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SZAMOSI, Jossef, dr.; BARIMAI, Pal, dr.; STUBER, Adrienne, dr. Essential fructosuria. Gyemekgyogyaszat 15 no-5:151-155 Myt64. Heim Pal korhaw. Fovarosi Tanacs Kozponti Oyemekegeszsegu- gyi Modszertani, Tudomanyos Kutato es Tarabbkepzo Inteme- tenek (Igazgato*. Sarkany, Jeno, dr.) kozlomenye. i" IUS, Ilona., dr.; VARGA, Tibor, dr. TOZ!30f dr. ; KURAI Diagnostic 31gnificancu of intravenoun pyelography in urinary tract infections in children. Orv. hetil. 105 no.37:1734-1738 13 S 164, I.. Fovaros! Tanw2s, Ko-.ponti, Gyormekegeszo ~'~Vi Modszertani, Tudomanyos Kutato e3 Tovabbl-.epzo intezet, Gvermekosztaly Rtg. Osztaly. eldT TanacF-i HUNGARY SZAMOS . do KOVACS, Ilona, Dr, KISTURAY, Terez, Dr; Heim Pal Hospital elm Fal Korhaz , and Capital City Council, Central Child Hygiene, Methodo- logical Institute of Scientific Research and Advanced Study, Department of Fediatrics and Toxicology (Fovarosi Tanacs Kozponti Gyemekegeszsegugy-i, Modszertani Tudomanyos Kutato es Tovabbkepzo Intezet) (chief physician: SUMOSI, JW,50f, Dr), Budapest. "Reiter's Syndrome Involving a 9 Year Old Child." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 108, No 11, 12 Mar 67, pages 508-510. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summar-j] The case of a 9 year old boy is described who was a hospitalized patient of the authors for 4 months because of polyarthritis, keratoconjunctivitis and urethritis and was under their regu- lar observation for 17 more months-after his discharge. The disease was also accompanied by stomatitis, enteritis and various nervous systemic symptoms. On the basis of the symptom complex and the course, the disease is con- sidered to be Reiterls syndrome. Based on literature data and on the case observed, the etiology of the syndrome and its therapeutic possibilities are discussed. ) Eastern European, 24 Western references. 1/1 SZAMOSVOLGYI, Attila, dr., okleveles gapesmernok With or without applying inventions? Ujit lap 17 no-4:6-7 25 F 165. sZAMOSVOLGYI, 0. (Budapest XI.9 Muegyetem rakpart 3.) Determination of tooth point interference of internally geared cogwheel transmission. Periodica polytechn eng 3 no.3:255-271 159. (EW 9:7) 1. Lehrstuhl fur Maschinenelemente der Techniseben Universitat, Budapest. (Gearing) SZAIAOSVOL,GYI., Otto Determination of tootb.-point interferences occuring with internaUy ,98-105 Kr 160. toothed gear drives. ~&p 12 no.3-- 1. Budapeati Musaaki Egyetem Gepelemek Tanazek* VAPGA, Laszlo (Budapest, XI., Muegyetem rakpart 3) ; 3"' dr. (Boidape.,it, Xj_., Milegyetem rakpart 3'1 G'alculrtt, the life span of tapered roller bearIngs in the front wheals of motor vehicles. Perlodica polytechn eng 8 no.3003-323 164. 1. Lehrstubl fur Maschinenele-munto, Technische Universitat, Budapest. Submi-tted February 6, 1964. -66 EWP(t)/ -42271 911 J L ACC NRi AP6031497 SOURCE CODE; HU/OC)12/65/013/006/0177/01801 AUTHOR: Szots, Geza--Setsh, G. (Associate professor).- SzamosvojjZj,,.a__t1P-_ Samoshveldili-O.'(Doctor; Associate professor) ORG: Department for Machine Elements,, Technical Universityp Budapea (Huszaki Egyetem, Gepelemek Tanszek) TITIE: Measurement of force -with a force-measuring cell in strong magnetic and electrical fields SOURCE: Mares as automatika, v. 13, no. 6, 1965, 177-180 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum metallurgy, strong magnetic field, electric field ABSTRACT: A Idad-call with oscilloscopic display was developed f r the measurimeht of forces between the various snode compAnents dZ the e load-' .servicing and replacement of electrodes in aluminuj* cell was designed for operation in strong magnetic and electtic&l fields and it performs its task well. The construction, operation, and per- Jormance of the assembly containing the cell, and of the call itself, was described...The device was developed for use at the Alusinum'Ketallur-, gical Plant (Aluminiumkoho) in jt~ota_. -Orig. art. has: 8 figures. LJPRS: SUB CODE: 11, 20 SUBM DATE: 28Dec64 POIAND 1-.rilcuCKI, J., KRZE2.11INSKI., Z. and SZ:aAZWKA-MEMUZ". of the Bacterio- logy Research Office, 5chool'ofl-erclne (Zaklad Bak',.erio3.j)gii Pl-1),, lodz. Doc* Dre A# Ganczarski, Head* "The Effect of Induced Resistance to Antibiotics on Endogenous Respiration of Staphylococcus aureus" Warsaw, Miedygyna Doswiadczalna. i Mdkrobioj2ak,, Vol 23, No 3, 1966, PP 209-217. Abstract (Authors' English su=ary modiXied): Endogenous respiration was studied in S. aureus strain 31-r, both sensitive and erith induced resistance to penicillin, chloramphenicol, oxjtetracycline, erythromycin and terramycin. It was foundto be lower in the penicillin- and neomycin-resistant strains and higher in the reinaining resistant variants than in sensitive strain, Endogenous respiration level in all variants was higher Ln the presence of glutamic and aspartic acids and proline. Contains 6 Figures, 1 Table and 13 references (5 ?olish and 8 Western). 