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USIIAKOV, F.I, (Kiyov) I York practicas of the Ukrainian clothing factories in the improvl~- ment of prod-action quality. Shveineprom. no,5:4-7 S-0 162. I (YJRA 15: 10) (Ukrain&--Clothing industr7) USHAKOV, F.V.. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; KAUMN, B.N.. kandidat tekhni- --, cheakikh nauk, nauchny7 redaktor; TUMARKIN, D.H.. redaktor izdatell- stva; BORODIRA. I.3.. redaktor izdatel'stva; GUSEVA,S.S., takhnicha- ski.v redaktor [Thermotachnical. properties of large panel walls) Teplotakhnichaskie evoistva krupaopanellaykh sten. Moskva, Goa* izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitakture, 1956. 102 p. (KLRA 9:11) Walls) USHAKOV, 1?.V., .-kandidat tekhnicheakikh nank. .,_ J-1-11", ~. I Affect of the cpiality of bricklaving on heat-insulating properties of walles Blulectroi,tekhoU no,11:8-10 N 156. (KIRA 10;1) 1. Inatitut stroitelinoy tekhniki Akademil strottelletwa. i arkhitektu- ry SSSR. (Brickliving) (Insulation (Heat)) KREMSRj B.A. Georgii AlekseeAch Ushakov, 1901-1963; obituary. Yeteor. I gidrole no-3:62-63 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:3) USHIKOV, G. I 'Training specialists for the financial systax. Fiz.SM 16 ne.11: Fin. SSSR 16 no.3.1:54-38 N 1559 (MA 9; 1) (Plasmoo-Study and teaching) USRATOV, G. - 'i- : --I~ In close cooperation. Sov. profooluzy 6 no.6:6749 Je 158. (MIRA 11-07) l.Prodasdatell Letviyekogo respublilmnskogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh mashinostroyeniya, (Latvia-Machinery industrr) (Trade unions) SMYAKOV, Ivan Maksimovich.; Prinimali uchastiye: BXDARXV, G.; VETSHM, N.; DOBROYCELISKIT, V..; XAPLAH, S.; KOMU, G.; KORCUV, L.; KMINOTI K.; OV, V.; SMEOV, K.; SWMYANINOV, H.; USMOV, I.; USMOV, G.j ZAYCIIIK, H.I., prof., doktor takhn.neuk, nauchny7 red.!'-iCiCOHIYTm.A' 0.1., red.; ROZEU, B.A., [The story of tht tractor] Povaat' o traktore. Koskva, Izd-vo *Sovatakais Rossiia,Q 1960. 318 p. (KIRA 13:12) (Tractors) VALITS9 Georgiy Borisovi(,,h;_USWOV2__qavriil Alekseyevich; KUSKOV9 G.I.,; KOVALEVIL, Z.G., red.; R'UDIUTSM-k,--!.t-*'9 (Mechanical devices for drawing and transposing projections] N. --- Mekbanizmy dlia. chercheniia, I. preobrazovaniia proektaii. KharIkov, Izd-vo DarIkovskogo goo.univ.t 1960o 455 P, (Mechanical drawing-Equipment and supplies) (MIRA W6) USHAKOV, G. (Vologda) Fulfill the plan for all revenues and all districts. Fin. SSSR 22 no.7:64-67 JI 1,61. WIRA 14:7) (Vologda ,Piovince-Internal revenue) ACCESSION NR: AP4044124 S/0084/64/000/008/0028/0029 .AUTHOR: Gal'PLrin, M. (Engimer)j Ushakovj. G.(Enginear)j Vasil' ch~nkojG(Znginssr)'!, :TITLE: The resource is doubled ,SOURCE: Grazhdanakays Avistsiya, no. 8, 1964, 28-29 1 iTOPIC TAGS: piston aircraft, scoring, local overheating, connecting rod, cylinder,1 side pressure, lubricant, oil :ABSTRACT: This article deals with the necessity of increasing the reliability and .resources of piston aircraft. In the case of the 11-14, 11-12 and An-2 aircraft the main cause of trouble seems to be the scoring of the pistons no. 2 and 5 caused iby local overheating and side pressure. These two pistons, coupled to the main ;connecting rods, are acted upon by forces of 2035 and 1600 kg during compression ;and expansion, respectively. The Omsk aircraft factory has solved the problem of -decreasing the side pressure on the working surface of the pistons by means of de- creasing the deformation of the cylinders through constant and uniform air cooling. jThe Omsk designers have succeedled in lowering the piston temperature, improving the' icylinder lubricants and finally, reducing the lose of horsepower of the cylinders of 1/2 ':ACCZSSION NRt AP4044124 Ithe main connecting rods. All these improvements have almost doubled the life spank :of these piston enginess Orig.. arts has: 7.figureas ;ASSOCIATION: none 1 SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 ,SUB CODEV AC NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 USYAKOV, G. A. Geograph;r :. Gpologi Across untrodd.ea land.; Pr(,disl. V. A. Obritcheva. Mnsk7a, Izd.-vo Glavsevmo---),-jti, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ELRY 1952. Unclaaqtfied. I- -USIVIrIC711) ra.- I'll. Se,mrnaya Zemlya "Across untrodden land.ft G. A. Ushakov. Reviewed by V. P. Dadykin, Gec,,. v. No. 4, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessio: , Library of Congress, October 1952 UNCLAS3IFIED. I is, U81MV, 0. A. Severnaya Zemlya Book about the northern land (OThrough impassible land." Reviewed by L. Gromov). Vokrug Sveta no. 5, 1952. 2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July -194 Unclassified. USHAKVV, G. A. Po Nekhozhenoy Zemle (Through an Untraveled Land), Moskva. "Molodaya Gvardiya", 1953- 405 pages, illus., maps B/4 621.12 X8 USUKOV; G*A., doktor g(lografichookikh nauk. ~, Niiv Over untrod land, lauka I shisn' 20 no.3;40--43 My 153, (XLM 6s6) (Artic regions-d.-Description and travel) USMOV, Georgiy Ale,koeyevich; PROOOPTSEVA, S.Tm., red.; RALOS, B.N., mladshly red.; VIIMSKATA, N.M., [Across untrodden land) Po nekhozhenoi zemle. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo geo lit-ry, 1959. 367 P. (MIRA 13:2) r5sovernays, Zemlya) USHAKOV, Oeorgiy Alsk3eyevich; AIOKHODTSI:VA, S.Ya., rod.; KAWGS, B.B., - mladshiy red.; VILENSTAYA, X.N., (Aarous untrodden land] Po nakhozhanoi zemie, Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 367 P. (MIRA 13:6) (favernaya Zemlya) GALIFERINI M., Inh.; UISHAKOV, G., Inn1h.; VASM'PtiENKO, G., in3h. Rer3crurce hav doubled. Grazhd. av. 23- no.8z2P--29 Ag 164. (,v,:FtA 18,'4) USHMV, G.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. .. Plotting affinity and axonometric projections in mining. Trudy VIIIHI no.29:128-150 154. (MUL 8:3) 1 (Mine maps) 3(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2024 -Ushakov, Gavriil Alekseyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dooent.and To-slr Davidoviah Golldin, Candidate of Technical Soiences Naglyadnyye marksheyderskiye grafiki. (Mine Surveyors' Illustra- tive Graphics) Kharkov, Metallurgizdat, 1959. 187 P. Errata slip inserted. 