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~USSR UDC: 632.95 KULAKOV, V. N., PANKRATOVA, M. F., PINEGINA, Yu. M. "Synthesis of Benzothiophene From Styrene or Ethylbenzene" Moscow, Khimiya seraorgan. soyedin., soderzhashchikhsya v neftyakh i nefteproduktakh--sbornik (Chemistry of Organosulfur Compounds Present in Petroleum and Petroleum Products--collection of works), Vol 9, I'Vyssh. shkola", 1972, pp 25-31 (from RZh- -Khimiya, No 10, May 73, abstract No IONS35 by T. A. Belyayeva) Translationj Bonzothlophene (I), whose derivatives have insecticidal, fungici- dal and growth-regulating properties, is synthesized from styrene or othyl- benzene and H S on dehydrating catalyats. The authors investigate the influence which a char-Ce in the conditions of the experiments have on the results of the process, and make a comparative evaluation of the activity of three dehydrating catalystsj industrial catalyst K-51 an aluminochromium catalyst (78% A12 031 18r. Cr2O 39 4% K20), and the catalyst FeS/Al.03prepared Iky the 11ohr-Grinsfelder nethod. The experiments were done in stainless steel reaction vessels of the flow-through type.with 70 and 200 ml capacities; the duration of an experiment war., 2-2.5 hours. The catalysts were analyzed by the raethod of USSR KULAKOV, V. N., et al., Chemistry of Organosulfur Compounds Present in Petroleum and Petroleum Products -- collection of works, Vol 9, "Vyssb. shkola!' 19?2, pp 25-31 ps-liquid chromatography, A good yiela" of compound 1 (27,',*' as calculated from the reacted styrene f33.5;4 of theoxetic47) was attained on the Cr2O 3;/A1203 catalyst at a volumetric rate of 01.5 hr-1 and a hydrogen sulfide to styrene ratio of 11 moles/mole. It is shown that f or the &iven process the Post active of the catalysts studied were the aluminochromium and FeS/Al203' With continuous uset the activity of the catalyst falls off fairly rapidly, which meams that it must be periodically regenerated, It is shown that mrider identical conditions the yield of benzothiophene from styrene:is practically equal to the yield from ethylbenzene. Benzothiophene of 9~-99/1,, purity xvsults after redistilla- tion of the catalyst on a clear rectifict~tion column. 2/2 42- NICLASSI F I ED PkOCE~S ING. DATE 20NOV70 u T I TL E - - 1; 1 F F L h E N TKEACTIC,iS OF Ali I ftA L STO. ASIMILAK PHYSICAL EXERTION -U- ,~K..ALfHCR-(02)-PIi'%CHU9j V.i,;., SJKHININA, L.B. :~..CCUNTRY CF I N FG-u S SR SCUkLE-6YULLc'- TEN EKSP---:F:%- I Pr NTAL.' NUY GIGLCGII I MEUITSINYi L970o VOL 49, N R 6 , P P -) 9 - 3' 3 TE FUL1SrqE0------7G '~~--SLdJEGT AkEAS--6ICLCG1CAL AND MEDICAL SC I ENCES -RCISL p 10 NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASE, T A G 5 EX E 5,1111i'MI.,"iGo ANIMAL HYSI LOGY.i d'mpux I At GLYCCIGEN CC'1iTRU NAI-'~X 1,NG--,\*U R E S Tk~ I C' T I GN S DCJCUiiE.*',oT CU"ISS-UNCLASSIF11-:~0 STEP t,)Ci--(JR/0219/70/049/00&/002')/003~3 I C -1 77T --20NOV d 2/2 01 2 1 UNC L A S S I F I ED PROCESSING DATE 70 CIRC .1ACCESSICis NC--,4110131~97 A-"6 5 T~~ AC T / IC x IS, AC T- ( U) G P- 0- A,3 S I RACT I N E X P ER I ki ENT S C A L 6 1 NO M A L E R AT S F TJ--E. SAVe ;ICE Atii) led-IUHT IT I S S,4GlWN THAT I'H E EFk: ECJ UF A SIAILARV u I GRACUO*ALLY INCREASING L~,iiijlj,i6 (SWIMMING) 114 ll'S PIULrIPL.L 4tV-"-TIFIL)N MAY [-F THE RATS EASILY COPED WIF11 THE J E I ALLY 0IFFE l,' ..'T ONE HALF LA I otE,16HT JU~T AS ANIMALS bF THE CONTROL; REFEhRF6 TG LGAGI,"i'G, IN THE CF ACAPT-MU.'N ru jkcriVITY THIESE RATS El/(JLVE A CApi~CITY TO PRO)CE EWNW; I C L X P EN 0 1 T UKE xtij ;~AIJID REs:w-1,ATION OF THE: KESEKV~S Of- 6LYCOGEN 'DIAL to.LSGLE Al'ij HEPATIC. CULLS.- FOR THE UTH& HALF OF RATS THC I NT~-E CAR WES EXCESSIVE, ;THE Aj%l'HALS,:EAkLY i-EVELOP DISORDERS S Ar.1, ELUilJIN P,~ C TG 3E '~,~L %ERVLJUS 'YSTE,11, SIGNS ')XIAi BLLCKING OF 0, FFU,"~CTION 6-F T~-t C.EljT- bF HYK 'LYCijGtt,, KESEAZVE- I ii brGI-i'S OURING 'WORK AsND ITS RAPID UTILIZAT16-:4 AFTER THE LATIE~. ALL THE RL-FLkRED T6 MANIFESTATIONS DEVELOP AGAINST THE CALKGRUUNJ SIGNIFICANT RETAk9ATIUN OF 14EICi-IT (;Ali'~i AND SUCH WFFERENT A~t:ACJIGNS IN HYOCAN"LIAL HYPEATiiuPHY. THE CAUSL Oi- 1141?i~LS TO J"C- AND -THE -SAME PHYSILAI, LOADING MAY b(: DUE TO -1 NO I V 11) IjA LLIFF ENCES If, 'rhF RHYTHM.,~A3F CU,14PANSATURY ?.L-:>'f0.4ATIVE ~PRGCLSSi P. F. LESGAFT I~ ST:I'ft)TL- OF PHYSI~;AL F,%f- L I TY & USSR UDC 669.71.049.6 _LINCPtL.La. q., and FIRSANOVA, L. A. "Hechanism and Thermodynamics of the Removal of Aluminup Oxide Film From an Aluminum Surface During the Distillation~of Aluminum in.Vacuwn Through Sub- halides" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb, Materialy (Electronic Engineering: Collection of Scientific and Technical W als), 1970, vyp. 2, orke on Materi pp 16-19 (from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12 G232 by authors) Translation: Thermodynamic calculations of the reactions in the interaction Of A17-03 with aluminum, as well as experimental investIgatioas, showed that the removal of A1203 film from the surface of molten aluminum takes place due to its interaction with aluminum vapor, wIth the formation of gaseous A120- TWO tables. Bibliography of 31 titles. USSR uDc 669.i8g:621.746-75 VOLCHOK. I. P., SHULITE, YU. A., and PINCRUK, YE. I Zaporozhlye "Nonmetallic Inclusions and Failure of Tool Steellf Moscow, Izvestiya Akademil Nauk SSR, Meta 11y, No 1, Jan-Feb 1970, PP 109-112 k Abstract: A description is given of a special attachment for a metallographic microscope designed for the study of the behavior of non-metallic inclusions during stretching of a specimgn-microsection. The results of investigations of steel with different types of non-metallic inclusions~showed that the forr, of the inclusions has a significant effect on the origin and propagation of microcracks. Butectic sulfides of the Decond type contributed most to the formation and pro- pagation of microcracks, while globulaiinalusions of,the first type contributed the least. A correlation dependence was,establiahed between the extent of non- wtallio.inclusions in steel and.the magnitudo a affibotive surface energy. 