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6WE441@VSKIT, A.. Improving accounting in the coal industry. Bukhg.uchet 15 no.9:8-12 S '56. (MLRA q.-ll) (Coal mines and mining-Accounting) SEESAi-IVSKlY, Aleksandr lletro@dch; OGURTSOV, V.V., DI NOV, I.I., ret!3enzer,,; re sen ent; C) 0 SIRLROV, A.D., --etsenzent [Experience in the reorganization of accounting work 4@1 mines' Opyt peresTraiki lbukhgalterskc- raboty na sh&k',-- - I takh. Moskva, Nedral 1964. 130 P. (muk 18-6.) @:- - -ol ; - 3- - - -- I - @', '7 I-- -j : I ; :!f 1. -,' -* 2 YT 1, 1 . I - -.- @ - . ?:Hlf!,.U'l-'(*IyA, Yl,-', -.,- 1 3. C' - . J-PY "'.11 @'Ff -TUT - p SO . L. ---l' , , , " @ --, 1 - . : -@ . -, 1 , I - @--! sIrESUFC, L. I. Sneshko, L. !, IlThe Role of the Sr)leen Lm the I)vnaird(,,s of a Cancer Suppressor (Exr---rimen- tal InvestiFati,n)." !,@an Health Ukrainian SSR. anepropetrovsk Statl- Niedi,-al Inst. DneproT.-@--ttlrovsk, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Can- didat-.e in 7-'edic-il Sciance) So.- Kiizlmaya letol-lis', No. 72, 2 J-,-Iy 19:55 Name: SNESHKO, L. I. Dissertation: Role of the spleen in the dynamics of cancer suppression Degree: Cand Med Sci Min Health USSR, Inat Normal and Pathological Physiology of the Acad Med Sci USSR Place: 1956, Moscow Source: Knizhnaya Ietopis'., No 4, 1957 SVIDISR, A. Tu.; SIMEXOP L. 1. Tmnscutansous antograde pyologmpby in children. Urologiia no.6s 22-34 161. (MIRA 15140 1. ra fakmlltetakoy khirurgichookoy kliniki (sav. - prof. L. G. fto3yak) i klInIkI khIrargil detakogo vosrasta Stalinokogo mdltsiwkogo inatituta. (RIDWS-RDIOGRLM) SNESHKO.9 L.I., Abdominal-transthoracic approach to the cardia and lower section of the esophague. Khirurgiia no.6825-Z7 Je 261. (MIRA 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - zasluzhemyy vrech RSF;SR V.P. Arsenlyev) Kimrskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy No.1 (glavnyy vrach S.G. Logvinenko). (STOMAM-SURGERY) (ESOPHAGUS--SURGERY) SNESHKO, L.I.., dotser.4--,- KUSHCH, N.L. (Donetsk, 2, pr. Vatutina, d.44,, kv. 11) Surgi@@-al treatment of Favalli- Hirschsprung disease by the Dulmmol mothod. Vest. -khIr. 91 no.MI08-112 Ag'63 (MlRtt 1-70) 1. Iz 2-y fakulltetskoy khirLirgicheskoy kliniki I kliniki detskoy khirurgli ( zavo - profo L.G. Smolyak-) Donetskogo meditsinskogo instituta imen-11 A.M. Gorlkogo (rektor - dotsent A.M. Ganlnhkin). S,N-ESIIYIO,.L.I., kand. med. nauk; KITSHCH, N.L.; SIVIDILER, A'.Yu. Malignant tum,@,rs of the testis in children. Urc--lcz--'iP- 20, -12o.l: 60-bl 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Fakulltetskaya khinirgicheskay-,-, kltnika, klinika detskoy kh-irurgli (zav..- prof. L.G. Smolyak) na baze I-y Gorodskoy bollnitsy Donetskoro meditsinskcpo inetituta imen: A.M. Gorlkogo. 1: !,., med, nauk: Ki.11181FRG, N4- L tf fA r Ce gerrua renal c,-.;3ta in a warging 4r n.. U ol c, 163. (@fTRA 17:10) I@cUl tetskey kli-imuk-cheskov s-1, C.", ru 1 za v p r o f m ol,,r a o n e s k o g c me, d --, t s i r, s @--o p c.nt. i i t-a . SAMOKHO, Fedor Ivanovich, inzh.; LEVIKOV, Abram Mendeleyevich, inzli.; MAVRITSYN, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich, inzh.; Prinimal uchastiye 'RWHKO, Ye.I.p inzh.; POTIYEV, M.M., otv. red.; BEIDV, V.S., red. izd-va; PROZOIROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red.; MINSHER, L.I., [Electrical engineering in mining]Gornaia elek-trotekhnika. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, lc,162. 379 P. (MIRA 15:12) (Electricity in mining) SIE;SHKO. Yevgeniy Ivanovich; KOTOV, M.A.. otv.recl.-, DIYAKOVA, G.B.. red. - ' V.L.. I (Rinin- mechanical enaineering] Gornaia makhanika. Noskva, L3 Gos.nnuchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornorm delu. 1959. 367 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Mining engineering) (Mining machinery) DVOYENOSOV, Dzhon Vladimirovich; ZAMYATIN, Valeriy Mikhaylovich; SNESHKO,.Yuriy Ivanovich; FADEYEVA, N.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; GODINER, F.Ye., red.; SORKIN, M.Z., tekhn. red. [Loads acting on a glider in flight] Nagruzki, deietvu- iushchie na planer v polete. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1963. 138 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Gliders (Aeronautics)) VELIGUS, S.[Velgiis, S.], pinnerist; VAKULYA, E.[Makula, E.1, plane- rist; SKSHIDLEVSKIY, S.(Skrzydlewski, S.], planerist; @NESIJKQ,, Yu..ftranslator); VASILIYEV, A.A., red.; WH@NOSOV9 D.V., red.; ZAITYATIN, V.M., red.; SOROKIN, M.Z., tekhn. red. [Flights in a glider] Perelety na planere. Moskva, DOSAAR, 1963. 145 p.Translated from the Polish. (MIRA 16:10) (Gliding and soaring) Economic T-rerises of +.I-,-- @-Ievel.orrlent of 'ul-e meat iniustry in the mett industr-r in the Czechoslovak Rerulrlic. TF. 26 Vol. P, no. 1.0, Oct. 1056 JCS T 11"!" A-dr, A rlip"INA - PT T T I - A: _Q C " F @j C F Ularszawn, Foland So: E&-t Huroreen Acc,@ssi,@n Vol. 4, T-To-. 3, Yarch 1957 T. USSR/Physics Jan 1947 Gas - Dleahargen, Electric Discharges, Electric "A Case Where Current and Voltage In Rarefied Gas are of Opposite Direction-," T. Snetin, 3, Polenova, All-Union Elactro-Technical Institute, I "Journal.of Physics" Vol Xly No 1 A description is given of a nev3,v found phenomenon occurring during an investigation of electri6al oscillations in a low-pressure are discharge. A fuller clescription vill be given later in this journal. PAI 26T62 BS PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5074 Berklayd, I. M., A. P. Kurochkin, A. V. Lyakhov5kiy, A. M. Snetkov, and V. A. Chudov. Datchiki 1 lzmeritel 'nyye golovki (Pickups and Dial-Indicators) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 158 p. Errata slip insei@ted. 10,000 copies printed. (Series: Progressivnyye sredstva kontrolya razmerov v mashinostroyenii) Eds. of Series: B. S. Bayburov, M. I. Kochenov, and D. D. Malyy; Scientific Ed.: T. P. Bespakhotnaya; Ed. of Publishing House: M. S. Yeliseyev; Tech. Ed.: A. Ya. Tikhanov; Managing Ed. for Literature on Instrument Construction and Means of Automation N. V. Pokrovskiy, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical and design personnel It may also be used by students specializing In Instrument de- signing at schools of higher technical education and tekhnikums. COVERAGE: The authors discuss the designs, schematic diagrams, and characteristics of pickups and dial-indicators used as inspection Card 1/4 Pickups and Dial-Indicators SOV/5074 devices. Electrocontact, pneumatic, inductive, and capacitive measuring systems and their pickups are described. Particular attention is given to special features of the designs, circuit diagrams, testing methods, and fields of application of these pIck-ups. Specifications are also given. The book is a part of a larger work In the field of modern means of inspection which was recommended by the Commission on the Introduction of Advanced Methods and Means of Dimensional Inspection in Machine Building under the auspices of Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR (State Scientific Technical Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR). No personallties are mentioned. There are 15 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 5 Ch. 1. Electrid-Resistance-Type Measuring Systems (Berklayd, 1. M., A. V. Lyakhovskiy, A. M. Snetkov, V. A. Chudov) 10 1. Basic designations An-d-UY-PI'calsubassemblies of pickups 10 Card 2/4 Pickups and Dial-Indicators SOV/5074 2. Design of electric-resistance pickups 14 3. Circuit diagrame of electric-resistance pickups 57 4. Testing electric-resistance pickups for accuracy 63 Bibliography 70 Ch. II. Pneumatic Measuring Systems (Kurochkin, A. P., A. M. Snetkov) 71 1. Pneu-m_a@E_ic pickups and instruments 83 2. Methods of checking electric pneumatic pickups 112 Bibliography 114 Ch. III. Inductive Measuring Systems (Lyakhovskiy, A. V., A. M. Snetkov) 115 1. Indun-i-vLs-pickups designed by the Byuro vzaimozamenyayemos ti (Interchangeability Bureau) 116 2. Inductive pickups of new design 119 3. Vibratory-contact-type induction pickups for dimensional feedback control 123 Card 3/4 Pickups and Dial-Indicators Ch. IV. Capacitive Measuring Systems (Lyakhovskiy, A. V., A. M. - Snetkov) Ch. V. Dial-Indicators and Transfer Mechanisms (Chudov, 1. Types of dial-indicators and their characteristics 2. Designs of dial-indicators 3. Schematics of transfer mechanisms Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 SOV/5074 126 V. A.) 130 130 133 150 159 VK/wrc/ec 6-15-61 VOLODIP, Ye.I., kand.tek-hn.nauk: dotsent;-SNETKOV, A.M., linzli. Means for checking grooves in parts. Vzaim.i tekh. izm.v mashinostr.; mezhvuz.abor. no.3:197-206 161. (MIRA .14:8) (Measuring instruments) @- VOLODIV, Yevgeniy Ivanovich; SNETKOV, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich-, INON, Mikhail Fridmgnovich;SO OVE @ senzent; KGD@EAVTSEV, P.A., inzh., red.; BAZIMOV, D.V., red. izd-va; SOKOWVA., T.F., [Automation and mechanization of control -systems in the machinery industry; manual] Avtomatizatsiia i mekhanizatsiia sredst-v kontrolia v mashinostroyenii; spravochnoe posobie. l,'.oskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhr.. izd-vo r-ashinostroit. lit-ry 1962. 