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.jWx, khim. nauk Agricultural chemists' aids& Zum, ta pratsia no*6:15 Je 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Chemical apparatus) T3AP 11% L. --~Suectrop otometric 1-:eLiod of Investig ti,ng Blue Hetero~oly ~cLls in the 1.1ear Infrared Re~,ion ;nd It, Ai ;.licAlon in InIuAris-l-Sinit r-y G-ieristry.' ,cad 3ci U333R, Tnst c,.- Gi-.;r lnr'i-, 'f:'y 11-1-r-1 N. S. Noscow, 1955 (Dissertation For the Degree of CandidAe in (/ierlcal 3ciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopis' No. 37, 10 September 195 'Candiflans for the fortnotion off bi im pho-pho- and arts-no. Ma Ybd terv o1v 4cfdq. M. L. T and Ocic'upAetiona Fw7 S. I - 1 .1 mma ~f--,T-Irrpfioo ... th, near intra- r'd Ile It 7flil C, r~i~ fir ni,lyli,lt n .... III". ;n'j the blu Mv IlLtt Iot,,Ay icid mvill '%" I !w olmnimn if for formation of the Not: compitwi i I,, i;lzit '~Yi I iv It __I coticn. whirtionly a slight ah-4irpt2oti of fight, rtlative to 11,0, ll; evident; Ole yc!Jnw color iii p'libatly calueel by Nlqv) comprIs. Redurtini with hydravi v illIP'lle ur 4'5"'fbic acid leidmi to --l- 00, 11 1,R[,( .,I-I,ptim In educ- ti,mi will. hydrazoir ulf,ile if _' X iti 1 - 6 X 111 1 ulllic'/I. zww of MOW.I'm' h, IM-le "I I" i- If kl~ Klut, 1-.-Uins at a ratLq af e Calar Mal 11 micur-rl IIt If-Im) C.". n ,f 1) ~.V' ~!- 1,,rm I be alyTme,ric Cirulpl"" Klc ph~photniyb,lll~ molpicr Is 11 26 X Tim Loeffs. of light abscirptfun V ~;25-37 tn~ for blue aid arsenomolybdates are about ,, x 1 11 A,/ i t-~13-17. Conaitions for Vie formntlon of bIlle molybdDsilicle beteropolvvid. M. 1- Tsap (Znvv& tlf,T- -IM. ~ ;,q .I L, :,',, I TTM-Eca-=-T-~T pl I nn t1w. formation of molybdratsyn W11r, wal studicil by mixing :) to 3.5 vil ;if citrite I ... If,,r with 0-4 int )I 0,006 M ammonium molili(IMr. Knd 0-5 to 1-9 ),g of Si as V.Aiklm silicate, tiwn adfling 0-5 ml of O-Ool Al I-antinL~-2-n,-iphthc)1-4~fs,ilp?tnnic acid. The aoln. w.,Lq (bluted to 5ml with water, and examined Phl,ti'll"etrically at 825, to 8,17 mA. The timum hhh"rption (~Uls at pli 1-0 it) 3-0. ~P-ffphate and arnenate in aniounti lip to 100 times that of hilicii. te do not intcrRfc. Wtnt can hi, u~-'l nr-.rly sati4factrally itj r"Illcing R,~Cnt. The Illular absoiption co~7ff, ii 1.1 x lo.. G, S. SUIT), -.0 A Ion 0 e spect um. at, S a b. 21 Vend Port bot lee. abso ratiof, Ptiotneter is ri d. CLrvrs ire iven f-, d,'tji. of (sensitivit O'J3 7), AN (Sensit "it 0 -f), and 1, y (SL '"Sitivit J. Ron-tr ~ M, I i~ " -i~l ; :~ j, i_,. , TSAP, M.L.; Lllll;IKUVA, G.L. Photometric rotLod of dotxnalnir4f; thr., trital phosphorus ccnt,~-nt of noil. Pochvovedenio no.2:102-IOr/ F 160. (1111U, 15:7) 1. Ul:rainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zonledeliya. (Soils-Phosphorus content) (Photometry) TSAP, M.L. Portable flame photometer of the type PPF-UIIIIZ. Zav. lab. 27 no. 4;483-484 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Ukrainskly nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut zeMledeliya. (Photometers) TSAP. M.L.: TOLKACHEVA, L.A. Applying spectrum analysis in investigating soil extracts and solutions. Pbchvovedenie no.1:87--94 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:!) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy institut zemledeliya. (Soils-Analysis) (Spectrum analysis) - MY, M.T.. Instrument for photoelectric titration. Zav.lbb. 26, no.7: 890-891 160. (MnU 13:6) 1. Ukrainakly nauchno-issledovateltakly institut zemledeliya. (Titrimeters) TSAP, M.L.; YUNIK, Sh.M. Using, ultraviolet spectrophotometry for datermining phos- phorus In soil extructs. Pochvovadanie no.10:9?-100 0 159. (KIRA 13:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovatellski7 institut zzemilodeliya. (Soils--Analysis) (Spectrophotometr7) USSR/ Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of organic G-3 Substances. Abs Jour- Referat. Zhur.-Khlmiya, No. 8, 1957, 27262. Author M.L. Tsap. Title Spectrop otometrical Method of Determination of Small Amounts of Ascorbic Acid In Water Solutions. Orig Pub: Blokhtmiya, 1956, ?1, No. 5, 5311 - 537. Abstract: The method Is based on oxidation of the ascorbic acid with the yellow phosphomolybdenum hetero- polycomplex and on the measurement of the light absorption at 925 to 337 m, by molybdenum blue, which Is forming at this occasion. The sensitiv- ity and exactitude of determination are maximum (t0.4 mg) at the concentration or H equal to 1.0 n. '"he coloration of the solution Is stable 2 to 3 hours. Beer's law is complied with at the Card 1A USSR/ Analytical ChemIstr,,y,. Analysis or O.-g-zinic C; -~, Subs tane eS . -j Ab3 Jour: Referat. Zhur. Irrlya, No. ',3, -195-17, '- i72C2 , single excess of the oxidizer. Acidified solu- tion of heptamolybdate of ammonium can also be used as oxidizer; photometering is carried out at 700 to r,--' m, in this case. Card 2A TSVETAYLV, N.; TSAP, S Struggle of Mold&vian Statu Bank departments against excessive wage fund expei-Aitures. Den. i kred. 19 no.7:62-66 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1, Nachallnik proizvodetvenno-ekepluatatsionnogo otdola Moldavskoy kontory Goobanka (for TSvetayev). 2. Starshiy kroditnyy inspektor Moldavskoy kontory Gosbanka. (for TSap). (Moldavia--Banks and banking) (Wages) (Auditing) TSAPI S. Control over wage fund disbursement and standard mmnufp-c- turing cost. Don, i k-red. 21 no.11:46-50 N 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Starshiy inspektor Moldavskoy respublikanskoy kontory Gosbanka. KANAYEV A.; TSAP, S. I Problems of improving the consu r service industries. Don. i kred. 21 no.10:39-42 0 163. (MIRA 16tio) 1. Nachallnik otdela kreditovaniya mestnogo khozyaystva Moldavskoy respublikanskoy kontory Gosbanka (for Kanayev). 2. Starshiy inspektor planovo-ekonomicheskogo otdela Moldavskoy respublikanskoy kontory Gosbanka (for TSap). KAPLAN$ S.A.; TSAP, T.T. Ionixation functions of the elements C I, Na I. K 1, Ca I, Ca Il in inter- stellar space. Astron.tair. no.137:6-7 Ap 153. (KI.RA 6:8) 1. Llvovskaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya. (Gases, Interstellar) MJSTEL', X.R.; TSAP, T.T. Spectrophntometry of linos nf tho infrareA triplet of ionized calcium A-)- W08, 13542, and 9662 in flocculi. Isv.Krym. astrofiz.obner. 