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ft I VA. M. S. Hictochanical characteristics of the conAective tisnuo foundation of skin in newbn-m white rate. Dokl. AN SSSR 123 no.1:182-1134 N 1584, (WRA 11:12) 1.16vosibirakty meditsinakiy institut. Predetavleno Wmdomikom N.N. Anichknvym. "A. VINOGRADOVA, M. S.9 CAND MED SC,It ISCERTAIN MORPHOLOGIC'L AND HISTOCHEMICAL 44""1-61106 OF CON14ECTIVE TISSUE OF SKIN OF NEWBORN RATSV,4~-~ AND ANSOM DYSFUNCTION OF THE I I MOTHERtS THYROID **"e. (EXPER IMENTAL F-- sel No- VOS113IRSKV 1961, (OMSK STATE MED INST im ki. Is KALININ)* (KLO 3-61g 230). 399 \~) (0. OP 0 0 ,.e AGO 40, ot. 64 0~~i, ;~"b '0e., KNOO 0 0 or)' 4& 41 J% jg~~ 41b n~ e o's Kv, 0 g K, e,0 0 ell -el ~ 0o 0 o e Z~- 's, e -b re 0 'b er, e.0 ib 9, 4 0& 0-b 40 o, 0 0 00 s"> e 4e; 0~ .4*^- e e 0 K, 4 V, ee, e je 4 -), - A, K;,., 0 -(n OP .,.;0 6 lb b, 4b K, 4b 4a 4e 9 i'd KOO K, 170) UTHOR i Vinogradova, 11. S. SOV/20-123-1-49/56 TITLEs Histochemical Characteristics of the Connective Tissue Structure in the Skin of New-Born White Rats (K gistokhimicheskoy kharakteristike soyedinitellnotkannoy osnovy kozhi novorozhdennykh belykh krys) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 1, pp 182 - 184 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The skin epidermis of white rats including its derivatives has been investigated in details as to the formation and structure of the latter (Ref a). Inspite of a few more recent studies (Refs 9 - 11), a systematic hiBtochemical investigation of the basic substance of the skin under normal conditions is still lacking. The study under review aims at the clarification of the character of distribution of acid mucopolysaccharides in the tissues mentionpid in the title. Young rats from 11 litters were examined. Skin was taken from their necks at the level of the glottis or the first tracheal rings. The author gives a detailed descrip- tion of the structure and the reaction against various Card 1/3 reagents of the'skin pieces and includes figures of the On the Histochemical Characteristics of the BOV/20-123-1-49/54 Conneotive Tissue Structure in the Skin of Now-Born White Hats preparations (Pigs 1 - 3). The results obtained show that the connective tissue of the skin and of the subcutaneous cell tissue of the new-born rats contaiAis considerable amonrits of aoid mucopolysaacharides. According to the histochemica".. properties of these substances they are of the type of hyaluronic or chondroitin sulfuric aoidl this was oonfirmed by a check treatment of the cuts with hyaluronidase prepara- tions. The adipose cells, which according to data in the literature contain heparin or related substances in their granulae, do not change their color after fermentative checking. Therefore, it can be assumed that the adipose cells do not participate in the formation of the basic substance of the connective tissue. This does, however, not exclude an indirect participation in this process. There are 3 figures and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Novosibirskiy meditsinsliy institut (Novosibirsk Medical Card 2/3 Institute) BDMT]ITI, Y4L.A,.; VINGRADOTA, Me. i-' Felagle gammarlds (Amphipoda, Gamarldea) of the northwestern part of the Pholflo Ocean. TruAy Inst. okman, 27-1219-257 158. (Pacific Ooean-Amphipoda) (XIIA n OP) VINOGRADOVA. X.Ye.; YJRUSALINCRIK, glavnyy vrach. Certain characteristics of the course of chicken-pox under the administra- tion, of ultraviolet rays. Top.pediat. 21 no-.3.38-41 Vq-Je 15). OUL 6:7 ) 1. Infektaiowmaya bollnitma imeni S.P.Botkina. (Chicken-pox) (Ultraviolet rays--Therapeutic use) Vr,oamoavil, Ii. L Inventors of imcr,.wion :TLic Sozdateli unikalfnyldi ;ii!-.h1n- h1ncJ- Lenizdat, 1953. 80 p. i SO: 'oa~hly List, of RM~;3jin Accp,,2si~2ns Vol. 6 1'o. 7 October 1953 AUTHOR: Vi 2-58-6-11/16 TITLEt P.Ch. Makhalanobis, "Selective Investigations in India" (P.Ch. Makhalanobis, "Vyborochnyye obaledovaniya v Indli") PERIODICAL: Vestnik statistiki, 1958, Nr 6, pp 79-83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is a critical review of the book "Selective In- vestigations in India" written by the prominent Indian sta- tistician, Professor P.Ch. Makhalanobis. The book was trane- lated from the English language by L.I. Lukin, edited by Pro- fessor A.Ya. Boyarskiy and published by Gobstatizdat in 1958. Card 1/1 VINOGRADOVA,--N&A. Investigating the drying process of a processed motion-picture film. Trudy NIKFI no.45s7-25 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Motion-picture phoiagraphy-Films) (Drying) N,'-,r , I c VT V, %) ~ fl., ~ v I NOGRA DOVA N S!". 1~ - ..c - -, , - -1 !Istribution of phenc-, rc-1 txttrean the ffla`e &rd tht- m;'J-l 1r4 In the Soj-j'~iojtg or VRriOU3 ! ~ J~,o~ ogil _1 7 j !,a--,570 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18: 9,' j. laboratoriya f-izio.,~gli kl-~,,tkL jrjs-~~ ~~Jtoj,~gj I AN lmnliigrad. ROZENTALI, F.A.; VINOGRADOVA, N.A.; BONDARCHUK, V.M.; PIDORCHENKO, V.F. System for rapid drying of processed motion-picture films. Trudy NIKFI no.45:33-49 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Motion-picture photographv--Films) (Drying) VIHOGRADOFVA, H.A. Clwnges in the sorptional, properties of frog muscles during prolonged incubation in the solutions of vital dyes. Zitologila 4 no.2:201- 203 Mr-Ap, 062. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii, kletki Instituta tsitologii, AN SSSH., Leningrad. (STAINS AND STAINING (MICROSCOPY)) (MUSCLE) Viax"IbLDUVA, JI.A. anctional misclos dependin,; on the nalixtion. TSitolo(,Iiia I 1. luboratorlya f iziologii amd substantial p:roperties of frog length of their atay In Ringer's no.2:212-217 H:.-Ap '59. (HIRk 12:9) klatki InstltUtIL taltologii AN SSMO Loninep?ad. (MUSCLU) A e~ 4 a 0 X Is v a a A, .0 so or A rood stood ow of "Myelf dd;sww com"firmoo, 7.91 it I*fl bwA 14 141111) alool 00 viv" tolift'll-filly onvialp #m0ii VI it lool"'I 4,04 11'r 00 a of &.1"fifor voill, IlF 41.1 0 trot W.1 W F. solol". Ill *11~ plan .4 b"ffini'l. ooilh Noll, al-of fival"Wrot of floor Idt.1M I.I.