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699546 Structure of Monomeric Arseno Compounds S/02 60/131/05/025/069 B01 IYBI 17 structure should be colorless. The authors presume that the difference between above-mentioned results could be explained with reference to the instability of the arsenobenzene. Its resinification (polymerization) products are most readily oxidized in air up to C 6H5AsO. The latter as well as the resinification products of arsenobenzene are very readily soluble in many solvents, but are difficult to detect whereby unreliable results for the molecular weight of arsenobenzene are obtained, The authors arrived at the conclusion that reliable data on the structure of arsenobenzene can be obtained only when the X-ray structural analysis method is used. The thin, almost colorless (yellowish) crystals of arsenobenzene form thin needles. Axis b is the longer one. The simpler shapes are pinacoids t100) and (001). From data obtained, the authors came to the conclusion that there are 3 crystallographically non-equivalent As atoms contained in a cell. As is proved by the established projection of the electron density (Fig 1), the arsenobenzene molecule is a cyclic system consisting of As atoms. One phenyl group is bound to each As atom, The cycle is six-membered (IV). Such cyclic molecules occupy the position of centers of symmetry within the crystal. The cycle is not arranged in one plane, but has a chair-shaped configuration and a valence angle As - As - As of 930. The outer valence angles As - As - C are Card 2/3 6999b Structure of Monomeric Arseno Compounds S/020/60/131/05/025/069 B010117 99 � 30. The lengths of the bonds As - As are 2.44 A, and that of the bonds C - As = 1.96 A. Provided that data for arsenobenzene gi Qq by Blicke and Sm are correct, then their data on the molecular weights ofjp4l~rsenotoluene and p-arsenoanisol are also reliable. Hence, the authors code to the conclusion that there are no arseno compounds with a structure R - As~AS - R at all. They actually are either polymers (I) and (II) or cyclic compounds (III) and (IV). There are I figure and 10 references, 3 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut im, S. Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Chemicopharmaceutical Scientific Research Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze). InstituF elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences, US*R) PRESENTED: October 12, 1959, by A.N. Nesmeyanov, Academician SUBMITTED: October 6, 1959 Card 3/3 STRELITSOVA, I.N.; STPIJQHKQY, YU.T. Steric hindrance and conformation of molecules. Report Ho.4: Crystal structure of tetrabromo--m-xlene and totrabromo-o-xylene. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk no.2:250-259 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institut elementoorganichoskikh so~edinenly AM SSSR. (Xylenc--Spei STRFL'TSOVA, I.N.; STRUO~YJV, Yu.T. Steric hindrance and molecule c3nformation. Report 4o. ;~,: Crystalline structure of leyacMorobenzene. Zhur.strukt.khim. 2 no-3:312-326 Mly-Je '61. (MIRA 1-5:1) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Benzene) (Crystallography) STHSLITSOVA, L.I.; SHISTAR, G.M., red. [Investigating storm sewer inlets of combined sewerage systems; scientific report] Issledovanie livnespuskov obshchesplavnoi kanalizatsii; nauchnoe soobahchenie. Leningrad, AkBd.kommtin. K.D.Pamfilova, 1959. 50 P. (MIRA 13:10) (Sewerage) IMT,UITOV, I.M.; MIKHATWVSKATA, V.V.; ZIGANOV, N.P. STRELITSOVA, M.B. Instrument for prolonged measurement of the intensity of an . atmospheric Plectrical field In complex meteorological conditions. Izv.kN SSSR. Ser.geofiz. no.9:1121-1127 S '56. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Glavnaya gmnfizichaskaya observatoriya imeni A.I. Voeykova. (Atmospheric electricity) GENDZELEVSKAYA, V.S.; STREPTSCVAt M.T. Standardi-ation of knitted fabrics. Standartizatsiia 25 no.8-34-135 Ag '61- (MlhA 14:7) (Knit gOOd5--St4ndards) LIBFdMAN. Ye.A.; STRELITSOVA, N.I. Certain Peculiarities of pupillary component of orientation reaction in man. Zh. vysshel nerv. dela.t. 2 no. 6:886-893 Nov-Doe 1952. (CLKL 24:1) 1. Department of Psychiatry of Kharlkov Medical Institute and of the Ukrainian Psychoneurological Institute. 57-X.I--,4 r3-c V/1, ~' MEL'KU140VA, A.S.; STRELITSOTIA. N.I. Data on the pathogenesis and pathogenic therapy of hypertonia. Zhur. nevrA -Dalkh. 53 no.12:942-950 D '53. (MIJU 6:12) 1. Havrologicheakoys otdeleniye polikliniki No.3 (Riga). (Fqpertension) STRELITSOYA, N.I. Clinical and pathophysiological data on the onset and development of schizophrenia. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 64 no.l'-75-79 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. N.P. Tatarenko) KharIkovskogo, meditsinskogo instituta. ByLr)i! 1"j;, Ye-N, T T,4 -'any t3l 11 Sri --611. (Tu'l ips r, F t, a r, C- .3 t IV o skvzi Ko P- GELIMAN, B.M.; KALASHNIKOV, P.A., spetered.; STRHLITSOV.A, K.P., red.; ABELIN, P.G., - [Maintenance of tractors] Tekhnicheskii ukhod za traktorami. Leningrad, Izd-vo M-va aell.khoz.SSSR, 1961. 99 p. WRA 14:2) 1. Zaveduyushchiy metodichaskim kabinatom Borovskogo uchilishcha mokhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva Kaluzhakoy oblasti (for Gellman). (Tractors--Maintenance and repair) RELTATEV, I.M.; MUSHNIKOVA, K.S.; MILOVIDOVA, N.D., red.; STRELITSOVA, N.P., red.; KANTOROVICH, A.P., tekhn. red. (Pests and diseases of grain crops] Vrediteli I bolezni z&r- novykh kulltur. Izd.2. n.p. Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 34 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Grain--Diseases and pests) NIKIFOROV, A.M.; UJUNG, P.V.[doceased); MDD*IDOVA, N.D., red.; STRELITSOVA, N.P.., red.; KANTOROVICH, A.P., tekhn. red. [Pests and diseases of sugar beets] Vrediteli i bolezni zakharnoi svekly. 2. izd. Leningrad, Sellkhozizdat,, 1963. 34 P. (VIRA 17:4) ZEUKOVA, K I.-P.; Kl~FKOVA, Ye.A.; KASHFIN, A.N.; KCIZLOVA, V.I.; 1-11LOVIEGIVA, N.D., red.; S -TREELITSOVA, N.F., red. I (Corn I-Eists- and dllse:.seol V-.-r,,jite-;-_i i bzlpzri -ulr:!U:~Zy. 2. izd. Moskva, l!el'khozizd:kl, 1963. 34 P. 0,111IRA 17:4) GEFIASIMOV, B.A.; OS.IITSKX!A, Ye.A.; MILOVIDOVA, N.D., red.; STRELITSOVA, red. [Pests and diseases of vegetable crops groom outdoors] Vrediteli i bolezni ovo.,hchnykh kulltur v otkijtom grunte. Moskva, Kolos, 1964. 46 p. (MLIA 18-1) G*20~ i~*,! The kinetics of ammorila synthesis when unaffected'Uy-4) iliffusional inhibition. A. N. Gerasenkova, Nf. T. Ru5ov, and 0. A. Strel'tsova. DokWyAkad.NauA.S.S.S.R.96.. and decompn. of Nill on double-promoted porous Fe catalyst were previously proved at the U.S.S.R. Acad, of Sci. to be greatly Inhibited by dif- fusion throngh the catalyst pores at temp. above 300* and over a wide range of pressures. The present investigation of the kinetics of NfIs synthesis was made under conditions that made the synthesis independent front external and in tern al diffusion prGcesses. A thin Armco-Fe foil, 0.1 mm. thick. promoted with A1101, was used as a catalyst by oxidiz- ing the foil at 450-70* with steam, and by applying Al(o--I)j to the surface by immersiort in 1070 AI(N()~)g soln., drvirig, and keeping it in an atm. of N11j. then reducing with a N2-H, mixt. Synthesis was studied at 400-500* and at room temp. with a stolchiometric mixt. of gases. The reac- tion energy was found to be 69.0 zb 1.0 kcal./mol., and is higher than usually found with porous catalysts (40.0-46-5 kcal./mol.). W. M. Sternberg STRILITSOVA,R.D., inzhener; KOYRE.V.Ye., inzhener Modern techniques for machining refined cast iron rolls. Vest.mash. 35 no.8:38-40 Ag'55. (Machine-shop practice) (MI2A 8:10) STRELITISOM. R.D. inth. . 