16:67-72 156. (KIRA 13:4) (Sun-tIneculi-Spectra) WSTELI, N.R.: TUP, T.T. Comparison of hydrogen and calcium spectrohelingrace and tha excitation of hydrogen atoms in floccull. Izv.Krym,astrofiz. oboar. 17:16,!-176 157. (MIRA 13:4) (Sun-Floccull-Spectra) MUSTELI, E.R.1 TSAP, T.T. Spectrophotometry of the three infrared lines of ionized calcium ~ 1 848, 8542, 8662 in flocculi. Part 2. General characteristic properties of lines of the Infrared triplet In spectra of floccull. and sunspots. Izv. Krym. astrofiz. obser. 20:74-79 '58. (MIRA 13:3) (Sun-Plocculi-Spectra) (Bunspote-Spectra) /Sw A0Q11 /A j AUTHORS: Mastel" L~R-, 1 TITLE - The )f bright ~ :~nvec.;!-n-5 in 11- spectra of sl~n~;pot nuc!,~! PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astroncmlya I nc, 3, '1961, -4 stract, 3A461 (" Tzv. Ki -prt~k, astrcftz, , ob5ei-v." , I)f,0, v. 22780 Enal. summary) TEXT: The authors stuJIed I,.- Profiles of emllf~.-:ion llzii?s K aT.d If Ir. 7-he spectra of sunspot nuclell, Ai-' rec,Drd2 Of spe-tri 21-.Ces 3,"'gh" In the upper part which is apparently ,he Ever r-ffrcl~ pr.: f1- f the singular convert-icn of the K linr- of' Ca 17 in -,he spe-.,,ra r,!' thr- am- well represented by the exr) S v NI k :a .1. 1 lo!" with turbulent, velocit-y v- 0 and rh-r~- value t' Y .ri [Abstracter's note: Cornpio~~--e Card 1/1 23707 _V -31 AGOI/A101 A"'THORS- E.R., Tsap, T.T. TITU; On be!iavicr of' brignt reversal In the rent-~-r of I Ine-9 ff K of ra 11 Ir ~i region FERIOMCAL-, Nott',iraLivrifi ztiumial. 4A466 ("Tzv. Krymsk. ;ti5tx-T1z. rbserv.", ll:ft-)O, v. E1191. SILmary) T F_KT T!1,:~ q~.~Jmrs studied variatl.~,n of the profiles -of Ca 11 emlEislon line K 1j, 5w!-*,rm of tw, hunspot.,; Hite, .11titance freim th(-.Ir f.-orit.~rt3. SpnOxa wo~rr, at. A/aim. 'Me followIng, (!nnnluslorm Wore lrawn from Q1C. vrxnpitr I Lit )11 ()f, *!.01 1) Tne width of' eml.9sion continuolmly dr.,)1,5 to the _Q-x,spct ~-entef, wl-!,'-. I~I ippilrrer:~1)~ (-rvused Ly dec,.reasirig nu.,.f-~er of abEorbing and emilt.Ing ar~.xri!~ In .-kay:~,- ernlsslm. 2) Dark reversal of K-) eorktinimusly de,--re3s-?i with ap- pl"Lb~^-11.~_g thp of the nucleus, whion apparently Jndil,af.P3 a dr(p cf ternpera- 1.rv~ 51mspot, and In partl,~nlar aver thim iiunspc~,. 5) Tne -wiv~, hr-'._MAfi OVOL' ,j n -. r stxong~!v wltl, tipproaohing th(, co~!ntor, mril 23707 I Alc On I f izkt, r- I firs a I... AC)c A/Aj~)j !n *,'-le thf-, profile :$Ing f(,J) t~ e!j I a if;F-ld I)y Evershed' s efll'eot , i Iy irif, ilex .,~f I*,' sun- hign Which causes dishi(-oment, ol' dark P,-vtreal f f" Tl,,~ I.Itt--nbl I,y ialll-t In th~ 11 1~ al! lin,ir 0 . M i t rr) Po I ya Car-i 212 5/035/61/C-CO/004/044/0158 A001/A101 AUVORS I Abramanko. S. I.; Dubov. E. Ye.; Ogir', M. B.; Steahenko, N. Y*.j Shaposhnikova, Ye. F., and Taap, T. T. --- TI-LE: Photometry of solar flares PFmroDTCALi Reforativnyy zhurnal, Astronomlya I Geodazlya, no. 4, 1961. 62-63. Abatract 4A476 ("izv. Krymsx. astrofli. n nerv.", 1960, v, 23, 341-361, Enzl. aucirary) . , - ---. t~- V. TEXT: Tho authora present photometric curves of Hc,(, Intensity and areas of flares of mark ~P2 (4 flares In 1957 and 10 flarea In 1958), results of oomparlng photometric curves obtained by measuring moving pictures taken by means of a Vr-1 (KO-1) coronograph (Crimean Astrophysical Obaomvatorf. AS U35R, Partizanakoye) and photozpheric-chromospherle telescopen OP-2 (AR-2) (Crimean -2 (Main Astronomical Observatory, Astrophysical Observatorl, Simetz) and APR A3 UkrSSR, Kiyev). The authors Investigated the role of side pass max1ma of filtern and various effects leading to a shift In the filter,pass band. There are 5 references. Author's summary [Abstracter's notai. Complete translation3 Card 1/1 S/0 35/6 210001CW05 Z/0-,- A055/A 10 1 AU 7-HOR; ~sap, T. T. T=: Characteristic peculiarities of the fine structure of the floccul! in the line K232 of Ca+ PERIODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 5, 1962, 511, abstract 5A394 ("Izv. Krjmsk. astrofiz. observ.", 1961, 25, 1118 - 153,, English summary) TM(T: The lifetime and the relative movements of the bright nodules of the fine flocculi structure are investigated. It has boon ascertained that the average 'Lifetime of the vanishing and emerging nodules Xs one hour. The move- ment of the nodules with respect to one another occurs with an average velocity of 100 � 30 r,/sec. The highest observed relative velocity of the nodules is equal to 27,~ MY/sec. There are 8 references. Author's summary [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Tsap, T. T. 41280 S/035/62,/000/010/029/128 A001/A101 TITLE: Characteristics features of the chromospheric fine structure In the K232 line of Ca 1I PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeztya, no. 10, 1962, 50, abstract 10A354 ("Izv. Krymsk. astrofiz. observ.", 1961,*v. 26, 45 - 51, English summary) TEXT: The author studied life time and motion of bright knotc of the chromosphere outside of the active zone. It has been established that the average life duration of knots with sizes -1'.'5 is.less than 10 min, and their mutual displacement proceed at an average speed of 116 + 28 m/sec. The lower limit of electronic temperature has been estimated for 0nots in a flot- culus and outside the active zone. In an active zone T e;z--5100 K) and out- .side of it Te~~--46000K. There are 8 references. [Abstracier's note: Complete translation] Author's summary Card 1/1 3/71 P-/62/0Z7/0C0/GC9/01 5 A001/A101 AMOR -Tg,4p,-T. T. TITLE.: The brightness distribution of the chromosphere over the solar disk in the K232 Ca II line SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Krymskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya. Izvestiya. v. 27, 1962, 162 - 1066 MIT: The author studied the variation of flocculi brightness in the Y'232 Ca II line from the center toward the limb of the solar disk. Spectrograms used for this study were taken with the tower solar telescope of the Observatory with the Sun's Image diameter equal to 44 mm. They we're measured on a M~~-2 (1~7-2) microphotometer with slit dimensions 111-x 1". The maximum brightnezs of flocculi distributed in various sections of the solar disk was studied.