(' %%ith(O L.W. :0 a I lit (arc nuth orl"Imists we arlod. rululdrit ly flum V4 its the NIWIf filtrator and frunt UP. Ta. *not 'r, in (Uhlil, m4n. No mrop owth was dirlwted in tbe CA topt. AlIrr 1400 Ili~ pvpn~ of Ili# two owl% orkniornis Imin the 1( 0,11 is 1400 AM$ 1-111.4111m, mind'Al to deld, In lite filtrate, cloon, .4 lit, Wl.". Itmil dPO lite ilobilly With IlyfliIIIIJA IN (01.1,10s Itoln. Is to dold. toy iliffewenco: aftort the o3orta. of Ve and list surnO 4:1) mrsif I om. 00 The alkali metals wv dorld. by the C4C(N + NII.C1 Method. six forfervac". lite or 9- _r. 4=~~! 111111411111 1.171041M ,C%AIWKAIM too 1.14.1 aj,olftv told '1 .11 W.- 4-1 0 IF V-11-11 VIA An a 1 0 OW 0 a 9 01 1 AN 4 j 6 0 UNAVIDAMilis pates-omi wag 1.11-*g A 0 : 9 * lot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 All I 0*406ekepsibille 0 0 f 010 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KROMITKO, S.A,; ADAMYAN, S.Ya., VINOGRADOVA, N.A.1 HIKOLISKIY, N.N. os,notic properties of the musele fibers of a 1'rog. TSito)oviia 7 no.2sl73-181 Mr-Ap 165. ()URA 18-.7) 1. Laboratorlya fiziologii kletki Instituta toitologi.,i AN SSSR, Leningrad. VITOCRADOVA, N.A. Distribution of- K, Na an'l, L~ Medium during prolonged lnf:ll)%Urn -it, pt !~;w 7 no.2t243-247 Mr-Ap '6r 1. Laboratortya fiztologii klotki jnnttt.I)t- Leningrad. VIIIOGRILDOVA, N.A. Combined method of drying motion-picture fllms, Trudy NIKFI no.2:37-48 158. (MIW. 13:5) (Drying apparatus) (Photograpby--Filus) ROZENTALI, F.A.; VINOGRADOVA, N.A.; KOLITSOV, V.S. Drying gelatin bv the spray method. Tr,-Ay NRYI no.2: 62-72 158- (MIRA 13:5) (Gelatin--Drying) (Atomization) ROZENTALI, P.A.; VDIDGROOVA, N.A.; KOLITSOV, V.S.. Intenmif~ring the process of drying In fentoon dryers. Trudy NMI no.2:101-112 '58. OTIM 13:5) (Photographic emulsione-Drying) VIIOGRADOVA - Festoon dryer with side air feed to the drying channel. Trud7 NIKFI no.2:139-143 '5 B. WMA 13:5) (Drying apparatus) ROZENTALI, ?.A.; VINOGRADOVA, N.A. Drying of nuclear photographic materials, Trudy NIUI no,2:156-169 158. (MIR4. 13:5) (Photography, Particle track) (Drying appnratue) -NamEw.5m VINOW"TA. N. A. Btiology of toxicomes in nevborn. Vopr. pediat, 19 no. 4:19- 22 1951. (CLKL 21:3) 1, Candidate Medical Sciences W. A. Vinogradova. 2. Of Kuy- byshev Oblast Scientific-Research Inititute for the Care of Mothers and Children (Director - Docent I. Ta. Vollpert; Read of the Children's Sector - Prof. N. D. Hilcoletyev). .................. r- US&H_/Nedicine - Bacterial Antagonists Sep/Oct 51 "Bacillus Pro&i.-iosum ffThe Wonder Bacillus!7as a Xlerabial Antagonist in the Triatment of Dipbthe- rift Carriers," Asst A. r. Kondratlyeva, Cand Ned Sel N. A. Vinogradova, Chair of Children's Dis- "men, Kuybyshev Med last 'T Ped i Okhran Mater i Det" Vol XIX, No 5.1 ;0V ; Previous3,7 Bacillus prodigiosum vas found to be an effective antagonist again t B. anthracis, 13. ty- thft , --A a gus. Stajp~". wireus . In the course of -work at the Kuybyshev Med Inst and the Astrakhm, Ned 192TST /Medicine - Bacterial Antagonists Sep/Oct 51 (Contd) Inst, it was shown that spraying and riasing of the throat and nose with B. prodigiosum suspension (2 billion bacilli per 1 =I) effectively elimi- nates Loeffler's bacilli (together with lovered "hism and any catarrha of the nasopharynx and tonsillitis which may be present) in cases of dipbtheria bacilli carriers. In persistent cases of carrying diphtheria, bacilli resistant to Be- cIllus procligiosum are present. 19M7 IDO E-4 P4 VIM t Al V 6-55 OAGOESSION NH: -A45W396o 3/02,99/64/0 6O/6Z3/RQ35-'/flO36 SOOVE. t Rat* z.h, Biolo i Sv t. k.:3RP g ya, Mos. -69 AUTHOEUP V~~7- Vasyanins, S. I. iTITLE: Change In Intracellular concentration of cations during ,incubation of mus-les at low temperature .CITED ZOMCE: Tattologiya, v. 6# not 4. IS64v 488-493 V TOPIC TAGS frog,, mascles tissue culture, ion conuentration, ';'potassiumt sodiump lithiums substitution reaction "9 iPAM9T.ATTOH- fhme. of I o ri Eof L K* 'were observeddurping prolonged Ineubation-c-f sarto~lus Musclez-of ;commorx frogs at P-13-In an ordinary Rtngor aclution and in a RirZ-or ,solution in which sodium chloride was replaced by 111-0 TnM )Tthlu rn ch.loride. Tnirlrij--, the ff- 9i-, r-,i- n-r (-.r: nnoril ra ,I ir A I U-1 t-115 _~d a -I(-- 4tr~ :ayf3, e V 3 1 of the nruseles wa,i reduced to rimo 1 13 n th a or j 1-na-r7 HInger Card 1/2 ;AGOESSION NH I A R! '20 -0 -0- 3- 9-6 0-- ;solution amd to 54.5 ramols in the solution with litKilu-n Chloridei 4 The observed incr-3ase in intracellular concentration of K-- was not accompanied by exi increase in rest potential, In 6 days its vaiue dropped from 82 to 70 mv i n t he R i -n r, e - q oi -i i c) nn-A4 qA I that the phase ch,-:inges of Intracc-"I-,-~Ilar contantrations of K-+ alle related to fluctuations in che sorption properties of muqcula-r .tissue. During the incubation period (9 days), the intracellular concentration of Na+ increased from 26.4 to 42.5 ralols in the Rinver solution with 6odLum chloride. !-.o~sclos lov. ,0.(,' mrolg of Nn+ i,.lr!nf-. incubation in a solutj-,~,- an;:'. 1,r1traCa'j-j-U,L&1, concentratlon of iA+ aftrir it) lay3 vip-q nqua-'- to 15 mola. A'A"hor's ab,,itract, iSUB GODEt LS ENCL: 00 Ir7"r,".j' A 7,CiTr' R-3--c-li on -- of a t1c di a.:-, f, th Lms- -;c I c L,12 iazoac-:!-Jc- ac~-~ e-l-, IZ.- T and I'alorrv: cio-la- ll. B (p - 1-3 SO: Jg_=al of Gpneral Cher-Ast (Zhurnal Ob:~Ilhjchei 1951, Volunic 21, .:0. 5 Vl::(DGU~-JCl7,',,, IT. III. " Rc a c tic o I' a liPplivatiq d�!aZT) co-. r =-1, Ce,-:-- . - =.-- . .~ - a C -1.1 __. ~ - of a ce~ic a ci A et.171 -I- al !,-! a Irr;- DI I. _' . _~-.d 11-um-ralo-z. 111, 1 (P-1,51) I SO: jg=,~a of Goneral. ChorlIct (Zhur-, Obr;hc,-oi 19-153.1 Volu-~c '1., 1700 u VIV.OMDOVA) N. B. Zt, 7 tihi'mils owfiP (h "turate - %W conlKilin It.- liter althlual -To c(. C. 46, WPM. 7092e. trefluxilig Its' fiClf..Clat-.d2.4g.(CtiCl),(,N,-.%turc C gives similar ; suitti) was slolAy added 1138.8 .. Ift In all equal vot. of CIjj:CHCIjjCI; 85% N Is cal-, Icclcd at this stage and the catalyst assumes an orange color and part of It goes into win.; treatment with 1:1 IICI and washing with Nst,COs gives 10.7 'g. F-10.caria; id g. MiXIMIXIMMki, bit W70, list 1,0530, nit 1.44UO; 11.9 g., Lt 2-(ihloroltieltty;)~>-clop;oPapitcarboxylat,, (1), W82-4% d24* LIMI, nV JAWO which, refluxed I hr. .With 'ItIcolf KOH oily Z(hydroxymethylXyclopro- acid fY)e, whose Ag salt was isolated); and 40.6"g. inixed di-Et Juinarate and the above ester. 