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A/2 023 UNCL ASSI F I-ED PROCES4ING DATE"160CT TITLE--MECHANISM 0 F RADIOSTRONTIUM INTAKE IN POTATO !IUBEAS -U- AUTHOR-102)-MEL41KONEA, M.K., BARANOVA, L.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--AEC-TR-7128, PP 127-42 -DATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 -.SUBJECT AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TEGHNGLOGY# BIOLot;ICAL AND MEZ)ICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--STRONTIUM ISOTOPL-t RADIATION PLANT EFFEG 'T, PLANT CHEMISTRY, 'PENVENCEr CHEIIICAL ABSORPFIDN DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT, TEMPERATURE 0, CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FKA4E--1983/1780 STEP NO--U;t /0000/'I~)/000/0(.io/O,)00/.Ouk)o CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT005461a I-im-lamig-l! 2/2 023 UNCL ASS IF I ED pROCESSIING DATE--IoO(;T70 CIRC ACCESS16N NO--AT0054bI8 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INCREASING TOE TEMJJ[,,~ATUR'l I-Ru-,l I TO 35DEGREESC CAUSED NO SIGNIGICANT INTENSIFIC.A1104 GF TAE PROCI'SS OF ABSORPTION OF PRIME90 Sk BY POTATO TUBERS. DATA CLN T~L~:14[)ERAT07C COEFFICIEN15 OF THE REACTIO~4 OF STRONTIUM ASSORPTI-:11tv BY rl-W Tja~AS DE.40NISTRATCD THE NONMETA60LIC NATURE OF THF- PRIXES!;. THE OIFFU$1674 NATURE OF THE PROCESS WAS INOICATED BY THE 0JFFU.Sl0!l COL-:1-FICIENTS CALCULATED FOR STRONTIUM ANU CALCIUM IN THE TUBER, COMPAkISON OF THE DATA OBTAINED UNDER VARIOUS EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS MADE IT POSSIBLE TO ClINCLOUE I'WliT THE ABSORPTION 9F CALCIUM AND STAONTIU'll BY;POT.ATO TUB~j'-15 15 ~lj PHYSICAL PROCESS, DIFFUSION, AND IS NOT 14ETABOLUC IN NATUREo. FACILITY: GOSUOARSTVENNYI KOMITET PO ISPOLIZUVANIYU ATGMNOI ENERG11 SSSiko MOSCOW. 112 023 LJNLL ASS IF 11-:0 PRUCESSING 0,.NrE--20.NDV7C TlTLE--ELECTqC0~PGSITICN GF 11IGN ALLUYS -U- AUTli0K-(G4J-Sll',l:LNlIKlJVt V.K.1 YAGUBETS, A.N.P 80NDARv V.Vit 10ELNIKOVAt 1 M.M. "I", . I CCMTRY OF INFO--USSR SGURCE--U.S.S.R. 264,C,3-,) RLFEkENGE--(:T.K,RYTlYA, HUHMET.r PROM. U8kAZTSYt l'GVAlkl!vVF (NAKI 1910, DATE SUbjErr Ail [AS--i'.!ATEt,, [ALSt CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--04LIMICAL PAIFNT, LLECTRGLYTC.#,3ETAL [RO-A AL.L.0'fi, CUbALT li~tull ALLOY, PHOSPHCAUS ALLOY, EL~CTkCDCV~J~311_11QN CCNT?CL MArrlNG-NO REsrx!CTlLNS 0 U( (114 fl~ 'I f (, I., 4S I J f 4 C . 1. S ( I- L L: 0 I PROXY k EL L/ I- R AIM E- 3C 0 /1;,' V f: 11 UR 10 /1 (1) t)o 0 (1.)/ 1., fj,),, kJ;,. 00 C I fj i--' I I-Liv i%* "--- ~, , 13 L 3-- Ll AL 2/2 0 2 3 L.NCLASS I F: (EU S C I RC ACCL S IS I C N NO--,l AO 1 31~3 ABSTRAC T/EX TRAC T--( W A.) S) 1'i~A C TAN Ff,.rCL)pl) A1.1,0Y I,')' AT 40-5 A-C PAUIE2, PH A~.b !>0-b0DL5,Rf_-.t:-.S 1- 1. 1: L T RUL Y I k-- CUNTG. I-ELL SU62 10C-660o N;l hYPOPHOSPH(TE 10-L5v AMU C Suje G-L FAC[Li ry: iNsri r(JT P4~ IKLAU.NljY IFE 4f KE A~ll 1401.(:JAVSI~Wy ssa. Mnjst~ of For.t- !n t,!._* p "~W -IN 40 3e s'h Year C-7--A umber natiol-A. 'It 1_4 hms~d an tull .-.- =vmr*tgrzjo, ftutual gain, Aril fraterril flutuAl AL4. JPT~4.,ttjs~. irAtloli ..d .-F,r,4tj-q it deepet,'-.& a.4 .;"61 t-d. i. SkItt*~Iful C0110-0-AtL= Of the SOCIAILSt CVU~.tri*4 J!P Crt&t1v eAj~f~!.!nL 71W rf10CtVjanffz3 ~f greatly dervn,ls in tn. ~A- ~j!- which tramporti 4r# at. -?~t dittrlt= ~. Of ftT. the t".- _- trq4f"i:t 1._c=- tr.""It *.,Z.r L- t- cost of exportod ArA tm(woTteri fretjZt. T`-.&nF;bQCL d~V*Josir~Mt it C4 signillicanct fat thte as:vi= rnz.rprl~#.. 1. turing nxr~2M jKWjutt._*_ a-. *Et" " "~id~~tle rem tht The =Ain Llast f Ir-laht. i"In Tahi In4l.-U-41 'oci.lV.t ~-ntylf~ and b*tW*n tf~r, is czr-rled by railr-i tra".-vrt, The, C~~A ze=~;*r ma. ko-i have boo,.Am to P14ke W~ U24 of Autt~ytt~e tr.'T-'O" i-I tne oes-t !g. 7v47.. Collaboration by thq CF14A Center nAtt_=__ tz r~~ field of t. and the pArztFtp;%tIon of tIve sceiv.. Um POT 'am t, c=f.Ir.L=ftS to t !n -unical and opwratirr re.4uirp.-tints for S c z ,4 T&L pf ~. t trail~rm. and =ter tra~Az for tnt~inatLmil shipm-nt% w~-re 4-,3 a7proved utthin the CL~A fra_-Aw=k. T""_Lcal cmmdlti.== ~t* m=ove:! tt dazigr. and maintain Lnt~mnisrnal =ota: r=ds as u4rv r"'*=~Tmfxticl f~- their m-irt-mmn". Surrmnitionx utio J*v-lor-4 to orpani-* rvpai: and nir&I Maintenlace " to Provide tCr"ica' --t Other &Z910tance t- t~- automotive transport factlitt4s ~,I the CE-M-A "~Der nations alunit the ~4~ highways used for International shirments. &he Soviet Utilor. already has certain Anow-how in tmv orr,4nizzzic-Az c~ intarnat!onal frei4ht shipwnts by "ecootive transport. Z%ren in the -To- war p*vIod Soviet vehicles were carrytr4 fretght between the USS? anot tInt Mongolian People's Republic and, later. betwodn the USSR and Chlr~. I .I. ."I , I , f'p" I" ."I -- ". " *.'", ::' 8'.1 .1 ", -,,rvi thr Lutopran %('r -Mri- t, rhe r- I nru'. 1 so ~i" it , k.. A. .'r I '. 1-1 t n1 na - "". _% , , ..I - lithor.ti.. Ith -riatilt fntrtTt-. Ini., t. f.,I%t Txt.z: he t". or-at .'.0- f "I" I" Ih` 11~ 11 of Th- Mr.'0'. I a, In, 1- r1'.. I.1 -I" an-1 ttx &.rvr%e~_rnt c! the tranipurt i,~T~orll -Ith direct cces to Coar- Vor ts. Th,- be luritialn SSR-9 export freight -uppltarl t-f-- to v" tranzport pr'-%Art-.y to 4h'bp foo-1 CoModitiogs r,#at one atisai rat, a-nbie fat. mn-ctt-rr h-;. a nr! nr t-r tr-, ter.1unn "UrMot tvr 11 an, Port r.4~ a -'16n 6.1 Ivory rate . As oxp4rad to railroati*, the froii#thr *,ollvary "rJO'.1 " #~ tcaotlW: ZrATSp~jrt 1,s i*4-*J 5-6 LI=x in Int.rn&Liu~'. trA-ifie. For ex- !-~:. 4~- A4~ w' _*';4~ f-r-t ;T-r ~i__ ta- t~- G-.;,I R...ttia, xrnf iini1rria it taxvv 1137-1to Irli-r It I, r.I-roA. AX ttte sa= tt=~ tnu Trsttnz rar-retorz L.4jt!'-.jy -ua! AVA11- Abi 'I Caroib -'.t6 to Ant ... L.- tt.n'poft "'Ch Prts toT and 04 tjlv~fit' tlectrotwrtzrical itwus. and radiatrchnical Itomi. -C~fr-td--4~or- Azilltry Of aut=atl~* th., i& dir-czlv -#vtT-3-t- t~ thAt rf t~~ "i-.- == ~i:: a t.-%-Ag numniir of op~ratlon& and to tnsura~ a bettor Vtol."ation Of frei4g~.t in trarzlt and sets ttw po-itAlLty to r*.~ tacliark~A ee,*1% t-y It. n~) .r 1;f~ht- __t.t,rj , .., t-y not jjim citareer2. at A,_I~ j= Tx==pt.' T~zr kmnsk ftarcr Vchictis r-ant =-, a ~Vjngg =I *&T,.y '.cV.P4r'-' rubles In 1070 thtmgh the us,e of lighter corttainers fn whith to park t.-arv Vart-A =_-r:=1- -_7 =t==ctLVC =x=zP=rX a=! tn %Z~W Cozza for Container --ractutluA_ In the 5~4 t lialon, the %M L~pj~,t.tion ,u c r- e4.1 be , Cf triMction-I fr-Wri- rhlp-_~n=s hz5 t-- %evird on The ,1111iftry ~f !;ot7-r `T,~port and H;xhwlyD hich c..q =c=it tltz autmctim tarilicips frn ttn conicii carrier notor V".Lnle of republics to car-7 out the-it shipmenz. In panicula=' the transport facil- ities of the minor vehicle ariterprises suba dinuad to the IsloruWaft S41 ninittrv Qr ?;-jtor Volitelp Transport Air, reertitited to tra~~jpcrt for-otgn -,-.zco frotrht to the -o4jaltxt Co4r;triq* Of T~jr*pe, It slki:~44 " Sentitraed that th~ Plinitirry of Motor Vehicle Transport itives cue attentlen to the ar- j,,aniractori of such ihigizent:3. The USSft*T ftratipi craze niritanizattans are with the state of shi.psients, especially in that =at-gr of frrighmt prearryation euring transit, and stsnife-,t interest Lt. t!'A further devollov- ment of thin type of snipmenr. However. the main mass of export freirht fr~ thm to tho FUTGPO&~ SOCIA11%t C~PlLrt- t~ Atill Corvied by fail- road transport. It appears expedient for the UMA member naciws to isaito majitiartim use of autonat ive transport in the shipment oi exp*rt-import freight. Shiftir4 16 r .11,1,1 Oil I., 1.... 