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2. USSR (6oo)
4. Liver
7. liver function tests. Klin med No. 12 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _ April -1953, Uncl.
TOPARSKAYA, Varvara Hikolayemia; USPMISKIY, V.I.,, red.; BULIDYAYEV,
[Physiology and pathology of carbohydrate, lipid and protein
metabolism]Fiziologiia i patologiia uglevodnogo,, lipidnogo i
belkovogo obmena. Moskva., Yodgiz.. 1962. 187 p4
(14IRA 15:9)
Saved minutes. Avt.transp. 40 no.10:34 0 162. (ml~ 15 - 11. 11
(Minsk--Transportation, Automotive)
Boris Abramovich, prof.; BAKHSHIYAN, P.A., prof.; AIMRIYEVMIY,
FIP., dotoont; MIROMMOV, R.K., dotsent; NAGATUA, V.M., doteent;
WBOLIV, N.A., dotoent; SOK(MOY. A.M., dotsent; SWIRO, Z.Ta..
dotsent; SRUSHARA, G.H., dotsent; KAMAN, I.B., starshiy pro-.
podavatell; POLOZKOV, A.P., starohiy prepodavatell; FOLOZKOV,
D.P., starshiy prepodavatel TOPMQL.,JL.a..., gitarshiy prepoda-
vatell; SHCHMAKOV, S.S., OtWrl'hTi propodavatell; Prinimall
uchastiye: GOLIDEMY2ER, A.L., prof.; BARANENKOV, G.-S., dotsent;
BEIKAN, Ys.R., dotsent; LMITS, G.L!., dotsent; SMSTAKOV, A.A.,
dotsent; GKURKAN, V.Ye., stershiy prepodavatell; Rozentall, M.I..
assistant; SOKOLOVA, L.A., assistant. ROZANOVA, G.K., red.izd-va;
KUZIMINA, H.S., (Continued on next card)
YM, Boris Abramovich--(continued) Card 2.
[Higher mathematics; methodological instructions and control
'assignments for the students of correspondence technical
schools of imiversity level] Vysshaia matematike: metodi-
cheskie ukazaniia i kontrolInye zadaniia dlia at-adentov zaochnykh
vysshikh tokhnicheakikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Izd.g. Pod red.
B.A.Fuksa. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Sovetaknia nauka," 1958. 179 P-
(MIF.A 12:9)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo vysshego'obrazovaniya.
Matodicheakoye upravleniye.
(Mathematics-Stuay and teaching)
,V Metodika resheniya geometricheskikh zadach po
3148 -D-PAP
vektomoy algebre. (Fislm lekts7a). Sost.Thpazou H. 0. M. dyqazlizdat.
In-t svyazi) 4.000 ekz. bespl. (54-57212) 512.9 (076.2)
CHUIRAYEII, P.N., red.; SELIVERSTOVA, A.I., red.izd-va;
VORONINA, R.K., tekhn. red.
[Mathematics for correspondence technical schools] Mate-
matika dlia zaochnykh tekhnikumov. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola.
Pt.2. [Geometry] Geometriia. 1963. 219 p. Pt.3. [Elements
of higher mathematics] Elementy vysshei matematiki. 1963.
430 p. (MIRA 17:2)
AGAUMV, Pavel Yegorovich; KALININ, R.A., retsenzentq -TOPAZ"V N.G,.,-._
retsenzent; NORMAN, A.G., kando tekbn. nauk, nauchmyy7W-.-;
PADVOI A.B., naucb33yy red,; KLIORINA, T.A., red.? FRUMNIN., P.S.,
tekhn. red.
[Course In higher mat:ie~atics for students of technical oor-
respondence schools and for solf-teaching] Kura vysshei mate-
matiki dlia uchashchikhsia zaocbnykh tekhnikumov i moobrazo--
vaniiA, Leningradp Gos. aoiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl.
1961.' 671 p. (MIU 14 3 .10)
GLAGOLEV, Nikolay Sergeyevich; ORLOV, Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich;
TOPAZOV, Nikolay Gennadiyeviqh; DE-PELIPOR, Georgily
red.izd-va; VORONINA, R., tekhn. red.
[Mathematics for technical correspondence schools] Mate-
matika dlia zaochrWkh tekhnikumov. Moskva, Vysshaia shko-
Ia. Pt.l,[Algebra and simple functions] Algebra i pro-
steishie funktsii. 1963. 481 P. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy matematiki Moskovskogo arkhi-
tekturnogo instituta (for Churayev).
111011CHO-1 S.
Periodical KOOPERATIVNO ZZIL-'WLIZ. No. 10, Oct. 19~;&
TOFCiU,V, 6. Possibilities for increasing the regional vegetable production in the
Dimitrovgrad region. p. 18.
Monthly List of East European Accdssions (EEAI) LB, Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl.
u s s R
UO15R0'L%::dic1ne7 nutrition FD-,lo66
Card 1/1 Pub. 141 12/23
Author Zakharov, N. N.; .13humilina, K. Ya.; To kaya
pch A. M.
Title The vitamin C content in certain preserves and natural fruit-berry
Periodical Vop. pit., 44-45, May/Jun 1955
Abstract Points out that the vitazdn C content in certain canned vegetables
decreases on stora."De while In others it remainz constant. Canneries
should therefore make use of any technolo.aical factors which inhibit
loss of vitamin C. No references.