45 oto Ut"ICLASS1FLED: PROCESSING DAT_c--13NOV70 ~,-TITLE--PRJ0UCTIO,N OF FILTEK GAUZES FRCW POLYPROPYLFNE AND POLYETHYLENE -U- MON9FILAMC AUTHOR (03)-BUTYLO, K.P., PINCHUKOVA, YE.F.v RUDUKHA, ~CCUNTRY 9F l,4FO--USSR -,S0URCE_-LEGKA OPUM. 1970, (1), 31-3 DATE PUBL I SHED-- 70 AREAS--CHE, MISTRY, MATERIALS .'TOPIc rAGS--FILTRAT.ION, POLYPROPYLENE,'POLYET~iYLENE _-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _'-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RE=_L/FRAME--2000/0878 STEP NO--UR/05IJi/7O/DOO/i3Cjl/OO3l/L)033 CIRC ACCE~SIGN N(,--AP0124541 11 66114illul".161.13~Ir 'IM la 1i iii; 1'.."No 1 .3 "~7~fljj 1 10 1 3NOV70 AG 2/2 0 UNCLASSIFUED1, PROCE 5 S 1 DATE CIRC ACCSSSION NO--AP0124541 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTP.ACT. A REVIEW i,'ATllClJT RE'FS. 0,N PRCOUCTION CH: THE TITLE FIL'rER GAUZE. THE PROPERTIES, USE7 At, CHEMICAL ANO.COAL IN'DUSTRY (E.1- qEQUIRE-"lF----NTS FOR APPLICATION IN THE HE, STABILITY TO HCL, R SU32 SO SUjj4 AND LESS THAN :)R EQUAL TO T ~:-80DEGREE-Sj ETC. A14D THE PHYS. AND CI-IE14 PROPERTIES OF THE FILTLR GAU Z 5S wERE DISCUSSED. Acc Ref. Code: UR 0475 PMARY SOURCE: Vrachebnoye Delo, 1970, Nr 1, pp ipy -J.1 2_ ON EXPEDIENT TERMS OF HEALTH-RESORT TREATMENT OF BOTKIN'S DISEASE RZECONVALESCENTS Vishnevsk!~L A.S..; Khodykin, A.V.; Vishnevskava, Yu-.-- S.; RIMMA, Ye.F. (Yessentuki) A Study of 286 Botkin's disease reconvalescents made in 1958-1968 indicates that complex health-resort treatment of thiscate ory of patients. showed best immediate 'To were sent to health-resorts at early and long-term results in those reconvalescents W term3 following discharge from the hospital (from I to 6 Months). Xff MELORME ~;:i I I II II p-I I I IL .;I 11:1 ;,].]1 1* JI IIII If I, Irmt 1/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 .-,TITLE--SCIENTIFIC PROBLEMS OF.STRENGTH AND WEAR RESISTANCE IN MACHINE BUILDING -U- ~AUTHOR-PINEGIN, S.V'. .~_:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,...S,OURCE--MOSCOW# VESTNIK MASHINUSTROYENIYAw NO 3t 19701 PP 15-19 `:A)LATE, PUBL ISHED ------- 70 AREAS--MECH.t IND.2 CIVIL ANDAARINE ENGR 'TOPIC.TAGS--Mac-CfIANICAL STRENGTHY MACHINE INDUSTRYo WEAR RESISTANCE RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,''PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1978 STEP NO--UR/01221'70/000/003/0015/0019 C I RC ACCESSION NIO-JAP~015_31_ i t-.uf- iA C c Ty~ c n I H . ~ A c c -1 u I Fil I I USSR uDc: 621-791:549.21:669.24 LAZARSON, E. V. (Engineer), r-j:1,'1M171, G. S. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) and PIKjr;j9._jZ.__G* Engineer), Perm' Polytechnic Institute tic arbon Behavior in Welding Nickel and~Hickel-Carbon Alloys" Moscow, Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, No 1, Jan 72, pp 10-12 Abstract; This study cuncerns the interaction of carbon of the parent metal with the oxygen of the gas phase in welding nickel and nickel-carbon alloys containing 0.3 to 0.6h'* C. Included in the study was the relation of the carbon content in the metal with the latter's tendency to porosity. The specimen plates were welded by the.nonconsu-nable electrcde method without allaying additions. The protective atmosphere vuu a mixture of argon with gen. The latter was added to study the burn-out of carbon. In inert-gas 0 XY shielded welding an increase in cdrbon concentration in the base metal raises the coefficient of carbon transfer to the weld metal along an exponential curve. In oxygen-shielded.welding the minimum coefficient of carbon transfer is observed at a specific ratio of carbon concentraticn in the base metal to the oxygen content in the gas phase. With an increase of 1/2 USSR LAZAIRSON, E. V. (Engineer), et al, Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, Ro 1, Jan T2, pp 10-12 the carbon content in the metal, the process of decarburization takes on a surface nature. O.-4gen transport.through.the gas phase layer adjoining the weld pool surface becomes the limiting component of interaction. An increase of carbon concentration in the weld pool at first raises the porosity and then leads to its reduction. It is suggested that high-carbon metals be used for obtaining nonporous welds. (T illustrations, 1 table, T biblio- graphic references). 2/2 USSR _j IC 'J21 i7 L G. "Conference-Sen-inar o~ '.'clderi From thc U.-rals" Kiev, Avro-macicheskaya Svarka, No 7, Jul 70, pp 76-77 Abstract: The 'Ni-ith Con ference-Semi'nar of !"Talders -7-L-on t1i~~ Kungtir In March 1970. It was a~zended by s:)ecia"-sts f-cr-, 33 c-z-e~~ o--- z_:ic Sov~4et Union. Fo t y reports by 70 authors were -presentcld. Amer ~7 Lho r -p "5 discussee. were: straia distribution over the oil 'Cie cr~ftar_-"on of tLcimol-10,(11"! OL Strength 0_~: tile me-id imeta! eff ects Of wei_'~ rions on def or-marlon I-Ind to-c". n. o u c a I z~ 'D. 2 -1 the process of Cflie.L-navsk~_-'- o r i L S :u beam-tvTe SCrurz --_urcs (V. P Lx L'O h 1 0 a C Point: weldin- (A. ':~. Poinar~~va) nct.: _fi~ciliLi _x: no-nd ---!Z the quality of roll- (K. ~:eaLures of arc c!1JJ*ng of nickral aad. ~tc' ons Kaz'nin) - --rameters o-r Che SLrUCtUral SySte-1 L~ourcLi-uutt~ma~~:,_~ and selCCL."on 0Z Or- t"IC S.IdVC~ [Or LL.Q welder ~V. V. L-],.vrent'yev); the z1aree-phase -are as a Medvedev'; devL-1GD7C-nt 01" eC_U4',.-Xon,- -or welLin- heat-rcts-SZ~LIIL 1/2 -777777-~~ USSR PINEGIN, Ye. AvtomaricibesIrl-ava Svarka, No 7, Jlil 70, 1.1-p 76-77 L alloys (G. P. Sal-,atev); develLopment Of equipment for ,).',;s coating (V. V. Stepanov); effects of cercain facc:3rs on of plastic materials (I. V. Hozgovaya); study o--,'" the --iiE-chanism oT- erosion, dravelo-mment: of materials, and t1he technolocgir Cf vccx surfaced parcs for 'Iydraulic nachinery (V. V. Kur"ILov); vje3-- surfaced metal (V. L. Luavak); production of cast iron by eiec!:-,C:~iL~~- (A. Ye. GoncI,,arov'); studyin- the of the electrosl-- trochemica-I ~:~thods (G. I. SOICV'YeV); -,1I10-.Ii-tC,!--:LnI- O-L- Lilz- 1---' of welding equipzlaat (R. A. -.11alKslia); advanced methods of ai:,:: structures (V. N. Socrstyuk-); corrosion -~esistanca of waids ol~ (A. V. Andrey~v,;; gas saturation and porosivir aZ valds ~n welding -- -ZL I (S. A. Chc~~-.iezova-), affect of the excL---Lial fLel"-' on Lh,~ k" -Ino"ov); controlling the -'n we-W-1--nu of wc.-Ids (N. Cla- Dorofevev) o!~ciilatury electron as zin efffecLive fOV snon~L,:~n, Lhe conferencL ;--~rrangud sat exhlbit of by The weldiag producrion. Tn canclus4crn, the conference niade. a nuivi'~~);~X 01* dations for taa fu-,:L:'her advaacert-~nt of welding production aL ClIe o.' the Urals. 