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SMIY14SKIY ~ B.L., ROMIENUKO, ~LA. Sendaut!j:aatic control of the dinking and cogging of Belf- centering nut slots. Kuz.--shtam-Proizv. 5 no.7:40~41 J:L 163. (IURA 16.9) ROKHLFNKO~ M.I.; SVIOLENSKlY, B.L. New dynamometers. '~~sl-Lincstvroitell no.7:24 Jl '63. (MIRA 16:9) (Dynamometers) SMOLENSM, B.L. [Smolenslkyi, B.L.], inzh. Head of a cutter. Mekh. sill. hoss-o. 14 no.9:13 S 163. (MIRA .17: 1) SMOISNSKIY, B.L.; ROKHLENKO, M.A. --- - -------------- Power wrench with a pulse-percusaion mechanim and pneumatic drive. Stan.i instr. 31+ n0:.1:41-43 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Wrenches) ROKHLFNKO, M.A.; SMOLENSKIY, B.L. Hand vacutm suction devices. Stan.i insti-. 34 no.7:37 J1 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Implements, tools, ate.) SMOLENSKIY,B. L. GOSPODARCHUK 1. L.; ROMUNKO, M. A. I Automatic machine for countersinking chamfers. Mashinostroital no.12r7 D 162.' (MIRA 161l) (machine tools) SMDLENSKIY B L nnt~~~ Mechanized dividing head for milling slits. no.3:29 Mr 163. machines-Attachments) Mashinostroitell (MIRA 1634) (Milling IWKIILENKOP M.41.; SNOUNSKIY", B.~~. Manual pneumatic clamps for power riveting. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 5 M-1: 42-43 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Pneumatic tools) (Rivets and riveting) I?- ROKHLENKO~ M.A., inzh.; _gMOLEI!~KIY, B.L., inzh. Checking the "optics" of sight glass. Stek. i ker. 20 no.4: 29-30 Ap '63. (MIRA 16:3) (Glass--Testing) SMOLEZISKIYI B-.-L.; ROEIUENKO, M.A. ~bdernization of a laying~out milling maeh=e. Stani instr. 34 no.2:39-40 F 163. . . (MUU 16:5) (I.ttlling machines) SMOLENSKIY, B.L.; ROKHLENKO, M.A. Tool holder with quick-change holders. Stan.i instr'. 34 no.5:39-40 My 163. (KERA 16:5) (Metal-cutting tools) - ! :" . I. :~~ ~ ~ - r ; 4, - - I - V, :. - - I I . : 11 . I - . ", , -. a . '. I - , , , , - ; ,. : 'I : . : i-I :, 1 -,, : .: ." .', ~, r- ."; 1"., P, '. .1 -, .,: ~,;.. I I . %, ~ ". , ~ i : , " C . , ..- '; : ; , ~ - :, , -11, . 1, - t . " . I ; " ~ ~--. '. -!~ 4 4 -.- I- - --, , ",:~ * I ": S. ~ r - r -; , ~.~ % - ~, ~ r" , - ~, t - -~~ ~ t ~s I I ri - - , '. : i 2 Ap u . ~ -- - i , , . : ~ -- - . . 11 1 . ~ I!- --~ , 1 ~'2 t~) ~j V 1,,, f- "., ~ llylu~ i~., L. "I I- I- '~ * , no.g~.~0~41 My t05. Corlt,ri~- rj~ molst- Mc-' 2 i'l 1 r " 1. , ~l 1 ` A 13 z 5) ~ r ... t 18: 10) AUTHORS: Klemeshov., G. A., Panasenko, F. L., 32-3-50/52 SmolensViy., F. A., Shvarts, S. Y. TME: Standard Laboratory for Fadioactive Isotopes (Tipovaya laboratoriya radioaktivn.ykh izotopov) FERICDICAL: Za-vodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, fir 3, pp. R6-379 (U35R) ABSTRACT; This paper contains a short description of a laboratory project designed forz;a larre metallurgical plant. In this laboratory it is intedded to use isotopes of carbon, sulphur, phosphorus, silicon, manganese, calcium, iron, cobalt, iridium, etc. Particu- lar attention was paid to special sanitary protective measures in the working, distribution, tiansport, etc. of isotopes. For this reason the laboratory project was worked out according to a three-zone system. This system includes hermetically closed rooms which are radiologically Itcontaminated". Isolated from these are the "half-clean" roomsp and, completely separated,, the "clean" rooms. In the first-named rooms preparation-, purification-, and repair work etc. is carried out, for which purpose special Card 1/2 clothing is worn, or, for aerosol work, hermetically closed Standard Laboratory for Radioactive Isotopes 32-3-50/~2 chambers are used. A schematical drawing of a hermetically closed furnace, in which it is possible to melt radioactive isotopes in the vacuum, air, or inert gas atmosphere, is given. Conveying radioactive preparations from one chamber into another is brought about mechanically by means of a conveyer band, whilst a special air conditioning system is used for the purification of air. A ground section of the laboratory shows the arrangement of rooms as well as other details. Thus, the building also contains a room for gamma defectoscopy with an adijoining chamber with radiosc6pic devices of the typerj n -Co-5-1,rj n -Go-50-1 and KC-6; these de- vices are remote-controlled. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: State Institute for the Planning of Metallurgical Plants "Giprostall" (Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu metallurgicheskikh zavodov "Giprostall") AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Metaliurgical laboratories-Characteristics le, a pri Y, V,(p s ~,4-59 '-'T-7 U I: .0's r;"e-J. 3 '0 U"OPIS' 35 1. )L) --al .,fi-th a ~kiall "ammiona-turee Dependence of the Diel:-etzaic juscez~- tlbilit~r,ll Zhur. Tf,,!..',,. ilz., 15, Do. ), 1945; "Ifew Ple-zo--lectrics," Dok. A , 70, No.- 31 1950; II.Pio:~0'..-loctrimi rmi~!itioo of Ciertain Titanates and Zirconates of Bival.-!nt ti of the Perovoldtf,- Ty-c," ~'Z-Mr. Tekh. *i,,., 1,11o. 2, ~, -urture a stion o~l GriEdn of ~iezooloctrlciLy,ll Dok. -ldl, 7", 1.10. 1950; "On ue 1951. r1 .1 "hot,,X1.1"Al.2N im, 0. A. u ;;16'N;~ 7,17-TJ .4tod tak Ia. A A Sk log *b=04 with II&M cow- (190).74 cumv.var clay . Old 0. vWvv" vbW 1. Iko cmmpd N" '60W in imt at 12-15%04 to,,= is Ikeol Im ~,vkftll. W"bw .1 0. dbkc- WO' * tz vow o# O.W6 ontedus temp aded!:r 1330-1.W. tl;~2% gaC(h did 004 ~~ 10- ,,Iy goo kS./sq. ,j "ARCO can i;~ be 0 a cga. by Tbt produc _j&W kg./Iq This Wes to tuskVC0110'. . t goltbc felwhK m at I it at 2r " WO W-70%. I 'ad- I.q. tbe T is the t arcom. (0 b as the bit ./@q. sifen tb V 6 , " 030a as ol t lit" I an"W4 to 35 by (VI the &W, ti, ag to . of 4 tb- aW--Utltc wt.). cd vitrams pbw may fired Prod- wbicb do 0, esad 3-7 p 10 -then c-ditio"- (1 30 p), Upd- tb by the all" tba=~-tite cr= wiw P;,W the cem" dmn ww abseff"d in j"A less Can ;WAmd prOcticsoy of foing- Ww"arrelocius)- Y tite .tit tbe tyw ON mus (as of the cWW-st.8 AM to the '"CHMIUSt,44:10min ugo. "04. Ti., effects of Ilawlts. at AIA- sdodlts- Wen *"W is ..d VOI WM lt'"t ~.:W " .k lot iee~_ OW , 5 6;--d tba ,mt,. of 1-15% t. Zro, ,And aw $bowed bio LVM ts* *conla steatite to stem, fidng tcmp. Ar.09t Of jUtjtc had a jA t$# I a, Igo kg./sq. CM-# t 1220 -A 0.. Feb 50. uiaOhysics - crystals, Piezoelectric Titanium Compounds "Plezoelectrical Properties of Certain Titanates and r--Zirconates of Bivalent Metals Possessing a Structure of the Perovskite Type," G. A. Smolenskiy., 11 pp "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XK, No 2 Studies dielectric permeability of subject titanates and.'zirconates. Establishes CdTiO3, PbTiO PbZrO L (Sr, 9) and'also: solid: ~ solutions 6f'(Ca~- Pb)TiOI an MO are " seignette- electrical" (piezoe' ectric), like Ro2elle salt crystals'. Curie temperature of these 156T107 ........... --USBR/Physics Crystals, Piezoelectric Feb'.50 (Contd) piezoelectrics is determined considerably by degree of covalent character of bond in lat- tice and by dimensions of octahedron in vhich titanium ion is located. Establishes piezo- elect-rics of this type possess below the Curie point a tetragonal lattice. Submitted 9 Mar 4~. 156=7 USSR/Ptiysics - Piezoelectric Jan 50 Titanates "New Piezoelectrics," G. A. SmolenskiY, 3 PP "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXX, No 3 Considerations on ionic lattice structure of AB03 (where A can be Sr, Ba, Cd, Pb, etc., and B is Ti, Zr, Sn, Hf, Th, Ce, etc.) indicated that titanates other than barium titanate should be piezoelectric. Experi- mentally shows titanates of calcium, strontium,!::admium, lead and lead zinconate are piezoelectric. Submitted 22 Nov 49 by Acad S. I. Vavilov. 158T89 Mectroulbrictim pram!" I~ comicaunic Fee. C. ' A. Soossolenooki . ha . ,*A a_*C-AA6.7M.-Corffs. offinear rispectessiorta a a . ileold' to; Anterritt RaTiOo (-IOU to 160*). PbTi% (-Iuu to tM*). and PbZrO. (- M to 3001). Since the vol. V of a ~cignmttoelec- is a function of both the internal field inten. _'i R anti the stories. T. 4iv - (OVjaK)'slR + (OV/ Vw'r. gm the other hand, K Is a functlim of T and of the I.Jalitalkni 11; lirnir 111. - (Olt/4),W)" + (W'371rdl'. III, jivr' ftx - or - (9/11, XE) VI"WOR141TV - W. whark. .' - VA I*X-3V/i)1')m - cocil. of On skm I etsim. E (including F - o). and op - tr/. V';ras;/b-j-)Ja % twfl of Nurser expention at concol. x1mrstanvous polmerization. Sill" > 0. slif-pignal. 64101.1. bylbermistoul Ilse ,,d WVON)r. lilriesurionoruts ths"o , "Our Its, Ogriv 1.0jit (*liver the vffrvl of virroespoirilon I argue- "t), .6 sluirp Olin. of a for IMTA and rwlrlo~. alit) : A&VID 1,rzils fur Mroo. Consequently. In DaTA wid PloTA YIA. elect real rirtlon is PCs., anti in PbZrO# It Is owe. Thk mrr"j,ort,14 to the shift (if TI Inim, let INTIO~ and PliTKh. lot f 1w ifit,- I Iwi -4 oiss, of I he oploolitor" fits () lanq. whirb give. ..d I.UW ,W.. at W*): In I'WrOs. it wMM MAI that Zr lost are Allied okww she a axi*. and t1a < 1 (11.9111111 at 2W). In MTA, the & Is, very jornmi)) f- 2 X 10-l! deVw) In the feesep. racist frorn -21) to + 275% lbb Is due tocompenceatices of the thertrial citisoonsitiot Isycompremaimarr- soulting hous decreasing clectrustriction. S.-issimettorlectirk1% with very minall ser Practically no electrostriction can be ob- talned by "llif Wn. (it components with ekrttvafli"iung t4 upwommicl Wgiss. r.o. PhTIO, and Ilbb(lm. Inawarnommork a- roccirmuicilve strwissres must Inhibi( dialokcronimete of ismems It' -y-'k linaftion. rwhiolve (so the evater of the elinsismostary cell. the die1w. consit. at& salenettuelp, Andlitirrosawswith -decreassing elotcumtrictints. lifeamurier"ents of thominewil tit- poinalm havo vie led no phsw transition* in the lem-tormt,- roissims 1% 1144t0a down to - IWI'; In PIMO.. a trionewithism to foommood tit Vow that reamm. u%Nd withs- Ptw4m_sAIlft4b_s,4Tkh them only a vwy todat Wor-lenip. tormsessillim. wool thick disclose. acenst. and pieweirlac. immodulto cho!togir restitinuously between -40 and +*I*. N. Theirs Ch- C41 ibe probim of the orWa of evigsisill!"WeIrift. 