Institution Sanitary-Hygiene Laboratory, Sanitary-Epidemioloeical Station, Petrc-
gradskiy Rayon, Leningrad
USSR/Medicine nutrition
Card 1/1 Pub. 141 - 15/23
Author Zakharov, N. N. and Topc A. M
Title Nutritive value of walnuts
)*' WO .13
Periodical Vop. Pit.,46-46, MaY/Jun 1955
Abstract Determined the vitamin C content of ripe walnuts as found on the
ma k t. Previously it has been determined only in green walnuts and
found to be very high. Analysis of 27 samples indicates that the
vitamin C content diminishes with storage time, dropping to as low as
14.8 mg% after only 3-4 months as compared with 85 mg% after picking.
This decrease in vitamin C is apparently due to the treatment the wal-
nuts receive in preparing them for m keting, and therefore methods
for preventing this loss should be found. No references.
Institution Sanitary-Hygiene Laboratory, Sanitary-Epidemiological Station, Petro-
gradskiy Rayon, Leningrad
-rc)PCHEV5A-~Y~ D'A~
Tpanslation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 11, p 51 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Chernov, Yu. V. , and Topchevskiy, B. A.
TITLE: On Empirical Formulas for the Mean Velocity of Liquids in Open-
Channel Flow. (Ob empiricheskikh formulakh sredney skorosti dvi-
zheniya zhidkosti v ruslovykh potokakh)
PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta nefti, A N KazSSR, 1956, Nr 1, pp 76-87
ABSTRACT: The authors have collected and analyzed various empirical formulas,
known in the literature, for the mean velocity of liquids in open-channel
flow, all of which do not contain any roughness term, namely, the
formulas of Cho6zy-Brahms, Gerlacher, 5ribnoy, Haessle, Hermanek,
Humphries and Abbott, Christin, Matakevich, and Linboe.
On the basis of an analysis of the formulas of Kuznetsov, Nikuradze,
and Zheleznyakov, the Authors deduce their own formula for G which
also does not contain any roughness parameter and replaces it with the
inclination, mean depth, and coordinate of the mean velocity. The
comparison of the results of the computation of C according to the
formula proposed by the A.'s and accerding to the abovelisted earlier
Card 1/2 formulas is shown graphically (unfortunately, there is no identification
6n empirical formulas for the mean velocity of liquids in open-channel flow (cont.
of the curves and formulas). The Authors have arrived at the con-
clusion that the expression for C according to Ch6zy for open-channel
flow can be transformed into the expression offered by the Authors,
but that none of the empirical formulas coincide fully with that ex-
press ion. The A.' s define the limitations of the applicability of the
empirical formulas.
A. M. Latyshenkov
Card Z/z
I L-1 ~,-, !-" i / ~-. . -, : -
1. 7- - - _,-i I-- -Z
11spiric formulas for the,average rate of movement of fluid in open-
channel flow. Trudy Inst. nefti AN Xazakh. 156.
(Hydraulics) (KIaA lot4)
C~ lz-~ t-- v
I J ju
V.P., inzh.; ATOVKYAN, 1.0., inzh.; ZUYZV, V.I., inzh.; KAVUN,
Ye.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOGAN, B.Ya., kand.tekhn.mauk; KOPAY-GORA,
P.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; KULAKOV, A.A., inzh.; LEBSM, A.M., kand.
takhn.,nauk-, PAPERNOV, A.A., doktor tekhn.nauk: FMIPOR, D.S.,
dokt.)r tekhn.nauk; PLOTNIKOV, V.N., kand.takhn.nauk; RUZSKIY,
Ya.Ye., kana.tekhn.nauk; SOLODOVNIKOV, V.V., doktor tekhn.nauk;
kand.tekhn.nauk; ULANOV, G.M., kand.takhn.nauk;
SH4AMKOg L.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; DORROGURSKIY, SoO., doktor tekhn,
nauk, retsenzent; KAZAKOV, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent;
PETROV, V.V., knnd.tekJ1n.naukj reteenzent; XHAVKIN, G.A., inzhot
retsenzent; SOLODOVNIKOV, V.V., prof., doktor takhn.nauk, red.;
VITZNBSRG, I.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; MOLDAVER, A.I.,
kand.takhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; KHETAGUROV, Ya.A., kand.tokhn.nauk,
nauchW red.; POLYAKOV, G.F., red.izd-va; KONOVALOV, G.M., red.
izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F.,
[Fundamentals of automatic control] Osnovy avtomaticheskogo reguli-
rovaniia. Vol.2. [Elements of automatic control systems] Blementy
siatem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniia. Pt 2. [compensating
elements and computer components] Korrektiruiushchie elementy i
elemonty vychialitellnykh wahin. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tokhn.
izd-vo mashinos"roit.lit-ry. 1959. 453 P. (MIRA 12:4)
(Automatic control) (Electronic apparatUB and appliances)
(Electronic calculating machines)
Moscow. Inzhernerno-fizicheskiy institut.
Avtomatika i telemekhanika; sbornik statey (Automation and Remote
Control, Collection of Articles) no. 1. Moscow, Atomizdat, 196o.
98 p. 6,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring agencies: Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsiallnogo
obrazovaniya RSFSR and Mookovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheakiy institut.
Resp. Ed.: B.M. Stepanov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sci-
ences, ProfeLsor; Ed. : A.F.. Alyab 'yev; Tech. Ed. : S.M. Popova.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific and
technical personnel working in the fields of automation and tele-
mechanics, experimental physics, and other applied sciences. It
may be helpful to students in advanced courses in these fields at
schools of higher education.