215 P. (MIRA 15:3@ (Machinery industry) (Automatic control) USSR-/En'gine'ering -Physical Metallurgy FD-3227 rd 1/1 pub. 41-8/22 Author : Kornilov, 14 1. and Snetkov, A. Ya., Moscow . ....... .. - -- _" Title : Study of the Limited Solid Solutions of Nickel by the X-ray Structural Method Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 7, 84-88, Jul 55 Abstract : Investigates the variation of value a (lattice spacing) in relation to the content and relative atomic diameters of alloying.elements in binary and ternary nickel alloys. Con- cludes that chromium, which differs little from nickel in its atomic diameter, effects only a small distortion of the crystal lattice of nickel. Three tables; two diagrams. Twelve references, nine USSR. Institution Submitted 26 January 1955 f KORNILOV, I.I.; SNETKOV, A.Ya.;jTITOV. F.M. Study of the solubility of titanium and its alloy phase composi- tion in the 5-component system nickel-chromium-tungsten aluminum- titanium. Zhur. neorg. khim. 2 no.1:160-166 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Kafsdra aviatsionnogo materialovedenlya Voyenno-vozdushnoy inzhenernoy Akademii im. N.Ye. Zhukovskogo. (Nickel-chromium-titanium alloys) (Titanium) -3-,29/47 AUTHORSs Kornijov, 1. 1. , Pryakhina, L. I. , Ozhimkova, 0. V. Snetkov, A. Ya. TITLEt The Interaction of Titanium Carbide With Six-Component Solid Solutions of Nickel (Vzaimodeystviye karbida titana s shesti- komponentnym nikelevym tverdym rastvorom) PERIODICAM Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii,1958, Vol-3, Nr 3@PP.708-716 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The chemical interaction of titanium carbide with six-component solid solutions of nickel and the equilibrium between phases in these complicated systems were investigated. In the alloys with 993%titanium carbide an eutectic forms. At the eutectic temperature of 1280 00 the solubility of titanium carbide in nickel amounts to 6.2 @- at 700'C the solubility drops to 2 %. With@he produced alloys the followimg investigations were performed: thermographic, metallographic and radiogrqJiic ana-, lyses as well as the hardness determination of the alloys. The alloys of the solid nickel solutions with titanium carbide Card 1/3 are of eutectic nature and crystallize similar to the alloys 3-29/47 The Interaction of Titanium Carbide With Six-Component Solid Solutions of Nickel Of the system Ni-TiCo At 1300 0C the solubility of titanium carbide in the solid nickel solutions is 11901 @b. With a de- crease of temperature the solubility of titanium carbide de- creases, at 1250 0C it is 194 @6, at 12000C - OJ5 d,, at 1000'C 0,15 11o". In the alloys with 50 @4 titanium carbide large crystals of titanium carbide which are enclud8d by an eutectic-compo- sition occur after hardening at 1300 C. Samples hardened at higher temperatures have an higher hardness. In alloys of the above-mentioned system two phases were determined by the X-ray structural and microstructural. investigationg as well as by selective solubilityi an J-phase of solid nickel so- lution with a boundary-centered cubic system and a phase Of solid solution on the basis of titanium carbide. By a modi,-- fication of the composition of the solid nickel solutions and of the content of titanium carbide alloys with different properties can be produced. There are 9 figures, 2 tables, and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (Metallurgical Institute imeni A. A. Baykov AS USSR) Card 2/3 79-3-3-29/47 The Interaction of Titanium Carbide With Six-Component Solid Solutiors of Nickel SUBMITTED& June 25, 1957 Card 3/3 AUTHORS, Kornilov, 7- !,, Pryakhina, L, 1,, 20-119-3-28/65 Ozhim?,ova, 0, V., Snetkov, A, Ya, TITLE. On the GAas-.1-Pinary llat,lre of the Six-Component Solid Nickel Solution System Plus Titar-liun 'Ca&,ide (0 kvazibinarnosti. s1stemy- shestlkom@:onentnlrj nikelevyy tverdyy rastvor + kaxtdd titana) PERIOD1GAL: Dolklady Akadwii Nauk. SSSR, 1958, Vol. 119, Nr 3, N , 501-503 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 7-1-e -v.rorking out of new rAtional investigaticn methods of the polly-ccmponent metal systems is necessary since general of theIr st-udf are missing and a clear demonstration s diff2.z-o-it, Since the metals incl-ne tcwards fortuation of L soild. -=ciutions aw@ @@cmyourLCLs, furtkte=ore of solid solutions on the str@:r--',--h )f these zcmpounds, much less, pt a,--t@s develop in po]Z@ -zomponent systems 'ban can be assumed frco the nLunber of the canponents taking Rart. In consequence of the ctemica:L aff,--n!Ly bet'o-reep the ellement2 and in cons@:-quence of a certair activity degree of t7he reacting elements in suc-@i sy@--,te:w@ it is possible to reduce -the Card 1/4 anvestigatior, of t'-rtz sy-stems to the study af theequilibri= On the quasi-Binary Nature cf tlje Six-Cemponent Soil.d 20-11-9-3-28/65 Nickel Solution System Flu;- I'Jtenlum Cartide betijeen a Dmitee riumber (ref I Therefore It is sufficient In tLe c@Lqe @@f several system5 '-r- question to -,nve;t-lgate the 3-ftiase equi-1.1briUM' 10,:)-:V-(.r-U1ponent solution (liquid'i p,-,iyccmponer-t Eolution (solid) plus metal icnix),and. V@, a,,,@anple Qae autt.oro :nosr- an eight- component system, In the caze of which a 3-,phase,-eqWL1-ihr'.Txn can be obtained at a certain component A codbination: eigtt-cm-c-anen-t. solution eig,.!at- c-cmi-lorient solation (soL-t.a" piu--, empound Tic -or its so:Ad soluticn. Frm. t@t-@ L-at of formatior. 3f the car"bides of the mentioned m@Aals (11i, "Ir.. W, Mc , N-L and Ti., tab!-= 1) tbe reaction couise can ti pred--c-,;ed-. mainly t--.-,:anium caebide will be formt-,d In sLL-h a It -Lr . , formed viti-, a maxi-raiim t'atirmal effect and ii,, ti:-.e most stable one of all carlcldei '.r- the syotem in quec-ticin. In order to check these ExieLmiptlons the cL(-.rnj.C;al Int-l-raction beLwi@(--n the soliA -solut 'lon (containing Cr W Yb, Mo ffb 2@t and al ;3r)d titanimn curbide was invreEtlgat--@d. This solutlor. was assizaed as initial phase Card 2/4 and. the p1aasf, equIlibruxii i.r. tLis eight-com-,onent syzitem was Naz.nre of the Six-Component Solid 20-1 119-3-2a,A@i u r: ',.vstem Pius Titanium Carbide -um carbide @@ns, -dif?d n-@ d Ntckel fo-med 82 Titani. I to j C-S Of f rom 0 to 95 The samples verp pr_@rtu.-ed i@y tr-@ P v s n f fr,-? " t i rig ( U 0(1 @5 % T_i) and by means of methods 9 L; T--'-')- Furthqrmore thi.. R@ It(11113 ",Lch -,n nicke-; -Nas studied afte- harden-ing -it ."()r) , I OC the t mperaturc, ?nd . MOP, In ordez, determine e :-ntk-r,va1 ,f t he cvysta, li7ati,@ai of the alloys -Rith !'rom T@ C, a thermal anavsis was carriad out. F@gure 'he fusibility diagram of the al.loy mentioned -)Yi thf@ t,t-'t.e. Thr- investigation of' the microstructure i)f ca:gi;@d *nd nardened alloys confirms the euteetic structure of tnr- cr,,rr,@@sDoniing alley The solubility deter.