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ti 00 OPP S/050/63/000/QO1/004/007 D218/D307,; AUTHOR: Zilitinkevich#1 S. S. TITLE: The structure of the &.mind layer of the atmosphere under nonsteady-state cond..i-tions -PERIODICAL: Neteorologi -37. yaii gidrologiya, no. 1:' 196% .31 ;TEXT. It~is noted that tho dependence of the turbule ~e coefXio ent' ric ;on the vertical coordinate~under nonsteady-state~ coxtdit;ions li~ .not been investigated. The distribution of,wind:, temperature,and.. other meteorological elements ii-i the ground layer ot tyie atmo'splie,re under nonsteady-state conditions has not been investigE~tied eithorg band the present work was Luiidertaken':to fill this gape is assizaed 'in this theoretical analysis that the vertical. :,turbulent OW, ~1.,: f 1 10 ',heat (P) and angular momentum (V) may be regarded ap :indepenidenlo-: of the vertical coordinate,, and that the dimens,ion1bris'rutidd, !E/v2 and D/V are universal~funotions of Richardson1b number,' wh iE iEi the kinetic energy of~pulsating motion, v 1) is the 6~i~d 1/ ..... .. S/050/63/00/001/004/007 tThe structure.of)the D218/D307:. s the rate. of conversioh of !dynamic velocity, p is the density, D i iturbu-Pent energy into thermal energy and v) 0.38z z is; where vertical coordinate. Subject to these assumptions, approximate expressions are derived for the vertical distributions cif wind', v07; olocity, potential temperaturb and turbulence coefficient in t~he ground layer. Analysis of available experimental data shows that for large Reynold's numberB;the dimensionless quantity.v 1/2 ,.will be of the order of 0.5, and under these conditioxis the effect of nonsteady-state air flQw:on the vertical distribution of the above meteorological elements in the ground 'Layer will be very, a:p-. preciable. The transformatiDn of the air mass due to a step ohanl3e 'in the flux-of solar radiation is then considered as-an example of a nonateady-state process in the ground layer. Approximate expres~- sions are obtained for the Change in the wind velocity, potential" temperature and specific huinidity in the ground Jayek as functions: no ud; of the vertical coordinate and of time. These expressions i ,~terms representing the effel3t of the underlying~eurface and heath 2/3 4 ACC SS ION MR: AT4004765 :S/2322/63/007/000/0003/010, AUTHOR: Zilltinke'vich, S. S. TITLE; The turbulent regimaln th&~surface boundary layer 'o fa 6anitatiamiry'air' current SOURCE: Vses- nauchn. meteorolog16h. soveshch. Trudy4r, v 7. Flzlka prizem'o9o; sloya. Leningrad 1901, 3 10 TOM TAGS: meteorology, turbulence, atmospheric turbulen~i,';Surfate boundary layer, nonstationary air current, flr temperature,. thermal: cijrrent,:iwind, stirfacK boundary layer profile, atmospheri(i equilibrium ABSTRACT: A study has been made of' the profiles.of the dWributtoh of wlnC. velocity and temperature in the sur~-face layerAn the case of.a nohstationary "air flow under atmospheric conditans close to equilibrium. Rel~Oons6lps are de0ved which make it possible to derive fg:)rmulas for' dynamic velocity and the vertical turbulent heat flux from the results of gradient observati'ohs of-WUnd and tev~era- ~-ture in the stirface layer. The flilai formulas cited: Z2 0 1111EXTIMMI 11MIURIME11,49 IILIIRIIII III U'A lift ILIMPAINIUMAIII -7J _W., ACCESSION NR: AT4028751 S/P3110~000/144/001/6149 ATITHOA: zilitinkovich, S. S. 7' TITLE: Some regularities in thetime and s pace dis tributi6ft: of,M:ateorologicil; layer ~of a non a elements in the near-earth -9t tionary air flux '...SOURCE: Leningrad. G1. geofizo :observj i Mir. n.-L. ai&o"meteoioi.~ inst.!! 1614ylfr~ Fizika pogranichnogo sloya atiosfary* '(Obysic' the I no. 144/40, 1963. 0:0f Amos)? or a boundary layer); Vneprovskaya ex~editsjya Gco j UkrNIGM, P3-149 TOnC TAGS: wind velocity, turbolence, surface layer$ tamperat~ria,~Richarr on, number, air masi:, solar radiatioiL ABSTRACT: The author investigates the question of verticAil: dist:r:ibution of ! idnd velocity, temperature, and tha.c6efficient of ~ turbulence in: the! near-eart2411~ er~_ of the atmosphere under nonstatLoaary~conditions. Depend(h.nces~iire f ound CC_ I the prof iles of the indicated magnitudes in the region of i aiiiall valve's of Ithe 'o it 0 1 Richardson number in processes ~the characteristic time stale of which is t~ of small. By using these,dependencis, formulas are obtained'lor cialculating,the vertical turbulent heat fluxes, the amount of motion, 04~a numbei of other val'ues,: according to results of neazt-earth gradient observations. Me 'air mass ttinsforma- .:ACCESSION NR: AT4028751 .,tion'processi which takes place~in',the near-eArth layer loft tM atio9phere under: t6 n .,influence of sharp (int itt t) 6anges in the flow of solar radia erM eh tio tigated. Functions which describe,,-theitime and space distrAbUtLam of the bst, meteorological elements are obtAn4i;d.-;A comparison of'the ..441culitid and mdabuted' values of vertical turbulent heat fluxes is shown in graphs.: The Zeaaurement~ re,*~Iu I ~ - I i . are presented in a table for various hours of ia. seven-day period. la,cone u4~onj; the author expresses his gratitude ',to Is. R. Tevang and -A. V. Pero~,slkiaa for il Perm ~~j .emitting the use df theirexperimenitA41 iresearchidata, obtaine,&At the Inatitutlizikil ~aCM03fery*-AWSSSR (Institute of Ph~ysics of the Atmosphera,.Soviet',.Ai:admy:Ok'SclLcilb-.", '66 formulas, 3 fiSpres, and 1 table. i0rig.'art. has: 1ASSOCIATIM: Leningradskaya glwma~,&eofizicheskaya observat4riya- (Principle i!Geophysical Observatoi7 of Leningrad) SUBHITTED: 00 DATE ACOZ: 16APr64 00 NOUP SM: 00%- SUB CODE: AS$ M ZILITINREVICH, S.S.; 1AYMIMAN, D.L. Heat conduction and moisture exchange in a turbulent atmosphere.