33 PIETRASZEWICZ, W.,- SZA140TULSKI, J.W. Linearization of angular deflections -of ring balances by the design of the inclination vessel. Pomiary 8 no.4:181-18/+ Ap 162 1. Glowny Urzad Miar SZAMUMYP L. (Budapest XI., Stoozek utca 2-4) Keynest teaching as manifestation of crisis in bourgeois political economr. Periodics. polyteelm electr 5 no.2*-171-194 '61. 1. Kafedra politiohookoy ekonomii budapeshtskogo politekbnicheskogo instituta. Predotavleno zav. kafedroy doteentom d-rom I. Devichem (I. Device]. :~L-I (Budapest XI., Stoczak .jaM~p Le [!!!E~e -ate& 24) Study of the general thiory of employment of J. M,, Koynes. Piriodica Polytechn electr 5 no.3:21+1-267 161. 1. Kafedra Politioheokoy Ekonomii Rudapeshtskago Pol#ekhnicheskogo Instituta. Predstavleno zav. Kafedroy dotmentom I, Devichem (Davies]. BEKE, Denes; SZANA'M, Csaba; B. BAHCZAI. )4arietta Data on the chemistry of heterocyclic, pseudobasic amino- carbinols. Pt. 14. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 10:403-406 0 '59. 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Szerves-Kemiai Tanszeke. 2. "Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. er, ;L-!a.,-,tA because ven -w, t requires Lower kring-, temp dian p'Irctlain- S. c-uncludr, L"t only smile,; -1 - . 49q2. - ~ at &st, bic-Auiz.thq~ arc allowed a Wmifty d 0,5% aad is not riquired to beeipedfied forftN It R cer , 9, AW- (]Wg.). The Anabsis of Mom Iquaft Mm" @I dw ceardimatem of ftU~ relais of Of" TIST"Ift in The c"MVI" conespuen. 'Analiza iredrdeb bIWw vw6buldnych punktow polivoownh w ciqgach otwartych w uJ#du krzkowisnowym". PM914d Geodft. ny. No 1-2. 1950, Pp. 10-15. 5 figs. A rryiew of the Problem Of Ming the co-ordinates and me" square errors of co-ordinates of poInt of an oyvn poligonal tre not bound with the &I'Muthild POHIL IMIS (Wing-MeMod is appU*d in mining me"urinse. This problem, *oil known in the Uteratwe of Lhc gubj#ct, is expressed by the author almost entirely by Cracow" itymbols vIUch helps to Mak* ON traneformaWse simple and clear. S", wER, ~. Geodetic problems in the development of televisi,--.n installations. p. 332. PRELEGLAD GKDELY14Y. (Stowarz,,,rszenie Naukowe-Techniczne Geodetaw Polskich) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 15, no. 8/9, Aug./Sept. 1959. Monthly List of Fast European Accession (EF,-I) IC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960. Uncl. of ill,-, uc'ur` L,:: ilal d 0_11' I a r, I I I S i Vol. 3, no. List o `as~ _;uro -_-n Iun:-rz!,:s, Jw-:~ Uric!. SUNCER, 3tafan, dr inz. Remarks on work in factory information centers fo-survaying purposes in the light of experiences collected in f4pld nractice ii~ che Katowice District. Przegl goed 37 no.3:107-du-j Yar 165. C ".. ~ r- -1 - -~A, , -,,'13 - . A review of t.;;-,e equipment rroduced in Poland for the mech2nization of the processing of moldLinL- se-nds. p.135. Vol. 7, No. 5, 1S;57. 1,1'arszawa, Poland) SC: "'onthl,., List of East European 111ccessions (EAIL )L C. Vol. 6, no. 10, October 19517. Uncl. SZANDANrl.. A. ... ...- Technique and organisation of mass pneumoconiosis examinations. Acts. Chir. Acad. Sci. Himg. 2 no.4:4-t2-478 161. (PNEUMOCONIOSIS radiography) TIMAR, Miklos, dr.; SZANDANYI,_Sandor dr.; KAIUATI, Judit; Mandi, Andras, dr. Pne,-unoconiosis of enamelers. f4unkalredelern 10 no.4A:27-33 164. 1. National Institute oC Labor Hygiene, Budapest. KAIIACSONY, '1~; DEBRECYE141Y M.G..- SZADIDERt E. Data on the role of the liver in the pathomechanism of psoriasis. Acta nied. acad. sci. flung. 21 no.3:241-245 165. 1. Dermatologische Klinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. I. Szodoray) der Medizinischen Universitat, Debrecen. Submitted March 14, 1963. KkTRACKAP W.; SZANDOROWSKI . M. Wick method of testing resistance_of paint coatings to aqueous erosion. Polimery twors wielk 7 no.10:37&-380 0 162. 