1. 1 - -.1 Hit RI M Ill 11111111111 4111,111141,11tM USSR UDO 6?-l.)16-722.l(068.6) ISTYUFEYEV, V.A., MELINIKOVA, N.N. "Voltage And Ourrent Regulatoro USSR Author's Gartificate No 262268, filed 6 Jvne 68, pobliahad. I July 70 (from RZh--Elektronika I yoye primeneniye, No 1, Jamiary 1971, hbotact No IB469P) Translationt A circuit is proposed for a voltage and wri,ont i-a,bplator in which the transition from a regime of current regulation to a roirizo of voltage regul- ation is accompliened automutically. In order to aouurtb sinall Imertia. during transition from regime to regime, In the rogulator s oUPPAOMOViLary compurator circuit Is used whtch metioures the load currento th4j vkjrrwil from which io red across a semiconductor diode to the inNt of the canparifitar circ%llt of tbu voltage regulator, where a signal is fed (tiloo acrous a matulcond-actor dlc~de) pro- portional to the output voltage of the regulator. IV the uigna~ proportional to the output voltage is larger than the signal from the output ol' the compmrstor circuit of the currant regulatorp then the samicoaductoridiods or tine current regulator cuts off, and the comparator ciroult of the voltage regulator controls the common regulating element of the regulotor whicit assarme viltage repletion. 1/2 IS7,WF=, V. A.., MEL'i'aymu, ?1. br, LISSR Aiat-hor's Certi.I.Ucata WD 265(,~' (from M--Elektroqki--'yeye -IAt~~ No 1, Jan ISalp AbstriLct No lB4L-911) - j- _ j2 If the signal proportional to the current is larger than the voll:age sigml then the semiconductor diode of the voltage regulator to ':I)locload and the com- parator circuit of the voltage regulator contrullirg the xagulAthng element maintains a constant load current for the regu3AtOr$. 1 ill. S. 1). USSR WDAGOV, YU. A., VINOG,-~tNDGV, V, B. , VOLOD KO, A. G. -UGRYUM,011, V. G. , KILADNITSKIY, V. S. , KUZNETSOV, A. A., LONAK-1N, YU, INSK1, G. 1 V. B. , SHLYAPHIKOV, P. V. , an PONOSOV, A. K. , FLYAGIN , BOLDEA, V. (2), MIKEUL, A. (2), MUMUYANU, D. (2), PONTA, T. W, FELL4, S. (2), and CHAD11W, B. (3), Joint institute of Nuclear Research; (1) University 11neni P. I. Shafarik, Koshitse, Czechoslovak SSR; (2) Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Romania; (3) Physics institute of the Academy of Sciences Horigplian Feople's Re2ub- lic, Ulan-Bator 'IStudy of the Mass Spectrum of a AX-Systeirn in w -p- Interact ion4 at 4 and 5.1 Gov/c" Mozcow, Fis1ma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Flziki, Vol. 11, No. 111 5 Jan 70, pp 31-35 Abstract: The results of a study of the spectrum oT the effective masseu of ii AX-system are reported. The spectrum was obtained in investigating Ti p-inter'uctions in a 24-liter and a 1-meter propane bubble chamber irradiated in r-meson beams of the proton synchrotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Raseiwch w;ith pulses of 4 and 5.1 Gev/c, respectively. An investigation of the structure of Th.e effe'-.;ive mass spectrum of a AX-system was of interest from the viewpoint of obiserving now 112 USSR BUDAGOV, YU. A., et al, Pis1ma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol. 11, No. 1, 5 Jan 70, pp 31-35 resonances with zero strangeness and the decays of different -r~.cbars vla the c"'an- nel N* -t- A t K, to determine the relative probabilities of thesie decays. Approxl- mately 230,000 photographs were analyzed for each bubble chambtir. The effective mass spdctra of AKO combinat- ions for events in which the decaya of a A-hyperon and a KO-meson were simultaneously recorded in the chwaber are graphed. The graphs show a considerable excess in the number of events above the bo~kgrould in the mass region 1.61-1.96 Gev/c2. It is shown that this anomaly is not assoaiated with the reflection of known resonances Y* (1385) and V (890) in the hiVO-sPfjcvrur,. The total excess in the number of events over the background in t1w mass Lnterval 1.61- -1.96 Gev/c2 was 114 1 13. The experimental data verify the existoice of two reso- nances with masses about 16e5 and 1935 Hav/c2 and widths of the ordor "4 150 Mev/c2. It is concluded that the anomaly observed in the effective mass speatrum of AX can be explained only by the decay of the isobar 511 (1710), P11 (1750) via the channel N* - A + X or by the existence of a new resoaance with mass a~oout 1685 Mev/c2, as the data of R. Erbe et al indicate. 212 132 'PROCI.SSING DATE-040ECTO 112 021. UNCLASS-11-0 TITLE--ANALYSIS OF NORMAL VIBRATIONS OF THE ETHYLXAliTHi%TE 90111 AND IR SPECTRA OF METAL ETHYLXANTHATES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-MELNIKOVA9 N.Y.t PTLIPENKOo A.To COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 15(51* 1186-91 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--IR SPECTRUM, ORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUNO, C110140044A ION CHE41STRY0 METAL COMPLEX COMPOUND, XANTHIC ACtDr COPPER COMPLEA, ZINC, COMPLEXt LEAD COMPOUND, MERCURY COMPLEXt CA0141UM COMPCEX CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUME14T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0933 STEP NO--,UR/0078/70ilOI511)1)5/1,186,(I 19! CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137961 )N C t, _A$4 E F H' 0 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROO'SSING DATE--'),ttDEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137961 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FRIrQUf-*NC[rS OF NORttl,&L VIBRAri(INS. AND MATRIX COMPONENTS OF FORCE CONSTS, 01: THE ElW(LXJ4NtllA'H ION, 1-r CIS)S PRIME NEGATIVE, ARE TA8ULATED. THE RESONANCE FORtl RQ PRIME21 NEGATIVE CONTRIBUTES TO THE STRUCTURE OF THIS ANION HUCH Ll:-SS THAN T14E. ANALOGOUS FORM R SUB2 N PRIME POSIT[YE*.CSS PRIME2 NEGAT[klE CONTRIBUTES TO THE STRUCTURE OF ET SU62 NC(S)5 PRIME NFrATIVE. il)114 COORDINATION TO METALSv THE INTENSITY OF VC,O OF ETOG(S)5 PRIME NEGfi-TIVE. DECREASES., MORE PROPONOUNCED FOR COORDINATION TO CUtZN# PBv tlGo COt THAN TO NI, PO, Pf, OR CO, THE RESULTS 114PLY DELOCALIZATION AND PRESEPICE OF EQUIV. Mrs BONDS IN THE LATTER METAL COMPLEXESo FAC.IL171Y: 83EV* GUS* UNIV. JM. SHEVCHENKOI KIEV, USSR. UNC L A SS I F Vl:~ D 1,F 021, UNCLASSI. LED: PA&I'SSING. 0ATE--3UQC,T70 TITLE--PSYCHLThERAPY, IN NEURUTIC REACTIONS' WITH ACARUIOPH061C, SYNijRlJME AUTHUR--hELNIKOVA* P*K* CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSA SCURCE-VRACHEBNOYE DELUr 1970r' NR 5v PP 31-32 -DATE PUbLISHED---70 SU13JECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-PSYCHOTHERAPY# TRANQUILIZERv SLEEPP &LIUNCAL MCUICINE CCNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/1732 STEP NO--UR/0475/70/000/005/0011/0032 CIRC ALCESSIGN NU--AP0129LOO UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIliG DATE--30OCT70 CLRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0129100 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AHs'rRACT. THE SIGNIFICANCE IS EMPHASIIE0 OF NEURO-PSYCHIC GVERSTRIAN, PECULIARITIES OF HIGHER ACTIVITY, IATROGENIC FACTORSt INFECTIONS AND INTOXICATIONS IN THE DEVELOPM.F01T OF THE CARDIOPHOBIC SYNDROME IN 38 PAYIENTSo POSITIVE RESULTS ARE REPCRTED OF SUGGESTION BOTH DURING SLEEP AND JIN WAKNUG STATES. THE PATIENTS ALSO RECEIVED CORRESPONDING DRUG THERAPY: SMAI,L DOSES OF ,,LIBRIUMv MEPROSAMATE, RARER AMINAZINE. DRUGS WERk EXCLIXED CONSIDERED AS EICARDIAC.f~ BY THE PATIENT AND ALSO ALCOH13-L WAS EXCLUD0. THE TREATMENT WAS CARRIED OUT IN AMBULATORY'CONDITIONS. FACILITY: UBLASTNAYA BOLINITSA (He No No BURDENK13' uric LASS IF IED 3 () C T 7 0 1/2 020 UNCLASS[FIED PRO(,ESSING DATE ,.TITLE --INFRARED SPECTRA OF COPPER SELENItES -U- AUTHOR -(04)-MAKATUNt V.N.v PECHKOVSKTYv V V R-YA-1 GUSEVt Soso COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH, PRIKL. SPEKTROSK. 