2,800 copies printed. Resp6 Ed,: M.V. Korzhik; Ed. of Publishing House: Ye K. Sinyavskaya; Tech, Ed.: S. P. Andreyev PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering and technical personnel of the mining industry and forstudents of mine surveying. COVERAGE: This book gives comprehensive coverage to the basic principles of constructing illustrative graphics used in the mining industry. The types of projections are described as are the geometric relationships. Affine relationships and Card 1/6 Mine Surveyors' Illustrative Graphics SOV/2024 affine transfoinnations are stressed. A chapter is devoted to the instruments used in making pictorial mine graphics both Russian arid-foreign devi6~~s being described. Finally, the methodology of constructing the graphics and the method of taking off measurements axe explained. The author thanks professor D.N. Ogloblin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, for his assistance. There are 40 reCerencesof which 35 are Soviet, 3 German and 2 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 5 Ch. I. Projections for Constructing Mina Surveyors' Illustrative Graphics 7 1* Requirements set forth for mine surveyors' illustrative graphics 7 2. Types of projections 9 ''Central.'Projection 9 parallel projection 10 3. The method -of parallel axonometry 11 Card 2/6 Mine Surveyors' Illustrative Graphics SOV/2024 4. Selecting the simplest method of constructing illustrative graphics 16 The coordinate method 16 Direct transformation from orthogonal pro- jections to pictorial portrayal 17 Constructing illustrations with the aid of affine transformations 18 Axononetry with axes OlYl and OlZl coinciding along one vertical 21 Vectorial projections (plane axonometry) 26 Stereo axonometry 2r Cho IIo Theoretical Problems in Constructing Mine Surveyors, Illustrative Graphics by the Method of Affine Transformations 32 I* Affine coordinates 33 2o Determining the affine directions 39 3. The relationship between angular elements in affine transformation 41 4. Determining the distortion factors 43 Card 3/6 Mine Surveyors' Illustrative Graphics SOV/2024 o Transformation factor q 44 Zo Vartioular cases of affine transformations 45 Projection direction perpendicular to the original axis 46 Projection direction perpendicular to the picture plane 50 Cho I II. 2raphioal Methods of Constructing Mine Surveyors' Illustrative Graphics 55 1. ConstrixetIng mine surveyors' Illustrative separate mine levels graphics by portrayin 55 2. The vectorial method plane axonometry) j 58 3. The template method 59 4. The method of affine transformations 64 5. The photographic method 77 Ch. IV. Devices for Constructing Mine Surveyors' Illustrative Graphics 79 1. Axonographs 9 2o Affinographs N 3. D4vices used in foreign practice 96 4. Requirements set forth for instinments used in constructing'mine'.sur,veyors' illizi3trativb'.graphice 100 Card 4/6 Mine Surveyors, Illustrative Graphics SOV/2024 5. Affinographs recommended for constructing mine surveyors' pictorial graphics 101 Transmissi6n affinograph 101 Affinograph A-2 ill 6. Device for constructing plane axonometrio illustrations li6 7* Device for constructing stereo axonometrics 119 Cho Ve The Methodology of Constructing Mine Surveyors' Illustrative Graphics With the Aid of Affino- graphs 122 lo General probley&s of the methodology 122 Selecting the outline of the plan portion 122 Selecting the projection direction on the plan 123 Calculating the vertical scale 124 Sequence of work on the affinograph 127 Supplementary drawings (finishing touches) and completion work 129 2. Portraying topographic surfaces 130 Card 5/6 Mine SurVeyors' Illustra .tive Graphics SOV/2024 39 Portraying geological structures 137 4# Mine-geometric pictorial graphics 145 Portraying open pit workings 151 Z-0 Portraying underground mine workings 158 Ch* VT. The measurability of Mine Surveyors"I'llu- strative Graphics 168 1* Determining the actual linear dimensions with the aid of elliptical scales 168 2. Analytical determination of the angular and linear elements of an object from its projection 171 3* The graphic method of solving metric problems 178 4. The mechanical method of solving metric problems 18l Bibliograph~, 186 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress MM/rj 7-7-59 Card 6/6 0 o--V--*--W-O-W " T VO R Ism .A I k 1- -1 1- k A -4 111.2. THREE CUMBER FURNACE FUR UNFR&PARED MIUED PEAT. Up4kov, Q (44 likon. lopliva (Fuel Xcon.) Apr. 1950, (/,), 7-103. 00 Uescription ard test results. the furnace to said to be *0 proaLsIng cor boilers of 155-18 tons !apgaity. A rough 00 section of Its three chambers *on be obtained by drawing 4 flat W with cantro peak lower than the two sides. 0 V woo see 00 or thew an(I has a 1, t Chamber I Is laithin the left hard 00 a roof aLovo it. Qwabqr 2 is within the right hand V with 00.3 a vortiotl shaft above for the hot jostoo. Yual is fad In at 00 the top left haner of otmabor 1 and its small particles are Lsee 0* blown upwards by two air blasts. These particles burn partly ;--** o in chamber 2, into which tWq are carried. At high loads Voo - most of the Com"'iton occurs ft the W, I.e. at the front :00 1 of the I%wnac:*. There are top and bottom openings between at* to -hanbers 2 ani 3, a horizontal &*&to aud romoving clinker. 4410 The function of 1-hamber 3 Is to receive the larger places oi ti fir on d t k b 2 t f h f -see 4 an nuous or o eep a con rom c am o pos e g ng , --l ts griste 4st- alL I oads- - - -f-ii oi i l latra .4. ov aloe IF11 ii o t U a AV so is v a a A ItJ it a a it i 0 0 to 0 0 ot 0 , to 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 4 0 : e 0 * 0 Ole 41 a 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 to 0 i 0 0 to 0 1 * as 111111184o 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 - - - - 0 0 a * 0 00 -a - 0 0 0 * 1900099000000000000 09900900000000000,00,0060 !Ooooooooootooooooo:osoogeogeogooooooooi0oooo 0 uw wir i w aim 3~ m n n 14 M36 V 39 As 41 Al 4!1 v s is X L a W 0 PC 1 42 %1 as 3k F. GROUPS ill 4.0 M jjffl~ I WD Ll 1118 320 A,0 0~4 coblos L -01 1 fl.ts MRS -- 9 04P ev, 00 100 *Sir 00 000 001 of 00-- on, 0 W! 00 00- 9 00 00 Sol 00- (,1) A*lTvjouol sT 4jodej eta o%Z9 o% Lip, jo %unuoo sjr4spu v q%jAt,4v&d pollTs I go minq pw-oM*u %T4veq jo ou obs Olt tnjAj&jjoq v s4vaq eovami STUA 9 00 0- oady (-=o3 jer4) vAlIffiq luolts .'"n"a 00 AD-MUMMONW-3-bid ZDTNMA HH.W-M ZM- JO XOILYHUO Vii -iJ~JD-~4-U-S-ff 0 0- 0 4-! d go so is. I 9 v I-KT I F I , 'm , 1". . , I I to =all- 4 ~-Urx, 14 14 81n a N n 1. go 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 ~ t - ~ 'b a 1.3n. lr'lj_x vf~'l) -411;.11. 1.)1 F, 14 lillFiFAUD 11114P) 14,%T. n, -1 -k"n. Tol IIW1 u4k.k.y. fl.~J' I I 41-111~:r'v, vo i.; ' j'Y""T/". v-)"). 1tv. fft-A illmirl; ~~( tnt:: typy 14~5 an A ocrt-r-m fill thit Uj( tl,lf,Cli 1e I:; vildely tiliq ti(? in Irwimtry. Lulln,, [to 1,? rAl,ivo In I lyin, Elio l,rIrxJj,Iiy nrv rvt oit hort oll1i beet-Ims )( tyi lod fe.mcus. 0.). 465;,. rXCHNICAL A11+C(AINIC CUll'AW~,ON OF FURNACkS iHth kAKINJ ~LLIWf UNL, FUR AvutirnAL Ljuiwt ruhrs. Ushakov, Q.A. (Za 16k on ropliva (Pawl k;con.)-, July l-,52, 21-27). Illus'trail'ons-and oomparaLive data are given on four Soviet, furnaces under boilers giving 9, 10, 7 a d 24 tons/h of steam respectivelys an shaft pulveriser furnace and a three chamber furnace burning milled pent, und a ftu-naco with scraper bar and another &Wt pulverizer furnace burning Moscow Region brown coal. (L) N. 1622, LD(ITS OF APPLICATIUN OF CATION PROCESS UF W,tT& PURIFICATION IN INDUSTRIAL BOILER PL'%MTS. _Ekoi. Topliva (Fuel 6con. ),%nr. 1~4`2, 27-29 Adortion of tF* -cation treatment using soiium cGion a, uimenL %nd H-'a cation units with 5ulphuric acid solution using barrier filters ; ielda food -uality soft water even with hard initial water. he w~,tsr-acid jet pump should be used for initial waLer with high alkalinity and ,Werate mineral residue. In the preparatioti ~.f water for power station boilers the tyne of bollor nd a iturat od steam reouirement .nd the , aising of salt Content nd t) kal'nity, to obviate an excessive mubber of cleanings, should be considered. % table givqss da-a on the cleaning of horizontal water tube voiler3 by different methods. (L) B. S. A. Ummov: 0: A: lurnaces - Construction. Beat use of outer brickwork of fire boxes of low capacity boilers. Z& ekon. top., 9, no. 3, 1952. 