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SILINKOVA-MAIKOTA, E.; NAHLIK, F.; STAVA, Z. , ~ - - __wz. Liver function tests in the treatment of syphilis with spironovan and bismuth. Cas. lek. cesk. 90 no-51-52:1522-1525 28 Doc 51. (GLML 21:5) 1. Of the Second Dermatological Clinic (Head--Prof. X. Hubschmann, M.D.) ffMCHKLU, L.:STLVL, Z. Blood proteins in scleroderma, lupus erythematomus. and chronic dermatitis atrophicans. Ceek. darn. 27 no. 10:385-405 Doc 1952. (CLKL 23:5) 1. Of the Second Dermatological Clinic (Read-Prof. 11. Rubscbmanin. M. D.) of Charles University, Prague, STAIIVE ': - derm. Klin., Praha. *Melkerssonuv-RosenthrAuv syndrom a Jeho problematika. The Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome and its probl(!ms CSL. D70-1. 1951, 28/7 (283-292) illus. 6 Two typical cases of the syndrome (recurrent oedema of lips, facial paresie and lingua plicate) are described. Lip btopsy showed lymphangioma in one case and the picture of cheilitis granulamatose (Mieschtr) ifi -the second. there beine signs of Beenier- Boeck-Schaumann disease or of tb in thp letter case. The attempts of some Serman authors t9 identify the syndrome tith cheilitis granulomatosa or to negate its existence altogbtlipr seem to be premature. Excision proved successful. Schwank - Prague SO: Excerpta Medica Section Xlll Vol. 9 No. I S TAVA, Z. -': Considerations on theoretical principles of dermatologic roentgeqo- therapy. Cesk. derm. 28 no.8-9.*396-413 Nov 1953- (GIML 25:5) 1. Of the Second Dermatological Clinic (Head--Prof. K. Hubschamnn, M.P.). Prague. HUBSCHMM, Karel, MUDr prof.; STAVA, Zdenek MUDr, asistent kliniky _ " ' -j"7'~ "-- -V'hj~ .000 Electrophoretic studies on serum, proteins in scleroderma in the course of the disease and during the treatment. Cask. dorm. 24 no.6:347-353 Dee 54. 1. Z 11 dermatologicke kliniky v Praze (prednosta prof. XUDr K.Rubschmenn) (SCIRRODIDIMA. blood in proteins, electrophoresis) (NizCTROPHORISIS blood proteins in selaroderma) (BLOOD PROTSINS. in various diseases mclaroderma, electrophoresis) ., /Electraphoretic studies of serum proteins in soleroderma Pn the course of the disease and during the tTe4finent. K. Hfibschmann avid Z. 8iiva. , Ceskoslav. Derinatol. 29, 347-53(1954); Excerpta--223.79-,48ect. XIII, 320-1(11)55),- The results of 93 electrophoretic analyses of serum protairm Jn 24 cases of diffuse scleroderma (1) and arrosclerosis (11) and 12 cases of circtimscribed scleroderma (111) are pre- sented, with special attention to the changes during treat- ruent. In I and H which show little change the clectropho- retic patterns are relatively stable, -but in cases where the disease progresses -y-globufla levels increase. In III the clectrophoretic. pattems show fewer deviations. In acute and widespread cases the patients' age has little influence. After large doses of cardiazol (metrazol), electrophoretic patterns change in about 500,'o of I and 11 cases. Procaine has less effect than cardiazol both in regard to Oinical signs and electropboretic patterns. HUBSCHMANN, Karel prof. dr.; STAVA. %denek. as. dr. Blood vessel pathogenesis of diffuse scleroderma. Cask. derm. 29 no.1:26-31 Feb 55. 1. Z II dermatol. Kin. v Praze; pradm. pr,)f. dr. Ir.Hubschmann. (SCLIKRCMEM diffuse. role of circ. system disord. in pathogen.) (BLOOD CIRCULATION, diseases disord. role in pathogen. of diffuse seleroderma) TRAPL, Jiri, MUDr; STAVA. Menek MUDr - asistenti kliniky Contribution to the problem of cutaneous arteriolitia. Cesk. dorm. 29 no.1:50-53 Fab 55. 1. Z II. dermatol. kliniky v Praze (predn. prof. dr. K.Hubschmann) (ARTERITIS arteriolitis cutaneous allergic, diag. & ther.) (BLLKRGY. P-latfostatione arteriolitis, cutaneous) Z?" RUBSCH14AIIN, Karel, professor, 14UDr; STAVA, Zdanek, MUDr, asiatent klinDw Current status of the problem of scleroderma. Cesk.derm. 29 no.2: 96-102 Apr 55. 1. 2 11. dermatologicke kliniky v Praze (prednosta prof. MOr 1. Habschmann) (SCi;MOMMA' classif. & ther., current status) STAVA, Zdenek, MUDr; asistent kliniky; CERMAKOVA, Ruzena, MuDr, klin. ---"ggkndar. Present concepts on etiology, pathogenesis, and therapy of acne vulgarls; review with practical considerations. Cesk.derm. 30 no.4:246-255 Auc 155. 1. Z II. dermatologicke kliniky v Praze (prednosta prof.WJDr Karel ffubsebmann) (ACNE, review) STAVI, Zdenek, KLJI)r~; JIRASEK, 1-4bor, MLTDr., asistenti kliniV ACTH nnd cortisone In dermatological practice. Cesk. derm. 30 no.6:346-352 Dec 55. 1. Z II. dermatoloricke kliniky v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. K. Hubschmann). (ACT-q. therapeutic use. skin dis.) (CCRTISONE. therapeutic use. skin dis.) (SKIN, diseases, ther., ACTH & cortisone) JIRASM, Lubor. MUDr; STAVA. Menek. MUDr, klin assistenti occupational dermatosis caused by coal tar. Prakt. lek., Praha 35 no.2:34-37 20 Jan 55. 1. Z II dermatol. klin. v Praze. prednosta prof. WJDr K.Hubschmann (OCCITATIONAL DISIRASES skin dis. caused by coal tar) (SKIN. diseases occup., caused by coal tar) (COAL TAR. injurious effects skin dis.. occup.) RABOCH, Jan, MUDr; STAVA, 7denek, MUDr Sexual d13order after implantatirn of high dose of follIcular hormome in a ycung man.;c.caek. 94 no.19:4971-500 6 Mfv- 55. 