0. A~ . tolemkil and N. V. Kotheynikova. DokWy Abad. .A-.Wf-YS.S.R. 76, 3ll)-2:XMl); cf. CA. 44. 376le.- ,%4jrv-" ill the cr-y*ta6 showing wignettorlec 1" (1) ,fluTicl.. MTRI, OMO, S4TA, lilt I.' el)SIV N.T.4 )~. k F., h. N.NIA N, KNIAIZI 1.*I.,-.,-,. I-'-~1100 1",t% to ihr%-uvfu~i~m 'hat ti, link-I with cv"t^lt in which the 0 ticlah"Irons are partly tw whWolly pMopulated by callous forined from atoins with an incomplete next-to. ,niterniost %hell. having an inert-ga% clectrmic structure, a ,urge charge, anti amnall ratlins. Spontaneott%polturimustion Arl". mmg to the dipole M.Mrot, 'bre to 46plAcetrient of Ihr- c;tlimiq triativr it, the crutrif of the aclahetIrons. ,it '~ixileltv tit, ill And fit KlllA.%Ot. this qvivia- tutmm. 14 (file to rich diliplaaviticitt of It I lons. I he mint Invorable oructurr for appearance of I Iv that "Itcrrin the octahedrons mect in corners, as in pmvsMte%, ~tnictu'e, with coutnuctit edges are it-" favorable, find still Ift%, structures with common facts. The coewdination no. is itint"irtunt from the point of view of the dimensions of the -1,41s-lmn: fit 1wrovAlle. lonq with the cormlinAlfort riot III C4111 rAlmmi life t.1011rdr.-I con-14"Ohly. Frm" thr I.Out t.1 Vie. if Ofarde "fill rit'llu., the "is V... Cf", %lo." I""" will 140" It they ityr Ivallf lnt,, ""' "d constitute uitahlr cem" atorm I of the crystal. In aMn. to the known wigntitmelft, ke. LuTON. AxTd(h. AuTaM,,:".'I Rhvm)4' CMINIA x-NI". AuNtO, (it of IWm%--k IItleturrl mrs lie V% ted to exhibit I Imarct~r at "t.j,j Ily estlitl efts. of the tbennAl expunsicit; corif , The structure. am~f he lattice parminmeters. RbT&Ot (jimmovskite-type, tetrallonall. d - 3.92. c - 4.51 A.) Is a seignettorlectric. with a Curit point of -&ID'K,. and possibly also MoO, (anstalle struck (tire. it# whic! every ~W octake,11ram IaM. along the tituater. nmy ririi of ruble v1~ livirking. h unovempi'A. a - 3.,A). 6 - 13.94. r - 3AI A.) with a Curie I-i"t ,Mkl*K "r Curie point of KTI(h shoulil lie bellfw, IhAt 44 RbTlth. contrary to Malthias and Menfrika, (18hys Now. To. ISM (1949)); NaTiO, mmt probably h not A eignettMecirk- in the ratile-type tetragoilsil famn of Fe(SbOv)v Anti Fr- MOA, spontaneous tion may be courittiac td by Fe I I ionif In the octa=, anil the tintr applie, In .. rvrti greater I.Pre 141 t'l"I'W' N Thmit SMOLENSKIY, G. A. USSR/M4tals - Structure 11 Jun 51 "Ferrites of Divalent MetlalS," G. A. Smolenskiy "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Val LXXVIII, No 5, pp 921-9211 Studied solid solns of ferromagnetic (NiFe2O4, MgFe204) and nonferromagnetic C,uFa2104, MnFe204, i,'I7nFe20L., CdFeo04) ferrites Graphs relations betwQe7i concn of nonferromagnetic ferrite in some solid soln6 and certain properties of these solns, such as Curie point, magnetostriction on satura- tion, magnetic permeabilities, coercive forces and hysteresis losses.- Submitted by Acad I. V. Grebenshchikov 16 Apr 51. 184T92 SHOLENSKIY, G. A. USSR/Physics - Piezoelectricity 1 Jul 51 "Piezoelectric Properties of Some Solid Solutions," G. A. Smolenakiy, M. A. Karamyshey, K. I. Rozga- chev I'Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol LXXIX,'No 1, pp 53-56 Authors investigate temp dependence.of coeff of linear videning of solid solns. At low temps, points of phase transitions of solid solno are shifted-lower, with increased SrTiO content, than the Curie point. Authors are 3 indebted to Prof'P.P. Kobeko. Presented by Acad A. F. Ioffe 7 )ILY 51. Th* theory of solgaeftelectricity. G, A. Smolenskil and E. Paxynkt)v jSdicate Chem. Inst.. Avad. Sci. U.S.S.k.. Moscowt. Dekl4dy Ahad. Nauk S.S..V.R. 79. 431-4 (1051 j; cf. C. A, 45. 3675j.-The thermodynamic Potential 'If A perovskite.type seignettodec. substance near its Curie point is written down as a function of the compattents a( the polarization vector. the elec. field strength sector. the defor- mation tensor. the elastic coasts., and consts. depending on the temp. and pressure. Partial differentlelioa with rtxpect to the polarization and the deformation components yields a system of equations permitting Investigation of the different states of a one-domain single crystal. As a reswt of deformation of the crysW in the absence of an elec. field. below the Curie point. the discontinuity of the hest capacity ~aad the rate of growth of the spontaneous polarization in- ~a~ with decreasing temp. In an elec. field. deformation And piexorJec. moduli L.-e opposite signs in BaTi0j and in PbZr0,. The shift of the Curie point of a stiancttodec. substance under stAtic pressure depends on the sign of the vol. clecirostsiction A.; in the case X. > 0 (BaTi0j. Pb- TiLh), the Curie point moves to lower. and in ine cww of X, < 0 (PbZr0e) to higher. trUIPS.; with tern electrmul- tion, the Curie point is indePeadcut Of the Pressure- The potArization. at a given temp.. decream with increasing pre- sure in the can ~. > 0. increases Witlk X. < o, &ad re- 1111L7 tax unchamgcd with x. - 0. Of the existing theories of seignettoelecuicitY. that Of Mason and Matthias (C.A. 4J. 2a,,,sd) lead* to the conclusion that in DaTio~ the transition point is close to the Curie point, which is In cOnfilict with expti. data; the treatment by M. and 34. at the model in which the Ti- ion form cov4eat bonds with the 0 - - ions and the elementw7 cell contains 6 Minims Of Potent"d energy, is legitimate only in the cam of the Potential barrier. w., between the ininima, futfilling the inequality 14 ~Sp F 0 (where F . internal field. It = clec- moment of the tienten- It actually me - F P. Th. theories of MIZUbill-VerAn"". 1-,7sa) and Stater (C.A. ", 811111W), under which the Curie Point is deld. by the dimensions of the central ion and the Octahedron. are unable to account for the decrease of the Curie Point IT- PbTiO, to B^TiOs and from Pbzro. to BaTi(16. S. Thott SMOLENSKIY, G- A* The Nonmetallic FermmagneticB - Ferrites, G.A.Smlenskiy, Inst of Chem of Silicates, Acad Sci USSIR, Iz Ak Nauk S55R, Ser Fiz) vol 16, rio 6, pp 72P-738, Nov/Dec 52. Analysis of ferrites of the type TIFe204 (where M is a divalent metal), which were obtained by reaction method in solid-phase state. The properties of the ferrites were studied and plotted on graphs and tables. Indebted to Ya. G. Dorfman. 251T24 USSR/Physics - Dielectric Lose Jan 52 "Polarization and Dielectric Losses in Zirconates, Stannates and Certain Titanates of Bivalent Metals," G. A. Smolenskiy "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Val XXII1f No 1, PP 3-11 Investigates dielec permeability, its temp de- pendence and tangent of the angle of dielec loss of zirconates, stannates and certain titanates of bivalent metals. Establishes that in zirconates and stannates with structure of the perovskite type the dielec permeability increases with in- crease in the radius of the bivalent cation and its temp coeff's sign changes. Shows that it is 2o6T97 USSR/Physics - Dielectric Loss (Contd) Jan 52 necessary to consider also anharmonics in order to explain the decrease in dielec permeability of BaZn03 and BaSn03 with increase in temp of osc ,il- lation of the central ions in these crystals. Sub- mitted 1 Jul 51. 2o6T , -0ft-, IW-olr s~iae 96. F ~Iliitik- -in er L-Ak _SSS r&A "5~-7 (1952) ImAitilai't.- R46ults aim aud dis4Lisod -of (.avewpti~~J - - ," loglinniffivity. WI On dw A ~_i~adcocc of pl~~ t SeriO.-CM0,. PbTiOj -in .tn, a . crat 40 ~oi,M'K.,'Staiq tats 4 Paw ure- liana Qt 2 ric vxm of sow l2lutim BaTiolo-Bazro haV6 guiwa ropmwa of the Wter Wf, JU tft.p wool piczo-ifiodultis of. these sol scs. to xfw ~ of, MIR liwaer . ftZloilit twin tem b uch lesl Chip t4i ' of BaTid, ' the expennients . Ava~ ijoCco the chanvi- of -azio of 131,00,- .for -Pb Yom 60 f coinWratia" 7 Yna Is to stivdWe -afar P4ZrOS W Irel-to'l, JW~plevl - - Z_ . and Abstril 4952 :7 wtte t . -77777 :A. 7 w-, R.~R. akov :bar., EkSP11.1-i T -24-,69-77 eoY4~ Fm ' e P trAW311ion from ca bleftwaWsucticileo . - ' t f A ay te!n-O o,tetiago!iaL(seigvejt0le&) Is caled. s , o & l b i ie d tained rc at ficas'll o mp bgu and the 6anges of. tb&zfiWY of tion to the polarizatloa veiitpFl th li~rejectrmrktw_ , c -and to c6effs.-of Uni '.-and presOirez-, d onsts.; -A' t'scussidu ~- - Rhowi thit. in In.creme- in spotitaneous~ of thek equations- defortnation of th6 Curie 'U1t1d Crt=3 City and the speed of gowth -of poh~ the rise in heat capa tioKwith failing tezap. ~'Aiolutloa for w elec. fields swis a correct matrix of coeff,-of tke riction- t Is-11 a piet -.moduli-.~--Thi Curk depend nd otlic k BaTiO r T4 " xp ent on p emure" e e s Curie point -is displaced i the v pj;c4lte dirc~_~. if th - the t d W A i T bu t direc e ong s. x not, isotropic s pression ~ is y ee. perineability. of, a- fall Is cry Tbe die) as -v.O)issmaIIcrth4nW,a ree, crys Y. LUXASjM -' - . .A" . I jy SMOLENISKIY, Georgiy Anatollyievich. Inst of Chemistry of Silicates Acad Sci USSR. Academic degree of Doctor of Physical and ~Iathematical Sciences, based on his defense, 22 November 1954, in the Council of Physics Inst imeni Lebedev, Acad Sci USSRY of his dissertation entitled: I'Segnete-electrics with a Structure of the 'Perovekit' (?) Type." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences 30; Decisions of VAK, List no. 14y 11 June 55, Byulletsn' MVO SSSRy No, 15, Aug 56, Moscow, Pp. 5-24, Uncl. JPRSINY-537 S R 537MU 621.315.612A le propug" or AM NOW101115 d! wv-l barium Stamiste lit WAM tiftate. - 0. A. Smom-,', mat AD V~ A. 1Wpo_v. 2h~ 1d*h.'F1z 24 No. 9 - A 137S4 954) In Russian.