19701p- 12[3)o, 49T-503 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYi PHYSICS POUN U TOPIC TAGS--COPPER COMPOUND, SELENIUM COMPOUND* [)XYCjjl COW ~CHRYSTALLOGRAPHYI tR SPECTRUM CONTROL MARKING--tl(l RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--t)NCLASSIFIC-0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0330 sruip CIRC ACCCSSION 140--AP0119317 UNCLASSIfIE0 CIRC ACCESSION NO r";~ 0 - ~-S' ING i)Arl---7-30CT70 212 020 --AP01117317 UN CLASSIFIED S ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AdSTRACY. THE STATE ::)I: H SUB2 C) IN CRYST. CU SELENITE HYDRATES9 ANO THE CHANGES OF THE SPECTkAl- CHARACTFRI.STI CS OF SEO SU93 PRIME2 NEGATIVE ION BOUND TO ONLY ONE CATI04 wERF STUDIED AS A FUNCTION OF THE CHANGE Cl: CRYST4LL0GAAPHJC PA4Ami:-:'rEll5. THE nF CUSEO SU83.2H SUB2 fli CUSEO SUB3.20 SUB? 0, CRyS'r. CUSE0 SU63, ~',MORPHLJUS CUSEO SUB3t CUO.CUESEU SU83,p AND CUD. ZSEU SU133 TS D~SCRIBED IN GREAT DETAIL. THE IR SPECTRA WERE OBTAINED BETWEEn 4-oo AND 4U00 C.4 0RIME NEGATIVE1. 112 010 UNCLASSIFI'ED' DArE--090CY70 ,TIYLE--SYNTHESIS OF SUBSTITUTED TETRAPiPTIDES CORRESPONPING TO THE 14-17 ~.!. SEQUENCE YEAST CYTOCHROME C -IJ- I ~.AU_IHOR-(04)-LVQVA* S.D., YEVSfIGNEYEVAP RoPop MELPILKOVAil S.A., RVABOVA, .,,COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOUR CE--ZH. O13SHCH. KHIM. 1970P 4()( 1) t 242-5 DATE PUBLISHED--70 ,iSUBJECT ARkAS-810LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~'TQPIC: TAGS-YEAST# PEPTIVEP CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMEN7 CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEI./FRAME--198911255 STEP NO--UR/00'79)70/04t)/001/02r#2/024r3 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107731 212 010 UNCLASSIFIED 1PROCESSING OATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP010773t ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TREATING 0.18 C GAMPIA M~ ESI*ER OF CARBOBENZOXY#L#GLUTAMIC ACID IN TEIRA11YURGH~,RAN WITH 0.086 ML N,METHYLMORPHOL~~'NE AND 0.164 ML ISOPBUO SU82 CCL AT MINUS 1.5DEGREES, FOLLOWED IN 10 MIN BY 0.27 G BENZYL ESTER OF L,LEUCYL#S#BENZYL,LtCYSTElliftfiCL AND 0,086 AIL NrNETHYLMORPHOLINEr GAVE OVERNIGHT 97PERCENT 8ENZYL ESTER OF NvCA.RB0BENZU;4Yr(GAMMA HETHYL L GLUTAMYL)tL,LEUCYL,SFBENLYLPL#CYSTEINEP M. 1.4Z-301EGREES. SIMILARLY WERE PREPI)v IN 50-80PERCENT YIELDS JHE FOLLOWING PEPTIDE 9-SThRS; CARBOBENZOXY,L,LEUCYLsSoBENZYLsLPCYSTEIbIF- BENLYL ESTER, M. 100-100.5DEGREES. (ME ESTERP M. 115-160EGREE-SJ; CARKl8ENZOXYjDLvLEUCYLt StBENZYLoOLvCYSTEINE BENZYL ESTER* M. 89-9.5DEGREES* TERTtBUT.OXYY CARBONYL,L,LEUCYLiSiBENLYL,L,CYSTEINE BENLYL ESTIERv 01. 86.5-7.5DEGREES. CAR8O5LNZ0XY,DL'P(MCTHYL GLUIrAM'YLJ,Di.',LE:UCYI.,SiBIFINLYA.',DL,CYSTe[NE 8LNLYL ESTER, M. 140-lUEGRC-ES. ff"-RTiiUTOXYCARL~iONYA.#Lt(i,I.UTA.41VLs (BENZYL ESTER)PL#LEUCYL,StBENZYLtLoCYSTELNL ME E:STER* A. 129--11.50EGREES. CARBOBENZOXY,S,BENLYL,L#CYSTEINYLPLiriLUIAMYLIMETHYL I:StEk)oLi LEUCYLvS,BENZYL,L,LYSTEINYl. BENZYL ESTERv M,. 12'v-5Df-J;REES. CARBOBENIOXYP S, BENZ YLl L #CYST El NVL v L GLI)TAMIrt. I dE.NZYL ESTE-RJtLLfUCYLvS# tiENZYL,L,CYSTEINYL ME ESTERt M. 160-60*50EGREESo CAAtd0aENZUXY#Sp ~BEhZYLvOLoCYSTELNYL*DLoGLUTAMYL.($E E:STERJr0LvLL-UCYLP!ivBENLYLv DL,CYSTEINE BENZYL ESTER* 04. 145.5-60,EGI(EES. 11 LED- 1/2 016 UNCLASS IF I ED 11 140CE 1; ING I L--~o, V 0 E N .4 TITLe-CALCULATIEN OF THE HEATS Of DISSULUTION 01- ALKYLisf;NLEN S I %6NPCLAR FIXEL PHASE -U- ''AUTHOR-(02)-XELNIKGVA, S.L., KOROLs AvN* CCUNTAY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-M.k. EKSP. KHIM, 197C# 61111 T2-6 DATE PUiJLISHEC----70 SUaJECT AREAS--CbEMISTRY INE N t TOPIC TAGS-CALCULATIUNt ALKYL BENZENEo SQUALE S U L V ACTION, NEAT 01 REACTIGN CCNTKGL MAkKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 1)(ICUMENt CU.') 'A'- ~l V] k:f'. Vk()XY RLL L/f i\*AMl:---3oN /I I it) slip cli"L. A,0-LsSlc~, 212 01.8 U1141- ASS IF I ED NG, I:- - 2 ONfiV i j CIRC ACCESSICN. ALKYLb'[NZHjltS IN NO:~-k'GLAR F-!X.rt) PHASF-S (P[:,Nl'i'4Dl C,hlo:, APIEZCN L! v.,Ei(E CALICO. A'S A SUM OF PCH"l-IRS? 1-1011'L AND INTERI~CTICN iMUL S p At. ME (;Klildi'S OF Dli-SULVLJJ olGiciNfS. OET"LL~'4 SliLVENT lU FACILITY: INST. FIZ. KlilM. 114. PlsARb*'0SXOG(jj JKIEV, USSR. 4 - 2 L- Ll 112 009 TITLE-ARGENTOMETRIC METHOD AUTHOR-(03)-CHAPURIN, V.I.r COUNTRY OF ti"IFO--USSR SOURCE--LAKOKRASOCH. MATFR. UN(LASSI FIED PIROCE'151,[NG DATE--04DEC70 FOR OETERMINING EPOXY (jAoUP!i -u- SHAPOSHNIKv S.!SH.t ME~~JIXKOVA,s S.N. IKH PIRIMEN4 19101 (?h 56-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS ..TOPIC TAGS--EPOXY RESIN, TITRATION, SILVER NITRATEMUM5 EPOXY RESIN, (U)E41 EPOXY RESIN# (U)E49 EPOXY RESIN CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFtED PROXY FICHE STEP N()--,-UR~03CJ3170i'Di):)/002/(-.105611:)Oti8 CfRC ACCESSIC"i N(.)--AP01.60~96 1.451i; 11: IE' 212 009 UNCL ASS IF I ED I,"ROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOL40296 AUSTRACT/F.XTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. TO A SA14PLI--- OF Ali EPOXY RESKN IOE 59 ED -5, E 41, OR E 491 A STOICHIONEMIC EXCESS OF A(.'i. 11 (3JZ W S ADOEO. THE EXCEDD HBR WAS REACTED WITH AGNO SU83 AND THI--. AMI. OF AGNO SUB3 USEL) WAS DETO. BY THE TITRN. AGAINST NH SU64 SCHNo THI: t0lHOD IS VERY RAP10 AND GIVES SATISFACTORY REPRODUCIBILITY AND ACCURIM.Ye I IL 11 USSR WC 547-1.31821 KOST, A. U., YUROIXKAYAj M. Ms t MEVNIKUVA T V marl JIMIU-111A, 0. 1. , &Ioscow State University Imeni M. V. Lononosov "Chemistry of Indole. XXXIII. Pyridylethylation of the Alf Group of IrAole Compounds" Riga, Xhimlya. Geterotsiklichaskikh Soyedinonly, No 2p Feb 73, pp 207-212 Abstracti Direct pyridylethylation of pyx-rule, of a of inJole compounds, of carban-ole and carboline was carried out taking ad-i,nj1+--4qo of the ab,'Llity of highly pular aprotonic solvonta -- nuch as dine thII-18 ul'Voxide fDMOj -- to activate tile anion formin.- on the NH group t4) such an oxi.ent that even tile rolativoly poorly polarized bond in 3-vinylpyrldine ims atUiquately ucLivated for the reaction to take place. The activation Lvy bl~&) iu hased on the fuct that in absence of protonic solvents, when no hydxogiin bot-An can form, the anions being formed axa solvated to a lesser degree wid thi!refore are z,.,ore reactive. The reaction goes especially well when exoess 2-iuqth~1-5-vinyl- pyridine is used, and the reaction mixture is heated to 100-200 . Natallic sodiun or sodium ethoxide can be used as the alkallnoi xeagents. 