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TODOROV, 1. We produced 1,080 ks. of rice p--r decare. p.20. KOOP--RATI-/T10 ZEI-IEDELIZ, Sofyia, Vol. 11, no. 3, Mar. 1956. SOs Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAK),LC, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 1956, Uncl. Todorov, I. 'I"he labor collecti~,r; of the Staiko Dr. Feev fuifilling Vie pledge :ziade in anmmr tuo the anf---eal. p.hl. 11 ~ . .1 D I Vol. 11, no. 8, 1955 IIKA PRO:,'SIf-LLeI" Sf Sofiya, Bulgaria SO: I'llonthly List of East ~,uropean Accessions, (EEA-L), LC, Iol. 5, ro. 2 riebruary, 1956 TODOOROV, 1. 'F, C" HI, -11 Ur- GY Periodicals: ELFKT:Y'171111.,H-~~TIA. Vol. 9, 110. 8, Aug. 1:58. TODORIOV, I. Losses of heat in th~ use of diesel engines at diesel-electric stations and possibilities foi- its utilization. p. 20. Monthly List of East European Accessions (E' OL) LC Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1959, Uncluss. TODOROT, IT. New nethod of fitting of a pl&stuLss crown in a single sitting. Stonatologiia, Sofia no.4:253-255 1954. 1. Is Okrushnata stamatologichma poliklinika, Sofia. (GROWN AND BRIBORWORK, plastmass, mingle stage fitting) TODOROVA. A.,; TODOROV, Ios. ------ Considerations on emebic dysentery in Bulgaria. I. Xxperience with laboratory diagnosis of Intamoeba histolvtica. Suvrem, mod., Sofia 5 no.4:34-41 1954. 1. 1% bakteriologichnata laboratorlia pri podelenie 20112-B. (AHIBIASIS. IYUSTINAL, diagnosis, laboratory technics) RLCHXV, L.,,.,prof,;-.TODOROV, I.; STATEVA, St.; ANTOTA, V. Certain biochemical indexes in infarA toxicosiso 6uvrez* zed., 'Sofia 5 no.7:3-9 19,54. 1. Iz Klinikata po detski bolesti pri Mad. akademiVY.Chervenkov, Sofiia (direktor: prof. L.Rachev) (IMANT NMRtTION DISOTMS, toxicosis, metab. in) . KOLAROV, Ste; TODGROV, Ior. - - Clinical significance of laboratory, investigations in hepatitis In childrene Suvrem. mad., Sofia 5 no-7:44-57 1954. 1. Is Klinikata po detaki bolesti pri Mad. akademila T..Ghervenkov (Zav. katedrata: prof. L.Rachev) I (HIPATITIS, IMCTIOUS, in Infant and child, laboratory investigations in) TODOROV, rordan Paper filtration ultramethod of mlactrophorette fractionation of erum proteins.,Sofia. 5 no.10:99-103 1954. : . Iz ratedrate, po detski bolesti pri Med. akademiia Vulko Cher- Rnkov (direktor: prof L. Rachav) (BLOOD PROTBINS: determination, alectrophorests. ultrwaicromethod) (BUCTFLOPHMM is, - of blood proteins. ultramicromethod) TODDRDV, L; NINIO, Sh. Momograpby in color index., Sofia 6 no.2:85-89 1955. 1. Iz Klinikata po detski bolesti pri Visehiia mod. institut V.Chervenkov - Sofia (direktor: prof. L.Racbev) (HEMOGLOBIN, determination, color Index, nomograpby) TODOROV, I.T.: ROKANOV, M.G. Case of elliptocy-tosis.,Sofia 6 no-5:97-102 1955. 1. Iz detskata klinika pri Visahila meditainski inutitut V. Chervenkov-Sofiia (zav.katedrata: prof.L. Racbev), i I detska gradska bolnitsa-Sofiia (gl.lekar: B. Boiuklieva) (ANFZIIA, alliptocytosis, case reiport) TODOROV, I.; KARWASHEV, At. Universal chamber for paper electrophoresis. Suvrem. med., Sofia 7 no.6:78-83 1956. 1. Iz Katedrata po detski bolesti pri VMI - Sofiia (Zav. katedrata: prof. L. Rachev). (ELECTRDPHORESIS, apparatus and instruments, universal chamber for paper electrophoreois (Bul)) To, L) o P, c v ) I - TODOROV, I.; KARAKASHE7, At. Filter paper electrophoresis of 111p6- and glycoproteine in the blond. Suvrem. med., Sofia 7 no.6:84-88 1956. 1. Iz Katedrata po detski bolesti pri VMI - Sofiia. (Zav. katedrata: Prot* L. Rachev), (BLOOD PROTEINS, determination, glycoproteins, electrophoresis (Bul)) (LIPOPROTEINS, in blood, electrophoresis (Bul)) TODOROV, Ior.; DOCHEV, D. Recent ntudieu on blood coaf-,,ulation. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 8 no.10:123-129 1937. 