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j(,I*elnL; Sjf)ti"oKA., Janina swlr,(;F,l ) .L . ,, i-r. undiffererti-ated cancer Palliative theraple-aut Vil procedur Ap-je 165. of the bronchus. Nowot-,;ory 15 no.2:165-167 1. Z InstYtutu Onkologii w Gliwicach (Dyrektor: dr. med. j. Swiecki). BLOCH, Bronislawa; KANIA, Izabella; SLONSK. Czeslaw Case of adrenogenital hyposalemic syndrome in a 3 week infant. Pediat. polska 33 no-1:103-106 Jan 58; 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych A.M. we Wroclawiu. lierownik: prof. dr med. H. Hirszfeldowa I, z takladu MedycM Sadowej A.M. we Wroclawiu. Kierownik: prof. dr med. B. Popielski; (ADMOORNITAL SYN , blood in hyposlaemia in ) week old Inf. (Pol)) (=CMOLYTES. in blood defic. in adrenogenital synd. in 3 week old inf. (Pol)) 31,04'-@;Kl Y -",* Ef-f-,", -f C--Lll-@-yirig C-lerne-lits cr, the fitruct-.-? and -M@-chaaical Fre-. -.-t:z nf cylind-e- linsrs prcauced in st@-el molds by centrifugal !@1-1-1@e@f- c-70.ew 12, nt-.11: 3'@:! -22-@, N16'+. I KMSKI, Apolinary; SLOMSKI, Przemyslaw, Warszawa, Va7wolnicka 29 m.34 I'm I &I-MMOMNAM. Two cases of encephalopathy caused by tetraethyl lead poisoning; treatment with BAL. Neurologia etc. polska 5 no.1:89-100 An-Yeb 55# 1. Z 1. woJokowego szpitala okragowego. (BRAIN. diseases caused by tetraetbyl lead pois.. ther., dinercaprol) (LEAD POISONING tetrasthyl, causing encephalopathy, ther,, dlmercaprol) (DIMCAPROL, ther. use ancephalopatbV, caused by tetrastbyl lead pots. SLOMSKI, Przemyslaw Attempted therapy of myotania. dystrophical and of s7etenia comgenita with ACTH and quinine. Neur. & c polsica 5 no.4: 419-430 July-Aug '55. 1. 0 Oddzialu Neurolegicsnego I Vejokowego SspIta1& Okregowe& w Warssawis. (MTOTONIA ATBOPHICA. hterapy, ACTH & quinine) (14TOTIDNIA CONGFJIITA. therapy, ACTH & quinine) (ACTH. therapeutic use, s7otonla atrophic& & myotenica coqgen.) (qJININE. therapeutic use. myotonia atrophica. & myotonia coqgen.) P 0 D _No rologica Prz@Tyslaw and jerzy, u ia Neuroloaiczny) (Director, Dr. Felicjan D;v 0 dz. First District Military Hospital ( I bb j s k o ury Szo-ital Okzrogoi--7) in "Dif-forential D-Ja-.-nosis in Traction Injuries of Branchial Ploxus.'! Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 16, 2 Sep 63, I',- j p P 1349 - 1 --, 5 2 @_@tract: [A-uth-ors' -'r----1-4sh su=ary] Authors describe tliree cz@sos of traction injury of brachial plexus %O-th avulsion of norve roots. Myelography --@@as carried out in all cases, and tho hista-m-ino test (--fter 33riney) in two. Authors dis- cuss the value of the various criteria in establishing the -. to of the le--4on in such cases, with myelographic demon- 6 1 - of the root avulsion bein-- the most valuable dia- gnostic aid. 11 rol-e.-encos: one in German, all others Wostarn. 1/1 POLAM 13LOM@5XI, -P-rr,&mysIa-v- ;Affillation not giver' R,3)riew of' Foreign Periodicals.." Warsaw, Polski 11 g-odnlk -Ie@karski, Vol. 17, fo 44. 29 Oct 61- lbstract.; Ravlevr of selected artiol&z@ in die British ,indical fournal, Na 5282 and In "he J.3urnal of the. Awarican MaOical Association, NO 10. ACC NR AR7004105 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/012/VO23/VO23 AUTHOR: Slomyanko, P. - - Slom ianko, P. TITLE: Investigation of coastal sand dune migration SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 12V132 REF SOURCE: Sb. 2-y Mezhdunar. okeanogr. kongress, 1966, Tezisy dokL M., Nauka, 1966, 351-352 TOPIC TAGS: sand dune, wind direction, sand test, migration ABSTRACT: The Gdan'sk (Danzig) Marine Institute has been investigating the migration of sand dunes along the Baltic coast. The following characteristics are being studied: a) the predominant direction of the migration of sand dunes along the coast, and its force and disposition in long range terms; b) direction, power and structure of the individual migration of dunes arising during storms; 0 the intensity and direction of transverse migration of sand dunes. The problems are investigated using a dual approach: 1) theoretical formulas are used for statistical determination of dunes, based on wind and wave observations; 2) parallel investigations are carried out of sea swells, sea bottom changes, C,rd 1 / 2 UDC: 551. 