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On the Adaptability of the Nematode Thelandros tba SOV/20-124-6-54/55 Dinnik, 1930 to the Peculiarities of Its Host Life Cycle a) by formation of a second and of a third membrane upon it dormant eggs originate; b) the remaining eggs retain only one single membraneq enlarge very much and become lai-vae as a final result. This phenomenon is to be considered. an adaptation of the nematode to the short life of the tadpole host. It increases the opportunity for the parasite of gaining access into the host both during the current season and in the following year. There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet reference. PRESENTEDA October 17, 191~8, by K. I- Skryabin, Academician SUBMITTED: October 12, 1958 Card 2/2 YMMOLAYEVA, Antonina Nikitichna; ANTONENKO, Vera Vasillye-,ma; KRYUCHKOVSKIY, Semen Arkadlyevich; -VOLGAR,'., L.G., kand. biol. nauk, nauchn. red.; FEDFUSHINA, L.M., red. (Biology for agriculture, Biochemistry, Biology and spat-,e; lists of recommended books] Biologiia - sellskomu kho- ziaistvu, Kbimiia zhizni, Biologiia i kosmos; relcomenda-tell- nye spiski literatury. Nauchn. red. L.G.Volgar'. Leningrad, 1963. 23 p. (Na temy dnia, no.7) (NIRA 17:2) 1. Leiiingrad. Publichnaya biblioteka. VOLGARIV, A., inzhoner. ~-- Adobe walls reinforced with reeds. Sell.stroi. 11 no.10: 16-17 0 '56. (W-RA 9:12) (Building, Adobe) VOWrAREV,A., inzhener-stroitell Reeds as reinforcing material. Sall.stroi.10 n0-6:21 Je'55- (Building materials) NI MOGILINITSKIY, B.N., profeasor, redaktor [deceased]; VOUIAMA, It.. redaktor; GAB-MLAND, H.I., tekhnicheskiy [Studies on vascular permeability] Ochorki po soaudietoi p;roni- teaemosti. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo mod. lit-ry, 1956. 379 P. OGU 9:9) ~- 1. Chlon korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Mogillnitskiy) (BLOOD VESSSLS) (PERMEABILITY) SIVKOV, Ivan Ivanovich; VOLGAREVA, N.P., red.; BOGACHEVA. %.I. Elwportance of gastroscopy in the diagnosis of stomach cancerl Znachexxie gastrookopii v diagnostike raka zheludka. Moskva, Goo izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1959. 105 P. (MIRA 13:7) (STOKACH--CANCER) (GASTROSCOPY) VOLahRWA, N. P. Rare complication following formation of frontal gaztro9ntero&Zk;"- tomosis. Khirurgiia no.4:80 Ap '55. (HLRA 8:9) 1. Kafecira. patologichookoy anatomii 1-go Moskovskogo ordena Louis& maditainskago inatituta. (STOMACH--SURGFM) (INTBSTINES--SURGMM) KASIUNOV. Mikhail Ivanovich; VOLGAREVA,N.P., redaktor. ITAK-HAROV, A.I., takhnichaskiy radaktor [Medicalegal Investigation in cases of sudden destla] Sudabnomeditainskmia ekspertiza v sluchaiakh skoropostizbjsnol smarti. Notkya, Gov. izd-vo - mid, lit-ry, 1956. 221 p. (MIRA 9: 12) (AUTOPSY) - YARYGIN, Nikita Yeremeyevich; VOLGAREVA. N.P., redalctor; ROKANOVA, Z.-A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Pathomorphology of the vegetative nervous s7stem in tuber'etaociel Patomorfologiia vegetativnoi ner7noi sistemy pri tuberkulez~. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo med. lit-ry, 1956. 