1. Insty-tut Farb i Lakierow, Gliwice. JURA, Adolf, dr.,; SZAIIDTIM, Gyorgy, dr.,; ZETIOT, Gyozo, dr. Surgical therapy of Sturge-Weber disease. Orv. hatil. 96 no.12: 3-' 9-333 20 gar 55 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomanvi Figyetem 2. Sebeszeti Klinikajan& (igazgato: lang Imro dr. egVet. tanar) les a Gyulai Kegyei Korhaz Elme-ideg (foorvoo., Juba Adolf dr.) es Radiologiai Oaztalyanak (foorvos Zeteny Gyozo dr.) kozlemenye. (ANGIONATOSIS, Sturge-Weber dis.. surg.) TAKATS, Iaszlo; S,7ANDTMM, Gyorgy; PALKO, Gyorgy If,.:"--.-'- . Trophopathia pediB myelodysplastica. Magy. radiol. 9 no.2:94-99 JUIY 57. 1. Kozlemeny a Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Igyetem I. so II. oz. Sebeezeti Klinihajarol. (FOOT, abnorm. trophopathia pedis myelodysplastica, case reports (H,=)) SZANXM, Gyorgy, Dr. Unusual industrial head injur7 (Scalping). Mag7. sebeszet 10 n0-5-6: 339-342 Oct-Dee 57- 1. A szegedi Orvostudomanvi Egyetem 11. sz.Sebeszeti Klinikajanak kozlemenye Igazgato: Iang; Imre dr. egyetemi tanar az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa* (HEAD, wds. & inj. scalping due to indust. accid., replacement of detached scalp (min)) SZANDTNER, Gyorgy; DERGOVICH., Dezsol dr. Spontaneous rupture of a goiter with danger of suffocation. Magy. sebesz. 15 no.6:407-1+10 D 162. 1. Varpalotai Varosi Tanacs Korhaz Sebeszoti Oaztalya. (GOITER) (ASPHYXIA) DENES, Laszlo, dr.; SZATIDANYI, Istvan, dr. Ilie role of the palm-chip. and th=b-chir. -.eflex in the diagnosis of cerebral concussion. 0--v. heti-1. 106 no.26:1208-1210 27 Je'61#0 1. Bac6-Kiskun megyel Tanacs Korhaza, Ideggyogyanzati Os7,taly (foor-voo: Denes, Iaszl.o, dr.) es Baleseti Sebeszeti 03ztaly (foorvos: Jobbagy, Andor, dr.). KULESZA, Jan; BARANOWSKA, Irena; SZANIAWSKA,__P#pqta Attempts to intensify the resin exudation by means of fertilizing and the application-of,resin diluting chemicals. Sylvan 106 no.3:55-62 162. JASIOROWSKI, H.; PIOTROWSKI, J.; SZANIAWSKI, A.; WIERNY, A.; ZURKOWSKI, M. Variations of blood serum urea level in cows as affected bY different feeding conditions. In English. Bal Ae Pol biol 8 no.9:479-482 160. (EW 10:7) 1. Institute of Experimental Animal Breeding, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by L. Kaufman. (BLOOD) (COWS) 02437 0301 $21141 Ngletiklewlcr4 J,. SwnlawW A. (ISCIII4111anx and SlablifIr of HUN "d 'Obelisk--. "Drgarja k nat,4--ZnoA4a ma&Zl4V.- orait~ IglIc".IRozprixwy ratya for- we 11). Warsz. ~Wa, 1033, PWN, IV, 34 pp, 4 figs., 15 tabs. Calculation oi~ the Influence function for a transvera* load -an4 i partial derivatives q( an elastically fixed anillever the flexural r.111dity Of which vasks Ivigifularly. The load at a certain height Is assumed to comprise 1) a V~jjjqj load Q, 2) a hork4ontal land by tho tome of - imartla P. and 3) a cnIct!n1rated moment of Inertia N. These aimuMpilaw inake, At posulble to flpd 114,u putint deflection Y,,, N. %). All Me pattlal. dellections are sumalca 4ri IpF 11!a real Innd, cumprising tho c*ncentza~ Wd lnpds Q1, the radii of Incr ht WC.18 the c-,kntilewr; q (s) and o is) dvj)pjo )Ili: wvlep~ nf unit longth PnA the raidius retpoOlvely, lrt~nsformallom innIca It pnqSIbfa t4 dhialn the desired Integral equation of Ilia reitilting 0-.flection. Approximate eamptitation, of the ln(luimce of ~shearing farm,; and moments of inertin -- ft valum of ThOdity. the vidil of ivierifil anti thq Weight$ of the obtli.~,k eiected In Wrochw. -13 Teoria Napedu OdtzujGWoWgdneSo D-ucsynnIkowcgo (La Thforle de Is Propulalon Hydraulique A Rdaction i Deus Fluldes). lifek. JIrrk. Slas(ftramej 1031. P. 499. fit PuM%h;"nbejtjXcjj fit Frcsich. Theorcticul study of -of two compr"'juic Ow. . I h(!;tt; ettkutatiou with diagmins, to tiolve the thertnut and ffo%v problems. GvM~W qqgt- Ow-M &M MA ---a f I * i S l d L zan aws rze `0 Pro atO small pertuibations d,.An -O R l i R 4 I i 5 c nu s m a ga n ozprawy . sq 57) (19 269-329-., . (Polish. R n and English summaries) Under simplifying assur:4 tions such as a quasi-honioge- t l I ~ l neous state of gas-liquid mi. ore, uniform distribution, etc., lo the author derives and H arizes equations of motion. h ~ Their number is Im by twd than the number of unknoAm functions, Three types of, additional assumptions are considered: barotropic changes, disregzu-ding the influence of inertia of liquid surrounding a'gas bubble and bar- c vi Ta on 0 moni *b ti f a gas bubble in an infinite incompres- ibl fl idol h h h s e u n eac case t e aut or calculates wave veloUit O_C..) and damping &efficient. A'resonance phenomenon can be also observed. Jlf. Z. Krzywoblocki (Urbana, 111.). 