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O~w *see 00000orbe,44:% 0 - 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 9 0 1 1 9 a * 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o-, 0 0 04 sail 1 6 y 1 9 is )I Q U w 1) m V is it I . 21 J2 am b V mi'm 1 all Um ms xvispai 71, 'l QU 0 4 A A-A-f- a I A -1-ik "W"% a - A -A- 'no ..a Al. 0* ~ :0 0 I 0it , Itsawts of tarp-scale tests as fiotAtim of Imbin spathe are wm post tar. 37- ute St t i l Q W i 6 : - - &rt et a was spa g ma a 1931, No 4- 060gWildn" De . 0 ()ptimujn r"Wts obWned wffe a comn. repn-stWX 12 05% by wt, 00 of jsj&sl mst"W and contS. 30.69% PlOA- Reagenu used, per ton of orr. Were tar 0 3 It I.. watirr glam 150 jr. and N&011 76 sr. S. L. MADONSILY 0*1 are go 0 it woo eq NO %low sl~Qjj'. 0 Ire It l."Oft -, I U It AV NO IS! Ask in n l 100tolf 3PR Wig RJR RUM It 01 4 5 a Ow 0 a 4 1 Mr 0 2 a a KLO n 0 m Kx 3 0 1 ' 0 e 0 0 0 9:: 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 Ca 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0) gi 4 -KOWI 00 A Film amll ft= WOO. ,9 A ICL 13. f(munwa md v V. Chm. IWL R4=.. 0 lll~ is 1w *of v( 1140 bm MIOW MUMoN by Ow mlwoollml J= I I$ + C6(Off CACIS -il. 040% ~(I) + dm M. a,,& Goa-, 0 we"Is Z~WX ef (1) Is obWamd mims 6a( i*.*- 6%.a*,Smtww < 09 woo" of A411 I : 110 Tom e(Ahaw" or (U) fwb, dow WIL. "A with ill'"IIIIIIIAM 14% a* rnpuw I, > slis"t him nwmidti it T. mom; "Vd 00111 4js.SLj idtALLW$CALLITHATONCLASWICAIM U 0 A, 10 "1; it it a * 0 0 0 0 41 0 40 0 0 Al 0-0 0 a 0 0 All go 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i-40 a a go 0 411 0 0 0 6 0 41 0 9 B-00-0 W-9-41 -0-41 0 e a 0 0 0 41, 0 0 0 0 0 do 411 TRUSOV, A., polkovnik ' ' ()ur experience in building shallow water bridges during the attack. Vaen.-insh. zhur. 102 no.6:23-26 Je '58. WRA li-.6) (Military bridges) (Attack and defense (Military science)) TRUSOY. A.. polkovnik. Yesterting treatl~s to tte part of coribivatIlDri bridger- Vaea.-In2b. zbvr. nn.~;I,5-17 Y,7 157. (vu-k I o!(,) I hridges) TRUSOVS A* ) inSho ariching. UTO (]URA 16:3) SearchImir., always fie 5 no.4128 AP t63-a .i le Nacbmllnik opytno-konstruktorskogo trekha Chelyabinakogo zavoda "Mhimprom". (Chelyabinek-Chemical iboustriee) TRUSOVY A.A. Increasing the durability of gauges. Avt. prom. 30 n0.8:40-41 Ag f 61, (,,aRA 17.11) TwisoV2 Urd &II-ye f,~r redu,--!Ag parti. A-,t. pr-;m. 1) no.-,114~-441 0 (K.'Rp~ TOLSTOY, N.A.; PHILIKO, G.I.; RYSKIN, A.I.; TRUSOV, A.A. Relation betVcen luminescent and photoelectric phenomena in ZnS-11n. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.11:3177-3184 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Gowidarstvennyy opticheskiy inotitut imani S.I. Uvilava, Leni~grad, (LmIne cent substances) Noelectricity) Pho ( LOSKLUOV.. Vasiliy Vasillyevich; TRUSOV, A.A.P inzh.,, retsenzent; DUGINA, N.A., tekbn. rer.~ [Poli2ihing of metals]Shlifavanie metallov. Izd.4.; parer. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 279 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Grinding and polishing) (Metals-Finishing) TRUSOV, A.A. Increasing the wear resistance of broaches. '-Vt. prcm. 31 n0-9: 34-36 S 165o (MIRA 18 99) L 9887-66 Y5T(1)/EWT(m)/T DS/MW ACC NR: AP5027681 ~J,P SOURCE GOD" UR/0051/65/012/005/0826/0828 WHORt Tolstoy, N. A.; Spartakov, A. A.; A. A. -:5- z ORG: none 2-11 441 5 15-- qq 57 TITLE: Electro-optical effect in a rotatinq nlectric-il fxnli and a stable electrical dipolar momnntl in' --olloldaF -iart1c1,3P 7 SGURCE: Optika i spktroskopiya v. 19, no. 5p 1965, 826-828 rOTIC TAGSt colloid chemistry Ih,lectric floldp electric effect, thermal optic effect, dipole moment ABSTR4CT: In a lispersior, medium