11 with KMnO4 gave tranx-1.2-cyaopropanedkarbgxyls'c acid, Ill. 172% 1 is not altered by refluxing wit CHI:CHCHtCI -Et fumarate was identified Its and (CuCI),. - The crude di the mixt. after hydrolysis to the free acid. CH,:CHCHi Br and NsCHCOFt with a Cu catalyst similarly gave C4,':- CHU13CH&CO,Pj, his 7"*, ard EtOsCCH,Br, the bitter ,being formed only In small amoun 9. X11. Condensation restuous of dlphenyldlszomefhan~ and diazoacetic ester v;lth illyl acetate. 1. A. D'yakonov and 0. V. Cuseva. -4.6% Aid. IMA-62.-Refluxing CH*:CIICff3OAc, b. 103 MI 0.9277, n1j .1.4047 (76 int.). treated slowly with 33 g. AiCN, (1) In an equal vol, of CH2:CHCHj0Ac, fave .14 unit turned pale yellow; the combined runs of several expts. (216.0 g. PISICN,) gave alltr concn. and diln. mith MOH some 12 9. solid, which after crystn. from EtOH and EtOl I. Ciffs, was sefid. into impure littatine. GRIsMs, in. lffm~ - gIIvilit tic (IQ.pfcomon *101 ittlisloss i4c,lMl. frolif life. Iodine 111111 11111c:NNIII (Cf. Curtlus, to a).. J.Praki, CIM"j. t~)44, and a sinAllcr asijt.'of a product, m. 172-3% havitig tile Ntine compa. but giving a depression with :tit- e will yielding oil hydrolysis with Ift.S0. thelitic ketaxill PlisCO and N,114,14SOI. as w.!Il its (ClIt'lij),,also oblahkd- from the crud.- ket,mine, tit. 157-11". above. Distit. of the mollirr liquor gave 101 X. 1-(acclnxl)itelhyl)-2,2-diphenyt- C'vcl(Vane. Its 105-7*, bj.j 147-50 , d,10-6 1.0914, nV 1.56-2 . which, h0rolyzed with ?*1cOH-KOH 1.5 firs., gave.tile (hydroxytise(hyl) analog, b3.. jar,71, r0j 1.11M (3,5-dini(robenzoatc, tit, 140",'. In adiln. 3,5% Phi- Co was obtained. Refluxitsir Cll,*CllClli*)Ac (380 mi.) and 2 g. dry CuSOs treated with 130.9 9. NX 11COiEt in un equal vol. 61' CHI: CHCH3OAc evolved some 93% N and the - soln. yielded 70.6% crude El carboxylate, which after PurVication with 3 /o cold KMnOe gave the pate tiler, bt.j 70-7% bn 12"', b, 1064", d's-0 1.070, ny-1 1.4429, whose Raman spectrum had the )file$ (cm. ) 7 6(3). 940.1)(1). 802.2,:2), 8RO.7(2). _1~2r!18(42 1033A .19?2),111 18.S(Z),I202.0(3).I4;-ZK3), 145XS),, 1723.7 3 12948(5), and 3137(4). The aq. tkoln. froot the purification yielded some (-COJIV The cyclic ester re- fluxed with 2 N KOH until It was lranspar~-nt gn%*e, after. careful neutralization and evalin., 55.77a lrarss-24hydr viethy: clopropantcarboxylic acid, in. 6"", which with 3%.K~?InOj gave trait s-1,2-cyclopropa"Micarloxylic acid, in. 175 , Tile oi1v residue frcm the (hydioxymethyl) cyclic acid solidified Biter drying is racuo and gave. In addii. to 7 g. of the above acid, some 17 g. cis-(2-hydPc7xyajr1hyI)-l,2- cyclopr nedicarboglic acAl ladoxe, b: W-70'. d*, 1.199. d:4I.IV,nVI.46 . whitE.sreacts rather alowly with 03 N NaOlt, and which shows the Raman lines IW6), 243(4). ~~ -1 ~01?. 61~0), 048(2), 705(10), 71 0. 0), 3 4 . 95 8), 075(0). M(4), 103g)) in 111 3), 1171(7), IZ20(2), 1300(3), 134144)., 1,717z, 1), 14 3). 1 (6), 2910(5). 2981(4), Wr-(O), und 3M 8). The lactone with KOII-K.%litO4 gnve cit-1,2 eyclopropgadirarkoxylk qcLid,_m,.138-9'. G. Al, VINOGRAJOVA. 11. B. Defended his Dissertation for C~-ndi,.-ijtte of Chemic'! Sciences in the Leningrad State Universit.v) Leriingr,,.a, 1~5) Dissertation: "Investigation of th(.- Reacti.ons of Diazoacetic Ester With Some Halogen Derivatives of H-.fdrocni-bnns of the Paraffin -ml P-traffiii-AromatiL Series" SO: Referativnyv Zhurnal Khimiya, No. 11 Oct. 1953 (1,1/29)55, 26 Apr 54) --V1A10GRA1)0VA,-)VB.________ % 1 M Z~/ OMP-111 0- . Roca= d Vfth Doemw aad kW" e Presence Of-= 1. A. D ffi 440 . Ell M. x1pograloxi I A A ~ QW14; Mjkidl Aftat. Z3, 65-71t!M); d. C.A. - 1 293c.-To 560 ff. dry CHaXEICUst =W 0.8 g. BW W bronze was added at reflux 175 r. NrCHC%Et aW 176 C., ClIeClICHol' 29.5 1. N were collected during the ensuing reaction d Ltn f th filt t 70 CM XMCH aL . o e ra e rave V~ S C111 COsEf, ba 65-M '; % " ~ of M ester.$ IhO"*. nit 1.MG2,ifn1.M8. Some 25g. crurincurcor Rt t-rss alw obtained. The ester reuxed In RtOlf-M% AXII with Zu dust gave 65.2% C111: CHCHS CHI MID. 4 * b 43 d 0 - . it to .9010. nif 1.416. Madon of the ester with , KMnO, gave (ClItWH)o and AcOH. Hydrolysis of fbii -- : t i h 10 K C0 h f id Chemical Abst - es w - t e ree ac 1 gave t , CHI: CHCHCH. I % * Vol. 48 NO- 3 (Off) COJ[, which give a:h an", m. 7" , In very low yiel(~ most of the nrldic maiertil polymerized, yieldhial Feo. 10t 1954 whtif,was evidently';o1yvinylacrylic aad. Reaction of M CB l 13 I h organic ChemistrY, r w C. e, th 5. g. X-CHMM n t e presence o10.5 g. dry CuSO, gave 15.1 g. BrCffsCOXj. b. IN-M*. sit IA455.d"t.414; after shaking with cold KMn0% to remove; uns3td. by-products Cie pure ester. b. 1154-W. nV 1.4*45; d i b i h A l A h h i er- treate w Zn. t cOll, t e h oil cO l It gave ng g fractioni frain the above condensation give 2U.2 g. di-Fa- fum-rate, bj.j 65% d:t 1.0693, x1jf 1.4410. Slintlar reaction' with BuBr gave 37.2% di-Et furnarate when Cu bronze was used as catalyst. The probable courses of the above reactions am discusq!d. Probably the haloacetate are formed In liqua s hv Interaction of prillicl!'"19- h h t t roug acetate Wit heterolytic cleavage of CX and C11 links in the latter' which competes with -the normal hotnolytic reactl~a of & CHCO,Et residue. G. M. Kosolapoff M'j diazo camp~umd# witli mmaturatc-I .001 XIV. Attica of_CL&faL-_jjLxEtU att haloeen de, alkarm-ft &a-kz. L A- D'IrIL-cv~- N% h'i. ~P Ph~CHr (32.3 g.). 