- To de- c1do on justification of using this quantity, rather than average brightnesses, the ratios of average to maximum brightnesGes were determined for various floc- culi, and it was found that this ratio varies very slightly. Therefore, the conclusions based on mea6urements of maximum brightnesses are justified. It has Card 1/2 3/7 12/6 2/0217AGOAL9/0 15 Tho brightne-la diatribtition of tho ... AOOI/AIOI been found out that the brightness or flocculi radiation decreazes from the center to the limb of the solar disk in the K232 line of Ca II. Accordingr to E. R. r4ustell (this journal, v. 9, 25 and V. 13, 906) the H2and K2 lincs arise due to excitation of calcium ions by electronic impact. The existence in the. center of these emission line f abnorption dips H3 and K3 is related to a decrease of the quantity PX Si2outwards. Therefore, the observed darkening,of - rl-.7~ flocculi brightness from the center to the limb indicates that P;k decreases out- wards in the upper layers of the flocculi. There are 27figures and 2 tables. SUN-II May 19051 C:,rd P-/2 S/712/62/028/000/011/020 Eolo/E401 AUTHOR: Tsap, T.T. TITLE: -~he dimensions and motion of elements of the chromo- spheric fine structure in Ha in an active region SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Krymakaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya. Izvestiya. v.28. 1962. 246-251 TEXT: The purpose of the present investigation was studying the elements of the chromospheric fine structure on the basis of observational data obtained by V.Ye. Stepanov with the Tower solar telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in 1959-196o. The data consisted in several series of spectroheliograms in Ha taken with the diameter of the solar image being 110 mm. There are separate dark formations (small filaments) observed in active regions in H(x , oriented along definite directions. Sets of such filaments form "chromospheric streams" attaining sometimes a length of 300000 km. The most fr-equently occur-ring small filaments are 1.61, wide and 411 long. Large filaments can exist for one hour and more, whereas smaller ones exist less than 10 min. There is, apparently, a relation between dimensions of a filament and its life time. It has been established that filaments are Card 1/3 S/712/62/028/ooo/oll/020 The dimensions and motion ... E010/E401 oriented along the force lines of the magnetic field and chromospheric streams, made of filaments, connect regions of different polarities. Filaments located between two close magnetic centers are oriented in the same direction as the fine structure, namely along toroidal magnetic fields. The motion of small filaments proceeds along their orientation in both directions with a mean velocity of ----5 km/sec. The velocity distribution of small filaments is represented by Fig-5- Using the relation H2 > -Rv-' 81T 2 (4) between the magnetic and kinetic energies, the author estimates the.strength of a magnetic field, necessary for the orientation of filament motion along the field, to be > 2.3 gauss, if density is assumed to equal P = 1.7 x 1o-12 g/cm3. V.Ye.Stepanov is thanked for valuable indications during the performance of this study. There are 5 figures. SUBMITTED: December 1961 Card 2/3 The dimensions and motion 5/712/62/G28/OCO/011/020 c..l C/L /I o I Card 3/3 4 1 1Z Fig.5. Velocity dintribution or fmi.111. r I lamcn ts . Continuotis ctirve - ob!-e-t-ved oiAtributLon, circles catculatc(l distribution. u R Lu- Mgm ACCLSSION W41: APL007597 3/02214/63/000/0011/0077/0061 AUTHORS: Gopasyuk, S. I.; Ogirl, M. B.; Tsap, T. T. TITLE: On thorolationship between photoopheric and chromospherie processes in.the activo region during flares SOURCE: Solnecliny*ye dannMe, no. 4, 1963, 77-61 TOPIC TAGS: photosphoric process, chromosphoric process, flare, photoheliogram, sunspot umbra, sunspot, penumbra, corona, magnotograph, activo region ABST?J,CT: Sunspot activity arA solar flares accompanied by particle emissionj along radial lines have been carefully studied usin.- motion picLure5 and photvo- heliograms. A sqpex%position of the two has allowed investi8ation, of detailed sunspot distributions. The data obtained have been used to calculate the number of a:toms in the active region of the c~romospharu and in the whole solar corona. When these values are compared with the total number of atoms, the source of particle emission and strong flares is found to be in the photosphero. ?urthelr-, magnetograph records indicate an increase in radial velocity in photospheric levels during solar flares. It is shown that am=g . the increased mass of ascending substances in the photosphere, sunspot displacement, particle surges ia Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4007597 the chromosphere above the sunspots during solar flares, and the soiar,flareS I U the-niselves,there exists a very intimate relationship. All these phenomena are then assumed to be due to a single prinary process occurring, in all probability, within or immediately below the photosphere. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kryomskaya astrofizictieskiVa observatoriya (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory) SiX11ITTED t 00 DATE ACQ: 21jan64 SUB %"ODZ: AS NO RU SOVt 004 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 card 2/2 -,I C, 'I r ~ ~~ , ~ - ~ , f t, TOPIC TA(--'-~ r,, i ~ -, i (-,-, s " 1 a 7- ': 7 .. z~ '' 1: 11 *- -, !- (,~T p~,,) t, ) ~ : ~ne ro , - I . . . . I . I . . - . . . . . - - , r, -. - " I - k 0 ` ( ~ ~ -, nr~ , , - , Q ~- -!~ ~7 I I .. -~ ~ 1 f, " I ~\ 1 ~ I, -1 .,% C (- , )F) '~' A .~, F N f 0 " I ~ (- ~- .. Card 2/2 un a2tivt! ~L 4-5849-66-- ACC -'7R' AR6028401 SOURCE CODE-' UR/0269/66/000/005/0051/0051 AUTHOR: Tsap, T. C~ TITLE: Photospheric magnetic field and flocculi brightness SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 5. 