrcfer. chalrs 3nd .oy the d-tcomnosi I.ion o f molecules in ~a thr2ir comocnen-~ carts -ences -5 ). -he collap-enase nreraration -ras pr--, ~uced Card 14 of a filtr%te of C-lostridjum histoly~icum culture b3- means of 2-Pn Tfi~-- Upon the 7,:I-:)City of j'roCoI'-JL S r, I i t tg b yC c 111 a6 e n a --: e V" with ammonium sulfate (--fererice 6). A dia-ysis against wate.7 anr3 ~ryin- in a vacuum from a frozen state folllow.~ The prctein~ -,,,ere extrFtcted from small pieces of tissue by acid c`trate-bu-ffer and produced by dialysis of the extracts ac:.airist a double substituted 3odium-r*hosohatt- solution. F.igure ', the velocity curves of the splitting of different prorollaCenu by colllaeenftse (curv-Cs -',!3,V) in dependence on te!,,ii)erature; the velocity is expressed in convention~il units. The velocity curves of heat-deriaturfition lg _ in the same (CurVes a,b,v) are given 'In the same f 4 p-U rp ts. nt~~nsive spLitting tin 2,.s may be seen from this a verjr i of th-- procollab-on of rat skin takes L..-ie-!e at 24' 'the same Velocity is objerv,-d in the carp at arid in -,ne protein of codfish at 1,30 . The denaturp-tion oi the same proteins only sets in at :,6, 28 and 120 . Thus it becomes clear that collaf,-enase already acts intezisIvoly enough a-, temperatures at no denaturation does yet occur, and the cri-inal configurat-ion of the substrates is preserved. Nevertheless the hydrc.,--en bonds must be weakened -with a temperature Ca-d 2, 4 increase and the inner stability of the molecules reduced. The influence of Temperature Upon the Velocity of 0",,V/20-120-2-78/63 -ccollagen by Collagenase Th i s weakening is not sufficient for the molecule I dpco,mposition, but suffices for making the substrate susceptible to the influence of the enzyme. In other words, hr. unstable state of the substrate is necessary for the action of co"lagenase. The higher this state, the faster is Lhe ve-'ocity of splitting. The position of the velocity nurves of splitting car. be explained by a different degree of the natural stability of molecules of the investigated proteins. in any case further investigations in this field are necessary. There are 1 figure and 9 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii Akademii med-itsinsL-iVI- 195SR (Instituteof Biological and Medical 'Chemistr:)Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: January 27, 1958 Card 3;--j .1"UT-10?S: K'1za!-ova, 0. V., Orel-1-ovi-ch V. r, TITLE: 7'~-'urn of the Bonds Sub4ect J Collaccn_~-ne 0 prirode svyazey, T _~Ollairen LIZ 3YY IT., SOV/2o- 122- -4-33/f 57 Sci.-~~',,c , US';R, 1, ikite CS S r to Splittin~, by r_-s-shche,,)lyaye.-,y,:h PERIODTC-'-L: _Tjo':lz_C1v A1:ademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, lir 4, 1 pF, 657 - "60 (USSR) --f i-. th-,t the collaL;enCse nas an ~.35TR-'.CT: It is rit astonishingly "ic narrow s_-., -_1_ f ect, bein- -ble alone to split t1le proteins of t'-L,-;! colla~;en Group. Tile explanation of this manifestation mi.-ht Give vF.luable evidence on the mode of action of this for:-.ert. After a survey of publications (Refs 1-6) the authc_rs stated that both the fer-ent itself and ti-,e mechaiJ_.--.i mentioned are but little invazti,-,~ted. Tlierdfore, t1le problem under review is of great importance. As su-13strate, procolla-Gen from the skin of rats was used tnat was extracted by citrate buffer, :~.--..d -~,as -.-.ell was' a-d dried in -'racuo in 1'r:)zen st-ate. The 3tarti-_-_- .-a~.-PI-Lal for the pro- Card 1/3 duct-ion of colla~;e-nase .-;P-s a fIlt--",te the I i 1, L 1 by SOV/12o-122-4-33/57 ctlit-ure ol' "Cl.)-_~stol-.,ticum" (produced -4- inst-itut T epide.miolo.