2/2 USSR UDC 539-2:539.376+620-172.251.2 KU7,NETSOVA, R. I., and GORBMO, V. N., Kharlkov -State University imeni A. M. For1kiy "High-Temperature Deformation of Copper and Nickel Films One Crystal in Thickness During Creep" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 31, No 3, Mar 71, pp 620-625 Abstract: Measurements of various types of deformation develop- ing in copper and nickel films one crystal thick during high- temperature creeD in the low stress area were performed. It was established that under theseconditions, slipping deformations along grain boundaries are very significant, reaching 60-80-7o of the total deformation. The non-monotonic dependence of grain- boundary deformation on stress is compared to the presence of a linear creep limit and thechangeIn the mechanism of internal. grain deformation of the metals in this stress area. Aluminuin"Aidfiti Alloys .67 USSR UDC 539 (deceased) and KARMAZIN, A. A. P .-B.-Ya. flint ernal Friction in Alurdnum with Various Iron Contents" Eb. "Vnutrenneye treniye v metallicheskikh materialakh" (Internal Friction in Metallic Materials), Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1970, PP 129-131- Abstract: The effect of small iron impurities on the internal friction of aluminum is investigated. 7he effect of graincsize and impurity content on the magnitude of observed internal friction peaks is considered. The relaxa- tion-along the grain responsible for.a low-teimerature Lnaxim=. The.high-temperature maximum is related to:isolation of the FeAl3phase along ~the aluminum grain boundaries. 1 figdre, 7 references USSR UDC 539.2:539.376+620.172.251.2 PIM YA., KUZNETSOVA, R. I., and GORBEMO, V. N., KharIkov _Q ~eUniversity imeni A..M. Forl,kiy ItHigh-Temperature Deformation of~Copper and Nickel Films One Crystal in Thickness During:Creep". Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov.i Metalloved,eniye, Vol 31, No 3, Mar 71, pp 620-625 Abstract: Measurements of various types of deformation develop- ing in copper and nickel films one crystal thick during high- temperature creeD in the low stress area were performed. it was established that under theseconditions, slipping deformations along grain boundaries are very significant, reaching 60-30",. of t.he total deformation. The non-monotonic dependence of grain- boundary deformation on stress is compared to the presence of a linear creep limit and-the change in.the mee4anism of internal grain deformation of the metals-in this stress area. 1,J ill lin" I 1-II FTI I Nil; I USSR UDC 669.22:539.216.2:548.526 1. P. and GEKTINA, 1. V., Kkiarkov State Uai- versity imeai A. M. Gor'kiy "Surface Diffusion on Silver and Nickel Thin Films" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 30, No 6, Dee 70, pp 1320- 1322 Abstract: Samples were prepared for investigating surface diffusion by meanq of vacuum condensation on a metallic substrate B (layer thickness = 100-200 A) onto which was sprayed a layer of the diffusing substance A of the same thick- ness but with a smaller area having a sharp boundary.. Both diffusion of Ag in Ni and Ni in-Ag were studied electronographically with diffusion of Ag in nickel done at 400-750* C and Ni in silver at 500-$50* C. From this the minimum elect ronog raphically fixed thickness of the "filled" component was determined. Here double-layer films of A&+Ni were studied by changing the ratio of component thicknesses. As one would expect, the diffraction lines from the thin film of an impurity, modeling the diffusing component in tests on surface diffusion, are observed in a limited concentration interval, which was associated with the sensitivity of the electronographic phase analysis. 1/2 USSR al, Fizika Metallov i. Metallovedeniye, Vol 30, No 6, Dec 70, pp 1320-1322 It turned out that the impurity was electronographically and reliably fixed in the amount of 4% (by wt) Ni in Ag and 39 (by wt) A in Hi. Recalculat-lon of concentrations leads to values of aNi 81 and aAg 51. A comparison of ~the intensity of diffraction lines of the component dirfused into the surface with the intensity of the same lines from the impurity in the double-layer tests showed that, in view of their coincidence, the surface diffusion is accomplished in the layer, comparable in thickness, with an effective thick- ness of the impurity in the dauble-layer. film. This does not exclude, with 'consideration of the sengitivity limita,tion of the electronographical method, that diffusion actually occumin the layer of simgle-atom thickness. 2/2 69 MCE'SSING DATE--04DEC70 77-r/ 2 032 L LTITLE--DIFFUSION CREEP AND SUBttRUCTURE,OF, ALUMI NUIll SAMPLES OF VARIOUS PURITIES -U- __AUTHOR-(02)-PINESj B.YA~v BADIYANO YE.!E.. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :~'~.SOURCE-FIZIKA METALLOV I METALLOVEDENIE, APR. 19709 29, 14), 847-856 ~`-D'ATE PUBLISHED----APR70 ,'-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSi MATERIALS TAGS--CREEP MECHANISMv ALUMINUM ALLOYP MELTING POINT, METAL IMPURITY LEVEL, CRYSTAL DISLOCATION C EIN T R 0 LMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,~~,OOCUAENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003104ft7 STEP~NO--UR/0.126170/021?/004/0847/0856 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129672, ----- - _UNr~LAcjSlfcI.Eo `032 'NC :A FIt PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 U L D CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129672 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(tJl GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE KINETICS OF D[FFUS10,14 CREEP AT TEMP. JUST BELOW THE M.P. WERE STUDIED IN THREE Al, ALLOYS CONTG. BETWEEN 10 PkIME NEGATIVE5 AND 10 PRIME NEGATIVEZ PERCENT OF IMPURITIES. 'eq H E N THE DISLOCATION DENSITY AND LINEAR BLOCK SIZE WERE CONTaOLLED Y T E IMPURITIES, THE NABARRO HERRING RELATIONSHIP WAS NO L13NGER SATISFIED; THE CREEP RATE FELL WITH INCREASING BLOCK SIZE. POSSIBLE REASONS FOR THIS EFFECT,ARE DISCUSSED. IN THIS RESPECT A MAJOR INFLUENCE IS -APPARENTLY EXERTED BY AN EXCESS.OF INSOLUBLE FE ATOMS APPEARING ALONG THE BLOCK BOUNDARIES. UNG LASS I F (ED -5SIN" CIAT~_--27NOVQ .1/2 043 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE TITLE--THE STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAM AND INTERNAL FR 1 r_Tl 0 Nor- COP:;ER WHISKERS UNDER UINIIAXIAL EXTENSION A N 0ANEW METHOD OF STUOY -U- B. Y4. ANDRONOVI V M. _-AUTHOR-(03)-RABUKHINt V.B., PINES:, 'COUNTRY.,OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FILIKA IMETALLOV I METALLOVEDE FEB, 1970 v29t (2)t 436-439 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AR.EAS--PHYSlCS, MATERIALS 'NSILE :,TOPIC TAGS--STRESS ANALYSIS, YIELD STRESS, HARMONIC OSCILLAr[Otl, TE ~STRESS, INTERNAL FRICTIONt, CRYSTAL DISLOCATION, COPPER WHISKER CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS IC t.A S S I F I ED DOCUMENT CLASS---UN PROXY RFELIFRAME--3003/0343 srt:P NG--UR/012b/10/~')29/()1)2/043,D/043,) CIRC ACC':!"l'j(lN Nl*j--AP01'!f)liV.