~ 7Z The vchunctric clectrostriction of solid solutions, With snail barium s4amte content is greater than j.1 1:1n the Curie mnp--::'SoUcf - 9616flons ~ with 'Small electrostrictfort (10-irlo Bajjo~ htye hign nimdmum, e ' iPchiattivitY in weak fields thdr relationship between . , , perrnittivity and field itrength is sharply dermed... no-- ity of golid solutions baflum .with high 3tannato content. ch~ngcs:. considerably with mill - temptinturc change~q. Tha Curie temperature of solid solutions decreases when:badum stanhatc content r ImeaseL, At the sam fitme lo;Ai-timperature phase transfarmadons rnove towards hijbir temperaturm., A chanse of structum from cubic. to 'rhombohe", occomon Wollng 3011d~3~lutlom mialning > lr/,, N of bari stannate. Nezo-osciltatiorm occur in solid solutim-Mth sufficfimd~~ high barium stannate 00*~ tent at temperntures hltgher by W-39'c . than: corro- sponding values ror maximum dielectric pennittivitk. - blid solutions have no single CU S rie ternperuture but ' a range of Curie ternivraturm, which can be explained: The resonance ...- by considerable Internal - striessm ~ frequencies and consequently the niodulus or rigidity'., of the solid solutions investigated increase wi barium stannite content. 1. rijkmUmm -A, 0S'/L,,hj-;i(1s Piezoc=lectrics F D-716 Card 1/11 Pub 146-14/18 Author Smolenskiy, G. A., and Kozlovskiy, V. Kh. Title Thermodynamic theory of antipiezoelectrics Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 26, 684-695, Jun 1954 Abstract Discusses phase transitions from an antipiezoelectric state into a paraelectric one or a piezoelectric one. 7 references, including 3 foreign. Institution Institute of Silicate Chemistry, Acad. Sci. USSR Submitted October 12J, 1954 Yt_ 411111111a~ fi gLes of certain aolid solub Phase c a Ions having eiii6rical ;p1opelues UL Aucaeue gait.. Q..A_SMUkUqUand V A- Duktady A k Isupov. ad. NaUrT."S = 6, 53-4(1054).~rclrr; Eonstitutiond &graw for BaTiOBaSnO, shows that up to 12% BaSn% the solid-soln. field is divided into areas ;of cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, and rhombohedrid 'crys gals, and only one transformation can be observed on ssing the Curie point in the presence of 12% or more of W ISnO3, namely from cubic to th=63hedral. Aningi~4N In BhSnO, content reduces elec. owep estroys s o"ri- 'on defined by the dipol;g~ traction, at Pth. C.','- point. Shifthig of low-fil4o. phase chamiii. ii Icaused by sispultuntown unidi -.1 S. tit &m1 movements and 'thin individual dorpais occuff Ing at definite Ti ious wi BaTiOs conens. at -temps. 6det4he Curie point; -16~ls move with it great t f d the 11111 and with es - U, most' diffictil onen. moves n the transformation 1; temp. R.:, of VaMO-BaZrOpsystemsbiltsa Io'3'v temps. more slowly thai iln the BaSnOBaTjO&systvrt, 11isiscausedbydifferent characteristicsof bondsof thc&ndSnio..witb thoseetO. Tin Ions'a lesset exjejit in respect to the center of the lattice than do Zr idiii. A higher BaZrOj concrt; also moves the trausforniatitimpoint higher, and at 18% or more lOnly the rhombohedral pVAqe is present. In the BaTiOrw ;SrTiOssystem, the transfdri~ation poititshifts towards lower temps. with higher SrTiOj content mori slowly, than ~docs i t4e Curie poizi t. Z! ~.L 7 USSR/Physics Card 1/1 Authors Smolenskiy, G. A., and Arganovskaya, A. 1. Title Orgination of spontaneous polarization in lead-stannate and lead tantalate. Periodical Dokl. A14 SSSR, 97, Ed. 2, 237.- 238P JulY 1954 Abstract Experiments were conducted on lead-stannate to determine the conditions under which it would have, if any, segneto-electric properties. The atomic structure of lead containing crystals is analyzed. The possibiu-.-~*~'.~'. ties of obtaining spontaneous polarization of every crystal, which 'may contain lead (Sn), was.anticipated because of the atomic structure. Two-'.- graphs are given showing temDerature-dependance of di6lectric conbtants on lead-stannate and tantalate. Four references. Graphs Institution Acad. of Se. USSR,.Che mical Institute of Silicates Presented by Academician A. F. Ioffe, March 22j 1954 OL8XSKiy, OURnIld RAItletrig., (1161 On)-, I I , iI I ` k ! . _ Zhior. Eckh. Fiz;. 25, I : L II Is ity and ilic dimipation fachw were mt-asitredIrmi-1) to 30)'. fit witisi. llte-t~tnps. of phase Inniskiwis fur lite. V;triotis compils. alf-It. hisictlun 4if eampri. wcm dettiz The rcstilts Show that.the sulid will'. (Ills, Pb)sno, (1) crysudlizes Wills is peravAlte 'pinteturc iind posseKscs propcrtics. Thm solos. diffi-t frolit other mignUtoeJec. coinfid!5. in that the i - -entnt( atsixwtfes not have Lite at, structure of-it volile gas. The triallsition temp. of I de- cmaks as lite Jla&A content incrmses. The soM solus. Pb(Ts, Sii)%aod 111)(Zr,- Sn)O.:(JI) sbows high trisissilmiji - temps. if the 1wrctiatige of PbSuOs is high. Its 11two pht~ transition were discoircred. Weriter Tacabsuit die 'i z :S I 7 .:7 , J ' V A e h inetal n ans a ~ Category :USSR/Electricity - Dielectrics G-2 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 4143 Author Smolenskiy, G.A. Inst Institute~~f Chemistry of Sblicates, Academy of Sciences USSR Title New Ferroelectrics and Anti-Ferroelectrics of the Oxy-Octahedral Type Orig Pab Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz., 1956, 20, No 2, 163-177 Abstract Survey of the properties of new ferroelectrics and anti-ferroelectrics with a structure of the perovskite, ilmenite, pyrochlorine, and rhenium-trioxide type. Generalization of the experimental data make it possible to establish that spontaneous polarization can occur in crystals, the oxygen octahedra of which are f)illy or partly pop- ulated with cations, having the electron structure of a noble gas atom after the emission of s-and d-electrons'. a high chaarge, and asmall ionic radius. Exceptions are crystals that bind lead ions Fb2j' owing apparently to the influence of the strongly polarizable lead ions on the character of the bonds in these crystals. Bibliography, 38 titles. Card 1/1 v OSTROUMOV, Andrey Georgiyevich, inzh.; IOFFE, A.F., akademik, red.; SOMINSKIT, M.S., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; MASLAKOVETS, Yu.P., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; SMOLENSKIT, G.A., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; SHALTT, S.S., dokto7TtY:~:-:iWt'-.'nauk, red.: REGEL', A.R., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; SUBASHITNV, V.K., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; SHAGURIN, K.A., inzh.; ACHKINADZE, Sh.D., inzh., red.; FRBGER, D.P., [Piezoelectric substances] Plezoelektriki. Leningrad, Leningr. dom nauchno-tekhn.propagandy, 1957. 30 p. (Poluprovodniki, no.16) (MIRA 10:12) (Piezoelectric substances) PASYNKOV, Vladimir Vasillyevich, dOktor tekhn.nauk; IOFFE, A.F., akademik, glavnyy red.; SOMINSKIY, kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; RASLAKOVETS,Yu.P., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk,.red.;,19),~PX!~45NIY..G,A., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; SHALYT, S,S., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; HEGEL', A.R., kand. fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; SUBASHIYEV, V.K., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; SHAGURIN, K.A., inzh.; ACHKINADZ-B, Sh.D., inzh.; FREGER, D.P., [Nonlinear semiconductor resistors; varistors] Nelineinye poluprovodnikovye soprotivleniia; varistory. Leningrad, Leningr. dom nauchno-tekhn.propagandy, 1957. 35 P. (Poluprovodniki, no.5) lectrir resistors) (MIRA 11:1) _i MIRLIN, David Naumovich: IOFFE, A.F., akqdemik, red.; SOMINSKIT, M.S., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; MASLAKOVETS, Tu.P., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, red.;'~M-OYZY~~iT doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; SHALYT, S.S., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; R-WEL, A.R., kand.fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; SUBASHIYEV, V.K., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; SHAGURIN, K.A., inzh., red.; ACHKINADZE, Sh.D., inzb., red.; FREG19R, D.P., [Semiconductor bolometeral Poluprovodnikovye bolometry. Leningrad, Leningr.dom nauchno-takhn.propagandy. 1957. 36 p. (Poluprovodniki, n0.4) (MIRA 10:12) (Bolometer) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 676 Smolenski2r., Georgi-y.Anatollyftvich, Doctor of Physical and Technical Sciences, Isupov, Vladislav Aleksandrovich, Engineer Segnetoelektriki (Seignetoelectric Substances) [2d. ed., rev. and eal.] leningrad, Leningradskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy, 1957, 43 P. (Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy. Poluprovodniki, vyD. 15) 15,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut poluprovodnikov, and Lenin- gradskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy. Tech. Ed : Freger, D. P.; Editorial Board: Ioffe, A. F., Academician (Ed. in Chief~, Sominskiy, M. S., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Asst. Ed. in Chief), Maslakovets, Yu. P., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Smolenskiy, G. A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Shalyt_q S. S., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Regell, A. R., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Subashiyev, V. K., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Shagurin, K. A., Engineer, Achkinadze, Sh. D., Engineer. Card 1/4 Seignetoelectric Substances 676 Ch. III. Preparation of Seignetoceramics and of Single Crystals of Barium Titanate 13 1. Production of seigni5toceramics 13 2. Growing single crystals of barium titanate 14 Ch. IV. Basic Properties of Barium Titanate 16 1. Crystal structure 16 2. Domain structure 17 3. Dielectric hysteresis and spontaneous polarization 20 4. Specific inductive capacitance and losses 22 5. Piezoelectric effect 24 6. Volume resistivity and electric strength 26 Ch. V. Properties of Certain Solid Solutions with a Barium Titanate Base 27 1. Solid solutions of barium stannate in barium titanate 27 2. Solid solutions of lead titanate in barium titanate 29 3. Solid solutions of barium meta-niobate in barium titanate 32 Ch. VI. Anti-seignetoelectric Substances 33 Card 3/4 SUBASHIYEV, Vagan Kasparovich. kand. fiz.