9. Monthly fist af Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June - 19 5YJ2 Unc 1. USHAKOVO G. A. Boilers* Extent to which cation wate:r-purification can be used in industrial boiler rooms. Za 9 no. 4:27-29 Ap '52. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1950 Unclassified. 1. USUKOV"q. A, . 20 aSSR WO) 46 lurnace 9 70 Ways toward Improved constructiou of YU. G. Vasillyev furnaces. Isket. prom. 12 Noo 11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions# Library of Congress,- February 1953. Unclas:;ifled. USHaOV. G.A. Simplifying circulation schemes in modernizing maltiple- drum. horiZOntILl water-tube boilers. Inarg.bdul. no-3:5-13 Mr 154. MRA 7:3) (Steam boilers-Design) USUAKOV, G.A., inzhaner. Increasing the steam-generating capacity of boilers. Tekst.prom.14 no.2:36-40 7 154. NLRA 7:5) (Steam boilers) KONOVALOV, V.I., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; USHAKOV, G.A., inzhener; 't SWOSMIIKCV, B.I., kandidat takhnichookik -na--,4Mff; V.N., inzhener. "Thermal electric power plants of Industrial enterprises.' V.V.Luk- nitskii. Revieved by V.I.Xonovalov, G.A.UBhakov, B.I.Shaposhnikov, V.N,Ushov. 25 no-7:61-64 Jl 154. (KMA 7:8) (Ileetric power plants) (Luknitakil, V.V.) USHAKOV, G.A., dots. Increasing the efficiency of large unit-type plants by using bleed steam for preliminary drying of fuel. Izv.vyo.ucheb.zav.; Onerg. no.6:56-65 Je 158. (MIRA 11:9) l.Ivanovskiy energeticheskiy institut im. V.I. Lenina. (Coal--Drying) (Steam power plants-Zquipment and supplies) ~Jsakpv,_ G.A., dots, .. Results of the scientific and technical of damp fuels. Izv.vye.uchob.zav.)energ. (Fuel--Congresses) conference on spreaded dr7ing no.8:133-134 Ag 158. (14IRA 11:11) USHAKOV, G.A. Increasing the efficiency and reliability of electric power plants by open drying of moist fuels. Hauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; energ. no.l: 169-174 '58. (MIRA 11:10) (Blectric power plants) (Fuel) USHAKOV. ARKHANGI-MISKIY, Yu.V., red.; T-ARIOITOV, G.Ye., [First atomic -power plant; experience of conetruction and operntion] Pervain Atomnaia alaktrostantaiia; opyt stroi- talletva i ektipluBtatsii. Moskva, Goa.energ.izd-vo, 1959. 223 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Atomic power plants) USHAKOV, G.A. . dots. Conversion cof thermal circuits of 4 p statio"~ ped with K tur- bines fro,, Fmaporators to wate7--partft cat ion. Izv.v7s.ucbeb. zav.; anere, 2 no.5:69-78 My '59. (AIRA 12:10) 1. Ivanovalcty energatichemkiy Institut in. V.I.Lonina. (Fetid-water purification) USHAKOV G.A,, lnzh, Open dr7lng of moint fuel. Blek.stao 30 no.1:29-33 Ja '59. (MIR& 120) (Ci)al-Dz7jng) USHLKOV, G.A., doteent, kand.takhnonauk; KOROLI, V.N., inzh. Vibration packing of mine cars as a means to increase their loadability. Ugoll 35 no-3:41-44 Kr 160. (KIRA 13:6) 1. KharIkovskiy gorWy inatitut. (Mine railroad-Cars) (Vibrators) STYRIKOVICII, M.A.; USHAKOV. 0,A inzh. Selecting the lmlverization systems for the preparation of Donets Basin anthracite fines and lean coals. Teploenergetika 9 no.2: 15-20 F '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sl-.yrikovich). (Coal, Pulverized) USHAKOV, G.A., inzh. Economy characteristic5 of the feed pump turbine drive in electric power plants. Teploenergetika 9 no-3:30-33 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut. (Pumping machinery) (Steam turbines) USHAKOV, G. A., kand. tekbn. nauk Concerning A. E. Gel'tman's article 'Choice of a system for drying vat ltgnite in large state regional electric power plants.* Energomashinostroenie 8 no-12:40-/a D 162. UMIRA 16:1) (Electric power plants) (Lignite-Drying) AZOESSION NR: A24012088 S/0020/64/154/002/0366/0368 AUTHORS: Molseyenko, U. I.; IStomin, V. Ye.;.Vnhakoyx G. D. TITLE: Influence of unilatoral pressure on electric resistivity of rocks SOUROB: AN SSSR. Doklady*, V. 154, no. 2, 1964, 366-368 TOPIO TAGS: electric rook resistivity, electroresistivity under- pressure, rook electrical conductivity ABSTRACT: Electric conductivity of rooks under pressu)Zes oorres- ponding those at great depths Is scantily studied and therefore the authors investigated the electric resistivity of olivenite, marble, serpentinite, dunite, basalt, pyroxAnite and peridotite under a unitalteral pressure of 20000 k4/om'. Under unilateral pressure the specific resistivity decreases, reaches a minimum typical.'.-- of each rook type, the greatest change being observ6d for marble, serpentinite and basalt, the smallest for peridotite and pyroxenite. Further increase in pressure reverses the trend and increases the resistivity. These data can be useful for studies of rook deformatons Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: A24012088 both in natural and experimental conditions especially with regard to changes in electric res.Lstivity of rocks at different depths from the crust. Orig. art. has: I Figure, ASSOCIATION: Institut geoli5gli I tizikl Sibirskogo otdolenya AN SSSR (Institute of geology and physics of the' Siberian Branch AN SSSRI SUMITTED: O7Jun63 i DATE ACQ: 10064 ENOL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NR REP SOV: 003 OTHER: 001 " j.1; ~, I ~ . I , , j~, . " , ~ * - LIJGIIIITSIKIY~ 1.17.; Join'. Conditions avt 1, Inatitut gf:olotp--- Novc~slbirak. USHXKOV~Go is I L,)rl . 19W3 W"I'A -,, ac I L. - lu~.i I c 1 1962 TEXTILE INBUSTRr see ILC USBAKOV, G.K..4,#ndidat meditainskikh nauk (Yaroslavl') Rolo of nedical auxiliary personnel in preventing excitation of psychiatric patients. Medesestra 15 no.6:15-20 je '56. (MLRA 9.9) (PSYCHIATRIC NURSING) v - - - , A fabAkli V, vr fx v V, A, 9W. -4 mvf A. &Orzakcnos 5' 57, 1-- w~~ givtm ir.-.rmn ~~uizTk I`c ~tlln i f.r d d--.Ys ~:ighi ~ca" 7, Ui pal-~' t -. z gcn* home within lu-,'~o J"ys i,, :Ti the.6 "',~-mtnallon C4 ulie trtatmczt. 'The xa.. 6~cct Gi ia these 0 pztl~-nts was acC07--pmlic-d b-,.- -z ~tM', cj~,r in t'l, 'u j~ 'alts. C~. zi~-y tn~ l- th cfm p pat~--.ts. i'bo n ay aa-,c C'~F, r- do,--ge used In oth ~ invermigntisn Cha r, IzL.; 9 1 firts:;lue in this K.-Tup tj,;;! 1;~tex, -1 is ""hir !he im:t w ~i r-ra-* :1:7,r;; Al -r -: rt~,Eftj 1; qSSR / Human and Animal Phy.siology. Blood. Form Elements. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur.-Biol., No 22, 1958, 101752. Author : Ushakov,, G. K; Illina, V. N.; Panus, L. V. Inst : -Nor-9trem- Title : The Peculiarities of Reactivity of the Blood Sys- tem in Schizophrenia. Orig Pub: V sb.: Aktualln. probl. nevropatol. I ps1khiatrii, Kuybyshev, 1957, 270-276. Abstract: 2000 investigations of blood were conducted in psychic patients. In 92.8% of the analyses, ery- thropenia was discovered, In 88.76% hypohenioglo- binemia, In 50,3% low Indexes of sed. rate. The reduction of the speed of the sed. rate wan mostly observed in low indices of Hb content and number of erythrocytes. Leucopenia was observed in 40.1% of patients; furthermore, even in normal Indices Chair of Psychiatry, Yaroslavl Stately,, L t Inst- and rj Card 1/2 MM Oblastnoy Faikhonevrololgicheakoy bo n sy. USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Blood. Form Elements. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,, No 22, 1958, 101752. Abstract: of number of leucocytes, the prevalence of ~he right nuclear shift of neutrophyles :75.2%) re- lative lymphocytosis, monopenia (56 ,~6%), eosino penia, and high levels of hemacytologic indax of reactivity (56.3%) were observed. Apparently, there is not only a changed but also a lowered re- activity of the blood system. Additional obser- vations were conducted on 100 patients with an un- favo~?ible course of schizophrenia. The degree of changos of red and white blood rose with the dur- ation of the disease and the worsening of its course, -- E, R, Paley, Card 2/2 17 ~- ~ . A~ . , I ,, .: . . USHAj&taVG.MKr. um" 10 Xi Insulin for treating mental diseases. ged.sestra 16 no.6:8-13 Je '57. (KLU 10: 8) 1. Is kafedry psikMatrii Taroolvaskogo gosudaretvannogo meditsinskogo instituta (INSULIN) (PSYCHOSES) r i SURIKOV. M.P.: V�IAKOV. G.K.: ILI IRA. V.N.; Vf6RBLYUBSKAYA. A.A.; KHOKHLOV. L.K. Utilization of glutathione in the treatment of mental disorders [with summary in Yrench]. Zhur.nevr. i paikh. 57 no.2:237-240 157, (MIRA 10:6) 1. Kafedra biologicheskoy khimii (zav. - dotsent H.P.Surikov) i paikhiatrii (zav,.' - dotsent G.K.Ushakov) Yaroalavskogo meditsinskogo Instituta i Yaroslavskaya oblastnays polkhiatrichaskeya bolintea (glavnyy vrach O.I.Ovchinnikov) (MENTAL DISORDER , tber, glutathione) (GLUTATH1016, ther. use ment.disord.) USHAKOV, Gennadiy KonBtantinovich; SALYAYBV, Vladimir Nikolayevich; . I . TITCVAD Aleksandis Tvanovns, red. [Bpilepay- problems in practical diagnosis. prevention, and treatmentj lpileptichasksis bolesn'; voprosy praktiki raspoinavaniia, preduprashdaniia, lechaniia. Uroslavl, I.Aroslavskoe Wzhnos izd-yo. 1958. 95 P. (MIRA 13:8) (Epu"ST) .I P SALYAYEV, V.K., STOLYARCHUK, A.A., USHIKOV, G.K. Cholinesterase activity o?-VI'o-od serum in certain pathological processes. Vrach.delo no.9;903-905 S158 (NERA 11:10) 1. Nafedra pailthiatrii (zav. - dote. G.K. Ushakov) i kefedra farmakologii (ispolnyayushchiy obyasannosti zav. - V.N.Salyayev) TaroslaTsko o m dit inskogo institutae (CHUGINZSTIMASZ~ e a (SIMUM) USHAKOV, Gennadiy Konstantinovich (Chronic alcok.olism and its control] Khronichaskii alkogolizu i bor'ba a nim, IAroslavll, lAroslavskoe knizhnoe Izd-vo, 1959. 29 p. (MIRA 13:8) (ALCOHOLISM) rA tj t-\ 0 V, I'-- EXCERFTA MICA See 8 Vol 12/12 Neurolou Bee 59 6330. NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DI:,'TURBANCES OCCURRING IN WERLIIOF'S DISEASE - Uber neuro-psychische Sibruagen bel der Werlhofachen Krankhell - Uschakow G. K. Lehr- 8 tuhi far Psychlat., Med. inst., Jaroslawl - Z. ARZTL. FORTBILD. 1958. 52/12 (499-51)4) Reports of 2 cases in which definite neuropsychiatric disturbances were present. and over- shadowed the symptoms of the underlying basic illness. namely idiopathic thromboeytopenic purpura (Wirlhof's Cmease). These neuropsychiatric disturbances occur in the form of syndromeM6 such an disturbances in the cerebral circulation, apatho-abulistic disturbances, hypotonic neur- asthenia, and hallucinatory and paranoid experiences. Because of the disturbances In the cere- bral circulation. which in of unknown aetiology. cerebral neoplasm has to be considered and ruled out by appropriate clinical and laboratory tests. The same in true for the changes in the eyegrounds. Theme neuropsychiistric disturbances are similar to those seen in canes of haemn- rrhsgic neuro-nephritim. an described by 1. B. Galant. Levy - Spokane. Wash. (VIII.69) 10 ILI MA, V.N.; POISTAYM, A.B.; MAIMv- a_ V, L.K.; GAIKINA, Z.I.: ~Jffw.; KHOKHM SALYATSV, Y.N.; STOLYARCHUK, A.A. -, , Clinical aspects and psychopathology of q fever. Zhw. nevr. i paikh 59 no.3:295-30-3 159. (MIRL 12:4) 1, Nafedry' pailchiatrii (zav. - dots. G.L Ikhakov). infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.I. Rezalkov). farmrAkologii (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduywhahego - kand. mad. nauk V.N. Salyayev) Taroslav- skogo maditaint3kogo Instituta i Gorodskaya klinichaskaya inNMoiommys, bollnitsa (gla-nW vrach A.S. Foletayev). FZM, compl. ment.-disord. (RM)) ,ST&L DISORIM, etiol. & pathogen. Q fever'(RUB)) USHAKOV, G.K. Bleqtraphoretic investigation of blood proteins in dementia paralytica. Zhur. nevr. i Dsikh 59 no-36-337-343 159. (MM 12:4) 1. Kafedra polkhiatrii (zav. - dots. G.K. Uahakov) Throslavskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. (PARISIS, blood in. dementia paralytica. blood proteins (Rux)) (BWOD PROTBINS. in var. dis. dementia paralytica (Ram)) USHAKOV, G.K.; IVINA, V.N.; KHOKHLOV9 L.K. (Yaroslavl') Changes in the reactivity of the body during Q fever. no.5:117 S-0 160. (MIU 13: U ) (Q FEM) USHAKOV, G. K., Dr. Medic. Sci. (diss) "Materials for Investigation of Etiology and Pathogenesis of Endogenous Psychoses," Kuybyshev, 1961, 23 pp. (Kuybyshev Med. Inst.) WO copies (KL 8upp 12-61, 283). USHAKOV, G.K. __ Psychiatry in the Mongolian People'q Republip. Zhur. nevr. i psikh, 62 no.1:144-149 162. (MONGOLIA--PSYCHIATRY) (MURA 15:4) 7 11 1 US I i~ KIN911.iC. 111.05~v,,~; , I r,eniinar of the ;-*ljrr.-perir ?!,%-.-,fau CI* 1,hc *-c-7_,i -~ Crganlzation on the pr,-:blFne cf hn;pita). tT"t1-.1ent of' Ill chlldrvn~ Anf,)rrfiitJvv /hur. ri(!vr,. 1 64 no.7M02-11015 161 10 Pfl~) U~HAKOV , G. K. . Janurary Plenum of the Board of the All-Union Scientific Medical Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists; informative renort. a,ur. nevr. i psikh. 63 no.6:94P-91/0 163. (MIFJ-. 17:6) USHAKOV, G.K., prof.j doktor mud. nauk --------------- (Ways of development and trends of s!.udlea in pnr,"c,c- nourological clinics of the GArman Domovratic ROPULOC] 0 putiakh ra%vitiia i naprwilt~aiiakh AvBledovanti v psikhonevrO:LOgicheskIkh k-11nikakh GemAnDkul Nmukratt- chaskoi ReaImbliki. MoA-va, 'Isec. uavc~no-med. ot~-va nevropatologov i paIkhi:j'v,-j:. 66 p V-1 IR '. 18:8) BMSHCHIKOV, V.M., za:51. deyLtell nauki, prof., glav. red.; ROKHLIN, L.L., prof., :mm. glav. red.; SIVIDT Te V FrOf-, red.; KERBIKOV, O.V., prof., red.