-ii i millrobiologii AMLI, SSSR= Institute of Epidemiiolo,~y --,,id Microbiolojy of t'ie Aca(le~y of idedical Scie--ces, USSR). Tne electrophoresis (method accor~ling to Gallop, Reff 7) was carried out at 40 -for 18-20 -ours at a cur--ent of 30 mA. After termination of the electrophoresis, the starch slab was cut in stripes of 1 cm from v,,hich eluates of 10 ml each were Dro- d,,iced by 7iea!-,s of 0,9'/!~O salt 2olution. In these the conte-it of colla,-)(-,nase-- and nonspecific proteinase activit i ated. To the det -rmil--~ -ion of Y was invest , - - 'U the nonc-~~cific activity the method acc~jrdJn to G,~'!!-)I, Da~-' 7) was z_p~)IiJed and completed. The .-iethod 0f M411- preci-pit-tion was used, since t-0 :,,,-,,)teol,-tic r 0 f C 11 -J. -4, 0 1 yt i c i -, m. c c;-, ~;u 1 a tu ec is not ca-oable of doin& so (Rel- a). FiL~ure 1 sho-.-:s the distribution of the coll!-7.-enlase- z~nd of nons,)ecific protein--se-activity in the starch b1,)c!:, Fror' these results it meq be co_,,;Di'od t!-i---.t the _fj C T]rO4 '~Se t*,__'t SnljtS Card 2/3 coil-. ro S~)Oci - -eir On t.~e of' t:,.~~ Bon,!s Su~~ject to Splittirr- by SOV/2o-122-4-33/517 C 0 11, is C the ne-,,)tide linl:~jes, which are chiefly formed by amino Groups of gly-cine, and, aacccrdinC to prelinni-Ilary in- for=tion, by the carboxyl groups of oxyproline alanine - t, .-.d )roline. L.2-LoIcshira and O.V.Troitskaya have a~_SjS~ed in t'fj4-. wor". Th--2e are 2 fi,-ures and 11 refer- U - _ 1. 1 - - x ences, I of -,-;hica, i-" Soviet'. ASSO' , T-'~T !01': Institut biolo~-ic`,ethcy i moditsinsiloy khLnii Ak-adernii i-II naul, SSSR (Institute of Biological and edical Cherii~-try of the Academy of Liedical Sciences, USSR) GUI,17,7T T-ED: J~,Ine 14, 195S Card 3/3 KUNINA, O,V,; SHPIKITER, V.0. (Moskva) Bacterial collagenase. Usp. sovr. biol. 50 no.3:294-309 N-D 160. (MIRA 14-3) (COLLAGENASE) (BAGTERIA) S~JPTXMP. V- 0., 0,rtLTC-10~- t ~i- LCH, V. 1.. L. M.. W)rHINA. L. A., SKED-POVSKAY.4, 1,11. V., AND S0WI-T-TfEVA, 11. 1. (IZSR) "Some Observations on the Structure and P`echanism of Action of Proteinases.1 Report presented at the 5th lnternati,~;nal Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 August 1961 - SHF__~EITER, V. 0.1 USPENSKAYA, V. D., ALUK,3EYMIKO, L. P., SOLOVY-EVA, IN. I., an-dRM-MOT, -n-. I. (USSR) "The Protein of Canine Plasm-" Report presented at th~ 5th Internrtional Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16,Aug 1961 SIHPIKITER, V. 0., LENDIKOVA, L. A., OREMOVICH, Ve N., SOIDM-VA, N. 10, (USSR) "The Yechanisbr of ~Actlj-an and the Properties of Collagenase from Clostridium histolyticum.11 Report presented at the 5th Inttl, Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug 1961. OREKHOVICH, Vasiliy Nikolayevich- SHPIKITER Vadim QlagQvich; OPLI?2.1, A.I., akademik, oti. red.; NATVEYENKO, T.A., red. izd-va; GUSIKOVA, O.M., tekhn. red. (Biological role, characteristics and structure of soluble collagenlike proteins (procollagens); read at the 18th annual Bakh Lecture on March 17j, 1962]Biologicheskoe znachenie, svoi- stva i stroenie rast-vorimykh kollagenopodobWkh belkov (prokol- lagenov); dolozheno na vosemnadtsatom ezhegodnom Bakhovskom chtenii 17 marta 1962 g. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 10,62. 20, p. (Bakhovskie chteniia, no.18) (MIRA 15:12) (Collagen) y P. 0 and some of ',.ighly active calhepsLri from the soleen. Vop. med. 9 no.6:626-633 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:10) !. I-ristitut b;-c-.,rqllcfj,,,,koy i me,Aitginskoy khimii M-24 SSSR, l,foskva. k TORCHINSKIY, Yu.M.; SHPIKITER, V.O.k Interaction between sodium dodecyl sulfate and aspartate-glutamate- transaminase. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.3:751-753 S 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimicheskoy biologii AN SSSR i Institut biologicheskoy i -.