9 . Aul,omatlc contral arl acoo-an%ing for the ut.414.zatior, of machine ' - I (MIRA 18t6) Mashlnostroerle no.24"01-33 Mr-Ap 165. Preparation of dibutyl ether and dibutyl sulfate. S. G. lStrel'Lsova and S. B. Serebryanil. Ukrain,Khint.Zkrj-r.1'#, -17~q-3rt=j(in RtuL4tn).-BuOH-(1) (250 g.), 30d ral. USS R BuzO (11), and 130 g. coned. 11,SO4 III are heated 3 brs. 'with a Deau-Stark trap (53 nil. H,0 collected), 60 g. I added, and the mixt. heited I hr., cooled, washed with H10, 15'6 NaXO., and HIO, dried overnight (CaCis), and distd. in vacuo to yWd 310 s. H, bm 105-7% and 105 j. 13u:804, -11r-. ..,!I, -. - na .c t, e1 I t Fcv ,3 , .'- . (j . -- "-h,~ stry -rch-ni r:--. -j,- -- i e - ticn of "o-incundE -1.1tiple _S(--i 1:'r,.Ta-in i L r, 7".~F. . Inst of Orf,anic Che!dstrv. Kiev, 1~56. I'Dissertaticn for the !-~errr--o of -r!r,.!lir,,ite in " r.,--:,,,lca-j Fo : ~*r~i -,,' n-wn Tr-i oni s ' ,'To I ~ ,1-156 SHILOV, Ye.A.; STRELITSOVA, S.G. Stereochemistr7 and the nascant-hydrogen reduction mechanism of multiple-bond compounds. Part 1. Reduction of tolan by metals in alcohols and acetic acid. Ukr.khim.zhur.22 no-3:341-346 '56. (MIRA 9:9) l.Institut otganicheskoy-khimii All USSR. (Acetylene) (Reduction, Chemical) st'reocileardstry 111)'I of te4ilcticn r-f C;crj- I -* i 'h tlascen. hv&Wil Ph f ;. 1,161~ ",.I Oll ~ PI, 1, (,,,, d 1, t qit,! i.,1 lull t i'alo, d 7 utsm of reductEon Of alia Mee of V "do by.,Luscen e4. in. Ftebcflon t hydrog A. Shilov. U rain. enic C.A - etc4ds -sian): C, 51, ,,in,Ru -c1 'ot -n 4.130d.-Tliere(lUcEtunxn~',7p7C,i'.'Elido,H A 4!1 ,,ith pure Zn giws ifan! 5_j,hCH:CHC0JI '10`19 Sple gives 32 '/c Z11-cu rg,t ),ield of 11 obtai~ed- ,jth 52~T This is the IA - I tnd Z, In-Ni C-UPI' forms 8% _pt couple g%ves 1, a 1 4 ihe form3tiOn Oi 1 on Vt--frz Z~o 8% U. The mechIni- Of Cu is dls~q.~sl .nd %/The cutaneous respiration a dshms, SP t, t~. WO -ISVOllowtel. "I . PrOJI, V8010YUS. NOUCA, .ktchmojj-Rybmojo Khoo. 33, 72-102(10&3), j4forl. _ n~ WISIMM,- ~ ~-, ~ XWI, IOSJ 840 vb6i6onal changes In ~o re ration of dshe-s---C7-fT- and S. V. Stu t ..... ~,l liw-11. lir"Ts- Rechnoto Rybn,,g Khos. 33, 103-15(1053); Felerat. Zhur., Xhins. 1954, No. 44839. 1 F. %YjS~~ o1 STRELITSOVA. S.V,; BOGDANOV, G.N. ~_, Changes in the respiration and hematological indices of carp during wintering. Trudy sov.Ikht.kom. no.8: 271-277 '58. (KIRA 11:11) 1. Vaesoyusnyy nauabno-issledovatellskiy Institut ozernogo i rechmgO rybnogo kbozyastva. (Carp) (Cold--Physiological effect) (Fishes--Physiology) PRIVOLINEV, r.i.j s'rREL"PSOVA, S.V.; BRIZINOVA, P.M.; OSTROUYVIA, I.N.; KUROU-NA, N,V. Adaptation of fishes to new conditions of the environment. Vop. ekol. 5:180-181 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva, Leningrad. (Fishes--Physiology) (Adaptation (Biology)) STRFL~i4OVA,..S.V., DRIZINOVA, P.N.) BOGDANOV, GA,V DSTROUMOVA., I.N. ... -11- Physiological indices of the same species of fishes in different geographical locaticns. Vop. ekol. 5:208-209 '62. (YJ~A 16-,6) 1 ~-. Leningradakiy gasudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva. (F-' she s -- Physi ology) j ',; ~ * .~j- T 1 11, T . ; ' '"! : i-' I I ". ~ 1, %' ~ , , T., . I - . . ~-, I ~. II I - : , T , ~, - -*JI., ( ; 1 , ~ I . N . ; I . . - - I I - . I , _ , 1 ,, - Ij I . 0 ; . 1 ~ . -, 4 ... I, . . Ii ~ .; I - - , I . - I :-~ ) ~. r 11.1. , ?" . 7 . !Irevention of lipoid liver degerierullion of "he rainbow trout by adding phosphatides to its diet. Dokl, AN 156 no. 5: 1241-1243 .--e 164. (MIPJ~ 17:6) 1. Gosudurotvennyy Jns'L~Jut ozernogo i rt~clmuio ryhtioiro kh,),.-.yayot.,.ra, Leningrad. ARABADZIffAli) I.A., red.; IU-IAYLOVA, R.A., red.; IGUYEV, G.A.) red. [deceased); KRICHEVSKrY, I.Ye., red.; SOKOLOV, I.J., red.; SOUIYSHKOV, v.A., red.; SrRELITS red.; FOMIN, G.D., red.; SHULIMAN, SX.,red-. ADMISON, L.S., [Collection of papers on hydraulic engineering] Sbornik dok- ladov po gidrotekhnike. Moskva# Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 2F4 P. (NIRA 17:3) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya R.olodykh nauchnykh rabotnikov. J+th, 1962. ARAVIN, ".I., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; STRELITSOVA T.D., mladshiy nauchnyy Soti~Wnik -- -1-.-m~2-.-.-.-,-.-. Investigation of planned unsteady percolation on integrators. Izv. VNIJG 76:157-167 164. (MIRA 18:10) ST I ig vi, I-L 1,2 a i wa t 1 C., VII I iC. 76,.21.11-2 1,8 L-78go-66 9WT(m)/EPF(c)4EWP(J)/T/ETC(m)/ WW/RM AGG URt AP5024957 SOURCE com, uR/O2s6A5/boo/ol6/Oo2o kA .-' H.(" 10!!2 AU`r1K)RSs Golutyina. L. F.; Pavloy. S. A.;'Avilo A. A.; Butuzkinn Z. AII~ TgAntaiper, Z. B Plotnikov, I. V.;,,Abramove 0 -rolltsove, - "V ORGs none Ting: Method for obtaining fireproof coverings. Class 8, No. 173702 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobretenly i tov3rnykh znakov, no. 16, 1965, 20 TOPIC TAGSi fireproofing, fire roof covering, sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, aluminum sulfate, ~Uej,~, ABSTRAGTt Thid Authoi Certificat presents a method for obtaining fireproof covering3 on the basis ofAoigh polymeric momteri!~~ contaWng antipyrened. To 41 obtain self -extinruiahinj?fo;m-forzdng coatingsupossesming high fire resistanceA I ILP 'Flnes (for instance, sodium or potam- and low heat conduction, a mixture of strong a sium bicarbonate), smite-of strong acids (for iDstance, aluminum sulfate), and salts containing water or crystallixetion (vitriols, almms, and others) are need as antipyrenem. SUB CODrintff/ SUBM WZe 29DecU Card IA "Thp rffo-t of Prolonged Intake of Radioactive Cerium Through the Gastrointestinal Tract on the Rat Organism,," by Yu. 1. Mos- kalev and V. D. Strel'tsova, Meditsinskaya Radiolo~.Jya, Vol 1, iio 6, Nov,/D--c 56, pp 14-20 A total of 131 mhite rats vere administered cerium chloride (Ce 144) with their (hinkin[,, water in daily doses as follows: first group, 1.5 microcuries per day for 100 days; second group. 15 microcuries per day for 100 days; and third group, 150 microcuries per day for 10, 25, 50, and 100 days. In the resultant radiation sickness, changes in the gastrointestinal tract predominate. In the acute stage an acute, necrotic gastroenteroco- litis ith atrophy of the spleen and lymphoid tissue results; in the suo, cu~Q and chronic phases, ulcerative colitis with selective localization of -the ul(,-ers in the cecum, the sigmoid colon, and the rectum results. The chronic stage is also accompanied by the development of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, mammary glands, endocrine glands, etc. In the above cases the diagnostic value of the blood indices was in- significant. Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs result from identical ionization doses (10-28 krep), whethei taken -as a single dose or a prolonged dose, which is evidence of accuwAlation of the dose. (U) NOW T - t Phys Ica I Factor,, USSP I Phylijology) ! .1 al- and Anima 19591 2 , Ref Z111Z B'011 NO. it /f yu Moskalev . rel't2ove -VA a Chronic Entry Of St n ugh, t S~~9,90) thro he Consequence Df Single a ~106 e 44 r l , , . Long- ra ng , gotopea (Ce Radio6ctlve Intl tract. oint"t 10 . Gpotr iyap . c- l 144 in Hingle doses of l0 rinking Vate' iven Ue d , in tta Ijbite rate Were g or dBilY doges hlorides for s i f c e m , )00 microcur th for 100,( icrocurie6 in a in single doses of m 5-150 106 BB given micro- s Of 1 6-800 0 daY8 - 0 dose period Of 1 ies or dai Y ;~s given &P-13,Y rocui d Sr9o i c an 450--7200 .. rocuriesy - A 9.1 MixtuTe o- f 0 nt O C ,j 8 riee - ~ayg in M U __~ko micr to dred I hree t1TW ' e to t for A hun Sr9O 8mOun )n sea ~'xceed by C Ie dcse Of , Of in d I o ~ T, t eBu arl(I a 63 These employed. lonp-range r 46-ble. V-0 ctlrjeE Vag 8n8 of blOPSY llat , I... a Led bY me timee the Mal re in-Testiga' " d after 200 days ; . be , heir Intr oductioll we ts Which succ, 1 l t t. rf end necrOP,y of 26 1/4 t JT. r Human and Animal Physiology, Physical Factors z-tbs. jiii,. Ref Zhur Biol, No. 2, 19F9, No. 8573 OrI3 Piub. in the chronic stage of radlation sicIrneea. Witt, pro- longed administration of' the Isotopes, leukopen.'a de- veloped,vh1ch was moderate in degree and disappeared rapidly (with a transition to leukocytosis) upon cesna- tion of administration in the case of Ce144 end RuI06 I but was more pronounced aPA lasted as long as the ani;M1 lived in the case of Sr90)139. The latter Isotopes, as they ere vell reabsorbed In the zxgan!cm, also led to the developm leukogis (20%). The bleptomogenic M Of 10 eff f S t d ec o e an Ru was manifested pritarily in the gbetrointestinal tract, while Sr89P90, which 1 0 selectively laid down In the skeleton, led to the forms- 2/4 t r, r zibs. jmr. T Human and Animal Physiology, Pbysical Factors Ref Zhw- Plol, No. 2, 1959, No. 8573 Ori3 Pub. In the --rnl with frequent dsmape to br-neu tvith Si'9,90 and Ce144'), obesity, nodular periarteritIs and nephroelcer.osie (vith Rul0c). Bibliography of 50 titles.! --E.B.Glikson 4/4 PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF USIONS DUE To-"!!!,- l4u. 4. 18-S3(1957) JUIY-AUC, (th Russian) Pathological morphology of lasiom; due to Wraveaous or traperito"al injection of La'40 was duidted. In chronic 'Clation sickness due to IA'4! a peculiar subacute hepatitle was observed in 40% iind with cirrhosis In 20% of all tregte4 rats. large slowly healing ulcers were found in the ap- 1 pandtx, In the intestine, and in tho rectum. Mallg=t a44 benign tumors appeared on the skin at on the liver in 35% of the cases. A short acute s4e followed by almost com- owvory was typical even In acute cases o Plata r f radW(on lesions caused by La'". Pattiological-anatomica caused by Las" are Identical to those produced b, ---3 PM111. ttr-auth) rosqw- LEI' T `5 :;~DIQACTIVS BDTOPES AS CANCEROCIENIC AGENT& xe- =o.. S~Sjsillljl; rvl;--O~-Oct. (in Russian 491 A comparative &wlysls Is presented of the caticerogenic effects of 15 radioactive isotopes (Sr". Sr~ clixture of Se" am Sr". Ba'16, Y", e, mtsturs of P emitters, Catl~ Ca", M10. Cei", PO", W44, Ral"s and PUU*) which differ in tbolr phyatcal propertles and distribution In the organism. The Incidence of catcosarcamse depends on Me quantity of tba radioactive substance Introduced and on tha period of actual fission, the higher the offeOlve fission period the higher to the percentage of tum-3r development. The apti- mal as twaarcoma genic dose of absorbed tnera is 10 W 20 krap, the minimum dose 2 to 3 krep. The Incidence of leukemias Induced by radioactive Isotopes racges from 3 to 10%. 7U type of tumors, the location, and development processes depend an the character at distribution of the radioactive substances. (R.U.) (100 days) uptake by the fpstro-lateatlad tract (a quantIttes V exceeding the mwdmum permissible doses ta 1, 2, and 3 order. Experiments were made with 2(14 rMs which perished In 200 days Oter the Introduction at the radio- active Inotopea Wring the cktnUnuoun and single radto- isotopic uptake by intestinal tract the mcmimum swellings developed with the doses exczeding the order 2 to 3, The radiation sichnest without the swellings was expresmel by ulcerateil enteritis of the colon with loealizations In caecum, rectum, and colon (Cc'", Ru'll), by chronic Inflammation In the oral area with injuries to the Jaws, trAgUity and fris- bility of bones (Sr", Sr", and C1+ ... ). and ljy ob*a(ty, gpgleon p~riarterltla, and nephrosclermile (Ru")- (R.V.J.j /V MOSKAL&V, Yu.I.; STREL'TSOVA, V.N. (Moskva) "feet or--t;=111c`tion--O'f the sciatic nerve on the blBstomogenic effect of strontium 89 [with summary in Inglish]. Blul.akBp.biol. i mod. 44 no,7:96-99 JI 157* (MIRA 10:12) 1. Predstavlena deystvitellaym chlenom AMN SSSR V.1f.Chernigovskim. (STRONTIUM9 radioactive, carcinogenesis, eff. of section of sciatic nerve in animals (Rua)) (HEOPIASMS, experimental, eff. of sciatic nerve on carcinogenic eff. of rqdio- strontium (Rus)) (14RRVES. SCIATIC, physiology, eff. of section on carcino--enic eff. of radiostrontium in animals (Rua)) IMAYEVSK.TY) N. A. ZmTr4sm, D. I. EUEUMWFAYA , ~7. I., .1 1:, B. I"CaLkUT" Y. i.) SIRELISO.VA.__V._kI., BURYEINA, L. N., LITVD40V, N. N. and SOLOV IYEV, Y. N. "Long-Term Effects Produced by Small Doses of Radioactive Substances in Chronical Experiment." paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58 - ST,R&LITSOVA, V.K., BULDAKOV, L.A. Data on the toxicology of radioactive ruthenium introduced through the gastrointestinal system* Xedarad 3 no.5:37-50 8-0 158 (KIRA 11:12) (ISOTOPES. toxicity, radiorathenium, in animals (RUB)) 17(o) rTA:"t I D-T TrqDT-,A7T,.T rav COnf*Mrre on the Pes~eful Use. of At,wic Z".rgy. 24, Gone", 1958 Wk1wly .-Akikh wh."kh; I mtl.t.l.-y. w It.In. (B-portmjf Ballet Vadl.ti.logy and FtwMation xo'411~loa) ~d., 01*,. upr;,P- Ispol;w,unlyu atcw~y emrgll prl Sa_t. "' 35SH ' 1 9. 429 . 8,CO3 ZA.. W..t.4. (Srj- Tt.ray. K.thdaAarodmay. kouf4roctstyz po alroams Iop.I'zvWy. to-cy suargLI. TmAy, tom 5) 0-oral Zd.: A.T. tAbodinakly, Corresponding Kember, tOn Acadew of madleal 3-1-cm--i Zd.: Z.S. ShIr-ka,aj Tc,h. Z4.: U.I. H.-V. FURPCGE: This book Is intended for physicians. scientists, and onsimars as ~11 so for profe.sore and stal"ta at rtume %bere radiablology m& m4lottom madjoluel" tongit. Corguar: This to T~I-e 5 of a 6-l-e set of r"ort. dltwr*4 by Ballot scientist &% th acco a Int~m&tloOaa Conference an the pew* a. na Tjoe a or Atoole 1~:rv, Id on awp%"ber 1-13, IW, In Gobova. voltme 5 contains Card I/? 32 Marta 64ited by egaildste. of Had,, radar. The rqorts Cover pro' 3010--. 8.T. ZAn..kly cad V.V. re4latlo., Ruth ca...quow.'Ifta of the blologleal effects of lonlain, tj - of radiation Is Mall do..., onatt. .".gts Of radio .., treatment of red"llog stck,*,,, was of radjoseti" isato., In actuc .1 cad bl*loge a' research, We~ Of atmle ... ra for diagnostic 'c ~_*S, 8011 aboarvtIon of u,solon fl..Iu prodn't" th*tr lot , "*r'=b to p-r.rac... sa--pa,7 . ;on their *torso Is VIMto M, fad.Wf.. WIN or Ub*dl-kly, A.Y., T..G. OrIM.M. and 0.0. UgalrCho,17". jIOIOgte&j Ilffect of loutzing Raftatiou IN SIM11 Do~*~ (R"Qrt Do. 2068) 5 ft'Ykl", L.X.,_D,L_Z0q Ijkty, N.A. N.Y. Lit- A.F. k-0,1va,s, 4 Aftereffects of Chronic 1wP"u" (RIPO' go. 2Un) of it- ftbat"Ge, 1. 