100 ITILL pure ligroizie ib. and 0.2 C. dry CuS()4 heated tInAl! most 11hcor of Cie d;rdvcd, Glen t=wj V;ith 11.4 J't0%CCIINjT), rivo 3 2 1. N. i0 C. (W.77r) Fk.C:rP4- COD. tit. IP-2 r. (M .64%) B(CIF.M11t, The t S~V~Kolt vtve tilt fmd 24e_ tit. Jamer 'r=r-tAmte'! _-M! Chemical Abet- ' at h h SI i MCRX0 d 78 Pk 13 CXPbF IT m Z t t an %., j, m. o , j nl,~ w * W-2, , gad I+ red, m, Ih0 (fmm E l fo l). Adth I to I.M.2 1. Pht0fitt and 0.3 50 at 9 1 N 1 ", ACUR Cu d r V . ry r , i C b r z l (ht. h"A'c4 with ADAM. M, om Ut it i a l 21 I'*C0 i Izolt CP&C0 171 0 F - C e. ke : . m. ga ; aq. 1 j % KOH also gavt the samte acid), gad 17.20ja UrCIFtCOtEt.: lfeatiqg I A gi It (nXI wit. AcCII satd. with IfUr 12 lirs. to N), give 69.10,; PkCfII7FCI[PkCWI' M. 1850, which with ' ale. AgN0, pre ritilbeim. This acid mf;t=d with ME[ guld drs tIct tr. raire the nter, m - MI. uratical with (be above, Ict'hCOU with 270 K&rnod in the cm"'. Ravi! "77'41,'o M,011 and 30510 bemmy1farot4i acid, tn. 5r-,' M. INV). Adda. of 45 C. I and 413 I'liCilitir to'No v. PhCHITIr acid 0.5 C. piwd. Cu at :20* "1 10.5 LN, exctss PhcIltur, "d 8.2 C. di-Et as trcll as a7me undf-itilfable tar. The., fatttr treatcd with ale. KOH, ther. acidified, save um;&ntifiallt mavrWs; bovmr, Isectrutnt cf the tar with Zn dust In M /,, AcOll-E4011 at COP Cave X pot;p o( prodwrts. N,j (mn Which %$L. LsdAud 1111CUSCIKO'Et, ~(Cn- (iric'i V.SrhelfIcIfICOINIFINIft, M-49". G. M. K. ) ACCESSION NItt AP4045569 E;/0286/64/boo/bl5/wn/oon AUTHORSs -Vipogradovaj, N. B.; Sitnikov, 0. P.; Afanaslyev, P. S. TITLE: A device for transmitting two indept-adent streaM-3,0f information, Class 0 'No. 164473 SOURCE: B~ulo i7.obro i tovar. %nakov, no. 15., 19649 71 'TOPIC TAGS: information transmission, computer ~ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate presents a device for ths transmission of two independent streams of information It contains inductance parametrons with ,similarly connected windings of the puriping. generator, oppositely connected windings !of the oscillatory circuit induction (wound on two toroidal cores)* The windings iof the reversible transformer connect two neighboring parametrons--the recording idevice connected to the oscillatory circuit of the first paramtron and the readirq,l ;device connected to the output winding of the reversible transformer. The trans- -mitting device will use an unmodulated signal of the pump, and each parametron Icontains a secondary winding for transmitting bipolar square pulses..(sae Pig* 1 on i !the Enclosure)* O.rigo. arts hast I diagram. :ASSOCIATIONt- none 'Card 7-0* - ACC NR; AT 02993 SOURCE GODE: UR/0000/0/00 7-0-0-6-ib-z-79- 29-7 AUTHOR: Sitnikov, 0. P.; Vinogradova, N. B.; ZhuXko r, Yu. N. ORG: none TITLE: Constructing computing deviceig with parametrons SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye soveuhchaniye po_ magnitnym elc rnentarn avtomatiki i !Xchislitel'noy tekhniki, 9th, Yerevan, 11.163. Magnitny-)rr tsifrovyyc elementy (Magnetic digital elements); doklady sovc,.-hchanfya. Moscow, fzd-vo Nauka, 1965, 279-Z87 TOPIC TAGS: parametron, parametric a---nplifier, computer ABSTRACT: The article establishes tolerances for deviatiQns from nominal parameters of a pararnetron and recornmends methods for~47uaLity qontroj off-q-rritcl '61 tron out-1 .s.oresQ Experimental investigation of the effect of capacitance on the parame put amplitude brought about these conclusions: (a) 10%--talerance capacitors are undesirable., (b) raica. or styroflex capacitors can be replaced with paper-inaulated.. (c) automodulation happens in the lower range of the parametron resonance carcl I / Z ACC NR, AT002993 characteristic. The effect of circuit inductance on the ampl-tud2 of parametron oscillations was also experimentally investigated and brought aEout thefle concluniona:; (a) maximurn pumping current should be used consistent with tiv- de61rable power consumption; (b) no error Li the number of turns of windings on magnetic cores vall be tolerated; (c) large spread in magnetic characteristics of cores is inadmiss',ble. Pararnetrons with,40ONN-1 ferrite nhow poor performance at low temperattires; the lOOONM ferrite ensures good operation of parametrons at -50+ 50C. It in rec-ain- mended that the parametron operating point be selected in the upper range of its resonance characteristic where the negative detuning I in maximuni; also, that capacitors with a tolerance oft 2016 be used. A very simple arrangement for testing magnetic cores is suggested. Orig. art. has: 10 figures and 1 formula. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 23Apr65 VINOGWIDOVA,j . I-KAYA, L.V.; 21itIKOVSKIY, Yu.(,. I'-...--,--,-- B2.; DIIB('V, Use of dimethyldiamide of pyrazoline-3,4-dicarboxylic acid as a reducer for phosphomolybd-ic acid. 7hur. anal. khim. 19 no.S:?9?- 1001 '64. (141RA 17:11) 1. Institut eksperirrentallnoy ineditsiny AM SSSR i Sanitarno- gigiyenicheskiy meditsinskiy institut, LenLngrad. jE ---------- 44286-65, F_?J'T (I )/EEC (b)-~/EWA (h) Peb/Pl.-4 GS ACCESSIONN'R- ATS611616 tIR/OaltO/64/000/0,3010442/(t446 AUTHOR: Sitnikov. 0. P. Vinogradd-va, N.D TITLE: par -based logical twits Ifew ametron swurtalk: _'~ =,_,~pydz M--y-e-- so-Veg-hehanive Ra mamitnYin elementani aytqrnat!~ ~t telemekhanil-A iZMer1tCPrK)y i ~Yoh'1.3 litel I T-ffj) tekhndki. Lv,)v. !96:. XTa_Tn1tnvye elemEraty a-vtomat9.1, Le i%lazrnotl olomerit"i of autOrnalic control, remotE controll, measurerneol. ana Loirputer tru~!y Kiev. Navko-vadumka, 1364, 142-446 ell -TOPIC-TAC51; MetroW t I ad parametran, pare-metron unIt pariz Mgical dircuf s niplift operatton, coniff6ifp6*arparametron, computuirdotgl;u ABMACT: The roid to gtW faster =d more relffidble campLtbmi does uot-He along the use of the vacuum-tube and trm sfstorized circt_Altsa)-ncuwn so far. In many caBes, it Beems a&,;JE;ab1e W use logical u!mncritp Kci-ae-r1cm para-mat:-ic mAoizenerators with variable in- ductaaces or capar--ftances These so-oAtie-d pararnAionfi are uxtremely reliable and Lheir oper-ali-n-u lifetlm(: Is trifintte. TI- rV~ not c-h,7u;ze C ~ei r operpAl ig characteristics even i ader mechmijcqJ loads reachimz of v ~-Pr o-eratp wi --tNin the 70 to "0C raagn L 44286-65 _01 CCESSIGN KR; a AT5011616 .-F YrIl 4yoi S-. vgiy., Amq_-~Paramatrq operating power, wrid 3) they are comparatively slow. The pregent paper offers ctruint 'elln-ate o_r_aLLP_viat_e -all thy- %,m deflcfiqw~-Wsl 1 ahnawn- ia Fi& I cA WhIcb, I.- TAe cirm it -li-Thirpmer-corhume Use- Euclaffue: IEF proven W-ba-masFcoommica a by~ the- Io -ceu---] to d 40A Mug m, Simpuffee the birdulft #md to"d thlafts"rou me ametwri den par e~ fit isize-of,64 OW" PUter.-CWIgi Utj--~h"- ftrM0jjL7W--_6-ffgUreS._i'.__. m AMMATION". N, ENG SUBMUTEM. 