~ in the case of phase transitions of moisture. Dokl. AN SSSR 156i M+ no. 5:10r/9-1082 je '(J+. IRA V: 6) 1. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya im. A.I.Voyeykova. Predstavleno akademikw Ye.K.Fedorovyme AGS, A--- li66~~ aye _~4 Is -4'0t-~O _t~ CT: _A cidse.4 -system-! 6 tMOS 11 Ise of 14W t no in e, boundary layer ofthe a p eve ~fbr the !ca i strati c on. - The - avithorsi: considex-A: horUo~i~a_ e UG lit'Loni'ary '61Z "flov. A system Of equations.16 giwa 'Which taka~s t6coun"t Q;f" io''tLah", ~ea:t f 14. :_C4.r4_ 1/2 EWT ACC -NR: A-16004149 SOMCE 1COM UP/2531111 ON AWHOR: Zilitinkevigh, S S., Main Geophys ical -Observatgpy Lgnin zpad 1 (Gj amq~ i~ g~~f A 6 b :obse AV -ya) T; 0. u TITLE: Integral ctiaracteristics V :6 rbuldnc0;jn ."SOURCE: -Leningra& _-Glav* tbu# .,Fizika pogranichnogo sloya. at;psfaily (p4ysics 1 df jt~e und IaYdr~j of the: a -pheive), 49-~F'_. n6 i. turbulent bo dauT i me' qrk,* -TO-PIC TAGS '_atmospherid, turbule W, ay Ogys_ bourdary layer j ;1~1 ABSTRACT:- The author exarAn A. :1,ationary air streaii!:wht~i i hprpg~ es. n s e !tot -horizontal direqtion~- The~planetat-y boundary! layor oJ.;4hs1 q1tinos le'r'e;: L~i p ~be the layer which reach~s!s fi= thit underlying: surfao3: to. tba: CIO iel!ht; law the derivative of the mdule of thit Rind velocity witN respqtat tof the-,mmt, 'Card 1/2. ...... .. .......... ... A J-; ": ~ 1- -.1 i. I. I u~ 0. 9 P Ji V) -.t me; u a the~~ diy~-adikbatio: -tam~0riltlirs! gr'sdt6ntjji!.d Jd. th6. air de .41 6f the air, atconstant. pressurlej la adiation flux; P. Q, and Bat's. 4-ta tuibuli�~ht 'Ibw TUXE161i Oti~tb vapor and the moisture. By - Meitbeviist ioai man Alp; vila:~~'~fi,. '~b;! 0-utho T i errivea at the following,expreasion 4 Mi 7: :1 1. 43995-66 vr(l) GW ACC-Wk AT6111104 SOURCE CO AUTHOR: Vager, B. 0 1jawiffl[ch S S. ==LX -nonek OROS TITLE: Method of calculating the, height-of the Idwer bomdary-x&. forecasting data SOURCE:461ningrad. GlL*Ln9&:A IftVIA-1196JUS; obsertUpWt. ;'Trudy, no. 187, 109!'Wii; Mika pogranichnop sloya atmoafery (Physics of the atmospheric boutdary layer),: 3.12 TOPIC TAGS: atmospherlo cloud, cloud cover, cloud level &U",r" fie ajeEeoq 3 ABSTRACT: An attemapt is made, to establish a functional relationshipbetween th4 keipftt of the lower boundary of the cloud cover and parameters the values of which lend themselves to In numerical forecasting. In the mithiiiniatical description of the method the Input equatkoins boundary conditions, and integratioil:1 of the input equations and~addltioiisl simplific4tions which are ~erfbrmed on ~n electronic computer are cited. Several specific examples, tbic: st~rtlna material 'for whichl were experimental data obtained from an investigation of the 1o;w, er cloud duAng the fdll of 1962 In Vie region of Dnepropetrovsk we're exa~tnined In order to com-- cover PgLre the calculated values of the hePgbt of the lower boundary of clouds with the obaerved E SOURC i" Leminaad, Glaynays. 0o:(j eskaya ~3bservatqgyg. :,Trudy, no. 187, 191661. Fizika pogranichnogo sloy atmosfer;r (Physics of the atm sphe a 0 Me boundary layer) k1420 TOPIC TAGS: fog, civil airfield, alifield clearing, fan ABSTRACT: A method for dispersinif fog is proposed which Is based on the dynamid and,ither- mal effect of local field velocity created by a special device pumping air out of the "JAvesUgated region, for example an airfield, in h6rizontal directions. The basic factors of fog dispezsal In this case are the mechanical removal (~f liquid water from the, field of action by, replaoing the moist air being pumped out by d# air and the evaporation of drops by heating the air con-` densing upon descent. To calculate 11he expected effects the author resorts to the theory:of heat and moisture transfer in clouds andfogs. The analysis Is Umitedlo the case where the, water in the atmosphere Is only in paeous and liquid phases. The regton occupied by a fog over the takeoff and landing strip Is -I.-rented as a parallelepiped. The air-blowlng devices L 41019-66 ACC NR, AT602M-9 -7 (fans) exhausting the air from the replion In horizontal directions are considered to b:s rically arranged at grotind level. Thi3 problem of the theoretical analysis wu to estimte tkq I values of the parameters of the exhaust fans at which fog dispersal would. occur In it given tlx~e interval. U was hat 2.7,010=31sain ~M.beijig the ag of, e. -haut found t a value ofM th ex A fan),Yihi6h is: required Wdisperse-9111.1ogo ave 00 rage, 0 fans along the long aides of the st~,'Ip and tfan5wlth ~a cit'pacity,qf alo each of the short sides. It was pointed out f6r comparison that the motor of a -powerfid jiet~' aircraft has, wita respect to exhaustvelocityi, an output equal to about 3-103m3/sec'and thatt46 con-t sumption of fuel is about 1000 kg witliln 30 min, which is the Urae selected In the calculations' for fog dispersal. . Approximately thi:1 same, f1gare can estimate: the work to.dispers6 fcoy the proposed method. To prevent th4tp natural recovery of the fog after Its local dispersion the fans should operate under relativiBly slower conditions for the entire tIme the nat=xl fog is present. Orig. art. has: 3 figurc~s and 6 formulas. SUB CODE: 01, 04/ SUBM DATE: ;aone/ ORIG REF: 001 a] BME411 FRIUATA IMM11 I-ITI"Ilk4mitFill 51-pli KFAAM-1 al p"7111111HAll IM112111 