-_'nx, ried out metal1rgraphically and radiograph.; .ion was @!ar Lr was t-ond that the TA,(-ao',ub.;._1i'Y in the solid changes ivilh the temr-Prature at 4 121),00-0, 4 14 and at V0000C approvima', ,,,c 0, Tit', Zri n1loys with more than 5 @,o 'n*,C, tanJun --h . - U @ . r r f-rnis the phase which xtt first crystal.11 zps. Its g-reat. laf,d 2i4 ctib ica .:v2tals are interspe-zsed in the eutectic. in an e f@u as I - B i n a ry N a " u re o f t he S. x - @'. om. po n e n t So L j i ution 3ystem Titanium Carbide ol 1. L S , --y @,;(A TiC tnere are great Tj.C nrysrals sarrourido(I a by euteotLc after this hardening at 1300"*C. The carbidti phase only was isolated from alloys with 1,0; 4; and 1,1@ TiC by selective dis solution of the solid solution r6- The proi-isional chemical analys:Ls of this phase shaws I e, presence or W Mz,, W, Or and &I 'beside Ti and C Pi el.ement.s form apparently an ingredient of TiC. The cornpos) tt.nn of th,-'s phase changes according to that --,f' ther initial alloy. The laltice parameter amounts to fr(-m 58-4? 15 0,, Trie titanium content in tile phase @n jrIc-eas"s with 4ncreasing cantert -f ti-he Lntre)auc@,E-d 7i,-' ,,vhereb.,,r the approx-imative atom-ic relation between the czh@!- metals and the carbon remains i!i. There ere i Figure, i tabl.e and I reference, W h i 8--viet -'Ictober 11, 1957, by 1.1. Chernyayev, Member. Academy zi' :@Ienf-*-s , USSZ Oetob@,r or' Congress 83239 S/129/6o/ooo/009/002/009 E193/E483 AUTHORSs Kolomytsev, P.T., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Samgin, A.A. and-Snetkov, A.Ya., Engineers TITLE% Structure and Composition @T_the Surface Layer of Gas Turbine Bladesk, _'V@ PERIODICAL-. Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 1960, No.9, PP-7-11 TEXT. The gas turbine blades studied in the course of the present investigation were made of several batches of the B1437A alloy, containing 19.5% Cr, 2.2 to 2.7% Ti and 0.55 to 0.7% Al. The manufacturing process entailed deformation of the blade surface to a depth of 15 to 30 microns. Specimens of the material exposed to the maximum temperature (730 to 7500C) were cut from blades that had been in service for 250 to 1110 h, and the structure of the surface layer was studied by spectrographic analysis of consecutively removed layers, X-ray analysis, microhardness measurements and metallographic examination, it was found that the surface layers of the blades studied consisted of3 1) a finely.-grained recrystallized oute:- layer@ 2) a work-hardened layero characterized by increased hardness and larger lattice Card 1/2 83239 S/129/60/000/009/002/009 E193/E483 Structure and Composition of the Surface Layer of Gas Turbine Blades parameter of the solid solution matrix, 3) a layer of undeformed material. The content of alloying additions in the surface layer was different from the nominal composition of the alloy. It was concluded that the harmful effect of surface hardening on the high temperature strength of the blades is due to the formation of a steep gradient in the magnitude of the lattice parameter of the alloy at high temperatures and to the presence of large internal stresses. The formation of surface cracks after prolonged service at elevated temperatures was attributed to the reduced content of the alloying additions in the surface layer of the blades, There are 7 figures, 1 table and 5 referencesg 4 Soviet and 1 French. Card 2/2 A-1223 S/65 61/ .007/000/*010/044 D217YD303 AUTHORS- Kornilov, 1.1.9 and Snetkov A.Ya. TITLE: Lattice parameters of the terminal solid solutions of certain elements in nickel SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii, Issledova- 0 niya po zharoprochnym splavamg v. 7, 1961, 106 - 111 TEXT: The results of an investigation of the influence of Mo, Nb, Ta, V, Ru, V1 and Zr on the change in lattice parameter of nickel when these elements dissolve in it, is reported. Most of the alloys were prepared in a vacuum furnace. Ni-Ta alloys were prepared by Ye. N. Pylayeva, Ni-W and Ni-Mo alloys by N.T. Domoten-ko, and NI-Ru, Ni -Nb and Ni-.Zr allcys by K@P. Myasnikova. The above workers investi- gated the equilibrium diagrams and properties of the alloys of the respective systems. Powders or filings of the alloys were subjected to X-ray photography. Prior to exposure, s3ecimen lumDs of the al- loys were first homogenized at 1100 - 1150, C for 100 - 150 hours, transformed into powder and sealed into evacuated quartz ampoules. Card 1/3 S/659/61/007/000/010/044 Lattice parameters of the terminal D217/D303 The latter were annealed at the required temperatures for periods of time sufficient to ensure equilibrium, and then cooled in viater. After heat treatmentg one portion of the filings was subml tied to chemical analysis, and the rest sifted through a 200 mesh sieve and mounted in the camera for exposure. X-ray exposures',were taken in back-reflection cameras using CuKa-irradiation@ the distance betvRen the specimen and the film being 75 mm. The temperature, at, which the pictures were taken was 21 + V - 1.50C, the total error in meaaur,- ing the lattice parameter without correction for temperature being M006 - 0.0009 KX@ It was found that the change in lattice parame- ter of nickel on dissolving various elements in it depends on the position of these elements in the periodic system and on their ato- mic diameters, i.e. it follows The same laws as those which deter- mine the limiting concentration of partly soluble metals in nickel. Elements having the same type of crystal lattice (body centered cu-, bi@-') owe their influence mainly to their atomic, diameter, even though they may belong to different groups and periods of the perio- dic table, The strengthening effect of an elemeni is the areater M The greater the extent to which, on dissolving in nickel, it increa- Card 2/3 S/659/61/007/000/010/044 Lattice narameters of the terminal D2!7/D30-'/ ses the lattice parameter of the latter. There are 1 figure, 2 ta- bles and 10 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet.-bloc. The re-- @3rences to the English-language publications read as follows: A. Taylor and IR, Floyd, J. Inst. Met., 80, 11, 1951--1952; A. Taylor and R, Floyd, J. Inst. Met., 81, 1, '1952-1953; A. Taylor and R, Floyd, J, Inst. Met., 81,, 9, 19@3- Card 5/3 22957 S/126/61/011/005/002/0155 E193/E183 AUTHORS: Pryakhina, L.I., Snetkov, A.Ya., and Ryabtsev, L.A.. TITLE: X-ray investigation of nickel-base multi-component solid solutions PERIODICAL3 Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol.111 No.5, 1961, pp. 670-676 TEXT- Many nickel-base alloys of industrial importance belong to complex systems, characterized by limited sGlid solubility whi@-h decreases with decreasing temperature. The formation of solid solutions of this type entails the appearance of additional bonds between the valency electrons of unlike atoms which, in turn, brings about an increase in the strength of the solvent metal. The concentration dependence of many properties of alloys of this type is often reflected in the concentration dependence of the lattice parameter, and it was for this reason that the present authors studied the effect of simultaneous introduction of several alloying additions on the lattice parameters of nickel-aluminium solid solutions, To this end, a vertical section of each of the following systems was investigated: Card 1/7 22957 S/126/61/011/00.5/002/015 E193/E183 X-ray investigation of nickel-base multi-component solid solutions Ni Cr - Al Ni Cr - Ti Al Ni Cr - Ti W - Al Ni Cr - Ti W - Mo A 1 Ni Cr Ti W - Mo Nb Al. Ni Cr Ti W - Mo Nb Co - Al, The Cr, Ti, W@ Mo, Nb and Co content in all the alloys studied was the same and amounted to 11.1, 2.4, 1.96, 1.93, 1.3 and 5.2 at,% respectively, the Al content in each section varying between zero and 23 at.