Card -1/4
Automation and Remote Control (Cont.) SOV/5489
COVERAGE: The articles were written by staff members of the
Kafedra avtomatiki i telemekhaniki Moak-Dviskogo.irfzhenerno-
fizicheakogo instituta (Automation and Telemechanics Department
of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). The following
topics are discussed: basic problems in the denigning and oper-
ation of automatic starting systems of nuclear reactors; a
method for taking logarithms of currents over a broader range
than conventional methods, Dased on utilizing the voltampere
characteristic of vacuum tube dioden, permit; an analysis of
the time characteristic of logarithmic devices; the possibility
of obtaining relaxation*operating conditions in circuits con-
taining nonlinear capacitances; a study of the circuit of a
passive four-terminal RC network; the description of a*multi-
channel pulse-amplitude analyzer; and the possibility of uti-
lizing a two-phase induction machine with a squirrel-.:!age rotor
under tachometer-generator conditions. No personalities are
mentioned. References accompany most of the articles.
Card 2/4
Automation and Remote Control (Cont.) SOV/5489
Foreword 3
Popovs P.I. Analysis of Some Starting Systems for Nuclear
Reactors 5
Tppqheyev, Yu. 1. Methods of Analyzing the Quality of
ffaciiiir--Reac-t6i~ Regulation Under the Step-by-Step, and
Linear Laws of Reactance Variation 16
Arkhangellskiy, I.A,., A.S. Yeremip, and E.M.Stepanov.
Taking the Logarithms of Heavy Currents 44
Volkov, N.P., and F.I..Popov- Analysis of the Time Char-
acteristic of Logarithmic Devices 49
Fluzbnikov, V.M. Experimental Investigation of Some Dielec-
Card 3/4
Automation and Remote Control (Cont.) SOV/5489
trio Relaxation-Oscillator Circuits 56
Kuvshinnikov, B.A. Analysis of a Correcting Four-Terminal
Network Circuit 67
Tsaregorodtsev, M.N. High-Speed Multichannel Analyzer With
Pulse Amplitude Storing in a Cathode-Ray Storage Tube 72
Armenskiy, Ye.V. Induction Tachometer-Generator With Squirrel-
Cage Rotor 91
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 4/4 Jp/dfk/bc
Methods for analyzin(; the qwlity of control of nuclear reactcrr
with step-wise and linear faws in the change of the reactivity.
Avtov.. i telem; sbor. st. iio.1:16-43 160. (I'DA 14 '. 11)
1. Kafedra avtorAtil-i i telemoklim-fflU Moskovskogo inzhenernc-
fizicheskogo instituta.
(Nm1ear reactors)
(Autcriatic control)
arigg 51-1-t,4 - .....-
, - `c - M :., -- ,
~ ME I 4t~, ~ - ~, - ~0,11 " , ~~ - - " , , "
f -, ~ ., ~ - i
,.W 0"
rwzskiy, YU. YE. (Candidate of Technical Sciences); SolodovnikovI, V. V. (Doctor of
Technical Sciences, Professor); Titov? V. K. (Candidate of Technical Sciences)i
Topcheyev, YU. I. (Candidate of Tedudcal Sciences)
Principles of automatic control. v. 3: Automatic regulators and servanechanisas
(Osnovy* avtanaticheskogo upravieniya. t. 3: Avtanaticheskiye regulyatory* i
sledya-shdiiye sistemy*) Moscow, Mashgiz, 63. 0659 p. illuss, biblio., index.
Errata slip inserted. 11,300 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS; automatic control equipment, automatic regulation, servomechanism,
hydraulic control, presrjme ocnitrol, electrtnic control
I PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book ccnside= autcmatic regulators and servaneebanisms
used in industry mid contains typical diagra=9 omstruction elementso main static
and dynandc characteristics of these elements, and sane features governing the
choice of perwmters of these regulatom and servanechanism and reo=nendations
with respect to their use. Dcperinenttal dynanic dharacterdBtics are presented for
most autcmatic regulators and servanechanisms. The book is intended for engineer-
ing-technical and scientific workers, instructors, and graduate or senior studexAs
[Cord . 113
engaged in automatic regulatiOn and controls Chs, III nIj IV, andVmere written
by candidate of Terimical 'sciences Yu. Ye. R=skiye The introduatim and Ch. 3.
Ch VII is
were written by Doctor of Technical Sciences V. V. Solodovnikov. - W1
sritten by Candidate of Technical Sciences V. K. Titov. Chs. VIP VMv IX WWI
written by Candidate of Technical Sciences Yu. L Topcheyeve
TABLE OF COMMUS [abridged]:
IIntroduction - - 9
Ch. L Untrol and regulation (principal ccnceprts and definitions) 17
Ch. II. Hydraulic regulators - - 31
ICh. III. Pneumtic regulators - - 108
Ch. IV.'Electric regulators - - 155
a,. V. Ejectrcnic-hydraulic and eleatrmic-pneumatic regulators 223
Ch. VI. Electric instrurient ype oontinuous-aadon servamchm&-ms - 251
ICh. VII. -Ac~:servrmchmisms - - 351
ch. viij. Torqm-type synchrawm servamchanisms - - 422
Ch. M Electrohydraulic and electropneumtic sammechanisms of continuous
actim - - 640
1 c0rd . 2t 3,
Literature - - 63S
Sub. index - -666
SLM Cotc: IE SUM==
Card --3/3
RUZSKIY, Yu.Ye., kand. tekdm.
tekhn. nauk, prof.;
WU T kan~i
B.I., tekhn. red.
nauk; SOLODOVIUKOV, V.V., doktor
TITOV, V.K., kand. tekhn. nauk;-T.Q_F.QFL, EV,
R.S,, fnzh, I='.