containing polar mol-oules (as in watgr)p. cauddal. prticles of lifferent nature caused a..sharp3,v expressed electro-optical effect ernating rectangular when this colloidal soluticn was placed in a field of alt electrical pulses. This effect was associated witb a chan,,o in time of the .orl-ntation of colloidal particles. The latter enueed a chang able dichroirm which Iwas, as a rule, conservqtivep and not consumptive. A comparison of li~,rht-modulation, ~curve phases with the electrical voltage curve indicated that colloidal particles 1/2 UDC; 535-347 ~z L 9887-66 ~AGG NR: AP5027681 ein a polar dispersion medium possess a stable electric dipolar moment. The scanning, ,of the light molulAtion curve on a oscillograph gave a Lissajous figure of the i ~socnnd order. Dichroism, in oriented particles could be Intqrmined by polarization Measurements of the collolial solution in a laminar flow. Orig. art. has: 1 ,figure. C20 ~SUB GOD&: 07/ SUB14 TMTE: l3APr65/- Nit REF SM 004/ OTHERI 000 TRUSOVj A-A- , --, Incmreasing the strength of rOlling tools- Avt. pros. 30 17%12) no.6:35-36 Je 164. (MM 'I" F I , ~ASOVA, L.P., in-MI.; j-jzj,..; KARPEN-KO, II.G.y ln.,.h. .1A" A M' "0': , inz,11. - ; . I * , lnzh,; YUDIN, V F. p TIKHOYIROVA, K.A.) p - SKO. A.A., Inzh. inzh.; SOBINOVA, L.I., inzh.; TFI: ~Pipid bottom pouring of Rilled steel. Stall 25 no.3 - 21.0-231 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 4 1 9 a/lei L)004/011/018/049 B104Y3,102 AUTHORSs Tolstoy, N. A., Khillko, G. I., Ryakin, A. I., and.~~ TITLEs The relation between the luminescence and photoelectric properties In a ZnS-Mn phosphor , FERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela., v- 4, no. lit' 1962, 3177 - 3184 TEXTt The object here is to establish quantitative and kinetic relations between photoelectric aspects and the luminescence of the photo-semiconduc- ticn mechanism in the ZnS-14n phosphort which has the property of acintil- lative deexoitation of luminescence. ZnS-Un (10- 3 g/g)placed in a capacitor is excited by two succes3ive light flashes from two flash lamps positioned in front of a concave mirror. The interval between the light pulses is varied automatically from 0.1 to 10 see. Intervals greater than 10 sec are regulated by hand. The first ultra-violet light Pulse produces-in the -capacitor a current pulse corresponding to the motion of electrons in the direction of the incident beam. The second yellowish-green light pulse produces a signal whose amplitude depends on the time interval t - t dark d betwepn the two light pulses. It reaches a maximum for a certain time Card,,/1/3,~ SI!811621004101110181049 The relation'between the luminescence ... B104/B102 int,arval tmax* tmax increases'rapidly with decr~.asing temperature; for tm j->oD the signal amplitudebecomes zero. For t 1-t the signal excited a d;--'-max by the second pulse has oppo site sign to that excited by the first light pulse. With increasing t d (.td*4tmtLx) the signal.of the second pulse becomes negative and goes through a maximum. The amplitude of the signal of the second light pulse is proportional to the light pulse but is independent of the ultra-violet light impulse. The signal of the second light impulse arises frobi the density gradient of the carriers localized in the excited state. The signs of the signals are the same for both light pulses. If, in the interval between the light pulses, infra-red light falls on the phosphors t max becomes shorter. Further, t max depends on T in practically the same way as the scintillative deexcitation of the red luminescence band of this phosphor. Both effects are interpreted as being due to the