51. 402 REF SOURCE: Izv. KrEE2sk. astrofiz. observ. , v. 34, 1965, 296-304 TOPIC TAGS: photospheric magnetic field, flocculus, penumbra, flocciilus brightness ABSTRACT: The author compares the brightness of flocculi observed in the K 232 Call line, with longitudinal, transverse and complete photospheric magnetic fields. It is found that on the average, the brightness of flocculi increases with an increase in the strength of the longitudinal, transverse and complete fields. The closest connection in the entire active area is observed between the brightness of the flocculi and the strength of the complete magnetic field. When the strength of the field increases, the brightness of the flocculi at first grows, and then remains almost constant at a certain degree of strength. The magnitude of the fields in which the brightness of flocculi reaches its Card 112 ACC N1- AR6028401 maximum differs according to the various active areas and the various points within the same area. The strength of transverse magnetic fields in which the brightness of nocculi reaches its maximum is usually greater than that of longitudinal magnetic fields. In the sunspot penumbra, the best concordance is i observed between the brightness process and the strength of the transverse field. 'I The bibliography has 14 titles. [Translation of abstract] JGC]i~ SUB CODE: 20/ card2/2 IS L 06355-67 GW ACC NR, AR6013400 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/65/009/011/0048/0048 AUTHOR: Toap, T. T-. ,TITLE: Magnetic fieldo and fine structure in active regions SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 11-51-418 REP SOURCE: Izv. Krymsk. ~strofLz. observ., v, 339 1965, 92-99 ~TOPIC TAGS; colar magnetic field, oolar chromospherep transverse magnetic field, i3unspot 11.e 1~35TIIWT: The orientation of the fine structure of the cl~roMq_sphere in the If c< line to the transverne ,and of the structure of the penumbra in white light with respect 6 !magnetic fields was investigated. The data were recorded at the photoophere level IT4th the magneto(;raph of the oolar tower of KrAO for groups obaerved 5-8 Aujr;uqt 1963- I j!qps of the transverse component of the magnetic field are presented. The directionn lol the magnetic field and of the elements of the chromosphere fine structure procti- i !c~lly coincide. The frequencj distribution according to the angles between the (direction of the lines of force and the direction of filaments was conntructed for a numerical estimate of the direction coincidence. It is shown that 70r;fo of the total number of filaments were oriented with an accuracy of 50 along. lines of force of the .magnetic field. The structure of spot penumbra observed in white light co-aforms :significantly more poorly with the direction of the magnetic field, which probably is 'L(Zo,d 1/2 U.-DC: 523.75/76 L Q6355~~67 ACC NR: AR6013400 connected with a strong rotation of the magnetic field vector at great deptha. A-riother possible reason is the fact that the magnitude of the ragnetic ener&f in the ~chromosphere significantly exceeds the magnitude of the kinetic energy, and the :,magnetic field more easily controls the motion of material. Bibliography of 8 r1ranalation of abBtract7 citations. V. Obridko .SUB CODE: 03 Card 2/2.ILL_~ GOPASYUKp S.I.; OGIRIP M.D.; TSAP, T.T. jes of active solar regions during flarese Izv- Some peculiarit :148-160 163. ()MU 17:1) Krym. astrofiz. obser. 30 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/1 Tsapa, S. None given SOV-27-56-10-20/31 Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 1958, Nr 10, p 26 (USSR) A photo shows two combine workers. They harvested 314 hec- tars in 10 days. There is 1 photo. 1. Agriculture 2. Personnel-Performance TSAPALIN _&14,, podpolkovnik med. aluzhby; KITAYGORODSKIY, B.A., mayor Med. alu2hby ___::i Fluorography of the accessory sinuses of the nose in the selection of specialists for the Navy. Voen. med. zhur. no.2:50-53 1 '59. (PAAMAqAL SWMES, radiography (NUa 12:7) fluorographV of accessory sinuses in selection of naval specialists (Rua)) ("M FORM PBRSONUL naval specialist selection by fluorography of accessory sinuses of none (!his)) TSAPALIMA, V.I., inzhener Amplitude-frequency characteristics of a channel equipped with a Ocnmpressor-expanderO system and ways of measnring it. Veat. evia7i 15 no.6:12-14 Je '55. (MIM 8:7) 1. Mladshiy naujhnyy notrudnik Leningradskogo oblastnogo nwichno- isoledavatellskogo inatituta evyazi. (Telephone) ~4~ - lt_~ CIRCUITS "Distortions in the Dynamics of Transmission in a System Consisting of a Compressor, an Intermediate Channel, and an Expander", by V.I. Tsapalina, Elektronvyaz', No 1, January 1958, PP 58-67. It is shown that increasing the interference rejection of long-distan- ce telephony and broadcast by compressing the dynamic range of the trans- mission on the transmitting end and subsequent restoring of the level at the receiver involves in principle the appearance of a Inherent distor- tion, whose values are approximately determined in this article. Card 1/1 in C-trrtln con! cr. U,95R, L-riJz)gr.,!cl &gInefw~!:,,! Im,"Ituti, ,, Prof esnor I-1. A. Don(-h-F3ruy,-vlLc,,j, Lerdvgrad, (D~,--ver,Latinrj for the Derrao of C-indi(Irtto of Toch-Ocal Sciencos) SO: Knizhra-a LAoris' lin 43, Gctcbi~r Alor-coi, 7 V /1`4 USSRAloctronics (W'I 1/1 - ____ Pub. 133 --- -6/19 Authors I Tsapalina, V. N. Title I Amplitude-frequency charactoristics of a channel equipped with "Compressor- expander" units, and methods for their calculation Periodical I Vest. evyazi 6, 12-14-, June 1955 Abstract I Problems concerning the maEpiitude of amplitude-frequency distortions in a channel equipped in a compressor and expander, are discussed. The experiments indicate that these units do not result in additional frequency distortions. Methods for meaeuring frequency distortions in channels equipped in a compressor and expander with constant and variable control coefficients, are detcribed and evaluated. Diagrams. Institution Submitted RESHETNIK, G.; ALESHIN, V. , gornyy master-inspektor; TSAP,0k, A., brigadir; DENEZHKO, S., zvenlyevoy sutochnoy kompleksnoy brigady Let us not forget about the main thing. Sov.shakht. 