-meditsinskoy khimii AMN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Engellgardtom. LEVDIKQIA, G.A.; OREKHOVICH, V.N.; SOLOVIYEVA, N.J.;_ ~Hpjj~ITER, V.0. Dissociation of collagenase molecules into subunits. DokL AN SSSR 153 n0-3:725-727 N f63. (K-mLA 17:1) 1. Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii &TIT SSSR. 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Orekhovich). 9HFIKITidt, V.0. Method for studying blopolymers with the help of analy-tic ultra- centrifuge. Sovr. metod. v biokhim. 1:5-3? 164. (!41M 18: 5) POGLAZOV, Boris Fedorovichi SHPIKITER V 0., doktor biol. nauk, ==1--i4: otv. red.; DRIBINA, red, [Structure and functions of contractile proteins] Struk- tura i funktsii sokratitelInykh belkov. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 222 p. (MIRP 18z7) LIVANOVA, N.H.; PI.KHELGAS, V.Ya.,, SHPIKITER, V.0. Transformations of' phosphorylase B in acid and alkaline media. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no,5;1222-1223 AD 165. (MIRA 18s5) 1. Submitted July 3, 1964. s T-n A P- n I-. OHi K ! T'~P V 0 d-oki,oT' blol. nauk, I KHTA, A V,; r;a,l and fun.~tii-;ns e-f c:mtactile prc-,telv-sj Struktura i'- scirra-ti-elliffth. belk:w. Nauka, 1965. -91 P. OREKHOVICH, V.N.;- SHPIKITER, V.0. Certain problems involved in the study of the quaternary structure of proteins. Ukr.biokhim.zhur. 37 no-5:769-777 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii AMN SSSR, Moskva. I SILPIFOV, A..-D. Yield limit as a generalized index of &-ound composition and properties. Trudy Gos.inst. po. proek. mor. por. i sudorem. pred. no.6:79-86 159. (M!:RP. 141:3) (Soil mechanics) SULZL,~Li"Uv) D.M.; SHPIKOV, A,*B. Characteristics of Quaternary clay rocks in Baku Bay from the view- point of engineering geology. Uch.zap. AGU.Ser.geol.-geog.nauk no.5: 21-29 161. (MIRA 16:9) ~MIKOV, B. zamestitell komandirs. otryada. Might of public influence. Pozh.delo 3 No.6:7 Je 157. (Odessa--Fires and fire Drevention) (JALRA 10:7) SHPIKOV., B. Electric welding shops on tankers are indispensable. Mor.flot 25 no.l.,44 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:2) ASSOROV, Feliks Georgiyevich; PONOMM, Ivan Makarovich;_~flPLKQV,,-,.__ Boris Izz-aylevich; MAT-YUSHRIA, S.P., red.; TIKHONOVA, - [Fire extinguishing on merchant ships] Tushenie pozharov na morskikh sudakh. Moskva, lzd-vo "Viorskoi transport," 1963. 94 p. (MIRA 17:2) SEDIIII)v ~ 'I' ~ ~ .- ~ ' 1~ ~" I".., , :!., P . I minaraInical characterisulas of the, Apsheron e.nd the Quaternary clay rockB of the BakinAUy Bay. Izv. AN 1z ..,.rb, SSR. Ser. geol.-geog. nauk no.302-60 165. (MMA 18:9) I CM0, V.T.; CHUBKO, N.M.; SHPIKUIA, V^ Determination of copper in biological material and ito, concentra- tion by coprecipitation. Lab. delo I no.2:33-36 F 161. (MIRA 14: 1) 1. Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii (zav. - dotsent V.T.Chuyko) i kafedra fakulttetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.G.Martynyuk) Ternopoltskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (dir. - dotsent P.Ye.Ogiy). (COPPa'-MLYSIS) .MYFi~, V~T.,y S11PIKULAP V.M. 4 Determiration of copper -1mp,,L,,ities in iron and nickel salts. Ukr. khi,,r,. zhur. 31 no.6i638-639 165~ (MA 18 ; 7) 1. Ternopoltskiy gosudarstvennyl meditsinakiy institut. SHFILIBERG, A.U. i r At the scienti-f-Ja societies. Sud.-~med. eksper. 7 no.l.*62 Ja-Nrt64 (MIM 17.'4) 1. Starshiy sledovatell Smolenskoy oblastnoy prokuratury. SERDYUKOV, Yuriy Pavlorvich, inzh.; SHPILIBERG, Arnolld Yakovlevich, inzh. Direct current generator and transistor amplifier stage with negative feedback. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektro- mekh. 6 no.12:1346-1352 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kharlkovskiy zavod "Elektromashina".