234 p. (KIJ4 9:10) (TUBERCULOSIS) (NRRVOUS SYSTBM,.SYMPATHITIC-DISEASES) awn 61 1 f-li ANIGHKOV, N.11.9 akademik. redaktor; HYASNIKOV, A.L., redaktor; VOLGARRYA, N.P., redaktor; GUJIGfOYKDOYA, G.A., tekhnicheskiv 37edpki_or_~""-l [Atheroaclerocis and'coronary deficiency; proceediiW. of a conference of the Institute of Therapy and the Department of lPathological Ariatomy of the Institute of Axperimental Medicinei M6rch 15-17, 19561 Ateroskleroz i koronarnaia,nedostatochnost'; trudy koaferbnteii Instituta terapli i Otdola patologicheskoi, anatomii Xnaitituta eksperi- mentallnoi meditainy, 15-17 marts, 1956 g. Pod red-. II.N.Anichkova i A.L.Miasaikova. Koakva, Goa. izd-vo mod. lit-ry. 1956. 310 P. (KLRA 10:2) leAkademlya-meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Iastitat terapli. 2# Daystvitellnv7 chlen Akademii zeditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Myasnikov) (ARTARIOSCUROSIS) (HEART FAILURN) VOLGAREVA, N.P., Conference devoted to the memory of Academician A.I.Abrikosov. Arkh. pat. 27 no.11:81-82 165. (MIRA 18:12). - Zl,.,P.-. (Mosk-,ra) Oncological diseases acc,-,rding tuo pro3ect-ion data of tHe partment of Pathological Analinmy (if tho First Monomr Medir,011 Institute over a 20-year period (1939-:1958) Aa-Mi. pat. 21 no.7:72-80 t63 (mru 1621-2-') 1. 1z kafedry patologicheskoy rmatomii (zav. - chlen-kor- r6Bpondent AMN SSSP prcf. A.I.Strmkov) I Moskovskoge ardena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta i-eni I.M.Sechenava i klini- cheskoy bollnitsy No.6 (gla,,rnyy -Trach G.I.Sidorov,~) Moskov- skogo gorodskogo otdela zd~ravoalc~aneniya. VOLGAMVA;, 1~-R., (Moskva) Case of a chroni;~ course in thrombo embolism of the pulmona-ry artery with signs of cor pulmonale. nc,.4.'133-135 $62. (MIRA 1.5.- 5) 1. Iz patolagoanatr,~~uabnakogo otdeleydya klinicheskoy boVnitsy No.6 IL;skovskogo (~ardsl~ rL--o otdela zdravoolbraneniya kg1a7vm:pj vrach G.I. Sidor~,v). (PUTIMONARY IMBOLIS M) (COR FUTIIONALE) VOLGAUVA, B.P., kand,med.nailk.; FIGAROVA, VA.; POPKOV, Yu.A. tMoslwa) ---- Case of pheochrcmocyto-n- of the adrenal gland successfully operated (M-R-!- 15-3) on. Mhirurc-a no.8:138-140 Ag 162. T (GIM4AYFIN, SYSTEM-MORS) VOLGAREVA, N. P., kand. med. nauk Case of carcinoids of the bronchi. Vest. otorin. nc.3:86-88 161,, (MIRA 14-.12) 1. Iz patologoanatomicheskogo otdeleniya Moskovskoy klinichesk6y bollnitay No.6. (BRONCHI-CANCER) WlIfWOV, Nikolay Sergeyevich, prof.; VOLGAREVA, N.P., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. - - - --- - ----------------- [Gastrqscopy; method, technic, use, and clinical significancel Gastroskopiia; metodika,, tekhnika primeneniia i k.linicheskoe znachenie. Izd.2. Moskva, Medgiz, 1960. 210 p. plates. (MIRA 1-4:12) (GASTROSCOPY) MIKMEV, Vadim Vladimirovicb; VOLGAREVA, N.P., red.; S1,24CHILD, K.K., tekhn. red. [Neurorheumatisin] Neirorevmati=. Nedgiz, 1960. 251 p. (RHEUMATIC FEM) Moskvao Gos. :Lzd-vo red. lit-ry (MIRA 34: 9) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) ISAY]CYA, A. P. ; PEMOVA, A.K. ; TURITOVA, L.11. (Hoakvq) Protrnoted septic endarteritis and endocarditis following surgical treatment of tetralogy-of Fallot. 36 no.1:121-127 in (MIRA 11:3 1. Iz kliniki detakikh bolezney (dir.-deystviteiluyy chlen AM SSSR -prof. Yu.Y.Dombrovskaya) i kafedry patologicheakoy anatomii (zav.- chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR -prof. A.I.Strukov) I Ploskovskogo ordens Lenina-maditainakogo Inatituta-imeni I.K.Sechenova. (TIMLOGY OF FALLOT - surg. postop. septic eneinrteritis & (Rua) (ENDARMITIS, in inf. & child septic, postop. in tetralogy Of FallOt Burg. (Rua) (XRDOCARDITiS, BAGMIAL, in inf. & child postop. in Yallot surg. (Rua) VOLIGEMUT, A. Correapondence coursea in journalism anti potorepcr-.Ing. 8,T7. foto 20 no.1:43 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Photography, Journalistic--Stud,( and t.paching .) *VOLIGEMUT, A.; TKACHEUKO, Yu. nChestnut trees are in bloom again"... by D.Balftermints., R.Koziovskii. Reviewed by A.Voltg6mut, IU.Tkachenko. Sov.foto. 21 no.3-.36-37 mr 161. (MERA 2/+:4).* (Kiev-Description and travel) (Balftermants,, D.) ' (Kozlovskiio N..) VOL I GE I IWA%I" P, Do not retreat from th-n truth of life. Sov.--"oto 17 rc.-,:V;--j?. J1 '57. 10: P) (Photography, Joijrnalistic) ESKIN, M.G.;. VOLIGEMUT, E.A. ,Id- L-- .1 C' Seal Electric autoratic bit feed controller with p -rE! L4 r , n j- conductor boosters. Mash. i neft. obor. no.6i19-26 765. (MUb4L 1-847) 1. Go--udarstvc-ntt,.,-j nauchno-issledovatellskiy I gr,Dye:ktnyy in.stitut',: neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya. ...I- MMODOV, K. (Khabarovsk); LINTSp V.; inzh. (Moakya)l KOCHETKOVp V. (Moskva); BMWM, Yu. (Mskva); V., GEBSUM14.1A. (Dokucbayevsk.. Donetakaya olbi.); GOLEMECHEVA, 0 (Dokuehaye,rok, Donetskaya obl.) Conceived - achieved. Izobr. i rats. no.6134-35 163o (MIRA 16:8) wwxw4m atom VOLGERSHTLYN, A,; GOLENISHCHEVA, E., inzh. Conferei cc of the readers of the periodical "GmT4- zkirrml" held in Dokuchayevok. Gor. zhur. no.10.-7/k 0 063, (K,.'RA 16:11) 1. Nachallnik byuro tekhnicheakoy informataii Dolmchayevskogo flyusodolomitnogo kombinata (for Volgershteyn). VPLGERSHTEYN. A~ Conference of readers of "Gornyi &hu.-nal" held in Dokxichayevsk. Gor.zhur. no*072 Ap 262~ (MIRA 15.4) 3, llachal2nik Byiu-o tekhnicheskoy informatsii Dolzuehayevskogo flyuso.,dolmitr,ogo kombinata. (Ximral industries-Periodicals) GURMCHY D. Yd.; VOLIK , A. G. Working rock under water. Transp. stroi. 13 ro.4:2:4-25 Ap 163. (MIRA 3-6:4) 1. Glavnyy tekhnolog tresta Chernomorgidrostroy O~or Gurevich). 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela tresta Chernmoorgidrostroy (for Volik). (Hydraulic engineering) (Boring) (Blasting, Submarine) GUREVICH., D.Ye., inzh.; VOLIK, A.Q.,inzh Rear protect-ing of wharves made of large concrete b7mcks without a prism of stone. Transp.stroi. 12 no.71;28 JI 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Wharves) (Precast concrete) 116 ~., ,Y veterinarnyy vrach (Molitopoll) -J.PL- ,P X Prevention of avitaminoals in pozatz7. VeterinarVa 37 no.6:65 A 16o. (KMA 16:7) (Deficiency diseases in poultry) -15%o-63 -ACCEMION NR-., AR3-001633. 111ring: short-time. heating and welding, the alphagamma:tr&hsforn%tJ,*n takes placef 0c, starting at approximately 950 .1 The higher. the. taq)erat%xie ~ of ~ hoatine *the morel :Complete is the transformation. Practically no'reverse gama-Apha transforma- I -tion occurs at, a sufficiently WIgh rate of cooling, for exmple, eluring welding. i However.. due ~ to. significant variation of carbon solubility in f arx.