1. Iz Tnentralnata klinichna laboratorila-ISU (zav. laboratoriiata: I Todorov). (BLOOD GUGUIATION, review (BUM k - TODOILAIT, loan, cereetator 1-fInniual 'C" J) Ti3p, of sc-Yxoi to - - .3 f, vatirnn. ~';;.z - .4 s r; ', ;'4., -)r (Iser . B 15 no.1-:9-14 Ja IC'4. BULGARIA TODOROV, I., Dr, ODVS Lrn-ot identifieg, Burgas. "Study of an Outbreak of Staphylococcus Poisoning as h Result of Consumption of Sheep Cheese" Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirkaj Vol 63, No 1, 19669 Pp 13-15. Abstract: Because of the extensive production of sheep cheese in Bulgaria, occasional contamination of the cheese with staphylococci and theeiterotoxin formed by them is possible. Staphylococci pres- ent in the cheese disappear on the 60thdAyof storage and the en- terotoxin becomes inactive on the 90th day. In 1963 in a village in the Burgas Region,cheese was distributed that was prepared from unpasteurized milk into which Staph. aureus got from suppurating udders of sheep. On donsumption 6f the ese, 28 persons were poisonf~d. A strain of Staph. aureus identical with that isolated from the feces of the h-o-s-p-17al-i-i-e-apatients was present in the cheese and in samples taken from the sheep and the dairy, accord- ing to tests carried out at the Burgas Region Sanitary Epidemio- logical Station. The procedure used in identifying the strain is outlined. The toxicity of the enterotoxin was established in a biological test on kittens. --L 2) U 4 -j, 6T ACC NR. AF6012039 SOURGE CODE, ; BUIOOI-1165lOli2lCj-'310~',9911-,2'32 AUZ'M: Todorov 1. ORG: Institute of Ph IMN Sofia; Joint Institute of Nuclear Research,_Rul~~,aZ T IT LE Octuplet model formulation incorporating integral cha-rces only i 5OURCE: Bulgarska akademya na naukite. Doklady, v. 18, no. 3, 1965, 199-202 TOPIC TAGS: charged particle, group theory ABSTMU: Octuplat model of unitary symmetry I~,hich is very auccosst `ul in many ways, ooems to have one weak point. Namely, numerous roprosantatione of the SU(3) group which serve as the basis of this model do not cc-reBpond to real particle multiplats and even require the existence of charpoz which are froctions of the electronic charge (quarks).' The author propo3o6 ho introduction of s now group R(8; 3) whose set of unique roproDontationa coincides exactly with the not of those SU(3) representations which corrospond to integral Yalues of the charge and hyporcharge. He shows that the "actor group SUWA3 is isomorphio to the group R(8; 3) of orthogonal transfornations in the eight-aimencional space generated by the DO, 1) ,representation of the SU(5) group, and discusses other proportion of the now group. This paper was presented by Academician Kh. Khristov on 28 October 10,64. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas and 1 table. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 20, 12 / SUBM DATE: none / OTH REF- 003 / SOV BEF: 004 Card 1/1 vMb RANGELOVA, St.; KRUSTEV, T.; VASILENKO, S.; TODOROV 1. Studies an the effectiveness of live antityphoid vaccine in Bulgaria. Suvr, mad, 13 no.6:18-25 162. 1, Iz Nauchno-izeledovateld7kiia'institut po epidemiologiia i mikrobiologiia (Direktor Vl. Kalaidzhiev). (TYPHOID PARATYPHOID VACCINES) -- -1-1--l' 1; ~' ~- --,~ - --.- .i -1. 1, . 7, ~ . I I- TODOROVs I. Flow meters with automatic control for pressure and ter%perature* p. 33. TEKRIIKA, SORIA, Bulgaria, Vol. 6, no. 3, 1959 101 Oct. 'Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. b, noJ1959, Uncl'- TODOROV, 1. 1 SHRLUDKO A. On the process of removing. dust in a e1wed -epwa - bound. bg,*,. dast-ocatching wallee p. 12L ,, Bulgari&,,,Vo3.- 50t.. No@. - 2..- 1951,156 (published 1958) GODISHNIK. KHDaLA.- Soflia j Kmthly- List .-of - Eas-t Acceasim-(EFAL)--LC,.Vol~.9,-No- 1 January 1960 Uncl. TODCJROII~ I. ;,imending the (awlity of Sa-f-ers Used in the l'orcelain-Faience. Leka V _ Promishlenost (LiLht Industry), #11:19: Nov 54 TODO W, I - le,-Ice "Urlnr, the dry-'_ng -.race's. ;. Reducing defects in porc;-,la-*n anr! I'a' . L',,-,KA '?,~G)MISHLI.,',11'057, Sofiya, Vol. 4, no. 3, !'~55;. SO: '-'-)nthly Idst of Er,.st Europear. Accession, (,,E,,tL), LC, Vol. ,~, n--.). 10, Oct. 1055, Uncl. BULGARIA TODOROV, Il. Sofia, Farrutsiya, No. 1, Jan-Fab 1963, pp 33-34 "Technicum for Assistant-PharmaciEts in Varna." (1) TODOROVO LN'. Certain age peculiarities of the effect of the hypophyseal somato- tropic hormone on nacleic acid metabolism. Uch. zap-:KHGU 108:213- 225 160. NIR& 14-- 3) 1. Kafedra fiziologii cheloveka gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (PITUITARY BOPYI) i zhivotnykh Khar1kovskogo (AGE) *C,LEIC ACIDS) V.