1/1 PNE"M-1 Id -p USSR UDC 547-759.3 iYQ -90-4 MEL'NIKOVAs To V6t KCSTq A. N.9 SAGITULLIN9 Ro Sot AND BORISOV, No No, Moscow State University Iment M. V. Lomonasov "Indole Chemistrys XXXVIII. Sp4tting of the Carbon-CiLrbon Bond In the Reaction of 2-Aminoindoles with BifunctlonaI CompowdjV" Riga. Xhimiya Geterotsiklichoskikh i3oyedinaniya No 9p Sep 113, pp 1273-1278 Abstracto Reaction of 2-aminoindole with 04,, 13 -urinaturaLed aldehydes and ketones yields o/, -carbollnes, In this reaction 1, 6'-carbon atom ,he of the keto compound attacks the C) atom of the Wole. The reaction with bifunctional derivatives occurs in many ease* with a alplit of the carbon- cart-on bond, leading to the formation of a ppritacyclic systtir, of 1ndo1oC2,)-g- - cL -carboline. Identical compounds can W obtairied fron 3-arylidene-2- -aminoindole or 3-arylideneoxincioles, Substituting onis no1scule of 2-azino- indole by other acceptors failed to yield noasytimetric atruotures. 1A 7 - USSR UDC 547.752'7511.5:542.953.4 KOST, A. N., SAGITULLIN, R. S., HEL'NIKOVA, T. V., and KAPLLIN, G. V., Moscow State University imeni M. V. "Indole Chemistry. 32. Reaction of I-Hethyl-2-Aainoindole With Aldchydes" Riga, Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Sayedineniy, No 11,1j, 1972, pp, 13069-1373 Abstract; The 1-methyl-2-aminoindole will react with RCHQ 1.n alcoholic alkali to form a pentacyclic structure with the elimJ.nution Of 1120, N.H3, and H2- By varying conditions, one male ol' the III sidt o9 the aminoindole will condense with one mole of ArCHO to form a Schiff's base in the presence of base according to the reaction al~ J ArC110 (reaction III IV or a salt In its absence by 1/2 USSR KOST, A. N., et al., Khimiya, Geterctslkliche5kil0i $~iyediuemiy, No 10, 1972, pp 1368-1373 ArC110 [reaction 1) 1 Ilia,& (a:Ar={-3,4-(r-130))C6116J; b:Ar-(4-(CH3)2NC6il4D IR ti.--Pectra confirm tile presence of these compounds. Several.derivatives o1: 1,3-dimetliyl-2- aminoindole were also prepared and characterized. 2/2 - 23 - Mll USSR VDC 547.752'759.5:542.953.4. KOST, A. N., SAGITULLIN, R. S., HEL'N;KOVA,, T. V., and rQkPLUN, G. V., Moscow State University imeni M. V. "Indole Chemistry. 32. Reaction of I-Methyl-2-Aminoindole With Aldehydes" Riga, Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soyedineiiiy, No 11). 1972, pp 1368-1373 Abstract: The 1-metliyl-2-aminoindole will re-act urith RCHO in alcoholic 'H alkali to form a pentacyclic structure with the elimination of H20, Nk 3, and H2- By varying conditions, one mole of the Ill isnlt of the amiaoindole will condense with one mole of ArCHO to form a ScItiff's base in the presence of base according to the reaction Arcilo OJJ C-11cs 11N.12 1-~ N, N"t11,11 [reaction III Clio) C1113 IV or a salt in its absence by 1/2 USSR KOST, A. N., et al., Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soyedineitiv, No 10, 1972, pp 1368-1373 '::I;I CHI + ArCIIO Nil [reaction I] C113 1114A (a:Ar-(-3,4-(CI130)2C61161; b:Ar-[4-(CI13)2N(',6H4)) IR i1pectra confirm the presence of these compounds. Several derivatives of 1,3-dlmothyl-2- aminoindole were also prepared and characterized. 2/2 23 - JJSSR UDC 576-851-49-V33-3 .9 and M'NIKOVA. V. A Moscow Instititte ot Vaccines and Serc, BASNAK'YAN 1. A.) imeni Mechnikov ,--------- --- "A Study of the Content of Vacromolecular Conpounds in Contl-mously Cultured Typhoid Bacteria. Report IV. Effect of Bacterial ConcentratLou on the DNA/ Fass Patio in the Presenca of Ealimced and Unbalanced G!rowth" ~bscow, Zhurnal I-11krobiologii, Epidemiologii, 1 3, IV73, pp 66-71 Abstract: The DNA/mss ratio of S. typhi vnmine strild.n. Ty,, 41446 cul.tta-ed umder varioun conditions was ntudied to detenrdne it' thii; r~O;J,o cou-1d Ml-rro 11.5 ,zi:mi U excests j,,1mcose a3 index of oi)timum cultu-in,,-, corAitions. Otatuves ;,r (1-0-11-5 mdn'l) and limi~Cdjg].UCOSe (0.01~-O,,32, nltIDLI) XM-re C-DrIparett. Practerial c=centrations were varied in excess glucose by chan6im.,!, th-q zte(ulmls Q, can- tgnt and in limited glucoce by chang t - ing tlie initial ccncenti-a forl prior to dilution. Zmerinents showed that 14e ONA/mus did not de-.-and o3l bacterial concentration in limited glucose but ims high at 0.2-1 bilLion calls/ril and low at smUer and greatcw concert rat ions In e;mes4i J.,,lucos-a. be higher DNA/rass ratio noted ij% exponential growtb (limlenced) in prwI01-tu jxpers can bo explained by these findIngs: ExponentialL grairth occurs in excess A IR *OR ISHAK'YAIT, I. A. and WLINIKOVA, V. A.., Zhurnal, IIikrv*Loloj;ij, Epideniologii, iIn=obiologii, No 3, 1973, PP 66-71 glacose, and since under such conditions DNA/mass ratio varLer, With tactijri3l encentration, when the latter reachan 0.2 billion tile MI/mans rati-) *gins to climb until glucose becomes limiting. This suCgeijUcn was confirtr&d The rar4je of bacterial concenti-ations tit w1iich the DIIA/rass 2ttio is high in excess glucose also corresponds to hlqli physiolo3icaL activity mi high concentrationo of other racromolectilar -=rpQtyids, As shown in preview ibadies. Thus the OPIA/wass ratio can be uood as a somaititm indox of optimunt -anditions in the culture medium. -19 LSSR UDC 577-1t612.12.015 MELIMIKOVA, V. A., and BASIAXIYA.1, I. A. "Study of the Content of Macromolecular Compounds and Lhe Continuous Cultiva- tion of Typhoid Bacteria. Report III. Comparative Stiuly oT Physiolo6ical. Activity and Content in the Cells of Vuclal~lc Acid aml Protein Ujdor Condi- tions of Excess Glucose and Its Full Utilization" Zh. m1kroblol. epideziol. i immunobiol. (Journal of I-Umobialoglcal E-Didem- lology and I=unobioloa), No 2, 197), pp 11-16 (Englituh Remme) (From RZh-Bio- logicheskaya khimiyap Vo 12t Jun 73s, Abstract No F1623j Translations It wa* found that in the continuou3 CUU.VatlOll when glumse is fully utilizod, the activity of colls and thoir MA azirl 11,1U, contont depend solely on the rate of growth which is eqWL1 to tbD =t1b Of (UlUrion which be altered to produce a population with certain glyea jprawrtles. When there is an excess of the sub3trate# the rate of conijumptlon of gLicozie and tile con- tont of DUA and RNA and protain li~ the collo dopenda nat onl,,f on the gTowth rate but also on the concentration of micioorWlisma. Optittal concentlUti Olin of microorganisms in which the highest conteat of mcramolecl.~Iar compounds and the highest physiological activity of calls are within the range of 0.2-1.2 1/1 USSR UDC 5?'7.14612,L2.015 MELIZUKOVAO V. A. and BASIAWYMI, I. A. "Study of the Contont of flacromolecular Compowids an(I the Qmitftnuou3 Cultiva.- tion of Typhoid Bacteria. Report III. Cozp;tratitte Stu(~y of Physiological Activity and Content in the Calls of Nucleinic Acid at,4 Protoin Under Cordi- tions of Excess Glucose and Its Full Utilizatiore' Zh, m1krobiol. epidemiol. I Immunobiol. (Journal of Microbiological EDIdem- lology and Immunobiology), No 2, 1973, pp, 11-16 (Englich Resume) (From ftZh-Bio- logicheskaya khImlya, No 12, Jun 73t Abstract No F1623) Translationt It was found that in the continuous cultlivaticti w1hen glucose is fully utilizod, the activity of calls w!d their DWk and W& content depend solely on the rate of growth which. is equal to thio rat4i of dilution which can ba altered to produce a population stith certain given I'xoparlvAes. 