(Principles of automatic control] Osnovy avtomaticheskogo up-
ravleniia. Moskva, Mashgiz. Vol.3. [Automatic controllers
and se--vo systems] Avtomaticheskie regulintory i slediashchie
sistemy. 1963. 569 1). kMIRA 17:2)
'0(-)C H E Y E V, YV - ) ,
SUBJECT USSR/MATHMTICS/,LPPlied Mathematics CARD 1/2 PG - 440
TITLE The frequency method for the construction of transition
processes. With an appendix: Tables and monograms. Handbook.
PERIODICAL Moscow: State Publication for technical-theoretical
Literature. 1955) 195 P-
reviewed 12~1956
For the determination of the transition function by aid of the trapezoidal
characteristics the local curve is approximated by trapezoidal parts. Thus
the integral representation of the transition function is reduced to a
finite sum of certain typical functions h,(t). These functions are linear
combinations of integral sines and can be tabulated. The method permits
1) to attain the transition function even from dxperimentally obtained
frequency imagesl 2) to reduce the determination of the transition function
to a purely mechanic computing process which is very suitable for the
practical man. The application of this method was difficult till now:
sufficient tables for h (t) were missing. This want is now supplied by the
present book. It contains four-figure tables of the h,,(t)-values for
0 < V_ :E I with intervals 0. 01 and for 0 4t -4-50 with intervals 0, 2. The
comparison with the former three-figure tables of Solodovnikov shows that
these latter ones are not exact in the third figures. Besides of the
Moscow: State 'Publication for technical-theoretical CARD 2/2 PG - 440
Literature. (1955) 195 P.
h -tables the book brings tables for the integral sine and numerous
auxiliary curves and nomograms for facilitating intermediate calculations.
The book starts with a very detailed theoretical representation of the
method (P-7-41) and numerous examples of application (P-42-75) which are
followed by the tables (P-76-195).
p 0- p cv ~7- ~
Y',, -;~. -? ~-
, -
26(l) PHASE ,
~ "i
Avtomatika i 'u-:2.~!-
Resp. Ed.: Ye. 71. FI,.'i1D,-If.,,I,,
Tech. El.: 11. A. 1,11up
PURPOSE: ThIs col-lec,"111cn
scientific pe
remote control
ChIM,r of' Au[;c-:,-r-,f-,I(! rtnd
Engineering i 0-->- h
in the Table o Content~. fA-,.,- 3.. 1 t1--, vft,ox-
have a d~-,flnltp ~
Card 1/8
Automation and Te 3
Volkov, N. P.
OscIllator Wlt;h. Tvi-,-,
The linear ther):cy o an
developed by the authopi
of frt I-ncy n,,,,i.i
parameterci of
possible a
f requenoy cl-,angf~,.3. The qm t i;
:t r!' y D..
oscillator Permit:7,
p3zoperly, in
of the
g re at p ra c t Ia 1 va I i u)3.-7
imed In
source3 T-..
etc). Tl,,ore ax-a
lation) and I Enfr],Lih.
No personalitl(~t-.; ,ix-3
Card 2/8
Automation and Telc-mpr~hanl S
TOpcDh At T Sf'.abjjjj-.-,--
--ffed Elect romeohanical ApIr'll.t'jol-,
vercompensa I I
The author finds that the apF)lI(-a!Jr,-r cr o!,,- t-- -
rotating power ampliflers in
sufficient phase and iriodtilil"3 ".-taid.lity and
system accuracy under the action of
moments on the electric mr,tor of the ~n
example of calculation of a synchro-se-rvoTrechaniSm with post-
.tive feedback., caused by them overc, (.-,mre-.n satinn cf the
amplifier, is prooonted.
gated system and charaqterlstic. ourves cf the
components are given. Frcm the i-'~~ability
system at various degrees of amplifier compensativ-!ri.,
amplitude and phase frequency response oharacterjsti,~t..) a T. P,
developed for the open internal (~Ir;iuit of the
author then c,:)nstime-ts
system transfer funct-ion ar-I plots them r~n a
Card 3/8
Automation and Telemechanics (-Cont. SoV, ~' ~'-2J
He repeats this for ail the i~,ystem Tlh~re
diagrams and 3 references: 2 Soviet)rvnel I English. tic)
personalities are mentioned.
Filipchul,c, Ye. V. AnalysiB of a Reaftank,,ti Mea-,iirLng, Devl(-,-~ 119
The author evaluates the importance of the
of a reactance measuring c1roult equipped ivU'i la
diff--rentiator and a ratiometer. He also f-studir--s tha
problems of dynamics of stwh
'[At~,stracterls note: Tne origl;.al zext read 400e, >1 a/=2 - an obvious misprint.]
considez,ably increases the raslstaroe of -,he alloy to cox-osive ora-2klng in 3 PC
Card 11f2
Corrosion of high impedance manganese-ba38 aliG" A060AI01
NaC1 solution. When cathodic current pro-~-e,-,'Acn Is ustd, ensuring a lowering of
the electrode poten"Aal in 3 PC NaCl solu-~ion to -0,75, 'v, corrosive cracking Is
not obsez-ved.
LAbStraoterls note: Complete t[,ransiatftonj
Card 2/2
---6olubi-lity of chemical elements in manganese, Trudy Inste prikl,,
i ekeltrokhim. AN Gruz* SSR no. 1:51-61..;60o (MIRA, 14+2)
(Manganese) (Chemical elements)
Electrode potentials of the alloys of a manganese-copper-nickel
system. Trudy Inst. prik-1. khim. i elektrokhim. AN Gipz. SSR
no, 1:87-93 3,60,, '(MIRA 14:2)
(Electroebeudutry) (Manganese-copper-nickel alloys)
Owe transformations in the manganese - copper - iron syntax.
Zhur. neorg. khim. 3 no.10:2354-2360 0 $58. (MIRA 12:3)
1.Institut prikladnoy khimii i elaktrokhimii AN Gruzinskoy SSR.