298ep64 L. 01 SUB CODE: DP NO REF SOV: 001 OTMER: 001 GOPIUS, A.Ye.; VINOGROOVA, N.B. - r- Nickel-free copper alloys for ue&. water Pipelines. Trudy Giprotsvetmetobrabotka no.20:244,2f/+ 161. (MIFA 15:2) (Pipe, Coppei-Co=osion) 8/680/61/000/020/0.3/0:3 D205/D-302 AUTHORS: Gopius, A. Ye. and Vinogradova, N. B., WM mmw_~ TITLE: Copper alloys, not containing nickel, for sea-,water pipelines SOURCE: Moscow. Gesudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy a pr,,- yektnyy institut obrabotki tsvetnykh metallov, Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. no. 20, 1961. Metallevedeniye 4- cbra- botka tsvetnykh metallov i splavov, 244-264 TBXT: The copper-.nickel alloy (10it Y-1 (MNZh 5-1 ) has -a high ~C'r- rosion resistance in sea-water, but production of pipes from this alloy is ^.onnected with great tecYmologic~al difficultieg. it waF found out earlier that copper-aluminum alloys with low Al and Pe contents have good corrosion-resistance properties. The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of producing a new Cu-Al al- loy for sea-water pipelines, resistant to flow--corrosion and ha";-- ing better technological characteristics than MNZh 5-1 and there-, fore able to replace it. The specifications of the pipes and Card 1/3 S/68 61/000/020/013/013 Copper alloys, not containing D205YD302 sheets made of the new alloy are to be complete workability by 111 methods in hot and cold states, witho:,t embrAttlement and der ' dation of the mechanical properties, tensile strength 4- kg~mlja-2-, e ' elongation J20%, and corrosion resistance to all kinds of corro- sion in sea-water, not allowing the corrosion penetration to idore than 0.15 mm/year. 15 alloys were prepared and rolled to 1 mm thickness, from which 25 x '10 mm specimens were cut out. The corro- sive action of the sea-water was tested at 30 - 350C in a stirred vessel with the peripheral -ielocity of the s-~irrer of 11 M/sec'~ Weighing of the specimens after time intervals allowed calculation of the weight lose (g/m2/hr) and from it, of the penetration (mm/year). Intercrystalline cerrosion was studied microscopical.-ly. Mechanical properties at high temperatures and their changeo de-- pending on the degree of deformation and annealling temperature were investigated and the welding properties of the alloys were tested. It was found that, on the whole, the corrosion msistan-t.e of the elloys was high (not less than the corrosion resistance of the alloy MNZhMts 5-1, 2-0, 5). The welding and soldering of the Card 2/3 S/680'61/000/020/013/0';-, Copper all,ys, not containing D2057D302 alloys is possible, t-he j-oint having the same resistance as the al- loys. The mechanical tests have shown that the alloys are very plastic and do not differ much from copper, the elongation In the zone of maximum brittleness at 6000C being 113 - 27%. The best re- sults were obtained at a maximum Fe content - 0.5% with a maximum Al content of 0.6%. In such alloys the elongation will not decrease below 20%. The optimum composition is 0.2 - 0.5% Fe, 0.4.- 0.6% A12 the rest Cu. An industrial, experimental batch of tlubee was prepa- red from the alloys. When producing the batch it was established r,ha'- the tubes had pressing and drawing characteristics close to tha+ -f copper tubes. The stresses applied were somewhat higher and in,-eased with increasing Fe and Al. contents. Technologisal testo of flattening, bending etc. performed ac:,ording to GOST spe- c4-fications were successful. There are 23 figures, 9 tables and 3 references: 1 Soviet-.bloc and 2 non,-Soviet-bloo. The reference to the English.--language publication reads au follows: Metal Industry Handbook, p. 113-114, 1955. Card 3/3 :00, VINOGRADOVA, N.B.; KHROMOV-BORISOV, N.V.; KOZRI-;VNIKOIT, S.P.; IJVSHITS, I.M. - Derivatives of imidazoledicarboxylic acids, Part 2: Dimqt#kiamides of 2-alky.'Umidazole-4.. 5-ficarboxylic acids. ZhLr.ob.khimi. 31 noO: 1471-1476 My 161. 1 (KIRA 14 -.5) la Inatitut eksperimentallnoy meditainy AX SSSR. (Imidazoledicarboxylic acid) I-VINOGRADE)VA, N.D.; KMOIVV-f3ORlSOV, N.V. Derivatives of ImidazolmUcarboxylic acids. Part 1: AUylated amides, of 4--fdazole-4., 5-dicarboxylic acid, Zhur.ob.lchlm. 31 noo5sl466--1470 Yq 161. (mm 1"-.:5) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy maditsizw Akademii meditainakikh nauk SSSR. . (Imidazoledicarbaxylic acid) VINOGRADOVA, N.D.; KHROMDV- BORISOV, N.V. Derivatives of imidazoledicarboxyllo acids, Part 3: Dimethylamides of'2-alkyllaidazole-4,, 5-dicarboxylic aicdwo Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.5: 1476-1479 MY 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1, L-eningradakiy institut eksperimentallnoy meditainy Akademil meditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (Imidazoledicarboxylic acid) v A Ne 11H I a . sill 41 A 1 ga ----------- Cale'llating the time Of IcO-flOw OtOPpage in renerToIrn of the Volga and Stalingrad ff7drooloctric Pover Stations nnd thn possibility of Its prodiction. Trudy TSIP no.84:88-98 '59.(MXRA 12:V (Stalingrad Reservoir-Ice) (Volga ?.aservolr-Ice VINOGRADOVA, N. F. "Analysis of Average Periods of Floating and Solid Ice on Rivers". Tr. Tsentr. in-ta Prognoz , No 40, pp 70-74, 1955) Autumnal ice floes start at different dates on a river and its trib- utary. The difference in time depends on the angle difference between the river streams and the directionof isochrons of air temperature trans- fer to negative values. (RZhFiz, No U, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 YINOGRADOVA, N.F. Method for longirange forecasting of the freezing Tsimlyansk Reservoir and the Volga-Don navigable waterway. Trudy TSIP no.114:45-70 161. (MIRA 14:10) (TsWyansk Reservoir--Ice on rivers, lakes, etc.) (Volga-Don Canal--Ice on rivers, lakes, etc.) VINOGRADOVA.1f.G. Materials on the quantitative counting of bottom fauna of certain bays of the Okhotsk and Bering Seas. Trudy Inst. okean. no.9:136-158 154. (MLVA 8:6) (Okhotsk. Seaof---Marine fauna) (Bering Sea--Marine fauna) VINOU-IHADOVA, N. G., "Geographic Distribution of Deep-Sea Fauna of the -Ocean Bottom." (Dissertation for Degree of CaMidate of Biological Science) Acad Sci U3SR., Inst of Oceanology A >> .. Moscow, 19" SO: M-1036 28 Mar 56 VINOGRADOVA,N.G. --, ,,, - - Some dispersal characteristics of deep-sea fauna. Trudy Inst.okean. no-13:59-66 '55. (MLRA 8:11) (Marine fauna) VINOGRADOVA, N.G. Some regulArity In the vertical distribution of the A*P)yssal faunA of the World Ocann. Do),l. AN SSSR 110 no.4:01-687 0 156* Owu in: 1) 1. Inntitut ikennoloj~ii Akademil naul, SSSR, ProdetAvlano Akademikom Ye.N. Pavlovskim. (Marina fAuna) . TIAWRADOVA*. X.D. Zoogeographical subdivision of the ab7smal xones off the World Ocean. Dokl.AX SM Ill no.1:195-196 I-D 056. (KM- 10-2) L.Institut okmanologli AkadWi nauk SM, (marine fauna) v I INX, It !LNJVi kAn(Lid&t Vr,':-r~---Fs;,IIt nauk. %Wwwww~~~ ','hh7n:-terIvtIcs of the distribution of nbypsAl frjunp in *I-jp ocenn. Prlrr,en 46 no.6:93-96 Ja 157. 