1. Ze Sexaclogicireho ustua-vu, Karlcvy univeresity v Piaze; prsenosta: prof. dr. Jos. Hynie, z II. derratovenemolgicks kliniky v Prays; prednosta: prof. dr. K. Rabschoiann. (EST-ROGNITS, inittric-u-3 affect-3, selxual clisord. cA-,abGd by high dose Implant in young man) (SECLJAL BBIIAVICB, affszt of drugs on, astrogena high dose implt~-t in ycq-,up_ man) STAVA, Zdenek, XUDr,as klin.: CIRMAKOVA. Ruzena. MLWr. klin. sek Removal of freckles with pheaol-ether solution. Cesk.derm. 31 no.4: 223-225 Aug 56 1. Z II. dermatol. kliniky KU v Praze. predn. prof. Dr. K.Hubshman (LANTIGO, ther. removal with phenol-ether solution (03)) (PHINOIS. ther. use phenol-ether solution in removal of lentigines (Cz)) (ITHIRR, ther. use other-phenol solution in removal of lentigines (CZ)) EXCERPTA MICX See 13001 13/1 DermatolOgY J&n 59 215. DIFFUSE SCLERODERNIA. A CLINICAL STUDY OF SIXTY-FIVE CASES ~ t;~ va Z. 2.1d Dermatol. Clin., Charles Univ., Prague - DERMATOLOGICA (Basel) 1938. 117/3 (135-147) Graphs 1 Tables 7 A review is given of the statistical data collected in 56 cases ofdiffuse scleroderma in 8 vr., and of the changes in the various internal organs and in the laboratory findiiiga. 7 .4 E-.-d-:,R~TA 'ec 2- Vol 14 111 "hysi-10:-Y Nov 59 5 P) 1. SERUNI PROTEENS LN SCLERODE'RN A va Z. Il. i)VI-Inatol. Chn., CharIvs Univ.. Prague 1171;3 (147-153) (;raphs I Tabl-!s 2 El,~ctrophorvtiv study of serum proteins in 46 patients with diffuse sclerodert-na and Ili 26 patients with circumscribed scivi-cJernia (total of 148 electrophoretic analyses, of which arithmetical ineans werc ;calculated) showed a rise of the -y- globulin fraction at tile vxPeuse of tile albuill ml, which parillels the progreision of the disease regarding skin surface (circuniti ~rlhedsclerodernia) as well as systvin- ic involvement (progressWe acroaclerosi.4). the Increase of -y-Rlobulin conce-n- tration is more pronounced Ili slowly progre ilsing acrosclerosis of large extent and long duration than in generalized diffuse scleroderma rapidly advancing to a fatal outcome. Generalization of typical circ 4mscribed scleroderma over the whole bodv in 2 cases, in which the systemii 'involvement could not lie clinicall) proved, o~ at least was doubtful, wa~ also folilo, ed by a pronounced rise of the -y-globulin level. It seems that the increase 4 ti e -y-globulin fraction parallels not only the systemic sclerosis of the organism -jut even the extent of sclerodermatous changes in the skin itself. The increase of it it y-globulin fraction can hardly be regarded a proof of iminanobiological mecha,tisms in the pathogenesis of the con- dition or a common denominator for includin :' scleroderma among the diffuse col- lagen diseases. The serum protein pattern a ipears very constant at a certain stage of development of scleroderma. Attempts to ilter it by various therapeutic meas- ur" or J~ugs, including ACTU/cortisone. h ':e failed. (XI 11, EYCERPTA MICA Sec 13 Vol 13/11 Dermatology Nov 59 ----1kga - tironingen 3079. THE PROBLEM OF I INTE 100- LNTION Bl-"'I'WLE,,4 DIFFUSE GENERALIZ- ED SCLERODERMA, ACROSCLEROSIS. RAYNAUD'S PHEINOINIENON ANM RAYNAUD'S DISEASE. A CLINICAL STUDY BASED ON AN ANALYSIS OF 70 CASES - 9 i A v a Z. Second Dcri~iz tol. Clin., Charles Univ., Prague - DERMATOLOGIC779as".1) lV59, 118 1'1 ( -11) Tables I The personal follow-up over a period of 10 yr. a-id the'final anal)sis of 70 cases of diffuse scleroderina lead to the following conclusions: Raynaud's phenomenon precedes scleroderma of the acrosclerotic type (Hutchinson, Sellei. O'Leary) by varying periods. During the entire time all the criteria of Raynaud's disease exist- ed. There is a very close relation between Rayn,,ub's disease and scleroderma of the acrosclerotic type to the point of possibly being the same disease with differ- ent degrees of involvement. In acute malignant diffuse generali7ed scleroderma Raynaud's phenomenon is either not marked or altogether absent. The prognosis of acrosclerosis is the less favourable. the earlier in life Raynaud's phenomenon occurs and the shorter the interval between its onset and the appearance of sclero- derinatotis changes. Joint pains at the onset of the disease further aggravate the prognosis. STAVA, Zdenek; BIELICKY, Tibor Report from a trip to dermatological clinics in Rostock and B"Jim. Cesk. derm. 35 no.2:131-136 AP 160. 1. 11, dermatologicka klinika v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Karel Hubsebmann. (DERKATOLOGY hoop & clin) KALENSKY, J.; I-STAVA, Zd.; TBAPL, J. Carcinoma teleangiectaticum. Case report. Sborn.lek.62 no.11: 321-323 N16o. 1. 11. dermatologicka klinika falmlty vaeobeeneho lekarstyi University Karlovy Y Praze, Dreduosta prof.dr. K.Rubschmann. (CARGIROKA case reports) (BREAST NEOPLASMS case re-oorts) 06 GOIW.try: Czechoslovakia /not givon/ PraCtio, Rozhiedy v '-rubcrIzu.I-oc;o a v Nomocach Plicnich, Vol M, No?, Aucust 1961, IT)?. 