12 no.12:19-20 D 163, 17: 3) 1. Nachal'nik shakhty No.1-2 "Novaya Golubovka" (for Reshetnik). T13AfAVA, Lida. -- " - Fighter pil,.,t linleriia Khoniakova. Irvl.rod. 8 nc.6:23 Ja '57. Ok~LqA 10:8) (Khoriakova, Valeriia, Dmitrievna) Cic-en in aeronautics) !,.Ye.. ctarshir Valerlia -h TSAPATXV, G.K. Automatic conveying of yarn. Tekst.prom, 20 no.9:59-62 S 160. (HIRA 13: 10) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Purmanovskoy pryadillno-tkatokov fabriki No.l. (Convey-Ing machinery) SHAMJRSKIY, K.S.,' Prinimali uchastiye: KOHISSAROV, I.Y.; FRANKOV, I.A.; TSAPAYEVA, T.S.. KKMHINSI'LIY, M.F., prof., red.; STIPANOVA. (Pharmacology as a basis for therapy; a manual for physicians] Farmakologila kak oanova torapii; pooobie dlia vrachei. Minsk, Goe.izd-vo BSSR. Red.nauchno-tekhn.lit-ry. Vol.l. [Pharmacology of the cholinergic processoal Forwkologiia kholinergicheskikh protsessov. 1959. 315 P. (KIRA 12:9) (AUTOVOHIC MWGS) TSAFEM, X.M.; KLKHNACH, H.A. I...... vl~ .Stratigraphy of-Anthropogenic deposits In Starobin District. Testsi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-takh. nay. no.1:93-106 '57. (hLRA 10:6) (Starobin District-Geology, Stratigraphio) 2~/OJL9/61/018/011/001/005 D00G/D102 AUTHORS: Tsapenko, E. F. and Sychev, L. 1. TITLE: Transistorized instruments for checking the insulation of three- phase networks with insulated neutral by a tension up to 1000 v PERIODICAL: Pfehled technicke" a hospodaffske literatury, Energetika a elektro- technika, v. 18, 1961, no. 11, 499, abstract # E 61-6901. Prom. Energ. 16, July 1961, no. 7, 32735 TEM, The article presents an analysis of the transistor circuit diagrams of insulation checking instruments, including the basic triode diagram, a bridge diagram, bridge diagrams with a trigger relay and with a trip relay, and a bridge diagram with a switch. The original article contains 5 figures and 5 referenres. Bbstracterls note: The above text is a full translation of the Czech abstractD Card .1/1 TS"INKO G V doteent. ~', laterials on the study and prevention of diseases In swine causing the snout to turn sidewise and upwards. Sbor.trud.Kharl.yet.inst. 21:232-241 '52. (MLRL 9:12) 1. lafedra razvedeniya, chastnogo zhivotnoyodatva i organizatsil sotatalistichaskogo sellskogo khozyaystva Miarlkovskogo veterinar- nogo instituta. (Swine--Diseases) (None--Diseases) TSAPENKO, G. Early diagnostics of milk productivity in cattle. Zhur.ob. biol, 20 no.2:150-154 Mr-Ap '59. (KIRA 12:5) 1,, 1harkov Veterinary Institnte. (DAIRT GATTLE) TUMKO, G.V., d9taent. "Blood" combinationg in line breeding of cattle. Sbor.trud-Kharl. vat.inst. 21:193-201 152. (XLRk 9:12) 1. Kafedra rftSTedenlya chastnogo zhivotnoyodetT& i oreanizataii sotsialistichaskogo sel'Okop khozyaystvir lbarlkovskojo vetert- narnogo Instituta. (Cattle breeding) BABRIETS, A.Ye., otv. red.; VARAVA', K.N.9 red.; ~WYATS, I.A., red.; POPOV, V.S., red.; RUDENKO, F.A., red.; UIASOVICH, N.M., red.; FALOVSKIY, A.A., red.; TSAPENKO; MELINIK, A.F., red.; LISOVETS, A.111'.. tekhn. red-.- [Transactions of the FirBt Ukrainian Hydrogeological Conference) Trudy UkrainBkogo gidrogeologicheokogo soveshchaniiap lat. Kievp Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol.l. [Hydrogeology) voprosy gidrogeologii. 1961. 463 p. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Ukrainskoye gidrogeologichaDkoye novenhohaniye. lat. 2. Institut geologichevkIkh nauk Akademii nauk Ukrainfikoy SSR (for Babinetag Varava, Falovskiyp TSapenko). 3. Kiyevskiy gosu- darstvermyy universitet ir, T.G.Shevchenko (for Rudenko). (UkraLne-Water, Underground) BURKSER9 Ye.S. [Burksert IE.S.]j~_~SA~SNKO!_ I.I. Finlarged conference of the Commission on the Utilization of Natural Therapeutic Resources of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Geol. zhur. 20 no. 5:3-13-114 160. (MIRA 14: 1) (Ukraine-Health resortop -%%tering places, etc.) TSAPENKO, I.I. Hydrochemical anomalies in the Volyn'-Podolian artesian basin. Geol.zhur. 23 no.300-62 163. OURA 16:9) 1. Institut geolo, icheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR. ~Volynl Province--Water, Underground) (Podolia-Water, Underground) M ng n F, NE TSAPENW, I.I.; ULISETEVA, M.P. - - Development of the balneologIc resources of the U.R.S.R. Dop. AN URSR no.6:584-586 '33. WWA 9: 7) l.Institut gaologichnikh nauk AN URSR. Prodstaviv diyaniy chlen AN URSR V.G.Bondarchuk. (Ukraine--Health resorts, watering places, etc.) TSAPP~~- ~ISBYXVA, M.P. .Wwwwwo~ Characteristics of the chemical composition of underground wa- ter's of the Buchaktan-Xanev aquiferous horizon of the Dnie or- Donets Lowland. Geol.zhur.16 no-3:44-51 '56. (MLRL 9:11T (Dnieper Lowlands--Water, Underground) (Donets Basin--Vater, Underground) TUPMO, I - I - Now data on the chemical activity of underground Paleozoic deposits of Podolia. Geol.shur. 18 158. (Podolia,--%later. Underground) waters of no.5:88-93 (HIRA 12:1) ~ ". --- I I - -1-1 TSAFPNI,'n. 1. 1. "Aleksey Yakmrlecich -a n a-n Geolor-7icheniy M,. ", ':c '., r:--" (77 - i - ) - - , k P.Pdollections of one oil the senior rciml-i'Lic asoociatec- of the of Sciencer, of the Ukininian SS74 candidate of T-color-,icoraineralo~-ical scicncc,.,;, A. Ya. P)i1YavsIiY (V~7)-19'53)- (11'ZIlGe-ol) 110 3, 19~54) SO: TT-3]aQ'7, 8 Mar 55 BABINETS, A.Ye., otv. red.; VAMVA, K.N., red.; MESYATS, I.A., red.; POPOV, V.S.., red.; RUDIII-10, F.A.2 red.; UIASOVICII, N.V.y red.; FAL0VSrJY A.A., red.- TSAFIMO I I red.; EELIN11', A.F., red.; LISOVETS, [Transactions of the 1st Ukrainian Ilydrogeological Conference] Tru- dy Ukrainskogo gidrogeologicheskogo soveahchaniia. lst. Kiev, lzd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol.l. [Eydrogeology) Voprooy ridrogeolo- gii. 1961o 463 p. (MMA 15:4) 1. Ukrainskoye gidrogeologicheskoye &oveshchaniye. lat, 2. In- stitut gcologiche.-,kikh nauk Akademii nauk USSR (for Babinets, Varava, Falovskiy, T',apenko). 