-mat. nauk,; IOPTE. A.F., glavnyy red.; SOMINSKIY, H.S., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; MASLAKOVETS, Yu. P.. doktor fiz.-mat. nauk. red.- SMOLENSKIY. G.A..doktor fiz.-mat. nquk, red.; SHALYT, S.S., doktor REGELI, A.R. kand. fiz.-mat. nauk,red.; STIAGYRIN, K.A., inzh., red.; ACHKINADZE, Sh. D.10 inzh.. red. [Transistor diotes and triodes; point-contact diodes and triodes] Poluprovodnikovye diody i triody; tochechnya diody i triody. lemingrad, Leningr. dom nauchno-tekhn.,propa.gandy, 1957. 52 p. (Poluprovodatki, no. 7). (MIRA 11:11) (Transistors) SCKINSKIY, Monus Sa~uilovich, kELnd.' fiz.-mat. nauk; IOM, A.?., almdemik, glavu~7 red.; MASLAKOVINTS, . Yu.P., dokto ri fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; SKOLANSKITI GoA., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, 'red.; SHAWT, So$&', dofc~-o -. nauk. red,;' M64W, Ao"Ps, kand. fiz.-mat;,nauk, red.; SUBASHIM, V.K., kand. fiz.-mt. na,~k, red.; SELMIN, ]C.A.. in2h.; redo; ACHKINA Sh.D. inzh., red.; FMIM, D.P., tekhn. red, [Photoresistors] Fotoooprotivioniia. Leningrad'. Leningr. dom nauchno- tekhn. propagandy, 1957- 54 p. (Poluprovodniki, no.6).(KM 11:91 (Photoelectric cells) SUBASNITXV. Vagan Kasparovich, kand. fiz'.~-mat nauk.; IOFFE, A.F., akad., glavrxv.v red.; SOHnISKIY. M.S..knnd. fiz.-mat. nauk,red.; NASLAKOMS. Tu. P,.dciktor f iz.-mat. gauk, ~ red.; j)JOLIVSXIT,,.-G",, dok-tor f iz.-mat. rAuk.-red.; SHAWN. S.S.. doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, -r'eil.; REGELI. A.R., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.;SHAGURIN, K,A.#iu;h.i"d.',- ACHKIMADZI, Sh.D..inzh.,rsd.; FRMYM. D.P., takhn. red. [Photoelectric converters of solar energy)'Fotoelektricheskie pisobrazovateli so'Inechnoi anergil. Ianingrad. loningr. dom nauchno- tak"ha. propagandy, 1957. 61 p. (Poluprovodniki, no. 9). OIIRA 11:12) (Solar batteries) GELIAM, Isaak Khaimov ich, inzh.; "SKIN, Bamull Semenoylch,inph..~IWFE. Aj.,ftademik, red.; SOMINSKIT, M,S., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; MASLAKOVETS, Yu.P., dok-tor fiz.-mat.nauk; SHOLENSKU.- A., doktor fiz.mat.nauk; SHALYT, S.S., doktor, fiz.-mat.nauk; REGEL', A.R., kand.fiz.-mat. nauk; SUBASHIYXV, V.K., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk; SHAGURIN, K.A., inzh.; ACHKINADZE, Sh.D, inzh, red; FRMICR, D.P., [Semiconductor contact rectifiers] Poluprovodnikbvye vypriamiteli. Leningrad, Leningr.dom nauchno-tekhn.propagandy, 1957. 94 Ir. (KIRA 10:12) (Electric current rectifier) ZHUZE, Tladimir Panteleymonovich; 1OFFE, A.F., akademik, glevnyy red.; SOMINSFIY, M.S., kand.fiz.-mat.-nauk, red.; MASLAKOMS, IV.P., doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, red.;-.W1OIMi.SKIY, G..A., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; SHALYT, S.S.. doktor fiz.-mat.naulr-, red.; A.R., kand.fiz.-fmt.nauk. red.; SUBASHIYEV, V.K.,, red.; SHAGURIN, K.A., inzh.. red.; ACHKINADZE, Sh.D., inzh., red.; FRXGER, D.P., [Semiconducting materials (semiconductor elements)i Poluprovo(Ini- kovye materialy (elementy - poluprovodniki). Leningrad, 1957. 101 -D. (Obshchestvo po rasprostraneniiii politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanii RSFSR. no-17) :'(MIRA 12:4) (Semiconductors) AUTHOR Smolenskiy, G.As 57-8-18/36- TITLE On the Appearance of Spontaneous Polarization in Cristalsq (K voprosu vozniknoveniya spontannoy polyarizatsii v kristalm lakh.) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., l.957, Vol. 27, Nr 81 PP. 1,778-1783 (U,95R) ABSTRACT A surrdy is given on the ideas prevailing at present. The critics on the development of ROCHELLE salt electricity are investigated. The problem of ROCHELLEsalt-mactive ions and the problem of the nature of the chemical compounds in ROCHELLE-salt electrica and anti-ROCHELLE-salt electrics are discussed. Some data on the cons struction of electronic shells of ions being present in oxygen octahedrons- of ROCHELLE-salt electrics (which contain no hydrogen) are given. The author shows that hydrogen compounds, with the presence of which the development of spontaneous polarity in some compounds containing hydrogen is-connected, in all. ROCHELLE-Wffalt electrics, containing hydrogen or notp are not pure ion compounds. (With IL table and U. Slavic references). ASSOCIATION Leningrad Institute for Semiconductors of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. (Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad.) SUBMITTED Feb.1, l-957- AVAILA,BLE Library-of Congress Card 141 Tqui)ov, V. A-, A.~,,ranovskaya, A. I-~J-7-11-15/33 il~'THCK SMOLENSKII G.A.,, ISUPOV V-A-,.AGRANOV3KA1A A.I., PA' - 3o4l TITIS --?nMT-TrW2r1t1-6s in Beignette-Eiectric SoAd Solutions on the Basis of Strontium Pyro Tantalate. (Fszovyyi perekhody v segnetoelektricheskikh tyerdykh raBtvorakh na o9nove .pirotantalata strontsiya ~Russian) I FERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1~57, Vol 1-13, Nr -4, PP. 803-8o5 (U.S.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed--7/1957 ABSTOZT The solid solutions of the seignette electrica. of thii type investigated* up to now.are enumerated Ln short. The present paper investigktes other solid solutions of seignette-electric niobates and tantalatea-and gives som data on the solid solutions In the following system : Sr 2~~2"7 + + 13a2Ta2 0 andbr2Ta2O?.4 %U207. Hitherto the sam- 8r2Nb207, Sr2Ta207 7 ple have not been investigated radiographically, but the distinct shifiing of CURUt's tamherature is indicative of the creation of solid .alimited concentration interval.,The samples were produced according tothe usual ceramic method and were annealed for-6ne hour at a temperature*of 1480%. An 'increase of the CURU temperature of the.solid solutions of Sr2(Ti,Nb')20 was expected on the.occasion of the replacementcf Ta-ions by Nb-ioxa. Le presezt paper confirms this expectatioti, as may be seen from the attached diagrams of'the temperature dependence of the dielectri- city emstant of the solid solutions in the system 5r2Ta2(~+Ur?Nb207. Tile dard 1/2 CLMS temperature increased by about 320 on the occasion of an .increase of i ~.UTHCR- 5MOUNSKIL G.A., ISUPOV V.A., AMV1CP1SUYA A-I-, PA - 3c&- TITLE' fh-esoTrd-S61Utions of Metaniobate a-Lid Ketatantalate of Bar!:.~M in Barium-Titanate which Have Seignette -Electric Properties. ('fverdyye rastvory metanio'bata i metatantalata bariya v titanat-e barlya, obladayushchiye segnetoolaktricheskimi svoystvami -Russi.-M) PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk Szia~ 1957, Vol 113, Nr 5, pp lo53-1056 Received 6/1957 Rev-iewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT The authors investigated various compound systems BaTiOa - B&0s5'1FOQ5 and BaTiQ3 - Bao,~TaO,3 With a content (of up to lo mol.-pereent) of BaO15UbO3 and Bau'5TaO3. The polycrystalline samples with a low degr~me of open porosity-were produced in the usual manner. The introduction of bari- um-metaniobate into the,' barium titanate modif ies the t r o7pe ature dep~~adance of E and tg 6 considerably. With a content of 1 mol.- 0 Bao,5NbO3 theE ~ peak.vanishes at Curie point and there remains only a salient point in the curve L = f (T) . If the 13&6,5ND03 content increases,, this salient point be- comes less pronounced, and with more than 5 mol-0/0 Bao,5NbO3 it vanishes entirely. In scild solutions a maximum of E is found to ezist in the domain of the pha:se transition from the tatragonal to the orthorhodbic structure. If the coheentration of bariumpmetaniobate increases, the maxima of the cur, vas 9 - f(T) weaker and more washed out, on which occasion they shift to- wards lower temperatures. The position of the maxima and of the salient point-s of th'e curve 6 - f(T) does riot depend on frequency in solid sclut3.cns, Card 1/2 In solid solutions with a high content of barium metaniobate tg 6 chan,:q ~S M 0 /_ E, N Y, 24( 0) FILAM I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1180 Vsesoyuznaya konferent'siya po fizike dielektrikov, Dnepropetrovsk, 1956. Fizika dialektrikov; trudy konferentsii... /(The Physics of Dielectrics; Trans- actions of the All-Union Conference on the Physics of Dielectrics) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 245 P. 3,000 copies printed/ Resp. Ed.: Skanavi, G.I., Doctor of Physical -Mathematical Sciences; Ed.: Fillp- pova, K.V. , Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Starokadomskaya, Ye.L.; Tech. Ed.: Astaflyeva, G.A. Sponsoring Agencies: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Fizicheskiy institut, and Dnepropet- rovsk. Universitet. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific research workers, professors, industrial engineers and laymen who are interested in the study and use of j dielectrics and dielectric materials. COVERAGE: /This volume publishes reports presented at the A1.1-Union Conference on the Physics of Dielectrics held in Dnepropetrovsk in August 1956, sponsor- ed by the "Physics of Dielectrics" Laboratory of the Fizicheskiy institut Carc 1/.0 The. Physics of DielecLrics (Cont. ) SOV/1180 ABSTRACTS OF REPORTS READ AT THE CONFERENCE AIM PUBLISHED IN THE JOURNAL "IZVESTIYA Ail) SSSR, SERIYA FIZICRESUYAn, Nos 3 and 4, 1956 Kseadzov, Ya~M. The Inflizence of Admixtures on the Electrical Properties of Ratile 5 Finkel'shteyn, B.,N. and N.C. Fastov. (Moscow, Institut stali (Institute of Steel] The Rela-xation Theory of Electrical Polarization 5 Skanavi, G.I., Ya.I.