533-539 "aOxior-iry FiTy-lins- in Collagenoses." Authors: r-kCHOLDA, F, Tuborculosis Clinic of tho Faculty of Goncral Nedicine .U'Charloslu'rd ~arsi~~ ~KlinE~a tifoork-ulozy fa!CLLIty vseobeencho lok.arstvi Karlovy university), Prague; Chief (Prednosta): Prof oslav Jedlicka. SmIll.k, Z Derwito-16gical Clinic II of the Faculty of General ~-Iledicine C ~kaI--rTds-U-n--1-v-crsity OIT dermatologicka klinilka vseobeenehc lekarstvi Karlovy university), Prague; Chief (Prednosta): Doe Dr Jan Obrtel KVICALOVA, Eva; STAVA, 4dqnpj~; TRAPL, Jiri Steroid therapy of pemphigus associated with diabetes mellitus. Cask. dem. 36 no.6:424-426 161. L II kozni klinika fakulty, vseobeeneho lekarstvi Karlovy miversi+-7 v Praze, prednosta doe. WJDr. Jan Obrtel, Dr. Sc. (PEMPHIGUS ther) (DIABETES ~MUITUS COM51) (PREDNISONE ther) (CORTICOTROPL?4 ther STAVA, Zdenek; KVICALOVA, F-va; KACL, Jaromir Ciremscribed scleroderma and spinal changes. FreliminaI7 cOsm"i tion on 40 cases. Cesk. darn. 36 no.7:1,65-468 161. 1. 11 dermatologicka klinika M KU v Praze, prednosta doe. MUDr- Zan Obrtel, Dr. Se. Radiologicka klinika M KU v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. Vaclav Svab. (SCLERODEFKA compi) (SPINE dis) STI~114, J.; STAVA, Zd. The electroencephalogram in scleroderma. Cesk. derm. 36 no.8: 501-512 D 161. 1. Laborator pro patofyziologii nervoveho systemu v Fraze, prednosta akademik K.Henner IL dermatologicka klinika KU v Fraze, prednosta doe. dr. J. Obrtel. (i.'Jr-,CTItO,&14CEPHALOGiUPHY physiol.) (SCLERODERM physiol.) KVICALOVA, Eva; STAVA, Zdenek Dermatitis bullosa phytogenea after contact with Heracleum Mantegaz- zianum. Cook, derm. 37 no.1:31-34 F '62. 1. 11 kozai klin. fak. vaeob. lek. Karlovy univ. v Praze, predne MUDr. J. Obrtel, DrSc. (DERMATITIS VEMUTA etiol) (TRIAMCINOLONE ther) (ROTS toxicol) STA,VA.,-Z.j KVIGAIA)VA, E.; JENIKOVA, J. OPetechiall angiamata. Cesk. derm. 38 no.2:134-135 AP 163. 1. II dermato-venerologicka klinika fak. vseob. lek. KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Obrtel, DrSe. Dermato newrolo- gicke oddeleni OUNZ v Nymburce. (HEMANGIMA) (SUN NEOPLASM) (PURFgRA) KVICALOVA, E.; STAVA, Z. Therapy of atopic eczema writh Bucky rays (Report on 95 patients treated during the past 10 years). Cesk. dorm. 38 no.3:171+-177 Je 163. 1. 11 dermato-venerologicka klinika fakulty voeobeensho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Obrtal, DrSe. (RADIOTHERAPY) (DERMATITIS, ATOPIC) __~TAV A,) -Z~.- - Basic laboratory and general exazirLations in dermatology. u Cesk. derm. 38 no-4:243,-250 Ag 163. 1. 11 dermato-venerologicka klinika fakulty vseobecneho lelairstv-1 KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Obrtel, DrSc. (DEMATOLOGY) (DIAGNOSIS, LABOUTORY) STAVA, Z,,; KVICALOVA, E. - 1 1- -- ---- Current trends in dermatological roentgen therapy. Cook. derm. 38 no.2:1*Z-133 Ap 163. 1. 11 dermato-venerologicka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarst-vi KU v Praze, prednosta proL dr~ J. Obrtel, DrSc. (DMUTOLOGY) (RADIOTHMAPY) ~A Z, ThE- c.,invl~ngus in Oem).mclaromin. Gesl(. radlol. 1~1 no.601"'l- 64, ~ad'ologlaka Uinika (pj,o,,dnostAt prof. dr. V. ~'vab, 1r c.) n 'i-ozni klini~a (prodnoetsi PT-Of. dr. .7. Obi-tol, Vv~cj vae-l-Aonebo le~,arstvi. Karlovy lllnlvers,t~y v F-an, STAVAR, Traian The 1962 Statistical Yearbook of Rmania. Frobleme econ 16 no.l: 124-127 Ja 163, 01-~AK, Milin; STAVAR, Rudolf Pressing instead of machining raleable cast-iron castings. Stroj vyr 12 no.lC:751-7413 0 '64. 1. Branecke zelf?zrjrny Phitional ll,'nf.(!rprJ!ic, Frankit near Opava. 7-:.,,ceini-ske nalzl., ij. Va. i'~3 P- (!'-nual -)f !-,.xne lawSc b i '3 1 . I t , "ot i n DY, D's Euror34an Acces.;ions list, Vol. 5, no. 9, ptember]956 MACURA, J.; STATAIK, Z. Glucose metabolism in Azotobacter. Chekh.biol. 2 no.3:159-167 Je 153. MRA 7 - 4) 1. Institut biologii Chekhoslovatskoy Akademii na-u , mikrobiologiya, Praga. (Azotobacter) (Glucose) STAVXR, T. Special workers forthe industry of the last. Prof.-tekh. obr. 13 no.~'10-11 Jl 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Nachallnlk Holotovskogo obladtnogo upravleniya trudovykh rezervov. (Technical education) STAVER, T. Requirements of our times. Pfof.-tekh. obr. 17 no.10:16-17 0 160. (MIRA 13: 10) 1. Nachallnik -Permakogo oblastnogo upravleniva professionallno-tekhni- chaskogo obrazovaniya. (Perm Province--Technical education) STATER T.; MMANOV, 1. . J-- All-round and systematic help. Prof.-telit. obr. 18 no. 3:25-26 M-r 161. (MIRL 11+: 4) 1. Nachallnik Permskogo oblstnogo upravleniya professionalino-tekhni- cheskogo obrazovaniya (for Staver). 2. Nachallnik upravleniya kadrov i uchebnykh zavedeniy Permskogo sovnarkhoza (for Mukhanov). (Perm Frovince-Evening and continuation schools) -j,,,rFR, c~. - ., , ~ ~ h , (, tire PV -, . I , - t " - ., , ~ " '. I - A .1 . . ., L - -1, -- on . .!! an inorease 'n ;-,3 tlvv~ of !d.n unirs. TSer- t 31 n~-,.5il3-15 S-0 165- (11C, RA 18!10) j. Kz"inhevsldy toementno-shifernyy krimbinat. LITSOYXV, IT.D., starshiy inzhener-, STAVER, V.P., starshiy elaktromekhanik' V, Additional device for the service channel of the RK-24A radio relay apparatus. Awtoz., telem. i aviaz, 4 no. 12:25-26 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Deballtsevskaya distantBiya Bignalizateii i avyazi Donetskoy dorogi. (Railroads--Communication nystems) STAVERI, V.F., inzh.; LITSOYEV, N.D., starshiy inzh. Changes in the circuit for the automatic switching-in of auxiliary power supply to radio relay apparatus. Avtom., telem. 1 sviaz' 5 no.10:37-38 0 161. (I-ITIVi. 