-) 777777 043 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING 0ATE-211NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129575 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A NEW EXPERI%i'ENTAL METHOD OF STUDYING THE STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAM OF CU WHISKERS AND UETFRMINING THEIR YIELD CHARACTERISTICS IS DESCRIBED. IN THIS METHOD THE ELASTIC STRESSES IN THE MATERIAL ARE DETERMINED BY ANALYSING THE RESONANCE FREQUENCY OF TRANSVERSE OSCILLATIONS~SET,UP IN THE STRETCHED SAMPLE. ONE NOTEWORTHY FEATURE IS THAT AT THE INITIAL STAGE OF EASY SLIP THE INTERNAL FRICTION REMAINS APPROX..CONSTANT,,INDICATING THAT AT THIS STAGE A LARGE PROPORTION OF THE DISLOCATiONS FORMED PASS OUT OF THE CRYSTALS. 1ED 1/2':, 022 UNUAS IFIED.- PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 T TLE--X RAY DIFFRACTION DETERMINATION OF THE ORIENTATION OF GALLIUM :, 7i,,1- SINGLE CRYSTALS. -U- AUTHOR-(03)-PINE~, 8.YA., SIRENKUP A.Fv VLASOVA, N.V. T --USSR ,,tCIJN RY OF ,_~SOURCE-IZV. VYSSH. UCHES. LAVED.t FIL.-1970t 13(2)o 142-4 ,A)AITE PUBL ISHED---70. -SU13JECT.AREAS-PHYSICSt CHFMISTRY RAY DIFFRACTION ANALYSISt; CRYSTAL LATTICE STRUCTUREv ;'-.~.,:GALLIUM# SINGLE CRYSTALs STEREU CHEMISTRY CUNTRUL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DUCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .~'PRUXY RELL/FRAME--1993/1915 STEP NO--UR/0139/70/013/002/01(tZ/014(t, --CIRC ACCESSION NC--AT0114355 "77 7-77,777 2/2 022 UNCLASSIFIEd ?RCCESSENG DATE-;--a90CT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0114355 11 AS SYR Ai~T/EXTKAC T-- I U) GP-0- ABSTRA-~T. FOR THE EASY INJEXING OF KEFLECTIONS ANU FOR THE DETN. Of: DiE GA SINGLE CtMIAL GRIENIATIONP AUXILIARY-.GRAPHS UF THE STD. STLREOGRAPHJC PROJECTION VOR DIFFERENT ORlENTATIUNS OF THE CRYSTAL KELATIVE TU THE PRI-AARY bEAM. ARE BIVEN. A ~REF. TABLE RELATING THE ANGLES 13ETWC-EN DIFFERENT REFLECTION PLANES IN THE LAUE DIAGRA14 TO THE: POSSIBLE HKL 1NMES: IS ALSO PRESENTED. FALILITY: KHARIKUVr GOSUNIV. IM. GORIKOGO, KHARKDVj, USSR. _6_2~ UNCLASSI" to PROC~S!SING DATE-13NOV70 INTERNAL FRICTION OF ALUM ~TITLE-TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE oF THE 'INUM CUNTAINING AN IRCN IMPURITY -U- AUTHOR-(02)-PINES, B.YA.t KARMAZIN, A*Ao -C~OUNTRY OF INFO-USSR METALLOVED. 1970, 29(l) 197-9 -SUURCE-FIZ. METAL PUBLISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC TAG S--METAL INTERNAL FRICTION, ALUMINUM ALLOY, LROIN CONTAINING ALLOYv METAL IMPURITYt TORSION STRESSI GRAIN BOUNDARYt THERMAL EFFECT, ALLOY DESIGNATION/(U)AOG ALUMINUM ALLOY, (U)AB1 :ALUMINUM ALLUY, (UJA2 ALUPINUM ALLOY a CCINTROL. MARK I NG-NO RESTRICT IONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :~.~PRGXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0698 STEP NO--UR/0126170/029/001/0197/0199 CIRC -ACCESSION NO-A P0105674 Ll NC-f il -S D 2/2 028 UNCLASStFIE0 PROCESSING OATE--13NOV70 ~CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0105674 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--tU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~THF TEMP. DEPENDENCE WAS STUDIED (OF TRADEMARKS ABL, AOO, AND A2) WITH FE 'OF INTERNAL FRICTION OF AL IMPURITY CONTENT OF 0.0br 0o16, AND 0.5 WT. PERCENT. THE INTERNAL FRICTION WAS MEASURED BY A LOW FREQUENCY, VACUUM T-ORSIONAL PENDULUM. ONE PEAK AT 270-90DEGREES WAS OBSO. 014 THE CURVES FOR THE ABI SAMPLESp ANO 2 PEAKS AT 310-60DEGREES AND 44&-80DEGREES WERE OBSO. FOR SAMPLES OF TRADEMARKS AOO AND A2. THE LOW TEMP. INrCRNAL FRICTION PEAK OBSD. IN THE,PRESENT WORK ON AL SAMPLES OF VARYING PURITY AT 270-360DEGREES IS A GRAIN BCUNCARY PEAK, SUCH AS HAS BEEN.PREVIOUSLY~OBSD:* AP40 REPORTED. WITH INCREASING GRAIN SIZE THE HEIGHT OF THIS PEAK DECREASES AND THE PEAK SHIFTS TOWARDS THE HIGHER TEMPS.,REGION. WITH INCREASING IMPURITY CONTENT (BUT EQUAL GRAIN SIZES) THE HEIGHT OF THE PEAK DECREASES AND THE PEAK SHIFTS TOWARDS THE HIGHEA-TEMP.~REGION. THE ACT-IVATION ENERGY OF THE GkAIN BOUNDARY PEAK, AS CALCD. FROM THE FREQUENCY DISPLACEmENT, WAS 33-6 KCAL-MOLD. THE 2NDr HIGH TEMP.t PEAKrIS 0111,r)D. ONLY IN CASE OF SAMPLLS CONTG. GREATER THAN 0.06PERCtPIT FE. THE HEIGHT OF THE ZND PEAK MT. Of- IMPURITY. C r- THE 2N0 INCREASES WITH INCREASING A. THElAPPEARAN E o RELAXATION PEAK IS ASSOCO. WMV THE RELAXATION OF THf! STRESSES AT T'HE AL GRAIN BOUNDARIES. UNCLASSIFIED A 'SlI 029 UNCL S, F E PROCESSING DATE:---~30OCT70 --"TITLE--DEFORMATION STACKING FALTS IN NICKEL GERMANIU14 ALLOYS -U- ~'AUTHOR-(02)-PINESi B.YA.v ZARUBINAv~S.V*~ '4CUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .SQURCE-FIZ. -METAL ME7 LLOV (Do ~1970t 29(3),t 660-70 DATE PU13L I SHED ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALS, PHYSICS -'40PIC TAGS--NICKEL ALLOY# GERMANIUM ALLOYt X RAY ANALYSISr CRYSTAL METAL DEFORMATION ROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAt4E--1998/0943 STEP NO--UR/0126170/029/003/0669/0670 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121545 I t-J _un~ LAI* S_LFV~___ .2/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING OATE--30OCTTO -:C'IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121545 -.-ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PROBABILITY OF FORMATEON AND -THE.ENERGY OF DEFORMATION STACKING FALTS IN NI,GFE ALLOYS WERE DETO. BY THE X RAY METHOD OF APPLYING HARMONIC ANAL. TO THE SHAPE OF THE LINES. THE ALLOYS WERE PREPD. FROM ELECTROLYTIC NI AND GE IN THE FOLLOWING CONCNS.: 1.5t 3.7t 6.5, AND 9 AT.PERCENT GE* ACHANGE IN THE ANGULAR DISTANCE BETWEEN THE (111) AND (200) PEAKS WAS OBSO. FOR ALL THE FILED ALLOYS STUDIED (AS COMPAREo TO THE SAME ANNEALED ALLOYS), WHICH IN TURN :MA0E IT POSSIBLE TO DET. THE PROBABILITY OF FORMATION OF DEFORMATION STACKING FAULTS. THE THERMAL EXPANSION COEFF,, INCREASES dITH INCREASING GE.CQNCN.9 AND IT INCREASES SHARPLY AFTER DEFORMATION OF THE ALLOY AT ~:LIQ. -N TEMP. . THE STACKING FAULT. ENERGY, WAS DETD.,:FROM THE DISLOCATION FACILITY: KHARIKOV.