35 C) /yj y 1) @j BARANOV, A.F., redaktor; RUDOT, E.F., redaktor; SOIDGUBOY, V.N., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, otvetstvennyy redaktor toma; ALBRGOT, N.A., kandidat teklinicheskikh nauk; VASILIYW, B.K., inthener; T-IMSHINSKIT, S.V., kandidat tekbnicheakikh nauk; VIII10GRAWY, G.P., kandidat tekh- nicbeekikh nauk; VIR)KUNOV, !4.V., professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk, GOIOVANDV, V.G.. kandidat tekbnIcbeskikh nauk; GOHDWW, A.S.. dotsent, kandidat tekt-Anichookikh uauk; GURSKIT,P.A., dotsent, kandidat takhnichasklkh nauk; GUREVICH, A.N., kandidat takhaichookikh nauk; DOMBROVSKIY, A.B., dotsent; "GORCBMO, V.F., professor, doktor tekh- nicbeakikh nauk: IVANDY, V.N.. professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; KARVATSKTT, B.L., professor, doktor tPkhnichaskikh nauk; KORDLIT,K.P. professor, doktor tev-bnicbssklkb nauk; MUCHKIN, I.N.. kandidat takh- nicheakikh nauk;POPOV, G.T.,inzhaner; PROSKURNST, P.G. inshener-.SAJDN- TSEV, K.A., izhener: SENTCHASTNDY, I.F.dotment. Imndidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; SLOWANSKY A , dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; STWANDT, A.D., -d-oVeen@, - aigeidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; SYROWATHIKOV, S.P., akade- mik[docessed]; TMiOVSKIY,V.A.,dotsent; kandidat takhnichaskikh anuk; TRUBFITSKOT, V.A., kandidat tekhnicheaklkh muk. KHOKHWT, N.Y., kantli- dat tekhnicheakikh nauk; SHAROKIN, V.S., kandidat tekhnichaskikh um ; SHLYKOV, Yu.P..dotseut, kandidat tekhnicheakikb nauk; TNMSHMMO, A.M. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; rVANOV, V.11.,professor, doktor tokhnichoskikh nauk. retsenzent; PANOV, N.I., dotnent, kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk, retsenzent; SLOMTANSKIT, A.Y., dotsent, kandidat telchni- cheskikb nauk. retsenzent; UTTANSKIY, L.I., inzhener, retsenzent; IETTKSA, V.M., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, retS@n2ent; (Continaed on next card) BAR:,0M, R.F., -- (Continued) Card 2. TOPORNTN, G.S., inzhener, retsenzant; DOMBROVSKIY, A.B., dotsant; retsenzent; POYD0, A.!.., kandidat telchnichaskikh nauk, retsenzent; YAKOBSON, P.Ye., laureat Stalinskoy premii; dotsent; kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk, ratsenzent; POPOV. A.A., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; PROSKURNEV, P.G., inzhener, retson- zent; SAFONTSW, K.A. , inzhmner, retsenzent; SM?AFIMOVICH, V.S., kandidat tekhnichcskikh nauk; retsenzent; TRAVIN, P.I., inzhennr. retsenzent; FOKIN, K.F., Icandidat tt-khnichaskil-ch nauk, retsenzent; SHCHEMAKOV, V.P., inzhener,@retsenzent; SHADUR, L.A., dotsent; kandidat t,@khnichnskikh nauk,rmtsenzent; TIKHOPOV, P.S., inzhener r@-tst-nzent; TKACHENKO, F.D., inzhener; retsenzent; BABICIEOV, A.M. professor, doktor tekhnicheskikb nauk, retsenzent; KOROSTYLSV, A.I. inzhenmr, retsenzent; LEVITSKIY, V.S., dotsmnt; kandidat tekhni- cheskikb nauk, rntse-nzent; KTLYKOV, A.F., inzhener, retsenzent; SOLOGUROV, V.N. redaktor; SHISHKIN, K.A., re-daktor; SLOMTAIISKIY, A.V. rmdaktor; SA-Lv--',U',O, S.V., redaktor; YUDZON, D.M. takhnicheskiy redaktor. ETecbnical rmference book for railroad men] Tekbnicbeskii spravocbnik zhelmznodorozhnika. Rediktsionnaia kollegiia: A. F. Baranov, i dr. Glav.redal--tor. E. F. Rudoi. Moskva, Gos.transp.zhol-dor.izd-vo. Vni. 6 [Rolling stock] Podvizhnoi sostav. 