17 Oarl'ORUM-2-IL Problago of pathOM.I. Of Aset." SI.k_4 1. tas --nu;iiim 01-00"d ft"a (h-l*rt ft. 2316 Cart 21r 1,3 BUDKO, L.N.; STRELITSOVA, V.N. Effect on the rat orgnnism of a single and prolonged intake of radioactive strontium through the gastrointestinal system [with summary in English). Med.rad. 4 no.2:20-29 F 159. (MTRA lp-:4) (STROJITIUM, radioactive, eff. of intra-oral intake on mt organism (Ras)) BURYKINA, L.N.; ZAKUTINSKIY, D.I.; KRAYBVSKIY, N.A.; EMLYAND6KAYA, N.B.; LMINOV, II.N.; MOSKALEV, Yu.I.; NOVIKOVA, A.P.; SOIDVIYBV, Yu. N.; STRILITSOVA, V.N. Inte sequelae of lesions induced by raaioactive substances in smaLl doses applied in a chronic experiment. Med. rad. 4 no.3:3-6 Mr 159. (JIM 12:7) (ISOTOPES, effects, remote qeq. of inj. by small doseb of radioactive substances in anlinals (Ras)) STRELITSOVA, V.N, Development of leukosis under the influence of ionizing radiation@. Ked.rad. 4 no.12:66-79 D 159. (MIRA 13:5) (LEMMIA etiol.) (RADIATION INJURY compl.) MOSKALEV, Yu.I.; STREL'TSOVA, V.N. Blastomogenic activitY of coril=144. Vcp.onk- 5 no.6:669-675 '59, (MIRA 12:U) 1. Iz AMN SSSR, Moskva. Adres avtorov: Moskva, D-182, Shchukinskaya ul., d-34, kv.1i) (ISOTOPES, eff. radiocerium, blastomogenic eff. in rats (Ras)) (NEOPLASMS, exper. blastomogenic eff. of radiocerium in rats (RUB)) EXCERPTA MIDICA Sec 16 Vol 7/12 Cancer Dec 59 *5024. The regularity in the appearance of osteogenic sarcoma induced W N 'th radi'oi'sotopes (Russ;an text) Sr;tjiztjv,% V. N. Nlrd. Acad. (tr Sri., cow Va/Ir. Orlbd. lo-yo, --,'H (1 -11 vjfl) Tal-11-15 Rats and rabbits wriv adininistri-rd Sr'", Sir, . Silo, Y10, N'll, 13.1110, 0-111, Poll", new and told s(Iltitiowi id dir 1m)(Iticts of oranioni s1flitting. 'Flic fic(litrilry, (YI)C, l(walizatiml, and 1wirtiliaritics ofgrowtli of the dcvcli)l)ing o%tco- sarminas were stodied. Injection of OU-se i%0t0Pcs in ~' dOW Of 0-005 1.5 vC.,19. trailsed uste(marcemias in i im)", 'if (lie animals dial liad stirvived for over 2of) days. 'riic incidence or O%teosarcoinas, tlie fin-ins (if growdi, the moltYlicity (if origin, and Ilie degree (if tnmoor cell dcdill~rentiation were proportional to the ( oantity of isotopes admini%terted. Stirvival or flic animals with ttimours and the Jcgrec of metastasization were inversely prolvi-tional to Ilic dose administered. (X\'I, 5, 14) At 001. it STRELITSOVA, V.N.; MOSKALEV, Yu.1. Carcinogenic effect of a mixture of isotopes Sr89 and Sr90 in rabbits. Vop.onk. 5 no.10:388-395 159. WIRA 13:12) (STRONTIUM-ISNOPES) (TLR40RS) SAKULINf I.P.; STRELITSOVA, V.N.; RESHETNIKOVA, A.F.; DAVYDOVA, A.L.; STEPANOVAp Data on the epidemiology of influenza in Sverdlovsk in 1959. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i irm=. 31 no. 121-124 0 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SVERDLOVSK-INFLUENZA) STRELITSOVAI V. N., Doc MED SC19 "AoOUT TUMORSI-", DE- VELOPINO UNDER THE ACTION OF RADIOACTIVE PRODUCTS OF URANIUM FISSION. (EXPERIMENTAL ("E-S-T-116~XT+ON)." MOS- cow , 1961 . ~ACAD NIED SCI USSR). (KL9 3-619 229)9 377 MOSKALEV, Yu.I.; BULDAKOV, L.A.; STRELITSOVA V.N. t --- - Relation beiween the biological effect of plutonium and the rhythm of its introduction into the organism. Radiobiologiia 1 no.2:250- 24,6 161. 04IRA 14:7) (PLMONIM"PHYSIOLOGICAL ZFFECT) I STRELITSOVA) V.N.- --- I Tumors of the liver developing under the influence of Ce144. Arkh. pat. 23 ho.3:9-16 141. (MIRA 14:3) (LIVER-TUMORS) (GERM-ISOTOPES) I SA.KIJLIN., I.P. - STRELITSOVA, _Y-.N-.-;_RESIfETNIKOVA, A.F.; DAVYDOVA, A.L.; STEFAWbV;4--8-.-'V-.-- - - Material on the epidemiology of influenza in Sverdlovsk in 1959. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immun. 32 no.1:137-140 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz kafedry epidemiologii Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SVERDLOVSK-INFLUENZA) BULDAKOVJI L.A.; MOSKALEV, Yu.l.; STMLkTSOVA, V.N. Data on the biological activity of plutonium-239. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.]-1:57-61 N 161. (NUIRP 15:3) 1. Predstavlena deystvitellnym cblenom AMN SSSR A.V. LeLvdinskim. (I'LUTONIUM-ISOTOM) pomp- 00/01 4/021-,-~ S/742/62/000/0 -L03.6/1215 strel'tBov BuldalcOv rat the ,OsIcalev on A, on-lum-239 ~'Cheslcoye The eff ect Of Plut bi-0106 T -ITIIB I BpreaelOniyef Fd bY A-V .,-239; ral . vyVeacnila-0 14edgiz a 0jJRCB - ?IatonI s1corenlye 11061~alev 1400COU a 11 deystviye! u a YU.I. wa Icbedinsil~ly O"n iuM has been do'c".. . 19629 E36-91 a of pluto,269 81b ino the effect of Mipha-~raY jed Out 011 were 010,~ica! 11~ lo dose Of 1'259 20 tude The bi g.,Lperv 1, sing citratO ( U -irrei :L 1.5 9. IJU-t onium 3 TB) CT 5 - 201 of Y I hemoglobins 00. doseq jeatly studiea* (1411CF. beVe nd the d in all the 162 *' 300and BID.Or .0 I investig, * ' Cluentl ra-ts '"3- - 20 n 40- The blood cells deppudeu .5. 0 10.0 ~ed i-Pw rViv&I vere inversely a Stea~ ister d the six ~W&13 'The heu, 6oU ",as mdulln ' a"1 , tonal' -n6es do rel&t Ther weiGht C'al' Ca.- S e a; vell as 1he Burviv Oarcj 212 Coullt.. AUTHOR: TITLE: U075 S/742/62/000/000/017/021 1615/1215 Strellt3ova, V.N. . . ........ PatholoCic anatomy of plutonium-239 injuries SOURCE: Plutoniy-239; raspredelcniye, biolo,:-icheskoye deystviye, uskoreniye vyvedeniya. Ed. by A.V. Lebedinskiy and Yu.I. MoskaleV. Moscow, Medgiz, 1962, 115-128 TEXT: The morphological ch-nnGes in cases of acute and subacute Anjuries caused by pu239 have been insufficiently studied. Experi- ments wem, carried out on 114 albino rats and 6 dogs. Seventy five ''rats received plutonium citrate (pU*+4+-I% in a solution of 0-015M. ~,and a ionic strength of 0-05M, calculated for citrate-io-ne, Na+ and I Cl-0 pH = 6), intravenously. (250 - 1925pW/ig b.w.) and 39 rate were injected i.m. with 60 -- 1.2r- Cj*lkg b;w, The dogs received. 3 -'J..25 Card 1/3 8/742/62/000/000/017/021 1015/1215 Patholoeic an,~tomy of pluLonium-239... ~I(mllcg b.w. i.m. Thu material was fixed in 10116' formalin solution and embedded in celloidin-paraffin. Sections werr stained with hematoxy- lin-eosin, van Gieson's inet%od, Sud,-Ln-3 + hematoxylin and also in some instances with Foot's silvor method. Autoradiographic investigations of bone and pare ncI,4%iat ous, organs were performed as well. The acute radiation injury caused! by Pu was characterized by the presence of hemorrhagic diati-iosis and of destructive c)i,-nres in hemopoietic orE;a- no with subsequent appe-orance of anemia, leucopenia and necrobiotic changes in th., intestinal mucose. and liver parenchyma. Liver cirr- hosis developed in rats and dogs in cases of chronic plutonium in- juries. Neprosclerosis, variouo types of leukemia and ostoosarcoma were common ferturbs accompanyinC chronic Pu injuries. The dogs tur.;- nod out to be as much as ten times etiere sensitive to Pu than the rate were, The rate developed bone and mammary glax~d neoplMlas following Gard 2/3 KRAYEVSKIY, R.A.; STRELITSOVA V.L.;, MOSKALEV, Yu.I. j Blastomogenic action of small quantities of radioactive isotopes. Med.rad. 7 no.7:6&w72 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:11) (RADIOISOT,OPES--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (CARGINOGMMSIS) POLUBOYARINOVA, Z.I. OAoskvay D-182, Zhivopianaya u1., 24, kv. 33); STREI'7wjDVA, V.11, (Moskxav D-182, Shchukinskaya malaya u1., 10-a,k-'r.19) Appearance of multiple neoplasms in dogs under the influence of Sr9o. Von. onk. 8 no.11:16-20 162. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Iz AkademiJ ned-itsinsikh nauk SSSH. STREVTSOVA, V. N., MOSKALEV, Yu. I., PETROVICH) I. K., "Biological effect of fast neutrons and protons of high energy" report to be submitted for the Sympsoium on Biological Effects of Neutron Irradiations (IAEA), Upton Long Island, N. Y.) 7-11 Oct 63. STRELITSOVA, Vora Plikoliiyevna; t..OSKALEV, Yuriy Ivanovich; LANDAU-TV-T-KP!A,- &P.--, red.; LYUDKOVSKAYA, N.I., tekhn. red. (Blastomogenic effect of ionizing radiation] Blastomogen- noe deistvie ioniziruiushchei radiatsii. Moskva, Meditsinal 1964. 