83526 Z/026/60/005/005/001/003 B02O/BO67 C 1.2 AUTHOR: Szaniawski, Andrzej ----------- 16 TITLE. Certain Relations Between the Partial Derivatives on Both Sides of a Shock Wave, PERIODICAL: Aplikace Matematiky, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 341-351 TEXT: The author proceeds from the assumption of a shockwave passing through a gas which is in onedimensional, unsteady motion (Fig. 1). If, x Y(t) holds for the propagation of the shook wave, functions u(x,t), P(X..t), q (x't) (u - velocity, p - pressure, and q density of the gas, 1hich are functions of position x and of time t) exhibit a jump on the curve x = f(t). In the present paper the relations between the limits of these functions and their partial derivatives on both sides of the curve x =y (t) are given. The moment to is considered at which the position of the shock wave is determined by the coordinate x0. By means of the Hugoniot - Rankine condition (Equation 2.3) and the equation of motion Card 1/3 83826 Certain Relations Between the Partial Z/026/60/005/005/001/003 Derivatives: on B6th Sides of a Shock Wave B020/BO67 (Equation 2.4), and by expanding the functions concerned into anexponential series a relation can be found for the relation between the values of partial derivatives on both sides of the shock wave (Equation 3.6). An ideal gas is considered in which the enthalpy h is a linear function of temperature, where the constant C in the enthalpy equation, however, depends on thechemical energy of the moleculeb (Fig. 2). The propagation of the shock rave (or detonation wave) is regarded as a special case with supersonic velocity in a gas at rest. In this case the partial derivations beside the shock wave can be determined from the given relations and the 1~ linear approximations of the desired functions can then be directly determined beside the shock wave, so also the second approximations for the particle trajectories and characteristics, (Fig. 3). Thus, for a given moment the linear approximation of the motion on the one side of the wave can be found if the linear approximation on the other side of the wave, the velocity, and the acceleration of wave propagation are known. The propagation of a shock wave in nitrogen under given conditLons is calculated as an example. Due to the changed propagation velocity of the shock wave, the flow behind it becomes inhomogeneous, with the density Card 2/3 83826 Certain Relations Between the Partial Z/026/60/005/005/001/003 Derivatives on Both Sides of a Shock Wave B02C/BO67 gradient increasing to a considerable degree. This result qualitatively agrees with the theory by L. I. Sedov (Ref. 2). Ya. B. Zelldovich, Yu. P. Rayzer (Ref., 3) and Yu. P. Lun1kin (Ref, 4) have already calculated the influence exerted by dissociation on the values of the parameters behind the shock wave. The results of the author indicate that dissociation may increase the damping effect of the wave on the inhomogeneity of the flow behind the wave. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet references, SUBMITTED: November 6, 1959 Card 3/3 1/,? 0 0 P/016~6 60/012/004/004/007 1)242r~3301 D D AUTHOR: Szaniawskig Andrzej (Warsaw) TITLEs Certain problems o~_Ihe dynamics of a perfect gas containing molecules which can decompose PERIODICAL: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanejg v. 12, no. 4, 19609 483 - 495 TEXT2 The thermodynamic properties of perfect gas mixtures in which one or more molecular species can decompose are studied by making the approximation that a given decomposition reaction can occur only on a definite curve p = (T) in the p, T planeg rather than over a wide region of the plane. With this approximation, the p, T plane for a given system can be divided into mutually ex- clusive regions: for example, if ionization is neglected, the p, T plane for air, regarded as a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen on- ly, can be divided into region I containing 0 2 and N 2, region II containing 0 and N 2 and region III containing 0 and N. General ex- Card 1/3 P-6618 P/C,33/60/012/004/004/007 Certain problems of the ... D242/D301 pressions are given for specific energyq enthalpy and entropy in different regions of the pq T plane and for the relations between the constants