%. The composition of the experimental alloys was suc;h that all the alloying additions formed unsaturated Ni-base solid solutions which became saturated only as a result of increasing the Al content with subsequent precipitation of a second phase. the same in each system (the y'-phase). The experimental alloys were quenched from 1200 OC after 200 hours at the temperature, and from 1000 OC after 400 hours at -the temperature; in the latter case the treatment was preceded by 200 hours' holding at 1200 OC. In the case of alloys quenched from 1000 OC, the X-ray analysis was carried out on powder specimens (filings) which, in order to remove Card 2/ 7 22957 S/126/61/011/005/002/015 E193/Ei83 X-ray investigation of nickel-base multi-component solid solutions the effect of plastic deformation, were annealed for 5 hours at 1000 OC. The use of powder specimens of the alloys quenched from 1200 OC was not possible, bezause their composition would be bound to change during annealing at this temperature owing tD losses due to volatization-.; in this case massive specimens and the back- reflection technique were used,, The data on solid solubility limits, determined from X-ray data, were checked by metallographic examination. Typical results are reproduced in Fig.7, where the lattice parameter (a., kX) is plotted against the Al content (at.%), curves 1-6 relating to the following systemsz I - Ni-Cr-Al, 2 - Ni-Cr--Ti-Al..' 3 - Ni--Cr--Ti--W--AI@ 4 - Ni-Cr---Ti--W-Mo--Al@ 5 - Ni--Cr--Ti-W-Mc,--Nb---Al@. 6 - Ni-Cr--Ti--W-Mo---Nb---Co---AI. The solid solubility limit of aluminium in various systems at 1200 OC and 1000 OC is given in Table 2. Finally, !he effect of various elements on the lattice parameter of nickel-base solid ,3- The following general conclusions solutions is given in Table ' were reached, 1. The solid solubility of aluminium in nickell Card 3/ 7 22.95'1 S/126/6i/oll/005/002/015 E193/E183 X-ray investigation of nickel-base multi-component so!--;d sclutions decreases with dec;reas�ng temperature and increasing number of the alloying additions studied. 2@ With increasing number of the alloying additions, the lattice parameter of the Ni-base (both single- and two-phase) alloys increases. The effect of various elements is not the same, its magnitude.., i.e., the increase per one at,,% of the element added, increasing In the following order- Co, Cr, Ti, Mo, Wv Nb,, 3, Increasing the number of the x alloying additions brings about an increase not only in the lattice parameter (and consequently in the static lattice distortions) of the Ni-base solid solutions.. but owing to the higher strength of the inter-atomic bonds, also in the stability of super-saturated solid solutions at temperatures below 1000 OC. There are 7 figures, 3 tables and .16 references- 12 Soviet and I* non-Soviet. The English language references read as follows4 RefAz A. Taylor, R. Floyd. J.Inst.Metals, 1952-1953, 81@ No..", 25, Ref-5.@ A. Taylor, R. Floyd. J.Inst.Metals, 1953, 81, No@9, 451@ Ref.63 A. Taylor, R. Floyd. J.Inst.Metals, 1952, 80, No.11, '@71 Ref.15@, T.H. Hazelett, E. Parker.. Trans.ASM@ 19,44, 46, 7oi. Card I*/", s'/ t26/A v6Y-P@90510021015 X-ray investigat*-on of nicke.1-base.. E193/E183 ASSOCIATION2 Institut metallurg7_i. AN SSSR (Inst.itute of Metallurgy,., AS USSR) SUBMITTEDi August 6, 1960.@ Table 2 Solub.ill@y of A", at.% Decerm.i.ned by Determined by Sys@em X-ray me"hod mxcroscop.i@@ m s, -1, ho d 12000 .1000c, i2000 10000 i-Cr-Al i.6@ 9 13.2 �-Cr-'Tf--AI 5 8 @,i 1L @ 8 9.,D i-C-.-Ti-W--,A.1 110@0 0 10. C) 7 0 i-Cr-T!-W--Mc,--AI io@o 0 10.0 6 0 i-Cr-Ti-W--I*Io--Nb-AI 10.0 0 6.0 i-Cr-T.4_-W--Mo-Nb-CT--Al 9.@ 2,14 9.0 6.0 Card ,-,/7 S/129/062/000/007/002/008 El 9 3/ 2.5 0' AUTIIO.@-I- Snet,.-.ov, A.11a. , Engineor TIT L E: Phase-transforiaations in alloys of tho Ni-Cr-W-Ti-Al :@; ys t 0""1 IJ L' TODICAL: i ter.-,ii-ches'.1-ayan obrabotka- metallov, no. 7, 1962, 2_6 - 31 + 1 plate T EXT: T T-. eobject. of the present investi-rat-ion -.ras to st-udy t:ie effect ol@' aIumi_niu.:-.i on the kinetics of decomposition of the sol-id solution and on the 0structural chan_@-es of the YI-phase of Ni-Cr-W-Ti alloys a-- 900 C. In. the firs'- sta-e of the investi- tile alloys (containinS 1.3, 2.8, -itution 0 0.5, C ons 4 3.4, 5-1, 6.5 a:id 7.9@@ Al) at 1 200 and 900 0C*was determined by ..e-_zalloC;rap1hic examination of specimens cjuenched- after 134 h at 0@ ' 0 1 2 10 0 or 5 000 "1. at 900 C and by ""--ray diffraction analysis of boti-I ouenched s-,:>ec_ir.-iens and i:-esidues obtained by electrolytic @-treated alloys. The results of these e--.:,3eri- dissolution of hea@ -.1ents cln:7j. be as fo'lov.,S: 1) a" '1 200 OC all the alloys@ studied, e=eot the 0.50,;'@ Al alloy, consisted of two phases I;I and y' , the proportion of the latter rcachinZ; a ma-y-imirn of Card 1/4 S/-129/62/000/007/002/000'1 P:, as e-t-ransform a, ions .... F,193/C383 alloy 1-rit'l Al. 2) The lattice para;-;ietcr of 0 bot'a tlic y- an,-, at 1 2_00 C increases i-,ritla increasing Al 0 Orlz 3) T:-,e latcice -)arameter of the y-fhase at 900 0C first inc_reasinZ A! cantle-nt, rea- m at increases cninS a maximu a-,--,ro::i:---,z-j1-o1y Al, c_-IC @L:,eji decreases aEain; ',:,e lazt;_ce r e t e 1- o fc -/'-)'1ase at t1iis to;-.-perature decreases gradually J nc @- LL alloys 'v71;z7 more -i e c onz ent oL ;I-o alloy- ass as -4 n 11 4-.-,,(D ne-,@ bod,r-cen-.ered cubic i3hases are formed on 6 o o-..,@; o (2 at 900 C: a 'd-base solid S-@)lution (a 3.1113 k_X) and an AlNi-baso solid solution @z-, = 2-83LS t.1 C. :' C'_-zt St a0 G --F' t:-, C i nv --s t iat i on I' h czn (;: tc s o fe @-,'-as e @_:-ansbr.mation v:erc st':udied by measurin_- t1he lattice parameters a I t', cY- and V-phases at various stages of t,*,e process. Th c 4 ;@i-S. 1, and 6, --here the lattice are rc-)-l-oduced - - ra::1 e @' Or 1CX. of -_@Ie --phase (r_j@@. 4) and. -phase 6) is 1 0 .@Ioztcd ar,-ainsz tire (h) ant 900 C, various curves relazin_- to _zlloys wit-ft "ic i@ndicated Al conzent. Tie ',c]-ne--ics of tae s---udiec: i,,rcre ccrrelated z,-,e crae@) pro*?erties Alloys containing 6.5 or 7-9," Al 0- ex,)erimelltal alloys. Cark@_ 2/4 3/129/62/0GO/007/002/008 -is e-t rans fornat ions . . . . Pa, characterized by a rapid rate of decon.-.position of the y-solid. solutio,n 'aad been found to possess the lo,.%est resistance to creep. ,3-. -j-.- . e 5.1 ' A -L,@ic r@@Iatively 'ii-In stability o-f -its "-phase th C" I lias a Ini-I-er rcsistance to creep, s',iw---inZ pract-Lcally no defor- ;-.iation durin@; t-1-.e first 300, hours when tested under a bending 2 s.ress of 6 'c-/rim after t1lis initial period, lio,.-.reve-r, the rate of c:7cc--. increases consIderably ow-JnS to t1le onset of tile decom- .-3cisit-i o,,-l of t.'Ic solild-solution matrix and -.3recipitation of thle U-base @...-hich so-cs up considerable internal stresses -J'n t:IG solik--'-solution lattice. T;'Ie rate of creep of tile 1.31'@' Al alloy in z:-c first !CC 1,.ours is quite rapid; after this- inizial period, corres::)onding to the decomposition of the solid so`ution, the rate of cree.) of t1iis alloy is lo-wer than that of any other of the 1-1 alloy, in spite of Milgh stability of a-@Ioys studied. The 0.5" 4-zs s-'ructure, -',as lo-...- creep resistance, ap-)roac-l-lin- that of the Al alloy; this can be e-,Colained by the absence of any loy. Ln Zeneral, it can be con- ph@@Ses 2-n t.10 al- clu"-'ed znat -z.Iie effect of tne tranns-formazi-on w1hich tile yl-paase is UnIc"ergoing at 900 0C o n the creep properties of Nli-Cr-W-Ti-Al C'-rd 3/4 S/129/62/000/007/002/008 '-"-I a S C fO rt @ - L, r aIIS - -,I ai 0 1IS . . . . Ei 9 3 / E"48) 3 alloys is less tie off7ect of tie decomposition of the solie-solution There are I-Izures and 2 tables. J- L Jj V ::14 Card L.P. 6je@w 4- Fig 6 1575 2570 MAL 25bo '1 2575 1.1 j1A 1_ IS70 2.3 141 At .1553 6 /0 25 M f9O 5W 1000 AGRANOVSKIY, I.; ARANOVICH, B.; BELYAYEVA, V.; BOL'SHAKOV, A.; GRUZDEV, V.; LICH, S.; ZZIELENTSOV, I.; KONKIN, A.; LEVIT, R.; MIKHAYLOV, N.; MOGTLEVSKIY, Ye.; SERKOV, A.; Sff.LKOII, G.; SNETKOV, N.; SOROKIN, Ya.; SHTRIN, L. In memory of Vladimir Sergeevich Smurov, 1897-1965. Khim. volok. no.2:78 165. (MIRA 18:6) @;4@7:T' rrm V A. 1 C,.'