~GO.SUNIV. IM. GOR'KDGU# KHARKOVt USSR. -Do A ' 3 S 1 F- 1 E 0 di-niii-if I I T,IIT W, , h .., . MH Tq Mi USSR UDC 66-1-71:53) PINESY B. YA., and YJkR!,.AZI.'T, A. A., KharIkov State Uriv(!:rs--'t,f Gor"Kiy "PxTlitude-Deucnden~ Intarral Friction o' Alu:.Inum ContaLn4n- Iro.-I 41 Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 29, 1~o 6, 70, pp 1231-1231, Abstract: Results are nresented of am irvestiiration. of a7lmlitude dcpende-nce 'riction i of internal I n A99, A85, A7, and,AO, alurdnu;,,i wi-.11 irt*~m contcnt-s mn~-in,- ..Lrom 0-003 to 0-55- The internal friction was neasured 133, ne=s_of a lo-w--:reaupncy torsion - lo 5*10-4. - - pedulum. The wm.-litude of deformation varied to The sDecirmns were cylinders 100 -mi long and 1 xmi in diweteri. Tile aa-mealinl- -was done at high temperatures, after which the avera~je linear size of -~.Iie ali--,drx". ;-Irains was 2-3 Yjaii, The method of internal friction is -used to estLrate the parali-eters of of d's o a- t1he dislocation structure condensation teraperatures, boodin, C tions with impurity atomns, and the concentration of inmurity a-.Orrs in tI,-e- solid J solution and along the boundaries of grains for the alumizum-iron system. authors thank V. 11. Startsev for his interest in woric and use' discussion. ~ui -,H6 -1 '4111 4116.2!41461R~ USSR 0 bDc 669.71:669-3:539-.37' 3ADIIYAW, YE. n, .,and BIREMKO, A. F., KnarlIzov State Unive,.sity ra PI imni A. M. Gorlkiy "Changes in the Substructure of Copper and Aluminum at Iligfh Teaperature Creep" 'etallovedeni ye, Vol 29, No 6, 35- Sverdlovsk,, Fizika Metallov i M ill', 70, nP 12.~ ],~111 Abstract: Results are -oresented of an investigation of the substracture of oin~-le and polycrjstalline speciziens of copper. and aluminum and fts chan-es in the -,)rocess of hiGh terTmerature creep. X-ray and chemical pickling m:!thocls itere used. it is shown that the change in substructure characteristics -,Ljra.,,,e s~7ze of bloc' disorientation) takes place ra--'nly at the unsteady creep uta,~e. Mhe possible Itions of diffusion atomic mechanism of the formation of the substructure under condA. creep is considered. 6611, ink. 111 USSR uDc 60'q.j,.,L:5- .37' 39 PINES,_E,,. YA. and BADIYAII, YEE. YE., Kharko,v State University in~x_i A. A. Gor"kiy "Diffusion Creep and Substructure of Aluminum Sver_dlovsk, Fizika I'Vetallov i 11!etallovedeniye, Vol 29, ,;o 4, A-pr 70, -op 84--356 Abstract: The kinetics of diffusion cree was studied on A(~95,, 1199, 'iS5~, AO aliLuniLm alloys at 440, 500, 600, and 650 9C- Samples werl! a=_laie-d for 20 hours at 6500C, and a constant heating and cooling rate of 600'11hour was e-jmloy~~,,' Saz,-ple dimensions were 50 x 6 x 4 mm, Cell size and dislocation density were sured prior to the creep study. The high-temperature creep of altuainum s,,;wipler, cont:~~:Lwln,:-, a low ir.-,pljrity con- ptvre' metais- tent (-Lro-, 1-0-5 t-a jo--'~,O increases the mme as for single-t_or~,onf.=. in all cases the stress i) was lawer than the linear creep lindt po and I;he rate of creep 6 was proportional to the =a_gnitude of the a-Pplied i;tress. relationsnips between 'c-and p for samples with impurities does not sa~il;~( t',--e ANav- earo-Tlerrino- function and :F_~ is not proportional to I/L, -out on the other here is indicated a good relationship with L for those sw7.-,Ies -Where cl,-,,n~e in L was caused by a change in ii-,puzrity content. For sarpicn. of the sane conn3sition, in uhich dislocat-ion density P and cell dimensions L were altored by val-yir,,- the ude of F diminished. with e (upon inc-:-aasinj, L)., whIlch heatin-rr ra*tte, the magnit agrees with the !,Zavarro-Herrin~; function. Two reasons. e,4~~ lue ilivea waic~i cause a L) 112 777 7777 7 USSR '111 I-7-IS) -j,. 'LIA P-n~j -1,,kDTYJA~ 1, )71, YE4 Fiz' ka I-etall lav i "at a! love "eni-re VC 1 29, NO 4 Axr 70, -o C,")'47-856 ,e ia, 1--e creep nate or an a-11 S-0101 deviation fro, t-e Navarro-fl rrln~ d be less on the s-c;ren-;7th of a nonuniform nartial diffusion attractin., the advent of a concentration, discontinuity, which leads to the ap.7,cazarce of a vacancy concentration gradiem of the opposite si-m in Comnarison wit~i the resnond- inG directed self-diffusion fro,,- the action of mynlied stlmoseG. Mreover, insoluble impurities enter primarilj into cell ani -ra-In bourd- aries and if they increase the resistance to slip into tiw! bo,-iii,:,aries he n e advancinC: ali~,,nment of stresses lowers nox7-,,l stresses i, ae 'I Z;; _;rain body (cells), which also causes a lowerinj,: of creep, rate. 0 uantitative evalLy--tions shoved that for aluninum with impurities (esPecially with Fe impurities) the latter effect had special significance. - - - - - - - - - - USSR. UPC 6l9i6l6.98l.45t59l.6l3 PETMOVA. 0. S., FINIGINt A. F.t ZABRODIN? V. A., VAGINA, L.A., and ZABROMNA#.YE. F., rcle-MiffrResearch, Institute of:Agriculture of the Fax N61" 1114oldtioxL-of Brucella From Wild Animals" Mdacoml-yeterinariyal No 41 1971p pp 41-42 Absftracti -In 1968-1970 in the Taymyr National District of Krasnoyax-skiy Ktay-.(Central Siberia), 41 Brucella cultures were isolated from indigenous wild animalat 15 from wild reindeer# 15 from wolves, 10 from polar foxes, and.