-Kseadzov, V.G. Prokhvatilov, V.A. and Trigubenko. Non-Seignette-Electric Dielectrics With High Dielectric Constant 6 Smolenskiy, G.A., V.A. lsupov, A.I. Agranovskaya and Ye.D. Sholokhova, 1,-H3_ngY.:Fu1, -Institut khim:Li silikatov AN SSR ( Institute for Silicate Chem- istry, AS USSR] Polarization and Dielectric Losses in Several Solid Solutions of the First and Second Classes 7 Glauberman, A.Ye. [L'vov, Gosudarstvennyy universitet (State University) Theory of Systems with Non-Centralized Vechanism of Particle Interaction. 7 Card ~~P_ .02 48-22-3-2/N Polarization and Dielectric Losses in Some Solid Solutions of the First and Second Type. Theses of the Lecture. The Complete Article is I`ublished in ZhTF, 1957, fir 27, p. 2528 and DAN USSIR, 1957, N.,. 113, pp. 803 and 1053 3) The system of the solid solutions BaTiO -LaA10 was 3 3 investigated. 4) Solid solutions of the fiz-st type: (Sr, Ca)2Ta.20V (Sr, Ba)2Ta20V Sr2(Ta, Nb )207 were investi.1-ated on the basis of strontium-pyrotanta-late. 5) The results obtained by the provisional investi-ation of the solid soli!tions of the second type are -iven: BaTiO BaTa206 and BaTiO~-BaNY6. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of the Chemistry of Silic--tes,AS USSR) Card 2/2 1. Crystals--Polarization 2. Alloys--Dielectric properties 24(6 A= 1]3rWX2ATICK SCYA503 Akadectlys. nauk SSSR. In#tjtut poluprovodmtkov/ P0luYr0v0dn1k:L v nauk* I takhnike, t. 2. (5--goonductors In Science and Toohnology, Vol 2) Moscow, Izd-va AN 333 , 1956. 658 P. 17.000 copies printed. Kemp. Ed. I A. F. larfe, Tech. Sid. % R.3. Pevzmor. FURPWXi This collection of articles is Intooded for scientists, on- 51nears; and technicians. COVERAaRl The collection. published by the SemIcanductor Institute, Academy of Science*, U33R, under the suporvIsLan of Academician A.F. iofre, contains Parts II and III of a tvo-volume work on semi- sandu4tors. Part 11 completes the material on semiconductor devices, begun In Volume Is and Part III describes various semiconductor ma- terials. Lack of space did not permit lmc2umlon of such subjects as crystal counters, th aMae I..tric gall erxtors, a tomin batteries, luadnophores, swAlcondua tor catalyzera. materials for 00--Pl*x cathodes and various other applications or somicoodu*zors. lorfe points out tl~,~ American scientists V. Johnson and 1. LArk- SorovItx an semiconductors at low tomperattxres deals with a subject hardly covered In the Soviet literature. Similarly. the article by the Swiss scientists 0. Busoh and U. Winkler r1lls a gap In the Soviet literature on methods of InvestisatIng sealconduotor charac- torlatics. Theme subjects will be dealt w--th exclusively In a pro- posed third volume. References appear separatoly after *&ch AWwM. TABLE OF CON=Mt Ch. 20. a 2 ,a and 1,0o "'Ich. Terrostavatic ' 0. Onlutr. emloomMuo ors 349 the author 41scuss the application of forraime4potic samicanduo- tore In multichannel telephony, radar, eloctroaccustion, oleo- Sronla counters, acres of induction coils, transformers and ril- Sera. p&rwsment magnets, 1004vie too trio tion tramaduc*rso memory elmments# @to. They explain the ar7stallozraphr or forrites and the theor*tieLl fundamentals of nonccmponaazwed antiferromagnat-ism. cam 619 a discuss problems or magnetic sAtUxItiOn In ferrite& and They gas their bahavicur in &-a magnetic fields szd at very high frequencies. Spsois.l chapter$ cover such subjects me 4lsztr1%maXn*tic Oscillations In forriten and nonlinear proos3ses oG4U=Im9 at vary high rrequen- Ojos. The concluding chapters dena with the electric properties or forritag and with ferrite mAteriman and th&Lr -sale* tion. There are 53 references, of wUah 33 are English OX4 210 Soviet. Ch. 21. and V.A. Isupow. 3eIgnetooleatric -maze 425 am thora explain the dIfferences and a1xL2&rLtiss between .&sign a tooloo trio, plazools4tric and forromagmatic materials. They present a historical survey or salznot0qj*ctrIcLty and provide data tables of seIgne tool** trI a materials. The authors explain the run- &Lmcntals of the microscopic theories an 41a,1gnatc*joc trio phenomena and discuss In detail the crystal lattice structure, physical Pro- perties and problems of producing various aftlCle toolea trio materials. they briefly describe antissignatooloctric m.&tqrjLls and draw atten- Uon to recently adopted applications of t-hose materlolele.C., mini- ature eapaoltors, nonlinear capacitors, P18=02emOnto and memory slemests. There are 35 reforenass. or which, 20 are Soviet. 13 English 0=4 7/9 AUTHOR S. Smolenskily, G. A. . Agrano-skayaa. A, 1, 071/57. 23--7-21/35 TITLE Die! 7. -Eric. Polarization and Losses of So-me Com.-lex Compounds (Dielel-Aric-heskaya polyarizatsiya i poteri nekotorykh soyedi- neniy slozhno-o sostava) PERIODIC2,L; Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1958; Vol,, 28, Nr 7. pp. 1491 - 1493 (USSR) ABSTRACT.~ The authors investi-g-Ae by the example of oxygen compounds with perovskite structures the possibility of obtaining compounds of complex composition. In this case the [;eneral formula reads: (A.'', .- A ) (B -~B,)O The conditions necessary for-the k 3* ions A, and B. are written do-an. Considerin& that the ions tend 1 1 co a certain coordinate number it may be assumed that the possi- bility of the forination of a number of coriipounds (k,jA 2)(B,~B 2)03 vrith perovski-te structure is riot impossible. In an analogous way also the possibility of the formation of solid solutions of com-~,ounds -aith complex composition and perovskite structure, as viell as of compounds and solid solutions of other structures Card 1/3 can be investif-ated. A number of such compounds and solid so- Dielectric Polarization and Losses of Some Complex 50'~,57- 29 -7 -21/35 Compounds lutions were synthetically investigated on this basis. It was shown that of the investigated compositions with perovskite structure Pb',(NiNb I and Pb3 (MgNb2)0 have a high dielectric 2)09 9 constanz. Pb 3YgNb 209 is a ferroelectric substance with a Curie temperature of-100C, The high dielectric cmAant of Pb 3Hillb 209 is dependent on the relaxation mechanism of polarization. It is possible that the relaxation mechanism in Pb 3Nillb2 09and in some other compounds and their solid solutions does not depend on ion processes but on electron processes. It is assumed that a ferro--electric phase zransition exists in the "relaxators" at sufficiently low temperatures. The difference in the -mechanisms of dielectric polarization in the compounds Pb 3 Mglfb209and Pb3NiNb 209 in the investigated temperature interval proves the important role played by the structure of the electron shells of the ions and the character of the chemical binding. Thus a ferroelectric substance with complex composition was discovered Card 2/3 for the first time. The authors show ways for searching ferro- Dielectric Polarization -and Losses of Some Complex JUY/157- 28-7-21/35 Com.dounds electrics, and moreover of compounds of complex composition as wellasof solid solutions with irit(~reating electric and ma6nietic properties. R.A.Zvinchuk ansiated in this work and supervised the determination of the lattice parameters of elementary cells of the investigated compounds. It could not be fDund which of the formulae was correct, that with or that rithout brackets. One of them must be a misprint. There are 1 figure, 1 table,and 1 Soviet referan2a. ASSOCIATION: Ir-stitut Doliiy)rovodnikov All SSSR Lenin1:--r---(i (Inutitute for Semiconductors. AS USSR, leningrad) SUBMITTED: JanuarY 7, 19~8 Complex ions- -Po larogr aphic analysis Card 3/3 C.-T.: -:0 J 0 mo -f t--n:-' K 1.7% gr-,i novck a y a, :Oupov, T T New Ferroelectric `u bota tic es of Compit-x r,egn,-.-z,,, slozntiogo sostava T T . Pb Fe NoO, and -rb YbNbO ( I I -l'b 4't, a 2 6 'Lhjrna! teKnninnaskuy t'izii-i'Vol 28, ~ir Com-po,!, ion ovy y C NO N b C) op '21:`-2-211t-A CT - Thiz pai)er cover.; ar, o, zne Oyiitnet-lc p-odoc,.ion cf polycrystaliine sampl~!s Of lb 2~, e NbO6 and To Y OJ b 06' T 1, ey 7i r e D.Y11MCCized by a rt-action in solid phase accoraing to conven- tional vowder-metallu.-,S-ical me-thod-j. -Trie Pb 1; FeNbO6samples were at the ;'b sinr,ercd , ;~ I bNbC.)6aT, C. It was -~sLabiished b,,,: X-rjuy structural analyses the cumpounds produced have a thk,. riiob-ium-, yr,,.erb-um-, ,jnd iron inz-: occupying octshedric positions. The dieiectric constant of Pb2 FeNbo 6 sampies passes tirough a maximum at 112()C. Pronouncea r6 1/2 dieiFctric lcofm -. .-t-- hit,irid Ft room terjper:i!ur.~. !'prroeiectric '~ubst-,nce8 of a Corn:)Iex Comoosition, SOV/57-O-)c-s.4,~, IT 'Lli r, C: d b b i b G 6 j3 a I'erroelectric s~ibstance. Th~ maxim,"rn, r..,' ~h~ -;-,ctric cc-nzitan-. o.` ',;b NoO, h i c n i m -a 1 Coun d a t a rr, c t ihiK,,ier valoc!, at e~,,iO C. ThE curve flT exhlbits a kink n, . r -:-' 4 Iq : eQaals 0.)i at room ternDerat-ure and a frecuency Key. 1L auickly Jncr ns,~,; a L lleating, pa.,4-inp thrcugh a not v 1 - [-.v -,"Inimum aL about ~40 C, and increasing again nence- ,.,j-th. 'Phe, `c-lectric con-~tan~~ v-rsus temnera-ure funczi~~n 1~'PIL,il 01* dint- - ferroeleczric i;Ab~-,*u5n,,-,-,S, ao,,t?ncc- -)f* a ond tqe ;mai i ci,itc-rion t -~t.,-,ntiate tht; an,';omul ion t7 a L subz 11 b."I bNO.'. s a. n ure ref erenc ea. -i-ch re et. n - 2/2 SMOLENSKIY, G.A.; ISUPOV, V.A.; AGRAITOVSX&YA, A.I. Dielectric polarization of solid solutions in the system (Ba,Sr) Ta,Nb)206, Je '59. (MIRA 12-10) l.Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Solutions, Solid-Blectric properties) SMOIZNSKIY, G.A.; AGRAMOVSKAYAt A.I.; POPOV, S.N. Polarization mechanism in Pb3NINb 0 solid solutions. IFiz.tver.tela 1 no.1:167-168 Iya ?; ?9Nb209 (MIRA 12:4) (Solutions, Solid) (polar*ization (Electricity)) SMOLENSKIY, G.A.; ISUPOV, V.A.; AGRANOVSKAYA. A.I. New group of seignettoelectrics with a laminated structure. Fiz. tver.tela 1 no.1:169-170 Ja 159- (MIRA 12:4) (Ferroelectric subatances) SMOLENSKIY,.G..A.; ISTJPOV, V.A.; AGRANOVSKAYA, A.I. t3 es) 0( New eeignettoelectics of complex composition of the type P1634) IT 0 Part 1. Fiz.tver.tela 1 no.1:170-171 Ja '59. (MIRA 12: (Ferroelectric substances) ( q#-2( +36+5 2 8 1 11)0(.) SNTOLENSKIYO' G.A.; ISUPOV, V.A.; AGRANOVSKAYA, A.I. Seignettoolectric properties of solid solutions in the system FbNb206 - BaRb206 - SrNb206- Fiz- tvar. tela 1 no-3:442-449 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:5) l.Institut poluprovednikov AN SSSR, leningrad. (Solutions, Solid) (Curie point) (Ferroelectric substances) SYOLENSKIY, G.A.; AGRAI;DVSKAYA, A.I.; ISUFOV, V.A. Pb New seignettoelectrics of complex comPosition. Part 3: 21006, Pb3Fe2WO9. Pb2FeTaO6. Fiz. tvar. tela 1 no.6:990-992 Je 159. (MIRA 12:10) 1.Institut poluprovodnikov Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Forroolectric substances) 66336 _2~ 2*7?06 SOV1181-1-10-11121 AUTHORS: Smolenskiy, G. A., Agranovskaya, A. I. TITLE: Dielectric Polarization of a Number of Compounds of Complex Composition PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol 1, Nr 10, PP 1562 - 1572 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The f-- and tg8-values were measured at room temperature and I kilocycle by the usual methods for a number of polycrystalline, synthetic complex compounds. The results obtained for 19 samples (such as Ba(Ta, Al)O 3' Ba(Nb 0-51 Al 0.5 )031 Pb(Ta, AI)O 39 Ba(Ni,Nb)o 39 etc) are given in table 4. Table 3 contains the exact compdsition of the various samples, the prelimi,riary and_fina,.l annealing temperature and annealing time. 8 of these saiiples belong to the perovskite minerals. The structure of one sample was indicated by I. G. Is- mail-zade. Further results of measurement are shown in dia- grams; the temperature dependence of the e- and tg6-values of Pb (Mg,Nb at I.,kilocycle (Fig,!); trie -E Zi i1nd ~.tgb -values 3 2)09 Card 1/3 66336 Dielectric Polarization of a Number of Compounds of BOV/181-1-10-11/21 Complex Composition of Pb3 (Ni,Nb2)09 at 1, 45, 450, and 1500 kilocycles (Figs 2-3); the E- and tg6-values of some more samples (Fig 4), and the F_- and tg6-values of the sample 1-10 at 1, 450, and 1500 kilo- cycles. Theoretical considerations which have been discussed in detail in the introductory note and experimental results permit the following conclusions: 1) Certain complex compounds of a particular structure as well as their solid solutions can be predicted on the basis of the condition of electric neutra- lity, the specific nature of the crystal structure and the tendency of ions to subordinate themselves to a certain coor- dination. The phase diagram of the corresponding multicomponent system need not be studied. 2) Among the investigated perov- skite samples, Pb 3 (Ni,N*b2)09 and Pb 3(Mg,Nb 2)09 have the largest dielectric constant. The compound Pb 3 (Mg,Nb 2)09 is a Seignette salt. The dielectric polarization of Pb (Ni,Nb )0 is character- ized by relaxation and piezoelectric prgcesses~ 12 is assumed here that the activation energy of relaxing particles be very small within the region of phase transition. The results Card 2/3 4V 66336 Dielectric Polarization of a Number of Compounds of SOV/181-1-10-11/21 Complex Composition of this investigation were published at the II All-Union Conference on FL-rroelectricity held at Rostov-na-Donu in 1957. There are 5 figure3, 4 tables, and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute for Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leningrad) L~K SUBMITTED: August 4, 1958 Card 3/3 66337 2A7900 SOT/181-1-10-12/21 AUTHORS: Smolenskiy, G. A., Isupov, V. A., Agranovskaya, A. I. TITLE- Ferroelectric Solid Solutions of Substitution With Subtraction PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol 1, Nr 10, PP 1573 - 1582 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to complement publications by many Western authors and the Soviet scientists Skanavi and Ksendzov, the authors studied the #wroelectric properties of the following systems: BaTiO -Ba 0-5 NbO 3; BaTiO,-Ba 0.5 Ta03 ;BaTiO,-La 2/3 Tio3;BaT '03- -BaO;NiO; BaTiO3-WO 3' BaT '03 -BaO:AIO, .5 ; BaT '03 -NaT '02-5- The samples were prepared by the usual ceramic methods. For burning temperatures of the samples see table 1. The temper- ature dependence of the E.- and tg6-values for the individual systems is graphically illustrated in figures 1,2,4, 5, 6 and 10. Figure 3 shows the temperature dependence of phase trans- formations occurring in the solid solutions of the systems Card 1/3 BaTiO 3-La 2/3 Tio3and BaTiO 3-LaAlO 3* The temperature dependence ql*" 66337 Ferreelectric Solid Solutions of Substitution SOV/181-1-10-12/21 With Subtraction of the specific elongation of the solid solutions of BaTiO -Ba 0.5-YbO3 is depicted in figure 8. Figure 7 repre- sents the dielectric hysteresis 10OP3 of the solid solution of the system BaTiO 3-Ba 0-5 NbO3as dependent on the BaNbO 3 content. Figure 9: temperature dependence of the dielectric constant of the solid solutions of the system BaTiO -Ba 0.5 NbO3 as dependent on the Ba 0-5 NbO 3concentration. Final digest: 1) The ferroelectric solid solutions of substitution with sub- traction may be divided into two groups: a) In the first group the maximum of the dielectric constant at the Curie point is retained even if the solid solution contains a high per- centage of the second component. b) The maximum of the di- electric constant of the second group is suppressed already by a small percentage of the second component. The first group includes the solid solutions of La 213 TO3 in BaTiO 3' whereas the solid solutions of Ba 0.5 NbO,, Ba 0.5 TaOVand BaO:NiO Card 2/3 in BaTiO3 belong to the second group. 2) The properties e 66337 Ferroelectric Solid Solutions of Substitution SOV1181-1-10-12121 With Subtraction of the solid solutions (second group) of substitution with subtraction may be explained by the perturbing effect of electrons and holes located-near the vacancies of the crystal lattice. The first report on this investigation was delivered at the All-Union Conference on''Ferroelectricity held at Rostov-na-Donu in 1957-The Soviet scientists Yu. N. Venevt- sev, A. F, Ioffe, Devyatkova, and Stillbans are quoted in this article. There are 10 figures, 1 table, and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute for Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: August 18, 1958 Card 3/3 88695 '7-43-00 loq~- Il-'TS) S/058/60/000/0io/004/0i4 A001/AO01 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1960, No. 10, P.,054, # 27014 AUTHORS: Smolenskiy, G.A., Agranovskaya, A.I., Sholokhova, Ye.D. TITLE: Ferroelectric Properties of Solid BaTiO3-LaAlO 3 Solutions PERIODICAL: Fiz. sb. L'vovsk. un-t, 1959, No. 2 (7), PP. 101-- 106 TEXT: Ferroelectric properties of solid solutions in the BaTiO LaAlO 3 system were investigated. In this system solid solutions are formed WN~ the structure of perovskite, possessing ferroelectric properties at the high content of barium titanate. The Curie point and dielectric constant in the peak of solid solutions are sharply decreasing with an increase in the content of lanthanum aluminate. No spontaneous polarization occurs in lanthanum aluminate and in solid solutions containing more than 16 molar % LaA10 . These experimental data corrob- orate the viewpoint that central ions in ferroeiectries must have the structure of inert gases after losing s- and d-electrons, i.e., must form from atoms with the card Card 1/2 IOFFE. V.A. [ translator] ;_ ~! ~01.~#SKIY,__!I.A. . 7d.; BURTSRV, A.K., red.; KORNILOY, B.I.,; POTAPHNKOVA, Ye.S., [Dielectric spectroscopy; recent studies onithe propskisa of -certain ferromagnetic semiconductors and diA-ectrics: relaxotion processes, electric conductance, losses. and the role of structural defects. Translated articles] Dielektricheakeis spektroskopiia; noveishie issleaovaniia evoistv nekbtorykh forromagnitnykh-polu- provodnikov i dielaktrikov; relakestpionup protsessy, elektropro- voanost's Poteri i roll aefektov struktury. Sbornik statei. Pod red. G.A.Smolanskogo. Noskwaq Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 196o. 362 p. ,(MM 14:4) (Spectrum analysis) (Dielectrics) (Semiconductors) tW& *. bDOX ElPLOITATICC SOV/1079 Vosacirusnaya konf,reatslys I- fisikv diolektrik- Zd, 1951 risika dlel.~ctrikiv; trudy vtoroy voes3risnoy konferentali (Phynics of Diolutri-, T,.hs-t1,ns of the 24 A-11-U.1- C,tf-mc. on the Physic, of M-m, lzd.vo A SaSR, 19~0. 5]2 p. Errata slip InserteJ. 5,0D0 copies printed. 'Ap.. , oftj-. Ae-tcy, n..k SXR.'y L-tit.t i-1 P.M. We's r1d, of Publisb!ng Hillsit T%.L. Sterokadmekeye, T-.h. FA.: 1,9. DcrtlahAn.; W- torial Boordi (peep. 14.) C.I. SkansvI, D~ctor of Physics -1 11.^th-tl~s 0- .... d), and 1.7. Fil_FP__.' of Phy'le. end ?Uth.meu... KILP03E, This colla~,tic. of r.p~rta is i.t.odd for adi-tist. lb-ItIC.-I.J the physic, or dielectrics. COVCRAGS~ Th. S"ccJ C~.Nlvnc, to the Phys-tv .1 D.,l._t,Ic, held in M-ow at the F121chsskI7 Izetttut I=#1i P.I. let,.d- t?hyci~. Institute L-ni P.R. Lebod-) In 1953 - stt#~I~J by ....... ti,~_, of the scientific c,.t.rg or ttwe U.13R end .1 .... -1 cth. r , -his c,,I- lft~.ou contain. vlst of' tb* reports prosett-d at tho conference end -ribs of the dia4usalc:ij which n9 recrIx In this collection deal with dielectric propert4os, 1-fl, atd ;c,l&riutjon, and with q;ecific ".I.Acti- of try,tels. ".p'-d.. am slactrv-j, farr~1e,trt: cryatals, end -t- rel"t%an -d irr4dlatl~ of- feet. cn dI.l,ct.!cs are j.,.stgetel, The ,l_~ list of ther p^p-rs Nasem ed It he Coof'ron 1...... . -4 d*ollvC with polArIcati br-kd-ce of d141Wr1ca , hit% .,:. V.,bli.ttd it the S_,tly. 0 WSR , serlya W2. "4:,% 1q., are menti.-d. Referent,.. a.-cc%;,ny .,~ t-,crt. G..1.7 A.I. ker.=,.k~,ya, I.A. Isupo, W'j S I. P. V., Q of Ss.i ... 