relocalization of the holes from the centers of the blue luminescence to those of the red. The depth of the "blue" hole levels is 13 1 0.67 ev and their frequency factor is =~ 0-7-10 sec- . There are 4 fig- ures* Card 2/3 B/181/62/004/011/018/049 The relation between the luminescence ... B104/B102 ASSOCIATIONs Gosudarstyennyy opticheakiy inatitut im. S. I. Vavilova, Leningrad (State Optical Institute imeni S. I. Vavilovo Leningrad) SUBMITTEDj June 21, 1962 Card 3/3 ... Inz.h. Increasing the durability of boring bits. Gor.zhur. no.lC:71-?2 ri 164. (Ml RA 28:1) -1- ~: C ~', C ~. /-,. ~ IV I KAMM-NIM, AA.; TRUSOV, A.N -. Simple method of increasing the accuracy of two position temper- ature control. Trudy LO NTO Priborprow. n0.3:76-93 '56. (Temperature) (Automatic control) (KLU 10:8) DESYATCHIKOV, B.A., kand. ekon. nauk,- GABMLOV,, G.F., kand. ekon. nauk; KADYROV, Z., nauchr. sotr.; ABDUSHUKUROV, T.; KALYAKII, P.V., kand. ekon. nauk; IFOKIV, A.I., kand. ekon. nank; BAKIYEVA, II.A., nauchn. sotr.; IKIAGIMOV, M., nauchn. sotr.; KARDASI, A.A., kand. ekon.r-auk; HADANER, E~A.; NIKOTIOV, F.D., nauchn. sotr.; ANTONETS, G.E.; ARTYKOV; A.A.) kand. ekon. nauk; TRUSOV, A.N.; OVCIIAROVA, M.A., nauchn. sotr.; TSOY,P., nauchn sot ,,. r.; KMAEMp ~,Vvp kand ekon. nauk, qtv. red.; D 2 O.B., doktor ekon, naWk, red.; ARTYKOV, A., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; DESYATCIIIKOV, B.A., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; SHARIFKJIODZILAYEV, M., kand. ekon. nauk; red.; DESYATNIK, F.I.I., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., tekhn. red. [Econordee of the machinery manufacture of Uzbekistan] Ekono- ., Izd-vo I Uzb.eSR, mika, mashinostroeniia Uzbekistana. Tashkent At - 1963. 289 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut ekonomiki. (Uzbekistan-Machinery industry) TRUSOV, A.Ya. - 27 no.6:37-39 '61- Malt dryer without a ~!eater- Spirt. prom (?=-,A 14:9) (Halt) (Drying apparatus) TRUSOV, A. Ya,, inzh. Method for gluing plaster board on brick and concrete surfaces. Suggested by, Trusov, A.IA. H-ats.i izobr.predl.v stroi. no.13: 53-56 '59. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Trest Altaysvinetsstro7 Ministerstva stroitellstva KazSSR, g.Uet'-Kamenogorsk Vostochno-Kazalhoko7 oblasti. (Plaster board) TRUSOV, F., starshiy makhanik Testing boilers of the steamship "Jean Juares" with manual and antomatic regiAation of fuel consumption. Mor. flot, na.6 supplement-.15-3.7 159. (RMA 12: 9) I.Parokhod "Zhan Zhorefi." (Boilers, Marine-Testing) GRIGORIY 1ARTINOVIGH -IRUSOv podvodnyye lodki v Russkom J Sovetskom flote and Soviet Fleet Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1957. 3836P- illus-, Diagrs..s tables. "Literatura" p. 380-381 N/5 361.5 T6 Submarices in the Russian TRUSOV .Ely jbZt=QZJAh;_&ISMVICHo G.I., red.; YRIDMIN, P&S., takhn. -: re wk [Sabmarines in the Rassian aiA Soviet Nqm7] Pbdvodaye lodki Y ruszkom I govetskom flote. leniWads 000. solume lzd-vo sudostrott. pro- m"hl-, 1957. 363 P. (Submarine boats) (MIRL 1IS7) T~,q.S-Ov~ Grigoriy Martynovic [1889-1960],- ZALESSKIY, N.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsen-enti 11ANEYEV, V.I., kontr-adzira.1, retsenzent; c' I YEGC)'-jC)V, A., nauchn. red.; YAUijrV, Yu.S., red.; YC'~OVLTKO, Yu.N., -toklin. red. [Submarine boats in the Russian and the Soviet fleets] Pod- vodrWe lodki v russkom i sovetskor. flote. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Sudproingiz, 1963. 439 P. (MIRA 17:2) AN4633668 BOOK MMITATIM S/ '11'"Mov, Grip .:.,Iy Martykwvich (Engineer, Cowander) Submarines in the Russjan and Soviet fleets (Podvodny*ye lodki v russkom i sovet*- skom flate). (2d ed., rev. and enl.1 lp-ningradq Sudprcmgizi 639 0439 p. Musol. biblio., indices. Prrata slip inserted. 