14:9) 1. Deballtjovskaya distantsiya signalizatsii i svyazi Donetskoy dorogi (for 'Aaver). (Railroad&--Uectz4mic equipment) (Electric power supply to apparatus) STAVERSKIY; MALYUTIN, G.I.; BELGORODSKIY, P.N. Experience in the receiving, storage, and processing of sugar beets harvested with the continuous method. Sakh.prom. 37 no.7: 42-49 J1 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Gonorovskiy sakharnyy zavod (for Staverskiy). 2. Gull kevicheskiy sakharnyy zavod (for Malyatin). 3. Novo-Kubanskiy sakharnyy zavod (for Belgorodskiy). (Sugar beets) STAVIK, Jaroslav, inz. pasteboard. Papir a one-side impregnation of corrugated celulosa 17 no.2:39-41 F 162- 1. jihoceske papirnyt Vetrni- STAVIK, Jaroslav, inz Paper making from sodium bisulfite high-yield pulp.~ Papir a celulosa 18 no.1%3-4 Ja 163. 1. Jihoceske papirny, Vetrni. -1 DE 114 la-n jayoslav~ ~3-,ructed nc year;- .0yern-tion of ~~ recor. 163. rj~:.,Iut~O in 7' 9-151 JI Somc; ey-Fe '. no.' 14, paper machInE, lap r 4 e papirn'-11, Vetrn Ji Ocecl- STAVIK, Jaroslav,, inz.; HAYDEN, Milan -~_ '. ~ Operational experience with the ccnvantuiona2 Spooner d Irying hood. Papir a celulosa 19 no, 3:71 '73 Mr 164. 1. Ahoceske pairny, Vetrni. C VT L j aX C) ~-, v, iriz. ; MYNN , Milan 2, e- ?- . ia Pro-diuction of raw aibrasive paner. Pap.;_x- a celulosa 19 no.10-. 276-2-78 0 164- 1. Jihoce5ke ,apirny, Vetrni. r/,g 0 L,/ j j z.7 NESTEROV, I.I.; PEhOZIO, G.N.; BADUCHAN, Yu.V.; STAVITSKIY, B.P., NESTEROVA, Ye.l.; MITROFOOVA, G.11., vedushchly red.'-- I., [Surgut ke~vell. Tymen' Province.] Surgutskaia opornaia skvazhina (Tiumenskaia oblast). Leningrad Nedra, 19-64. 187 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi neftianoi nauchno-issledovatellskii geolocrorazvedochn7-i 0 institut. Trudy, no.226) UGHINNIKOV, V.; STAVINSKIY, Ch.., staraldy inzh.-mekhanik Machinist training of a machine operator. Ilrof.-tekh. obr. 18 no-5:20', My 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. liachallnik Zhitomirskogo oblastnogo upravleniya professionallno- tekhnicheskogo obrazovaniya (for Ovchinnikov). (Zhitomir Province--Farm mechanization--Study and-teaching) PETROV, A.,, prepodavatell; S FINSKIY, Ch.; KOMELIKGV,~A.; KULINSKIY, V. Editor's mail. Prof.-te"obr. 19 no.10:27 0 162. OURA 15:11) 1. Uchilishche mekhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva, No.1 Tyumenskaya oblast' (for Petrof). 2. Starshiy inzhener-mekbanik Zhitomirskogo oblastnogo upravleniya (for Stavinskiy). 3. Zamestitell direktora po uchebno-proizvodstvennoy rabote gorodskogo professionallno- tekhaichookogo uchilishcha No.27,,Brest (for Komellkov). 4. Ispolnyayushchiy ob~azaanosti direktora gorodskqgo uchilishcha mekhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva No.9 Mmeltnitakoy oblasti, (for Kulinskiy). (Vocational education) YAMOVYA, A. [Ian"kowisk, A.]; STAVINISKIY, K. [Stawinski, Kj Dental caries in Poznan Province. Gig. i san. 23 no.2:93 7 '58. (KIRA 11:4) (POZIIAN PROVINfX-T3WH-DISFASRS) USSR/ Electricity - Motors Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 29/30 Authors S Stavinskiy V. Title t The DAG-1 electric motors and their application PerioAcal I Radio 6., 59 - 62, Jun 1955 Abstraot i The characteristics of Soviet manufactured low-capacity electric asynchron motors of the DAG-1 series used mainly in electric record players (phono- graphs) are described. The motor with 1400 to 1460 rpm operates o-a.AC cur- rent of 127 and 220 v, Drawings. Institution Submitted INC y y un'-v e r Bc SYAVIN~iKIY. V,A. - inzhener. ---NWNM m B.L.Rozing, founder of the electronic teleftelon (19-69-1933). Izobr.v SSSR 2 no.7:46-47 J! '57. (MLRA 10:7) (Rozzing, Boris L8vovich, 1869-1933) (Television--History) STAVINSKIY, V.A., inzh. Glory to the radio inventor. Izobr. i rate. 3 no.5:3-4 My '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Popov, Aleksandr Stepanovich, 1859-1905) VOVENKO, A.S.; KULAkov, B.A.; LIKHAGHEV, M.F.; MATULENKO, Yu.A.; SAVIN, I.A.; 5,rAVINSKIY, V.S. Cherenkov gas counters. Usp. fiz. nauk 81 no.3:453--506 N 161. (MIRA 16:12) 1 8513-65 FSWO/MEM(t) ACCESSION NR: AP4044695 S/Ol?.0/641000100410186/018's' I.AUTHOR: Dzhakov. E.; Stavinaldys V.; Statnenov, K.; Stoychev,.T. TITLE: Shaping pulses of FEU-33 and, FEU-36 multiplier, phototubes by inductance SOURCE: Pribory* I tekhnika eksperimenta, no* 4, 1964, 186-188 c TOPIC TAGS: coinciden e circuit, pulse shaping multiplier phototube FEU-33," multiplier phototube, FEU-36 multiplier phototube ABSTRACT: Suggested by De Benedetti, et al. (Rev. Scient. Inetrunu 1952 Z3, 38), pulse shaping by means of an inductance was 'used In a high-speed 6 : coincidence circuit. -A C r Nals intillatori radiated by Codowa used as a solnce$,~ The inductance -shappd multiplier -phototub6 pulses were divided Into two channels and applied to a fast double - coincidence circutti via oAq chawid. directly -and.4ith[__- a delay via another channel. The width of the shaped pulses was detsrnfiftedl~~. J !Card *1/2 .......... Yu.N.., inzh.; LT~VIN ,4_L. inz h. Ele(-;trcplating in flow-type electro-lyte-3. Mash-,nostroenie no.4*73-77 '~ 18. 