occurring, Expressions for the speed of sound and the equations of the adiabat and Hugoniot are obtained; these have dis- continuities as the decomposition curves are traversed. A detailed discussion is given numerically for air; the resulting Hugoniot curves for different initial densities are given in Fig. 5. The cal- culations are made very much easier by this approximation, and the trends of numerical values agree reasonably well with those of other authors, errors are greatest in the regions furthest from the de- composition curveg where the real gas approximates closest to this model. There are 5 figures and 8 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: Thermodynamics and Physics of Matterp Editor F.D. Rossini, Princeton 1955- E.A. Guggenheimq Thermodynamiceg Amster- dam 1957; R.A. Alpherp H.D. Creyber, Calculation of shock Hugoni- ots and Related Quantities for Nitrogen and Oxygen, PhyB. of Fluids, 2, 1, 1958; M. Lighthill, J. of the Fluid Mechanics, 1, 2, 1957. Card 2/3 4,6618 ("Ort;'a~n problems of the ... P/033/60/012/004/~~--!,'/, '-.17 D242/D301 =30GIATION: Division of Fluid Mechanics, IBTP Polish Aca&emy of Sciences SUBMITTED; March 30, 1960 Fig. 5. NO, I mill I I 11111i I 1 111" 1 1 111,111 A 1 1 11111 4M - OF 04 1 V 100. p [A Im] Fig. 5 Card 3/3 5ZA, NUAWSKI, --Andrzej. Sound velocity and Hugoniot's adiabatic curve in heavy i,::,Brt gases partly ionized. Archiw mech 14 no.3A:565-591 162. 1. Division des Mechanique des Fluides) Inatitut des Problemes Fondamentals Techniques, Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Varsovie. . I SZANIAWSKI, Andr"Ij . . . . . - .'it t Aquations of transonic flow of a heat conducting fluid. Archiv mech 14 no.6:905419 162. I 1. Department of Mechanics of Fluids, Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol965o P/003.3/63/015/0()6/0903/0914 AUTHOR: Szaniavoki.. Andrzej (Warsaw) TITLE: Transonic approximation to the equations of flow SOURCE: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 15., no. 6, 1963o 903-914 TOPIC TAGS: gas dynamics, transonic flow, velocity of soundp flow parameter, homogeneous flow, equation of flow, fluid flow, Taylor series, ideal gas, pertur- bation ABSTRACT: If stationary transonic flows are considered a result of superposition of a field of small perturbations on a homogeneous flow with the velocity of sound, local values of flow parameters should differ only very slightly from the reference values of the unperturbed homogeneous flow. Thus the solution of transonic equations of flow can be expanded into power series ofithe small para- meter tau describing the amplitude of perturbation. Equations representing# In first approximation, the perturbation of any flow parameter have been derived previously. The purpose of the present work is to present a method of deriving differential equations for further approximations,, that is, describing 'the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019650 coefficients of the power series. method is explained on the example of an ideal gas with constant dissipation coefficients, for which equations are de- rived in second transonic approximation (two coefficients of the lowest powers of tau). Orig. art. has'79 formulas. ASSOCIATION. Department of Fluids,, IBTP, Polish Academy of Sciences ENCL: 00 SUBN=D: o6jun63 DATE ACQ: 27mr64 SUB CODE: Al NO 1W SOV:1. ~000 3 004 2/2 Cord _TZA 1; 'rsn~!zonic '1--.: in a wilts-, an of "OUTId. Al~cmiw mezh 't- nk).3:&~3-'59 I . Derar4l-.-rent. cf FI-Ld~d Me,-,hanic,3 of the init-itute of Basic To-,hnica-l Prc)blen-,-, of the -:Iclish illcademy c!--' ~~7,-Icncen, Jarsa-w. TOPIC TAGS: transonic flow, viscous flow, heat conducting flow, plane flow, symmetric nozzle ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of an earlier paper by the author (Archivrum mechaniki stosovanej, no. 3, v. 16, 1964), in which it was concluded that to find approximate values of flow parameters in some cases of two-dimensional transonic flow (through a symmetri- cal nozzle, for example) it suffices to find a few functions that depen(i (D!