-MRCAT, I.T. I T I I f-.Cry- 01, re r-~rv.,ie I-Ata 4~ - 'on s --!- -* ; ,-.7 , ~ ~ ; -,! - ,, ." , . - - n c~ f --, , - ~~ --6 - I --- - .- , :~l -- - . .- - -- - Y I ~ e: L9 -- ,,~- 1- Particles. flap. m4t. na-uk 20 'n .4'," ~~- :~'7 .. -A~~ (MllRA 18.8) Z115-0 0 67253 AUTHORS: -Tavkhelidze, A. N , Tod orov-it-1-i-T SOV/20-129-4-15/66 Chernikovp N. A. TITLE: The Spectral Properties of the Green Function in a Model of the jleaQn Field With a Fixed Source 17 P~21ODICAL: Dokl:ady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 4, PP 769 - 772 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First, attention is briefly directed towards various models of the quantum field theory. If in Chew's model (Hof 3) the nucleon spin is not taken into acoountp and if meson energy is assumed not to depend on the momentum, the investigation of this model is reduced to the solution of a system of two ordinary differ- ential equations of second order. In the present article the properties of the Green function in such a simplified model are investigated. It is shown that, in the case of a rigorous treat- ment of the problem, no paradoxa of the type of "negative pro- babilities" occur. The Hamiltonian of the boson field with a fixed formion source has the following form in the charge-sym- metric theory: Card 1A 67253 The Spectral Properties of the Green Function in a SOV/20-129-4-15/6a Xodel of the Meson Field With a Fixed Source + ~n+fn) +7- &)k (A~+ Ak + B~ "k + Ck Ck) p k 90 L Rk f(A + + + + I + C+)(T+ TP - k k + B~)~~Tn + (Ai + Bd~n Tp + 7-2 (Ck k p Here A 9 and C A~q + ,and C+) denote the anni- n Q - k ' BIC k ( + N. k hilation operators (production operators) qf the positive, negative, and neutral mesons; and t (T' and t") - the anni- +P n P n hilation. operators (production operators) of the nucleons; V2 ' R - the form factor of the nucleons. The proton propaga- Wk k tor may be written down in the form S(t-t') i , where tp(t) is an operator in N Heisenberg representation: i dt - tupmx-1411pm'~Hpm - +p- The proton propagator may be written down in form of a / scalar product. The operator of the nucleon number t+ tp + ~n+ +n Card 2/4 P 67251 The Spectral Properties of the Green Function in a SOV/20-129-4-15/68 Nodel of the Meson Field With a Fixed Source has four linearly independent eigenfunotional two vacuum func- tions$ one one-nucleon function and one two-nucleon function. Green's function of the proton satisfies the equation (Z - Z)g(E) - ~cq where ~c - ~' 10> is the amplitude of state with a mathematical proton .00 is a solution of the modified Schroedinger equation i Ri - %~ ., 6 6(t) with the condition 9t -0 0, where t N + e + a + b where a and b are either VL-mesons or )-quanta. With the method of Logunov Z_Ref 17 the author reduces the problem to the determination of tfie dispersion relations for the process N + v + a + b , where v is a certain virtual photon. Similar problems have been investigated in Z-Hef 2,3,4-7 The kinematics of the considered processes is considered in the general case. Finally the author shows how it is possible to generalize the proof in I-Ref 4-7 of the dispersion re-. lations for non-elastic processes to the present case. Card 1/2 23 Dispersion Relations for Virtual Photo Generation SOV/155-58-5-23/37 of Several Bose Particles Tavkhelidze is mentioned in the paper. The author thanks A.A. Logunov for the guidance of the paper. There are 7 references, 5 of which ar~ Soviot, 1 English, and 1 Italian. ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinenyy.inatitut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research) b,-11, -3UBMLI TTED t September 6, 1958 Card 2/2 BULGLRV~Theoreticai Physics - Classic Electrodynamics. Classic Fleld B-3 Mieory Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1-959, No 4856 i,utbor :Yalitzin Nikola St., Todorov Ivan Inst :Physics Inlititute, Bulg-a-r-ra-n-7x--aTe-wy of Sciences Title :Investigation of the P0664bilitj of Repreeentation ef a Photon with the tdd of an Electromagnetic Modcl. Orig Pub :Dokl. Bolg. LN, 195B, 11, No 1, 13-3.6 Abstract :It is assumed that the photon can be c-escribed ~rith the aid of a Maxwell's equations, and the current vector entering into these equations corresponds to electric charCes moving with the velocity of light. 