165. (YJ 1 -8) .)TA V N's V~ t~,4099 AEC-tr-2435((Pt. I) (p.217-26)) ANEU YIELD IN TNE. PROTODESLNTEGRATIOA OF ~_~ ~79 NZ&jL=ANb TIJOIW&~ L. E,.Lazare a, n. 11. Gavrilov, Ro N. Valucy, G. N. Zatge , and-Y-S. Stavinsky (Stavinskilli P.2L7-26 oICON-FERENCE OF THE ACADEMY. r)~ =",I QE TH F TjRq rC E, J"M -OF NETIGY, JULY 1-5, 1955. SESSION OF THE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL AND hIAniEMATICAL SCIENCES (Translation).. i0p, This pAper was originally abstracted from the RuBsiso nnd appeared In Nuclear Science Abstracts as NSA 9-7933. STPN M S-Kly, V. S eld of neutrons M' atiod of uranium '~~ithoriurn. L. E. Lazarevi, B. 1. GELvrilovi B. N, Va- Ittev, G. N. Zatsepina, and V. S. Stavinskif. Conf. Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R. Vu Pe4ceful Was o,' Atatnic Energy, 5ession DCv. Phys. Math. Sci. 1955, 217-25(Pub. 1956)(Engl, man-s- *1 vv vtA SK %'(, \1 S - t_,~rhe yield of neutrons In the photodisbitegration of urn- MUM and thorium. L. E. LIZO TCVA, B. 1. GUVFjIUV. MIT G. N. ~VaaR to zM"niva Alor"ITC! Enrl~gii' old', Fiz-1141. X;nk' 14~55' 3WJ-210 (I" 32' 1- 1 )-The 11110todbintcyratioll of U~16 nad Th"' Was iaVk-itigated with photons from.n 30, snx.v. .5yuchrotron. For lyhotons svith E_ front 6 in 28 m.ex., the yiOd (if photoneutions and the av. ratio of neutron to fission yield were measured. I-or E~_ - M5 the yields fit dvlay~_A ncutrojis ac- conijinaying the photodisintegration (if 112" and Th"2 were IneaS red also. 'rhe pht,trincittrons passed throuRij a par- affin moilt-rator and were rvgi:Acred in a Br, i,3uizition chamber. The yield of fission fragments was measured by aid of a differential parallet-plate ionization charnber. The flux of lirmsstrablung jilictons, impinging an the sample, was detcl. by measuring the Ionization inside an At chattilgir with 7.5 cm. thick walls. rrorn the obtained curves, by aid of the photon difference method, one could now Cale. the phatoneutrqn cross section curves (a.) and the photo- fission t'd q 'i~s fer LIM and TUM; the intt., ratet x were thus found to be 12.9 and I U g 1.7, and for Tfil 1'6:6'ahd 0.64 mm.v-barn, resp. Analysis of the v. anij a I curves makes it possible to est. tI:e prob- ability for UM and T4112,fission at various cnergles of the -Y-ray excitation."Ptis probability is fairly const. for W~l with 0.2-0.3, but f6r Th'32 it isabout O.i at 8-11 m.e.v., arid intreases to 0.3-0:4 kt higher m.e.v. ror an av. excitation energy of 12 m.e.Y.'the yield of delayed neutrons (as % of the tatal neutron yield) is 0.41 =L 0.02 for LIM and OJS.-+ 0.01. to Tli'". r Werner Jacotj!22D__'_- -S T A K&TUIANKO. Yu.A.; SAVIN. I.A.; STATINSKlY. V.5. Using the method of Wavilov-Cherankov radiation interference for measuring the speed of particles. Prib.14*3:44~," N-D '56. (PffAA 10.9) 1. Ilektrofisichesitaq& laboratoriya, AN SM. (Inerfernmetry) (Partlwlea, Blementary-Neasurement) Grt~.I.T VICH V. and ST_.`,Vl"".-_--KILY, V. S. ~_'ca-_~. SC. -j.-~_-F) IlCn the Thecr-j of the i~hotoriuclear Cross Section," ,~.aper subrutted at the A-U Conf. on ~;uclear Reactions in viedium and Low -!,nerQr Physics, Oscow, 19-27 Nov 57. 21M AUTHORS: Kovalev, V. P., Stavinskiy, V. S. SOV/89-5-b-1 1/25 TITLE: The Systematology of the Spectra of Prompt Neutrons of Fission (Sistematika spektrov mgnovennykh neytronov deleniya) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, '1958, Vol 5, Nr 6, pp 649 - 652 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experimental investigations (Refs 1, 2, 3) showed that the 273 239 252 d Cf are spectra of fission neutrons of U Pu an harder than the fission spectrum Of U 235. Furthermore, an 252 233 can be observed. increase of the hardness of U to Cf On the basis of the evaporation model the attempt is made to verify experimental data theoretically. An analysis of the spectrum of fission neutrons shows that it is possible, by means of the evaporation model (evapora- tion of neutrons from the moving fission fragments), to explain both the shape of the spectrum and the difference in hardness, With respect to their thermodynamic properties, the fission fragments are equivalent to a normal nucleus. Analysis makes it possible to draw the following conclusions% Card 1;:~~ 1) The hardness of the spectrum of fission neutrons increases The Systematology of the Spectra of Prompt SOV/89-5-'~- 1 1/.Wj Neutrons of Fission monotonously with the increase of the parameter Z 2/A of the fissioning nucleus, i.e. the increase of the excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus with increasing Z 2/A manifests itself not only by an increase of V-1-values, but also by an increase of the hardness of the SpeQLrum of fission neutrons. The variation of the hardness-parameter B in dependence on excitation energy amounts to about I - 2 % per 1 MeV. 2) In order to be able to describe neutron- and Cemission e from the fission fragments simultaneously, it is ecessary to know the distribution of the excitation energy of each fission fragment. The results obtained were discussed with A. I. Leypunskiy, I~ I. Bondarenko, and L. N. Usachev; V. P. Kharin assisted in carrying out numerical computations. There are 2 figures, I table, and 20 references, 7 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: July 18, 1958 Card 2/~-" j ,no%r- ch, V. I -itc.1-rinisl-i ~1. ~, r,- SOV/ 56-34 - 3-2 5/55 T IT LE On theTheory of Fhotonuclear iteactions (Ir, teorii fotoyadernykh reaktsiy) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, fir 3, pp. 