(Mankanese-copper-iron alloys)
se - copper _ cobalt alloyB. Zb,,r,neorg.
Investigation-Of Mangane N 1.5 8. ()GRA 11:12)
kbim. 3 UO-11 2537-25LOi imii i elektrokbimli AN Griminakoy
1. Institut prikia4noy kb
SSR9 (14anganeso-poppar-cobalt alloys)
S C -1/ 1-1 e - z' - '! V'-'- 2 1/ 7" 5
0THORS. Agladze, R. I., Topchiashvili, L. I., Mokhov, V. M.
TITLE: Phase Transformation in the System Manganese-Copper-Iron
(Fazovy,ye pruvraghcheniytt v oiqtomw
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal noorganichookoy khirriil, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 10, pp 2354-2360
ABSTRACT: In the rresent paper the action of iron on the structure and
properties of alloys obtained from manganese and copper was ir--
vestigated. The alloys in the manganese corner of the ternary
system manganese-copper-iron were investiCated within the
concentration range of 50-100% Mn. The initial materials used
for the production of these alloys had a purity of 99,6%. The
investigations of the alloys dealt with the microstructure,
e,lectric resistance and dilatometric analysis. In the alloys
containing 60-90% manganese and the same quantities of copper
and iron, the microstructure corresponds to the eutectoid type.
This structure was probably caused by the decomposition of the
P-manganese phase. A dendritic structure occurs in alloys con-
taining 110-60% manganese, after their gradual cooling. The in-
Card 1/2 vestigations of the microstructures in the manganese cornar of
.' !'7 ::
Z) 7/7 2
Phase Transformation in the System blanGanese-Copp,~r-lron
the ternary system show that an addition of iron does not
stabilize the r-solid solution. All alloys containing 5C-1006
manganese are two-phase mixtures of r+a Mn. The electric re-
sistance was measured by means of the potentiometer of the
PPTV -1 type. The results of the determinations of the electric
resistance are presented in table '3. The transfor;,,iation
manganese in the binary alloy Mr-Cu could not be found by dilato-
metric investigations. However, a transformation of that kind
can easily be observed by a dilatometric investigation of the
binary alloy Fe-1.1n. It follows from these investigations that
an ad"a4ition of iron to manganese -alloys does not exert an.-y in-
fluence uz::n C-
causee the intense decomposition of this ph.Eise o_n a zr-
~-T:,4er -~he f,:,=a+fcn -r thp a-::anEaneze -phas'~-, !ue
to which the a_17cys becc-e cracky-. z
and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut prikladnoy khimii i elektrokhimii Akademii nauk
Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Applied Chemistry and Electro-
Card 2/2 chemistry of the Academy of Sciences,, Gru--inskaya SER)
SUM=D: Tuly 22, 1957
AUTHORS: Topchia3hvili, L. I., Agladze, R. I., Mokhov, V. It.
TITLE: Thi _In-~i~iigatio_n o*f the Alloys of the System Manganese -Copp er-
Cobalt (Issledovaniye splavov sistemy marganets-medl-koballt)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, pp 2537-2544
A13STRACT: The system manganese-copper-cobalt and above all ternary systems
enriched with manganese were investigated. Purest electrolytical
manganese, copper, and cobalt with a purity of 99,15% were the
initial materials for the production of the alloys. The micro-
structure, hardness, electric resistance, and the dilatometric
analysis of the samples were investigated. From the investi-
gation of the microstructure the authors concluded that the
addition of cobalt does not stabilize the 9'and. heat resistive
solution. The manganese alloys of the ternary system manganese-
copper-cobalt (UP to 50% manganese) represent bi-phase mixtures
(t'+ aMn). The hardness of the alloys showed that the r-phase
is not stabilized in the manganese-cobalt-alloys with less than
50% cobalt. In alloys with 65 and 70~- manganese and 10% cobalt
Card 1/2 an unimportant reduction of the hardness takes place. In the
The Investigation of the Alloys of t,'-..e System llangaanese-Ccpzer-Cobalt
case of a further increase in the cobalt content the hardness
is increased and the alloys become extremely solid and brittle.