8,400 copies prihtod. 70PIC TAGS. submarines, submarine building, Russian submarine building, Russian r ubmarihe history PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: 1he book presents systematized and generalized material on the history of submuine construction, based on a long study of archiver., written by a veteran of 40 years submuine service. The book covers the entire histor)r of the development of the Russian submarine building. It is designed for many workers in the ship building industry$ sailors, students in shipbuilding institutes and in technical schools, as well as for the general reader interest in the history of: the Russian fleet. The publisher is grateful tq Candidate of Technical Sciences N. A. Zalesskiy, Rear Admiral A. L Rodiaiov, Rear Idmiral V. I* Matveyevq Engi- neer Rear Admiral V. Ya. Balakirevq Captain of Mrst Rank A. N. lmshnikov,, Captain of First Rank Yu. A. Vaksiwvs EnMineer D N. Polyakovs Captain of 7hird Rank V. M. Mostseyevj, Engitiew r. Ke &~~&~~ov,-Captain of Mdrd Rank M. 1. Miametovq Cord 2/3 FAM4033668 WarTant Officer I. N. Revenkoq Reserve Warrant Officer L, A* Vlasov,'Vo is Orlovs and Yu. I. Zubov fcr providing mataHal, and great help. TABIE OF CaMM [abridged]: Forewmd - - 5 FIran the publisher - - 32 Ch. 1. Origin of subnarine'buildina and its developrent in the 18th century - - 13 Ch. 2. Davelopment of submarine building in the first half of the 19th century - - 30 Ch. 3. Production of new types of submarines and models of naval weapons in the second half of the 19th century - - 47 Ch. 4. Review of accomplishment in the field of submarine building in the Ifth century. 101 Ch. 5o Development of submarine at the be&udng of the 2Dth century (1900 -1905). Appearance of naval submarines - - 115 Ch. 6. Construction of submarines in 1906 -1911 - - 140 Ch. 7. Training of submarine cadres in the Russian fleet- - 192 Ch., 8, Constvuation of submarines in Russia during 1912 - 1917 216 Card 2/3 AM4033668 Ch. 9. Activity of Russian submavines during the first world war - - 250 Ch. 10. At the threshold of a new era - - 282 .Ch. 3.1 Construction of mighty modern submarine fleet during the years of th~ five year plans - - 299 Ch. 12. Use of sub-narines during the great war fcr the fatherland 347 Conclusicin - - 411 Appendix. Sumnary data cn Russian subnwines constructed in 1900 1917 - - 423 Index of names of subwvinea - - 428 Name index - - 432 Literature'- - 437 SUBM=: 100at63 NR REr sov: 027 SUB COIX: VA OUIER: 001 ACQ: lGAprG4 S/07 60/015/02/04/004 B005Y3006 AUTHORS; Trusovq G. No, Aladzhalova, N. A~ TITLE: On the Determination of Tritiumv~ PERIODICAL~ Zhurnal analiticheakoy khimii, 19600 Vol. 15, No,, 2, pp, 238-239 TEXT: The authors of the present paper designed a unit for determining tritium in the form of water vapor. A scheme of the unit is given in a figure and described. Metallic counters with internal. filling of type CBM -7 (~SBM-7)2&ere applied. Isopentane under a pressure of 16-18 mm torr was used as filling agent,. Since i8opentane dissolves vacuum grease; a special cock (depicted in a figure) was designed for introducing the isopentane. A butyl phthalate manometer, which is also shown graphically, was used for measuring low water vapor pressures,, Since part of the water vapor condenses on the walls of the counter, the number of counts changes noticeably in the course of time (Fig. 5). Since the degree of condensation is strongly dependent on the temperature, the counter must Card 1/2 On the Determination of Tritium S/075/60/015/02/04/1-DO-4. B005/BOO6 