-ite and austenite, formation of carbides inthe cooling process'-occurzAtIthe-gamma- and i alpha-phase interfaces, Alpha-gamma transformations Iare roverstb".Iee The gamna- alpha transformation is achieved by short- or' long-time anneallng~at 800-1,0000C. fect of high-temperati canbe eliminated com- Harmful-ef n-e welding on steel M)28NA pletely by an-annealing heat troatment. Steel Kh28NA clas:sified with thosel after steels which can be satisfactorily yelded and which require heat 'treatment ~welding V.-Fomenko DATS AC Q: 2 0. May, 63 SUB CODE: ~Blg EL ENCL-. USM/Acad Sol Aug 1947 "In the Presidium" 21 pp "Vast Akad Nauk SSSR" No 8 DIEjoueses suggestions made for greater distribution of responsibility between members of the Presidium, plan for operations of the Breaidium. for second half of 1947, and zouchas "-i ----k af branches and bdoes of the AcaCawy of Sci~oea,- UM. Academician Vol- gin submitt-ed article describing operation of six branahes and seven scientific research bases, 88 laborator.Les, seven botanical gardens, and series of stations. Total of 2,555 People operate branches and bases of the Academy of Sciences. Proposition FDB 57T-4... USM/Acad Sci (Contd) Aug-1947 was made to publish Journal In 1948 honoring the 15th anniversary of branches and bases. nB 57T4 VOLGIN, fnu, Academician Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Moscow, Mos,'.Covskaya o. Rsfsr Soviet Source: N: Trud (Labor) Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island", on file In Library of Congress, Air Information Division, Report No. 8WP45. Unclassified XWXEMMM~-- VOLGIN, A. Ready dimners taken. to the field;, frcm the experience of state farms in the Altai Territory. Obsb.4bestv. pit. no.6:10-3,3 Je 161. (MIRA 14: 9) -1. Nachallnik otdala obahchestvennogo pitaniya upravlenlya torgov1i Altayakogo krayispolkoiba, (Altai Territory-State fax ) VOLGIN, A. I-- Dining room on a state farm in the Altai Territoi,7. Obshchestv. pit. no.3.105-37 N 161, (IUMA 15s2) 1. Nachallnik otdela obahchestvennogo pitaniya Upravleniya torgov1i Altayakago kry:Lspolkoma. (Altai Territory--Restaurantsv lunabroomsp etc.') GINZBURG. Lev Notanovich, prof.; DVETWITSKIY. Iosif Melentlyevich, inzh.; TARASOV, S.V,, retsenzent; SWTSKOV, I.K., retmenzeint; FEYRAN, IqI,, retsenzent; LTASHEMKOV, I.K., retsenzent; ie~~l.?"--~zl-"."~l.,.-'--.-- --.- retsenzent; GORDEYCHIK, G.M.. red.; SOXCLOVA, V. ,, red.; MEDVEMV, L.Ya., [Spinning of bast fibers and the manufactr-re of turisted prodlactal Priadenie 1-abianykh volokon i proizvodstvo kruchsnykh lzdelii. Nosk7a. Goe.nau(.-hno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyshl., 1959.- 549 p. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Kafedra pryagleniya lina KTI (for Slatskov, Feyman, Lyashankov. Volgin). (Bast) (Cordage) VOLGIN, A.I., inzh.; TALAYEVA, G.V., inzh.; CRUKALOVSKIY, F.A., inzh. a0aprolan machine parts. nim.i neft. mashinostr. no.8:4-C-41 Ag 165. (MIRA 3.81.12) VOLGIN, A.P.; SAVIN, M.F.; BOBROVA, L.F. Experience of using direct telegraph connections in tbe FZarelian A.S.S.R. Vest. sviazi 21 no.5:19-21 My t6l. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Nachallnik Petrozavodskay gorodskoy kontory ovyazi (for Volgin). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Petrozavodskoy gorodskoy kontory avyazi (fmr Savin). 