The determination of the electric resistance was carried out
by means of the potentiometer of the type PPTV -1. Comparatively
highee valuas of the electric resistance occur in alloys with
20-30% cobalt. These alloys are of no practical interest, since
they are not plastic. The dilatometric investigations in the
ternary systems show that an intermediate phase occurs in alloys
with 5-10% cobalt which is characterized by an anomalous
expansion in the temperature range of 350-650OC-
There are 6 figures, 4 tables, and 5 references, 3 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut prikladnoy khimii i elektrokhimii Akademii nauk
Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Applied Chemistry and Electro-
chemistry AS Gruzinskera SSR)
SUBMITTED: July 22, 1957
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Topchiashvili, L. 1, 78-3-3-_22/417
TITLE: Discuss-lo-n-o-n-re--cTu-r-e-s76 suzildeniye dokladov), The. Infiuenci:-
of Iron, Cobalt and Nickel on the Structure and Propertles of
Manganese-Copper Alloys (Vliyaniyc; zheleza., kobalita i nikely-a
na strukturu i svoystva margantsevoutednyki- splavov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Xhimii, 1958- Vol, 3, Ur 3,
Pr, 726-727 (IISSR)
ABSTRACT: In 1907 S.F Zhemchuzhnyy, G.G. Urazov and A,Y,?,, Rykovskaya
showed for the first time that manganese forms continuous solid
solutions with copper and nickel. In 19'7 S.F.. Zhemchu2,.hnyy and
V.K. Petrashevich found that single alloys of manganese with
copper have a very high electric resistance and an extremely
small temperature coefficient, Since then marky experiments have
been made to practically use manganese-copper alloys But these
alloys were not plastic enough as long a3 metallo-thermi-
manganese was used for their production, Only after the intro-
duction of the electrolytic production of nanganese this problem
concerning the working possibilities of alloys with a high con-
Card 1/3 tent of manganese was solved in a positive via,-, The aim of the
78-3- ?-3P/)'-
Discussion on Lectures. The Influence of Iron, Cobalt and Nick,
on the Structure and Properties of ?Janf-ane39-CoppPr 111loys
present work was to inveotigate th~_ --nfluer_~---- -.f
nickel and of its analogs - iron and cobalt - on the STrUCTure
and on the properties of manCanas-?--oppe-r -alloys. Iron- and
cobalt admixtures were chosen because these elements form contin
uous solid solutions with manganese of the IA-modification, as
do copper and nickel, The au-thor investigated the alloys of th4
manganese corner (,.Athirl the limits of from *100 t;-.) 50~'2' of
manganese) of the ternary systems Mn , Cu -- Fe, Mn - Cu - Co and
Mn - Cu - Ni.. In these investigations a group of stable alloys
of manganese with copper and nickel were found whicih have a high
, and a small tempe-ra-
specific electric resistance of 1.9 Ohm..n/mn2
ture coefficient, The compositior of this group is: 65-70% Mn
15-2%o Ni, the rest is copper. In order to find the practicol. u,;-~
of high-ohm resis-cance-alloys the conditions of thei.T wozking
into wire were investigated.. In the practica). trial difftculties
appeared in the production of thin wire because of the low re-
sistance to corrosion of the alloys, It can be assumed that th6
admixture of iron and cobalt intensifiee the decoraposit.ion of
the r-solid solution of mangane se- copper alloys., The admixtu-re
of nickel effects their stebility,. Corresponding to the fart~
that iron and cobalt do not secure the stabilization of thal~_
Card 2/3 -solid solution the alloys of the mangan#~se corner of the ternary
Discussion on Lectures. The Influence of Iron, Cobalt and Nickel 0/47
on th6 Structure and 11roperties of Manganeoe-Coppor Alloyo
systems Mn - Cu - Fe and Yn - Cu - Cc have a two-phaue structure
at 500/to tin in burned state: t+ oC Mn, the latter dominating with
higher concentration of manganese.
ASSOCIATION: Institut prikladnoy khimii i elektrokhimii Akademii nauk
Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute for Applied and Blectro-Chemistry ) .kS
Georgian SSR)
Card 3/3
Di.scus sion. Zhur. neorg.khim. no-3:726-727 158. (mmA n: 4)
l.Institut prikladnoy khimii i alektrol-.himii Akademii nauk
Gruzinskoy SSR.
(Manganese-copper alloys)
EWT(M (i)/EW1(J)/EWP(t)/EWP(b) RM/1)
ACCESS! NR: AP5023656 UR/0119i~iiOOO/008/0020/0021
AUTHOR: Berishvili, A. 1. (Engineer)- Topchiashvili, M. I. (Engineer)
r s for instruments
TITLE: MetallizatioAf p9lypropylene palt,
ye, no. 8, 19-6-5-, 20-21
SOURCE: Pribatostroyeni, 1--z
TOPIC TAGS. polypr Iopylene plastic, metal cop~ting',,,,
jABSTRACT: The following'method has been developed for the metallization of parts
manufactured from polypropylene of any shape or size but with a radius of over 3 mmi,
The part Is sandblasted, cleaned with compressed air, and placed in a glass or me-
Itallic container. Zinc wire 1.*5 = in diameter is melted in an acetylene-oxygen
I flame or an electric arc and spread on the part surface vith compressed air. The
I part is then placed in cold water and dried. Depending on the 4equirements,
icoatings 0.1 to 0.8 = thick can be pyepared. Parts metallized1W thid'methad are
~suita7'.e for service-at temperatures of,up to 100C. Orig. art. has:- 1 table. (BO],:
L 1405-66
-Pms-. Yofl
110 px sov: 006 OTHER:. 000
N-- W~M
M, -99, 1 rl I ~
n,. Op.
--,..I,-,, -,I --. - - ~,. &-I j~ - - '111-1
I- _,i ~. f
mmwmmi z--;ix~~ M,.- .1f- oz,
I . 11- M
Card 3IJ
TOPCHIASHVILI, Z.A., kemd.zed.nauk
Reconstruction of the bile ducts using an isolated intestinal
loop in extensive strictures. 26 no.10:50-54 0 162.
(MIRA 15112)
1. Iz Imfedry khirargii No. 1 (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell
nauki prof. B.S.Rozanov) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvo-
vaniya vrachey (dir. M.D.Kovrigina).
Ether-soluble bilirubin in cancer of the head of the pancroas
and Vater's ampulla. Sov.mede' 22 no,7:113-114 il 158 (UM 11:10)
1# 12 3-y kafedry khirurgii (zav. - prof. B.S. R02anov) TSentrallnogo
ine,tituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey i khirurgicheskOY klinW
Mosko7skoy gorodskoy ordena. Lenina klinichaskoy bollnitsy imeni
S.P. Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof. A-No Shabanov).