1952. 955 P. (IILRA 8:9) (Railroads--Rolling-stock) A. all BLIZNYANSKiY, A.S., inzhener, redaktar; 11 V.IlkandLdat tekhai- cheskikh nauk, retsenzent; VICUL'. B. .0 66 @=n*Kiy red.!,ktor LProblems in the construction, calculation and testiq& of locomotives; a collection of articles. Results of cooperation between the I-1. Lenin Polytechnical Institute in Kharkov and the Kharkov Tranq)3rta- tion Machinery Manufacturing Plant) Vogrony konstruirovaniia, raschets i ispytaniia teplovozov; sboraik. Itogi sodruzhestva Khar'kOVAogo politekhnicheskogo Inatituta Imeni V-I.Lentna I Rnarlkovsko@-,o soiuzno- go ordens Lenina. ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo znameni i ordena fl.-rasaoi zvezd,y zavoda transportnogo mashinostroeniia. MoskvB. 4on. u-uchno- teklaa..Izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Voi.2. 1957. 109 p. 10:10) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo vyashego obrazovaniya. (Locomotives) SIOHYANSKIY, A.V.. kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk. FrospectNe types of diesel locomotives for main lines. 7est. TSNII MK no-2:3-11 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:4) (Diesel locomotives) i r 1L PRONTARSKIY, A.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; SLORYANSKIY, A.Y.. kand.tekhn.nauk, doteent-, FMYANSKIY, N.A,, doktor prof. Development of scientific investigations in the field of locomotive traction and r4ilroad electrification. Vest.TSKII MPS 16 no.6:3-14 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Locomotives) (Railroads--Electrification) SLONIfAIISKIY, A.V,, kand.tokbn.nauk Now types of rialn-line electric and diesel locomotives used on railroads in the U.S.S.R. Vest.TSHII MPS 18 no.2:6-12 159. 04IRA 12:6) (Electric locomotives) (Diesel locomotives) SW@ffANSKIY, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk-; SURZHIN, S.H., inzh., red.; BOBROVA, - -- [Selection of t7pes of main-line locomotives] Vybor tipov magistrallnykh lokomotivov. Moskva, Voss. izs-vo-j3o3-tgr.obOedin9ni6 m-vw ptitei soob., 1960. 163 P- (Moscov. VeegoiuzOi nauchno-iseledo- vatellskii institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no.M). (MIRA 13:11) (Locomotives) KOROLEV, K.P.-, doktor tekhn.nauk; @LOMYANSKIY, A.V., doktor Requirements for the new kdgh-speed locomotives. Zhel.-dontranisp. 45 no.1203-39 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) x SIMYANSKIY, G.A. 22936 NModu i amlieu uravneniy dvizheniyit simmetrikhnogo giroakopa. Trudy mosk. Aviats. Tekbnol. In@ta, Vyp. 6l 1949, S. 85-95 SO: LETOPISI NO. 31t 1949 SWRYANSKIY. GA- ---------- Note on Greinacher's article. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.takh-unuk no.11:154- 156 N 154' (MIRA 8:4) (G;roscope) (Grainacher. H.) Ub-SR1IEngineering - Instrumentation FD-3031 Card 1/1 Pub. 41-15/15 Author : Slomyanskiy, G. A., Moscow Title : On the precession of a rapidly rotating gyroscope on Cardan joints Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 9, 175-176, Sep 55 Abstract : Formulates a rule for precession applicable to a rapidly rotating gyroscope on Cardan joints the frames of which may be situated at any angle to each other. Formulae, diagrams. One USSR reference. Institution:, Submitted : June 17, 1955 S LO'7 1E K rl "Shortened Equations of Motion of a Rapidly Rotating Gyroscope in a Cardan Suspension and the Effect of the Static Disbalance of the Gyromotor on Gyroscope Behavior," by Candidate of Techni- cal Sciences G. A. Slomyanskiy, Sovremennyye Voprosy Tekhnologii Sborki v Pri@orostrovenii kContemporary Questions of Assembly Technology in Instrument Building), No 27, Moscow Aviation Tech- nological Institute, Oborongiz, Moscow, 1956, PP 57-71 Studies the two most common cases of the positioning of a symmetrical@. @7 .gyroscope in a Cardan suspension (with the axes of the external gyro frame.'