14hen there is an excess of the sub3trate, the rate of consumption of g1wacose and the con- tent of DNA and RNA and protein in the cells deperylis not only on the grouth rate but also on the concentration, of microorgaalmots. OpticeiLl concentrations of microorganisms in which the highest aontsnt of wwr(polocular compouads and the highest physiological activity of calls are wil;bin tho range of 0.2-1.2 USSR UDC 576.851.49(Bai:-.t. tyj)hi).098.G83.1 + t Moscow InstJtute of Vaccines and BASNAK'YAN, I. A., and MEL'NIK ..... V,,,.A Sera imeni Mechnikov "A Study of the Content of ~Iacromolecular Compounds Wring Continuous Culturing of Typhoid Bacilli. Report H. A Study of the DNA/ftss Ratio" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 11, 1971, pp 44-49 Abstract: The DINA-mass ratio was determined in typhold bacilli grown under various conditions. The microbial population begias to divide only after the DNA/mass ratio exceeds the critical value of 1.68. This ratio assumes a minimum value during the interphase, increases prior 1~o the beginning of tile first division, anti remains at a relatively steady levol of about 3.5 through- out the exponential reproduction phase and the reduced reproduction phitse. The DNA/-a s ratio assumes these values during both continmoas and periodic culturing, at higher and lower cell division rates, under various nuLritional conditions, 4nd In different typea of synthotic inedill', 1/1 USSR UDC: 621.391.24"t POSTNIKOV, L. V. and T-iEL.'ET1XOVA, V. A. "Amplification on the Three-Frequency Interti4otion Pi-inlcati,le" Gor'kiy, Izvestiya VU42-Radiofizika, No 10, 1972, 11P 15.171-V526 Abstract: A weakly linear system iAtli threci (",f fri-led-11, excited at one of it-s ch,-_,racteristic, fre,-~_-ricie.-', :Lj cor!~~,*I,,:EV(, in this paper. ;4'ith an outoide oseillation, ot ti h~,-Irmcmjc of za frequency close -to 'Vh,,tt ChA1'aCt(:!ri'AiC f!.7,eCLA1:!11(.!,Y' ap..)Iied a f- ficiently low amplitude, it i-,i s~ovn t1mit an with frequency conversion be obtainf. bt:havior of the ampl-itude-frequency 3rld Stab,i- lity of I.-he syl-temm are irivestiUttted a,,~ fuiictionL t-.r its It ii3 noted that- this, effect may be u.,,,,)(1. as 1"'lle for pact paraiiietric implifier -56n which a cited by the ncentive r--~tslst,!nce- of a Unne.1 iic,(._.e, _L'(,)r is used for pu_mpintr. The -,:iut~iors e;ipreos, j,;rt:.ti1:u.Je -1(i ~.J.T Rabinovich for psin.- the, 1"roOlem and for diticussion of the ru.~;Ult5. USSR UDC 576-851.~q-095.6-576.851.49.0~,9.39~~..)3Z MELINIXOVA, V. A., and 13ASNAXIYAN, 1. A., Moscow InsI;itut* of Vacciiies and Sera _-IWdM~MWdhhIkdV- - "A Study of the Content of Macromalecular Compounds lim Cor,,tinuous Cultures of T~phoid Baci].li. Report 1. Tho RelationsUp Between the Rate of Coll Divi- sion and the Intracellular Content of DNA. RNA. and Proteins' Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologil i Immunoblologii, No 5. May 71, pp 62-66 Abstract: The S. typhi Ty? 4446) vaccine strain was -asai Jn this investigration of the coU division rate and the intracellmlar conci~,rjtr;L;.DPn of various com- pounds durIng continuous and pariodic culturing. Tho faste:tt rate of cell div- ision occu--red in the exponentinl phase of proliferaLlon, but. Was constant for any given medium. lilith increasirigy concentration of mAtri4r.1,Ls in tao medi=. the rate of division and the concentration of intracoLlular contents alzo in- creased. For example, at a cell division rate of 0. IN generations per hour,-. ., m Pe 0 the concentratiom of intracellular compounds, exprei~,;Cd ;La microgra s r i6 cells, were; RNA 1.170"; proteins 10.71; acid-st)lublip oompuuna!; -- 0.0r.22; optical density O.OIWZ; and DNA 0.191. At a oiO.I division rate of 0.710 generations per hour, the corresponding figures were; 3.)00; 21.07; 0.)142; USSR ZIELINIKOVA, V. A., et a,, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epj4juzjojjvgi-*. i Imnkuiobiologii, No 5, May 71, pp 62-66 0.147; and 0-732 (last figure at division rate of 0,63). A.1though sone authors report a decrease in the concentration of D14A in aml:)gou;~ investigations, the discrepancy is only apparent and duo to differmt m4itAods of calcuLatir.,Y the results. In this study. all concentrations are wq)vossed 1)or wiit a-=ber of cells. while the other authors use a unit volume or tAe bionass as Li2e common denominator. All findings indioato that the size 4ind weiaht of inuividual cons increase with an increasing rate of cell division. 2/2 USSR uDc 617-ool.17.c65,33-059:61o,i.357.1~53 MMINMOVA V. M. BOUMOVrMOVA, L. A., and GLADSHIXMi, A. I.,, Central rastitute ~~~~~'an'd Orthopedics Ministry of Realth USSR, Moscov "Combined Topical Application of Antibiotics anil Corticosteroidis in the Tmatment of Burn Wounds" Moscow, Sovetskaya Meditsina, Vol 33, NO 7, Jul 70, PP 108-112 Abstract: Rydrocorticocin ointinen't (active ingredients, byirocoi.--tisone wid neomycin) was used for topical treatrrant of buni wourids :Lu 76 pttients Vaka on excesnively scarred skin donor arean In 27 Patients. 7he litirnis ;jrre of tho 2n,~ and 3rd (both A and B) degree and covered from 5-45 pezcewh of tlie brAy Gurfact area. 'Me results indicated that hycLrocorticocin la effeative In such ca13118, par- ticularly for treatment Of 3-A burna, if it is dipplied after deltriahment oe Lhe scab. Hydrocorticocin prevents excensive prolit'tratioa ol!' the j*-;),,,auu2.atioii tiswe, promotes epithelization, reduces Infla=ation, and elimirwbev irtit-roflora, thua accelerating healing. Formation of heloid ocaru ia InAreaIlly W~bited. Bilice the drug is applied topically., it does not upset the bodylta natitual balanag! of corticosteroid hormones. Acc. N r: R'e'f. Codle: PRIMARY SOURCE: Ortopediya, Trafmatobig-iYzi. i Pratezirovaniye, 1970. Nr 2, , pp ANTIBIOTICS 1.14 THE PROPIMAXIS AND TI?Kii,TMVNr OF" B.Ncj I:pj pill. INFECTION IN TRAWATOLOGIC AND ORMOMEDIC PATIENIS V. H. Glwjslit~,~n 0 V.-MTripcv, jV1, 1~ "I,-- I - ;- --T- _ j %Logo - ---Z- --n7-T-Yl 0 j I T m I inova an Facts on tht: propliklaxis and tm-utrnunt with zmLibioticti Q1. traurnatolotsic and orthooit2dic pazients ba5e,! on'chnic,11 and dz,ii ~-i are pre:ivnted in i-'t- Pap f. 1q primary s-argical wound (!0iikic.,nent pen;cillin%tilh ~tr,.r'.omww or ketrac,. sei" I ClIn. It k stres : .1lat thf. Ivs~- of So-called -c:e.1 a, rl N d?:-- 4 ~-4s 0' l5ae'Jic opi-ratiors Alould bv of suraicil asepl:,~ k:nhanced. 1r, purulent wwmd inie~-ior -he sentat;tes oi we ini,stinal lyroup ot 11:0~t a.] -* t associalions cullureJ. For lhe. lait .ear the appear-inct. lil in ,Ile , "- U i ture ironi Che irioc:vd k.,wow., Vijrio~ji a1lw';Iod1:i' 01(.11. c0Jlk, 111il ~' -Iiis 'WiLi: C.,' ,' other, stti(anilatni(xi or nitrofuraftic preparations, depf--ndkill, oil the ~'fn0o-i:y to thvn and concentratioa created in the fock-s of inleclikin, art! u4ed in the tzeatment of Purul;nt infection. 1he succesi W antibaclerlial tht-rapy jui b.soi slwwn it~ d.- oDerd on the rational u:ie of jimbiotics in complex with othtr rnekt.~jodi of wnservali-~' ard npcu- tive treatment and drugs which stimulatt; the organism x1tactivily. REElo/FRAME USSR UDC 538.10m541.6709".221 PILIPENKO, A. T., MEWNIXOVA, V. N., and RCaENFHL'D,.A, AT#,, Kiev State University ixeni T7, G. Sheychanko "Investigation of Paramagnetic Shifts in the FMH Spoiclau a lsoquinoline Coordinated with Nickel Dially1dithiophosphate" Moscowt Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Xhimlit Vol 18p No 10p Oct 73v pp 2692-2695 Abstracts Paramagnetic shifts of isoqulnoline In its complex with nickel dial2yldithlophosphate Z-NIDADTf have been inyeatiga:Wd by the dilution method in large excess of the ligand. By the method qpf seriea the composition of the isoquinoline-HiDAMP complex has Uotin established as l12, its configuration being that of a distorted octakindron. The data on pa:ramagnetic shifts have been used to calculate spin ihansitit9s at the hydrogen atoas In Isoquinoline. An aneumption has been spAs that tho dislocation . of spih density occurs principally along the amine er-bonds. Acc. Nr: AP0047351- CodezAl" PRIMARY SOURCE: Vestnik Xhirurgii imenj 1, 1. arukova, 1973, Vol 104, Hr pp 41-414" ACUTE GASTRODUODESAL ULCEItS AND THEIR cOM I'LICA71- IONS By V. P. .11.4ni'loz,a. 1'. 