1~ regular solution of th,3se equations is found and this solution is investigated. -- G.A. Zaytsev Card : 1/1 TODOROV, I. T., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Theory of dispersion relations for inelastic processes." /-Dubna, Publishing depaIrtment, 19~07. 10 pp; (Joint Inst of Nuclear-Research, Laboratory of Theor- etical Physics); 160 copies; price not given; printed on duplicating machine; bibliography at end of text (13 entries); (KL, 17-60, 140) TODORO.V,,I.T. (Bolgariya) A uniqueness theoram for the wave equation; of V.A. Fok - F.I. Frank1l. Usp.mat.nauk 13 (Differential equations, Partial) con-menting on the dismssion. no.2:211-213 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) AUTHOR- Todorov, I.T., Zidarov, D4 S0V20-12O-2-!O/r63 TITLE: n the Unique Determination of the Form of the Attracting Body by the Values of its Outer Potential (0 yedinstvennosti opredeleniya formy prityagiva3iishchego tela po znacheniyam yego vneshnego potentsiala) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 120,Nr 2, pp 262-264 (USSR) ABSTRACTa Let T 1 and T 2 be bodies of the same constant density with the surfaces S and S Let S i (u,=1,2) denote the part of S,,, 1 2- 0c lying in the interior of T UT '; let S S L)S Let S be - 1 - 2 1 the contour of the body T 1UT 2 and S 0( S n s... Let the surfaces S be piecewise smooth and the surfaces S., be of positive meas4re. Theorem: Let R be the radius vector with the origin in 0, V- vector of the outer normal to So(, V I = i , dS element of area of SV If there exists a point 0 so that I (R-i", 1) dS --- (P-Z'9 V d S Card 1/2 S S Sov On the Unique Determination of the Form of the Attracting Body 120-120-2-10163 by the Values of its Outer Potential is valid, then the bodies Tx-are identical if they generate the same outer potentials outside of T 1and T 2- Theorem: Let the z-axis of the rectangular system x,y,z be chosen so that Vz, 9 )1 dS 4 f J( Vz, v )jdS, where 9z denotes the unit vector of the z-axis. If the bodies T,- outside of T1U T2 generate the same potentials, then they are identical. The proofs are based on the method of Novikov /Ref 1] and Sretenskiy [Ref 2] . There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:Fizicheskiy institut Bolgarskoy Akademii nauk (Physics Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) PRESENTED: January 14, 1958, by S.L.Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: December 11, 1957 Card 2/2 1. ~kithematics--Theory LOGUM, A. A-. and TWOR 7T9~~~- "on the Proof oi Dispassion Ralations for Inelastic Scattering. " Nuclear Physics, Vol. 10, No. 5, 1959, 552-563 (No. Rol InA Publ. Co, Ansterdam) A derivation of Dispersion Relations for the Inelastic process (p p"4~7?- '4-ft') is presented based on a theorem of analytic continuation. The one-micloon terms are correlated vith the amplitudes of simpler pzreeses. Lab. Theoretical Physics, Joint Inst. Nuclear Research, Dubna, UM -ACC NRs AP6005465 SOURCE CODE: UR/0053/bb/OM/OOV0051/0091 'AUTHOR: Logunov, A. A.; eMen Van Kh Todorov., I. T. ORG: Institute of High-EneW Pborsi (In energ1y); Joint cs stitut fiziki vysokikh .Institu;e of Nuclear Research (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iusledovaniy) TITLE: SOURCE: 2,1 Asymptotic relations between the scatteri . in local fig* theory Uspekhi fizicbeskikh nauk,, v. 88, no. 1, 1966, 51-91 TOPIC TAGS: quantum field theory, asyinptotic property, scattering amplitude, strong nuclear interaction, scattering cross section, particle production, differential cross section, meson, baryon, fermion, pbotoproduction, Compton effect ABSTRACT: This is a review article devoted to the derivation of rigorous asymptotic relations between the scattering amplitudes in high-energy interactions and the re- sultant relations between such characteristics as cross sections, polarizations, and others) from the point of view of their agreement with the most recent experimental data. Special attention is paid to the hypotheses on whose basis Vie asymptotic re- lations are derived. The authors review systematically the asymptrAic relations de- rived by many earlier investigators, as well as related papers dealing with the de- rivation of asymptotic relations in the presence of higher symmetries of strong inter- actions and in processes involving particle production. The section headinga are: 1. Estimated upper bounds of the growth of thecrogaisection at high energies. 