(Bilz DUCT, Common, neoplasms
,Vater's ampulla. diag. value of athar-ooluble reaction
of blood bilirubin (Rue))
(PANCREAS, neoplasms.
head of pancreass ding* value of other-soluble
reaction of blood bilirubin (Bas))
(BILIRUBIN. in blood
ether-soluble reaction in cancer of head of pancreas
& Vater's ampulla. diag value (Rua))
Single-stage pancreatoduodenal resection in cancer oil Vater's papilla
11hirurglia. 34 no.81122-124 Ag '58 (MIRA 11:9)
1. Iz 3-y kafedry TSentrallnogo instituta, usoverehenstvovnniya vrachG7
(zave prof . V.S. Rozanov) I Idiirurgicheskoy kliniki bolinitay
imeni Botkina, (glavnyy vrach - prof. A.We Shabanov);
(BILE DUCT. COMON, neoplnems
-Tater's smuulla, single-stage pancrento-duodenal
resection (Rua)).
:,!-.:terr.a,l biliary fl-stulp- aZ o--: early of
k.ectomy. 39 no.12:19-23 D I r" 18:1)
1. 17, khirurgiches~ny lklin-*.,~i (,,,,av. - zanlu:L'~cnnyy deyatel
rwwki prof. B.S. Rozarlv) bnll-
nitsy Lneri S.F. B,-,tkiiia (giavnry vrracli -- dotsant Yu.G. Antonov).
Transcul.aneaus cholegraphy and surgical roentgenompnometry
in the surgery of the biliary ducts. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 18
no.4:390-398 165.
1. TSentralen institut za usuvurshenstuvane na lekarite,
Freoperative preparation and the postoperative period of.patients
vith cancer of the head of the pancreas and Tater's ampulla. Soy.
med. 23 no.10:91-96 0 159. (MIRA 13.-2)
1. Iz khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zaveduyushchiy - prof. B.S. Rozanov)
Moskovekoy gorodskoy klinicheekoy ordena Lenina bolluitsy imeni S.F.
Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof. A.K. Shabauov).
(PANCREAS neoplasms)
RYABOVA, N. M. (at. Malakhovka, Monkovskoy obl., Aptekarskaya ul., d. 26);
Some problems in treating heart arrest during emergency surgical
aid. Ortop., travm. i protez. no.12:23-28 '61. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Iz TSentra po lecheniyu shoka i terminallnykh soatoyaniy pri
bollnitse im. S. P. Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof. A. N. Shabanov,
nauchnyy konsul'tant, - prof. D. K. Yazykov) i laboratorii
eksperimentallnoy fiziologii po ozhivleniya organizma (zav. -
prof. V. A. Negovskiy) AMN SSSR.
TOPCHIASHVILI, Z. A., kand. med. nauk
Operation on the common bile duct in cholelithiasis. Khirurgiia 37
no.7:26-33 il 161. (MIRA 15:4)
1. 1z khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. - zaaluzhenrqy deyatell
nauki prof. B. S. Rozanov) Klinicheakoy ordena Lenina bollnitsy
imeni S. P. Botkina (glavrjy7 vrach - prof. A. N. Shabanov)
Cancer of the duodenu=. Sov.wd. 23 no.7!67-71 J1 '59.
(KIRA 12: 11)
1, Iz khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof.B.S.Rozanov)
Mookovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy ordena Lenina bollnitay
imeni S.P.Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof.A.N.Shabanov).
(DUOLENUM neoplasms)
21 .-jo, li,,Ith
U!ic pancreas T-tiff'-.4.
ITSSR. Centrnl Lv~i. for th(:. Auvr%iiced 'i'n-Aniii-C of 2nO oo-
Pin r, ~-t end cjf tryt (10
True pancreatic cysts. 22 no.2:64-69 F 158. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Iz II kafedry khirurgli (zav. - prof. B.S*Rozanov) TSentrallnogo
instit7ata usoverBhenstvovaniya vrachey i khirurgicheskoy kliniki
Moskovskoy ordena lienina klinicheakoy bollnitsy imeni S-F.Botkina
(glavn.v7 vrach - prof. A.1f.Shabanov)
(PANCREAS. cysts
pathogen. & surg. (Rus))
~rztln~ cancer of the head of the "ancrens and ampulla of Tater.
Sov.m6d. 21-no.12:92-98 D '57. (MIRA 11:3)
1. Is III kaf*dr7.khIrurgii (sav.-prof. B.S.Rosanov) TSentrelinogo
Institute unovershenstvovaniya vrachey I khtrurgichookoy kliniki
Mosko,~sk4'ordena Unina klinichaskoy bollnitay imeni S.P.Botkina
Qlnirny* vraoh-prof . A.A.ShabAnov)
(PANGMS, neaplnems
(,,gMd,,. surg. (Rue)
DUCT, COMMON, neoplasms
Tater's ampulla, surg. (Rus)
Changes produced by cancer of the head of the pancreas with
r total obstruction of the pancreatic duct. Khirurglia 35
no.2t26-33 F 159. -(KIRk 12:5)
l.; Iz 3-y kafedry Idiirurgii (zav zaslushennyydeyatel'
nauki prof. B.S.Rozano-r) TSentral nogo inp'titute, unoverahenstvo-
vaniya vrachey i khirurgicheokoy kliniki Hookovsko;r g9rodskoy
ordena Lenina klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni S.P.Botirinq (I;Iavnvy
vrach prof. A.H.ShabELnov).
(PANCRFAS. neoplasms.
cancer of head'o si total obstruct. of
ducts & other cbmpl. 9))
:,iia 35 no.9.1103-
Surgical diseases in diabetes mellitus. Khirtirg
106 159, (DIABETES) (14IRL 13:12)
ROZAKOV, B.S.0 prof.; TOPCHIASHVILI~ Z.A.-p kandemedonauk
leoplaomp of insular tiosue of the pancreas, Rhirurgiia 37
no.213.9 T 160. (MIRA 34t:L)
1. Iz 1-y kafedry khirurgii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenst-
vovani-ya vrachey i khirurgichesko kliniki (zav, - analuzhennyy
deyatell nauki prof, BeSe Rosa=5 Ilinicheskoy ordena. latbm
bollnits7 imeni S.Pe BDtkina (glavnyy vraoh - prof* AOR. Shabanov).