ill 11 9rilif 111VI(VIIIIIII11rall LCIAMEIRMIX 'MIMI [301wellifft twi ACCESSION HR: AP4020918 0/00 64/01 /0177/0181. AMOR Andorson 1 9.1f. zilitist V4. jil. TXTIZ: Calculations by asead-sapilrical method:of,the osctllator~ mtravth 299444-, :lug and potassium atoms SOM=s Optika i spektroskopiy&,1v.'G, no.21 1964, 17T-16 -TOPIC TAGS: oscillator strength, at~'omic transition, sodium transition socill4to attength, potassium transition oscillator strength,. f number,; trdnaltion probabuitrif .transition mAtrix elemento sodlualj:~pottssium ;A38TRACT: The values of the mean (Iscillator strengths for sodium wid: p6tassUL6 ~ai_ oms were calculated* The-computattans were perforKed:with'the aid of a: M14-0 caI4~rUI&tjngL %h6:r%djal,wftV,9 puter, which was progromed:for ascillai6i strengths and matrix elements Irik! and 1r21kj by the sent-a pirital uothodip~ro- posed by H.I.Petrashen' and 1,V.Abmrenkov CVestaik, UJU, Mo43',1a-,!96A).: Ti~ b"Icl ,equations used in the method are Wduced, Thu computation.resulti ~ar~ ~ pre$4~odd :in I the form of tables giving the meal& oscillator' strengths of; Optics~ hs4ipj and nd-*mf transitions in Na and I ~botween States Whollo.ene4iss- 01m4: Ui ted:~ 1 16 1/2 i Card CIIIS 11 HIM HIII I IIIIII njunill), 1ILMIlInI11121 III IMILIMM.U1112111 ACCMICH NR: AP4020949 screening potentials were cbtalne& lyjr interpolaticra of the results a, 061f. consistent field calculations by Fdc:lr- and Hartree. The basic':J:ocmputli~tion foftUlu;'-~ are citeds The ca2puted values of ZrL- (without: the a--7ga) arellsted In tables! and In- a-cc conpared with the corresponding ~=-perimentO vabws reportea by &ifferent~l vastigatorso For TA there vere also! perfomed caUulations vith this potentla obtabiect by solution of the calf-comisistent field equation vItIi the' aid of on; 20! A-Wo The~oscillatot' digit Viw-. strength values obtained In this case agree to the thir& slgmificant:~ those yielded by the above mentioned calculations, 1*04 Us* thi ~iliterpolim Fock potential. "The authors are grateful to A* V. xvanove rw em-bung them ib v use the cmvuter-determIned valm at' the potential for lithium* Orig, axt. 5 famulas and 32 tebles#~ ASSOC=CU.- ucce summm: 2may63 II&M ACQ. OE MLI oc SIUB CW3 t Pil In MW SOV:: 004 MM 007 Card 2/2 L 43610-46 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR!- (Dresden) ORG: none TITLE., Application of approximation.formulae in the setting out of~circular area SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta technikak v. 52,, no- 34, 1965s 447-455 IOPIC TAGS: mathemat-idep trigonometry APSTRACT: The triaonofiwtric methods for the approximate layout to the coordinates of c3xcular arcs were described with esr'ecial reference to the technique involving the. u-so of quartered mid-coordinates. It. waa shovm that the usefulness of the latter technique can be increased by a relatively simple modificationL, The nature of the moaification and its application to Oven and uneven are lengths wey~ described.,' 1JFRS: 34,6721 suV CODE., 12 SUBM DAM 29MA~5 '60 CA 04 a 00 A --0o aft ii Gas Ior pun Ong km acid --d man ums. TIN at In* eTHudft WMb to obtain Waht itack, ncomawv&d. : mach Imated in W& I- VOW adhis pmtiKv t)jjq see thh z ILVA U*4 )WAPOtmded olh c "M shmW to Awaims cil th to a C Cook t, Ameri. CNO- Ggc=g' -nd Ruldsm ~Nvad- am commted. A. A. 00.2 004 sov 40 -01 4100 'AS a. It A OtT4LLU"KA1, Uft*ATrWz Mis 0*0 T-- v 0 Od 0' Z-4"W"m 0 Id, PC i't a e'l 09 it a x w so 0, 41 0 W 0! 0: 00.0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 Q~o o I o 0 o 10 0 a 0 so 0 9 so 0 0 goo 6 0 0: a 0 0 0 4 0 * too 040 o 0 0; 0, a ZHDANOVP D.A.; POKHOVSKrf, A.A.; NIKITYUK, B.A..j "ILLE L.N. Nomograms for determining bndy welght- by body lang ih atid chatit' circWerence based on measurements of pre6ent adult populatibil of Moscow. Arkh.anall;., gist. i embr. 414 no.10.:33-42 o 165. , (Mlflk 18:12): 1. Kafedra anatomii~chelovmkn (zav. - ahlen-horreaplonderit AMN SSSR prof. D.A.Zhdanov) I-go Moskovskolro ordaria lord-ria nedi- tsinskogo Instituta.imeni Sechenova Insti-Luta p1tanlya AMN SSSR. Submitted Nov4, 3. 1964* BARKAN, A.I.; ZILLER, G.K. On the article " Recl4imation of mineral ails by calcium metasilicate." Khim. i tekh. topl.*i~masel 8 no.M66 D 163 (MIRA MI) 1. Vsesoyuznyy trest po regenerataii. otriLbotantlykh n,eftyanykh maise). Glavneftesbyta Ministorstva neftyanoy promyshlonnosti SSSR. EMBOV, Ye.A.; SMITSYN, V.V.; OSHNI., R.N.; CHEKAINMV, N.A.; PATSUKOV, I.P.; USOV, A.A.; FUKSI, G.I.; VLADZIYEVSKTY, A.P.; AVDEYKVj A.V.; ARUMANOV, Sh.P.; PETROV, G.G.; KOZOREZOVII, A.A.; IJSITSKIY, K.Z.[deceased]; YAKOBIi, V,.A.; BELYANCHIK011, C.P.; IVADIOV, V.S.; VORONOV) K.M.; RUMIYANTI!IEV) V.A.; TROMIXK) V.A.; 9SRSTITADT, Ya.A.; ZILIEI%,,-(Lki, BT0BZMIAYA, V.D.; KU-MM40VA,K.Fm, vedered.; TITSKAYA, B.F., ved. red. (Manual on the use and norms for the expenditure of lubricants) Spravochnik po primoneniiu i normam rankhoda smazoehrifth mete- rialov. 2. perer. 1 dop. izd. MlosYva, Khimiin, 1961j. 855 P. (KERA 180) 11IRWAIRIPrIff It NNE 141WIMI 1 IRWINAM1111 II itil III Pill RIM Allill I] Hill 11111111111' W111111111111111111 stoat I'M BARKANy A.I.; ZILLER., GAO Pcitentiometric method for determiniug the majXmif iontlaa number in used and reoovered oils. Khim. i tekh. tldo.. i masal 7 no,10t 62-66 0162 (HIRA 1727) BARKAft,, A.I.; ERArj, I.V.;,-ZIUM# G*Ko Petroleum.oil realaiiation with the use of surface-active agents. KhImJ tekh,topLi Inasel 7 no.4*33-38 Ap 162. OURA11514) 1. Uentrallnaya niachno-issledovatel'skaya laboratorlya VGeo0yuIrloy kontory "Regotmas". (Oil reciamt-Ion) (Surface4ctive igents) XMINOV, Ya.A.; OSM, R.9 PATS ~OV, I.P.; 01MICATTSBY N.A. j 102MM. FUES, (;.I.; TL=ihi'vsxlr,': A.P: - PATSM,'OT, I P,,,- ATD3W, A ir' 0 lp . . I & - ~*; : WPOYAN, O.S. I- PZM(IfF a.G.,- KOZORCOVA, A.A.; LISITUlY, K~Z~, YAKOBI. M.A.; Mmul-chiov, (;.?.; ITAII(I'T. Z HYANTSZV, V A.; HMM221HATA, V.'D.; UTIVIA, Ya.S.'o &i", A*. Tfi# t kim. vedushchiy red,; 40 a red, ifriv!it WN!!