1. M. (;. KaIrreluchik and- Samoylovi! The work is based on the stuily (if case reports of tw%i 1-ccovilMd and 66 die(' p..4- tients in whom acute cro?-,on and alcer of the stomach and duodcot.-.71 were revvaled In 33 pitients there were toultiple erosions and ulcern, in th,e remainder -- sm~zle. Of 44 patients with complicated acute u1cers 01 28 patients thesi, were 1114t principal causez ci death, while in 14 patients they acccleraW the inevilable lj!tIjal i'J'Sue, Two patichis have recovered one after gasirectomy and Uie other--after ;suturing mucosa wound the bleeding ulcer and ligation of the felt gastric artery. 4A REEL/FRAM 1.9 7,9 0 8 W DA i/2 029 UNCL ASS I F [ED IF--llSEP70 TtTLE--THE INFLUENCE OF AORENALINE. ON THE ADIIFS109 THE IriFLUENCE OF 11 AORFNALINE ON THE ADHESIVE CAPACITY OF THROMBOCYVES IN VVV0 All!) IN VITRO ,,AUTHOR-(02)-NIKITINt YU.P.t Kjl.~jll~uv j~v.aos* yalli COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE- BYULLET IN* EKSPER I MENTAL NOY BIOLOGII MEDITSINYto 1970, VOL 69, tiR 1 3t PP 17-18 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ,'TOPIC TAGS--AOHESIVE, ADRENALINE, THROM$OCYTE, DOG, RASI)ET CCNTROL &AARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1982/0861 '40--AP0092295 STEP -P 10 r E- - 18 S 1 2!2 021) ONCLASSI FIE-0 RkOCESS111C, DA CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0052295 A8Sr,*4ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. (N TH E Cli'A011'rf- 013*~(lo (JIF D J VIVO T4'c AUTHORS C~,EArFio AN AORENALINE CONCEPITR,~1'10N ~!RJ!t :1.01 T,~ L014) MOG-ML. IN A CONCENTRATION OF L AND MORE 14U,';-,'4t. 71-11- HF THRUMBOCYTES AUGMENTEO. IN VITRO EXPF11'1114FNT~k ?l KAB611's wl-Ar- EXPERIMENTED UPON. A 0. Lil E RC F NT SOL UT I ON 0 F A 0 R f;,NA L 111 f: HY D R CC H L OR 1 1) E -WAS INTRODUCED SUBCUTANEOUSLY IN A OOSF OF: 0.1 gt.~-LKG Vl: ANIMAL 600Y WEIGHTo ONE HOUR AFTER INJECTION OF ADRENALINE tHE AMIESIVENESS Of THROMBOCYTES WAS AUGMENTED. ullic I As sl F Ve D USSR UDC $76.858. GAYDAMOVICH, S. Ya., OBUIUIOVA, V. R., YGLOKHOVA, K. A., KIRYUSHCHENKO, T. V., KLISENKO, G. A., KRAMBAYEVA, Z. N., LkVROVA, N. A., SHARIPOVA, Sh. A., and SIWIOYAN, N. K., Institute of Virology imeni D. 1. Ivanovskiy, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Use of Ultrasound to Increase Arbovirus Antigen Activity ta Serological Tests in Vitro" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 3, May/Jun 1973, pp 356-360 Abstract: An ultrasonic technique to increase antigen activity was tested on five groups of arbovirus antigens. Antigens prepared from suckling mouse brain by the sucrose-acetone and freon methods, or in. rhicl~ fibroblasts with- out preliminary processing, were subjected to 30-40 sil!c of '4'0,000-25,000 H.1 ultrasonic treatment. Titers determined before and aTter triiiatm(.,!nt by hemag- glutination inhibition (HAI)5 conplement fi)cacian (CF), and agar gel dl.ffuf;e precipitation (AGDP) were compared. For group A and It arboviruses CF and HAI titers increase 4-8 times after treatment, while 401? titers remained unchanged. In the Kenterovo-Butiyamvera-California group, the CF titers increased by 2-4 times, and no change was observed in,101 titers. CF titers increased 2-8 times for all but Neapolifan arbovirus of the Phlebotomus group. 112 USSR GAYDAMOVICH, S. Ya., et al., Voprosy Virusologii, No 3, Mny/Jun 1973, pp 356- 360 The only HAI response in this group Was by Bujaru istbovirus, and only after treatment the AGDP titers increased in a few cases, 111MILsonic treatment had an especially favorable effoct on CF and ACDP tilters in the Uukuniemi group, while changes in HAI titt~-rs were less pranounpiW. Thus ultrasonic treatment normally facilitates &ntigen activity in CF and MI reactions and has a variable effect on the AGDP reaction. Treated antigeus did not lose specificity. It is concluded that ultrasonic treatmimt can be used not only to increase titers but also to reveal titers of relatively inactive antigens. 2/2 USSR UDC ~76-$51-25 GA-.DAI!O'IICH, S. YA., 1;1.-.-rFOrOV, L. P. ,GHOZASI~WSKIY, V. L. OBUICH-OVA, 7. rR-,-.VjIS-miKO, G. A., C~~,-Ivumay, V. I., and of Vii-soloGy ironJ D. 1. Ivan oyslkly, Moscow "Now Arbovirus Sumakh from the UW=Ioni QrouV.' Hoscow, Voprosy virusoloz~li 0 ANO 11 Jai)/Fab 71 , PP 21-25 Abstracti Isolation of the arboviiiis. Sun,0kh In the MR ~ts described. for the first tire. The virus was obtained fron tl,.c hearts ,gild lunGs of black- birds (Turdus nerala) col2ected in Azarbayd-.1,xi. The vivai sLlilar to but not identical vith UWkunionij as ahown in the 0.-1 t1--fAJ.'usion tf:stj but not by the conple.,~,:!nt fixition. test. The i=IaTed ,,,as for suckling white nice. An incubation period of 11 dzL,,,-,, i;--z four.1 upon intracereBrzza, which in subsequent passages waii reeLuced to hours. 1-dee 1-3 days of aGe were nost susceptible. Ali antlien for actions was prepared fron sucklim; mouse braini by Uja u,.:::-otx--acetoI.* mathod. Tho titer of tUs antiaan did not exceed 1164. SULIMIJUClit ~,orkup w-ith I'vecr.- 80 wid othor ralsod the titer to I iZf/)-1j5I2. iffion prq,,4Lrcd by the freon method, the P-i-terial vas,enrichad wIth 'A"ween-411) uxl othrr al-A 1/2 2 =R GAYDANIOVICH S. YA. c t al. Vopros7 VirusoloGli, No I EM n,(Feb 71 pp 21-25 1. r) cotLId serve for agglutination of erythxocytes in dUaido.-ri *f 1132-1 ) 54. Optimum her-agglutination wzus achieved at pit 5.41 wid ut a of '3C rij U, Surwlh vim.,3 Is 37 . According to prelWnaxy data an acax diffucil(n ~2 uot identical with the Uiikunlemi virus. A datailed istudy c:V the a-,,ti,-,-aaIc structure of Sumakh virus is under uay. 2/2 USS 11 m"Ovoy, P . I T 11.1.107A n s t i ~'. 1'. o f 17 of Virology in.t-,ni D. 1. Ivanovskiy, Acao.z~;.-( Of "Isolation of 17'.ara'~~'sh Fr.'-'n M."O Groul. ij'~ SSA I-.oscov, %ropro,-I., Virusclo...Lil. 1'), 70.)-73.1 X; s I I r a (~ t :A v.,*,--:; in .'.n ri.c;-nIw i A 5-J ha"I 1.11.U1W wen! carr1cd c-u'l- 'wr I , 1. . . I fluid r"activ:1 to 1, 1 '1:7 1 i- L L tha 1-1 in 023 UNCLASSI Ften 01010CESS[NG DATE--30OCT70 ,TITLE--PRECIPITATING ANTIGEN IN THE BLOW OF MICE INFECTC-0 wirH ~ ARBOVIRUSFS -U- ;A,UTHOR-(04)-GAYDAMOVICH, S.YA.t KRECHETOVA, N.A.