-, in vertical and horizontal positions). Fresents shortened equations of mol'; ,tion of rapidly rotating gyroscopes, cites the law of the precession of all rapdily rotating gyroscope and integrates the shortened equations for the motion of such gyroscopes. The effect of the static disbalance of the gyro- motor on gyro action is investigated. SIR,% 1287 Po PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 398 Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskly institut Nekotoryye voprosy sovremennoy tekhaologii priborostroyeniya (Sow Problem In the Modern Technology of Instrument Making) NDscov.. Oborongiz, 1957. 126 p. (Its: Trudy, v7p. 33) 3,700 copies printed. Ed. (title page): Polyakov, N. I., Professor; Bd. (Inside book): Nanuylov, L. I.; Ed. of Publishing House: Loseva, G. F.; Tech. Ed.: Rozhin, V. P.; Managing Ed. (Oborongiz): Latynin, Ye. V., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers working in the Instrumentation industry and students specializing In this field. COVERAGE: This is a collection of articles dealing with the tbooretical. and practical problems encountered in the instrument manufacturing industry. It covers the principal scientific research work done In the Department of Technology of Aircraft Instrument Yanufacturing de&3'n with the devel%poent of modern processes of instrument manufacture. Special emphasis is placed on problems connected with increasing instrument precision and capacity and an the automation and mechanization of the Instrument manufacturing industry. For the bstract of each article see Table of Contents. Card 1/9 Some Problems in the Modern Technology (Cont.) 398 TABU OF CONTERS: Introduction 3 SICEYanski G A" Candidate of Technical Sciences.Deflection of Elastic M-Reb-to N-Werature Changes 4 This article deals with deflection of sensitive elastic ambers of various :.-.instruments and automatic controls caused by changes of temperature. The author states that when Instruments are used under conditions where there is considerable temperature fluctuation in the area, surrounding sensitive members., these members deflect without any change In the measured value, and as a result introduce error in the instrdwnt reading. Th order to determine these errors it Is necessar- to 1mv the "tbeima def2zctdbzF if elastic members which depends not only on temperature but also on the force-deflection dI 0 According to the author this relationship is different for each lidly1du02 member of the saw design and therefore will have a different mtkiermal deflectIou." Zn this article the author develops a method for deter-InIn the mthermal defUetlonn based on an actual force-deflection diagram plotted for a determined temperature. Derived equations are given and their application to specific proble& Is Illustrated. There are no references* Card 2/8 11 Probleris in the Modern Tbohnology (Cont. 598 Polyakoy, N. I., Professor, and Jgo6hin, F. F. Application of Ultrasonics in Instrument Manufacture 22 The purpose of this article is to acquaint the reader with applicattions of ultrasonics in instrument manufacture, and to present a general review of this subject. Basic properties of ultrasonic waves, their generation and propagation exe discussed. The article contains illustrations and descriptions of various types of ultrasonic flaw detectors and describes their practical application. The authors state that further development in the field of ultrasonics and its ir-Austrial application will be along the follaving lines: 1) study of ultra- oonia phenomena 2) search for new fields of application 