` t 17. -11-fil 'A 113~1~1 NtHVF1I UY [3it 1 11 11.1 VI III 1 11 1 I'll I il ill'iW111111 1111111911t IIIIAMIRIP ItICIIIIIII! Mil C /Z 4 ER, BXnMATA, T.; ZILLZR. G. Reclamation of autonobilelmotor oils with additiveo. Av-t.trausp. 32 no.7:21-22 J1 054. (MLRA (Oil reclamation) ........ .... .......... SHASMN, Prokhor Ivanovich. Prinimali uchast~,Ye,. ZMILL'RR G BEHRZMTA. V&DO - ~"INA, Te.S.. vedushchiy ~ed.; 11CLOSIVA,, A.S., (Reclamation of spent petroleum oilal Regenerataiia 'Otrabotann*h neftianykh masel. KosIrva. Gos.nauchno-telthn.isd-vo wft. I gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960.. )03 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Oll.reclamation) OSTROUNOV, Georgly Arkad'yevich; -PILM, _GA, ,red.,; TY211SEORWVA, O.M., vedushchly red.; MOTOT.A. 1 6. t, Elnetructions on the ptheriug of spent petroleum oils for mechanics and shop supervisors] Pamiatka Po aborn otr0otann7kh neftianykh masel; dlia makhanikoy I nachallnikov tsakhoy. Kooky&, Goe.nauchno-t9khn.izd,-vo naft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1960. 24 p. (min 13:6) 1, Yeasoyasnoya kontora regenersteli otrabotawykh utuzocWkh me Be (Kitieral oils) A l T Z078o -COAL WAGON $11 M AT COLUMISS IN Mi~ DIflThiCT* Zoo ba Zillar, ff. (Bia u Rdsch., June 1949, v414 1, 8646 ZOO not, Alp -.It atTaLLURWAL UTINAl"At CLAt$.fjkA,(fl A 14 too Mato q 1 4 v Me. ir i-oo L 0 14 S AV 09 11,, od 4 0 0-or Oli, 0:: 0: 0 Q: 0 0 6:0 49.4, 0 -0 0- 0- : 4w ~ SO 0: _0 ZILLESP Janos A device and method for ;measuring ball bvrs'b and aurface stretch. Bor cipo 3-1-no.,6#184~186 N 161. 1, Boripari Kutato, Intemet. ZILLES, Janos; PARIS, LaBsIone Abrasion reoista~ tes'ling of plastic flat= cowringis by diamovd-tipped abr*jAon tester. gaff kem Up 18 no.2/~: '16 '0 Is- 2 1 -A 114~ I, I 11INIT' I F,,~ I: jil I ilw ~zf I K, ~V It III c9._, [I I It 1111 "'T IIT~l Fj III I III, I IT], "1 11 ".4" M,t wea ~3~ . !!Tfm" The ~Jqomatu i~i duI,,k!Aiw,h to ov vi!sji,j - afwv to it'lfw, 111VACLI lI ce." I 'i !I iIII'Atul 19 E Ot N, A 1*~`i -1 tile 1.14.1w,vul ij- " t'l l I .." 1 L I 1tv 4 1, 1, Ill !_wus IUI 71--11711 1 1 . : . i . I ZILLICH,, Pal t : I i L POLAND/Theoretical Physics Q4uwntum Theory of Fields. B-06 Abe Jour Ref Mur - Fizikal, uo 4, 1957) M2 Author Zillinski, Przemyolan ........... Title The Gell-Mam and!Pais Attempt to Srjtemtixe Zlem=tary Particles. Orig Pab Postepy fiz., 1950, 7) 11o 4, 331-341 Abstract Surveyo Bibliogral~hy) 22titles. Card 1/1 RUMANIA Virology. H=an am!L Animal Viruses. Hapatitia B-3 Viruses. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol,~, No 20) 1958, No 90634: Authors Bukaresti, L.; I%sza, L. ;',Zjjan Lam, V~; Gross) ~K Kovacs.: B.; Csiki) I.; C~Sgyi) R, Inst, Not given Title Polarographic Studies in Epi&mic Hepatitis. Orig Pab Rev. med, (RPR), 1956) 2, No. 2, 16-22. Abstract No abstract given- Coxd 1/1 ZILIKAROVICH, DeU., polkavolk: tekhnicheakor elushby. -"'-RiAlo or selector-systen consunication? TentJosd.Y1. 38 no.2:71-73 7 156. kMMA 9:7) (Aeronautics, H;Llitary-Commuication systems) AID P 4 57'( Subject USSR/Aeronautics communications Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 12/211 Author Zillmanovich, D. Ya., Col. of tech. service Title Radio or telephone communication? Periodical Vest. vozd. flota 2, 71-73, F 1956 Abstract The author anal~lyzes the advanta,ses and disadvantages of both the radito and telephone intercommunication between the con;trol post of engineer and the technical personnel on the airfield. He comes to the conclusion that the portable ultra-short wave radio sets are most suitable for su(~,!h intercommunication. Institution : None Submitted : No date MUKHINA, Lidiya Ivanovna; BUYAATUYKVA, D.R.0 red.; BAZAROVA, D.B.y red.; ZILOTIN,.Yu,V,,, red. (The Vitim Plateau; na,l;ura-I conditions and regionalization] Vitamskoe ploskogorte;,prirodriye usloviia i raio-nirwanie. Ulan-Ude, Buriatskoe k~dzhnoe izd-vop 1965. 134 P. (MRA 18:5) M, Ill P lVIIIIIII I R-I 111111 .. ...... ZILOTIN, Tu.V red.; NAGORNOVA, A.Ya., red.; BATOTSYRENOVA, D.B., "Taiii! red. [Buryatia strides towarl the futura) BuriclAia obagaet v 'budushchee. Ulan-Uda, Dariatakoe knishnoe iad-vo, 1963. 138 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Buryat A.S.S.R.-Economic conditiona) MMTUYEV,. B.R.; DERYUGINA, Vi,ll.; RADNAYEVO G.Sh,,; Zl~qzpj--4- Yu.V.. red.; RADNATIV, AvNo p 'tekbn,, red. [Essay on the natiorial economy of Buryatia]Ocherk narod- nogo khoziaistva Bu:~riatii. Ulan-Ude, )-:rariatekoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 199 'P. (MIRA 17:2) LUBSANOV, D.D., spets. red.;, red.; BATOTSYRENOVA, D.B.9 tekhn. red.'; (The 40th anniversatr of the Buryat A.S.S.R.; articles]. Sorok let Bgriatskol.ASSR; sbornik statei. Ulan-Ude, Buriatskoe kniahnae, :Lzd-vo, 1963. 137 p. (MIRA 16: 11) (Bur-yat A.S.S.R.-'!