*YS IBC J Way@ to the -fi-Itration proccos of vioccoe. ni-l.-rclak-nn.5: 6?-71 (@.ITR.@ 17:10) 1. Lc-n*n,,rl-,--,ll-;'-i.;, 'L`1,-@Ll Ilsoorryti-mmr-o nauchno--issledovatellskogo in3ti- no-o volol n- (for Sn,-, Leni.nrr isi,i:r z@vvod is': -0 GEYSRNRG, S.M.; _S@ MW&OVA, T.P.; PIUMNLICIN, K-Ye.; TATEVOSYAN, Ye.L. Adoption of a continuous unit for the mercerization of cellII-- lose. Khim.volak. no.3:51-55 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Leningradskiy zavod iskusstvennogo volokna i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut iskusstvemogo volokna. (Leningrad-Cellulose) (Mercerization) SHEMKOV, N.K.; SNEIKOV, N@V. Continuous filtration of spent solutions of caustic soda. Khim.- volok. no.2:55-56 163. (1-URA !6-5) 1. Leningradskiy zavod iskusstvennogo volokna. (Textile fibers, Synthetic) (Filters and filtration) QKRAINSKIY. Moisey Abramovich; SIMTKOV, Vladimir Dwitriyevich; KIRILIOV, L.M. inzhoner-,polkovnik, redakM'T@t&V V* 'tekhaicheskiy redaktor (Principal measurements of telephone channels] Oonoynye ismereniis. telefonnykh kanalov. Moskva, Voon.izd-vo Ministerstva obor. SSSR. 1956. 133 P. (KLRA 9;7) (Telephone) (Ilectric measurements) L _Q657-6--67 EJLCm) /RT- (P ACC _Ngi AP6029818 ( x DE: AUTHOR: Aftygustinik, A. I.; Golikova, 0. A.; Klimashin, G. M.; Nesh V. S.; Ordanlyan. S. S.; Snet QvaA,'__L_A.'_. 3 ORG: Lenin d Institute of Te hn 10 cim.Len@sovet (,Le dskiy tekhnologicheskiy in L M a 0 @@p Stit O@e k"t u "4 (L it t Q.U TITLE: Dependence of certain electra- and thermophysical. properties of zirconi monocarbide on the carbon content within the range of homogeneity SOURCE: AM ISR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v.,29 no. 89 19669 1439-1443 TOPIC TAGS: zirconium carbide, solid mechanical property, solid'physical property, electric conductivity, th 'ermal emf, Hall coefficient@ ABSTRACT: The dependence of electrical resistivit @ absolute thermal emf, Hall coef- ficient, and themal conductivri7o-f zirconium monocarbide was studied for 36-49 atom C contents in the carbide. -The zirconium carbide,samples were prepared by fusing high purity zirconium and carbon at 18000C in vacuo :F@Jlowed by sintering at 22000C. The properties, compositions, and lattice parameteri or various zirconium samples are graphed and tabulated. It was found that free electrons'act as current carriers withit zirconium,carbide. The electrical resistivity, the therml emf, and the Hall coeffim*- Icient wem found to decline and the thermal conductivity was found to increase with L 06576-67 ACC NR, AP6029818 declining contents of the co*mbined carbon in zirconium monocarbide. This phenomena are related to the release of a portion of the zirconium electrons from the localized metal-carbon bonds. The specific resistivity and absolute thermal emf were found to increase linearly with increasing temperature. The slope of these lines was found to decrease with decreasing carbon content in zirconium carbonate. This phenomenon is apparently due to the decline in the effective mass of the conduction electrons. Orig. art. bas: 2 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: ll@ZC/SUBM DATE: 06Oct65/ ORIG REF: 013/ OTH Mr: 015 L 157,16-66 LWT(l) 1ACC NR: Ap6ooo898 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/65/007/012/3698/3700 !AUTHORS: Golikova, 0. A , Avgu tinnik, A. I.; Klimashin, 0. M.; lKozlovs,Jy, L. V.; Or-enlyan.,_S. S. Snetkova, V. A. ,ORG: Institute of SemiconductorsIAN SSSR, Leningrad -Institut 1poluprovodnikov AN SSSR) TITLE: Electric properties of carbides of the transition metals of group SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 7, no. 12, 1965, 3698-3700 !TOPIC TAGS: titanium compound, zirconium carbide, hafnium compound, carbide, thepmal emf, Hall constant,.. resistivity, transition element i 20 wl ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to compare the eiec')-_, tric properties (thermal emf) resistivity., Hall constant) of TiC, ZrC; HfC as functions of the composition in the temperature Interval 300 -- 1500K. The data on TIC were taken from an earlier investigation ,by the authors (FTT V. 7, 2860, 1965). The ZrC and HfC were preparedi. Iby the sama technology as the TiC.. The plots of all the measured I Card 1/2 L 15736-66 fACC NR: Ap6ooo898 i 0 quantities against the carbon concentration are approximately the rinp, same for all three carbides. This demonstrates that the scatte Imechanism and energy spectrum of the carriers are the same In all thal compounds. An unexpected result is the fact that the effective masses ,of the three carbides are0qual, since their lattices have different Ilattice constants and the participating electrons come from different shells. From the fact that the ratio of the distances between the metal and carbide atoms (R) and the radii of the metallic atoms (r). 'is also constant for all carbides, it is concluded that the orbitals lof the metal atoms o'verlap equally. This explains the equality of Ithe effective masses. The carrier scattering mechanism is biliefly @discussed. Orig. art. bass 2 figures, 1 formula, and I table. SUB CODEs o7 SUBM DATE: 23,TU165/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REFs 003/ card 2/2 SFE#F.RIS,M.: AMBROZAITIS,K. Apropos of the diagnosis of the malignant degeneration of giant cell tumors. Sveik. apsaug. 8 no.9t5L-52 S163. 1. Lietuvos TSR (kikolog-ijos m.'@. institutas. @r SOV/25-58-12-28/40 AUTHOR: Sneyderov, V, Honored Arts Worker of the RSFSR TITLE: A Captured Mirage (Poymannyy mirazh) PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn", 1948, Nr 12, p 68 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A mirjc@e observed in the Dzhungari desert in China 0 ,.,ias photographed by the author. There is 1 photo, Card 1/1 GAN 1, F.F.,; GFMACHEVSKIY, A.P., zasluzhennyy vrach USSR. red.; KAIPLINA, A.V.. zasluzhennyy vrach USSR, red.; KRASNOMOVETS, V.11., red.; PAVSKA, G.F., zasluzhennyy vrach USSR, red.; KHOLOPTSEVA, Z.1., red.;. red.; KOPEYCHIK, P.N., [Research articles by physicians of Zhitomir Province, Ukrainian S.S.R.] Nauchn trudy vrachei Zhitomirskoi oblasti Ukrainskoi - ye SSR. Zhitomir, 1959. 255 P. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Zhitomirskiy oblastnoy otdel zdravookhrananiya. 2. 7.aveduyushchiy Zhitomirakim oblzdarvotdelom (for Ganchell). 3. Zhitomirska"ya oblastnaya bollaitsa (for Gerbachevskiy, Kaplina, Krasnomovets, Favsha). (MEDICINE) MAKARCHENK01 A.F., akademik, prof., otv. red.; SNEZHIN M I red.; KADASHEVICH, O.A.Y tekhn. red, i4m6;1"e [Brain and the regulation of functiong] Golovnoi mozg i reguliatsiia funktsii3 raboty, vypolnennye v nauchno- issiedovatellskikh i kad)-ovykh institutakh Uktainskoi SSR. Kiev, Izd-vo 01 Ukr,SSR, 1963. 363 P. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev. Nauchnyy sovet po koordinatsii issledovRnly po kompleksnoy probleme "Fiziologiya." 2. AN Ukr.SSR (for Makarchenko). (BRAIN) (VISCERA-INNERVATION) : *- @ LC *,-T "I - -,,a Z-1i'-ovna; a;EZEIcl, '@ I., red. 1 - - - . ? A @.) V; - @ 1 1 ,X4 a Fn-@ a.:,el I'edostatok ki-sloroda J ;ozrast. K L _1 rr A ev, I - . r , L. r@ - - lll',,,au, duFlay" 1964. 334 p. (MIRA -17: 6) akndemik, :-Itv. red.-t EY)GACH, F.G.; prc;f., red.; GUR I.TICH, I., TT),. "IM11-111, red d.:)kt-Dr med. miuk, r@c -i,; A.Z... dr)kto-y- bin.L. nalik., rad.5 FUTILI-1111, N.T., crof., rei,; OL17-11NIK, 1-F., k--mid. biol. nauk, FRTQF'-.RAZh7.'-113Krl, Rand. vet. nauk, red.; SIEZIIII;, r ed . [Re @S4 vegelativ- vecrat tive funnf'@,Tisl Re-1-11i Ll , g-,, 1 -- q a - F-a lc)@ 5, 2z,6 P. nykh funktsii. Fle@i; @,Urr-k , , 'Ukr.S U@,;" Kiev. 2. AN - S R ( for Malkarchenko) . Ins" Im. A.A.11'rmomolltsa All Ukr.SI)R (for ilin" L 36357-66 EW(1) 7-6- ACC NZ A @ OOffi:i INVENTOR: Bayev.