[deceased ; MIA3ISHC'I-:F;' V.11.' zasl. deyatell nauki prof., red.; FELINSKAYA, II.I., prof. red.; MIKHEYM, V.V., prof., red.; FEDOTOV, D.D., prof., red.; BABAYAN, E.M., red.; I-110HOZOV, G.K., doktor med. nauk, red.; SEREBRYAKOVA, Z.N., kand. med. nauk, red.; P�LA "OV. doktor med.nauk, red.; SNEMEVSKIY, A.V., prof... red. [Transactions of the 4th All-Union Congress of Neuro- nathologists and Psychiatrists) Trudy Vsesoiuznogo slezda nevropatologov i psikhiatrov. 1.'-gkva) Vses.nauchn. med. ob- vo nevropatologov i psikhiatrov. -Vols.1, 5-6. 1965. (MIJA 18:11) 1. Vsosoyuznyy s"yezd nevropatologov I psikhiatrov. 4th, Moscow, 1963. 2. Deyst-,ritellrjyy chlen AWI SSSR (for Shmidt, Nerbikov, Snezhnevskiy). FIM pun I amK zxPLotTATroN SOV/2583 International Conference an the Peaceful Uses Of Atomic Zngergy. 2nd, Geneva, 1958. Doldady movetakikh uchemykh; ya4*rny" reaktory I yadernAYa enor- getlks. (Repo rts of Soviet scientists; Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Power) l95'. T07 P. (3arlest Itat da Moscow, Atcmt1 Trudy, vol. 2) %. Xrrata *11.p In art . 0,000 copies printed. : 711- General Rds.s N.A. bolletn,l~ Corresponding Member, USSR Academy Of 0 Sojensout A.F~ KM$in# Doctor of Physical and XathV%&t1C&l SCIA11404, A.I. Layputuskly. Meaber, Ukrainian SSR Acadeaw or sciences, I.I. Novikov, Corresponding Member, U33R Academy of SCIAmsNo w4 V-3- C-) Fumv. Doctor of "Ical and Mathematical Sciences; Md.: A.P. 11yablyevi Tech. Rd.: T*. 1. Matell. FOXFOSS& ?US back Is I-te-aded for scientists and engineers engaged In reactor designing. as wall an for proressors and students of ItUbar technical schools where reactor design Is taught. lust This tat).. wive._ at a six-.1ame "1100"em .0 tst P-Sceftl U26 or-Atool-i onsigy. The six volumes contain the report, prep "fttOd by S0vIQt aclAntlats at the Second InternatLonal Conrorenc* 00 POSCOrca UPOPM Of AtOILIC Xnfrgy, hold from 3.Ptember I to 13, 1958 In 00 Ts. Volume 2 consists of three parts. The first la devoted to &tOftiQ power plants under constrt=tlon in the 3oviet Union; the second to experimental and research reactors, the *z_ Parlments Carried out on ttma, and the work to Improve tbqa-. *-,d the third, which 10 Predominantly theoretical, to Problems or nuclear reactor physics and Construction angirwering. Tu. 1. lbrYakla Is the science editor or thin volum. See 30V/2081 for titles Of all Volumes Of the set. Rfr*r*=** apP*Ar at the and of the articles. i Ilexhal- . N. A., tr-in, N.A. MVJ=vj A.W. Orl I-07-1makoi . Zlr2j~xnts, 00#2;& -ting thi _rii4f_XtOQlC P6.--r nt In tb __ I port Xo.*2183) 15 DDIl*zha&L_JE.A_, .V Aleshchnakny, A.j_ar1gqrjX=U, '. K . 's, ' -JLT.- ---y' 06 0. Klza" Jvoil losab, -, 1 0 r._X1'-1__ TZ u. yajoy A ara;uxitj---- Uranium RM== Pr" iNOA]i 34~8rhomt (Report No. 2139) 36 Aloksandroi.1-ALF-, A..Z,_8r*nd&tw, A 1_pratldmuj~ Ir 9-o", And-W.S. :9Opk1n. Tm* At n :a~Report No. 2140jr- 60 It V. and 1,Q,_ZQ1OLLXh. Radiation Wety System of J&II.= Dla;*~breaksr Report No. 2518) ST ex. S A- Water-water Power Reactors (VVIX) In the USSR tanx-14 NO. 1184) . to" Cn AAk&rt9CV33n&,W.& A.M. GlUICTOTt v.ij_0cn h &lot, .0014 S.A. 3kvOrtsOv. &&'t-pr-oajcIng Reactors of Atoole Tower Plants (Report No. 2196) 119 and V.I. 3ubbotin. Cooling Watar-water Reactors pqrt X0. 2r44) 134 Tereakov V S. and 1j. MTV=. A Study of Unsteady seat Trans. 'ter N' *I-& Itione-to of Nuclear Reactors (Report go. g4TO) 253 Ivanovskly, X.N., V.I. Sublatin. and Z_A__jjiUa)my. ILIgh-speed ""so ' RX-asur anSeer Coefficient In the pW* (20;:rt'i.. 24T5) 1btatqlAdzq_..LS., V.I. 9u botip, V.M. p9 _rjabfiARj4y, and p. L. Beat XzCAkMW _M9 th0-J%Ow of LlquId Metal in zN3 'jr 1T . k210 "E' ~TW02: 276 =kt= 30011A. or Nuclear Putil In Past ft"r Ro- t 5.Ap- 20.S) 188 .,r*n Density D;stribution OQWT, and 0.7 2~ S~.'.A2X, A680mbIlOs Of Rod-shaped Best producingOng the Radius a NO- 2034) U~nto (Report - - -1 . -1 -- . - 199 I . 7 ~ -'~ j 1 7 i -'~ -j I ft --; -'r~ I :' ~ Ir _., Ii - . 1) j " ) XPASI111 A. K.J, CaRIGCRYANTS, A. N. J, NIKOIAYEV, N. A. and USHAKCV, G. N. "Operating the First USM Atomic Power Station with the Fuol Channels Working in Boiling Conditions." paper to be presente& at 2nd UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58. I 21(9) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/3465 Ushakov, G.N. Pervaya atomneya, elektrostantsiye; opyt stroitellotva i eksplustateii (The First Atomic Electric Paver Station; Building and Operation Practice) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat., 1959. 223 p. Errata slip inserted. 5o500 copies printed. Ed..: Yu.V. Arkhangeltakly; Tech. Ed.; G.Ye. Larionov PURPOSE: The book is intended for nuclear scientists and engineers, designers of nuclear paver plants., installation and operational personnel working with graphite-moderated water-cooled nuclear reactors. It may also be used by electrical engineering students. COVERAGE: A nuclear paver plant of 5.,000 kv capacity was first put into operation in'the Soviet Union on June 2T, 3.954. Five years of experience in operating this plant provided much valuable information which was used by the author in the book. In it he pre-sents a detailed description or the first Soviet atomic power plant,, and discusses problems of construction and installation. Card 1/4 The First Atomic Electric Power Station (Cont.) SOV/3465 Particular attention has been given to various aspects of an atomic power plant with a graphite-modere..ed water-cooled reactor. Included is an appendix containing data on boiling and superheating steam in the reactor of an atomic power plant. There are U references,, all Soviet. TABLE OF COMIUM: Introduction Ch. 1. Nuclear Reactor. Its Thermal Power Equipment and Auxiliary 5 Systems 6 1. Selection of reactor type, flow sheet,, and paramters 6 2. Reactor design 11 3. High-pressure radioactive loop and its equipment 31 4. Low-pressure secondary loop 55 5. Drainage system 59 6. Ventilation 61 7. Radiation monitoring 63 S. Electric power supply and electrical equipment 65 Card 2/ 4 The First Atomic Electric Power Station (Cont.) SOV/3465 9. Conveying and maintenance equipment 70 10. Reactor control system 72 11. Layout of equipwnt 73 Ch. 2. Problems of Constructing and Equipping a Nuclear Power Plant 76 l.- Construction of a reactor unit 76 2. Installing the reactor 78 3. Preparatory vork before putting the electric pover plant into operation 98 Ch. 3. Operation of a Nucl~ar Power Plant 3.11 1. Preparation of electric power plant before stirting t6 reactor 2k, Starting the reactor from zero level 128 3. Increasing the power of the reactor from O.Olf to the assigned power level 149 4. Steady-state operation of the reactor 154 5. Transient operating conditions in a reacthr 166 Card 3/4 The First Atomic Electric Power Station (Cont.) sov/3465 6. Reactor shutdown 1-3 7. Switching-in the reserve equipment of the reactor 181 8. Automation of the reactor 184 9. Overloading working channels 185 10. Thermal balance of a reactor installation 193 11. Water system in the operation of a power plant 196 12. Gas system in the operation of paver plant 201 13. Possible cases of failure, localization and elimination of failures 202 14. Special features of preventive main nance and repair of equipment failure in reactor installations 211 15. Organization of the operation of atomic power plant 219 Conclusion 220 Bibliography 221 Appendix 222 AVAI~A=: Library of Congress Cewd 4/4 TM/Mas 4-27-6o DOLGOV, V.V.; KOZLGV, V.Ya.; KOCIIETKOV, L.A.; SUDNITSYN, O.A.; USHAKOV G N (Startup conditions of an atomic power plant with super- heated steam generated in a uranium-graphite reactor] Izuchenie puskovykh rezhimov elektrostantsii s uran-grafi- tovym reaktorom s peregrevom para. Moskva, Glav.upr.po ispolIzovaniiu atomnoi energii, 1960. 