3~ tort AS USSR] 339 X.22L6X-1a. Geometric Model For the Nocription of Poly=rphous Phcis Transition. ~Cystala (Phymics Di,I,J.n, Stale Co~!,.r.lty M.T. Lomono2OT) )A7 I.M. S_-jLrjj-=A_&nd Dooml, Struo- _VM~# 'and Certain Fhjsri_xT_Pr:,pertiss of polarized Trl;lytina -ulfat* C.'7at-ls 11"tituts, of Crysts.11c,iraphy, Academy of Sciences U33R, Moscow) )51 M-A.S., end Zh.%!_- _Z-.4-Som, CrIstell.ebaulcal Problems or F.- x "t'ric Crystla-Wi-th a Hrlrog.o Bood Clutit.t. of Cr7.t.1l.graphy, AS U31q, . oscov] ... ..... I - - .1 )66 _Y.rb ff-t of Chromic, L.S. Stolt,y`c.A. E. Z-jds on the Z1,at'l rcp.-t to on -or 372 CharnZj, BA - 6CcZrO3e System Electrical Proportion of the B&T103 NnWf-p-~ro;'1A'i!y G-s-lexat..,vy uni-rsite. U-prop,tr.- St.t. ty) 385 X I.S., I.S. Raz' A.S. Socdn' V.I. Gilikly, V.M 11.%Zerl'~~ V'A- trf.-Prop-ti.' of G_~'_'I-Al " fn-=- (T-'.-.r. .-I. lab?r.toiy 'Yetot.k.--niki. (C,.- tral. Scientific-Re, 1.;y~ :Irch Laboratory of P ..h.- Institute of Crystnllo- gr.phy, AS USSR, M 393 jLnZjLk=.1-'L. and O.A. 51-jg-. L!'fect of ~S~ll Allition A~,,ntl an 1 .1 Electrical No;-ties of PolycrY3t4l B&7iO3 [Dnepro;etrovak State ~hi- 1* ity] are G-~-Ich. Problem of the Conoettion Between Electric Conducti,itj of rr,;sl~~,ii~i~ Cry,talLecd F::-*a'--.r-cI.j [Central Sol- tLf-c-Re-ch Lb.-t-y of PI-L.C l.q M.11-j 410 C--d 11/15 SIROVA, N.N., akademik,; BELOV, K.P., prof., red.; KONDORSKIT, Te.I.j prof,j rod.; POLIVANOV, K.M., prof., red.; ULSOIN, R.Y., prof., red.; SMOLENSKIT, G.A., prof., red.; SHCLITS, N.H., kand. fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; WOLTARENKO, E.M., red.; BASHKIROV, L.A., red.; KHOLYAVSKIY. S., red.izd-va; VOLOKHANOVICH, I., [Ferrates; physical a 'nd physicochemical properties] Ferrity; fizicheakie i fiziko-khimicheakie avoistva. Doklady. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad.nauk BSSR, 196o. 655 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Vsesovuznoye soveshchaniye po fizike, fiziko-khimicheskim svoystvam ferritov i fizicheskim osnovam ikh primeneniya. 2. All BSSR (for Sirota). (Ferrates) 86444 S/181 60/002/011/032/042 Boo6 Bc6o YB AUTHORS: Smolenskiy, G. A., Isupov, V. A., Agranovskaya, A. I., and Popov, S. 7~' TITLE: Ferroelectrics With Blurred Phase Transitions PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 2906-2918 TEXT: This is the reproduction of a lecture delivered at the All-Union Conference on Ferroelectricity which took place in Moscow in January, 1960. A report was made on studies conducted on polycrystalline specimens of ferroelectrics with blurred phase transition and belonging to the two systems Pb(MgjjjNb2.jjO 3 -Pb(Nilh Nb,13)03and Ba(Nb, Ta )206 - Sr(Nb,Ta) 206' These ferroelectrics exhibit a relaxation polarization in the region of phase transition. The technique of the specimen preparation has already been described by A. I. Agranovskaya (Ref. 6); and the method of measure- ment in Ref. 2. Investigation results are illustrated in diagrams and are discussed in great detail. Fig. 1 shows & and tang as functions of temperature for Pb(Ni7h Nb,,,)O, in weak fields at frequencies between 1 and Card I /~ 86444 Ferroelectrics With Blurred Phase Transitions S/161/60/002/011/032/042 B006/BO60 1500 kc. Both curve groups exhibit a maximum between -150 and -100 0C, the precise position and height of which is somewhat frequency-dependent. The maximum loss angle is the larger the higher the frequency. Fig. 2 shows the temperature dependence of E and tanS on Pb(mgl/,Nb,/,)O 3 in weak fields at frequencies between 0.4 and 4500 kc. This compound as well exhibits loss angle maxima, lying between -50 and OOC and which are the higher, the higher the frequency. The E-maxima (between 9000 and 12000) are the higher, the lower the frequency. At 0.4, 1, and 45 kc they still lie at negative temperatures, but already at positive ones at 450, 1500, and 4500 kc. The ascending part of the E(t) curves is frequency dependent, but not so the dropping part. Figs- 3 and 4 show oscillograms of the hysteresis loops of these two compounds at -90 and -1960C, respectively, taken at varying electric field strengths (E max ~ 20 kv/cm and 60 kvlcm). Fig. 5 shows the temperature dependence of total polarization on Pb(Mg1j,Nb2.(3)03' Pb(Ni,I,Nb,13)0,, and solid solutions xPb(Mg,,,NVO 3 + (1-x)Pb(N~j,Nb2j3)OY the x-values being given near the curves. Fig. 6 shows, for these speci- mens.. the spontaneous polarization as a temperature function, Fig. 7 the Card 4~ 86452 S/181/60/002/011/042/042 B006/BO60 AUTHORS: Smo G. A. Isupov ` V. A., Agranovskaya, A. I., 3~Ln ~Krayvnl TITLE: New Ferroelectrics of a Complicated Composition. IV PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960., Vol. 2, No, 11, pp. 2982-2985 TEXT: This is a report en the discovery of now perovskite-t e ferro- electrics, which may be described by the empirical formulas YrB 11 0 5Na 0 51. r1o3 and[Bi 0-5y'0-51 TiO 3' The Curie temperatures of these compounds ar; 3206 and 3800C, respectively. The compounds were prepared by mixing the initial substances Bi 203' TiO 2'K2CO,, and Na 2CO .3 in a stoichiometric ratio, and by sintering them in the air at 1120-1140 (Bi,-Na) and !0600C (Bi-K) for an half an hour to two hours, The pe.-ovski4te structure of the compounds thus obtained was established by X--ray.-. The parameters of the elementary cells of the two compounds were found to be a = 3.88 and 3.94 A, respectively,. In the said compounds. the authors determined ~, tang 7~ Card 1 /10 864-52 New Ferroelectrics of a Complicated Composition, IV S/181/'60/002/011/042/042 BOO6/Bo6o the relative longitudinal expansion 61/11 and the coefficient of linear expansionr~ as temperature functicris, Results are shown in Figs. 1 and 2~ A study of polarization revealed that sodi_um bismuth titanate has a well-shaped almost rectangular hysteresis loop, whereas that of potassium bismuth titanate is far from 8aturation, The first mentioned compound has at '1160C a spontaneous polarizatiofi Of 8.,Opcoul/cM2 and a coercive force of 14 kv/cm., It was further establ;shed that a1sc INa 0.5 BiO.5]Zr 03 and [K O~5 Bio. 51 ZrO3havE U perovskite-type crystallization, There are 2 figures and 18 referencesi 15 Soviet, ! US, and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: June 30, 1960 20151 j,q3oo ~akd 1/47) //Sy 1"5-9) S/181/61/003/002/049/050 B102/B201 AUTHORS: Smolenskiy, G. A,, ChanC Tsung. and Stankevich, A~ K TITLE: Effect of electron diffusion upon the radio-frequency dispersion of the magnetic permeability- of garnet-type ferrites PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3. no. 2, 7961, 663-667 TEXT: In weak electric and ma-netic fields.. certain ferrites display relma- tion processes which are correlated with electron diffusion. The mechanism of these relaxation processes has never been fully clarified so far. In this connection, a study was made of the complex magnetic permeability and the complex dielectric constant, as well as of the dielectric and semicon- ductor properties (the latter were studied by Ya. M., Ksendzov and V~ A. Sto- gova). Concerning the study of the dispersion of the magnetic permeability a report has already been given at the 3rd All-Union Conference concerned with physics, the physicochemical properties of ferrites, and the physical bases of their application (June, 1959. Minsk) The polycrystalline spec- imens were prepared by the usual ceramic technique, using analytically pure Card 14 5, 20151 05C S/18 61/003/002/040/1j,,~ Effect of electron ... B102Y3201 10 6 and 107 ohm-cm. *Vfhen the specimens were heated in oxygen current, the. 2-. ity inc~_eased. Fig. 2 concentration of Fe ions was reduced, and resistiv _sl,ows the frequency dependence of ~L' and ~Pl at room temperature and H~,I moe 14 of polycrystal ~ne specimens prior to (curves I and 11) and after (2, 21) xy vas added to some ~heatinE; in o. -,e'n current (15 hr at 10000C). 1-2~,, of CuO 1'e. of 'he specimens (curves 3 and 3) , their 'resistivi-ty ranged bet~,.reen 10 11 10 and 10 ohm-cm at room temperature; similar results were ob-tained on specimens with 1 -25'0 Mn 203 addition (4, 4'). For a comparison, Fig. 2 shows , moreover, the frequency dependence of g' of single crystals (curve 5). The single crystals had a resistivity of 10 12 ohm-cm. A study of the three abovementioned solid solutions showed that PI is reduced with increasing A131- concentration, and that the maximum of P" is shifted toward higher frequen- cies. The iIntroduction of Cr3+ increases pl. The magnetic and electric spectra (i.e., pl(f) and V(f)) of the ferrites investicated have a similar course. in all cases where there arises electron diffusion,. p' and El at- 'high values at small frequencies. A final clari, ct fication of the effe o`L' electron diffusion upon the dispersion of magnetic permeability requires further studies. V. A. Iof-Pe, A. G. Gurevich, and i. Ye. Gubler are men- Card 3A5 20151 S/181/61/003/002/049/050 Effect of electron B102/3201 tioned. -There are 2 figures and 8 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non- Soviet-bloc. A330CIATION: Institut poluprovoanikov All SSSR LeninGrad (institute of Semi- conductors of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SU3MITTED: September 3, 19601001 Fig. 1 Card 411 20796 s/161/61/003/003/022/030 3 0 0 3 6 j /I VS1- /I V71 //5 B102/B205 AUTHORS: Smolenskiy, G. A., Isupov, V. A., and Agranovskaya, A. I. TITLE: Laminated ferroelectrics of the oxygen-octahedron type PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 3, 1961, 695-901 TEXT: In an earlier paper (Ref. 1: FTT, 1, 1, 169, 1959), the authors have uttered the opinion that compounds of the general formula ABi 2B20 9 (A - Ca 2+ ) Sr 2+ , Ba 2+ , Pb 2+ , Bi 3+ ; B = T14+, NO+, Ta5+) have ferroelectric properties. Now they report on