3. Nachallnik telegrafa PetrozavodskDy .gorodskoy kontory svyazi (for Bobrova). 11 (Karelia-Telegraph) MIKOV, 0., inzh., k^v4.tekhn.nauk; BEICHTIoRKV, Yu. Problems in or&-,--i-7inz the renting of automobile:3. Za rul. 18 . no.8:1-7-19 Ag 160. ' I . (NIRA 13:9) I I 1. Reydovaya brigade. zhurnala "Za rulem." 2. Pradeedatel" soveta sodeystviya 12-y avtobazy Upravleniya taksomotor,aog:o transporta (for Volgin). (Antomobiles, Rental) ZHIVAYKIR,,, L.Ya.; VOLGIN,, BaPs, Hydr*ALlic resistanes of an ascandin two-pbase flow-ing liquiti, Zhur.VKHO 6 no.3:354-355 961. (MIRA 14:6) .1l'urailokiy nauchno--isoledovateltakiy kh:lmiebaskiy iwtitut. (Fluid-d7namics) Smail, . - ZHIVAYKIN, L.Ya.; VOLGIN, B.P. Hydraylic resistance in wetteed-wall columns with a bio- phase.dowaflowing stream. Khim. prom. no.6.,445-449 Je 163. (MIRA 16: 8) (Srrubber (Choldcal technology)) crui)es-nidd dywimics) NORKIINI'A' L~A. I- VOLGiN, i3.P.; BEREZINA, L.D. 0--or pt 2-1 on of I~ase3 in, aI Venturi -,wmibbeva. L'zv. VYs. 1,C-Leb. zav.; 1"i-Im. Loh.h. 7 no. 4: 6'14 i 64. 1. Yafedra mashin i apparatov khimicheskil& proiz,.,c)dsLv polite khni che~jkogo instituta in,. S.M. Kirova. I len ( 1 :1 RA 1'7 - 12, IUMI'skogo ZHIVAYKINP L.Ya.; Y_q;!P9i, ~B.P,__ Determining the a un of 21quid carried away from the surface of a film by a gas flow. Inzh.-fiz.zhw- 4 no.8:114-116 Ag 161. (MUM 14.' 8) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kbiTnicheskiy institut., Sverdlovsk. (Fluid dynamics) BOOANOVj Aleksandr Ivanovich (deceased]; BEWINg B.V. p red.; VOLGINY B.P. . red.; GCVOF&OV# V.M. v red.; DOLGANOVj YeJ. , red, j iliftitkil-- -- red.; ROIIZ=p 5.11.g red,,; SOKOVA, T.N'.# red.1 DUGINAj N,A,p tekbno red, - (Machinery for cement plants] Mokhanichoskoe oborudovanie toement- nVkh zavodov, Moskyao Goa* nauohno-tekhn. izd-vo inashinostreit. lit- ryp 1961. 384 p. (MnU 14:9) (Cement plants-Equipment and supplien) - 1589&-M EWT( ACC NR: "6001994 SOURCE CODE: UR/0170/65/009/0~i'4703/0706 AUTHOR: :Yugay, F. S. volff- B. P, ORG- Ural Polytechnic Institute im. S. M. Kirov, Sverdlovsk (Urallskly palitekhnich, Y institut) TrrLE: Qualitative Picture of the motion of a liquid in an accelerating gas floy, SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 6, 1965, 703-1706 TOPIC TAGS: gas flow, droplet atomization, flow measurement A13STRACT: An attempt Is made to study the physical picture of tho proces13 of phase Inter- action. in a venturi scrubber. The experiments were carried out by using high-speed photo- graphy. Treatment of the data revealed that the motion of a drop In. the gas flow along the axis of the tube in the entrance cone involves three periods: (1) Imbed acceleration of the drop (2) regulak deformation of the drop, (3) blowing out and atomization of the drop. The phoL;graphs.showed that drops accelerated i~ the entrance cone sccpAre velocitles in the. throat which are equal to approximately 20-25% of the gas flow valoi-ity in the throat, Drops 2 - 4 mm in size et 30, and 31 m/sec acquire the gas flow velocitlea of 10, 15, 20, 26, Card .7 /0 /024/6 1/000/002/008/0244 L2 E -4o/E 163 AUTHOR,, Vo 7 q. L, N,, ' Vic: s .,- c TITLE., rhc? &ynthes-_s o;f d-.t;~r;rel:e a-,jtoma-i- systerw! -ath b;:,-undsd I- C, T I t T' 01 ~;a;- 1 1. 