14 p. (MIRA 17:1) 014/!1070 ACTIORS: I. I'-- Y. t.., K,K.,~- law-ticatLon of the rtprlitj Conditionn of -'t P.-Ir SWI., with s, tir-W. Vt b Superheated 3to A FIXILIDICLL: Ato ... y. 19:0. TOI. 9. So. 1. pp. 117C-75 f the SzIl.% to .1 the o !1 11 1 A rt. f the 1. 111. 1. us -.iy,i. or at art IMS s, rapid fru: zero to the ral.,4 :,:r the,r-.Piw:ltt ... ditt... the ..I... t..p.-tur, of; ...t out A the t..p.r.tuz. hi.h the fuel .1 .... b;,. at card 1/5 V.4- the Sr-.1. f:r Of %be fuel t.nti, I Tr.s.s.4. ( ) To th-d APPLI:d &%I the -1 ;.,Ir. P-ti.m of %he t.ob,h 010: 1.41 q.IP. ,t. . 111:1111 hoi . She transient Is :b. mctrIs:d Of th.,f.Ileming; (a) The tvapersture .1 am, . I b of tb:i= blacr d by 00 50-C 1, (b) T e %ran I % so Ir- ... ly to the of %h. oh.zg. r thl Loop. D.ri.g %be the ...0. ho 4 f I,-, 4 *r the ch.-.I. to -OiTh th . ...... is get .. t.j. Th... I h . jib of power. Ith' "I r" t Od I p b tomperaturv J-, t, I .... -4 the reactor power f 0 t" :Ltl to a all of Xq&p,r. I., .:htt:..l bj a .-11.r t'"'. "' abrupt t, L -!'t 1. of the ,,,Itor p* r ,I the through of the . I. , ..,:* -4 . A a Ph cal y Prs, .1.4. Cari 2/3 kftal of em,glow- ,4.r P. 1. Al.. V.rtii"t- it the ,be sot, . , 0 rj t .I, % nl-l A. K. 9-1. .1 A ". y .1. . . 1-4 the wor); with Interest. There are 7 figures ani Sovit- rol,sr-cos. August '1. 1959 C" 82731 1019 S1089160100310021002 1 B006fBO56 702 0 AUTHORS: SlyusarevL P.- N. Ushakov, G .-Uv-Starkov, O-A, Kochetkov, L. A , Ni_qT_eroia,_ L' N2, -zlov, V. Ya TITLE: Investigation of th e Transfer of Radioactive Substances by Steam and Water and the Chemical Stability of Deposits in the Steam - Wate r Cycle of the First Atomic Power.12gilt- PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 2, PP. 98-103 TEXT; The quantity of radioactive substances carried along in boiling- water reactors by steam and water, their depositing on the inner surfaces of conduction pipes, as well as the chemical nature and the behavior of these deposits depends essentially on the mode of operation of the reactor and the construction of the evaporators and separators. In the lants of the Pervaya atomnaya elektrostantsiya (First Atomic Pgwer Plant5, the authors investigated the processes in which radioactive substances are carried along by steam and water. They determined the depositing coeffi- cient of the substances on the inner surfuces of the conduction pipes and investigated the chemicai stability of these deposits. They further Card 1/4 82731 Investigation of the Transfer of Radioactive 3/089/60/009/002/002/015 Substances by Steam and Water and the Chemical Boo6/BO56 Stability of Deposits in the Steam - Water Cycle of the First Atomic Power Plant investigated problems of the deactivation of some parts of the steam-power equipment of the plant. !?he steam-water loop consists of two circuits of stainless steel of the g-tade 1 A 18H9T (MION9T), which are insulated against each other. Fig. I schematically shows the investigated loop; Table I gives data on the two circuits. The coolant used was ordinary distilled water which was kept in circulation by means of pumps. The in- vestigations were carried out with superheated and non6euperheated steaml water tqmperatares, in the first caseamounted to 275 C at the ingut, and 340-3650C at the output; in the second case they were 2650 and 310 C, respectively (with a 25% steam content). The places where samples were taken are given in Fig. 1; the P- and I-activity was measured on all coolant samples, and the quantity of the dry residue, the pH-value, as well as the radioisotopic, anionic, and cationic components of the contamination were determined. The transfer of radioactive substances was determined from the change in radioactivity of the dry residue along the loop. Table2 gives a multiple of numerical values of the radioactivity of the dry re- sidue of the coolant determined at various places in circuit II. The Card 2/4 82731 Investigation of the Transfer of Radioactive S/089/60/009/002/002/015 Substances by Steam and Water and the Chemical BO06/BO56 Stability of Deposits in the Steam - Water Cycle of the First Atomic Power Plant time-dependent change in these radioactivities at various places of the loop are shown in Fig. 2. The results obtained by physicoohemioal inveati.- gations of food water and the water of cycles I and 11 are given in Table 3* It supplies the following data: dry residueg total activity (P + 7), PH, C02-1 N03'- , C11-concentration, total chromium concentration, CrOll- and Cr3+_conoentration. The contaminaiion consisted of: Cc 6oP Fe4, Cr5l, Ca45 (4-10~ of the total activity); Na24, Cu64, Ni 65, S13l' Mn56 (90-96% of the total activity). Components with T 1/2 < 1 hour were not taken into account. The radioactivity and chemical stability of the deposits on the tube walls were determined by means of a special device consisting of two equal tubes made from N-695 (EI-695) steel. Data on outward shape, thickness, radioactivity, 9nd temperature of the walls are given in Table and data on chemical stability in Table 5. The deposits consisted of 0096, Fe59, Cr5l, Ca45 (T1/2:/;>, 27 days) (70%) and of Card 3/4 82731 Investigation of the Transfer of Radioactive S/089 60/009/002/002/015 Substances by Steam and Water and the Chemical B006Y2056 Stability of Deposits in the Steam - Vater Cycle of the First Atomi,,. Power Plant Na 24, Cu 64, Mn56 t N165, and Si 31 (T 1/2 4 13 hours) (30%). Finally, a report is given on deactivation experiments undertaken with various aggressive solutions with and without inhibitors. A 6% HC1 + Urotropin and a 5% HNO3 + 2% HC1 + K 2Cr 20 7solution (- 0-05 9/1) were used as solutions with inhibitors, and a 5% HNO 3 and a 5-7% Hcl solution as solutions without inhibitors. The ex eriments were carried out at 20 C 0 P for 24 to 48 hours and at 40-60 C for 2 to 4 hours. The results obtained are described in detail. The authors thank A. K. Krasin for his interest in this investigation. There are 2 figures, 5 tables, and 6 references: 4 Soviet and 2 US. SUBMITTED: November 23, 1959 Card 4/4 V., '.,~TLOV, V. Yfl., i,~) Qj. A.) or,,l U~,L".7.07, G. -~t-L; Lit t::3 !';.rot IA,~:7!c nDort prn-onted at tho M ca T.,notor Auat-ria, 23-27 oct ig6l. (report presented by 1. 