TOPCHIASOM, Z.A., kand.raed.nauk
Repeated and reconat-miotive operation3 on the bile ducts.
Xhirargiia no.3:7-~!,/ 162. Ozau7u 15 ; 3 )
1. Iz khirurgichekoy klini-ki (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nawki
prof. B.S. Razanov) BoVnitaV imeni S.P. Botkina (glavnY7 vracli -
dotsent YumG. Antonov)o
Choleaystostomy in acute --iolecyatitis. no.7:19-22
161. (KrRA 14:8)
1. Iz kafedry khirurgii TSentrallnogo institute usovershenstvo-
vaniya vrachey i khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - zasluzhennyy
deyatell nauki prof. B.S. Rozanov) bolOtitsy imeni S.P. Botkina
(glavnyy vrach - prof. A.N. Shabarw).
s f o, ll~e lun-S,11
Topcll;i';)asrie.r, 1. 14. "On the metiods in t1lic removal of forcifm '-odia -L'r M "!. -
(Report), Trudy III Zakalzl-.azs'r-.. Idldirurgov, Yerevan, DL.-""~ (on cover: 19L,~4),
P - 535-540
,%: U-521jO, 17 Dec- 53, (LeWpis 'Zhurnal Iny1ch Statey) 11.1o. 25, Ulj9).
2 ~7
Hyedkoye pri udnlyonij. 1~1,,;,-ol:. A.-
3C: L.ITUIS' 40
~ -,.
Psychic states and significance of their elimination before
aneethetixation. Klin. med..Moskva 18 no.9:75-78 S~Pt- 1950.
(CIML 20: 1)
19 Of the Faculty Surgical Clinic (Hand of Staff -- Prof. M. A,
Topchibashav, Active Member of ~-ha Academy of Sciences Azar-
baydzhan SSR, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical
Sciences USSR), Azerbaydxhan Medical Institute. Baku.
Control of convulsions in tetanus with analgosin. Xhirurgiia,
Moskva no.4:17-19 Apr 1951. OWL 20:9)
1. Of the Faculty Surgical Clinic, Azerbaydzhan Medical Institute
(Head of Staff-Active Member of the Academy of Sciences Azer-
baydzhan SSR; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical
Sciences USSR Prof. M.A. Topchibashev).
Remote results of myoplasty in paralysis of the radial nerve. Khim-giia,
Moskva no. 1Q*-25-76 Oct 1952. (GIXL 23:3)
I* Of the First Faculty Surgical Clinic (Director -- Prof. M. A.
Topehibashayev, Active Member of the Academy of Sciences Aserbaydzhan-
ian SSR, Corresponding Keffber of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR),
Azerbaydzhan Medical Institute.
,,.TMHIUSHEV, I.M., kandidat meditainakikh nauk; SLIM. A.G.
Ket=ocl of ~tre ting paraleuritis. Xhirmrgiia 32 no.8:73-75 Ag 156.
(MLRA 9:12)
1. Iz khirurgichaskogo otdeleniya (zav. I.M.Topchibashev)
Mashtaginakoy rayonuoy volinitay (glavnyy vrach - K.Xyazimov)
(PLNRIBY, ther.)
(THORAX. dis.
parapleuritis, ther.)
Calculosis of a double, bypopolastic, distophic k-idne7 simulating
intestinal obstruction. Nov.khir.arkh. no.2:77 Mr-Ap 157. (MLRA 10:8)
1. Khirurgichaskoye otdeleniye Xashtaginskoy rayonnoy bollaitay
TOPCHIBASHIVI, I-m , kandidet mediteinakikh neuk; ALUMV, A.G.
Rupture of the corpora cavernosa penis, Urologiia 22 no-3:59-60
W-Je 157. (KIRA 10:8)
1. Is khirurgicheekogo otdeleniya (zav. - I.M.Topchibashev)
Mashtaginskoy rayonnoy bollnits.* ( lavW vrach K.Kyazimov)
TOPCHIBASHEV, I.M.,kandidat meditsinskikh nauk
Ovarian folliculoma. Akush. i gin. 3) no.1:111-112 Ja-F 157
(MIRA 10:4)
1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. I.M. Topchibashav)
Mashtaginskoy rayonnoy bolinitay (glevnyy vrach K. J~yazimov)
ova rv) (Rua)
(OVARIES, neoplasms
granulosa cell tumor) (Rae)
Pathogenic therapy of tetanus. 21 SuPPlement-.5 '57,
(MIRA 11:2)
1, Iz khirargichaskogo otdalonlya Hashtaginskoy rayonnoy boll-
nitey Aserbaydzhanskoy SSR.
USSR/Tum-ors u-4
Abe Jour i Rof Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, No 27822
Author :_22Lchibashov, LM.
Inst Not von
Title : Folliculor-as of the Ovary
Orig Pub s Akusherstvo i ginekologiya, 1957, No 19 111-112.
Abstract : This is a case of folliculoria of the right ovary, which is
prone to malignant transformation, in a 12-yoar old girl.
The patient renvined well during I year following surgicnl
ronoval of the tur-or.
Card : 1/1
TOPCHIBASHEV, I.M, dots. (Baku)
~ -,..
~~!.,O~ . 8. Fedld. I ahush. 21 no.10:
schnique of intram2scuInr injection (mr)A )ilal)
43-44' 0 158