3. Kiyevskiy gosudarstverwyy uni- ver6itet im. T.G.Shcvcherko (for Rudenko). (Ukraine-Water, Underground) TSAP01.0, I.Z., podpolkovnik Student achievea excellence in atudica. Veat. protivcvozd. obor. no.6:68-69 Je '61. WRA 14:0 (Military education) TSAPZIIKO~ I.Z., podpolkovnik Experienced mentor of military engineers. Vest. protivavozd. obor. no.8:68-69 Ag 161. (MILRA 14:8) (Military ongineers) TSAPENKO, M. Stratigraphy of the Quaternary depos4-ts of Iftte Russian SSR. p. 83 (Mokslinial Pranesimai) Vol. 4, 1957, Vilydus, Lithuarda SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EA57 EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7. NO. 1. JAN. 1958 TSAPENKO' M. A contri#ution to the geomorphological subdivision of the territory of White Russian SSR. p. 261 (Moksliniai Pranesimmi) Vol. 4, 1957, Vilnius, Lithuania SO: MONTHLY 1NDEX OF FAST EUROPEAN AC(.&';SIONS (EKAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 TSUMO, M.H. [TSapenka, M.H.Jj- MOM, V.M.; HUMCH, N.A. Interesting monograph Oqiaternury deposite In the area west of the middle Dneiper" by M.F.Bekl7ch. Reviewed by M.N. TSapenka, V.M.Notuz, N.A.Makhnach). VeBtsi AN BSSR-Ser.fIz.- tekh.nav. no.4:139 '59. (MMA 13:4) (Dnieper Valley-Geolog7, Stratigraphic) (Baklych, M.Y.) TSAPZUKO, U.K.; KAKHNACH, N.A.; LUKASM, K.I., akademik, red.; -11- --- "'BARIMOVA, Te., red.izd-va; VOLOXHANOTICH, I., (Quaternary sediments In White Russia] AntropogenoTye otlo- sheniia Belorussii. Minsk, Izd-vo Akad.nauk BM, 1959. 224 p. (MIRA 12:6) 1. AN BSSR (for Lukashev). (White Ruasia--Geology, Stratigraphic) TSAPEUYOI _M.M,; MOTUZ, V.M.; FIAKHNACII, N.O. Study of loass in White Ruasia. Geol. zhur. 22 no.1010-39 162. (MLU l5s2) 1. Institut geologichaskikh nauk AN BSSR. (White Russia-Loess) TSAPINKO, M.M. Histor7 of geological during the Quateraar7 no. 204-104 160. (White development of the White Russian S.S.R. period. Tru47 Inst. geol. nav. An BSSR (MIRA 13:12) Russia-Geology) LUKASHEV, K.I. (Lukashau., K.I.), red.; TSAPENKO. H IL ETSapenkA, M.M.3, red.; VOZNYACHUK, L.N. [Vaznyachuk, L.M.T, 'Nd.; MARINS, L., red. izd-va; BID]=, N., telelm . red, [Materialo on the Quaternary period in White Rueoiaj for the Six~h Congress of INQUA, Warsaw, 19611 Materialy po antropogenu BelorussUl k VI kongresou INKVA v Varshave, 1961.g. Minskp Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSR, 1961. 217 p. (White Rusoia-Geology) (MIRA 14:11) A - A-I I'---'t c -, I - , A 4 / - _? ~~' -- , .11 ' '- - 4- 1 , . K IMASUV, K.I. ;ISAPF. . M.M. _-.7 ..' - Correlation between the (~Laternary deposits of the Aite FbiAsia.-i S,S,R, Dokl. AN BSSR I no.2:64-65 0 '57. (muk 1,-:? ~ (Whits Russia-Geology, Stratigraphic) KAKRYACH, A.S.; STRYiMNKO, A.U.; TSAPINK K.M.; KOZLOV, M.F.; BOGOKOLOV. -L nNKOj.. - G.V., redaktor; BARABANOVA, L-.-.--r3cL3KT=izdatel'stva; ALICXSANDRO~- VIGH, Kh., tekhnichaskiy redaktor (Brief outline of the geology of White Russia] Kratkii ochark geologit Beloruesti. Minsk, Izd-vo Akal.nauk Beloruszkoi SSR, 1957. 214 p. (KLRA 10-.9) 1, Inatitut geologichesicikh nauk Akedemil nauk Balorusakoy SSR (for Makhaach, Stafaneako, TSapenko Kozlov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Belorusakoy SSR ~for Bogomolov) (White Russia-Goology) TSAFEIKO, M. M.; MAKHNACH, N. A. Some data on the Pliocene and Early Quaternary in White Rasnia. Trudy Kom. chetv. per. 20t85-91 162. (MIRA 1611) (White Russia-Geology, StratimDhic) (White Russia-Palynology) 7al? 1-2 7 -.IV'-.- S/061/62/000/001/046/067 B15&/BIOI AUTHORSt 1[hodzhayov, G., Zo;zlinakiy, E. Ye., Chernov, M. F., Kyaonikova, K. A.,,Kullmitov, A., Teaponko, U. ff., Unmanova, D. At. TITLE: Petroleums from fields in Southern Alamyshik PERIODICAL: Ref0rativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, No. 1, 1962, 439-440, abstract W79 (Uzb. kh1m. zh., no. 11 1561, 55-64) TML: Uzzbekian petroleums froz the field mentioned have low sulfur con- tent, are resinous, have a paraffin base and have a composition approach- ing that of petroleums from paleogenic and neoC;enia beds in the came fiel(L "he averaes clear fracticn content Is 3Z, this boils at up to 3000C; the gas oil fraction (360-4000C) is light oils (400-4600C) 13~ and asphalt (746ooc) 33.5%. The oils obtained are of low viscosity and require deparaffination. The solid paraffin yield (on petroleum) from fractions up to 4600 a is 1< 5.154, and in the individual narrow fractions Card 1/2 ILI. 2 S/081/62/000/001/046/067 Potrolouna from fieldn in ... B150/BIOI up to 20;21'~44. The paraffin ia mudium fuoible. The total.colid paraffin content a 10~. CA~utraoterle notat Complete tranclatio .3 V/ Card 2/2 KHODZHAYEV, G.; ZEI-ILINSKIY, Z.Ye.; CIIRUTOV, M.Y.; XVASNIKOVA, K.A.; KULIMNTOV, A.; TSAPEIIED, M.N.; USHANOVA, D.A. Petroleums of the Yuzhrqy Alamyshik field. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.l: 55-64 161. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Institut khimii All UzSSR. (Yuzhny7 Alamyshik-Petroleum) '-10110 loine resu-It.,i -f ti-,~ palp-m-app-ietic correlat-Inns of croos secOons of Cretaceous f--,Ilratlz~ns Jn Fergana. trudy TeshGU no.25,~ Go.A. naidd no.2,'t68-69 I -~/. N, HA 18:2) TSAPUKO, M.P. . Alternating current multibridge measuring circitits. Izo.takh. no.6:52-56 N-D 156. (MI-RA 10:1) (Blectric measurements) TS,,kPKYKOA Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) " Automatic measuring vrith . - - eet4 resi stance! decade' bamoei~' Mos, 1957. 