1. Bo-ndrxonL-o) KOV, N 25373 S/089/61/011/001/002/01C) B102/B214 AUTUORSt Yevdok1mov. Yu. V., Kozlov, V. Y&., Xonochkin, V. 0. Kochetkov. L. A., Kranin, A. K., Lytkin, V. V., Severlyanov, V. S., Sem,.3nov, B. A., Ushakov, G. N. TITLE# Experience from work with the First Nucloax Power Plant PFRIODIC.ALs Atomnaya energiya, v. 1I, n6. 1, 1961, 12 - 18 TEM The First llu~:eax Pnwir Plant In the USSR, which was the first in the world, has been. successfully operated for seven yearal this paper preaenta a short survey of the experiences accumulated during the first six yearn at thio station, '.'he station itself possesses all the eqipment avai.lable at a large res4arch reaetor. The conatruction of the Beloyardwa GRES (Beloyarsk Statq Regional Elestric Power Plant) represents a further developmqnt of the First ?Ncl;&r Power Plant. The working of the reactor at different power levelst Ir. the so-called "cold state", at 0.01~ of the nominal power, the res '~tor has the lowest power level at which the automatic power regulator car. still functiont the rise in this level is checked by measuring tho neutron flux$ the power level can be doubled within 20 900. Card 1/9 25373 S/089/61, /01 1/001/0-o1/01 0 Experience from work with ... 3102/3214 Heating begins with a riae of the power 1,37all to of the nominal power (first cyclet 160-l'OOC, pressure in the second cyclet 7 - 8 atm), then to 1Q,la of the no,7?jnA-, power I.tx-mperature at the entran.-9 to the reactor: 1900C, steam pre3sure 12.5 atm); those paramoter3 rrnain unchanSei on further increase vf power. The to-al hqatin& time for the system is 3.5 - 4 hours; during this t!me, nitrogen is blown in th" graphite system to remove oxygen. The parameters of the Vnwir slatior, for 50. 75. and 100~' of the nominal power are given in Tab-14 1. On nhutting thp reactor. It is first cooled, by utilizing thp natural loss of heat, to the temperature of water in the first cycle (110-1200C), which requires 1.5-2 hours. The cooling water is then removed from clrcu:ation and cooledl -his enal:les the reactor to be cooled rapidly. Reliability and duration of the reactor's operation depend on the quality of the fuel elementl the station works with tube type ele- m6nts. The fuel Is contained between two tubes of nonrusting steel (the inner is 0.4 mm thick and the outer 0.2 mr, thick). This kind proved to be particularly reliablet Not a single element has been dislocated during the whole period the station has been in operation. The system of partial renewal of the fuel element is used for guaranteeing the d;:pest possible burning. (N. A. Dollezhal at al. reported or. this at the cond Geneva Card 2/ 9 25373 SIC65J611011100110021010 Experience from work with B102/B214 Conference, 1958)- Numerical data about 'he consumption are given in Table 2. Deformation of the ftel elements were checked, a deformation of 14.20 + 0.02 mm of the element jackets was found. Experiments relating to the boiling of water in -.he fuel channels and determination of the hydro- dynamic churacteriatica of the fuel elements in the reactor were started in 1956. The preliminaries were completed in September 1956, and one channel was brought to boiling operation. This firsp boiling channel worked for 400 hours at thermal lc&da of (0-45 - 0-85)-10 6kcal/_ 2. hr (steam content 5 - 20ri. by weight, fiow rate 250 kgAr), As the system proved astiafa~tory, more channels were brought to boiling operation; in. the mIddle of 1957 there were 70 ouch channels, more than half of the total. The boiling operation was characterized by the following parameters: Steam content at the exit of the channels: 5 - 25~la by weight, thermal load (0.6 - 1.3)eI06kcal/m2ehr water flow rate 0.01 - I =Ar at 100 atm and 1900C at the exit. Since superheating of steam constitutes one of the most important methods for increasing efficiencyl exp;riments in this connection were carried out in the following years with a special experimental loop (Fig. 1)Ao study the methods of bringing tho steam to a superheated state. For this, a method of Card 3/9 25373 S/089/61/011/rol/CO2/010 Experience from work with ... B102~B214 starting was perfected which requires only ouch equipment as in u3od in normal oooration. During the period of transformation of the superheating oporatio~, the superheating channel could either be closed, or it could work without cool'.ng (Ildr:r operation"), or with water cooling. The last named method had a namber of advantages. The following starting methods were studied. Starting with contInuoue inciremon of the reactor power, sterling with de,.roAos of the reactor power, and combined methods (first the iormer, and then the latter but lowering the power only for about 60 - 70%). To increase the safety of the reactor, a special system was bull% in M9 which prevents the escape of the gas - steam mixture into the ventilation system when the tubes of the experimental holes break down. This system "for loializing the damage due to accident" (Fig. 2) not only serves thia purpose but also helps to purify the gas after the accident has occurred. The system consists of a cylindrical tank (6.2 m3) whose lower part (1.8 m3) is filled with vats Irl in it are placed the oooling coils and special nozzles through which the steam - gas mixture streams into the water ir. the case of an accident. The gas is introduced in a sensitive gas container. The whole system is placed in a protective container equipped with manometem thermometers, and dosimetsis There Card 4/9 Zxparionco from work with ... 2 .11gures and 2 tables. SUBMITTEDt February 6, 1961 25373 3/089/61/011/001/002i6l'O B102/3214 I --- - -1- R9WMY,--G~.&, LITKIN, V.B., KOCHETKOV, L.A., POPOV, V.V., BELIN-SUYA, N.T., SOK0WVq A.F. The operating experience with the steam generatore of the first atomic power station. Report submitted for the Conference on Operating experience with the power reactors, Vienna, 4-8 June 63 BYGIAIM, Yll. 11". .: U.'.J'IUTIOV, (; . I"'. ;yu . A. "Portable atomic power station. " report submitted for 3rd Intl Conf, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 31 Ai~g-q sep 64. ACCFSSIal kffl: AP40371630 S/0096/a/00q/oo6/M/0007 AUMCR: Ushak~!,, (CaMlidate of Technical sciences); Kochetkov Le Ao (Engineei)-f-k6~6d0iiii, 'LV o Go (Engineer); Severlyanov, V. So (Engineer5 T=-: Operating experience of the first atomic power plant :SaJRCE: Toploenergetika, no. 6P 1964P 5-7 TOPIC TAGS: atomic reactor, ato~iie power plant, reactor operation, direct flow reactor ABST=T: The authors present data demcnBtrating the high reliability of plant equir,ment after ten years ofolperatica. Seventy per cent of fuel ele=ezits operate& 1.5 to 3.5 times longer tLau design expectatiOnS, vhile channels and reactor operated normally even with channel flows between 100-1000 g/hr. Ccmpenzatioa capacity of the uncooled., heat-resistant borca-steel, rods was W,. that of the pre- viously used boron carbide 2-ods; increasing the borca content beyond 2-5-34. did. not -1-..,xease compenzaticia. Life of the fuLly inserted rods was 54 days at a reactor pc-rer of 35 Xwo MUng the gralhite pilz with nitrogen enabled it to operate 66G 700-80W- In tho beginming cC 1960 &U cb-n Is began operation %zader Cordl/2 ACCESSIM NR: AP4037630 boiling conditicau, and the entire reactor was ecaverted to qualitatively new operating condition . Prolonged- experiment vith ovperheated steam proved the feasibility of stwting a d1avct-flow reactor by gradual displacement of vater vitla fste=, and the reliability of cooling it during emergency shutdmno Orige arto has: 4 tables. 