1.1. Limitation imposed by the microcaueality princijie~6fi~amplitude-growth. 1.2. Condi- tions of polynomial boundedness of the causal amplitude of etlastic scattering. 1-3- L 24243-66 -ACC NR: Ap6w5465 01 Estimates of the growth of the cross sections. 2. Asymptotic properties of the scat- tering amplitude of scal particles. 2.1. The Phragmen-Lindelof theorem and asymp- totic equality of differential cross sections. 2.2. Case of elastic scattering. Equality of total cross sections. 3. Asymptotic properties of meson-baryon scatter- ing- 3-1- Symmetry properties of the amplitude- 3.2. Asymptotic equality of differ- ential cross sections. 3-3. Asymptotic relations between polarizations of fermions in the final state- 3.4. The complete experiment in the case of elastic meson-nucleon scattering. 4. Asymptotic properties of baryon-baryon scattering amplitudes. 4.1. Symmetry properties of the amplitudeso 4*2,s Asymptatic equality of the differential cross sections. 4-3. Asymptotic prop,-~rties of the polarization effects- 5. Asymptot- ic properties of photoproduction and Compton-effect amplitudes. 5-1. Photoproduction of mesons on baryons. 5.2. Compton effect. 6. Asymptotic relations between forward elastic scattering amplitudes. 7- Highersymmetries of strong interactions and asymp tatic relationz between the amplitudes of meson-baryon scattering and photproduction. 7*1. Meson-baryon scattering and photop!roduction in schemes with higher symmetries. 7:2. Higher symmetries and relations between amplitudes- 7-3- Asymptotic relations fo*-cross sections and polarizations. 8. Asymptotic relations between amplitudes of processes with variable particle mmber. 8il. Kinematics. 8.2. Properties of asymp- totic amplitude. 8-3. Asymptotic.equaUty of-differential cross sections. 9. Asymp- totic behavior of form factors. 10. Conclusion. Orig. art. has: 246 formulas and 1 table. SUB CODE.- 20/ .4 ORIG WW: 023/ OTH MW.' 032 Vasilly Sergeyevic' ; T v VLADIMIROV, _94QkiO I I.T.f red., (Mlethords in the theor-i of c;.' never--l Variables] Metody teorii fuructsii mnoglkh kompleksrorkh peremenn.ykh. %Mo3kva, Nauka, 19U. 411 p. (1,111V1 17:10) LOGUNOV, A.A.; RGUYEN VAN KYv-U-. TODOROV, I.T.; KHRUSTALEV, O.A. Asymptotic relations between cross sections in local field theory. Zhur, eksp. i teor. fiz. 46 no.3:1079-1089 Mr164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh isoledovaniy. ACCESSION NR: AP4025941 S/0056A4/046/003/1079/1089 AUTHOR: Logunov, A. A.; Nguyen, Van ]Khlyeu; Todorov, 1. T.; Xbrustalev, 0& A* TITLE: Asymptotic relations between cross sections in local field theory SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 46, no. 3, 1964, 1079-1089 TOPIC TAGS: local field theory, cross section, asymptotic cross section relations, Phragmen Lindelof theorem, Pbmeranchuk theorem, antiparticle, neutral pion scattering, kaon scattering, pion proton scattering, kaon proton scattering ABSTRACT: It is shown that, by starting from the Phragmen-Lindelof theorem and using the general principles of relativistic local quan- tum field theory, several asymptotic relations can be established Card ACCESSION NR: AP4025941 not only between the total cross sections of various processes but also their differential cross sections. Starting with the related processes of scattering of scalar particles a + b a + b 1 1 2 2 a + b a + b 2 1 1 2 (the bar denotes the antiparticle), the asymptotic properties of th e scattering amplitude are derived under certain assumptions and, in particular, the Pomeranchuk theorem is obtained for this case. The method is then extended to include the case when the particles b have, spin 1/2 while the particles a have spin zero and to process which are described in the e2 approximation in terms of electromagnetic form factors. All the deductions are based on the assumption that