3) development of new inexpensive and simple methods for producting ultrasonic waves. There are 12 references of which 5 are Soviet., 1 German, 3 English, 2 French and 1 Swiss. Prysclilov, Yu. M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Bridge WLth a DLodee for Voltage Stabilizers 39 The. author claim .9 that a.c. voltage stabilizers., having a bridge with a d-tode are the most economical of paver consmWtion by control systems. By Card 3/8 Some. Problems in "he Modern Technology (Cont.) 3 SO means of an experimental and theoretical investigation of a diode, the basic relations for a bridge with that tube are found. These data can be used for computation of a.c. -roltage stabilizers. The author reports that technical specifications for an industrial model of UAs 4iode were set aud that at the present time (19W) one of the electronic equipment plants released a trial series of these tubes. There are 7 references of which 5 are Soviet, 2 English. Korablev, P. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Simmation Methods for Error Scatc-ex in Dimensions and Shape @7 ThIs axticle analyzes accuracy of shape and accuracy of dimensions of machined parts. The author develops a method for adding up inaccuracies of shape and inaccuracies of dimensions and gives useful tables which make It ppssi,ble to determine the spread of overall ey@or=for the given relation 65 Id. (where 3_, = inaccuracy in shape, and Inaccuracy in dimensions). There-are no references. 4@9--d 4/ 8 6,@itr.t@L Problems in the Molarm Teechnolog3 (Cont.) 398 Mkolayev, Ye. N., Senior Instructor, and Chumakov, V. P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. Mechanized Winding of Small Rotors 74 In this article the authors discuss the development of new machine tools and techniques for winding sma32-sized rotors of electric motors widely used in airn,raft instrumentation and automatic controls. The authors have developed a preliminary design and technical specifications for the constructijn of a machine tool for winding gmell 1 -sized rotorsi, on the basis of which the Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Production Management in the Aircraft Industry has worked out the details and built a model of this machine. Me model has been tested and successfully used in one of the plants of the Wadstry of the Aircraft Industry. Schematic diagraim and detailed discussion of this machine tool is presented. The authors state that the new machine tool stimplifies and facilitates the time-consuming manual winding operation. There are 3 Soviet references. Claxd 5/ 8 Same Problems in the Modern Technology (Cont.) 398 Grigorlyev, B. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Some Problems of Diaphrqgn Corrugation 84 In this article -the author discussed problems connected with pressure and forces developed during the process of forming corrugated diaphragm. No references am given. Kapanevich, Ye. G., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Automation of Drilling Operations in Instniment Manufacture 97 T h this article the author discusses autanatlon of drillIng operations and 3-uggests the following two ways In which It may be accomplished: 1) building a universal dzIlling n hine with quick resetting for new drilUng specifications and 2) developing and introducing special devices for performing automatic drilling operations on ordinary driUing machines. 