362 p. (MIRA 17:3) ~TRFL V. c r" r i. i rfl. Ttie car-.cer,--I,(-,,i1Ic ffects I.-imbe-r 7f radf acr-ive s W~-,I- stl~-1(1i.--,; '11- w;.! I as -I-e 1-f-le C~ rhysiol -glcaL fuctrrs iii rad-'a!,T~-v eamIldeft die 82 to US%" in Le =41 RO Io- "n wa" no GIUMIS did IVA stffits I"t aqpw in utus 6"I VIA stvAles an remotion ~GUAYS ndissiom bleculdstry.. oaditmod troves wd Vw laftusess at radiation ca rtowerptive processes, ra&UUQR lder&IOUV and UwnuQLqWv 40A WAISUCK Vim, 0 IOUW. 13546-65 -RiG(j)/EWT(m) SSD/AFWL/AMD/Pb-4 S ACCESSION NR: AP4042742 /02AI/64/009/007/002VO027 AUTHOR: Poluboyarinova, Z. I.; Strelftsovag V. X. TITLE: Mechanism of functional and morphological changes In kidney's-*,- of rats treated with unithiol for radiation sickness (Po210) SOURCE: Meditainskaya radiologiyas vo 9p no, 7. 1948 22-27 TOPIC TAGS: carcinoma, mamary gland carcinoma., radiation therapys, leukopenia, blood count ABSTRACT: Acute radiation sickness was induced in 6021xperimental white male rats (150 to 180 g) with a subcutaneous Po 0 Injection (0-075 microcuries/kg) and 20 animals served as a controlo Forty- five of the 80 experimental animals were treated with unithiol. (100 mg/kg dose) twice daily for 6 dayst and the control animals received the same unithiol therapy, Unithiol in the form of a 5% solution prepared with a 0.2% sodium bicarbonate solution was usede General condition of animalswas determined by body weight changes and blood indice8p and the functional state of the kidneys was determined by diuresis and specific gravity of urine, Animals were Card 1/3 L 13546-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4042742 ki~18d at various periods ranging from 10 min to 50 days~following the Po injection and unithiol therapy# and morphological and histoauto- radiographic Investigations of the kidneys were made Findings show that unithiol therapy increases the life expectancy ;f Po210-affected- animals by increasing kidney isotope excretion and intensifying body ro6eneration reactions. At the same time a functional disorder of the kidneys in which the glomerulus becomes inadequate appearaj, changing gradually to nephrosclerosis. In both experimental and control animals$ unithiol inhibits diuresis the first 3 or 4 dayss and in the following days polyuria of a compensatory nature is found. Morphological investigations of control animal kidneys show that unithiol causes marked hyperemia of Slomorulus capillaries and stroma is followed by a transitory increase during the first seven days and ' of cells in the glomerulus which disappears by the 14th day. The therapeutic effect of unithiol in Po210-affected animals is based on reducing the period of degenerative.nocrobiotic kidney changes and accelerating the regeneration period, However$ this regeneration does not ensure complete restorations but is limited to proliferation of epithelium in renal tubules without subsequent differentiation. The basic mass of dead elements in the renal parenchyma is replaeed by Card 2,13 L; 13546-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4042742 connective tissue with the development of nephroselerosis. Orig, art, has: 5 figures, ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED! i2Aug63 ENOM 00 SUB GODEI rz OTHIM- - -002 - - NR REF SOV: 005 Card 3/3 --- - --- GiL,"!'--;VSKJYj E.Yal.; Yu.l.; K.V.; V.N.. cic;!-~or nai;k; -~HIKFC; All-H.3-AMIN, red. D"rincip.has of randiobiologyl Omwrf radir,"sionnoi bio- loi~ii. Nauka, 1964. 402 p. (".. I,-,,,A is: I) 1. Akade;Aya nauk SSSR. ITIStitUt biaio,gicheskoy fiziki. 2. Chlen-korreqonjent AD SSS11 (ror Ku:,in,. EV 1' C,` M ACCE~~-IN'NR: AT5006123 S/0000/64/000/000/0192/0201 AUTHOR: Moskalev, Yu. I.; Strel'tsova, V. N.; Teplinskaya, G. N. TITLE: Biological effectg of strontium-90 in relation to the duration and frequency of uptake of the isotope ~SOURCE: Raspredeleniye, biologicheskoye deystviye, uskoreniye vyvedeniya radio- aktivnykh izotopov (Distribution, biological effect, acceleration of the excretion of radioactive isotopes); sbornik rabot. Moscow, Izd-vo Meditsina, 1964, 192-201 TOPIC TAGS: strontium-90, radioisotope, radioactivity, blood, tumor, leukemia :ABSTRACT: The results of experiments on 699 white rats showed that the rate of administration of strontium-90 as well as the dose markedly contributed to the biological effects of the isotope. For example, shortening of the survival time, lag in weight increase, degree of leukopenia and throTilbocytopenia, and frequency of oF;teosarcomas were greatest after a single administration of strontium-90. On the r,ther hand, the development of anemia ind leukenia was not related to the frequency ,of uptake of the isotope, which indicates that after Sr9O lesions the processes of summation and regeneration in different tissues took place at different rates. This~ was also trur~ of the erythrocyte series. The values of LD after a single 50/240 Card 1/2 A CT E SS 10 NUR: AT5006123 ;administration of Sr9o were 224 and 126 pc per rat; with daily administration for; 100 days, they were 776 and 209 uc per rat, respectively. Grig. art. has: 6 figures, 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUB141TTED: 1OApr64 [111M 00 SUB CODC'. LS NO REr SOV- 000 OTHER* 000 2/2 J Car. L34129-65 EWG"'J )/E'717 (M) GS ACCESSION HR: AT5006132 S/0000/64/000/000/0251/0272 AUTHOR: Strelltsova, V. N. TITLE: Pathological anatomy of radiation injury induced by promethium-147 SOURCE: Raspredeleniye, biologicheskoye deystviye, uskoreniye vyvedenlya radio- aktivnykh izotopov (Distribution, biological effect, acceleration of the excretion of radioactive isotopes); sbornik rabot. Moscow, Izd-vo Meditsina, 1964, 251-272 TOPIC TAGS: promethium-147, radioisotope, radioactivity, radiation injury, liver, blood, tumor, bone marrow, kidney ABSTRACT: Description of the pathological changes that developed in rats after acute, subacute, and chronic injury induced by parenteral injection of Pm147. Acute injury by a soft beta emitter was characterized by aplastic changes in the hemo- poietic tissue of bone marrow and the spleen, disturbances of the capillary circu- lation of the liver with atonia and persistent dilatation of the capillaries and small veins, degenerative changes In the liver and kidneys (albuminous and fatty degeneration, necrosis), and necroblotic changes in the intestinal mucosa typical of ulcerative enterocolitis. Card -1/2 ~ 34129-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5006132 Subacute injury was in the form of specific parenchymatous hepatitis with a shifting relationship between the degenerative, proliferative, reparative, and sclerotic processes and the formation of cirrhosis developing against a background of atrophic changes in the hematopoietic organs accompanied by lympho-, leuko-, and erytbropenia. Chronic injury reflected the polymorphism of the pathological processes. The predominant features were tumors in various sites (osteosarcomas, malignant and benign tumors of soft tissues) or liver pathology (chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis), hvperplastictumor disease of the hematopoietic organs (leukemia), and panangitis. Orig. art. has: 28 figures, 5 tables. ASSOCIATION! none SUBMITTED: lOApr64 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV, 000 OTHER: 000 -Card.7-2/2- 34128-65 EWG(J)/gWT(M)- ACCESSION KR: AT5006133 S/0000/64/000/000/0273/02iW- AU'rHOR: 'StMVtsova, V. H. . . .............................. TITLE: Pathological anatomy of radiation-iniu= induced by niobium-95 SOURCE: Raspredeleniyal biologicheskoye deystviye, uskoreniye vyvedeniya radio- aktivnykh izotopov (Distribution, biological effect, acceleration of the excretion of radioactive isotopes); sbornik rabot. Moscow, Izd-vo Heditsina, 1964, 273-268 TOPIC TAGS: niobium-95, radioisotope, radioactivity, liver, lymphatic systeml kidney, tumor, spermatogenesis ABSTRACT: Description of the pathological changes that developed in 3-month-01-d rats after acute, subacute, and chronic injury induced by parenteral injection of NOS. Acute injury (9-18 pc/g) was characterized by initial slippression of bone- marrow hematopoiesis followed by, restoration in 14-16 days and rapid normalization of the ratio of immature to mature cell forms; predominance of degenerativenecro- biotic changes in the parenchymatous organs with very severe kidney damage; early suppression of spermatogenesis and-disappearance of.germinal cells. Subacute injury by Nb95 (1.1. 