-Economic conditions) 11,4u, Liu I& dEu gwa~ A I'-~l %I 114ARSW~~[,!KhW:- I I I G L 14 11 U:P H I I I I H IM I It 11D I I I I I MAI III N I I I lilt It I I 114.111,111111 11 Will Iff HIM I I I I 1111MU P 1110 1 1XI I LIEU- I a I IMAW-1- tLax~Q-11- BUTANTUIN, Ballshan Rinchinov,lLch; ZILOTIN, Tu.V.,, red.; BATOTSYREMOVA, D.B., (Bargusin Valley; survoy of the nature# etionomy and prospeots for' ihis development of the region] SargusinclaRia dolina; obxor prirodir, khoziaistva i perapektiv roxvitila raiona, Ulan-Uds, Bzriatakoe kniahnae lsd-vo, 195go 56 p, (MIRA 12:11) Oarguift Valley-Sconomic conditions) P .1 v- I-- I . I " .-Ill 4-11, .,- z-11 - - 1~ ~~ I-I . 9; - I ..19111 Ill! !, 1,111;1111111:11 il III 'lifil I I 1111411111i 111111 I - ZIIOV, A. Readings of a speedometer after replacement of 'Hosk*vichl car units. Avt.transp- 38 no.8-.43-44 Ag 4160 (MM 1318), 1. Tedushchly konstraktor Otdela glavnoigo Icanatruktors Hoskovskogo savoda 1mi;,1o1itr&zhrqkh avtomobiley. (Automobilel-Maintenance and repair) ",IWV. A, 23573 I I , I 'i ~7 t", .2114UMLIMMUMIls I ELEKTROOBORUDOVAITT!W AVTCI-ICBILYa No. 7, G. 19-23. I SO: IETOPISI NO. 31,it 1949o i I KALAKHOVSKIY, Takov Immanuilairich; LAPIN. Aloksandr Allbartovich; ZU4V, A.L.-,,reteeizent; LIPGART# A~A*# prof., rad.; Iritu IN, A,K,, red.; MARTINS, J,L,, redsiod-va: UVAROVA, A.P,, takha.rad, [Clutches] Stsoploai!iia. Pod obahchei rod. A.A.Upgarta. Moskva, Goa.nauohno-tekhnA%d-vo washinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 191 ~' , , (MMU 13:5) (Kotortruckw;--Clutchas) BELKIN,. L.I.; GORELOVI L.R.; f!;ORYACHIYP Ta.~V4;~ZTLOVI~,A. NEW ISOV, YuJT,; TOMBOY V.N.;~Yu ,01DRONOV, A.F.0 lnxh.:I, red, (Automobile "Moskvichl~l 403; design and maintenance] i-vto- mobil' ffMoskvich" mod6li 403; konstruJctsUa i tekhnl6he- skoe obsluzhivanie.- Hoskva 402 p. Mashinostro:inie,, 1965. (MIRA 18%8) 1. Glavnyy konstruktor Moskovskogo zavodt-.t malolitrazbriykh a-vtomobiley (for Andr:mov). BELMI, L.I.; GORELOV, L.R.; GORYAGMY, Ya.V ZILOV A 1. IT' 1-yel NEIATSOV, Yu.M.; 110VOSELOV, I.V.; YU ['TMoskvich-40711 automobile; its design and mairitennneol.lArtomobill "Moskvich-407"; konstruktsiia i tokhnichesltoe obsluzhi- vanio. (By] L.I.Belkin :1. dr. lzd.2.) perer. Moskva, Mashinostroenie., 1965. :14 p* 18:3) OJIMlIfflukell 11111145,11 t 111INI 1111 114111 U11111111 I 1111111 Id 1111,1111111111511111111 11RUJITHIIIIIII fifil INil Ill .9111;anmgllllllglllgilli~INU'Irala~nlotiliI ZILOY, A.R.; POKALOV, Y.T. Molybdenum mineralization' In the Uda~-Titim tiw tonk' "Zone, of Transbaikalia, Min,syrIe'no-5t70-M 062. (K[U~ 16s4) (Transb&ik*lia-WA$Wenum, orm") 1 !1111 1 11 ~il V ItIM 1 111111113t I III a I I I I lilip Ml I I, I find] U I EEO Ilan I I; 141119"IK"Illi I I] I I I] MAIll ZILOV, G. N. Deceased Medicine See ILC a ZILOTA, A.S.tTAMMINto LeXe Application of dicouxar.JiLu in nyoq~r~.'1'141.!arctioos and in. throx'~*Oem of peripheral: vessels '~ Xlini, isd;.',Koskva ~(!:-'0113'4*47 J, A9L 24'.1) 1, Of the Department of Hoop Ital Therapy (Ftead Prof+ A. 14 Vqasni- kov), Active Hesiber A.WUMR). IncreaBeld coagulability of the blood may load to inter- vascular thrombosis, which qften causes death. In cases of ~ acute co;,-orary thrombosis and stenocardia there is a tendency toward byperthroutbinemia. Dicoumirin sharply reduces the prothrombin content and monsequently retards blood coagiiLation*- :The~degree cf reduction of protjrombin dependis both on the dosage of dicoumarin and on the organism's sensitivity to it* Dicoumarin has been .pra&ced synthetically in:the USSR since 1944; expts on anintals confinned its higlt.'BagiLlative propertiese It also A possesses antibacterial propertieei and in a 1 to 100,000 concentration checks pmpa- gation of staphylococci and streptococci, . 255r25 L o A T X 2516) fill" MUNNIAM111 I-HIMill 111 Willi I I IR"I 111111 Hill I PUME I 1300K IMILOITATION SM/3075 Defek-toskopiya metallov;,sbornik stoatey (Flzv Detection in Metals;. 'Collection of Articles) Moscaw,, Oborongiz, 1959. 458 p. Errata slip inserted, 4,550 copies printed,, Ed.: D.S, Shrayber, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: H.S. Laammksya;~ Tech, Ed.: V.P. Rozb4n; Managing Ed.: A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPM,t This book is intended for engineers and,techniciaw in the field of nondestructive inspection a-nil testing of metals. COVERAGE: This collection of arttolea deals with methods of nondestructive: In- i"AdUtin -and testing oir.~*t&U.- Results of investigations conductdil at' ocientific research Institutes ezd plants of mWe '00, electrical,, X-ray,, ultrasonic, and fluorescent-pehetrant methods of flaw detection ewe described. Detailed descriptions of flev-detectioa methods and ecMipwnt are presented. Data are given on the status of the develoWent at flor- detection methods In non-Soviet countries. 17o perBonalities are mentionea, References follow several of the articles. Card 1A Detection (Cont.) SQT/30T5 TAZZ OP QOR=S- Introduction ;3 ZJIQW&r-M*~ R.I. Demdna, and Ya.;B. Fridman* Some Iftalarities Observed In the Effect of Local Defects on~the Strength and Plasticity of-Ports 7 Zhigadlo, A.V. Perfecting the Mailnetic-particle Method of Inspecting Ferro- magnetic Parts 34 Kulik., X.A. Magnetization of Ports by Alternating Current and Ins",.