7he tvo methods suggested are discussed in detail. The article contains schematic diagrams of automatic drilling machines. No references are given. card 6/ 8 -4 Scme Problems in the Modern Technology (Cont.) 398 FeferY A. I., Engineer, and Parfenov, 0. D... Roidneer. Wchpnized Compufftion of Automatic lathe Setups U The author discusses a newly developed device for checking the accuracy of setting-up automatic lathes. The principle of operation and exanples of practical application of this device am presented. There arP 4 Soviet rife, n es. Fbdimov, Ye. M., Engineer. On the Moment of Resistance to Rotation in Radial Ba.U Baarings of an Instrument ic This article deals with the analysis of relationships between the friction moment of bal.1 bearings and the angular displacement of the revolving bearing ring. The author states that this problem has not been thoroughly investigated in the literature. He concludes that the friction moment in the radial ball bearJ varies with angular displacement of the revolving ring, and that the radial Card 7/8 Some Problems In the Modern Technology (Cont.) 398 clearance causes its excentric motion. This motion produces an additional moment of resistance to rotation and causes vibrations of bearings at high speeds which cannot I)e eliminated by balancing, thus introducing errors in the Instrument. There is one Soviet reference. AVAILABLE: Library of C=6.@@--s GO/bmd 18 Aug 1958 card 8/8 SLOMYANSKIY, G.A., kandidat tekhnIcheskIkn do tsent. Effect of temperature on the fle,(urp of Parts. Trudy MATI no.33:5-21 157. (Milu. 10: 10) (Flexure) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 912 ,�@@lomyanskkiy Grii ori Aleksandrovich V c @Ale@kBand@rovic@nand Pryadilov, Yuriy Nikolaye V c Poplavkovyye iroskopy I ikh primenenlye (Floati-.g Gyros and Their Application@ Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. 243 p. 4,ooo co-dies printed. Reviewer: Fridlender, G.O., Doctor of Teqhnical Sciences, Professor; Ed.: Yanovskiy, I.L, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: Petrova, I.A.; Tech. Ed.: Pukhlikova, N.A.; Managing Ed.: Sokolov, A@I-, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers working In the field of gyro-instrument manufacture, and may also be uselal to students specializing In this field. COVERAGE: The authors outline briefly the basic properties of gyros, and their application for the determination of the position of any Card 1/7 Floating Gyros and Their Application 912 object (aircraft, guided missile, etc.) in relation to some system of coordinates, either fixed or turning in a specified manner in space. They examine the application and possible uses of differentiating and integrating gyros, The authors consider in detail the design, the theory and the methods of testing floating differentiating and integrating gyros, and some problems of their application. They give actual data on American floating gyros, And a brief outline of physical bases of inertial navigating systems. Chapter VI is an abridged and revised translation of an article published in Aviation Week. The authors thank V.G.Denisov and G.T.A-Ptavin for help in the collection of bibliography. There are 39 references, of which 16 are Soviet (including 1 translation) and 23 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Card 2/7 Floating Gyros and Their Application 912 Ch. I. Brief Information on the Properties and on Some Ap plications of Gyros 5 1. Brief information on gyros with two degrees of freedom 5 2. Brief information on gyros with three degrees of freedom 7 3. Some cases of the application of gyros with three degrees of freedom 15 4. Stablizied platform 32 5. Differentiating gyro 35 6. Integrating gyro 40 T. Space integrator of angular velocity and applI cation of the integrating gyro for geometrical stabil ization 44 Ch. II. Design and Basic Parameters of Floating Gyros 56 1. Integrating gyros 59 2. Differentiating gyros 87 3. Floating gyro with three degrees of freedom 96 Card 3/@ Ploating Gyros and Their Application 912 Ch. III. Theory of Floating Integrating Gyros 99 1. Differential