be kept at constant temperature, to enable condensation to be taken into account. In the unit designed by the authors, the counter was heated to 300C by applying a current with an amperage of 30 a., The temperature was easily kept constant by means of a ;jA,'1,"P(LATR). For measurement, first the sample and then the ieopentane were introduced into the counter, The activity of the isopentane-water.vapor mixtur,; was measured after 25 min., After standardizing all operations involved in the trit*m determination, the relative measuring accuracy was M The characteristic of the counter Is considerably impaired by the presence of small'quantities of air. After discharge, the characteristic of ~he counter can be re- established by heating to 250 - 3000C under continuous evacuation, There are 5 figures and 2 non-Soviet references., SUBMITTTED. June 30, 1958 Card 2/2 :7, P No", TRUSOV, G.N.; ALADZHALOVA9 N.A. PaUadium cathode. Separation and exchange of hydrogen isotopes Zhur. fiz. khim. 34 no. 11:2521-2529 N 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy inBtitut im. L.Ya. Karpova. (Blectrodest Palladium) (Hydrogen-Isotopes) (Isotope separation) ,5-, t1 6 00 AUTHORSt TITLE: PERIODICALs 57, ~ 1/00 SOV120-11`0.2-36169 Trusav, G. N., Aladzhalova, N. A, Exchange of Hydrogen Isotopes'7on Falladium Doklady Akademii nauk S33R, 1960, Vol 130, Nr 2, PP 370 - 373 (US3R) ABSTRACT: The investigation was carried out by the authors with a view of obtaining experimental data permitting a comparison between the true rate of the hydrogen exchange on palladium with such exchange rates as have been calculated by ex- trapolation of the overvoltage'land ionization curve on to the overvoltage corresponding to equilibrium~ The experi- mental apparatus shown in fieure 1 is described: An electro- lytic polyethylene cell consisting of three parts with two clamped-in palladium membranes. One of the palladium cathodes was const~Aatly saturated with hydroc,en by cathodic polariza- tion of its rear side, The follcwing reactions were inves- tigated: 1)Pd(H) +D^O Pd(H) D'+HDO, In this casei Sol, n 2 n-1 Card 1/3 lutions of KOD and D 2s04 were used, and the separated hydro. LK Exchange of Hydrogen Isotopes on Palladium SOV/20-130-2-36/69 gen was analyzed by means of a mass spectromieter, 2) Pd(H) n-lT*+H2 0 --4 Pd(II)n+T'HO, Here the hjdrol;en adsorbed an Pd was marked by means of potash lye enriched in tritium (0.2 Curie/cm3) ond the activity of tbo solution into which T goes over, was meastired by Lim3ane of UoiCer-YU11ter counters, The experimental results obtained are shown :in tables I and 2 as well as in figure 2~ On all electrcrIes it, vestigated the rate of isotope exchanae was two to three times hii;her than the rate extrapolated from the overvolta,,7e curve, The following explanatioii of these results is sug-ested: The water molecule (or the hydroxonium ion) ~S adsorbed on the hydro-en-saturated palladium -'in such a manner that a H-atom is located immediately on the wetal, surface- This 11-atom is separated and replaced by a H--atom of the adsorption layer, A chemical exchange reaction thus oc"'Ursj which is independent of the potential jump between metal and solution, The exchange rate depends on the capability of the surface of adsorbing water molecules, The authors then meation an oral interpretation of their experimerital Card 2/3 results given by A, 11, Frunkin by means of electrochemical Exchange of Hydrogen Isotopes on Palladium . ': ?6 SOV/20-130-2-36/69 desorption. It is mentioned that the authors thank Pro-, fessor V. I, Ve8elovskiy for his interest in the investi-ga.. tion, There are e i1gures, 2 tables, and 6 Soviet references, ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-iosledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Scientific Research Institute for Physical Chemistry iminTL, Ya, Karpov) PRESENTED: July 18, 1959, by A~ N, Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED: June 25, 1959 Card 3/3 TRUSOV, G.N.; ALAITZRALOVAJ, N.A#; VESELOVSKIY, Me - , " Separe.tion of bydrogen isotopes on a palla(Uum eatbode, Dok2JJ SSSR 138 noo.6:1385-1388 A 161. (MM U.