7AWOCIATICRio* SUBM=: 00 sm cam: NP d c r 2/2. q D= ACQ: 22An& No MW SOV: 000 EMCLs 00 000 ACCESSION NR: AP4041445 S/0089/64/016/006/0484/0488 AUTHORS: Ushakov, G.'N.; Kochetkov, L. A.; Konochkin, V. G.; Severlyan6w,-" ilov, V. Yaol Sudnitsy*n, 0. A. TITLE% Operating experience of the first atomic electric station in the world SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 16, no. 6,rl964, 484-488 TOPIC WAGS: reactor control rod, reactor feasibility study,. reactor hazard, reactor"operation, boiling water reactor ABSTRACT: Several preliminary tests aimed at ascertaining the feasibility of an atomic power station with the steam heat(id directly! in the reactor are described. These included tests to determine the degree of throttlinc of thin parallel boiler tubes directly J 6 kcal/M2 hr with,up to- cooling the fuel elements'at loads,up to 10 30% steam by weight; tests to,prevent pulsations of flow in 'the Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR; AP4041445 frallel boiler tubes; experiments on nuclear superheating of the team in an experimental single-circulation loop. The description covers experiments on the boiling and steair~ superheat mod6s*in the reactor, tests on '-the operation of the uncooled control tods, and reactor safety tests. The original control rods made of boron' ' carbide clad with stainless steel and cooled with water.' Various shortcomings of these rods have necessitated the development of con-'; trol rods made of tubular steel carrying equally spaced sleeves of ride steel (18 sleeves in a control rod 1500 mm long). Rods of is type had sufficient absorbing ability and service life t erate at 850C and an Iintegral neutron flux 5 x 1020 neut/cm?. The se of these control rods increased the reactivity margin by O~.8%, t~e operating period by"15 days, and the reactor efficiency by 1%. Other advantages and di 'sadvantages of uncooled boron carbide. scram rods are briefly discussed. Tl~e safety problems considered involve bermeticity.of the fuel element cladding and of the fuel element internal t ube whl.dh is under pressure. The effects of each Qrd 2/4-_ ACCESSION NR: AP4041445 type of failure are discussed. In the former type the contamination of the first loop by. radioactive corrosion products is relatively low even-aiter 10,ye.ars of operation. A special system, which pre- vents tfie steam-gas mixture from entering the-ventilation system in the case of energ4~incy of the latter type, is described. -%Ii i's claimed that all the safety precautions cause the personnel exposure to radiation to be bblov the-established"norm. Origr.,art. hass 1 'figure. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 1lApV64 ENCLt '01 SUB CODE i, NPq 13 N.R REP SOVs 000 OTEZRt 000 ..Cgrd 3/4.. ------- ACCESSIM NRs AP4041445 Principal diam-am of single, &irculation supeiiheai 1dop I -'evaporation channels 2 - shutoff, 3 - separator j 4 - water volume canpen- 'satms, 5 - air volume cWqMsators , 6 - check valves, 7 - sample cooler 8 - steam superheaf ch&mel! 9 - regenerative preheater),:.. 10 - condensate coDler 11 - condensate overflow 14 12 - circulating pumps 13 - feedwater. VzTs 1.14 - heat ewlmger INCUMUS 01 'Curd 4/4 L (bb 1-2 D/ A M, 01 1~0359/0366 ACCESSION NR: AP4049536 0'69/ed'-,7 7~OOT AUTHORS - U s ha kov, G.. NKo-ch e t k 0v,._ -1, A-. Ko n 0 ch k in, V, G f, - 0 S ever ~ Vanu V'--V-7-0 7: r3'eLu- ya.; Bc 1 6 r, v a, S N.; Ivanov V if. 17, no 9 359-366 SOURCE: Atom-naya energiya, TITLE: Operating experience with the first ato -mic electric station as an experimental installation T-OPIC-TAGS.- reaearch reacto--, reactor theory, reactor operation ABSURACT: Different experimental loops added to the f rst atomic energy station for research purposes are descriDed. Vtese imclude the following: 1) double-passage steam su-perheating loop; 2) water loop with natural cii-calation; 3) water loop for water-chemistry research; 4) hiqh pressure water loop; 5) Ic-,ops for orqanic-liquid research (-,-iith high ani low melt.Lnq temperatures.) . Each of the loops is briefly described. Other phases of the research are tests of the behavior of the graphite core at high temperatures, operating Card 1/2 -L 16-282-65 -ACCESSIOIN -NR: AP4049536 tests on various channels and fuel elements of tubular construction, investigations of the radioanalysis of water and superheated steam, investigation of depositiGn of radioactive impuritice froin the C-u- perheated steam on the turbine blades. Some of the brief reports are accompanied by tables show-ing the variation of the operating conditions of various sections of the reactor with time. orig. art. bas: 3 tables and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: None ENCL.- NR REF SOV: 000 0T1W 00 000 Card 2/2 L 2hMI-65 EW(n)/9?F(c)/kPF(n)-2/kPR Pr44%4j/N-h DM ..ACCE~-SiON NR: AP50012,66 S!0089/64/0171000/0448/0452.~ AUTHOR- Sinev. N B-vchkbv. I.- , B16khin,- 0. L . Drodej D, 1.~ : Gabrdsev, V. N. :'Dudniii)v Yu% V.; Zhilltsov, V. A.. K -yr-K7- X-oTow:"A, P. LazWgy, M- N If ',h -;. io kin NG. A.;-Merzlikin, 0. A.- Morozov- L G_; KoynEj~A' Ya. (dece*se_d_j7_0mkh10rP It'- 1. 1 Nergeyers 7u. 4.-1 Slyusarey. F_ N.; Unbakny, t'.'- M; Fqdor&v- N--V-; ChqrnyXLV. Ya.-:Shmelev. V. M. TITLE: Small- size atomic electric power-Installation TES-3 1, -7- SdU.RCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 17, no. 0, 1964, 448-452 TOPIC TAGS:. small. atomic poyrer Installation, portableptomic power installa-...,! tion - nuclear reactor, electric power generatlor~~NS_3 reactor ABSTRACT: The paper is a summary of the SSSR report 0310 at the Third Inter- _--p-dimak.conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Ener" 11(leneva, 1964. It describes a movable small-size atomic electric power installation with the water cooled and modGrated TES-3 reactor (under 10.000 kw). It consists of four CWdI/2 Z L 42n-Z5__ ACCESSION NR: AP5001266 blocks each of which'wais assembled at the manufacturing plant, anJ which are' placed on four self-propelled flatcars on caterpillar tracks. No housing Is re- quired for the installation; the only local preparation needed Is the radiation protection. The results with a demonatkation model show a satisfactory agree- ment between the theoretically expected and actually obtained parameteri of Me Installation. OrJg. ark. has., 4 figures ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 BUB OODZi NP NR REP BOV: 000 OTHERI 000 11 1:5 2 LAI C04 212 :au ,~z; -.-. --~ . .0