the cross sections do not oscillate at high energies. It is con- Card ACCESSION NR: AP4025941 :cluded that the differential cross sections of processes M and (II): bare asymptotically equal, that the total cross sections of interac- Ition of particles and antiparticles are equal if the forward elastic scattering amplitude does not grow too rapidly, that the forward dif-, ferential scattering cross section is proportional to the square of the total cross section in the case of scattering of neutral pions or kaons by protons, and that the limiting values of the form factor ,are equal when the momentum transfer (t) becomes infinite. "In con- cluslon the authors are deeply grateful to N. N. Bogolyubov for in- terest in the work and for stimulating discussion, and also to S. M. Bilen'kiy, D. I. Blokhintsev, V.-S. Vladimirov, M. A. Markov,.N. M. 'Meyman, Xh. Ya. Khristov, and P. Suranyi for useful remarks." Orig. art. has: 43 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh iseledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) C,rd 3/,4~ LOGUNOV$ A.A. (Dubna); LYU I-CHEN' (Liu I-ch'An] (Dubna); TODOROV, I.T. (Dubna); CHERNIKOV,-N.A. (Dubna) Dispersion relations and analytic properties of partial amplitudes in perturbation theory. Ukr. mat. zhur. 15 no.3.- 250-276 163. (MIRA 16:12) LOGUNOV, AIA.; LIU 1 -GEN; [Liu I-chl;nj; TODOROV, I.T~; CEIMIKOV, D.A. .Dispersion relations and the analytic properties of partial amplitudes in the pertubation theory. Analele mat 17 no.4:F2- 112 O-D 163. LOGUNOV, A.A.; TCDCROV, I.T.; CHFIMKOV,*.N,A. _w,wAdwMMb ~-~ Surface of singular points in the Feyman diagram. Godishnik fia mat 55 no.2:3.17-137 t60/161 [publ. *621. LYU I-CHENI [Liu 1-chlenlk~~q~ ., Integral representation of the vertex part in perturbation theory. Dokl.AN SWR 148 no.4t8O6-8O9 F 163. (MIRA 16W 1, Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. 'Predstavlano akademikom N.N.Bogolyubovym. (Pertubrations) (Nuclear physics) LYU I-C4~AN[Liu I-chl8n); tbDOROV, I.T. (Charaqperistice of some Feynman diagrams] Osobennosti nekotorykh diagramm Feinmana.. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh issledovanii, 1963. 9 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Quantum electrodynamics) ME:STVMSHVM9 M.A.; TODOROV, I.T. Analytic properties of the mason-nucleon vertex portion and the scattering amplitude of poeudoocalar mesons in the theory of perturbations. Dokl. AV SSSR 3.48 no.3:562-565 Ja 163. (MIRA 1632) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh isslodovani-y. PredBtavleno akademikom N.N. Bogolyubovym. (Mesons-Scattering) (Perturbation) LOGUNOV, A.A.; TODOROV, I.T.; CHERNIKOV, N.A. Generalization of Symanzik's theorem on the majorization of Feynman diagrams. Zhur.eksp. i teor. fiz. 42 no.5:1285-1293 Yq ,62. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Ob".vedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Graphic methods) (Particles (Nuclear physics)) 3/020/63/148/004/014/025 B102/B186 AUTHORS: Liu I-cheng, Todorov, 1. T. TITLE: Integral representation of the vertex part in perturbation theory PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 4, 1963, 806-809 3 2/ "1 graph D R Ir majorates all strongly coupled graphs of the nucleon- ---- N 1 3 2 photon vertex part, i. e. in the space of external Euclidean momenta in the region G F, la3P2 + alaip'. + ala2p,*, QD (0(, P) al + a.2+.a3 (OCI a,) tit. oc'M2 < 0 TEXT: A. A. Logunov et al. (e. g. DAN 135, 8011 1960) have shown that the Card 1/4 S/020/63/148/004/014/025 Integral representation of the vertex B102/B186 This vesult is now applied to (1) determining a region in the space of the complex variables z 2 2 p2 in which the contribution of any 1=P19 z2-p2' Z3' 3 strongly coupled graph of the vertex part is analyticall (2) deriving an integral representation for an arbitrary graph which reflbcts completely the esLablished analytical properties of the vertex part (N. Nakanishi Suppl. Progr. Theor. Phys., no. 18, 1, 1961). The integral representation is obtained as 00 F (z) dil. dTI, dil:, dp / (9, P) liz - P + ie 0 T13). 