0,~.-U le!:7) 1. T-L,Jitut okes-iologil Akadetait nauk SSSR (Moskva). NnrlVok biology) V3310GROOTI. N.G. , kand.biol.nank Geographical distribution of --'aep-sea bottom fauna in the An- tarctic, Inform,biul,Sov.antark.skap. no.3:45-46 158. (MTRA 12-4) I* Institut okeanologli AN SSSR. (Antarctic regions-Karine fauna) VINOGRADOVA. N.G. ~Ve=tica~ld~ 4tribution of the deep-sea bottom fauna of the oce Trudy Inst. okean. 27:86-122 158* (mm nsO (Marine fauna) VINOGRADOVA, N.G. Cnemidocarpm, zenkovitchi, a now ascidian species fouM in the fiord'of Bunger OoasimO (Antarctic) [with summiry In Buglish]. Zool. zhur. 37 no.9:1375-1379 S 158. (MIRA 11:10) I.Institut okeanologii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Dunger Hills (Antarctic-Tunicata) so-, / 2 AUTHORS: Belyajev, G. M,,,VinoL,radova, N4, G , Filatova, Z A TITLE; Trawling in a Depth of 10,1-- km in the Tonga Trench (Tral~:ri;'e .j na glabino dt~oyati 3 polovinoy kiloiietrov vo vpadii.e Ton',7aN I PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958i Vol. 121, lir 1, pp. 74-77 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The expedition ship "Vityaz'" of the Institut okeanolol-ii All SSSR (Institute of Oceanologj AS USSR) at the end of 1957 and at the beginning of 19'-8 examined the grojn~ fauna of some deep-sea trenches in the southern half of the Pa,--ifi,- Ocean. Especially the bottom of a groove in the deepe3t part of the Ton-a Trench in a depth of 10 667 - 10 415 m was examined with success whereby various animals were coll,3cted. The trawl con- tained a lot (_1 m3, of half liq,id light brown mud. The animal.,; found in this mud are enumurated. The about 100 coliceted spe- cial of animals belonged to 7 different cla,;aer, and 20 specie -_ 3 The finding of nematodes in such a depth was unexpected- The increased n,.,mber of species found, as compared with earli~;r expeditions to the Phili 'npine Trench and to the Kuril- Card 1/2 Kamchatka Trench can be ex-ji-alned; b'- the refined exiloitation Trawling in a Depth of 10,5 km in the TonZa Trench SOV120-121-1-1915c of the drawn u-,) mud. Thff re3UIt.',J Of th(,' 9~,L-ak for the numerically very poor ground fauna in th.~: duepust parts of the Ton-a Trench. Also with reap~~ct to occurrin- species the fauna of the Tonga TrL-nch dot,; not sQem to be richer than in tile other two comparable trenches. There are table ~i nd 8 referen:~es, '~ of which are Soviet ASSOCIATION: Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute cf Ocean- o1c.-W AS USSR) PRESENTED; March 27, 1955, by A." A Gri_-oriyev, Merribc-r, Acade.Ly of Sci - ences, USSR SUBMITTED: March 18, 1958 1. Ocean bottoms--Sapipling 2. Aquatic animals-PacIfic ocean 3. Aquatic animals-Abundance Card 2/2 VINOGPADOVA, N. G. "Vertical Zonation in the Distribution of the Deep-Sea BAton Fauna". report to be submitted for the Intl. OCeanographic Cong.,New Y,)-fk City, 31 Aug - 11 Sep 1959. (Inst. of Oceanology, Moscow) VIWGJUtDOVA, N.G. Zoogeograph7 of oceanic deeps; ocean-bottom fauna. Itogi naukits Dont.okean. no.1:148-165 159. (MIIIA 12:10) (Zoogeography) (Marine fauna) V I ; BIRSHTSYN, Ta.A.; VINOGRADOV, M.Te. Vertical distribution of deep-water bottom fauna. Itogi nauki: Doet.okean, no.1:166-187 '59, (MIRA 12:10) (Marine fauna) VINOGRAWV, M.Ye.; VINOGRAWVA, N.G. Zoological re8earch during the 26th voyage of the expeditionarr ship 'Vitiaz'O. Zool. zhur. Ap '59. (MIRA 12:5) le'Institut okeanologli AN SSSR, Moskva. (Pacific Ocean--Marine fauna) VI NO GUW VA, N. G. "The Geographical Distribution of Deep-Sea Fauna in the Oceany report to be submitted for the Intl. Geographical Union, 10th General Assembly and 19th Intl. Geographical Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-13 August 1960. BIRSHTEYIJ, Ya.A., VINOGRADOVA, N.G. Benthonic ultra-abyosal gamnarids In the northweetern part of the Pacific Ocean. Report Ho.l: Yamiliag Lilljoborgiidas. Astyridae, Lopechinellidae, Gammaxidas. Trudy Inst. okean. 34:147-164 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Pacific Ocean-Asiphipoda) BELTATIV. G. M. ; rimunAVA a n ; FILATOVAV Z.A. Investigating the bottom fauna of deep-sea tre=has, in the southern Facifico Trudy Inet. okean. 41:106-122 160* (NM 13:9) (Pacific bcean-Benth.09) tJ Im I IT la MH-4-H-a FgV r k Ir - BELYAYEVI G.M.; VINOGRADOVA. N.G. Quantitative diztribution of the bottou fauna in the northern half of the TnAinn Ocean* DoklsAN SWR 138 no*5tll9l-1194 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) le Institut okeanologii AN MR. Predstavleno akadernilfom N.M. Strakhovym. (Indian Ocem-Benthos) VINCGRADOVA,, N.G. Solitary ascidians of the Indian 56CLOf- Of the Antarcti.c. Is;:!. fauny mor. 1:196-215 162. (141RA 17:9) 1. Instltut okeanologii AN SSSR. Study of mrstulde and filrer glycogen metabolism with the aid of doWerim. N. 1. Vinotradora. fj,,k4j4v Akad. N..k:~.S.S~ R. 69, -trt-.~ifh froit . "lax, hydroly'j. of Itlycogril in the Filts-WIC Wi. att'hic,114 re- !mattA cuutraction, and ill IN, staffe D'O Wall init'llfilml lilt. Ow six-citurn. .) that during slycl--fen rcsynth"iq dru-"I stu-wlt slp-t4vit wuuhl lie forimA. Thi* was mild lt,,tcd I-) actiou of 3-amylAse and the rrs4lual apitill)-exictoi %..,, anAved for rt--illual 1). The high cuncit. u( 1) f4mind indicat- thm the slytiven pr"-urwms Ih% ff or ujuw1c) are ,hains Oil are sburtef than the hexo%e unit. Dmicti.inthe 'livcr Aa, 3.9 at. '70 calcd. an 11tv body flu6l compts.. im., !,11% ..( pioNibir. The apriglycogen of the liver i* free ,J 1), i the exchAngr occur, emlv ill Ole -hit chains of j4dinell.ill r,-,yntht-izrtlnium-leglycogrni,.'A).IAI, ,je.,nrirnLj%, I.