700-7o6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present work computes the cross section of the capturing of S--quanta by the nuclear material within that range of energy which corresponds to great resonance. First the ope- rator of the interaction of the electromagnetic field with the system of nucleons is put down. For reasons of simplicity the author investigates a system of A nucleons being in a sufficiently great volume V. Within the frame of the model of the self-consisting field the ground state of such a system corresponds to a completely filled Fermi surface with the maximum wave number k . A formula is deduced for the absop- tion probability of tfe~,--quantum per second. In the deduc- tion of the matrix element occuring in it the interaction Card 1/3 of the electromagnetic field with the magnetic moments of On the Theory of Photonuclear Reactions SOV/56-34,-3-25/55 the nucleons is neglected. This matrix element can be diffe- rent from zero only at certain values. The course of compu- tation is pursued step by step. A function contained in the expression for the initially mentioned cross section is put down explicitly. These functions are shown in a diagrar, for various values of the parameters used. In all ceses the capture cross section of the r- -quantum has a clearly marked resonance. Here 11/2< hf*< M holds, where M denotes the mass of free nucleons, and M* the effective mass. The curves F(x) were computed for the two limit values of the effective mass. With an increase of the effecive mass from Mt-M to tf=11/2 the values of the cross section decreased bY 56% at the maximum the half with increasing by 20-30%. The position of the resonance of the photocapture and the width of this resonance depend only little on M*. The computation carried out here can only difficultly be compared with experiment in a quantitative respect due to the lacking of ample measu- ring results. In qualitative respect the existing measuring results for medium and heavy nuclei (only for such nuclei Card 2/3 the comparison of the theory with the experiment is legiti- On the Theory of 1-hotonuclo-ar Reactiono SOV/56-34 -3-25/55 mate) do not contradict the consequences of the computat-Lon carried out here. The reasons for the existing differences are neverthelese shown. The model of 7.n infinite nuclear material used here can not lead to the observed dependence of the captur6 cross section of thet-ouantum on A. The reasons for this are briefly given-.. 'The 'taking- into account of finite dimensions of the nucleus leads to a better a--gree- ment between theory and experiment. There are 2 fiEures and 19 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBIAITTED - September 30, 1957 Card 3/3 21(7) AUTHORS: Kovalev, V.P., Stavinskiy, V.S. SOV/56-35-3-37/61 -TITLE: of the Spectra of Fission On the Probl~m oi the Neutrons (K voprosu o raschete spektrov neytronov del-eniya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 3, pp 787 - 789 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper calculates the spectra of fission neutrons in consideration of the energy dependence of the cross section of the capture of neutrons by excited nuclei. For the estimation ) the model of a complex of the energy dependence of G(F-,E 0 potential was used, which gives a satisfactory description of the total cross section and the cross section of the capture of low-energy neutrons by atoms. For the purpose-of estimating ) the model of the black nucleus can be used (Ref 6).V&en 6(E,E 0 ) it is necessary to take also the steady calculating d(E,E 0 variation of the potential at the boundary into account. This is possible by means of the approximated expression (E). Here d(F-) denotes the cross section to d(E)= cr _)/T (.E)T (F Card 1/3 o 0 d On the Problem of the Calculation of the Spectra SOV/56-35-3-37/61 of Fission Neutrons be calculated, 6(E) the cross section of the capture of neu- 0 trons by a "black" nucleus with a sharp variation of the poten- tial at the boundary, T0W the penetrability of the neutron wave for this potential, TdW the coefficient of penetrability for a here given and constantly varying potential. A table con- tains the values of the ratio Td (E)/T0(E) and the quantity d(Of-1 12 which characterizes the deviation of the cross section f(F).frcm 1/rE . The obtained energy dependence-of the cross section of the inverse process, by the way, is up to an energy of rvl MeV similar to the function 1/rE. Basing upon the conditions mentioned, the spectra of the fission neutron-s U235 and Cf 252 were calculated. For U235 the results of these calculations agxee well with experimental results (Refs 8,11). The authors thank A.I. Leypunskiy for the interest he displayed in this work and Card 2/3 for discussing results. They further express their gratitude to On the Problem of the Calculation of the Spectra SOV/56-35-3-37/61 of Fission Youtrons I.I. Bondarenko and L.N. Usachev for their critical remarks, and V.P. Kharin for carrying out numerical computations. There are 1 table and 12 references, 5 of-which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: May 10, 1958 Card 3/3 2 4 S OV/5 6 -- 3 5 - 5 - 3 6'/5 6 !~111 "JORS At,rino-iich, 7. M., Sta~iinskiy, V. S.