0 0 0 9.0') where PC (n) = max 11z, - TIZ iq,z, + q2zl d- W3, (12) ZEO 7jj=[Aj(a)+Aj(a)+A3(a)j-1Al(a), i=1,2,3; 3 1 1 ~ 10 P Aj (all a,171! F Card 21/4 S/020/63/148/004/014/025 Integral representation of the vertex ... B102/Ble6 is a generalized weight furiction. These results can be used to obiain iptegral represen'tations for scattering amplitudes. This is done for the case of-NN scattering. With S = (Pi + p,)2 < 4M',I.h + psr~ < 40, u* (pg + par < 4e one obtains t 6'. ap dp at +0 CE) U -I as + UOP, + f3 (CC, P) po (a) 4 (Mgm + m2 (I - a)j. 0s). Card 3/4 5/020/63/148/004/014/M Integral representation of the Vertex... B102/B186- .There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iseledavaniy (joint Inotitute- or Nuclear Research) PRF,G-FN'i'i-;D Ab8u-,-~t 14; N. H. Bc.---)iyubov, Acad.entolan SUBMITTED. August 2. 1962 Card 4/4 S/020/6 3/148/003/016/03 7 Bi 0&/B180 AUTHORS: Mestvirishvili, M. A., Todorov, I. T. TITLE: Analytical properties.of the meson-nucleon vertex part and the scattering amplitudes of pseudoscalar me3onB in perturbation theory PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SS"SR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 3, 1963, 562-565 TEXT: Using the method of Feynman graph majoration and taking the pseudoscalar behavior of pions into consideration, the authors determined the analytical regions of the primitive graphs for the meson-nucleon vertex part and of the meoon-meson scattering amplitude. Theorem 1: All closely connected graphs of the pion-nucloon vertbx part are majorated by the graphs 3 3 and The rings indicate external nodes, thick lines 10 2 refer to nucleons, dotted lines to pions. If p 2 _ P2 . M2, the vertex 2 1 2 function is analytical in respect of z = P 3 in the complex plane z cutting Card 1/2 Analytical properties of the meson- S/020/63/148/003/016/0707 BlOB/B180 the section from 9m2 (m - pion mass) to infinity from the real axis. ""his holds for any order of perturbation theory. Theorem 2: All clGsely connected pio.n-pion scattering graphs are majorated by the graph If the external meson momenta satisfy the condition p 2 . m2, then all closely connected graptin of pion-pion scattering will be analytical in 2 2 2 2 2 the triangle s'. (p I + P2) ~ 4m , t = (p 1 + p3) --,,4m, u - (pi + -R~ 0 2 2 in the plane s+t+u = 4m . There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) PRESENTED: August 1, 1962, by N. N. Bogolyubov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 30, 1962 Card 2/2 LP I-CHM' Eliu I-chlen]; TODOROV, I.T.; SARMITSEVA, V.R., tekhn. red, (Integral representation of the vertex part in perturba- tion theory)Integrallnoo predstavlenie vershinnoi chasti v teorii vo=ushchenii. Dubna, Oblledinenrqi in-t iadornykh issl., 1962. 6 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Quantwa field theory) (Perturbation) LOGUNOV, A.A.; LYU I-CHE211; TODOROV; I.T.; CHERNIKOV, K.A.; SARRITSEVA) V.R.,-fe-k-hn. redo [Dispersion relatious and analytic properties of partial amplitudes in the perturbation theory]Dispersionnye sootno- sheniia i analiticheskie svoistva partsiallnykh anplitud. v teorii vomr..ushchenii. Dubna, ObIledinenrwi in-t iadernykh issl.) 1962. 31 p. (NMA 15:10) (Mesons-Scattering) (Nucleons-Scattering) (Perturbation) LOGUNOV, A. A., TODOROV, 1. T. and CIMMNIMV, N. A. "Analytical Properties of the Fcyrrzn Graphs" report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physicaj Geneva, 4-11 juiy11962 Joint Institute for Nuclear Penearch Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, 1962 1737P S/056j62/042/005/023/050 it ri B102/BI04 Chernikov, 111. A. AUTHORS; LOZunov, IL- TITLE: Generalization of Symanzik's theorem on majorizatidn of Feynman graphs PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiz--;ki, v. 42, r10- 5, 1962, 1285-1293 TEX---,!: In an earlier paper (DAN SSSR 135, sol, 196o) the authors showed m;thod -6hat a maiorization developed by them made it possible to reduce Cae consideration of all strongly qonnected Feynman graphs of one process to that o--" a iinite number of graphs. Such a graph may be considered to be stron3ly connected, if, upon one of the internal lines being broken, it does not beco=e dissociated, the square of the outer momenta. being re,garded as independently variable. ~he set of classes R. of all diagrams is souSht iq a maximuri enclosed Euclidean area of outer momenta wherein the Feynman integral does not display any singularities. For NN scaitering R = 7, -or -he meson-meson scattering Ro = 3, and for the meso.