~ a si-n,jle vatiable. This conclusion is made use of in the Card 1/3 L through a- symmetrical nozzl& -with- peclif ied -icon _-i P x-s-p contains the first part of this analysis, and a set of equations is derived to describe plane transonic flow in which one of the stream lines is straight and constitutes the symmetry axis. It is assumed for such a flow that the flow parameters can be expressed in a form of expansions in powers of a small parameter T and the coordinate y x is the symmetry axis), with coefficients that are functions of X. A new system of an infinite set of equations, which interre- lates the coefficients of these expansions, is derived from the general flow equation,and will be used in the next paper to develop aAffetho-d--fur-~cTe-tm ni-nTna---su-c~*~e--amyroxima-tiofis--cf----:f-lox4-L:Lri-~~~ j-,~ -6 1 T ( 1aiP(m)19V.A(dW -&a) ACC NR- A.1)501.("333 SOURCE CODE- AUT11OR: -Szaniaws1zi, A. (Warsaw) ORG; Departnent of Fluid Mechanics, IT-'1'7~ Polif~'h il,(-,Arl~2rny of Sciences TITLE: Transonic approximations of fl~3,,; through a nozzle SOURCE: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 17, no. 1, 1965, 79--85 I TOPIC TAGS: transonic flow, perfect gas, nozzle flow, Laval nozzle, potential energy, sinall parameter, flow velocity rk, ABSTRACT: Thie present work represent')sa method, together with an example of appli- -ation, for the determination of flow through a nozzle, of 'which the contour is prescribed by means of an equation. The nature of this method consists in assuming the velocity potential in the form of a power expansion such that the coefficients of this series can be determined by means of a set of recurrence equations. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 4 formulas. [Based on author's abstract.] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 17Apr6l;/ OTH REF. 005/ Co,d fvm.) /z-W? M /IWA (d) MrM M /T-2j~~ k'/-,t h)/ 8NMEW ETC (m)/EMIA(l) fdIE4 ACCESSION NRj AP-5021705 I PO/6033/65/01 6i AUTHORSt HopydVyns4p.J.'(Warsaw); Szanlawskip-At (Warsaw). TITLEt Flow structure in a nozzle throat ,SO'URCEs Arohiwum mechaniki stoeowanejp v. 17p no. 3j 1965P 453-466 YOPIC TAGSt transonic flowl sonio point# nozzle flowt real gas flowy ordinary differential equation, velocity profile ABSTRACT: A detailed mathematical analysis is made of the transonic flow of a real gas in the throat section of a nozzlo. The analysis is based on a paper by As B. 7asileva (Zhurnal vyohislitnellnoy matematiki i matematioheakoy finiki 4P 3 (1963)t !611-642). The discussion of the following differential equation 6 U'. UU, I. (A + T 1) D~ 177 T also includes first order dissipation effecte, The differential equation is writtou,-- In the form dW dU (I,, U, -- W, r 7x 1C ard 1/3 L oo353-66 ACCESSION NRI- 'AP5021105 :and the following two problems are conaideredi (1) for 0, a solution is sought .for U(x) and W(x) satisfying boundary conditions -U8, U(io) '(2) for 0 a solution is sought for U and W subject to boundary oondition U Vd 'Conditions are established which make solution (1) tend to solution (2), and an ;approximate asymptotic solution is proposed for problem (1)t i.0.0 d1U.UdU d dx IThis is done by expanding f in Maclaurin series and defining U by a stream function 00 A-0 'This leads to the solution +A tF 3 + VQF - i +A - -) ( ~ ~4 2 4 2 + 13-A VOEF 3 4 2 -4 2 It is shown that if P(cf YO) is a solutiong 0 a also a solutions ',For large the asymptotic solution yields Card -2/3 L 00353-66 ACCESSION NR I AP5021705 6+1-A (1-A)(3-.4) n A, + L+ + (I + A) (3 + A) Bf3 + 2~ :The solution is then discussed in the framework of continuous and discontinuous ~domains. It is shown that the external solutions 'ff(x) can '~e fitted with the Anternal solutions %C). This shows that the negative acc(ileration inside the tbin j .:;dissipative layer at the throat can attain large values de6pitb-the-faot that the.. ivelooity differences on both sides approach zero with vanishing diaoipation. Orig. ,art. has: 51 equationst 5 figuresi and 1 table. 'ASSOCIATIOM Department of Fluid Mechanics, IBTP Polish Acadeaq of Soienoes SUMITTED: 248ep64 ENCLi 00 M GODEI 78 M REP SOV: 003 OTEMI 004 3/3 L 45183-66 EWP(m)/T D 1 ACC NR- AP6027452 SOURCE CODE: PO/0033/66/018/002/0127/0144 AUTHOR.