0 11 ER TODT I - CALF- IzvSst.ava Ahadeniti nalik SSSR, Otdaleniye -tekhnicheskikh mau I, , E_ ne rge f ika -i a %,-' cma r i ka, 196 1, No. pp. 114- 1 19 TEXT Usirig *he z.-transform ~he au*hcr gives a liripar -program F-,I'ution tf;- rhe q~iesticr. of zc~ntrc'A program -Ln thia fr,rin of pu -j e r- n t. r s -V in i wb F .1 r, rk ~h I t in I ~~11 e% PT te r t The r4,Autlon i.-_ fo,:.AikJ ~AriJar ib- ~,r~rl-Utto-l (-,f, wll.i,~,h p Prin a t s the de '-- 4,zn c.,14 cc,-i r,, svts x em.~- -r pr,:,c es~s e w? t h xv?ga t ive dynamy. I e:r '-S t 1 r 9 '~jr_5 -b lfL~ ~ -1C 1 " ~j 011!~ e delaV, 9~ tj a t LF - e -'1 4 L., %5 v r t 4.,n th 0 n r1 11 L n a. m . i:,,,: n, rin t q n g I tip P b r~ u n 1 f- r~ ri i r r. a t i-,,v i, ri d P r r~ lty)2. (III& rowlix"t-d P Z' r, P e 4-~ f M!, r Ths. so lut ion Ti,--en t n tbe f-riii f~s s a-;- e a ppx oc ima I rorL-A ',,v r a E hc. na I rp,~, 1 vn,~,m 0A Is o f 7. The legree rf Ph-e the ratL,~-,.nal Ca:-d S/o24/61/ooo/co2/oo8/or-,~ The ,iynthas ~ 51 - 1~ d Ls,.a t i c, s y-~ w. ctmjn- - i ~ h ',-,r~,uwi e I. -,~ow - c., t I, on is tr.CT'ea-Feil 4. eci,-t' iippr,:1-X1MPAt',1On. ant,il Fa set cf nts i;s t t- n tralak!ons .1.s r-in,:4. Th~-~re are ~ An,.4 i--?ferenres~, li- Scvtet and 1 Engliah. The. Engliah langr,,.age i--fE-r-en.-es rr-acl sits followgz Re f J.R. Ragatzin!, L.A., Zade~ 'Phe pulgEt PV!5temp. T,ranp~ATEE, 1952. ' V '" ~i : p -11 , T I . R S. Va.~da. Th~---ry r..r gamsj~! an-l 95 6 - W.? I JR. e0 4 E,,W~ Ltnear anA,~r progra mx--1g,, Oper.ations reaeareK. 197,-1., *V,-q-, %vc,-2. ASSOCIATIONi Inst`.tut elektronnykh -.iprav1yayuah.chikh inaahln Akademii nauk SSSR (.Institute of Ele-troni:-, Control AS JJSSR,i STJUMTTTED~ November 4, l)60 Cdt-d 2/2 137-58-4-6419 .-,ranslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya. 1958, Nr 4, p ISSRI AUTHORS, Miller, V, Ya. , Volizin, B. P. , Tikhonova, Z. A. - Kr~_~,.pivner, S. L. _::~ TITLE: Sintering of Pyrite Cinders and Metallurgical Assessment of the Clinker Derived From Them (Spekaniye pir'ttnykh cgarkov i metallu-rgicheskaya otsenka.p*oluchennogo iz nikh aglon ierafa) 1 1. PERIODICAL: Tr. Ural'skogo ti,-.. khim. in-ta, 1957, Nr.4-, pp 116-133 ABSTRACT: Experiments :n the sintering of pyrite cinder's (PC) b-, pul- verized-pyrite roasting furnaces, as an ins-:ance of the possible utilizations of PC are described, The fuel was Kemerovo coke breeze of the 0-3 mm class, having 15.30 percent ash and O.Zb percent S. The layout of an experimental sintering plant. is pre- sented. In "heat value"--coke consumption per ton of iron--and also-in consumption of flux in a blast-furnace heat, the cl;nker (C) from PC is equivalent to sand-clay refuse C having the same Fe content. PC C requires more flux and coke per blast farnace heat than does magnetic ironstone C, since the gangue of PC is exceptionally acid. But where ores have a low SiOZ:A1203 rdtiO- Card 1/2 this peculiarity of PC G is a positive factor. When B-10 percent 137-58-4-6419 ~~intering Cf Pyrite Cinders (cont. G is added to the charge, the Cu tl-~ey add does not interfere with the smelting of common conversion pig irons. rhe Zn content of the C is appx. 0. 