-I from a wolverine. All these strains grew under aerobic. conditions and JA-most,cultural and morphological properties were identical to those isolated ft=-domestic animals, reindeer in particular. While the former tended to bd-Aore xesistant to penicillin than the latter, they wore generally less viVulent.. In Siberian foci of brucellosie, wild reindeer Are in frequent contact,with.domestic anirAls and-apparently become xtuadily infected by them. 42 USSR t= 61.6.o,81.42 PINIGIN A. F. Professor, ZABRODIN, V. A., Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Rei~earch Institute of Agriculture of thc Far; 14orth '.'Natural Foci of Brucellosis" Moscov,, Vestaik Sellskokhozyaystvennoy Kauki, No 7, Jul 70, Pi) 96-99 Abstract: Some 61 wildlife species have been found to be susceptible to brucellosis. Of these 27 were infected in the natural state and 3h were sensitive to experimental infection. About 20 species of blood-sucking arthropods which imre infected with brucellosis under natural conditions have been recorded* To determine the spread of brucellosis among wild animals in Eastern Siberia and the Par Fast, a bacteriol- ogical study was made of about 1,500 mammals, 100 birds, and more than 6,5~50 Ixodea ticks. Long-tailed susliks were studied by serological methods. The animals were divided into two groups, those from bruceUosis foci in cattle, sheep and pigs and those from foci of brucellosin in reindeer. It van found that, in natural foci of brucellosis north of Krasnoyarskiy Kray., the wild northeim reindeer which e-re carriers of this infection transmit it to wolves., polar toxes,,~and wolverines. USSR UDC 577.1:615.719 PINIGIN. -H. A-, HARKARYAN, A. S., SHURUPOVA, V. S. "Adaptation to Different Types of Exposure to Chemical Substances (Constant, Intermittent)" V sb. Farmakol. Khimoterapevt. Sredstva. Toksikol. Probl. toksikol. .(Pharmacologf. Chemotherapeutic Agents.. Toxicology. Problems of Toxicology-Collection of Works), Vol 5 (Advances in. Sciences and Technology. All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1973, pp 120-128 (from RZh-Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 17, Sep 73, Abstract No 17 F1898 bythe author) Translation: A graphic method is proposed for evaluating the process of adaptation to continuous and intermittent inhAlation of aniline (Mt-Hb- substance). forming 564 C b 14 . 7 SOME NEW APPROACUES TO PRESSING THI~ORETICAL ),ND PRACTICAL PROLDL, M Al I NG WITH SETTING 11YGIEZi1C' STANDARDS FOR TOXIC SUBSTANCES EArticle by M~A. Pinigin. InaLitUte of General and Municipal Hygi4=*.IsstnL A.N. Sysin nosccr.,--T5-1 Vestnik Nauk Sss?_ kuscian. .40 1. 19,2: pp 82-86) 7 The rapid strides of scientific and tachnological progress in our country result. in rapid elevation of the material and cultural sc=dard of livina. In better health. and lotkSevity. The broad stare measures conductod in our country for the prevention of envirennotital pollution and for amelioration of the environment are based an hyzien1c criteria of itu'quality. With reference to chemical pelluticr., maximum permissible concentrations of toxic substances are such criteria. "'a I date tn~i maximum permissible concentrations have been e*cabl-lshed for more than 600 substances in the air of in4uSLrial buildings, for m9re than 350 substances In water of ret;ervoirs, for more than 100 substances In aLMOSPhCrIC air, etc. In view of the enormous OCAILCO Of deVelopMent Of Lhe natior-0- econocy in the. 9th five-year -peried, as defined in the Directi.ves of the 14t!.,. Constess of the CPSU, the irportznce of setting hygienic normn for envirua~rntal cheMiLal (acturs will grow even more. There in also an in,~.rvo%knts -,.eed ta resolva some problurA pertaining to secting hygien-1c standarda. Ttry Include: 1) dewlupzeat of approaches and method of standard hygienic, notm se,-ting when a iiubstance has different routes of access into the ar6aaiam; 1i develop- -Nr~ftt of rapid :~cthodb of substantiatino maxicium perminsiblo lovels Q! toxic Ubstancuo in divLrsu anvirnn=eatal objects; 3) hygienic evaluation zf the inEermittunt ,ffect of chemical compounds in the environment. L 7he url;ancy of the first prattler; is related to the JaCL thazz under d 'rn 'dition.; may may he exposed to the deleterious effiect of vhe=icals incoindu.,ry and in populatod areas due to atmoopheric air, water, and ~food contazination. The existing practice of setting hysiouic,itta*aards for a givan substance separatobly'laratmospharic air, air in indumtrl-i6t buildings. 1221- USSR UDC 621.791.927;669,IS-194 MILIalENKO, S. L., ALEKSANDROV, A. G... PINIKOVSKIY,.I. V., Zaporozhlye Machine Building Institute "Erosion Resistance of Surfaced Steels in the Nickel-Titanium-Aluminum System with Ageing Martensitell Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 8, Aug 1972, pp 55-58. Abstract: The hydraulic erosion wear resistance of metal surfaced with electrode materials based on alloys such as 18 Ni-Co4lo-Ti with low cobalt content, as well as high-strength cobalt-free alloys in this system was studied. The erosion resistance of the surfaced metal was ostimated on the basis of the weight loss of specimens tested on an impact erosion test stand. The erosion resistance of surfaced metal with ageing martensite was found to be determined by the quantity of martensite in thb structure and its hardening during ageing. Cobalt-free surfaced metal with ageing martensite structure had hiah hardness and erosion resistance following ageing, equal to the erosion resistance of aged.nickel-cbbalt-molybdenan surfaced metal with high cobalt content. 1/1 -92:621.039.61 USSR UDC '533- VOYTSENYA, V. S;, ZISFR, V.Ye., D1KIY, A. G., ZM-DiV:.'OV, A. I., FINOS, 1. B., YAROF-ER, Ya. N. "Calculation and Modeling of Helical 1-1indings of Varivus,Types on Toroldn! Surfaces" Fiz. plazilly i probl. unravl. terniov.-dcr. sinteza. Resp. ti,,~-zhved. sb. (Plasma Physics and Problens oE the Controlled TherzionucleLl- Ycz;aon. Republic Interdennrtmental Collection) , 1972, No. 3, pp 137-1141 (froni RZh--7Fizilu-i, 1.10 11, Nox, 72, Abstroct 'No 13.G276) Translation: The problem of the possihility Of llSillr, VariCLIS ".-fAlding patents ~s is investigated: gc-odesic 1-lies, for helical con dur-tors oil tcroidal surface -i t4, - ibis ,w-A lines of- lines of constant inclin, Wn to the generatrix of the toi cylijidric.-A and toroi.dal spir,11. It is that n L.11"111. be a fairly good znpproxirimLiuti for geodesic Jilles, oil ~1 Lorus. Data are L-,Jveri fer constructing a gecciesic line on a toroldal Eurface vttlhi an arbitrary 11113df- on the and "Hir" coliput. aspect ratio. The calciiI.