12 pp (Min of Higher Education USSR. MOs Ut---i Order of Lmin Power Enrineering Inst), 100 copies (KL, 43-57, 89) -39- TSLPMKOhj&,~P~~ Automatic measuring cowponsaters with decade resistance boxes. Pri- berastroonle ne-10-7 Ja '57. (nn 1o:4) (Blisetronic tastruments) TSAPS 0, M.P. Rotary inductive converters. Priborostroanis no.3;7-9 Mr '57- (MlaA 10:5) (Rotary converters) '12722 3/669/60/000/001/001/004 0 D")99/D302 AUTHORS: _T8apenko, M. P., Shamara, 1. N. and Talalay, L. B. TITLE: Semi-automatic device for decoding and calculating the extremal value distribution of curves SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut avtomatiki i elektrometrii. Avtomaticheskiy --ontroll i elektricheskiye izmereniya. no. 1, 1960, 5 60 TEXT: A semi-automatic decoder is described, in which the extre- mal points of the curve are determined uy the human operator, and addition and subtration of 2 neighboring extremal values of the curve, as well as addition of correlated sums (or differences) of equal sign is carried out automatically. The semi-automatic de- coder has the following characteristics: Calculation of correlated sums and differences of neighboring extremal values of the curve is carried out with an error of abuut 5%. The optical magnifica- tion of the curve can vary from 6.5 to 20.5 times. It is possible to correct the position of the recording. The decoder can process Card 1 32722 S/669/60/000/001/001/004 Semi-automatic device ... D299/D3b2 recordings made on tape or on oscillograph paper of width 60 to 120 mm. The decoder can be readily adapted to recordings made on film. The readings from the dial of a 4-decade electromagnetic counter can be made visually or plictographed. The decoder is de- signed for operation under station'.ry conditions. It consists of a control unit, the counter-indicator device, and a photographic ap- paratus. The control unit consists of a keyboard-device, mechanisms for moving the tape and a projector with Screen; the projector is used for magnifying the image of the curve. The rate of motion of the tape can be varied from 2 to 30 mm. The counter-indicator con- sists of electromechanical counters. The photographic apparatus is a modified version of the aerophotocamera P6-ZON (RB-20 M). The difference in the readings of eacti p,,i4r of counters gives the num- ber of a certain sum (difference) extremal values. The electri- cal circuit of the semi-automa7ic de-oder np,.!rates as follows: The human operator determines the -hanne.~ in which the extremal value of the curve is found, and presoee the corresponding key. To each key, there corresponds a relay R. A,- *Iie .ounting scheme of the decoder, the matrix scheme is usel, This, s,~heme is described in Card 2/3 32722 S/669/60/000/001/001/004 Semi-autoix,itic device ... D299/D302 more detail. The same counter indicates simultaneously the sum and the difference of the ordinal numberg of rows and columns. If de- coding along the ascending or deocending branch of a curve is suf- ficient, it is possible to use a triangular matrix scheme. It is noted that the triangular scheme make3 it possible to determine the nitmber of extremal values (of equal magnitude) of the function to be decoded. The operation of the counting circuit of the decoder involves pressing of the keys, whereby electrical circuits are closed. The described semi-automatic decoder io being used (in prac- tice) for decoding overload curves, related to the flight of air- craft in a disturbed atmosphere and to aircraft maneuvers. It was found that the labor expense involved in operating the semi-automa- -tic decoder is 10 to 15 times smq1ler than with manual processing of curves. There are 4 figures and 21 references: I Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publica- tion reads as follows: C.J.D.M. Verhagen, J.C. De Does, A special stress analyzer for use on board ship, In* 3hLpbuilding Progress, v. 3, no. 21, 1956. Card 3/3 32723 S/66 60/000/001/002/004 3 4t0 D299YI)302 AUTHORS: Ulin, 0. V. and Tsipenko, M. P, TITLE: On methods of automatic determination of extremal va- lues of continuous functions SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye.. lni;titut avtomatiki i elektrometrii. Avtomaticheskly kontrol' I elektricheskiye izinereniya. no. 1, 1960, 61-68 TEXT: Methods are considered for automatic determination of 41he extremal values of non-periodic processes by electronic computers, A function of type n ~ f(t) is considered, whose graph is gJLven; n is the ordinate of the curve and t - the time. The possible use of electric differentiation of this function is conuidered In this case the function n = f(t) can be repreuented by tlie voltage U - = k 011, proportional to the ordhoite aL etich moment of time. Tile d-- rivative of the function can be found by a differentiating RC--cir- cuit. This method, however, poses serious difficulties. Another Card 1/3 On methods of tiutomatic "272-3 3 S/rG6 1-1116 0/00/00 D299/D-502 method involves fixing the sign change of the increment c." the function. Thereby, the continuous func-on is transformed into ~i quantized signal and all subsequent operat;JLons are zarried o-..;t wirn discrete quantities. Below, 8evera. schemes o." iutomati - devl,-es !ire ronsidered, lin.,jed on the al,ove method GIL' finding and fi-xin-, -Y,tremal valueo. Pirst, a relay uervome,,hanism is considered, "'he function n. - f(t) ,-an be repre~lented as, a pu1sr- whict 1E3 it. different channel,-z, E!.i(:I., ch,.-nnel- r.,n rrespcnds tG u cert:~i~n ~)f the continuous furiction. The aign,,ill -,jrrives it the iripl,1119 r,17 'he device in the form of discrete vjlue~ which expre!,,s the number +he commuting channel. The :-peT,,j1if~n of such Fj .-lclleme invo..-es ~,e ,reral relay3.. The schem- :s --mpie; depend or the frequ~-nr-y It-, prin,~Ipls-. 2', E-Kcul,! yJe'd; ;!r;y r."ClU ret] :;:-Ur;-~~Y de-oding; -in prart-i-e-, lic-aever. the il- CUMP(?r,~Gm,~ f h A1,-h a~--ura-,y Its operatlon v o1 ta ge on a Arr -hu-,r i;,.,neme i--; ~he v - involwe& tiie cf the input ti. ~'a pac i ~ r r , Th e ret y i-ir ren rw rc,u,--,h t Lie r Ca r d 2 / 3 32723 S/669/6 0/000/00 - 1'0021."00,' On methods of automatic ... D299/D302 cuit and closes a contact; thiS fixes the moment of pas.,iuge throug""L the extremum. This principle can be incorporated in fa9t electr~.'I:- computers. A-3 an example, a device is considered where vi vtep put is applied to the comparator cell. This device is itable in operation up to frequencies of 50000 - 100000 cycles. The ~,dvanta- ges of the comparator scheme are: The amplitude of the oign.,31 1E; entirely independent of the curvature of the wave-fronts wid of the frequency of the process; it cannot be smaller than the known po- tential difference between 2 neii-Ilboring discrete levels. Autcmati;- devices based on the comparator scheme are simple and hindy in OPP.