equation of the motion of a floating gyro 100 2. Equation of a floating integrating gyro 110 3. Transmitting function and frequency characteristic of a floating integrating gyro 115 4. Values of nondimensional ratios 117 5. Stationary regime of operation of an integrating floating gyro 120 6. Operation of a floating integrating gyro jointly with a tracking drive 126 Ch. IV. Theory of a Floating Differential Gyro 136 1. Differential equation of the motion of a floating differentiating gyro with a torsional rod 136 2. Equation of a floating differentiating gyro with a torsional rod 140 3. Transmitting function and frequency characteristic of a floating differentiating gyro with a torsional rod 142 Card 4/ 7 Floating Gyros and Their Application 912 4. Established regime of operation of a floating differentiating gyro with a torsional rod 143 5. Equation of a floating differentiating gyro with feedback 150 6. Transmitting functions and frequency characteristics of floating differentiating gyros with feedback 157 7. Established conditions of operation of floating differ- entiating gyro with feedback 159 8. Comparison of two types of floating differentiating gyros 167 Ch. V. Testing Floating Gyros 174 1. General information on static tests 175 2. Static tests of differentiating gyros 176 3. Static tests of integrating gyros in the regime of spatial integration 188 4. Static testing of integrating gyros in conditions of geometric stabilization 194 Card 5/7 Floating Gyros and Their Application 912 Testing differentiating gyros for drift 199 Testing integrating gyros for drift 200 7. Dynamic testing 2o4 Testing integrating gyros 204 Testing differentiating gyros 207 Ch. VI. Inertial System of Navigation 213 1. General information 213 2. Principle of operation of the inertial system of n,-!tp-ation 2 Il 6 3. !'-,. ,01ci-ii-@ - I ' . practical realization of inertial ravij,2 t i on system 217 4. Use of principle of pendulum with oscillation period of 84.4 min. in inertial navigation systems 226 5. Effect of Coriolis acceleration and of nonspherical shape of the Earth on operation of inertial navigation system 228 Card 6/7 Floating Gyros and Their Application 912 6. Combination of inertial navigation systems with other systems of navigation 229 7. Some elements of inertial navigation systems 232 Bibliography on general and applied theories ol gyroscopes, and on'a'ircraft gyro-instruments 2.41 Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress IS/k9v 12-5,-'58 241 Card 7/7 AUTH-iORS: 1;layorov, S. A. and TITLE: On the gyroscopic ball bearings. (0 sharikov v sharikopodshipnikalth). 24 "-'_)/2 3 Slo@m sl:iy7 G. A. effect and rotation of the balls in giroskopichesko-m. effekte i verchenii PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk No.2 (US'R). 1 19581 , PP-58-63 S ABSTRACT: In previous x-iork, Imo,.m to the author, the slidinG of balls in a ball bearing caused by gyroscopic forces has been considered only in thrust bearings. In the present paper an angular contact ball bearing is the subject of analysis when high speed causes appreciable centrifugal forces on the balls and the outer race is stationary. On the assiLmption that the angular velocity of the ball forms a small a-ugle with the line joining the contact points between the ball and the inner and ou'u-m- i@aces, because of geometry considerations considered in -,.ne paper, the angular velocity of ball spinning about its -vn axis and of cage rotation are derived, Eqs.