-Ye. F.;.Burylin, Ye. I.; Snezhko, Yu. V.; Shershuna S. 1. - ----- ORG: none TITLE: D line with inductive elements containing ferromagnetic toroidal cores. Class 21, No. 177496 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tov,trnyye znaki, no. 1, 1966, 46-47 TOPIC TAGS: delay line, ferromagnetic material, inductive element ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a delay line with inductive elements containing ferromagnetic toroidal cores. To obtain the optimum coupling coefficient of inductive elements of the delay line, these ferromagnetic cores have four protrusions located in pairs -Card, 1 / 2 UDC: 621.374.5 SIGAL', Viktor Alak-sandrovich; YANKOVSKIY, I.A., otvetstveanyy redaktor; SNEZHINSKAYA, I.V., redaktor; SOLOVXYCHIK, A.A.. tek-hnichaskiy r --- @ [Meteorology In aviation] Mateorologlia v aviatsti. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskoe izd-vo. 1956. 8) p. (MLRA 9:?) (Meteorology in aeronautics) GOLITSIMG, I.A., doktor geogra'ficheakikh nauk, redaktor; DROZDOV, O.A., doktor geograf iche-skik'h'- nauk, redaktro; ABEZ-1-1111�444-.I-Ax" daktor; SHUMIKHIN, K.F., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Climatic resources of the central provinces of the European part of the U.S.5.R., and their uses in agricultural productionj Klimaticheskie resursy tsentralInykh oblastei Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR i isnollzovanie ikh v sellskokhoziaistvennom proizvodstve. Pod red.I A.Golltsberg i O.A.Drozdova. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1;56. 310 P. (MRA 10:6) 1. Leningrad, Glavnaya e:eofizicheakaya observatori3ra. (Grops and climate) BAYDIN, S.S.; LINBERG, F.N.; SAMOYLOV, I.V., doktor geographicheskikh nauk. professor; SIMHINSKATA. I.V., redaktor; SHUMMIN, X.F., tekhni4- cheskiy .-, LHydrology of the Volga Delta] Gidrologiia del'ty Volgi. Pod red, I.V.Samoilova. Leningrad. Gidrometeorologichekoe izd-vo, 1956. 330 P. (MLR& 10:4) (Volga Delta--Hydrology) ZAK, Ye 'G.; -- --- I I.V-.' redaktor; BRAYNINA, N.I., takhnicheskiy redak Rxperimental study of cloud systems of a wars front. Trudy TUO ne.15:4-191 156. (KIJIA 9:8) (Clouds) "CHAYAV. I.N.. nauchnyy sotrudnik; IAZARXV, M.P., otvetBtvann" redaktor; redaktor; MUTNINA. R.I.. takhnicheekly or CInstructions for hydrometeorological stations and posts] Nastavlanie gidrometecrologicheakim stantalian i postam. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo. No.10. [Inspection of hydrometeorological stations and ost83 Inspektsiia gidrometeorologicheskikh stantsit i postov. Ptel, ocking of meteorological observations at stations] Inspektaita M meteorologicheskikh nabliudenii us stantaiiakh. 1957. 195 P. (MW 10:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glaynoye upravlenie gidroseteorolo- gicheakoy sluzhby. 2. Metodicheakiy otdel Glavuoy Geoftsichaskoy observatorit (for Nechayev) 3. Nachallnik otdela seti Severo- Zapadnogo upravlentya gidrometaluzhby (for Iezarev) (Keteorology--Obaervations) MOROZOV, V.N.; TYURIN, V.V.; SNEZHINSKIY, N.S. Life of refractories in tank furnaces of direct heating. Stek. i ker. 19 no.3:11-13 Mr '6@. (MIRA 150) (Glass furnaces) (Refractory materials) P-HAriEI TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 374 1 'BOOK Call No.: GC51.S6 Author: SNEZHINSKIY, V. A. Full Title: PRACTICAL OCEANOGRAPHY (WORK IN THE OPEN SEA) Transliterated Title: Prakticheskaya okeanografiya (Raboty v otkrytom, more) Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publlshlng House: Hydrometeorological Publishing House (GIMIZ) Date: 1951 No. pp.: 600 No. of copies: 4,000 Editorial Staff Editor: Preobrazhenskiy, Yu. V. Tech. Ed.: None Editor-in-Chief: None Appraiser: None Others: Five collaborators in the author's expeditionary work: S. L. Berg, N. N. Druzhinin, N. I. Yegorov, L. G. Zellger, and I. B. Sachkov; I. M. Soskin and K. K. Deryugin; the Departments of Oceanography of the Leningrad State University and of the Leningrad Hydrometeorologic Institute; the Scientific Council of the State Oceanographic Institute; and especially N. I. Evgenov, V V. Timonov, K. D. Tiron, and Yu. V. Preobrazhenskiy (the Editor). Text Data Coverage: The book describes in detail the history and the present 1/9 iv r-- 7- H i t4 i SSI 46(02) . U S tSnezhinskif, V. A., PrRkt!cbqskala okeanotraflis (raboty v otkr34.= more). [Practical I Gidrome-tizilat 19U:! ed Uninitad en sea ] 2nd rev h Work in the o . . .. . , oceanograp y. p 670 p. 39 tables. 377 figs. (incl. phows), ports., t58 rek. DLC-The 5-m-ond edition of this -unique text contains 70 pages more text than. the first, but has ona- less chapter (16 instead of 17) and is organized into Aree major parts instead of 6. Thesea " 1. General (history, plan- iiing and preparation for expeditions, observations and their cornpi'ltion, butruments and M their correction, calibration, etc.), 11. Deep sea mea3urements and III Observations near sea surface (tide and cca tal obsci-vaticas,currents, w-aves, temperato -rt AsIer-.-ations, salinity and optical miasurementa). The chapter on energy exchange and cvap@ratiori has been omit- ted. References cover literature through 1952. All mauner of oceanographic and hydrn- graphic instruments, equipment awl their use are discussed and illustrated. Subjcci Headings: L Oceasiogmybic expeditious 2. O"Knotrapb1c equipoia-st TeAbooks 4. Russian Vi q 1 L L I be Cojwdttee an Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Kinisters USISR) in the fields of science and inventions annoutnceB that the following scientific works, popular sclen- tific books, and textbooka have been submitted for competition for Stal@,n Prizes for tha years 1952 -vid 1953, (Sove.takaya Kultura, Moscow, M). P-P--4o, 20 Fp@b - 3 Apr 1954) Nam Isakov, 1. S. @-uleykin, V. V. I@errdn, L. A. Voroblyev, I Seregin, LM. P. Ye -orlyeva, A. V. Salirnova, V. :@abakhanovl A. C). t@t,cfovits, L. Volkov, 1. G. S-lishchev, K. A`- @-)rlov, B. P. Kalesnik, a. v. Shvede, Ye. Ye. Snezhinskiy, 4. A. Po@,os,-@@n, K:-i. @ . Dro-.!,dov, 0. A. SO: W-3o6c)4, 7 July 1954 Title of Work "Karine Atlas" (V-al 11) FAmainateed by Ieo@-raphical Society of the LSSR, Academy of Sciences LSSR USSR/Geophysics Book review FD 395 Card 1/1 Author Snezhinskiy, V. A., Engineer-Captain (Ist rank), and Yego_rov, N. i., Engineer-Captain (ist rank) Title Book review: V. V. Shuleykin, Fizika morya [Physics of the Sea], 3rd edition, supplemented, Acad Sci USSR Publishing House, 1953, 990 Pp, 3,000 copies, 50 rubles Periodical Izv. ful SSSH, Set'. geOf1'-'- 4. 3jJ3-380, Jul./Aug 1954 Abstract Favorable review of 3rd edition. First edition appeared 20 @-ears, ago. Institution Submitted DUVANIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich-, @@HINSKIY, V.A., otvetstvennyy redsk-tor; M110"z-- 'I ':Y- SHATILINA, M.K., redaktor; BRAYITMA, MT., tokhnicheakiy reclaktor FSea level] Uroven' moria. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskoe izd-vo, 1956. 58 P. (KLRA 10:4) (ocean) ERYLOV, Aleksey Nikolayevich, akadem1k; GLAGOLKVA, M.N.. otvetstvenrky-y sostavitell; SMIRNOV, V.I., akademik, otyetstvennyy redaktor; SHIKANSKIY, Yu.A., akademik, otvetetvennyy redaktor; SNIZHINSKIY, N V.A., doktor voenno-morskikh nauk. otvetstvennyy reda SHERNOVA, A.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Collected works] Sobranio trudov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. Vol.12, pt.2. [Bibliography] Bibliografiia. 1956. 395 P. (MIRA 9:9) (Bibliograpli,v--Krylov, Aleksei Nikolaevich, 1863-1945) LARIONOVA, Antonina Nikolayevna; SIMMINSKIY, V.A.,; HIRONFRIKO, - --- - - Z.I., red.; VCIKOT, N.V.,-t6khn.rod.; BRATNINA, K.I., [Traveling over the ocean bottom] Puteshestvie po morokomi dnu. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1959. 101 P. (MM 13:2) (Ocean bottom) SHOKAVSKIY, Yuliy Mikhaylovich, zasluzh.deyatell nauki Edeceagedl;, red.; �NEZHINSKIT,-@,; LEONOV, A.K., '; MIROMMO, Z.I., red.; USffAKO?A, T.V.. red.; BRAYNINA, H.I.,; FtIUM, M.Ya., [Oceanography] Okeanografiia. Izd.2. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1959. 536 p. (MIRA 12-:5) 1. Fochetnyy chlen Akademit nauk SSSR, Pochotnyy prezident Geo- graficheskogo obahchostvB Sovetakogo Soyuza (for Shokallskiy). (Oceanography) DUVANIN, Aleksapdr Ivanovich;., :WX%H-INSLU,-Y,.A-. ,; MIROHENKO, Z.I., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G., [Sea tides] Prilivy v more. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. 1960. 369 P. (MrRA 13:10) (Tides) LHONOV, Alokoandr Kuzlmich; SIISZIIINSKIY, V.A. ,; MIRONENKO, Z.I.. red.; BRAYMNA, K.I., (Regional ocianographyl RegionalInaia okeanografiia. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. Pt.l. (Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk. the Sea of Japan, the Caspian Sea, and the Black Sea) Beringovo, Okhotskoe, IAponskoe, Kespiiskoe i Chernoe moria. 1960. 764 P. (MIRA 14:1) (oceanography) The offect of Lonizint reactionion- the &UUgCWC U68 Of Protelnz- M. A. ZJl`bcr, V. A. Artamouova, Frank. and A. D@ Shczh ko. Ated. - Radidoziw i, No., i kc. .. subjected to 1100 r *P@Iws Of kr-diation.. At 3_6 and 20-25- days after the posure anitnals vere killed and the antizenic compa. of the, tissues of the livers and splem cornpared'with those of a con.. trot. I'lie. following fractions of the liver. tissues, Wem, studied, irdtoo-hondrimi nucteoproteins, globulins and jultW, eyknplaslalc exts.; only: the Ust fraction of the splew waj stwiled. TheWtowing procedureti,as used in obtalulug the" Initial P_xt. 6f the liver and'spleen tissues: wash tissuc@i free: of I)Itvd;, comminute and horringenize ia- 10 times, their* W ) 01. miu.;:centrifu of:0.850,0 Nael f , n ge homogenate at tel Inp.; dl4card sediment. and use supernatant us the sm' .4it cylopla. Ic proLelu.cxt., ;Obtain nuclcoproteins,03@ toiroTys, AcUdiry W. 5% AcOR to VIL Inge; dis6rd sedimwt; acidify, the s4pe=tAut Suid to - p1l -1' 5; this will ppt:. the uticle6pictein-fraftl6n; wash twiLc@ 'With acIdIfied.0A5% NaClv. dissolve in-11.0--- nl"11-616 %-ith 0.5% NaOH@xo pH 7.6. Ppt. tjie Klob@liu lr@@ I (.N SO,.added to 33% satn. at W. The wit I globulin xvill form in the cold withia 2 hrs@ . Sep- globulin by iva3h'twictivrWkS3% satel. (NH4)jSOjsoIn.- dialrxe against running OSS%'NaCt for.10-40 hrs.' As the (NI14@$04 is beinLrdialyzed out the globalirIsgointo soln -which form theyam usad in the study'ofa- tigeuic properties 'The 3011 43f,thC:IjVer W r as p Cpd b tb !metlidd &Claude-u_@ =odified.bN@ ffdggbi@31. VI 2 .4257f)@' In.-th" W" hom in'; 4 MS,I=tse@ ft tisque:!Was ogeni zed @8%. glucose - solm. Micr6kjej4ahj detas., were made fdr,@ tjie N cOntexit, of each, fraction' of the@' 77"-7 uss F .ne-a` 1@jn';3gy@ Physical and Chemira.i Ko.--.ogy, B--l U_ Re,,J" 'Z?,ur - B_fo'-, INc 2@ 195P,@ lic 4727 A. u t1h o S A,D., I rs: t 6f-.7611 T, f; le Dete-@-_rnaaltaor of Free 0.,@@,Fgen Concnntr_9'"_on in JLdma-1. Brain Ti-isu6 Under CcndJ1tJ_on:, of a Fr,%tracted Experiment. Orii: Fuh TgEe@ , No 6, 565-592 Abst:rick@,t If 9, poter-ti-al diffar@@nc5 i,-j establ-,.@hed between elentrodes pLanea :.n an a@@id solutior@. cor-taining 02, tkBn at the catho- -6 4@-Iha rewLtiori -aill bs 02 pluc ZH plus Ze---OH2 At 0.2 @,@9 ,7ct, the rate of 09 diffusi L on is constant, which dr.-monstrated on the polarogram by a parallel degree of cur- .1, 9. t,.,- re @n, s diffusion ourrart is directly proportional to C ard 8 .USSR / General Biology. Physical and Chemical Biology, B-1 'Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, No 4.727 Author Snezhko, A.D. i the concentration of reduced 02 provided tlie electromo- tive po,.,.rer causes polarization only on the cathode. Into the brain of a live rabbit., a platinum electrode 0.1 nua in diameter was introduced. A non-polarizing electrode (a glass tube filled with kaolin and saturated solution of CuS04, with a copper conductor introduced) was attached at a distance of 10 mm -to the skull. A current of 2 - 4 x 10-6 amps, develops at a potential difference of 0.6 volts. In order to determine the relative tension of 02 in the brain by current flow in a long-time experiment (up to 9 days), an "oxygen test" (OT) was introduced -- enrichment of air by oxygen, 2 - 5 seconds after begin- tension in the brain increased. 1-2@ - 2 ning OT the 02 2 minutes after OT the 02 tension reverts bD the original Card 2/4 Miso the our '6 -"usL III OT reaches ION and Irature degree changeso Pabbits exhibit an individual background of 0 2 tensio characteris tic of the basic le.., "ff connected with the functional - State of SNEZHKO, A.D. Changes in oxygen uptake of brain tissue after x-irradistion [with summary in Inglishl. Biofizika 2 no.1:67-78 157. OURA 10:3 ) 1. Institut biologicheskoy f1siki AN SSSR, Moskva. (BRAIN) (X HAYS"PHYSIOLOGICAL lFPZCT) (OXYGNU IN THIC BODY) @RAT-FK, G. M., KLAD"YALOVA., N. A.) and SIZZHKO, A. D. "Biophysical Analysis of the NIechantsms of Biological Effect of Ionizing Radiation." paper to be presented at 2nd U11 Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58. iv lip" 4 A 'Ov 19 al 4 1.7 F E -R N E; i A, L- o g Ts @5 -5 A rt o aa - pp- -rta O 3/02 6o/133/04/31/031 B016YBo67 AUTHOR: Snezhko, A. D. TITLE., Rhythmic Variations of Oxygen Tension in Live Tissues PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk S3SR, 1960, Vol. 133, No- 4, Pp. 984-987 TEXT: In his earlier papers (Refs. 1-3) the author used a stationary platinum electr,:de for determining the concentration of free oxygen in animal tissues. Thus, he succeeded in determining rhythmic fluctuations of the 02 content in the brain of warm-blooded animals. These fluctuations had a chara@@Xeriszic- frequency and amplitude-, which, however, did not agree with the rhythm-9 of the heart, the respiration, and the biocurrents of the brain. There are two possible reasons for the fluctuations mentioned: 1) They are the result of the pulsation of the blood current of the brain which deviates from the oulsation of the heart, 2) they reflect a rhythmic oxygen consumption. _J.e., they are determined by the rhythm of tissue respiiatlion. If assumption 2) were -,orrect, similar Dhencmena would be bou-nd to occur also in other 'ciesues in which oxidative Drooesses take Card 1/4 Rhythmic Variations of Oxygen Tension in Live 3/020/60/133/04/31/031 Ti8sues B016/BO67 plaoe. To solv@, this problem, the author carried out experiments with various animals and plants ancording to a method already described (Refs. 1, 2-4). The liver of beheaded animals was put into an isotonic saline solution, and a platinum 6lec-trode was introduced into the tissue, If the liver is taken out rapidly, the rhythms mentioned can be observed (Fig. ) b). The rhythm ofoxygen tension is activated by 10-20% by increas- ing the temperature in the range of optimum values. The homogenization of the 1-i-ver somewhat altered the rhythm (Fig. 1 v, g). Boiling causes it to cease (Fig. 1 d). The 0 2 fluctuations were hardly noticeable in the I liver of a mouse killed by anoxia (Fig. I zh). After extracting and centri- fuging a liver homogeriate, no rhythmic 0 2 fluctuations can be observed in the sediment (Fig. 2 a). They were weak in the centrifugate, and did not show the frequency which is characteristic of live liver. By adding gluoose or suoc-_Lric acid The amplitude of this rhythm becomes larger; the frequency of the rhybhms lar-gely deviates from that of a normal liver. The action of Bodium azide on the homogenate causes the rhythmsto cease (Fig, 2yE:). The above- -mentioned rhythmic fluctuations in the egg of the Card 2/4 Rhythmic Variations of Oxygen TeriSion in Live S/02o/6o/133/04/31/031 Tissues BW/B067 frog are not so periodic as in the liver of the mouse (Fig. 3 a). By re- placing the oxygen atmosphere in the experimental chamber by nitrogen the amplitud;.i rapidly decreases (Fig. 3 b). Irradiation with X-rays (dose: 3000 r) causes the rhythms to cease (Fig. 3 z). Also in the parenchyme of the leaves in the stalk, or in the root of beans or peas, temperature-de- pendent fluctuations of the 0 2 tension were observed. The temperature in- crease frcm !8 to 280 did not only increase the amplitude but also the (Fig. 4 b). The author is not yet able to give a definite judge- ment op the nature of the rhythms observed in the life activity of the cell. He assumes, however, that the above-mentioned fluctuations reflect some universal process which is conneoted with oxyger. consumption and is char- aoteristic. of all live organlsms@ In the light of G. M. Frank's theory kBefs. 