- ration. Their speed is only determined by the rate of switcl!Ing cf the trigger circuit, and can attain 0.5 - 1 million comparison- operations per second. There are 5 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc re-- ferences. Card 3/3 KARANDEYEVp K.B., otv. red.; SIGORSKIY, V.P., doktor tekhn. naukp red.; TSAPENKO, M.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; DR&OVA, T.A., red.; VTMKH', A.M., tekhn. red. [Works of the Conference on Automatic Control and Electric Measure- ments) Trudy Konferentaii po avtoratichookomu kontroliu i metodam elektricheskikh lzmerenii, Novosibirsk, 1959. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR, 1961. 409 p. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Konferentsiya po avtomatichookomu kontrolyu I metodam elaktriche- skikh izmerenij, Novosibirsk, 1959. 2.Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Karande-yev). (Automatic control) (Electric measurements) SV 35292 S/63 6 1 /COO/ M_-VOO 5-1 1-COE-E D201YD7,01 ~~nko,_JLJ~,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Seril- AUTHORS: Ts or Scientific Co-worker, Areflyev4 A.A., Engineer and Kasperovichp A.U., Junior Scientific Co-worker TITLE: A digital multi-Channel electronic millivolt meter SOURCE-. Konferentsiya po avtomaticheskomu. kon-trolyu i metodar. elektricheskikh lzmereniy. Novosibirsk, 1959. Trudy, Novosibirsk., 19061, 273 - 282 TEXT: The authors present the first results in developing a digi- tal multi-channel recording millivoltmeter, for operation in con- junction with thermo-couples and wire tension-gauges~ The design data were as follows: 1) The number of parameters measured by one channel - 50. 2) Time of measurement of 50 parameters - 1 sec, 3) Error-of the order of 0.2 %.-4) Range - 60 mV. 5) Recording - digi- tal in decimal code. The voltmeter uses the potentiometric method, the compensating voltage being selected in steps which form a three digit binary-decimal code. A multiple high-speed, lamellar type P.-.aitch, commutates 50 pairs of contacts per second, The null-indi- Card 1/3 S/637/61/G00/000/005/005 A digital multi-channel electronic D201/D301 cator consists of an amplifier and output trigger- The null-indica- tor determines the polarity of the voltage difference between the measured and compensating potentials. The compensating potentie" :.5 formed by the summation of currents at a compensating resisTor R.. The compensating resistor R consists of three sections of O~9 R.:- OoO9 Re and 0.01 Re respectively. Currents of a first group of net. works with resistances R, 2R, 2R, 4R flow through the to-,,al R. and form the compensating voltages corresponding to the hundreds 6f the scale units and so on. All power supplies are stabilized. A contro] unit performs the following functions: It forms the synchron'zing pulses; controls the operation of the compensation potential formirg linit, sorts the binary-decimal. code of the measured voltage and coverts It Into the decimal code onlyi it controls the operation alf. the photo-dIsplay unite The photo-display unit consists of photc- luminescent cells displaying the luminescent numbers, 4 mm tall,, every cell being supplied from a separate transistor sine-wave gA-- nerator. The experiment has shown that the requirements of the de- sign can be met in practice. The following Junior Scientific co- workers took part in the design: V.M, Petrov, A.S. Kucherov. N.A. Card 213 S/637/61/000/000/'r-~0c:,/rj%'j%8 A digital mult'L-channel electronic ... D201/D301 Klimelevskiy, P.Ye. Tverdokhleb,, There are 6 figures and 1~ -~,feren- ces., 8 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to tne public--tions read as follows: G~1, Herring, D. Lamb, Higli Speed Analog-to-Digital Converters, The Journal If the British Institution of Radio Dngineers, no, 8, 1957; M.N. Klein. F,,K. Williams, H.C. Morgan, Analog-to-Digital Conversion, Inst:-u- ments and Automation, no. 5, 1956; M.N. Klein, F.K. Williams, H-C. Morgan, High-Speed Digital Conversion, Instruments and Automation, no. 7, 1956; R.C. Lyman, C.I. Jones, A. Leger. ProceedinGs of th~~ National Electronics Conferen.-e*, v~ XIV, Chicago. 1959, AOSOCI.P'.TIOTIT: Institut avtomatik: i elektrometri-' SO Ali SSSR, 110~v3- sibirsk (Insi;itute of Automation and Eie,,_,trical I rements of the Siberian Branch of the A3 U")'S_-~) Card 3/3 TSAPENKO, M.P. Classifi-cation of digital measuring instruments. Izm.tekh. no.5:32-35 My 161. (MD-A 14: 5) (Electronic instruments) . - IJ FARANDEYEV, K.B.; , I - ' - ; '7" 1 NJ . Def-4 nit ;on :)f t~ ;- I'mienz- ' '--)n." iz;-. - tlk~ - -j 'l;': 4-6 L~ 6. . '61. (YdFLA !L:1) (Fvrl,--!IratiOn) L 19318-63 ACCESSION NR: AR3003860 5/0271/63/000/007/AO10/AO10 SOURCE: RZh. Avtomatika, tolenekhanika i vy*chislitellnaya tekhnika, Abs. 7 A47 AUTHOR: Tsapenko, M. P. TITLE: The effect of external factors on arrors of circular inductive converters CITED SOURCEi Tr. In-ta avtomatiki i elektrometrii. Sib. otd. AN SSSR. vy*p. 3, 1962, 136-150 TOPIC TAGS: inductive converter, cor-erter TRANSLATION: Formulas are considered for calculating and selecting optimal modes of operation of inductive converters. Determinations are made of the effect of changes in voltage, frequency, and power supply, also the temperature of the sur- rounding medium on the error of circular inductive convertors whose magnetic circuits are made of different mat-netic materials (Oksifer-WO, E4AA transformer C' iron, and Z-steel). The geometric dinensions of the magnetic circuits in the tested converters and their external appearance are given. The dependence of the output voltage of the converter on the angle of rotation of the core, changes in the unbalanced voltages of a differential circuit as a function of the input power Card 1/2 L 1931P-63 Ar,Cr-,5510?1 INR: AR3005860 voltage, and the dependence of the output voltage on the temperature of the Gur- rounding medium are given in tables for different materials used in the magnetic circuit. There are 3ix illustrations arid four tables. The bibliography contains 13 referonces. P. M. DATE ACQ: 15AuS63 SUB CODE; GE ENCL: 00 Ccrd 2/2