# kVOVA, A.I., MELNIKOVAI " YE.E. COCITrW OF INFC-USSR SOURCE-VCPROSY VIRUSOLtIGII, DATE PUBLISFED __70 19701 Nk 3t PP 337-341 ,SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL ANU MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-ARBOVIRUS, ANTIGENt MOUSE, 8LUOD SERUM, 'VENEZUELAN EQUINE VIRUS CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1835 CLR C ACCESSIGN NO--AP0125446 STEP NO--t)R/0402/713/000/003/0317/0341 212 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125446 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT., THE POSS1511.1-rY ("N' USING THE. 46AR GEL DIFFUSION TEST FOR DETECTION OF VIRUS (AN'r[Gkhll IN T~ifi BLOOD UN EXPERIMENTAL AkBOVIRUS INFECTION WAS STUDIEU, TWL-LVE A1-160VIJUSES lit-RE TESTED. THE ANTIGEN WAS THE NAT[Vf: BLOOD SERUM FROM imuL-crLO SUCA.LING MICE CGLLECTCED AT THEhEIGHT OF THE DISEASEv WHILE IMMUNE ASCITES TO THE CORRESPONDING VIRUSES V.ERE USED AS THE 'SOURCE OF ANT1,900Y. POSITIVE-' RESULTS wERE OBTAINED WITH SEMLIKI, PIKSUNA, VENEZIJFLAN EQUINE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS ANC UUKUNIEMI VIRUSES. OETKTION UF ANTIGEN IN THE BLOOD SERUM DEPENDS UPON THE LEVEL OF VIRE:MIA AND G.514 GE AEGULARLY ACHIEVED AT A VIRUS TITER IN THE BLOOD OF LG 8 LU-SUB5G-0.02 ML. FACILITY: INSTirUT VIRUSOLOGIE IMENI Om 1* IYANOV:51(OGC AMN SSSRp MOSKVAAA* u USSR WLINIKOV, L. C. and ME-L'NIKRa, YE. P. "Variations on a Theme. Metrics in Tournaments" Diskretn. Analiz. [Discrete Analysis -- Collectioit of Works], No 22, Novosibirsk, 1973, pp 39-52 (Translattd from Zhul-nal Kibernetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 101!352) Translation: Metric characteristics of radius and diameTer of thror types are studied, as well as the minimum length 01' a detour ia the class of n-point tournaments. Precise high and low estimates of these characteristics in this class are given. In cortain cases-, classes of extreme tournaments are described, Author's view FT 112 012 UNCLASSIF18D- PAOCES:SING OATE-16OCT70 ~TITLE-MOUIFIED P TOLUENESULFONAHII)EoFOAt4ALDEHYUE AliSINS --U- AUTHOR - (U 5MILLfLi I K OVA i YE . PKOR OT KA YA v Lo K H 4 It I T , V A, AKOR, OL E \1 A, Ev, 8.X_ N*G.j TAG[ V, 8. 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 2609884 REFERENCE--0TKRYTIYA, lZOi3RETf PROM. 0E)RAZTSYv IM)404YE ZNAKI 1970 47(4) ..OATE PUBLISHED--06JAN70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--TOLUENE# SULFONAMIDEP FORMALDEHYDE# POI-YCONDENSATIOr4p CYCLOHEXANONE, CHEMICAL PATENTo PLASTIC PRODUCTION .CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1055 STEP NO--UR/048Z/'r(J/000/000/0000/00()O CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0116521 ONC 1, A S-S I I` I F-0 212 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE-160C170 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0116521 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HCHO RESINS ARE PREP0. BY COPOLYCONDENSATION OF HYOROXYMETHYL DERIVS. OF P TCLUE-NESULFJiNAMIDEP HCHO, AND A MODIFIER, SUCH AS CYCLOHEXANONE OR H SULFAMOYLBENZOIC ACID 'IGHT COMPOUNDS, (1). FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF HIGH MOLECULAR WE ACADEMY OF SCIENCESt U*S*S*Rs 1/2- _020- k I P, MCI T t TLE--SYNTHES IS GP t-~FSI.iS . BA5ED 011~v SUL.FiANILAHIDE: 4,0 0 VAPICJ'). AL.JCHYLES _u_ AUTHJ~,-( Olt) -K1jiRfJKAYA , L.I., KMARII', tA.A.p slivAr-0 11) 1 1 LN I (IV A YE.P. COU114TRY OF INF10--USSR S0VRCE--1ZV. \tYSSli. L)CHE6. ZAVED. TEKI,440L. L EGK P H ON 1 1:110 1 3 6 3 UATE PU6L ISHED ------- 10 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTi'Yj MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--SULFANILAM10l-j FIJkF01-(.AL, ALUEHYOL, SCHIFF `RESIN, ACRYLArCt ADHESIVE, THL-r.,IAL SHIALA CONTROL I rk-ESTRIC-TIONS DOC U.". L C., T C L A ~, S -L A S S I ~ I ~ 0 PRuXY I I Q~x $ILP 01) 1 /o;.),,),i (je) 3 -,---212 020 .... ...... . ........ . ...... ........ . UNCLA~jSIFI~b 'KESSENG UAT11-11NOV70 CLRC ACCf-SSP',14 ~~U--ATOt34792' ABSTo,ACT/t-XTR;, cr--(u) -;,P-o- E R 1: 5 Y N T i i E- 5 11 "'D F: SU L 1: A.~ I 11. A 'l I D I` ll~ I., U R, A L 0 P A 1~,Ik 1. .)!Aj 1(1,) E V I A V 1,i:-, INF,D-U-:~11AFF SCHIFF BASr'~`). RES1,41), ;~iy Tjlj!~ i,ii-ri.iro 14 r,4 T t: 1) BETTER 1-iiE7,114 AL SHCCK RLl')IS T4NCL llrd-~N U-105f C,;,ir T CONDE-.'-iSATIC-',! OF SULFANILAMI LOE Ai',I:) FVAFU!-',oaL. U;;~ P,* ih I I V 1.) f- S,:il. C T HE 5 F R It' S I ri S I N t JH S U 114 1 A f: R, P it I I U L. E- w I f i--i i% 1,!, 1Y t. 1 1 M 0 L. I U," G E S T I *'f~ G A PP L I C ~ T I (Pi S A S C-011-1 P!-WI lli N T S I N AC k YL I C A T I a U NO I S I V OF 1 NC ~ E A 3 F 0 T I I E N-,'-IA L si t oc K E- s i s,r w., c. E; 1: A G I L [IfY L. E ii l."ll"IRA G! I N ST T EKS T L CGK PR 114 t~ I AUVA , L C N I NG,~AD US~ .'Z i% S r F f C 0 ........ ...................... .... 1 014 UNCLASSIFt$Dl 4'AOCMjtING 0ATV--I60CT70 12 -TITLE--MECHANISM OF T;lE CYTOSTATIC ACTIUN OF AMINOACRIDINES -U- AUTHOR-(05)-IELEN[No A.V.v KIRYANUVAs YE-Apt LYAPUNSOVAo YE4AIJ til.LNIKOVAt YEsYU.9 STEPANOVA, N.G. is comr""UF INFO--USSR SOURCE--FARMAKOL. TOKSIKOL. (MOSCOW) L970t 3311)o '1116-ID1 DATE PUBLISHEO----70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--ANTITUMOR DRUG EFFECto MITOSIS# PROHIN SYNIHESIS, NUCt.EIC ACID T 1,CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS. DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FiAME--1994/1153 STEP NU--VII/0390/*IQ/-~')i3/i'~01/(),~'1-;6/:)I~-iI CIRC ACCESSILIN NO--AP011~1--!77 04 TL----- QCT 70 212 014 UNC L ASS I F I e U CIRC ACCE~SICNI NO-AP0115177 ABSTRACT/EXlRACT--(U) C-P-0- ABSTRACT. 3 6 10 1 Al"! I t4.-j 1~ C V.) I %'E iN 1-. 1~ i 0 1 ACRIDINE OkANGE, PROFLAVINEt ACRII-LAVINEo EUGK1511~1, !r A N L, COR I PHUSPH INEI riERE CHARACTE!~ ILED 13Y S I GNIF I CANT 11141TI fl T IJ T r C STARTI.",IG IN THE IST FEW MIN' Of THE &xpr., eITIN A P-IRALLEL BETWEEIN INHIBITIUN OF MITUT IC ActiviTY ANO PROFL114 SVIIHILSIS, Al~IL) DELAYED PASSAGE OF CELLS THROUGH THE .41TO11C G SJl.`,2 AG k I I E AND R130FLAVINE ANTIMITOrl' ACTIUNS APPEAAEU ONLY S ~L V E 1q A L % F I ~_- I'ti c- START OF THE EXPT. AND WERE NOT ACCUIOANIEL) UY EFFLCT~ rlr4 PficiFlit SYNTHESIS O~~ bY ANY CHANGE IN THE G SV82 PEKWO Ulf-* WE CYCLE. 'I, NTLY IN'i0LV-`S ANTIMITOTIC ACTIVITY OF THE 3v6t0(AMJNOACRID[Nf-5 101PAI, E: DIRECT INHIBITION OF PROTEIN SYNTHESISP WHILE TH-E i!ND (34CUP OF ("314PUS. tNTERFEkES v*ITH NUCLEIC ACIU SYNTHESIS. FACILury: INST. IMOL. B10L.9 MOSCOW, USSR. USSR UDC: 519.2 MALUML YU "Concerning the Number of Zeros of a Stationan, Gawssian Process" Visnyk Kyyiv un-tu. Ser. mat. ta mekh. (Kiev University Herald. Mathematics and Mechanics Series), 1972, No 14, pp 136-140 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 10, Oct 72, abstract No ICN133 by V. Prelov) Translation: Let &(t) be a stationary Gaussimi process wit]) ccrrelation function R(T), R(O) -1. Furthermore, lot R (x) MdF 00 IdF V-) The number of zeros N of process ~(t) on segment 10,T] the author defines by the formula T N= 6 Q (f)) 1;# (1) 1 dl. 112 I -WIRIERM FED L rt I I 11 D 9 11 F I I r Hi I I I I f I a I 13S U MEL'NYK, Yu. I., Visnyk Kyyiv tin-tLI. Ser. mat. ta 1972, No 14, pp 136-140 where 6 (X) 6n W A- ermlX < > Formulas are derived for the mathematical expectation and vari- ance of N. 2/2 USSR QX; 5ri.114 XWOM. V. S. and HEI TA , E, A... Laboratory of Viswhl PevcOption, . Aicadamy of Sciences ArmeniaX'3M""`-- 'The Effects of Ultrasound an, the Funattow.1 State of the Fxog Retina as Indicated on Faea troretino grams" Terevan, Biologicheskiy Zhurnal itmenJi, Vol 2), No 3.20 pp jo-r9 Abstract: The effects of ultrasound wares on biologic,it]. orijailisms are espocially interesting sinco neitlier man nor aninials Wrj,t~ ,q),3aial rocaFtors for these waves. Li this sLudy eloctroretJjwgraas weva rtcorded :~;'rcm frog eyes before arri after ttie brags were exposed to 2)(11.000 -!