(11), (10) Mhe gyroscopic moment is found and the minimum bLri,_@_; loadl below which sliding begins, is obtained. These 'ormulae coincide xith the thrust bearinr, expression founc. ',y Card 1/2 Paagren. The limiting values of bearimS load beyol-- which On the :,yroscopic effect and rotation of balls in ball bea:-riD-Zs. slidin:r under the action of j@yroscopic forces beco:@-,es 0 destructive are found 2n the basis of a specific ball loadin-, of 0.008 IcE/m In an exal@iple of an iris trtuient bearin!,- c' 1.588 m:i bore - 1-iii- at '_j ' 1 6.603 min o.d. o-,)er,@;b ., 24 000 r.n.m. the apex half-aR@@-le of the cone tan-ential to the outer race track is 12 and -!onditions -to ensure that -, osco-pic forces are "riar--:11ess are fulfilledi U11 r thou.,h only vrith a sidall :,mr-in. In another bearin of 3.175 bore -nnd 10.055 am, o.d. 2_,,,)'Ua-%,in,-_.J at 30 000 r-P-La., the -yroscopic slidi@ri-- of the balls has a de3t-_ructive U LD effect. The spinninG of the balls about the a@@,-Ls -passinE; throuisil, the two contact points is cwisider-_-,d. Thiss cara, also lead to -,.,-,ear. There are 3 fiL@ures and 2 Russian references. SUMAITTED: Aue;ust "00, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library oft Congress. Card 2/2 P C-I ij.-58-3-27/38 A UT H 0 R - "D 1! Pay a n s k, J_ yG , AG S0 T, TITIE.- Buoyancy of BodJes Subumerged in a Liquid which is in a Rito-latiAfely Quiet State (Plav-uchest:@ tel, pogruzhennyk!i v zhidkos@,') nakhodyash@@huyusya v otnosirel@nom pokoye) PERIODICAL:: Izveot-iya Akademii INau.1k: SOSSR, Gtdeleniye Teklinicheskikh @'-)58, Nr 3, PP 1.52-153 (U'-SfZ) ABSTRACT-- Cn basis of theoretical analysis it is shomi that a body submerged in a liquid which is relatively quiet con- serves the same bnoyancy as if it were located in a stat-ic rese2-;-cir, Howevr-r. in the case of the fluid being relative- I.y quiet; the bu.,@,yancy. axis cf the body will be direct-ed aloL,- -,--he real -and not, along the. llv--;T-,'ualj_" verti:@al. There is 1. figur@@ and no -.,efer_ences,, SUBj-'ITTED-,- '1111c@vember Z_', 19C@ Card 1/1 1. AUTHOR; Slornyansk i - - G-,,-- A. (Mo s c o w) SOV/179-59-3-42/45 -.-T.- L- -Y -- TITLE-. On Investigating the Permissible Variations in Rotation of a Turntable when Testing the Drift of a Floating Integrating Gyroscope (Ob otsenke dopustimoy neravnomernosti vrashcheniya povorotnogo stola dlya ispytaniya poplavkovykh inte,griruyushchikh giroslcopov na dreyf) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akaderiii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3, pp 211-212 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The drift teszing, which consists of determining its angular velocity W , is performed by means of a special rotating table as s9own in the figure.' Due to the moment M and to the angular velocity w 29 the electric current is being excited having the tension - U- at the output of an angle gauge 5, which after being amplified by the amplifier 6 causes the shaft 2 to adjust its posit-ion. Thus, the platform 3 starts rotating with an angular velocity w , Hourever, if the Platform 3 Card 1/2 develops irregular ?otations due to a certain additional tension U + = const, then a drift with an error g develops. SOV/179-59-3-42/45 On Investigating the Permissible Variations in Rotation of a Turntable when Testing the Drift of a Floating Integrating Gyroscope if w@,@ -'2 (K 2 = const) is the relative value of a speci c angufar velocity of the platform and 6= (W - j)/w4 is its relative error, i.e. variations in rot'@tio'no of ihe platform, then Eq (1) can be derived. Thus, in the case of 6 = 6 ax sin Vt, the equation of gyroscope can be shown as Wq (2), where H - kinetic moment, K - specific damping moment, K - characteristic of the anile gauge. From Eqs (1) and (2 the formula (3) can be derived frow which the value of o 3 for 6max can be determined as Eq (4). The value of 6 .max (Eq (5)) can be determined from the expression for error e. As an example, for w 2max = 150/hour and W1 = 0.010/hour, and 4r