-tion by the Magnetic-particle Method 47 Ryvkina,, D.G, Measuring Xopetic Fields on Parts of Intricate Shape and Inspection of Blades by the Magaetic-particle Method 55 Mikhnevich, P.G. Equipment for Tvapecting Parts by the mapetic-iparticle Method 62 Semenov, N,M. Automatic Flaw Det*ctor for Inspecting Was produced 13teel Parts - 76 Card 2/5 Flaw Detection (Cont.) SovkjO75 Rozhdestvenskly, S,,M., and G..Yu. Sila-Novitskiy. Electromagnetic 1xiductidn MAhod of Flfiw Detection 80 Ushakovas.IsX, Some Methods and Tnetrt=ents for Nonaestractive Inspection of the Thickness of Coatings on Parts 321 EyMenvalld, V.NO Practical Application of Electomagnetic Methods (if Non- destructive Testing 117 Suvorov.. L.M. Flw Detection in Ligbt-alloy Parts by tie Blectromalpaetic Induatlon Method 126 Averaherilco, P.A. High-frequency Induction Instrument for Detecting Cracks and Interg = ular Corrosioh rolyak~, E.V. Fluor 'ascent-penetrilat Flawrdet eotion Kathod and the 1cparience Gained by Its Use in Machine Building 139 Int'sko., S.P, Magnetic and rluorescent-penetrant Itiapection of~Ports in the Repair and Servicing of Aircraft Equipment Card 3/5 lima Kwil 11111.4 WIMMIN IMM 111KO113111INFIR IWITH1.11 11 W Fill ffitillifill 11 11191111111411P.1 IF11113111111W I I MUHIEF, Flav Detection (Cout.) SOV/3075 KVlik, A.A. Characteristic Feaftres of the Use of the Fluarescent-Penetrant, Method of Inspecting Parts 163 Sila-Kovitskiy, G.Yu. T[ondestractive Magnetic Methods for Measuring Thicknesees of Coatings 166 Grinzayd, I.I. Electrical Thiclatess Gage for Measuring AA,odized Coatings of Aluminum-alloy Parts 24 Suvorov, L.M. Thermoelectrical Method of Measuring ThicImeases, of Electro- plated Coatings 169 Suvorov, L.M. Thermoelectrical Ifethod of Inspeciing the Quality of,Bixads~ in Bimetals lc)2 Ye=olwjev,, B,I. Use of Back-so:iLtterins Beta-radia4ion for inspecting Thicknesses of Coatings Chernobrovov., S.V. Nev X-Ray Elizipment ancl Image Ritcorders for X-Ray Plaw Detection ~202 Card V 5 Flaw Detection (Cont.) SOV/3075 Chernobrovov S.V, X-Ray Tube W.Ith Rotating Anode. 219 Shrayber, DX. Ultrasonic Flav Detection 241 Iange., Yu.V.,, and G.V. Prorokov,i Equipment for IrItimsonle Inspection 356 Lange, Yt~-Vv 8 and D,,Si -t~a~iAr. General Cfiaracteristida:br th4 ftIx6'4I&O Tnm. UltrsmiOnia Flaw-detactioll X(Ithod Kulik, A.A. Characteristic Featcires of the,.F~dse-Echo Type ultravollic rlasr~- detection Method 404 Khurginj, M.E. Ultrasonic Flaw-deteation in porging% end Vulustion of the Size Of the Nfects Revealed i 409 Iznge.p YU*Vo., alld G,V. Prorokov;, AUtomation of Ultrasord.c.Inspecti(m 413 Shrayber, D.S., and I.I. Temins Application of Ult:vaaonle Vibrations foi: Processing and Testing Hateriala 424 AVAnA=i LibrM of Conpase Card SA 46 Ov. "CA 427 X8hMrL T. K. Zdalmd Ya. 0. "OtAn (ZANf. MAs. Adki. It"O. wh1w part, i =60 svetaw 14mk4y tic a "im"I 1w tl 11 am 6dpaWal stkw~ SSUMM of OA jw", t1oftlinti&UM SIKPAU 40 b4aml pflmurily an lamllpikin of the " I&AWty ill hdmq~lwvW* &AWnwil 014k4 or on nun dAniullf vwuwk *jth 446"m C40"Ma ." d wb* Mir 0( &(amiuaft Fat nmy 1"04661 t" ~Qvvrmll tirily 1, IM commue " it As 1,;4 wy with 1=1334xinum of Tbomwivictisw 114441. st*dYiAg t6 ilml tWONOUtIon by a f4gimi-ad cu-6edbLa" t*twoa* hisimmitable, for Moir. aquatmo; &I, tho Apex of A, ablup buich is 04UM in iho IMM diviphwelms.4 for a sammallk gpwmm4L- - Thm P%e peownee ~W a IwAix ard to a raimmm at 00i arofto pilamamp Sawt 0(lbi. mug. Og4ilv. v hudismid wd t#mpwW stock tka mm,dk mmi && the, apx 0(s, mtj& W vauddlmaNy amll1w We thp malfcouti (at a bakaotb 610CWUM, A alikMegeriatia Ot the roulive gredimt 0( 14"ar defomatina r is i6l, peamtod.-H. F. K. 'KhNUA. x specknen, mxd the kw*livcd glefonnalkin fit th IW4 WrtroOd dwiq the vi. a fraclurr, jorssinnioc whit the limmilm fA the fin% rmk. Thus. Of, tiowe PM" of (McOre Should be studkNI, Out morly the finil A. (1, My ps 00 g~lchsm al phink Mows. Va. 11.~ F61mal am T-K-at". Ddwy Abed. Sawk S.SS.X ?J~ W-700(awo).- mmajmrt to study Ow Jimd ddw=. " at the Suface of cylindri- ad qmcimms p utically ditformeci In torsion, It vium shown, that the locclat an of the first cracim in the ispodness coin. cide with Use bq;Imulagat IoczUtod sidamation, Inastm tecapaw at awl, wbars the Sencral ddormtkm irms about 9% the localhad ddomutkm was 20% n6w the first cnckc At final (factecrof )Koff thir use to the==51r. Charpy_ ~ net 7 i T T q logo led 216 I&r9q. pleade Nfafmallam. (fit Ro"Un.) Ya. Fridimn mul T. K, ZfluvA. DekladL* Akademli NoW. ta&aty of Sek-m-ts of thit SSNII (HrItoirts of tlw--A SO 111 USSIM new mi., %-. 7:1. Ault. 91, 19W, P. IIWIIM, sea The almor was atidied using the ratiltocl of a rullvd, "Al". tin nit-sit pattern. Cocal defurtnatims at cklenainvil front di%towilms of,the pattem Ccw&.ivnt of deftsm j1palltm voixvnirallon w" rjak-WAIM to Iv Ow ralia J mailnom aht-Ar to atran s1war. AVpIkation of tht- t*Kuks to the studY of sorsts conc-mtralion in th(tvi- vot tylk-I of tt~st illvdintni'l (pWa and notcht-J) ih Indiva'tecl. IMA vii tal)u6trd and chatted. A 41 IMP& 0,34401, 1 lie 03 H a It IF 1 ~6 4 It , 0 000 0 0 0 .0 0 *W 0 rs W 0 4 0 0 * 0 0 1~ Vs 0-10-10 9 0 0 0 lid! 0"4i.W. 0141- 0: 6 1 ON ~ 0 G 7- A WIM, losif Namovich, doktor takhn.nauk; DOBATKIN, T.14, c~)ktor takhn.nauk. kand.tekbii.nauk, red..; SffOROTA, I.A..,- ORESHKINA.T.I., [High-strength deformable alwainum alloys] Tysokoprocha~e Word- rueve alinminievye splA~vy. Koskva, Gos,,na,mchno-tpkhn.Izd-,vo, 1960. 290 p. (NBA 13:5) (Aluminum alloys) 21LOVA,, T.K. WSR/YAWO S "on the Effect of,!, Cracks on the Mecb4n1ca1.',Prop~,rt1O0:.'. of Material at vairious Stressed Coudltions:j" Ya.' Fridman, T. K. Zilova, N. I. Zhukova 'Tok Ak Nauk SMA" Vol LXXXP, No 1 6 pp. T~70 Studies -inf luence(' of pre*lously formod cra~,Its us:.4S4~ double test 80010was with 3 headslijid tvio~jauv - I.. .;I . . 11 ! 