4.5,- 9 Uc/g) involved the coexistence of Card 1/3 L 34128-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5006133 atrophic, degenerative, and regenerative processes in the parenchymatous organs. The hematopoietic tissue of bone marrow exhibited a predominance of the restorative, ,processes while lymphoid tissue at this time reflected the processes of death and new formation of lymphoid cells, the former predominating. Spermatogenesis had ceased and degenerative changes were noted in renal parenchyma (granular degenera- tion and necrosis of the epithelium of the convoluted tubules. Inflammatory proc- esses of bacterial origin could be seen in all the animals. The chronic stage of radiation injury by Nb95 (1.1, 2.25, 4.5, and 6.3 vc/g) was characterized by the formation of benign and malignant tumors of the mammary glands, small intestine, subcutaneous hematopoietic organs*(reticuloendotheliosis) in 25% of the rats that survived more than 200 days, or in 17% of all the experi- mental animals (half the tumors developed after intraperitoneal injection of 6.3 Vc/g); abnormally high hyperplasia ~f the reticuloendothelial. elements of bone marrow, spleen, and liver;.occasional 'cases of reticulosarcomatosis; suppression ofi spermatogenesis. Orig. at~. has: 23 figures, 1 table. ASSOCIATION: none 2/3 POLUBOYARINOVA, Z.I.;_STRELITSOVA, V.N. Mechanism of functional and morphological renal changes in radiation sickness Vo210) in rats treated with unithiol. Med. rad. 9 no.7:22- 27 Jl 164. (MIRA 18:5) ~MoAv- - I , I -~; ~7.: , ,, N. (~`o.Av:j 1; M~!'4,U,E 0 a I . T 'V, N.J. (M(,.,ikv,,j; PETROVICH, I.K. (M sk, ) -- . - . I .. I I I-t --- ~ -- r - - :*--, Gf Vop. oak. 10 no,9: V140 %MIRA 18-4) , J , j" ' iOuityiIi ll~f ""' # .I. :"o:;,-Va" -- -.-,. -.. (: t0k -'U) DyAortional tmorv ir. doi 'a U~o rA-L-lat"atio" Of atrormittra-9o. otj,., 11 ro*12:45-41' 165. 1-9: 1) L 03773-67 E017 W GD ACC NR1 AT6029631 SOURCE COM AUMOR: Petmvich, I. Moskale . Yu. I.. Strelltsova, V. B. ORG: none TITIE: Dose-effect relationships for 120-Mev protons observed during long-term experiments SOURCE: Voprosy obshchey radiobiologii (Problems of general radiobiology) - ~bBCCW, Atomizdat, 1966, 212-214. TOPIC TAGS: proton radiation b1logic effect rat, 7 ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted to determine the biologi effect of 120-14ev potons, w1fth has not befn stud-ied prariotB4. Ten groups of rats 3-4 mmtlB old were irradiated once with protons from the OIYaI syncbro cyclotron at Drubna in doses of 10-1000 rad (dose rate 0.3 rad/sec). Animals were placed in revolving chambers to ensure uniformity of irradiation. The following criteria of the radiation effect were examined from the standpoint of long-term influence: dependence of length of life an radiation dose, blood composition, and the time of appearance, frequency of appearan and character of tumors. Experimental results showed that the LD50 for rats dying within 30, 60, 120, and 240 days was practically identical. The death rate was equivalent in mules and females for a given dose, except in the remote aftereffect Card 1 /-4 L ACC NR, AT6029631 period (1180 and 600 dwjs), when females were more radiosensitive due to neoplasms in mammary and other Becretory glands. It was found that 120-Yev protons have the-s=e RBE as 500-14ev protons,whichis approximately 0.7 as compared with gamma-rays. The average lengtbaof life of animals irradiated with various doses of 120-ML-V protons- are shown in Table 1. The number of animals dying in a given period increases vith Table 1. Average length of life of rats dying in later periods of the experiment (after 4 months) after irradiaticn with 120-Mev protons Dose, Average length of life, dWs rad Female 0 537�53 560:J:25 10 567zL-51 4,84�53 50 657�76 578-+41 100 SW�37 477�35 200 574�67 &49�45 400 495�47 412�29 600 466�57 7W - M- 319�14 r+53 --Card 2/3 ACC NRt AT6029631 increasing dose. However, the average length of life of rats dying in this period does not depend on the dose: for example, the average length of life of rats dying 16-30 days after irradiation with doses of 400, 6oo, 700 and 800 rad was 23, 22, 22, and 23 days, respectively. Neutropenia and lymphocytopenia were noted in the early postradiation period,together with a considerable drop in erythrocyte content with doses from 700-1000 rad. The highest incidence of tumor formation in irradiated animals was noted in the following organs and tissues: mnmm ry glands, hematopoietic tissue, thyroid gland, adrentLI glands, aubcutaneous cellular tissue, kidneys, bones, uterus, thymus, and prostate plaiid. A higher frequency of mammary-gland tumors van obsex-icd in fcnales irradiated with 50-6o0 rad of protons than in the controls. Furthermore, the total frequency of thyroid tumors in irradiated male and female rato (doses of 10-800 rad) was found to be 9.8%, which is ten times hiGher than the control. rrite. Complete data are lacking to establish the relationship of dose, to frequency of occurrence of tumors in -dl tissues. Orig. art. has: 4 tables and figures. [is] SUD COPE: 06/ SU13M DME: 23Apr66/ ORIG 0011/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 'SV I-W I 3 3868 SOURCE CODE: AUMfOR: Strel'tsova, V. N.; Moskalev, Yu. I. ORG: none TITLE: The blastomogenic effect of 120-Mev protons UR/0205/66/006/005/0660/0665 q i SOURCE: Radiobiologiya, v. 6, no. 5, 1966, 660-665 TOPIC TAGS: proton radiation biologic effect, radiation tissue effect, rat, carcittoma ABSTRACT: In order to study the blastomogenic effect of 120-Mcv protons in the dose range 10-800 rad, Wistar rats were irradiated once with protons from the OlYal synchrocyclotron at Dubna. The dose rate was 0.3 rad/sec. Experimental results showed that in proton-irradiated rats the frequency of appearance of both benign and malignant tumors in the following tissues was higher than in controls: mammary glands, hemogenic tissue, thyroid gland, adrenals, hypodermic tissue, kidneys, bones, uterus, thymus, and prostate gland. It was observed that in female rats the incidence of tumors and of multiple neoplasms was considerably higher in both irradiated and control groups than corresponding rates for male rats. Of course, the high incidence of neoplasms in females is connected with the sensitivity of mammary glands, hypophysis, ovaries, and uterus to tumor formation. More mammary tumors appeared in female rats irradiated with 50-600 rad, and tumors developed Card 1/2 -L 04575-67 ACC NR: AP6033868 faster than in controls (7 months in experimental animals and 12 months in controls). The incidence of leukosis in irradiated males and females (doses 200-400 rad) increased to 11.4%, as compared with 1.7% in controls. It was established that the dose required to duuble the spontaneous incidence of leukosis in rats is 50 rad. The highest incidence of pituitary tumors in female rats (34.3%) was observed with radiation doses of 200 rad, and the highest incidence for males (42%), after irradiation with 50 rad. With doses above these levels, the incidence of pituitary tumors dropped in both males and females. Data for the other tissues and organs studied are: incidence of adrenal tumors Increased with 100 rad of protons or more, thyroid tumors--25-50 rad, kidney tumors--600 rad, and tumors of the gastrointestinal tract 100-600 rad. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE:. 06/ SUBM DATE: 08Apr65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: DOI/ ATD PRESS: 5100 Card 2 --mb -;TI-El-17~0VA, YF- A. Mbr. , Inst. l4icroLicloiry, De,.t. B161. 3ci. , Acu I. Sci. , -C194p,-. lfbr., 0,ontral ')t,,jte Sci. Testing Control."ing Inst. r.-, - i ., -tions im. Tarasevich, Moscow, 1947. "The Nature of a Bacteriophage," Mikrobiologiya, 17, No. 4, 194', ". . . IV. The Lytic Activity of the Bacteriophage zs Indicating the Condit"cn of the Phagocytes," ibid., 6, 1948. USSR/Physics Distribution Functions FD-617 Card 1/1 Pub. 146-7/18 Author Strelltsova, Ye. A. Title Distribution functions for systems with Coulomb interaction Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 26, 173-178, February 1954 Abstract Sets up and solves the integral equations for the molecular functions of distribution for a system with Coulomb forces. The solution of this problem is based on the application of methods of asymptotic power expansions of a specially chosen small parameter, these ex- pansions having been worked out previously by N. 1-1. Bogolyubov. Institution Kiev Technological Inst of Light Industry Submitted 9 October 51; After corrections: 6 November 1953 AUTHOR; Strelltsova, Ye. A. 20-5-28/4.8 TITLE: Kinetic Equations in the Theory of Electrolytes ( Kinetiches- kiye uravneniya v teorii elektrolitov). PERIODICALi Doklady All SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, 11r 5, PP. 820-822 (U,9SR) ABSTRACT; The present works investigates the general problem of the determination of kinetic equations for the physical distribution of probabilities for a certain position of the particles present in a liquid. These particles are in interaction with one another by a prefixed potential. The interaction of the particles with the liquid is represented by means of a certain stochastic process of the diffusion type. The problem formed here is solved by means of the static method of N. N. Bogolyubov. In this method a number of distribution functions is used for the groups of s particles in the case of random distribution of the residual total number of N - a particles instead of the Gibb's (Gibbs) distribution function of all N particles of the system. The general scheme is used with a strong electrolyte. As equations of first approximation the known equations of Card 1/2 Onsager (Onzager) are obtained. The course of the Kinetic Equations in the Theory of Electrolytes. 20-5-23/48 calculation is shown. The method discussed cat, also be applied for the deternination of equations of higher approximation. There are 4 references, 2 of which are Slavic. A830CIATIOII: Kiyev Light Industry Technological Institute (&iyevskiy tekhnologiclieskiy institut lef.-koy promyshien- nusti). PRESENTED: May 7, 1957, by N. 11. Bogolyubov, Academician SUBMITTED: April 27, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 j AUT1101(5: I A;1 ~A Strt-.;l lt~;ova, f- 20-117-5- 29/54 TITLE: The AntarroniGin of Ions in, the Coa6ulatio 17' o., L, 0 i~lectroljtvs (Ob antagoniziue ionov pri koa8ulj:it-;i.i- Ii.ofobnjkli zoley elektrolitami). PZHIODICAL: Dokladj Ail 6SSR, 1957, Vol. 11'j, Nr 5, pp. 829-832 (Utis!O ABSTRACT i In a preliminary paper of the authors (reference 1) it was rihown, that on thti coagolation of lyophobe sols by a mixture of t*wo svi.i-e-tric electrolytes of the type 1 - I + 2 - 2 the sjat;-rgisM. effect must be taken into cunsideration almost in the ,ihole range of th(~ir cuncentrations. At the same time the supposition was pronounced, that in the case of a differin-- composition of. the ~--lectroljtes thv coupuhtions iaay furnish quite differ,nt results. The present inveztigatioz, is destined to examine the correctness of this aasam,)tion. The autl;urs conducted computations analoguoun to the ones mentioned in the preliminary paper, especially for the case of the coa ',ulatiori of a sol by a mixture of electrolytes of thu type lo - 2 + 2 - 2. At first a differential equation for the electroljtic potential in an arbitrary point of the solution is -n. This potential 7 is then, for the sake of convenience, re- plaued by a di4ienaionleos potential. Besides, the sol is here sup- :)Used to be strongly charged. The whole range of the possible con- Card 1/2 c~--ntratio'ns nj and n2 is of identical interest for the problem The Ax1taL;cni!j:., of iuils i~l th, Coa~~alntio,', of LyopnoDe SL,1-,'. bi 20-117-5 -29/54 1;1 ect rolj t es . Tiiu pLira:-.etcr 111 is h~~rE. to be in finitely s:.all, aild it is 3,afficient to break off the series ex- ,'an8ioj,. vit-i res, :ect to n, after t-lu first term. fcr::.ulae cor- re!~I.ondin~-, to this all-oroxii.iation are wriLtf-n down. The course of the. co;.i,)..itation is follov;ed step by st,,p and sho,"'S th, sub3e.juent rQ3alts; The ralL~.3 of the coalgalation of lyopiaobe sols bj Llixtare of t~lectrcl.-,tes of llhc~ tjpe 1 - 1 +2 -2 and 12 -2 +2 - 2 are o:~- pus~d to ~acn other in a kualitative sense. In th,:~ first case the s,incrGisLi is sabstaiAiated ti- 'Euretically -:nd in the s--cond case ~onisr-. Ir. the co- th.- t~eury !(;-6!3 to a 31iarply pronounced anta. - a,~alatiun uf lyophube e,-.)lIoidcs t:,.ere Liust be distinguished two t.-I)es of a;--ta,--4uziij;.s: 1) An anta,cn-isia connected-with tht: co:apet- ition fo~- Lhe- adsorption -ol--!cL-.: or., the ial'face of the cc)lloidal lart-c'ef- 2) An antagoiiism caused by the electr03tdtiC interqction of Vi.-~ iomj iii tile volume of thu, sulution and in the electric field of the colloidal particles. Thure are 3 references, 2 of which are ;3lavic. PRES-!--?iTED. JunQlo, 1957, bj P. A. R~3binder, Acace!:.,ician I.: 'T '7 r) Card 212 69-58-2 -4/23 AUTHORSs Glazman, Yu.1f.; Dykman, I.M.; Strelltsova, Ye.A. TITLE: The Coagulation of Lyophobic Sols by the Ac'tion of Electro- lyte Mixtures. Communication 2. (0 koagulyttail liofobnykh zoley pri deystvii smesey elektrolitov. Soobshcheniye 2) PERIODICALs Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 2, PP 149-158 (USSR) ABSTRACTs During coagulation of lyophobic sols, caused by the mixture of two symmetrical electrolytes of the 1-1+2-2 type, a syn- ergetic effect takes place within their concentration range. The action of these two electrolytes is accompanied by two contradicting factors. Synergism is caused by the addition of the electrolyte and is connected with the compression of a diffused ion atmosphere. A tendency toward antagonism is caused by the screening of the antiions of the electrical field. Electrolytes of the 12-2+2-2 type have also been considered. The principal difference of the two types con- sists in the fact that the side ion of the first of the two electrolytes is bivalent. The theoretical calculation indi- catee antagonism,vbore" in the 1-1+2-2 type it indicates syn- ergism. There are two types of antagonism during the ccaK.;.