- 'H12LE: The Theory of the "Second 11&)-nentll in the Model of the Atomic NLICleiis of Lane, Thomas, and ",Ii,-ner (K teorii 11vtorogo momenta" v i,,iorleli atomnoC,,o yadra Leyna- Tomasa i Vignera) YERIODIIO~,III Zhurnal eks-,-,erimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35), Nr 5, pp 1285-1287 (USSR) I'S T R.A. C T The conception of a "second rnomentll -was introduced in a paper by the above-mentioned authors (Ref 1) for the qualitative characterization of the error which is permitted when oubstituting the hamiltonian of the sne.ll model for the hamilto-nian of the nucleus. It holds t1hat IT- If + H 1. I-ere H rienotes the hamiltonian of the nueleus, If 0 the hamiltonian of the nucleus in the shell model, H 1 - an o-oerator establish- in- the correlation of the states of individual nucleons in t, the shell model. 'Ihe nuclear vavefunction can be represented as a develo-,zierit ~E' 0 ~E: Cb(El I 'F'1 Card I ;!2 b SOV/56-35-5-36/56 11he Theory of the "Second Moment" in the Model of the Atomic Nucleus of Larie, Thomas, and Wi,"ner accordin- to a comi,lete system of orthogonal functions. In the case of the validity of a condition given by the authors it is easy to determine the "second moment" of the nuclear model, ~.:hich, according to the definition given, is and the aftrinentioned condition is The authors next derive formulnefor 11second moment" on the excitation eaergy A of nucleons in the nucleus. There which are Soviet. ,~(E) = Z(Eb - E)' IC,(E)I'. Here E denotes the nuclear energy 2_ IC,,(-r,)i SUBIMITTED: June 23, 1958 exp (-Fb/kT). the dependence of the E and on the number are 10 references 5 of Card 2/2 u STAMT,=, V. S. : Master phys-Math Sci (cliss) -- "Some problems, in the stalis- tical theory of the nucleustf. moscow, 1959. 11 pp (Min Higher Educ ussp,, Moscow Engineering-?hys Tnst), 100 copies (KL, No 17, lq5g, 105) 21(6) SOV/56-36-2-50/63 AUT11011: Stavinskiy, V S. TITLE: On the Problem of the Eni:3sion Mechanism of Momentaneous Neutrons of Fission (K voprosu o mekhanizme ispuskaniya m,pnovennykh neytroriov deleniya) PEHIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnQ,,- i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19599, Val 36, Nr 2, pp 629-630 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Some special features of the spectra of momentaneous fission neutrons can be explained by the following assumption: The sur- face enerey contained in the sharp-pointed parts (which are formed in the instant of explosion of the "neck") is converted into the energy of a shock wave ahich propagates in the direc- tion of fiosionfragment motion. Such a shock wave can cause the emission of nearly monoenergetic neutrons (in the same direc- tion in which the fragment moves). For estimation, the shape of the deformed fragments in the instant of the neck rupture must be kno-wn. Hitherto, no definite experimental data concerning this shape have been avail_able and, therefore, the calculation results obtained by L. D. Hill (Khill) are used. According to Card 1/3 these calculations, any fragment in the in3tant immediately '10 .1 111/56- 36-2- 50/63 On the Problem of the Emission Mechanism of Momentaneous Neutrons of Fission after the fission has a sharp pointed part, the linear dimen- sions of which are by 1.5 - 2 times greater than the fragment diameter. A deformation enerey of the order of maJnitude of 20 - 30 Mev is included in any sharp pointed part. If the number of the particles in the sharp point is known, the rate of stretching of such a sharp point can easily be estimated; it amounts to --0. 1 c where c denotes the velocity of light. Ac- cording to these e,.ti!.,iates, the conditions for the formation and propagation of a shock via-ve in the fragment are evidently satisfied. In order to estimate the damping of the shock waves, a detailed investi.r:ation of the spreading of the shock wave after its emission from the sharp pointed part is necessary. This damping is evidently sufficiently intense and the energy of the shock wave is therefore on the average sufficient only for the eJection of one neutron of very low energy. If the sug- gested mechanism for the emission of the fission neutrons actually occurs, more accurate measurements of the angular distributions and of the spectra of fission neutrons will supply moreinformation concerning the deformation of the frag- Card 2/3 ments in the instant immediately preceding the fission. The SOV/56-36-2-5o/63 On the Problem of the Emission Mechanism of Momentaneous Neutrons of Fission author thanks A. I. Ieyjpunskiy, L P. Stakhanov and A. A. Rukhadze for their valuable suggestions and advice. There are 4 references. SUBMITTED: October 30, 1958 Card 3/3 STAVINSKIy, 1.1 --- S_., LYUBINOV, A. L., LYKHACHEV, H. F., "Gas Cerenkov Counters of the K -Meson Channel of the Syvehronophasotron't Paper presented at the Intl Conference on High Energy Physicat Rochester, N. Y. and/or Berkly California, 25 Aug - 16 Sep 196o. VOVBNKO, A-S.; LYUBIMOV, A.L.; SAVIN, I.A.; STAYINSKIT. V-5 ; STOYCHEV, T.T. Cherenkov counter utilizing total Internal reflection. PrIb.1 tekh. eksp. no.5:119-121 S-0 060. (MM 13: 11) 1. ab"yedineanyy institut yaderuykh ispledovanty. (Cherenkov radiation) (Nuclear counters) 16. 