1. ~ q ~Iefigths. : ApplAceltion of : tors ional f ~brce ~t~ ~entix~ ~j: up to kelilure of once' half air it J*Oose4. :aracks on its otiIii part'vh1ch was 40jectiid t can.; -sequent tension. -I'IGraphically repreoen a! t test roiW &, ages efiect of cracks on o*'ve And discu derozzation Pr da, Submitted- by,Aca~j, P. 4 Rebinder,7410&r 52.ii~l POW, Yflwv Mikhaylovich; IISMII, 8,11., laureat Stelinvakor pronll,: doktor at IrRrwx ra; B takhaichaskikh muk, professor, retseassi livarett: St&linmkoy prenii, dokto~I- takhnichaoidkh mik, pro fessor,,r--itxezvemO; ZMAJAIP, kandidat tokhnid'haskikh mauk, rodaktor-, SUKQ)TA, I,A~, redaktor; ZUDAKIN, I&M., takhnichaskly redaktor. [Brittle fracture of steel. and steel parts3 Muvkis rairUAIISRUs. stali i stallmykh detalal. Koekva, Gos*Izd-qi* obor*promphi 11955 388 ;94) mlm~l~ ~~m ~"Wll"Imvl AUTHOR; Ziloya 1T.Kj_j Candidate of Technical Sciences, and and Demina, N.I., Engineers. 129 - 8 - 1116 TITLE: Influence of the Emrface state on the tendency of steel 309fCA to clow fa-.'Llures. (Vliyanie sostoyaniya povepkhtosti na sklonnost stali 30 KhG8A k zamedlennomu razrusheni-yub) PERIODICAL: "Metallovedenty-e i Obrabotka Metallov" (Metallurgy and Metal Treatm%mt), 1957, No.8, pp,2-7 (U,,S,S.R'). ABSTRACT: On investigating slow failures qf bolts and- nuts cede cC steel 30xr-GA (ultimate strength 120 kg/wi~), thin hardened layers were frequently observed directly at the.surface and these app- eared to be one of the causes of failure of such components. InvestiKation of tluj heat treatment and of the.heatin&; baths revealed that there was a possibilkIty of surface hardening to be produced during the normal heat -treatment, but it was not possible to reprodu,i*.e in these experiments the brittle, layers which were detected in bolts and nuts of current manufacture. In this paper the ri)sults are givenof further study of thet influence of the coa4itions of heat treatment and shaping'Ou the surface state and the mechanical properties of the above mentioned steel. The experiments viere carried out with plates of 2 x 8 x 100 mm. and pins of 12 mi dia. produced from rods of 16 mm. of a single melt and, also, on boards of 10 mm, dia. eva"d 1/4 Influence of the surface state on the tendency of steel 30Xr CA to slow failures. (Cont.) 129 - 8 - 1/16. produced f rom hexagoaal rods, The steel was of the f ollowins composition.- 0.33% Oft 0.94% Si, 0.84%) Mn, Blo Cr, 0.014% Sp 0.029% P. The hardness -and the depth of the hardened layer were determined by measuring the micro-hardne es of oblique 1 cuts prepared from components which have failed. Surface hardening could occur Ailst hoating in the salt bath when deoxiding by means of potassium f arro-cyanide or during tempe- -*-g at 1 500 to 530 C in an alkaline bath consistinE; of 60,116 NaOE[s 4TA KOlt deoxided by potassWi f erro-o-yanide. Fig. 1 gives the results of measurement of the miero-hardness of the plates heatocl for hardening to 890 G iXL a KG1 bath with various percentages of added potassium ferro-eyanide and va:cious annealing times. Figs. 2 and 3 give the results of measurement of the Miero- hardness of plates and pins heated for hardenin in a K01 bath deoxided with charcoal and subsequently tempereg at 530 C in an alkaline bath deoxided with potassium ferro-cyanide. Cdz,.. parison of the characteristics of the layers hardened during hardening and during tempering indicates that they diffeir slightly from each other; the maximtm ~icro-hardness produced by tempering amounts to 800 - 900 kg/cm and the hardened layer reaches a depth of 80 - 100 p whilat the micro-haixiness obtainei Card 2/4 Tnf luenCe. of the sur~Eaee stst,a on tbo tendency of Ste 'I 30XrCk to slow. failli Ont 129, -:1116 re's during heating in the p ocess' of hax4ening2reaches, after tea- poring, a max-I va',.Lue of 600 -'700;.-kg/nfm eAd; the haMen6d. layer has a depth of 100 - 300 ji.* The conditioi2s of heat treat- ment of the bolts and of the pins and the obta-Ined test reirults for these -axe summarlLsed in a table on P, 4. T16 testsL showed that irrespective of I how the bardened layer is obtained: on.the surface of the steeli, it does bring about: an i[nerease in sensi- tivity to slow failure. The characterisVics of,the hardensd Ia7er obtained thermo-chemically ancl bv inoOhanl-~al work. .:Utt differ from each other. For a -m&xk-,Wtxdened surface lacer, a steeply f alling mi6,ro-.Uaidness cuMoo characteristie; f or a depth below 20 pq the micro-hardne'ss, is l'P5 to d"? times, that of the micro-hardness o~' the core. For the investigated.6teel, the presence of thin,~ thermo-chemically ha-rdeaed surfaO layers imcreases the sensitivity to distorl;~!Lon and slow failure of bolts anct-pins up to,2.50-foiCL.under oextaia unfaxonrable ebal- d-itions. The work-h4rdening prodUced during cutt-ing of ~thTeads on heat-treated eomponents of this steel increases the notoh seniitivity and the censitivity to s3Lo7w f ailuro'by more than Card 3/4 1.5 times under certain conditions. -2 IZ-3-lo/34 AUTHORS: Zilova, T. K., Demi-na, N. I. and Fxidman, Ya. B. TITLE: Study of the non-uniformity of the plastic deformation during torsion by the method of rolled-in gridLnetwork. (IzueherLiye neodnorednosti plastichosko~ deformatsii pri kruchenii metodom nakatannykh 81;"tok , PIMIODICAL: "Fizika Metallov, i Metal lovedeniye" (Physies of Metals and Metallurgy), 1 .7-,Vol.4, No.3, pp. 455-469 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Yakutovich, M. V. and his team re,realed certain features of torsion testing of materials which were previously not taken into consideration, namely, Vie non-uniformity of the plastic deformation along the specimen, the hiE;h sensitivity of the state of the surface and the presence of microeracks (1-4). The aim of the here described investigations was to elucidate the influeLnee on the test results for steels~ after hardeninR and tempering of the followingt the. non-uniform diatribution of the cLeforumt-v.kun aiong the specimen durijag torsion on the final characteristics of the mechanical pxoperties of the material obtained for this tjTe of investigation; theL surface quality on these characteriatics; the super-position of the process of fracture on vue ais-Griuuvion CALrd 1/5 of the local plastic deformations during torsion; necessity 126-3-lo/34 Card 2/ Study of the non-uniformity of the plastic deformation during torsion by the method of rolled-in grid network.