5 percent. When the charge contains 60-65 percent PC, this will add appx. 0.032 percent Zn to blast furnace charge, and this cannot but introduce difficulties in smelClrg. Thus, G from flotatios-tailings of furnaces and dust-catchers may he employed with adequate effectiveness by addition to the charges of sintering plants em- ploying magnetic ironstones, Up to 10 percent of the weight of the cbar~e may thus be added. Simultaneous addition of sand-clay refuse or ochre-brown ore fines, which speed the sintering process. is highly desirable. A,Sh. 1. Minerals--Sintering--Test methods 2- Minerals--Sin-.Leri,,i,:r--Tez;t results Card 2/2 SO Vh 37-- J')-- 1 -277 Translation froni: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr i, (USSR) AUTHORS: A akhov, 1. A., Volgin, B. P., Lya~_)ustina, Ye. M., And, eyev, A. F. TITLE: High- temperature Roasting of Pyrite Maintained in a Suspended [ Fluidized] State (Vysokotemperaturnyy obzhig kolchedana vo vzveshennorn sostoyanii) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Vopr. polucheniya sernist. gaza iz kol.chedana i sery. Leningrad, Goskhimizdat, 1957, pp 71-78 ABSTRACT: The process of roasting of a flotation concentrate may be greatly enhanced if the surface area of the concentrate is increased by maintaining it in a suspended [fluidized] state at elevated tempera- tures ( > 10000C). The material injected into the furnace by blow- ing is preheated to a temperature approaching the temperature of fusion, a partial sintering of the material observed in the process being attributable to the collision of particles; the final formation of the sinter occurs on the bottom of the furnace. The sinter thus obtained contains only - 0.2% S and is well suited for blast-furnace smelting. Pilot-plant tests substantiated the possibility of employ- Card -1/2 ing this method of roastina, --and, in 1953, an experimental-plant SOV/137-59- 1 -277 High-temperature Roasting of Pyrite Maintained in a Suspended (cont . ) furnace was designed on the basis of these tests. Pilot-piant experimerIts O.-L roasting of material in a suspended state yielding a liquid end prodLICt, whicli was subsequently granulated, were conducted in a furnace 5.7 rn high and 1.5 rn hi diameter; the experiments revealed the need for an additional supply of heat; this additional heat could be provided by means of combustion of fuel, preheating of air, or utilization of oxygen-enriched air, the latter alternative being the most advantageous. A. P. Card 2/2 VOLGIN, B.P.; ZHIVAYK12I, L. Ya.; PORKRIA, L.A. Absorption of gases in multistage units from Venturi scrubbeers. Izv. v-ys. ucheb.zav., khim. i khim. tekh. 7 no.5.-852-854 164 WIRA 18-.1) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni I.M. Kirova i Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khirrdi. KAROV, F.S.;VO -- -- AM-A&M - New sampling method for sulfur dioxide. Zav. lab,. 22 no.9':1039-10W 156. (MLRA 91:v-) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-iosladovatellakiy khimichasiciy institut. (S~Llfur dioxide) Category: USSR/Fitting Out of Laboratories. Instruments, Their Theory, H. Construction and Use. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya., No 9, 1957., 31188 Author : Maron F. S., Volgin B. P. Inst :not given ------------ Title ;New Method of Collecting Samples of Sulfur Dioxide Orig Pub: Zavod. laboratoriya, 1956, 22, No 9, 1039-lo4o Abstract: The method permits to collect simultaneously cinder dust, H,-SO,~-- vapor, As and Se. Collection is effected by means of an electro- filter connected with the gas duct. To measure the pressure, velocity and temperature of the gas, the apparatus is equipped with a mercury manometer, theometer and thermometer. The proposed method yields more accurate results than those utilized in plant practice. Card 1/1 -29- I Al -< a It is IS m ty Ill a n a h v a Onums Amp 06 Lv 00 A 6tagin boders. 11 -vasta'. J, S. S R-) Is No. A), ki IMI), --A eivvt Po 00 is dt=l~ Which is heated by the S&W4 frml burik- It.. L 00 ing pyrites. . ticester 0 0 00 3 00 13 0 A li S L ART&LLU"K" LITIOATIMIE Ct.ASSWKATI" zoos SI"634v* saw" -4 .10 QWV 4dt, OF , u s AT to Is It Vat Is 9 of 99 a M V: so 0 0 0 : :1: : q 0 0 0 0 0 a Im I) a At a 3 1 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 0 0 0 to a 0 0 * 0 0 q 0 a 0 0 0 -00 -00 "1 woo =00 00 *00 wee tso 0 we goo ZHIVAYKIN, L.Ya.; IIOLGIN, B.P. Hydrodynamics of the flow of thin liquid films. I'Trudy] URIKHIM no.9:114-121 161. (IMA 15:12) (metallic films) (Fluid dynamics) VOLGIN, F. VOLGIN, F. Armir (Priroda i liudi Armrskago Kraia.) (S 17 ris., -4 Porlr. i 1,.Lrtoi A=.ra). S.-PeterbUrg, 1896. 1" p. - JLC: --K771--'3V So: LC, Soviet Geography, Fart U, 1951/Unclassified VOWIN, G.M. %6". i Ir On the problem of kqpuotherapy in glossalgia. Stccatologiia 36- no.3:71 Mr-Ja 157. (KT.,Rk 10:9) 1. 1z goroclskoy stomatologicheskoy polikliniki (glaTW vrach N.T.Gitallmon) g.Makhachkela (TONGUN-DISRASSS) (HYPOTISK-TMAPSUTIC USIC) VOLGIN, I.P.; OZFROV, F.A. Automatic spring c-3il-ing machine. Mashinostroitell no-3:7-8 mr 6z,. (WRA'L 17:4) VOLGIN, I. V. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of wear and foundation of the indications for discarding gears of tractor transmission." Mos- cow, 1961. 20 pp with diagrams; (Joint Academic. Council of the All-Union Scientific Research Inst of Mechanization of Agricul- ture "VIM" and the All-Union Sci Res Inst for Electrification of Agriculture "VIESKh"); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 233) ARTEMIYEV, YuX.; VOLGr.1- J~V.~ GAL#-FERIN, A.S.; DYADYUSHKO, V.O.; KAFLUN, I~T.7 Vx.; NEEMOV, B.B.; TE-11POV, '.S.; CHICHEV, YU.I.P red. [Control of technical conditions of tractor parts In repair- Ing; a handbook. Traktoi-s DT-54, DT--54-k, T-75, "Belarual," T-40, T-28, DT-14, DT-1411, DT-14B, DT-20, self-propelled cha-,is DVSSh-16 and T-161, Kontroll tekhnicheskogo sost-ianiia 4.-aktornykh detalel pri remon'e; spravochnik. Traktary DT-54, DT-54A, --75, "Belarus'," T-401 T-282 DT-IJ,, rjr-i., DT-14B, DT-20, samokhodaye shass! DVSSh-16 I T-16. Moskva, Kolos, .1965. 471 D.. (MIRA 1-8:4) VOLGIN, I.V., inzh. I.W~ 7- MsAa-blishing specifications for discarding tractor gears. Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 16 no.3:29-32 '58. (miw. i1:6) . l.Gosudaretvennyy soywny7 nauchno-isslaclovatell'skly inatitut tekhno- logii i remonta traktorov i sellskokhozyaystveni2ykh mashin. (Tractors--Transmission devices) VOWIN, L. School for locomotive engineers, Tr* from the Russian. p. 227. ZEI ZNICE, Prague, Vol. 4, no. 9, Sept. 1954. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956, Uncl. 32974 S/146/61/004/0011-/020/020 D221/D301 c7, 4 600 (/o