-'1 of ultra.sour):L vaves of an intensity of J wjc:ii. In the first group, iiere with the ultrasound waves uatil they dieki; the average 4;urv1.--rj11 tice was odn. The second group was L-radiated ford 10 min. rl4e ERG talcen I hour Later .5how-ed, sig-nifica=. -.:--4fts ixi tL- 'IV" wavois; the frogs died in 3-8 days. 7he third group was L-raddar-ol for cnZy 8 mintites, and the frog:i. :mrvivod. 2he ERG showed defi-rdte s.hi-fto in all its components. the of tha wz~,,res was markedly decreastsA. ani new waves appearod. Couip1mte narmalization oz the EIG took place jji miaths. Ptapoa,te-d irradiat-lon con- USSR MELS, T. E. "Probability Density for Angle of Rotation With On(,- Partiall), Normal Distrihi- tion of Probabilities in Group SO(3)" Tr. Vychisl. Tsentra. Tartus. Uri-t [WorRs of Computer Contur Of T~A-W.'; University], 1972, No 36, pp 74-98 (Translated from Ri!forat.ivj1yy Z1111rim! Kibernotika, No 4, 1973, Abstract: No 4V19, by 1). Mushkiri). Trans I at i on: In an SO(3) group of rotations of Euclidc;Li spitco th.12 hi Ing (list ri but ions lim (11 (if prolinbili ties of aca-gurivs are 1't);' 110... which the Fuler angles a, -y, 13 are indCjMnd0J)L 11111L10111 C0.111)' di't tributed respectively in the intervals in the two-point set where 2 N(Z. USSR ME LS, T. E. "Description of a Class of General Correlation Factor!; fol. Random 1,101:11,11ts in a Finite Set" Tr. Vychisl. Tsentra. Tartus. On-t [Works c,.f-* Computor Untitr of T.~rtu~ University], 19711, No 36, p1) 3-18 (Trainslatod from Reforatixjiyy i"hurnal Kibcrnetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4XI30, by D. NILISIVI:ari). Translation: A description is presented for all gei,~ei-al cari-olntitm (IMMat, 197i, IV9, )V10) iii Ow- caso wlierv the ai,c!a of th'Al. &I.-illition consists of random (jumititios wid) valuo"; ii) a fillite !wt; 1hVir topolo.~,h-;;l equivalence is proven. USSR MELS, T. 'Existence of a Broad General Correlation Factor fo-r lli-ndoti Elejmu-,i in a Compact Set" Tr. Vychisl. Tartus. Un-t. [Words of Comput(,,r Center, ;l'iirtu Univet-sit)t], 1972, No 25, pp 79-105 (Translated from Roferarivnyy Zlivrna I. Kibern(AiR-:1, No 1, 1973, Abstract No 1 VIO by (). Mushtar;~). Translation: The s),mbols of Abstracts I VS bind I V9 ar~, us(ld, f 11 tho case when (NI, T) is a compact, metrizable space, the cl:istooca of Fcl* k in Y x Y is proven, for which x," MELS, T. E. "General i zation of Convergence According to Probabilily: Tr. Vychisl. rartLIS. U11-t. [Works of Computur Center, Tortu 1972, No 25, pp 45-60 (Translated from Reforativity), Zhurnaj,, Kibernet i I-- No 1, 1973, Abstract No I VS by D, Muslitari). Trans lat i on: TP-convoi,genco, c0irlCidi.13j), ill UIC CaSV OV 1X-H::iIbIC I Idth ordinary probable cowergence, is defined i::, space X c& IrCii!;LXabIc ii!appings of the probability sl)acc P~ in a clri:ain (M, r) wiih donumerable topology base. 1/1 USSR HE L, T. "Determination of Cencral Correlation CoefEzients" Tr. Vychisl. Tartus. Un-t. [Works oF coq)uter Conter, Tartu Universi t1'] 1972, No 25, pp 61-78 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhunial No 1, 1973, Abstract No 1 V9 by D. ?,Itl:9htari;. Translation: The symbols of Abstract 1 V8 rt-rc used. Ma~unll axi o%is arl~ used to introduce the concept of the geperal. correlation factor (JCf~ of mapping k (-, -) of tile Cartesian square of a cortatil si;.,)!;(!t Z C)I* set Y of all nondcgenc rate ran(lom qtjajititle~ fl,cm X in (0, 1), A nmrber of problems of classificati.on of 11cf area Formolated. USSR UX 60-78-01-55-077.4 FELITS, 1. 0. and USKOV, G. V. "Gradient Method of Guidance Correl-ction For Solving a 13,y-indary Problem" Uch. Zap. Tsentr. AeroFidrodin.". . rn-ta (Sc.",entific VrTUnGs (,,)A" the Cantral ( 4-T() Aerohydrodynamics Inatitut 31 Ito P; -1872, PP 7T-H-5 .. M Referatlvnyy Zhurnal--Raketostroyeniye, No 8) 1972, Abstract tic) 8.4.84) Abstract: The gradient method of platting the correctLon of 1~uichtnce functions and parameters is examined which, in the livear approximation, provides a specified change in the boundary conditions vector at the right end of trajectory. A co;,.T,,,-ri soil of the results of a lllml)er 0.1, worl"li on, direct r.-"!thods of optimization is conducted in which this ji.robltm is Plottir,- of guidance function corrections in the class of piecewisiL-consUint functions uras examined. Results of calculations for the proble-n on lpiidance by an,71e c1, attack, providirW, the design of aircraft at a given po:hit, r:%mt pmstent~!d as an illustration. Authorla viaw, 6 rigims) 1/1 USSR UDC 543.43:632.95.024 NOVIKOVA, K. F., and MEL'TSER,.-Tt...4,, All Union. Scielitific Research lastitute of Chemical Agents for"iiant-Protection "Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Micraqmantittes of DDVP in Milk and Water" Moscow, Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozy-aystve, Vol 11, No 8 (118), 1973, pp 47-49 Abstract: A colorimetric method has been developed fi>r the determination of DDVP (0,0-dimethyl 0.2,2-dichloravinyl phosphate) in milk and water, based on the extraction of the Insecticide from water by mel.hylent, chloride Und from milk by petroleum ether, after treatment with acetone, f'ollowed by qnctrophotometric determination at X 487 mp of the dtchiloroacetalde~nyde condensation product obtained as a result of alkalinthydrolysis with resorcinol. The sensitivity of the method Is 0.1 n1l, of mUk and 0.04 mg/l of water. 1/1 USSR UDC 632.95 MWTSERt F. R., NOVIKOVA, K. F. "New Specific Colorimetric Method of Analping Residwil Armutits of rhosalone in Plants" Tr. 2-go Vses. saveshch. no issled. ostatkov pestitsidov i neniva irdproduktov Ritaniya, i.orr-ov i vne,Lli. sr ~vilv, of tile Scucnd 1.11- Uniun Conference on Uie Inves t "11a Lion of Penticide lw~-iiduci and Breventive Contamination of Food Products, Feeds and Environment) , TalLin, 1971, pp 295-299 (from Mi-Kiiiniya, Ho 12, Jun 72, Abstract No 12N446) Translation: Phosalone (1) is extracted fron frults with ace-tone, it ii; rc- extracted with CHC131 the extract is avaporated and I Lu at 8!i-901) 0.4-0-5 for 30 minutes. Uie sublilned I is dissolved in acetcne, hydrolivcd 0 by 114011 to 5-Cl-2-ra-3C6113 01.1 (11) and the coLr.,jlir,,g prod,.Awt of diazatized II with resorcinol is analyzed spectrophotometrit3ally at 11,90 =. Me sensitivitY of the mr-thod is 0.1 mg-lkg; the degree of detection of I to -90.1. + 121.4%. 57 USSR NOVIKOVA, K. F. , &rA Lu)c 632.95 "Chr-omatophotometric Determination, of Reaidua2 Quianti-Ous of Phthalophou wid Phozalone in Fooistuffs of Vegetative Origin" V ab. Dim. sred*tva EFishchity reat. (Chwaaa jkTt.,ntu Tor Plitut X~rotectlr,,.:t -- coUection of worko), vyp 1, L'oncoir, 1970, pp 86-4911 M1Ai-Kh1,-i1ya,, 11o 11, Jua 72, Abstract No Tratlslationo In order to deternJile residues of phtlalaplms (1) a:111. pho-a-20,10 (H) in foodstuffs derivud from pLanits, I wid 11 ~m~ exlxactud 1,1th acitor-, re-extracted witth CH01 31 tho extraot la c1mr1licd Oil Z!, (13 x 18 cm), ,zp-!Mn,-, I and 11 wlt%h acotatie. Aftcr rentpiting Lite volvent, I or II in hydroly2od with FICI, azd the bbexatoa )Mo 3n de-1m-:vmA1nt!d imetrically or sptotrophotomotrloally at ")'110 mot in the torn txf it product of combirattion with c4romatrople &oid. The somitivity of tl-m~ r,,~~thod is 0. 3 X&Ag. 1/1 10111,R4, 1151WHIMMM nI=... USSR UDC 543..544#-632A)51 NOVIKOVA, K, F., All.-Union $