-PAr. %hile 1) conris. in the ,itle chains Ill the t-yullm- 'i".1 is 3TI,7 jt~ %. UC . 111C Allic Ali Ill,'Aly ("Cul"I b. the kic chains of muwle and [it rr slycu- K.-tl i, approx. the ~Illr. although the liver glyetgen le%,-l Wimng while that in the- inucle *a- ri-ing .4-mr ~it. % tif 1) i, ill th, inn" txrtiiin ,If lilt Alyc% 1111-L in thr muscle. C, M. Ko%olapall", PLY - a of do 0011611111b, A. A! 'M IC*bwva. Do&Wy Abad. .4 'S: . 'K; It. 03 4100M) -11foan, of Slycovis NKJ*tod frM frog inuark after btrych.. rdoe4ndwed convulsions. as well as following a 3-day le- cuperstion perind. showed that while the ahmirtnion curve of I compd. with normal glycogen bu a mat. tat &100 A., its apoer=n, formed by cleavage by O."mylase '6 devoid of a chains, givirs ab%orptinis max. skt CRII) A., &ad =fly gives m carnpild. with iodine. Theillyco. gets from convulsion-exhaustod muscle It" a higher 01". Absorption "Wine frerluency) then the deviruil speri. men erinitly owing to k9w branching, anti its clravuSe by = reache. but 24%. it h t I. Wortuct giving an I complex with atA. mat. at MW A., Indicating that 0* eldr-elval" Ir"Eth ip unaar"ed by the 4,nnvnl%i4"J.%' altIRUIC 11W Mo. 44 11111 ... W frol-liwo 014 410 fliolln. is o"611 I Ir plys,ogsto him# tv.1-r-I tommIr sit" volors lotom6#416te between the above 1.4 bpftbutud) with irmlitition of at :#$tat Putial Mforstion of nortnal amt. at branchitip. the abs. max. is diffuse: 47WMO0 A. Thus the &M A. max. is characteristic of frog muscle glytorn and only its exiinr. tim cmff. varies with condition of the animal. The I- ticated liver gi7cogen ((fog) tuirmally gives 614:") A* in- *~o indicating a vide~haha length Of Under 0 11- units its ap"Slycogen has no side chains MW gives same abs. trial., but jewr estitwoon coeff. Animals rested &fit, rmvul~jons yitil a glycogen with anic at 4,KXP-47M A.. indicating longer than normal side chains and that the decregiz of liver glycogen note.t in oritivu6iorii is due only to the external sWe-chAits loss. G. ?.I. Koiolapoff /1 '01/( IT.T. -- "New Anti-tbtilai inea, Measure in Omskayn Cfolast.ff Cand A r SIC1, 0--tsk Agriculture Inst,, Omsk, 1953. (RZhBiol, Cand Biol Sci, Kiev StatQ U, 1953. (RZhBiol No 2., Sep 14) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) SO: Sum* No, 481Y 5 Mw 55 1 KOLLI,Te.A.; SHTEGNWI, N.A.; iINOGRAWVA, N.I.(Iioskva) Thyroid function teats with radloiodine among the population of the region of Abakan railroad construction. Probl. endokr. I gorm. 1 no.5.-41-53 S-0 '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Is Voesoyonogo instituta eksperimentalluoy andokrinologii (dir.--prof. Te.A. Vasyukova) i Tgentral'nny nauchno-insle- dovate' akoy laboratorii gigiyen2r i epidemiologii (nach. B.A. Ivanov) Mintaterstva putey soobahchenlya. (THYROID GLAND, function tests radlotodins, in areas of endan~c goiter in Bussia) (IODINE, radioactive, thyroid funct. test in areas of endemic goiter in Russia) J,)A ~-6 6EWT(s)/EWP(t)/E7dP(b) IJP(c) JDIJ(, ACC NIL: AP6003615 SOURCE CODE: UR/0054/65/000/003/0096/0100 AUTHOR: Stolyarov, K. V,-inojzradova,,. N., 1. ORG: none TITLE- Solubility of nxidea and carbanate of ea ths, yttrium, and scandium in solutions of complexon III SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Serlya fiziki i khimii, no. 3, 1965, ,96-100 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth element, yttrium,, carbonate, solubility, chelate compound , acid base equilibrium ARSTRACT: Rare eart-.h and yttrium content in pitpared solutions in complexon III was determined by binding excess complexon III and displacing the rare earth ions from the complexonates by trivalent bismuth ions and titrating the rare earth ions with a complexon III solution. Scandium was determined by titrating the uncombined com- plexon III with a magnesium chloride solution. Dat3 on the solubility of rare earth, yttrium, and scandium 'carbonates in complexon III solutions are shown in fig. 1. The solubility of the corresponding oxides Is also given. pH measurements of Card 1/3 UDC: (546.65+546.641+546.631) 532.73 L i_5345-66 ACC NR: AP6003615 Fig. 1. Solubility of rare earth, yttriwn, and scandium carbonates in compljxone III solutions at 25 and 500C. Concentration of com plexcn 111, 0.25 mol/l is from data of I. K. Marsh (J. Chem. Soo., 451, 1955). 408 E, -T'Y1 U .complexon III solutions before and after the dissolution of carbonates indicate that -the dissolution occurs as follows: Mel(CO3)3 2Y-2 + I +-2-H zt2MeY- 2HCO3 .+CO:f+HZO. Curves of the solubility of the oxides (except scandium) in compiexon III solutions show a direct proportion between the canplexon III concentration and the oxide solu_; bility. pH measurements of the solutions befor,~ and after the dissolution of oxides indicate the reaction WIL03+2H.&Y-2:rz 2MeY+20H-,+ti.'O. Card 2/3 L 1534-5-a ACC NR: AP6003615 Orig. art. hast 3 figures, 2 tables. ISUBCOM 07/ GUBM DATE,.- 2SMa;r6S/ ORIG RM 004/ ,Card 3/3 OTH REN 009 STOLYAROV, K.P.; VINOGRADOVA, N.I. Solubility of oxides and carbonates of rare-earth elements, yttrium and acandium, In complexon III solutions. Vest. LGU 20 no.16196-100 165. (MIRA 180) KOZITITINOV, A.R., prof.; POYOVA, G.I., dots.; V0,10ZHITSOV, I.F., kiind. tekhri. iauk, dota.; GL,,ASE:J1.rQV, kr-xyj. -zell- khoz. nauk; YMAGULCA', G.L., ~tndl. !~nllkhliz. rviOq WUPYASOV, V.G., assistent; kand. uell- khoz. nauk; ROKTANUI, L.P., dots., kand. biol. nauk; KOHOMSHY, F.M,.j GOrOy SOt.9-j-U1iSLiChOAogc Truda, zasl. zootekhnik RSFSR; MAKMOVSKIY, M.K., dotr,., karid. ekon. rinuk; ARTAMONOV, F.D., avaist.ont; MAKAROVA, I.V., red. (Corn in the Virgin Territory and Western Siberia] Ktdcuruza v Lselinnom krae i Zapanoi Abirl. Moskva, Kolos, 196-51. 229 p. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Omskly sellskokhozyaystvenr*,y institut in. S.Y.Airova (for Kozhevnikov, Popova, Marlyasov, Vinogradova, Kokhor-skiy, Makhnovskiy, Artamonov). 2. Zamestitell direktora po naucimoy rabote Severo-Kazakhstanskoy opy-tnoy stantaii (for Yumagulov). 3. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey kukuruzy Sibirskogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta sellskogo khozyaystva (for Gerasenkov). 