6-8) it mAy be assumed that the rhythmic fluctuations reflect the self-regulation of a live system that maintains oxidative metabolism in a sharply limitad velocihy range which seems necessary for the corresponding func-tional statle. These studies are being cont1waed by the author. There are 4 figures anG 8 references: 7 Soviet. Card 3/4 Rhythmic Var-fations cf Oxy.gen Tension In Live S102016011331041311031 Tissues BO!6/BO67 ASSOCIATION: Instibut btofiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (1,.istitute of B@icphysics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED. Mar@@h *16@ 1960, t6y V, A, Engeligard, Academician 0 SUBMITTED: February 12, 1960 CaTd 411.4 Ch..c,, c,l C,11 U11-1-et ... I -.d -f Rhyth.,Ic 0,,1d.1I-,n Isreire,- -f, r < ,i k J G. M. Fmmk, A. G. G-b-t-a tusd A. D. Snijko It ili-n in prc%imn invellig3tionv using INAvognrlsic, method, i,, i- ti,-t the 0, in rjm.I arid p'.int tissues ,a% not constant but changcd rhythmically. One can Observe this phenerrentin lit wire Aed also f,cs'I:y is.l.fcd tisitic prerarations. Ific rhythm wis conncL-,CJ uith the U10azation of 02 by loing Celli. Iffadistio n induced chantics not only of the absolute lc%cl or the 0, tension In tisitic but is Iso or the rhythm. New inves:,gation in this field cxtcndtd ourkno%%kdrcofthe significance orthe rhyihmicutili@jtinn ef0,. Chari,-,cs in the type Of rcrindicitY %%cr. cortclatcd with particular s(pi in the 0ain of oxi(lving process". The s.,,- rheo-,mcne- is ob,cmed @ith fladiition and phitwincological ngtriti Ingucriccd tht rcriodicity. Tho rlicremsentin was correlated %vilh dimatic to the inner mitosliondrial mcmbrines. Several he '13 after imidiation the jcriodic chant:ci tcappezired. indicating rcrair or riniffichorsdriiI .11ri'tructurcs. Further o r.,r,,,,n nf rise rhythm or oxidiling rfmcitel, of "Itfuchendri3l urtravriacturr and or submicroicoric nii, ifify b (observed by the lntcrfc@cc method) allowrs uv to brina these three procev" together and to discu" ionse if fentit- of the autorrsulation of "It prvc@tes, their radiation dlituthance, and the repair mechanisms after irradiation. Ift-ft WV@Phylfll. as,@-- Ar- Men report prevented at tba 2nd Inti. Congiving of Raclistion Posearchp HArrogntaftarkBh1ra, Gt. BrIt. @-3-1 AUS 1962 SNEZhKO, A.D. Natur-& of he or,*v--*In of rest-.nig pozentials. @'--idy YjT td. biol. L - P-P. 0 9.-128-131 164. (m. -L2. 1) 1. Institut blofizild All SSSR, Mosk-va. MUKHAM"W'.11A NOV, M.V., ';NF-(,IIKOY L.D., YAZYKCV, A.Y. "93ties by the po".e.-rogreptillic method. Uzb, zh@_-' '64. 1 . Inst! tu,. gene tiM r as t.enly AN !13 If Ir..?t"tv.t biolflzi-ki AN SSSF.. AccEssim im: AP.4037i76 s/oo69/64/o26/003/O308/03U AUTHOR: Dogruiki , B. A.; Snezbkoj A. G.; Gull, V. Ye. TITIE: Aqueous dispersions of polypropylene SOURCE: Kolloidny*y ZhuraalI V. 26.. no- 3, 1964, 3o8-3u TOPIC TAGS: polypropylene) polypropylene aqueous dispersion,, polypropylene diaDersion emulsifier, main, oleic acid, stearic acid@ polypropylene dispersion akponifier, polypropylene dispersion time, polypropylene dispersion temperaturej :polypropylene dispersion stability ABSTRWT. The influence of the main factors detexmining the dispersion process i was studied for the purpose of broadening the range of aqueous dispersions and for obtaining films for food wraps. Powdered non-stabilized polypropylene was used as test =o-terial. its prepa-ration, i.e. dispersion on rollers, adding of e=,ulsifier, alkz-14-ne hydrolysis and aqueous redispersion are described. This was evaluated according to size of particles (microphotography) and aggregate stability@ in a vater solution (dilution threshold -maximum water dilution obtain le vithout coagulation). The Tnain factors were: nature of the emulsifierj concentration and itard 1/3 ACCESSIal NE: Ap4ogi76 method of introducing the alkzline solution. The time required for dispersion and the disp,2rsiom properties depended upon the speed of introduction and the concen- Uration of the saponifying agent added to the mixture of polypropylene and emulsi- fier. increased al1kaline concentration (2% and 5% KOH tested) and its rapid intro duction (15-50 minutes tested) resulted in a lower dispersability of the system, due to bigger particle eize. Compared to oleic and stearic acid, rosin as emulsi- fier ga-vL best results. @Vcellar emulsifier formation, which depends upon temper- ature, gave the best stabilizing results. The selection of dispersion tem-nerature depended upon the emulsifier (20C for oleic, 70C for stearic acid, 50-60C for rosia.). Lower temperatures increased the -Darticle diameter and decreased aggregate stability of the system. The best dispersion stability with ionogenic emulsifiers was obtained within narrow pH limits (11-11.5). Such dispersions had a low dilu- tion threshold (to 4%); 2o% dispersions with pH 2.1 easily coagulated upon slight dilution. Orig. art. has: 1 table and 4 figures. ASSOCIA=: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy technologii im. M. V. Lomon- :0507a _..@:Ow Institute of Fine.Chemicals Technology); Moskovskiy tekhaologicheskiy. institut r-yannoy 4- molochnoy promy-fthlennosti (Moscow TechnoLogical institute of rMeat and Milk Industry) 6-.,-d- 2/3 !ACCESSION NR: AP4037176 @SUB,NETTED: 050ct63 SUB CoDr,: OCX GG ENCL: 00 NO fW SGV: 003 OIBER: 000 3/3 --- ---------- L 63845-65 R-IT(m)/EWP(j) RM ,,ACCESSION NR-. AP5020235 M/oo6g/65/027/00/,/0627/0628 539.216.2 AUTHORS: Gull, V. Ye,,,- Snezhko A* G.; Dogadk' B. A, 42 TITLE: The preparation of film and coating'ak mixing aqueous disper.3ions of thermodynamically incompatible thermopla-BTs- SOURCE. Kolloidnyy zhurnall v. 27f no. 4t 19659 627-628 TOPIC TAGS: polyethylene plastic, vinyl chloride permeability measurement thermoplastic material A13STRAC':: Physical properties of films made of mixed aqueous of polymers were studied to determine theproper way for preparing such i7ixtures. The aqueous.dispersion ofpolyethylene!O(containing a stabilizer permitGed for use in the food@'Andustry) and the aqueouq/dispersions of the copolymer of vinylidene chlorido and vinyl chloride (SM-1YI-rare used as test snocimens. From the miz- ture of these substances filiF -were cast (at 135C in 20 LLII n' invescigated. The relationships of their mechanical properties and of the:@@ .@.a-re.- a;A vapor permeabililty to their composition are shown in Fig. 1 on the Enclosure. These film have a higher water-vapor permeability and lower strength and deformation card .113 L 63845-65 01, ACCESSION NR.- AP5020235 ENCLOSME, ow U's up - mo- U - J IN zi ;L -0 lp 99- A xal al -01 o'" - 'go/ zo - Z9 SVML% 17 PE 3/3 L 13616-66 EWT(m)/EWP(v)/EWP(J)/T/ETC(m)- - -VAI/RM ACC NRs AP6000959 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/022/0042/0042 AUTHORSt Gull, V. Ye.1 Snezhko, A. .; Solovlyev, Ye. V. '65 ORG: none TITLE: A method for fixiM naturated polyolefins to nonmetallic materials. Claes 22, No. 176347 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobroteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 22, 1965p 42 TOPIC TAGSt olefin, adhesive bonding, adhesion, chemical bonding ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for fixing saturated pol,.r- olefins to nonmetallic materials,, such an cellophane or polyetbylenoterephthalate. To increase the strength of the joint, the surface of a nonmetallic material is coated with a thin layer of saturated polyolefin dispersed in water and then with polyolefin at the temperature of its melting. SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DATE: O9Dec63 UDC: 678.029.42.-669.395 :"I --V @j. -k; Y- @-'7 Ar-Aluer., s 0- sions of a s e nwA Fifie r. Koll . zhti-.-@ 27 tic, 18-12) 1. lvlookovskiy institait. 'onkoy khWohe.5koy tekhnologii imeni Lorco i MoskoVskly tekhnaloui-,@hosViy institut myasriov i nosova molkwhnoy promyshlanno.-Al. SulmitAod rr-,(-. 213, 1963.