-I-- nucleon scattering Ro = 14. The method of determining class a 0 is discussed Card 112F S/056/62/042/005/023/0510 Generalization of Symanzik's ... B1012/B104 . a~ len;:th. For the purpose of comparing the diagrams of class R. a 0 detailed examMation is made of the quadratic form of General Feynman 6raphs and an explicit expression for this form is arrived at terms of ;he ident-i ma-ur` x. This matrix with nrows and 1 columns then forms the chararteristic off any graph having n nodes and 1 internal lines. An L (inverse) quadratic fo.-;-;i. ~n 4-:3 a' 3o derived for the conjugated 7urt'-er, ine minimum exDressions are obtained for the Feynman parameters relatinc- to the coniugated ouadratic form and finally the results are transferred to the Symanzik theorem of .-raph majorization, which is thereby proved. The aeneralization of this theorem is discussed. The results following from the particular and the generalized Symanzik theorem are CLISCUssed for the special case of a NN scatterin.a. It can be shown that the set R of the &raphs for the EN scattering are majorized by the 0 0 two former (I, I!, Fig. 1). All strongly connected graphs of the meson- nucleon scattering can be majorized by the sum of the four graphs in Fig.2. There are two- -figures. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Insti- tute of Nuclear Research) SUB!"'ITTED: December 9, 1961 Card 2/f __? AUTHOR; Todorov I. T. 3 9 1) 0 S/058/6P-/000/004/016/160 A058/A-101 TITLE: Analytic properties of the amplitude of inelastic processes involving strange particles PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 39, abstract 4A306 ("Godishnik Sofiysk. un-t. Fiz.-matem. fak.", 1959 - 1960 (1961), V - 54, no. 2, 177 - 202) TETI; On the basis of the postulates of covariance, causality and spec- trality (the assumption of the existence of a complete system of physical states with positive energies), the author examines the analytic properties of the amplitudes of K + N --), J-1+ Y and f -I + N ->K + Y processes in which all four particles have different masses. He finds the kinematic characteristics of these processes in a reference system that is a natural generalization of Breitrs system.. He derives dispersion relations for imaginary meson masses. He gives a generaliza- tion of the theorem of V. S. Vladimirov and A. A. Logunov ("Izv. AN SSSR". Ser. matem., 1959, v. 2-3, 661) on the analyticity region of the anti-Hermitian part Card 1/2 Analytic properties of the... S/058/62/000/0()4/016/160 A058/Alol, of scattering amplitude for the case when all the particles participating in the i- reaction have different masses; he shows that the resultant analyticity region 1;1. contains not a single physical point. (Abstracter's note; Complete translation] Card 2/2 LOGLINOV$ A.A*)- TIO-DO-R-OV I.,T,,- GINIVIKOV, N.A.; SARANTSEVA, V.P., , ---- -----I , rec takhn 1, [Surface of singular points of a Feynnan diagram] Poverkbnost' osobykh tochek diagramny Feinmana. Dubna, Obnedinenriyi in-t iadernyk.h issl. 1962. 29 p. (MIRA 15:3) Nuantum electrodynamics) LOGUEOV, A.A.; TAVKHELID21, A.H.;,TODDROV, I.T.; CIWUIIKOV, N.A.% Majoration of Fainman's diagrams. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 ao.4:801-804 l6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Ob"yedinenrWy institut yadernvkh iseledovaniy. Predetavleno akademikom H.K.Bogolyubovym. (Mitbamatical physics) ROGELOVA, S.-; KRASTEV, T.; VASSILENKO, S.; Johievements in control of poliomyelitis in Bulgaria. Dokl. bolg. akad. nauk 15 no.6:673-676 162. - I ~L -. .-- 'I -,. 1. Note vresentee par 1. Emanuilov, iffembre de I'Academie. (POLIOMLITIS) BACALOVA, L.; TQOOROV J.~ DAWANOVA, M. 11--t- I Stuejes of some serun enzyme activities in rachitic children. Nauch. tr. Vissh med. in3t. Sofiis. 43 no.li25-28 164. 1. Chair of Pediatrics, (Director; Prof. L. Racev) and Chair of Clinical Laboratory at the Postgraduate Medical Institute, (Director.- Prof. J. Todorov).