(Cont.) of entering corrections in existing methods of evaluation of the plasticity and strength of the materials during torsion. The experiments were carried out on specimens of 11-95 + 0.05 mm dia., 55 Imm active longth Steel 40;GINIA hardened tempared at 550, 350 and 220 C, the surface of which was provided with a network of closely spaced lines for studying the distribution of the deformation on the surface during torsion. For reducing the noa-uniform deformation observed on specimens after low temperature tempering, the authors proposed to use as Et-final treatment mechanical or ele ctro-- lytic polishing. The results are described in some detail. The graph, Fig-3, shows the influence of the surface state on the strength and plasticity of the specimens; it Sivei the maximum disDlacement as a function of the maximum tangential stress for ground as well as for ground and polished specimens 'tempered at 220, 350 and 550 C respective- ly. Fig.4 gives a ,.,omparison of Vie mean ductility of the specimens during torsion as a function of the tempering temperature for ground and for polished specimens. Results relating to the non.-uniformity of the plastic deformation are entered in the gTephs, Fig.61 and illustrated by the 32116-3-10/34 Study of the non-uniformity of the plastic deforn.lation during torsion by the method of rolled-in grid network.(Cont.) photo reproduced in Fig.?. Table 5 gives a compexison of the average with the local plasticity measured durinG torsion tests. In Table 6 the! plasticity of the material in tensile tests and in torsion tests is compared for j~round. as well as for polished specimens. On the basis of the results it Is concluded that for steel specimens with a low modulus of plasticity the process, of deformation is practically uniform alonS the entire length (tempering at 550 C);iftempered at low temperatures (350 and,220 C),intensive hardening occurs duriA5 plastic deformation, the development of the ceiomation Is non-uniform and practically has the character either of a "travelling" deformation,whicli gradually prODagates along the specimen,or it is concertrated as a result of presence of stress concentrators; the non-uniform distribution of . deformation is due to ioLon-uniform resistance of the transverse. cross sections brought about by non-uniformity of the macro- and micro-geometry of the specimen, non-uniforr-aity of the structure of the material in the body of the specimen, etc; the character of the non-uniformity of propagation of the deformation depends on the surface state of the specimen; the %rd 3/5 state of the surface aff ects appreciably t1je ductility of the specimens; for polished specimens it is two to five times as 1P&-3-10/34 Card 4/5 Study of the non-uniformity of the plastic deformation during torsion by the method of rolle6-in grid network. (Cont..) high as for specimens which are only ground. For reducing the non-uniform distribution of deformation during torsion of low tempered steel specimens, mechanical or electrolytic polishing is recommended as final treatment and also reduction of the diameter tolerances to + 0.1%. Observation of these i:.~vw,4Q.adations permits applyin76 torsion as one of the zethoda of testing materials at which it is possible to maintain uniform deformation along the length of the specimen up to the instant of failure, in spite of the non-uniformity of the process of plastic deformation. In cases in which there is non-uniform deformation, it is necessary to evaluate the. average and the localplasticity; for evaluatinZ local plasticity the method of rolled-on lattice lines is.recommended. The divergence between the average and the local plasticity values can be used for evaluating the sensitivity of the, material to their surface state. The process of fracture! introduces an additional non-uniformity of the displacements (non-symmetrical relative to the specimen exis),which is superimposed on the non-uniformity brought about by the process of axis-symmetrical plastic de-formation. Iz-3-10/34, Study of the non-uniformity of the plastic deformation ~ during torsion by the.method of rolled-in giid-notwork.(Cont.) There are 9 figures, 6 tables and 9 references, all of which Card 5/5 -are Slavic. SUBMITTED: June 27, 1956 and after revision truly 12, 19,9r,60 .A.VAILABILE: Library of Congress (Composition of the Steel 40XIM*. in 0.36-0.44.C, 0.17-0-37 Sit 0.50-0.8,0 Mn, 0.60-0.90 Cr, 1.25-1-75 Nit 0.15-0 0.035 Pt 0.25 OU) .25 Mot max 0,030 S, .................. ZIWVA, T.Y.; DXWM, M,I.; YRIDIMN, Ta.D. IRtuAy,',ng the heterogeneity of plastic daformtiotv-dnde t' rilon rf o by the methoa of knurled.gTating. Fit. met. i-metalloveA.'~ 4 no.3: 455-"9 157. 10m) (DeformtIons (Neebamics)) (Torsion) (Ste'eI--%etivg)-