8,1 oc., (:_)510 `30 ,rj*,l _9,2-121 A UT ~ i 0 RS~ Milklilin, E. Ya., St-avins',?.iy, V. S. 12 TITLE: A Study of Neutrons Interactions Wit~i He C and 11- 0 0Nuclei Using Optical Model of Nucleus. Letter to the Editor PERIODICAL: Atorrnaya energiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 2, Pp 141-143 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In addition to its theoretical vallue, the apalysis of interactions of low-energy neutrons with He-, C-12, and 016 nuclei is of practical importance for computations of' transfer characteristics of most effective moderators. In t1his paper the authors attempt to extend 'the appli- cation of optical models -of nucleLis to detailed descrip- tion of elastic neutron scattering on lig."It nuclei He 4 12 16 -i the enero- region olf up to approximately C and 0 it -on 2C), 10, and 06 mev., respe ,-_1y. Small absorp~_ (_'POSo sect-.ion in the energy ?-egion discussed al -ioei-ed ~'-Ier- Card 1/10 C~ C~ A Study of Neutrons Interactions With Hel 1, Y 7 2:4'(7 012, and 016 Nucle-I Using Optllcal Model of SOV/89-8-2-12/30 Nuz c 1 es Let t e r ~-. o t iie Ed i Card 2/10 use of real potentials. The authors used a simpil- .Cied rectangular potential in the usual way witn a constant spin-orbital term a 1 (1, S) added to the deptn of the effective rectangular potential. The authors point out that using such a simplified scheme one should allow the oassibility that average potentials may be different ~or various partial waves. Also, due to ',.,he existence of the centrifugal barrier, neutrons with higher value of orbital angular momentum 1 are disolaced toward the edge of the nucleus and spend most of the time in the "tail" of the poten- tial. This is bound to produce, with increasing 1, a decrease in the depth of the effective rectangular poten-.ial and an increase of its radius. This last situation occurs, however, only in ligght nuclei whose dimensions are comparable to the size of the regions large potential gradients. The dominant feature of this caper is, according to tile authors, the de- par-.I~ire from the Qoncept' of one single rectangular A Study Df Neutrons Interactions With He4 It 77247 C12 , and 016 Nuclei Using Optical Model of sov/89-8-2-12/30 Nucleus. Letter to the Editor potential common to all partial waves taking part in the scattering. To achieve a satisfactory description of the elastic neutron scattering, the parameters of the re'etangular potential for each partial wave were chosen in such a way as to supply not only the right position and width of the single-particle resonances observed in the total cross section, but also to give the binding energy of the corresponding single particle bound states. Such states of the compound nucleus which correspond to the motion of the outer nucleon in the average potential of the remaining nucleus in its ground state the authors call the single-particle state. Reduced width of such a level must be of the order of the single-particle Wiegner limit. In the case of a rectangular well (radius-Ro , depth V0), scattering phase Is a known function of Ro and Vo. 1.~ 'i2 Card 3/10 772117 soi/89-8-2-12/30 Table 1. Values of R V and CL , 0 1 dat.- useci i 4+ io,~ e,,trj,c* ac 2 b,1) pj%,;e aniysis 0-1 -It,, 14 r 0 0!~ At- t :Z q. 7 or- C.I'Ijt~& Ire V J r4 rc :13,0 c fAc 1:13 0-0.1 d ncv_ 29 jhAr~ J ce,,rc -CV Card 5/10 77211Y :,oil/89-8 -2 -12/1-30 T". 6 1, (c, - T'd) r a- d o, Wv c 0-1 1-17 r oC crx Ybe U, rh ol. rh~ /I,, pt -4, v, r -b.,s,c lz O.-Ol rntV 4,0 1~d fil-- r~ p 4,7 3:1 , 2 O'l '10 Card 6/10 A Studv of 0 Nucllei and 1,411-i I eSL e t- e r Card 7110 "sin- Opt-fcal M_~t_'-! ll eEd-," --,D- Js4nr- these values f0l P. az a 'v'(, aut`iors cal- culated phases, total cross and angular dist--ibut :1 ons of. P_ 11-a-z-~-i-cally sca t te-ed ne-at?_-onz- in nuclei under study, 717he cors'trL;.-_,rALo-1 of tl-hie non- sinF,le-Qarticle resonances -,.%here cOmoi.,,ted u-siric formula. 'ff -i e ak- ~, fo. 1's c la i calculat4on reproduces w-ell t.-.,ie g7.eneral trend ot' rC- total cross sections. Ang,,ilar distrirc_~~!_Ions sho,.,i some discrepancies aitlfll '-Ahe !Ti.easurled val,_-tes 1'orr car~-on and oxygen, 'vrhich can be explained by "fie errcrs in V0 and R0 of' p-wave, since in, -ab&ence of cther i..riforma- tion the au~'.hors used colvrespondln!L eq,,_Zations developed by Adair (see reference). In Thai. case t.here_ is possible a large departure from t1te model, 7- e causing an error in determina~-*Lon -:~C ~~,,-,se parame, rs. In other cases each pair of parar,_.eters allowed a descrip- tion of the bound s~.ates and sca~:~-erin,-_- --'-.n a large ranse A Stl-,,dTr of 111fe---itrons Interacl--lons W-L7,n H.-:,- I C 12 , and ODD Nuclei Usin.- Op'ical Mcdel of N*q- c 1 e,,, z sLett-er to t'ne Editor J" en , nergies. ThLis enab'~d e a 5-~, c i - so c'') 1:1 o amL~,ular distr~-ibution of sea-teredf and 0 16 for energies at -vinich there are no expeci- m,ental data. Table '~' cotntains ~~ie ~,-alciilared average values of the cosines of the scat!.-eving aiigle e-CO3 O> and the avera.-e. of t,-!-..e ener y loss A value of the neutron ler-igth in water comouted from Tabie 2 a-c,-e--z- saizfactcrily with exoer-imental-I data by Kochei-gln anJ Orlov , I --, ) j The au~-'ncrs (Atormnaya energlya C), Nr 1, 32, 1 i9l:~9 note that ti.-le