-6) 1. Fisiko-khi-icheskiy institut im, L.Ya&Karpova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Frumkinym. (Hydrogen-Isotopes) ... . .... . ~V- ~ (; Zl- 'e.. SAVVIN.. I,,, inzh. (Holdaviya); YEKHIAKOV, A., inzh, (Sverdlovsk); (Kherson); inzh. (Frunze); IVJLNOV, N,;'PLAKSTEM, rv- KNCRM, M. Wvov); GROI-EBXO,, P., rabochiy (HovosiYirsk); TARASN, 0. (Novorossiyak); DIYAKOV, P~, Inzh. (Kamensk- Shakhtinskiy); BIMSCV, V., dotsent (14oskva); SUNDAKOV 14. inzh.&, student; PORTNOV, Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk (Makha.'hkEda); PLTROV, Yw, inzhoner-stroitell (Ivanovo) Readers argue, agreep advise. Tekh. mol, 31 no,,6;6-9 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Starshiy inzhener Usol'skogo mashinostroitellnogo zavoda (for Ivanov). 2. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskogo uchilishche imeni Baumana (for Butusov). 3. Zaochnoye otdeleni-ye fakLxllteta zhurnalistiki laningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Sundakov)o (Technological innovations) TRUSOV, I. A~; FEDORYCHEV. A. M. Drilling inclined holes vitb cable drilling rigs, Razved. i okh. nedr 28 no.5.53-54 MY 162~ (MMA 15:10) 1. Gidroproyekt. (Boring machinery) TRUSOV, I.A. Magnetic cork for pierometric wells. Razved i okh. nedr 23 no*9:44-45 S 158. (MIRA 11:12) l.Gidroproyekt. (Water, Underground) VOZDVIMNSKIY, Boris Ivanovich, prof.; VOLKOV,- S.A., dote.; FILATOV, B.S., dots*; LTUBIHOV. N.I., kand.tekhn.neuk; TRUSOV, I.A.. inah.; BORAVIZV, V.A., nauchn77 red.; TIMMASOVA, II.B,, reti*-; GUROYA, O.A., tekhnered. [Core drilling in prospecting] Razvedochnoe kolonkovoe burenie. Pod obehohei red. B.I.VordvizhenBkogoo Moskva, Goo. nauchno- takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. i okhrane nedr, 1957. 591 P. (MIRA 11:4) (Boring) 4 AUTHOR: Trusov, I.A. SOV-132-r8-9-11/18 TITLE: A Magnetic Plug for Piezometric Bore Holes (Maenitnaya probka dlya,~yezometricheskikh skvazhin) PERIODICALt Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1959, Nr 9, pp 44-45 (US3R) ABSTRACT: The author describes a magnetic plug devised by A.N. Shev- chenko, a collaborator of the Gidroproyekt, to protect piezo- metric bore holes from stoppage. It consists of a ring into which a round piece of metal is fixed. It is then driven into the pipe of the bore hole. The devise can be pulled out by a mab-net. There is 1 diagram. ASSOCIATION: The Gidroproyekt 1. Geophysical prospecting--USSR 2. Pipe fittings--Design 3. Magnets--Applications Card 1/1 TRUSOV, I.A.; KOPACHEV, A.M. 4~1- BUK-75, the new cable-rotary drilling rig. Razved.i okh.nedr 23 no.8:22-26 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Gidroproyakt. (Boring machiner7) YMILMO, Nikolay Traflmovicb; redaktor; HOHOZOV. V.1.. redaktor; KOR4, V.G., tokhnicheekly redaktor. [Chinese notes] Kitaiskle sapisi. Koskva. Sovetskii. pleatell, 1955. 