-Itiow; ;.,(,r(! M ca 1H rA -AA00467TEC 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical, Derwent,/`--~40 TYRE MM This inventAwn relstas IM-N"Alm '1242372 to 0414Pmant ftli7611ing.the folded layers of a tyro d!consists o;f:& centre abaft (1) with longitudinal grooves-in vhieh the "Ountard In conJunctiou.vfth the dispbwqp (2) is ring-and-bearins assembli"*, (3)..:FAch of,these rings is fitted W.Lth.a spr supp~*'rt (4). The centre ring (5) is fai.teueA rigidly oti the cantre abaft so that~ the centre section of the article being made can be Olled under pressure. The friction. roller. (6), is: th& Owet dr.ivi,. Thi 9 Usip is animprovwmt " pVdViOU* T0111ha equipment, in that th*.friction:between.the roll-Lug rings and the surface,of the article beifttrolled. Is almost eillminate4, and ~~ts articles having different profiles to be tr"t-OM- USSR TRUNOV, V. G., SHAKIN, V. V. "Recognition of Manuscript Characters which can be Parametrized" Opoznavaniye i Opisaniye Liniy [Recognition and Description of Lines Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 101-107 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, Moscow,,1973, Abstract No 3 V-714 by the authors). Translation: An approach is suggested and described fL)r recognition of manuscript characters (numerals) which are studied as Nncs on a plane, represented in parametric form with a natural. pavametei% This represen- tation allows the problem of synthesis of spatial. standards for BUMLI- script characters to be solved. A simple generator is suggested, the use of which allows significant redtiction in.the preparatory portion of the experimcnt, related to coding and input of information to a computer. I I. USSR PINSKER I. Sh. TSUKERMN, B. M., SHAKIN, V. V. "Diagnostic Classification of Electrocardiograms as Vector FUnctions" Opoznavaniye i Opisaniye Liniy [Recognition and Description of Lines Collection of Works), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 47-57 (Translated -from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, Moscout,1973, Abstract No 3 V712 by the authors). Translation: Illie expediency is demonstrated of recognizing electro- cardiograms as vector functions using the method developed, and experi- mental results of EKG diagnosis of myocardial infaret are presented. awn, USM. uDc 62--507 MISIOR, I. Sh., and SUKIN, V. V. "Tot4l Superimposition as a Method of Pattern Recognition" Moscow, Problemy Feredachi Informatsil, V01 8.1 NO 4., 1972*0 pp 82-87 Abstract: The most ammon approach to pattern recognition involves partitioning the-image space by the use of various descriptors until a pattern can be recognized by assigning it to a unique cell in the partitioned space. The process of developing descriptors is largely irtuitive ..or heuristic. An alternative approach involves superimposing the pattern to be recognized over various standard patterns in an attempt to,develop an identical rratch. This approach encounters complexities in allowihg for distortions. Rozenblat suggested the u3e of perceptrons to overcome this diffictilty, but the limi capacities of the perceptron make this unsatisfactory. V. S.Fine has used a computational system starting from the coincidence of singular points, but only linear (affine) transformations are considered, limiting the possibilities. The method described in this article involves extending the continuous group of affine transformations of the plane to a semigroup of linear trans- fomations of multi-dimensional space and abandoning the limitation to singular 1/2 7 LAgirl.. T USSR PINMR, I. Sh., et al., Moscow, Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, Vol 8, No. 1972, pp 82-87 points only and finding parameters of transformation. Images are superimposed and their similarity evaluated using an integral functional which determines the distance between them. The method is applied to I-dimensional geometric variations such as oscilloscope traces, hand-writing, electrocardiograph recordings, etc. in analysis of electrocardiograms for myocardial infarct the method proved superior to the use of discriminant functions and gaussian approximation of distribution into classes and as good as the m-thod off.potential functions. In recognizing hand-written numerals input to a co;%puter,.an algorithmic method has been devised for synthesizing standards by representing'the X-Y coordinates as parameters of tiap, and projecting them on the plane until the best fit has been obtained with the number to be recognized. 2/2 67 USSR SHAKIN, V. V Wethod of Local Expansions" Opoznavaniye i Opisaniye Liniy [Recognition and Description of Lines Collection of Works], Mosc(yw, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 30-39 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, Moscow, 1973, Abstract No 3 V709). Translation: Certain facts are presented, related to the formal appara- tus of the method of local expansions, which utilizes and generalizes certain properties of the Taylor expansion at a point and linear approxi- mation in a sector. The method is,used in the practice of recognition .of objects described using vector functions of a scalar argument. -11 Biblio. Refs. 50 US$R MNLINOVSKIY, L. G., TSUKEWON1, B. M. "Coding of Electrocardiograms in Automatic Diagnosis System s" Opoznavaniye i Opisaniye Liniy [Recognition and Description of Lines Collection of Works), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 86-95 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, Moscow, 1973, Abstract No 3 V708 by the authors' Translation-, A digital computer is used to compare various mathods of coding of electrocardiograms. Based on the results produced, a device was suggested and manufactured for coding of EKG's~ 14 Biblio. Refs. MUM ING ff-ITIM11 M_4 I , J~, 1- 11 M IBM USSR "Recognition of Vector Functions and Lines" Opoznavaniye i Opisaniye Liniy [Recognition and Description of Lines Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 7-29 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, Moscow, 1973, Abstract No 3 V713 by the author). Translation: The problem of recognition of objects represented by vector functions in a multidimensional space is studied. All objects, the vector functions of which are projections of a certain standard are suggested to belong to a single class. A method is suggested for construction of a standard for vector functions, concorning which it is known in advance that they relate to one class. This approach is extended also to the case when a change in parametrization is added to the linear conversion of the standard. The influence of- the initial selection of a parameter-is either weakened or the parametor is com- pletely excluded, going over to it hodograph of the vector function. An estimate of convergence is given for, the algorithiTL,; suggested. ..... . .... B. mathematicai:modenlng at mougnt:vrocesses USSR PINSKFR, I. Sh., SHAKIN, V. V. IfIntegral Superimposition of Figures as a Method of Pattern Recogniti.on" Probl. Percdachi Inform. [Problems on Information Transmission], 1972, Vol 8, No-4, pp 82-87 (Translated fron ReferatiV11yy 7hurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V699, by the authors). Translation: An approach is developed to pattern recognition, based on the idea of superimposition of entire imagcs being compa-red. The presentation is performed for the case when the images (absolute descriptions) of the objects analyzed are lines (or vector functions of a scalar argument) in a finite-dimensional space. 