the proof of these properties and the manufacture of the new group of ferroelectrics. In the lattice of these compounds, perovskite-type layers (AB 207 )2- consisting of BO 6 octahedra alternate with 1( Bi202)2 Ix layers. Such crystals have face-centered, orthorhombic unit cells which, in first approximation, are considered to be body-centered tetragonal cells. The specimens (8_1 0 mm diameter, 0.5-2 mm thickness) were made of powdered oxides or salts of the corresponding metals: PbO, SrCO 37 BaCO 31 Bi203 trade-marked "Ma" (pro analysi), CaCO,V TiO 2 Card 1_4* /_7 20796 S/i 81/61, 100310031022103C Laminated ferroelectrics ... B102/B205 trade-marked 0411 (pure), Nb2 05 (containing Nb 99.4%, Ta 0.2~6, Fe m6%, Si 0.04%), and Ta 0 (TiO < 0-*25%-, Fe,O 0.18%). The specimens were pres- 2 5 2 C_ 3 sed from the Dowder mixtures, heated to 7000C (for 4 hr) in air, again powdered and heated to temperatures which are listed in Table I (holding time: 1 hr). The losses in weight (in lead and bismuth oxides) are given in %. The X-ray structural analysis was carried out by I. G. Ismailzade,, The temperature dependence of the initial values of F, for some of the compounds is shown in Figs. 2 and 3; the course of E(T) on heating and cooling is shown for PbBi 2Nb 209* tan 6 of these compounds at 1 kc and room temperature was equal to 0.01. It is seen that some compounds show a monotonic increase of 6 without an extramim1while other compounds have broad or sharp maxima. The highest value of E is reached by BaBi 4Ti4015- Fig- 4 shows the temperature dependence of 6 and tan 6 of the solid solutions (Pb 1-x BaX)Bi2Nb209 at 1 kc, and of the compound BaBi2Nb20 9 at I kc (contin- uous line) and 450 kc (broken line). The figures beside the curves are the values of x. Fig. 5 shows the x-dependence of the temperature at which Card S/181/61/003/003/022/030 Laminated ferroelectrics B102/B205 Creaches its maximum for (Pb I-X Bax)Bi2Nb209at 1kc (1) and 450 kc (2), ~.nd for (Pb I-x Srx)Bi2Nb209at 500 kc (3)- 'The chemical composition (1) and the temperatures of the phase transition (2) of niobates (a), tantalates (b), and titanates (c) studied are listed in Tables 2 and *3- It may be seen that all compounds of the new group of ferroelectrics have a comparatively high phase-transition temperature. This fact is attributed to the presence of Bi 3+ ions. Concerning the selection of the ions A and B, it is necessary to follow the instruction given in Ref. 8 (G. A. Smolenskiy and A. I. Agranovskaya, FTT, I, lo, 1562, 1959) for the manufacture of such ferro- electrics. The fact that the radii of the.ions A 2+ and B13+ vary consider- ably is held responsible for the disturbance of the arrangement of the ca tions forming the compound CaBi Nb 0 in several compounds with a lamini~at;d 2 2 9 structure. This explains the width of the phase transition (blurredness) and the occurrence of relaxation polarization in BaBi 2Nb209' There are 5 figures, 3 tables, and 8 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. Card 3 41 20901 S/1811/61/003/00--/028/030 6 B102/3205 AUTHORS: Smolenskiy, G. A., Kraynik, N. N., and Agranovskaya, A. I. TITLE: Antiferroelectric properties of some solid solutions on the basis of PbMg 1/2W1/203 PERIODICAL: Pizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 3, 1961, 961-990 TEXT: Antiferroelectrics of the perovskite type have so individual proper- ties that no "typical" compound (such as BaTiO 3 in the group of ferroelec- trios) can be found. When investigating antiferroelectric effects, it is therefore necessary to compare the properties of solid solutions. with various antiferroelectrics as basic material. One of the most important problems in the field of antiferroelectrics is the stability of the ferroelectric and the antiferroelectric phases. A study has now been made of this problem with the aid of the new antiferroelectric PbMg 1/2W1/20 31 and the effect of a substitution of the ions A or B in this compound has been studied (A denotes the ions contained in Derovskite-type lattices ABO 31 in sites with the coordination number 12, and B denotes the Card 1/8 2C801 S/181/61/003/003/028/030 Antiferroelectric properties B102/B205 basis of PbZrO3 and NaNbO 3' 2) Solid solutions with BaMg 1/2W1/203and CaMg1/2 W1/203showed no ferroelectric phase. A new, obviously antiferro- electric phase appears in solid solutions with CaMg1/2W1/203' 3) In the antiferroelectric phase of solid solutions with PbTiO3 and PbMgl/, Nb2/3'3 at a concentration of the second component of 5-7 and 20-2y/., respectively, a forced phase transition into the ferroelectric phase, occurs in a strong electric field. The critical field within which this phase transition occurs, increases with a rise in temperature. 4) In solid solutions on the basis of PbMgl/2WJ/203' the phase transition from the antiferroelectric into the paraelectric phase is accompanied by a reduction in volume. Thus, the occurrence of the antiferroelectric state may give rise to a reduction in volume of the primary unit cell (solid solution on the basis of PbZrO 3) or an increase in volume (solid solution on the basis of PbMgj/2W1/20 3) as compared to the paraelectric state, 5) Certain compositions of solutions with PbTiO3 and PbMg 113 Nb2/3'3 show both ferroelectric and relaxative properties. 6) Experimental data on the relative stability of the ferro- Card 3/0 S TITLE P F R LO D A t 11,1 n n F- e TEXT, 1, U t ed by of d r e fa! S th e j()f S titc, tIr'.1- t , x n b i t ed ":)n S 1, 24, s.,) b ish e d Sa' b e c s a ccl ~empera-uure ar" ~1.c I Mt m the. t ~ne bAlity~ a -e 1 e ed polycrystall !11e S 21P n ue d p ap- ti 'i r~i ~-;lk The -authors c)f t ht! e s'~'n ri --; ~) Z r, or Cd f I ~i~-riOU S ,:; 0 Lq,,:, C, U n d s s,"'stem 'je'l ,,tu,iying the ~F r W c e a b ~Y3 2 r i-- 11 1 an C J ~4923 F f or -C-) -)0 y t t,~Ijs sjstem form,--, lilKe sjsteias e ~t I L M I S l' E! 0 x x 2 111x I i "5 1 "- -1 jA ort t i n uou 6 r t) s, Al I i s c. I t o r. - F, 'o 44 Ca where M = lyz e T i Z r 2x i cin t i )n f(jr x SI, e rl lit r:: Lit 1 t'l 1'0 ii Tl 1 -1 t IiL I L'M I ~tf Cj J e 3 ;--3 fl-C Ni I t firl s for t he rodu c t rl i f f ex e I-- f: A gI t j~ im, e4el 1 o e ~i !I -w? t 'b 1 T h E-;f r ma t o ri o n -va i c a y 1 A Ir i ,T, e T h -2 -p 1Y r m, e b ri!~"-- az: 11 f Th 'inn,-% t b;~, ex ~.T rr, d U h,~ se f a I ris v a j t e Z S/181 61/003/006/020/631 -A 24923 ~!errimagnetic materials with.v.. B102 B201 zt, been sh'bvn by studies of e temperature dependence of v0, that the 7N maximum' value of 110 rinen wi~~`,itha oontent of diamaanctic ionn. The. NP consequence q','~;,Authors. believe that an-if) txopy wit 0 and magnetootriotion drop in ' '3' . ~ X; "M - I . 4- -. . 4 I . - , ~ i.- f a'diminution of the.content~of magneticallyaclive iona. The value of d F. ~4 . i etermined by shifts o the domain boundariea. K. P. Belov and N 5 At: Pom f f re, 'I table, and 6 refer- enko are mentioned, There are 1 gu "U " ', no e a a -bloc. The -reference to the 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 noh Sovi --e.- Engl i'sh-lan guage publication rea a as d follow a ~S. Geller-J. Appl. Phys . 1960 polu~~rovodnikov AN SSSR Lening~ad (Institute 'of Semiconductors AS ttSSI R, Leningrad) SUBMITTED January 17, 1961 ' l Id. -~,to the Table -"I cont ent."of second component. in mo e 2, last /cm3 m4ximum temps.rature; 5, holding 3, density in g 4, ime in,hours;.'6,,apparent density; 7,,density in %,of theoretical values;' f ".t '20*0 and f 04 ., Y p0 Cps Y- ' a d 3/ t , . 2 q, ?goo 30060 S/048/61/025/011/004/03' 1 2 L1,920D B108/B 158 AUTHORS~ Smo.lens-kliy, 1supov, V, A., Kraynik, N, N., and Agranovskaya, A---i- TITLE, Coexistence of the ferroelectric and ferrimagnetic states PERIODNAL, Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestuiya. Seriya 'Lizicheskaya, v. 25, no~ 11~ !961, 1333-1339 TEXT; This paper was read at the Conference on ferromagnetism and anti- ferromagnetism in Leningrad, May 5-11, 1961, The authdrs studied substances having both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic prcuerties. Among the crystals known so far only the perovskite-type structures include greater number of ferroelectrics and substances with magnetic ordering, , a , 0 If a perov,skite-type crystal AB03 contains a definite concentration of 'ions of transition elements with non-compensated spins, magnetic ordering may arise Ferromagnetic properties will arise when the A and B ions have high VY polarizability. In perovskite-type crystals, ferrimagnetism may be achieved by a certain ordering of the ions in the B sublattice in solid solutions. The latter are assumed to have the structure I Card 1/~'/I 30C.60 S/048//61/025/011/004/03'; Coexistence of the ferroelectric and... B108/B136 (I - x)AIBIO 3 - xA"B Oo5 PIBO ; 5'1103 where the first compound is antiferro- magnetic and the second paramagnetic. x denotes the concentration of the serond component (mole per cent), The saturation magnetic moment of one ABO3 unit is calculated under the assumption that the exchange interaction w1thin the B sublattices may be neglected. It was found as m 0. 5(m, - mjI') 5 1(m' x) ~m"xl[l - E(k ml X) II - E(k ~0' L m and m ii are the magnetic moments of sublattices 1. 11, respectively, m~ and m" the moments of the ions BI and B", k I and k Ii the contributions of nonmagnetic ions to the overall ion number in the sublattices I and 11, 5 6 -, E(k) =6k . 5k Is the probability that a magnetic ion in one of the sublattices has not more than one nearest neighbor among the magnetic ions in the at),.er sublattice, In the considered case, k I =0 and k IC x In particular the authors studied the solid solution )0 xPb(Mg )0:~ -Ahich was obtained by sinter,-ng 2/5W'/3 3 - 1 /2 WI; /2 _; the oxidn4 at 900-92c)!~;,~- lay phase :~nalvses were carried out by arq