534 P. (MIR& 8:11) (China-Description and travel) TRUSOV2 LL (KiYev) 51 no.5:66 MY '62- For the first time in fiftY Years- PrirOda (MMA 15.rl 5 , (Kiev-Frost) WSOV, I. I. An outstanding case of glaze In the Mamine frcn the 13th to the 15th of Nordmber 1961. Meteor.i gidrol. no*11:50-51 H 162. (MIM 15112) 1, 4Maka7a gidrcmeteorologioheoka obser7atoriya. (Mcraine I9.6f L 41594--6 E'F'r'T(l )/E',VT(m)/E7.P ( t)/E 1-1 IJII(Cl A 1/iD ACC 'W, AP6018546 SOME CODE: UR/0181/ AUTHOR: Vasillyevp A. M.; Trusov, L. It ORG: All-Union Scientific-'V-esearch I-n-stituU-6f Current Sources, Moscow (VsesoyuzrWy nauchno-isoledovatellokiy institut istochnikov t-oa-T- TITLE: Contribution to umk1app processes in intervalley transitions and absorption by free electrons in n-Si 'Vi SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1823-1833 TOPIC TAGS: silicon semiconductor, semiconductor band structurep carrier scattering, semiconductor carrier, electron interaction, phonon interaction group theory ABSTRACT: To check on a hypothesis fir at advanced by W. Har3:~son (Pbys. Rev. ve 104, 1261p 1956) that the mobility and scattering of the electrons in -silicon are governed primari3,v by the umk1app processes and by intervalley scattering, the authors evaluate the contribution of the umklapp processes by determining the matrix elements for electrop-phonon interaction that leads to the unklapp processes and to the intervalle3 transitions. The valleys from vhich transitions are possible by means of a selected ripiprocal-lattice are determined, and the matrix elements for the transition from the given initial state to the given final statep in terms of different reciprocal- lattice vectors, are vritten out. The possible corresponding transitions are tabu- lated, and group theory is used to separate the nonvanishing matrix elements and to ascertain the oscillations that cause the scattering leading to interval-lay transi- .1 L 41594-66 ACC NRi AP603B5V tions mid to unklapp, processes. The calculations show that the unklapp, contribution is comensurate with the contribution from the intervaU~7 electron-phonon scattering. orig. art. has: 2 figures.. 32 formdaso and 4 tables- SM CME: 2D/ sm DATE: 113ov65/ - ORIG REF: 002/ OTH MW: 005 Card 2/2 #N1. -61, " it j Lo " ,ft .1, . I ~J~ k !,A 'A r~A K 23523 07,11'Aia I iaWJA~a -!: ild'. 001'- -')f - o. NX I " , 11"JIlly.., I ' -,,i . -- ~j j* -T 0'-,i - 20 ~-AZV. S , , t JA I'a . . :,):'I T I ,u. 3, 1949, C- ~01 4 J-t I - L So: LETOPIS' 31, 19149 ----.P~~LSO-v -"UR; 1, - Errors in ship speed testing on measured lines. Sudostroeaie 26 no.10:50-52 w6o. (AIRA 13:10) (Ship propulsion) i", -N4~,~lt:~~; f.M,Z "~f t, Z-~ , ~-, " TM R T-Rlu (1) _71 t e c r f~ Diszertation: "Eff(Ict If 1953 Sr-j, Central Scl Ees In~t Of T-?c "hiir- !Oscow, So- SIAM 243, 1) Oot 19511 N Ij T. -1 ; - - , --, '~ , --1 I. I - STUIAYV,T.T.; TRUS(N,L.P. Use of precast concrete elements in water supply pumping stntions. VodA san.tekh. 1 no.1:14-16 Ap'55. (KLRA 8:11) (Pumping stations) (Precast concrete construction) TTRRUUSSOOVV LL.. .-Jmndidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. [TnAyl Heat resistance of 12M steel. TSNIITKM 71:164-173 135. (Km 9:8) (Steel--Testing) L,',7-> 'C V,F 124-11-13585 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, * 11, p 175 (USSR) AUTHORS: TrU5ov, L. P., Fedortsov-Lutikov, G. P., Mitrofanov, V.G. TITLE: The IP-4M Creep and Endurance Testing Machine (Mashina dlya ispytaniya na polzuchest' - dlitel'nuyu prochno-t'IP-4M PERIODICAL: V sb. : Prochnost' metallov. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, PP 91-99 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 TRUSOV, L.P., inzhener. standard plans of wells and chambers in petroleum lines, water lines, and water supply systems. Strol.pred.neft.prom. 1 na-7: 12-14 S 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Wells) (Waterpipes) (Petroleum--Pipelines) TRUSOV, L.P., inzhener (Moskva); SHISHKIN. B.A., Inzhener (Hook-vq) "'-w S.VOwwVV