4, TSelinogradskiy sellskokhozyaystvernyy institut (for Roktanen). VINOGRLDOVA, N I Stakhanovskoye dvizheniye I avtomatizatsiya tekstillnobo proizvodstva astakhandy movement and the chWe to automatic a-ichines in ~he textil.e industry. by M. I. Vinogrotdova I V. S. Morozovg vebito Vnitoe, 1939- 30p. Tablen. Collectiou of lectures which were given during the Jlovember 1938 OPen sension ##."Ahe textile seminar. ZVEMA, M.N., VINOGROOVA, R. 1. Separation of,zinc, copper., cadmium, le'ad.. bis=th i0d silver b7 means of Ion exchange. Vest.LGU 16 n'o&10:142-144 161* (MM 14:5) (Metals-Analyala) (Ior exchange) VIT P4 ~Al Ails fig GIRMAN-PROZOROVA, Lyutslya Pavlovna; VINOOUDOVA, Nina Ivanovna; XREYTSZJI, T.L., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; WS, K.I., kand.takha. nauk, red.; KARPOV,V.G., kand.takhn.neuk, red.; LITIT. A.B., inzh.. red.; KALAMOT, I.K., inzh., red.; LMSKINSKAYA, Ts.V., red.; BRUDWO, X.F., (Inglish-Hussian radio engineering dictionary] Anglo-rueskil radlotekhnichookii slovar'. Pod obahchei red. Y.L.Irsitsera. Red. kollegiia: K.A.Gos I dr, Moskva, slovarei. 1960. 524 p. (KIRA 13:7) (Radio--Dictionaries) (Znglish langaage--Dictionaries--Russian language) ZHAYKIN, Semen Bmmanuilovich; V;NOqWOTA,-N.I.; MOLOTOV, A.A.. Prinimal uchaatiye BMMYAND, V.A.. ZHMMTS6!. I.P., red.; BRLIXINI, L.D., prof., red.; VOROIFIN, K.F., ERadio amateur's dictionary] Slovarl radiollubitelia. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo. 1960. 607 p. (Kassovaia radiobiblioteka, no.355). OURA 13:3) (Radio--Dictionaries) VINOGRADOVA, 11-I.- TRUBITIKOVA, A.S.; BOLXHCVITINOVA, M.N. Hffects of local conditions on the quality of artesian water. Gig. i san. 24 no.6:46-48 Je '59. (HERA 12:8) 1. Zz TSentrallnoy nai2chno-isoledovatellskoy laboratorii gigiyeny i epidemiologii Ministerstva -outey soobahcheniya, Hoekovsko-Kursko-Donbasekoy dorozhnoy sanitarno-epidemialogi- ,ichesko7 laboratorii Lyublinakogo chaskoy stantsil, Tekhnolop kombinata tresta "Monochistvod". (WATIA SUPPLY artesian wells, eff. of local cond. on quality of water (Rua)) N.TZGOit'Y PIULnt DiD44&-U0A- Dist)m-rjazi Of Ctllt-lvdtod Plants. A33. JOUR.* nBiol.' 20. 12, 11959, 1~0- 53992 la~,rxi T ITLE, The Devolofe-int of Whoat &nut Fungi in Summer and Wirtor Plantings ORIG. PUB. Tr. Omakogo 9.-kh. In-ta, 1957, 22, No.1, 15-22 A~GTPACT Obaervations on the developmont of the fun- gus. wero made from the momdnt of wheat seed gerzination and ended up at the spiking stage. Wben the wheat was sown in winter, a substantial fall-out of infeated plants was observed, the spikes were not infected In the preaerved oontaminated plants, The development of nyoslia in the fungi on thaaa plants was considerably weakened in oomWi- son with the myoolia. on Infected plants of the spring aowing.-T.S. Maksinoya CARD: 1/1 11/5 912.650 Vjt, comp. q LkM'I A kiy slovarl Anglo-.russkiy radiotekhniches _prozorovA compiled W L.P. r3er-"an dictionaryp J7,daty 1957. lovna, Mosk-va2 rostekh 512h P- Added t-P- in English- (F,nglish-Russian erman-prozorovss r radiOtechnicRl Lyutsiya Pav- cf- k d Dr, kJ r-')IL" I' p 0.1 --'ki , GgWN-PROZOROVA. Lyutmi7a Pavlovnm-, VINOGRADOYI,, ULM IvIlnovne; KRE"fTSER, V.L, prof. doktor tekhn.nauk,-Fed77,=, rllelhn.nauk, reei.; LAMOV, V.G., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; MAIJJHOV, I-K-9 inzho, red.; 1XVIT. A.B., in2h.rad.; LLPSUIVSKAYA. To.Y., red.; BRUDNO, X.F., Ellnelish-Russian radiotachnical dictionary] Anglo-rusekii radio- takhatcheakii alovarl. Pod obahchei red. Y.L,Kraitsers. Red. kollegiia: M.N.Gos i dr. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo takhniko-teoret. lit-rY, 1957. 524 p. (MLRA 11:2) (Radio-Dictioneries) (Saglish language--Dictionarier,--Russian) I N. M* Results of work with fodder grasses Moskva, 1935. 63 p. Biulleten' no 7- Moskovskaia a.--kh. cblastnaia o-,.ynaia stanthiia,i.olevodstva - 1935) Cyr.4 SB227 PISAR7~,:Vv V. Ya.0 VrNOGRADOVA, N? M. Ouckwheat New ways of buckwheat selection Sel. i sem. 19 No. 2, 1952 Month~Z List of Russian Accbssions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. SHUKAKOV, Ye.g.; VINOGRADOVA, N.M.; YAKRIMOVICH, L.A. ~-- --,- Dynamics of the accumulation and consumption of fat reserves in the Burygaster integriceps. Zool.zhur-33 no.1:87-101 Ja-Y 154. (MIARA 7:2) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iasledovateliskiy institut sashchity rasteniy, Leningrad. (Rurygasters) SIZOV, G.I.; GRIGORITIT, S.N.. radaktor; YrNOGRAWYA..N.M., redaktor; 33GICHNA. M.N.. takhnichookly rodakio'r'* " *~ [7metion of the submerged hydraulic excavator spray] Rebote, ratoplennol Sidromonitornoi strui. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo vodnogo transport&, 1953. 167 p. (MWA 7: 10) (fteavation) (Water jet) DCMWMCIY. N.A.; VINMY, S.L., redaktor; VINOGBADOVA, N.M., redaktor; KRA AYA, A.K.. tekhnicheskly rodaktor. **"- - '~~ :~ ~~ '7~': -1-i r-, - - - - (River and lake surveys and studies] Rachnyo i ozernya izyskantia i issledovaniia. Moskva, Yodtransizdat, 1953. 362 p. (KLRA 7:7) (Hydroelectric power) (Hydrogr3phy) AKSILIBAED, Aba Moshkovich; UPPA, Mikhail 1vanovich; VINOGRADOVA, V. redaktor; SIMM, V.A., redaktor; 90ISMY, ZL. - VOLKOVA, Te,. tekhaicheskiy redaktor. (Operation of ships' exhaust-steam turbine equipment] Zkspluatataiia eudovykh turbinnykh ustanovok otrabotavehago para. Mos0a. Izol-vo 09orskoi transport.* 1954. 146 p. (KLR& 8:1) (Steam turbines) RUTAYIV, Vladimir Awitriyevich; GRIGORIYIV, S.N., radaktor; VINOGRADOU.N.M., redaktor; MUSNATA, A.K., takhnichookly redaktor. [River explorations and the principles of hydrolog; textbook for schools of the river fleet's headquarters commandj RechVa izyakaniia i o9novy gidrologii; Uchebnik dlia shkol komandnogo sostava rechnogo flota. Moskva, Goa. Izd-vo vodnogo transport&, 1954. 174 p. (Rivers) Mvdrologr) (KLRA 7:12) JLM OV, I.I.: UnOVIGH, I.Ys.. reidaktor; VINOGRMVA, N.M., re- dAktor; VOIZOVA, Ye., tekbuicheskiy [Diver's manual; safety measures and techniques for diving and underwater work] Rakoyodetro dlia vodolas&; orgauizatelia, i tekh-alks. besopasnosti Todolasnykh spuskov i podvodaykh rabot. Moskva, Goa. isd-vo vodnogo transport&, 1954. 182 p. (HLRA 7:11) (Diving, Submarine)