-- Szaniawski, A. ORG: Department of Mechanics of FluidsIBTP, Polish Academy of Sciences TITLE: Structure of a weak shock-wave in a viscous heat conducting fluid SOURCE: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 18, no. 2, 1966, 127-144 TOPIC TAGS: weak shock wave, shock wave analysis, shock wave structure, viscous fluid, molecular structure, chemical kinetics, approximate solution ABSTRACT: The structure of a weak shock-wave in a viscous heat-conducting fluid has been investigated. The approximate solutions of equations are intended to describe a shock-wave structure of very small amplitude. An example is given' which shows the difference between an approximate and accurate solution. The fluids under consideration often constitute mixtures in which a considerable role may be played by diffusion. The complex molecular structure of the fluid may be the cause of a number of relaxation phenomena connected with pertrubations of internal degrees of freedom. Problems of chemical kinetics of molecules varying r.,..A 1/ 2 1 - L POLAIM 3ZANIAIVISKI, Hubert DeDartmont of Denosits of Petroleum, Salts, and Chemical Raw I;Iaterials., Geological InjUtuta (Zaklad Zloz Ropy Soli i Surowco-a Chemicznych) I-Varsaw Kwartalnik geoloriczny I , . No 5, 1a63, PP 510-11- "AttemDts for a New Division of the Cechstine (Cechszty-n) of the Galezicki 13yncline". POLAND SZANIAWKI, Hubert Laboratory for ftloosoic and Mesozoic StratigrapkWp Department of Geological Noienceot Polish AcadoW of Sciences (Pracownis Stratygrafii Paleozoiku, i Mezosoiku Zakladu Nauk G*ologicacych PAN) Warsaw, Acta. geoloxics, polonlosp No 2, Apr-Jun 1966, pope 229-24T Ofteial devolopieent and paloogeography of the Zechstein within the elevation of ljob&." SZANIDISKI,, Ignacy, prod,., Polytechnic education and the structure of the public school system. Frzegl techn no.47:3.4 23 11 160. SZANIAWSKI, Janusz Notes on the export from the Bent Furniture Plant in Radomako. Proem drzew 12 no.11:14-17 161. (Poland-Furniture) (Poland-Commerce) I/, S/044/62/000/002/085/092 C111/0333 AUTHOR; S-zaniawski Klemens TITLE. Some rumarks concerning the crite-Tion of rational decision making PERIODICAL: Referutivnyy zhurnal, Matematika, nob 21 19621 71-72j abstract 2V402. ("Studia log.", 1960f 2, 221-239) TEXT: The author considers an m >-e n - game with the Tpayoff m, a tri x u. The following optimality criterion is proposed: The ij strate,-y i 0 is optimal, if P(i max p(ij P)j min u. + 0 u P(i; i j n where is fixed, 0 (3 1, and is a parameter of the criterion. The proposed criterion satisfies a certain ostulational systeid p determining a "rational" choice of thesti~tegy.~'This bystem:ib~a Card 112 Y S/044 62/000/002/085/092 Some remarks.concerning the . . . CI11/C333 modification of the postulational system gathered by Lewis and Raifa and arises from this by changing two postulates. The criteria of a rational choice of Laplacej Savage Hurwitz and Waximin do not satisfy the new postulational system [Abstracterfs notes Complete translation.] .A Card 2/2 L4364 s/o44/62/ooo/oi2/O28/o49 AO60/A000 AUTHOR: Szaniawski, Klemens TITLE: A mothod of deciding between N statistical hypotheses PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 1:~, 1962, 12 - 13, abstract 12V54 (Stud. log., 1961, v. 12, 135 - 143, English; summaries in Polish, Russian) TEXT: The author considers the problem of the validity of one of N statism. tibal hypotheses h relative to the probability distribution of an observable r stochastic variable. It is assumed that the observations xr. x 2j"' occur in sequence and the number of steps till the adoption-of the final decision is not. fixed in advance. As a generalization of A. Wdld's well-known method for N - 2,-' the following method for deciding bebieen N hypotheses is proposed; for every n the sample space jj O..j X is distributed into N + 1 regions R~, IX nj RN+1, where for r N n Rr xn fr(XI) (xn ArsfS(Xj) ... fs(Xn)' 6 r~, Card 1/2 0/041;/62/000/012/028/049 .1 A method of deciding between... A060/AOOO 1A I, f (x) is tie probabilit density of the stochastic variable under the y rs N+1 Xi R~ -th obsernation hypothesis hi, If the point Xn~ then the (n+1) r) is performed. But, if fX11 ...j xn,, R~,r ~ N then the hypothesis hr is acbpt- ed. The question of the relation between the errors arising through the ae-opticn of final decisions and the constapts Ars is briefly discussed. For the case of a binomial and normal distributions it is demonstrated that for the recommended testing procedure the number of samples required is finite with probability one. Reviewer's note: The problems of optimality, which arise naturally in connection with the proposed method of testing, are not considered. A. N. Shiryayev [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2,12 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION POL/5033 Czaplinski, Stefan, Master in Engineering, Jan Dyduszyn'ski, Professor, Master in Engineering, Jan Sobolewski, Docent, Master in Engineering, Zbigniew Szaniawski, Master in En- gineering, and Zdzislaq-21-olk-o-w-slT-,--Profe-ssor, Master in Engineering. Najnowsze rozwilzania konstrukeyjne w budowie aparatury chemicznej 1959/1960; praca zbiorowa (Latest Design Developments in the Construction of Chemical Apparbtus 1959/60; a Collective Work) Warsaw, Parfstwowe Wydawn. Techniczne, 1960. 