- Card 1/2 lation of lyophobic colloids: 1) the antagonism between 69-58-2 -4/23 The Coagulation of Lyophobic Sole by the Action of Electrolyte Mixtures. Communication 2 coagulating ions associated with competition for the sites of adsorption on the surface of the colloid particles: 2) the antagonism due to the mutual electrostatic interaction of the ions in the bulk of the loolution'and in the electric- al field of the colloid particles& , There are 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 1 French and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut ldgkoy promyshlennost! (Kiyev Technological Institute of Light Industry) SUBMITTEDs February 23, 1957 1. Chemical compounds--Coagulazion 2. Elecorolytic compounds --Applications Card 2/2 31 rel it so va,Y.?. A. (Kiyev) -7 'CJi~q-1,e-ary--- in tile E I rc I -,- t7 'n -r, ---g, Vol. aLr,,s'.-i:iy mate,.-,aticheskiy zhurna' 11~'; =-3.-?2 aut~)or soi~ks kinetic equatior.~'~ for the d1i tribut" r -Itl,~Ltion probabilities cf rarticles bi?inF in a fll~i --r.teraction of which is described by a given potent-4.11 7r., in t,-- r~ic t ion -.-A th th-e fluid is urldi~rs tood as -a s to r-- a dI s i o n t.,y pe . -Ph e p r o b 1 em i s s o 1 v e C', a C - o r -met'-od of 7-0g 7. ne d,~vi:~lo~-; ol-rubov Z-Ref 3-j Th of solution is applied in the case of a strorg ei,~.--.roiyta, z-L, t first a-r-Droximation th-ere appear t*,e well-known equatiors of Onsager. ar-? 1) refen~ncps, of i~rhi ar; Soviet, an, ~j 1 12 1957 C a rd I STRELITSOVA, Ye.A.- Determination of the electrophoretic velocity of an ion by the method of distribution of functions. Dokl.AN SSSR 144 no.2: 300-302 Vq 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskly institut legkoy promyshlennosti. Predstavleno akademikom N.N.Bogolyubovym. (Ions-Migration and velocity) (Electrophoresis) rcc-n a -LI S C '63. vskjy L 07177-67 0.4'r ( dIJP(c) i--ACC NR:- 6 ---- 9-- AP 0311 1 SOURCE CODE: UR/0041/66/018/005/0069/9083 I I AUMOR: Strelltsova. Ye. A. (Kiev :3 7 7 (0 ORG: none e) TITLE: Distribution'tunctions for systems of charged particles, taking short range forces into account I I SOURCE: Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, v. 18, no. 5, 1966, 69-83 TOPIC TAGS: charged particle, asymptotic solution, distribution function ABSTRACT: The object of this article is to provide the foundation of a general method for the asymptotic solution in statistical mechanics of classical systems allowing the 'harAdling of both Coulomb 'and short range forces. A system of N particles of m dif- fercnt kinds contained in a volume V with a binary potential acting between the parti clep is considered. The method of Bogolyubov is followed in defining the functions F4 .... 03(q, .. q,) V-J . ..~Dvdq,+,...d,7,v where D,, is the Gibbs function and the qi are the position coordinates of the ith par- ,ticle. An equation for the F functions involving functional derivatives of the func- tional Cardl./2 ACC NR: AP6031191 DN 1 + ub. (q,)) dq, dqN. L U.) lvbl defined on a suitably restricted class of functions u is obtained. By means of this 'equation, functional expansions for the Ffunctions are obtained. Solutions for the !low order terms in these functional expansions are presented. The final result con- itains purely Coulomb terms and terms in the short range potential to the second order. :The question of the mathematical foundation of these procedures is not considered. In ,conclusion, the author thanks N. N. Bogolyubov for discussing the results. Orig. art. I - 'has: 59 formulas. SUB CODE: 12,20/ SUBM DATE- 30Dec65/ ORIG REF: 015/ OTH REF: 003 L~ard 2/2 135-58-8-19/20 AUTHOR: . Head of the Technical Information Strelltsova, Ye - Section TITLE: The Sverdlovsk Regional Conference on Gas-Flame Ketal Working and Electric-Gas Processes (Sverdlovskoye oblast- noye soveshchaniye po gazoplamennoy obrabotke metallov i clektrogazovym protsessam) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1955, Nr 6, pp 46 - 47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A regional Conference on work done in the field of gas- flame metal working and electric-gas processes was con- vened at Sverdlovsk from May 14 - 16 by VNIIAvtogen, to- gether with the welding section of the Sverdlovsk VTO sec- tion of Yashprom, the Ural House of Engineering and the Technical Ptd:iinistration of the Sverdlovsk sovnarkhoz. About 200 repracentativos from Sverdlovsk enterprises and other Ural and Siberian sovnarkhozes were present. The Conference was openeO '~y S. T. I'-'ikhaylov, Candidate of Technicnl Sciences, with e!- introdiictory r,~port on pro- blems relating to the improvemert of gas-flara working of metals and new efficient processes connected with indu- strial reorganization. The Conference then heard the fol- lowing reports: I.A. Antonov, Cant~idate of Technical Scien- Card 1/3 ces, on the state of gas-flane working in the USSR and '~135-58-8-19/20 The Sverdlovsk Regional Conference on Gas-Flame Yetal Working and Else- tric-Gas Processes abroad; S. G. Guzov, Engineer, on new machines and equip- ment for oxygen cutting; I. V. Speshkov, engineer, on the application of gas-flame metal working at Uralmashzavod; I. S. Shapiro, engineers on new methods of metal cutting; Yu. A. Maslov, engineer, on air-are metal cutting; G. V. Chepushtanov, engineer, on work done in the field of gas- flame metal working at Uralkhimmashzavod; V. K. Deykun, engineer, on a "UGV" device for hardening small-module gears; G. V. Proskuryakov on manual and machine oxygen cutting; G. A. Asinovskaya, engineer, on automation of gas-flux welding; B. V. Konopka, engineer, on oxygen-flux and oxygen-sand cutting; Ye. V. Antoshin, engineer,on Card 2/3 plastic, ceramic and metal coating; V. V. Bykov, chief A#135-58-8-19/20 The Sverdlovsk Regional Conference on Gas-Flame Yetal "Norking and Elec- tric-Gas Processes ASSOCIATION: technologist,on new equipment produced by the first Moscow Autogenous Plant; V. Ye. Kuryshev on new generator and ke- rosene-cutter designs. The Conference decided to take measures to develop gas-flame metal working. VNIIAvtogen 1. Welding--Conference Card 3/3 SOVI/ 1 37 58 10 21807 Trans I ati on froryi* Referati,.nyy zhurnal, Metal Jurgiva 1958, Nr 10 P 193 (USSR) AUTHORS: Strel'tso~-a, Ye. M~ , Petrashen', V. T TITLE: Coprecipitation in the System: Basic Dye Metallic '~on Halogenide (Soosazhdeniye sfcnie- cisno noy krasitel; --ion i-netalla--,galoger,id) PERIODICAL: Tr. Novocherk. politekhri in ta, 1()58, Vol 0/81~ pp 153 -154 ABSTRACT: To 200 cc of acidulated (0. IN HCI or H_ SO ) solution coritain- 41 ing I - 5 N Cu are added- NH SCN (up to 0. 02 mole/ I or 4 1 . NH41( 'up to 0. 033 mole/f I and drop by drop- with stirring. ~O cc of 1% solution of met'hvI ~. iolet. After 50 min the precipi tate is filtered off'washed. and incinerated at 1500C. Z+ The Z+ precipitation of Cu is 97 - 100c/)o complete. Fe- 4, Cd , Ni Ag+, Zn'+. Sb3+. and Sn2+ are precipitated together with Cu. Cu does not precipitate in the presence of oxidizers. 1. Ccpper-T11-eci_pJ_tat_ic,r, 22. Cvlp1l~x P, K, flethyl vio1et-ALP_'11CcEtJ10nS Card 1/1