127 P. Errata slip inserted. 1,690 copies printed. (Series: Nowa technika, zesz. 32) Coordinator: Jan DyduszyAski, Professor, Master in Engineering; Scientific Ed. PWT: Irena Gajewskaj Master in Science; Tech. Ed.: I. Milewska. PURPOSE: This book is intended for chemists, engineers, and designers of chemical equipment for research and industry. It may also be used by students in higher technical schools. A_171~5- Qar 30 71 P 761/020/012/002/004 2 V,7606(WT116 I* t I V92-) B137/B104 AUTHOR: Szaniecki, Jan (S'ledzik) TITLE: Spin-wave theory for cubic ferromagnetics. I. Dyson's model PERIODICA.',: Acta Physica Polonica, v. 20, no. 12, 1961, 983 - 9/03 TLXTt Djson's spin-wave theory of a cubic crystalline isotropic ferro- magnetic is modified for obtaining an easier method of calculating various thermodynamical quantities. First, Dyson's theory is outlined in Ceneral. The sli-lit modif ic-at ions introduced concern the aerieralization of the theory to any type of neighborhood of lattice points and the derivation of correspondence between the oscillator operators and the spin operators direct from matrix elements for the indefinite metric operator. First, the Hamiltonian of a cubic ferromagnetic is formulated on the assumption that the ferromagnetic con3isis of a single species of atoms with any number of' magnetic electrons and that the atoms are located at regularly distributed cubic lattice points. If interaction is considered to take place only between nearest neigbors, the-Hatailtonian has the form Card 114 309?l P/045/61/020/012/002/004 Spin-wave theory for cubic... B137/B104 fI = I S(S + 1) 2] 9, LN'll j 9, (2.16)' A Por spin-wave states, the Hamiltonian reads . I gly-I J~ EO+ (3.28) (L + Qa.-I ajt - E A Aea EO = -LSN+JS(S+ 1) 2;9,- 19,S2N, (3.29) A 9-1(9A- 9A-e- 9A+a+ 9A+a-q)' (3.30) (3.31~ The non-diagonal part of the Hamiltonian (3.28) describes the dynamical interaction between the spin waves. JFx are the coupling functions of Q CT spin-wave interaction. The p-t-a-tistical,~gact.ion--is-.def ineA.-as Z = SP CxP (- #X) ~ I;E.(ul exp (- P-T)lu), (4.1) U wherein Y 1, 0 < ity < 2S, Card 2/4 OT,E. = HE.,, E., = 10, uy > 2S. (4_2~ j 30)71 P/045/61/020/012/002/004 Spin-wave theory for cubic... B137/B104 If Matsubarals representation and 'Wick's theorem are used, N [='A (r&z.(-r2)j + a,'(T,) (4-14) is obtained, wherein Th-elast*- term is called 11,z -contraction". The latter becomes Tj > T21 CCA -0 of (T 0, (4.18) and Tj < T2, a;,(-c1)a * T )e- L + p_26)(11 T2) (4.22). 6( 2) 6%,69(T1 12 The-k-ey-'n-man graphs of the matrix elements are given in a graphical inter- pretEtion. A term with one T-contraotion, for'instance, yields the following graph: Card 3/4 ? 6 L) 0 (// 3 7/ P1309 0 4 ~77 (61/020/012/003/004 B137/B104 AUTHOR: Szaniea~ ~,Jan~S'ledzik) TITLE: Spin-wave theory for cubic ferromagnetics. II. New approach PERIODICAL: Acts. Physica Polonica, v. 20, no. 12, 1961, 995 - 1003 TEXT: A new spin-wave approach to the theory of a cubic ferromagnetic is developed. Allowance is made for the smallness of the spin-wave kinematic interaction at low temperatures, by which the statistical function can be computed as the trace over the complete orthonormal set of ideal spin- wave vectors. The Hamiltonian of the ferromagnetic is taken from Dyson's theory, but, owing to the new way of obtaining the statistical function and applying blatsubarals technique, the logarithm of the grand partition function is now an expansion 'containing Bloch's term and the sum of con- nected ladder diagrams. Since the kinematic interaction is quite small at appropriately low temperatures, the statistical function can be defined as 2.5N Z=Spe7'7?~2]Z6(ZaA-q)(ale-P7/la), f-0 4 A Card 1/5 3.0972 P/04~761/020/012/003/004 Spin-wave theory for cubic... B137 B104 where X = EO+ 2;(L+ A In I'datsubarals representationv Eq. (l.i)-assumes the form 2SN Z=e-P& Z 5'6(Z aA (1.71 q-0 a I The T-contraction is given by A[a,,(.rD Cl:(TA + a&D 4(_rOl (2.6) 'rl>'r2, (2.17) CCA(TDa:(-rO= Tlr2 (2.8). 1 1 T,