022 UNCLASSIPIEW PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE-UN THE POTE14TIAL INFORMATIVENESS OF ELECTRUCARDIOGRAMS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-PI?4SKERt I.SH., SHAKINP V.V., GUREVICI-1, L.S- COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~-:~SOURCE-EKSPERIMENTALINAYA KHIRURGIYA .1 ANESTEZIULOGIYA, 1970-1 NR 2, PP ~..DATE PUBLISHED---70 AREAS--BIfiLOGICAL AND MEDICAL stuNcES ."'TOPIC TAGS-ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY# HEART DISEASE, DIAGNOSTIC MEDICINE -CC-NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,.",DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--1990/0641 STEP NO--UR/0481/70/000/OOZ/0012/0018 ~-:..CJRC ACCESSION NG--AP0103852 UNCLASSIFIED WTV1 -11F U. 2/2 022 NCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--09OCT70 ACCESSION NG--AP0108852 .,.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--1U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TASK Of PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF THE DIAGNOSTIC VALUE OF ELECTRUAKULOGRAMS IS, DISCUSSED. A MEimco OF SINGLING OUT-FROM ANY NEW (ADDITIONAL) ELECTROCARDIOGRAM OF ALL THE PARAMETERS, WHICH MAY CONTAIN DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION,, HAS BEEN 'ELABORATED. THE AUTHORS PROPUSE AN OPTIMALY ECONOMIC AND PHYSICALLY SUBSTANTIATED SYSTEM OF REGISTRATION AND IREATMENT UF ELECTROCAkDIDGRAHS. FACILITY: INSTITUT PROBLEM PEREDACHI JNFORMATSII AN SSSRr MOSCOW. UNCLASSIFIED 400043334-M 0482 Soviet Inventions 111ustrate4.' Section 11 Eli-ktrical, Der-went,. F4-V51.ELE5M1CAL MTOR,SPEED REGUIATOR is Cabled ThO rotor wind ngs o motors 4re terminatied by a network of .4iodei,Q-4) And Oyris tors 7). The phase.currents-are:controll6d,b~ tri$gerin* the.~ thyristors via a phas~e-sh.ifting netvork. Vhich 0) end capacitor; (9). includea photo-res.istor. coupled to~the pqFe .r Ite tvOikby transformer The output of the.phasi -shif tin ..'network Is fed in U one half-cyc le to a'. pulse. shaping , network. w1dch'. conilrists of transistor A-15, druarvil'tiattag net- work (17,18) and o~tput,tranxistpr (?3) c6nnecutd AA0043334 to the gate of in the other half- thyristor (6). cycle trausistori(16,24Yaad associated network are active in conjunction with thyristor~(7)., The whole control network is:mounted on the~~shaft of the machine., A light sourcaIs ftxed pt.rpendicularly to the plane of rotation'~Of,'the p1i*to:-T"Astors, As the 'light of the. lamp,changes, the 04se ar~Zle of the gating puls'es,-will change also duL,:to the effect of the photo-resi stor;.consequentl~ the average valtie of eUrrent: and thereby the ;V20tor torque will alga chanse. 8.8.66 &9 l096llJ/24-7.M~M,?1N5KRR (25.9.69.)Bul 161 q C KO r1 ... IVA 1_1~ f1l %T t'19~ ;-7 1;1 -AA0043334 f6rm~on~Theory B. h USSR UDC: 51-621.391 GORBUNOV, A. K., PINSTER, b1. S. "Epsilon Entropy Without Anticipation and 'With Prognosis" Vladivostok, Inform. metody v sistemakh upr., izmereniy i kontralya-- sbornik (Information Methods in Systems of Control, Measurement and Monitoring--collection of works), T. 1, 1972, pp 5-14 (from RZh-Kiber- netika, No 7, Jul 73, abstract No 7V45j [from the authors' introduction]) Translation: The paper takes up the concepts of epsilon-entropy, and also the rates of creation of messages by a source vithout anticipation and with prognosis. In introducing these concepts, it is taken into consideration that in recovering a message after trancmission through a channel at some instant the initial message is known either by the instant coinciding vith that to be determined, or prior to it. ~ ~ It is,pointed out that for stationary sources the rate of creation of messages is always defined and in a broad class of cases ist realized with respect to stationary pairs of inputand output messages; for Gaussian messages epsilon-entropy is realized with respect to Gaussian pairs of input. and output messages. For a Markov Gauszian message and 1/2 USSR GORBUNOV, A. K., PINSKER, M. S., Inform. metody v sistemakh upr., iz- mereniy i kontrolya, T. 15 1972, PP 5-14 source the paper gives representations of the output messages which realize epsilon-entropyi and the rate of creation of messages by the source; expressions are also vritten out for the epsiloti-entropy and rate of creation of messages. USSR UDC: 621-391.12 GORBUNOV, A. K. and klls7m m. S. -,- L "Epsilon Entropy and the Speed of Generating 11essages Without Anticipation and With Prognosis" Moscow, Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, vol 9, No 3, 1973, PP 12-21 Abstract: This article is based on and uses the notation of an earlier article i-xitten by the second of the authors neimed above for the same journal (Istochnilci soob,,21cheniy -- Cornmauiication Sources -- vol 14, 1S63, PP 5-20). The present- artic1e introduces the concepts of corzunication epsilon entropy ond the fipeed of generating messages by a source without anticintation aaid with prognosis. These concepts arise when, at the time the jnessafe is reproduced after its transmission, the o.rlginal me=qre is known either before a narticular iftoment or before a time Drecedin~- that moment. It io shown that except for pntholo6ical- cases, the speed of messa6e Ceneration for stationary solarco.9 is alwnyo de- termined and is realized, in a nmiber of ctases, by atationary pairs of input and output messages. The 'Problems exazined in this paper are solved for sources with discrete aa well as continuous time and with any abstract sets of states. 1/1 USSR UDC: 51.621-391 GORBUNOV, A. K. and "Epsilon Entropy Vith Prognosis and Without Anticipation" Vladivostok, V ab. Inform. metody,v sistpmakh upr. izmereniV i kontrol,y-~. T. I (Information Methods in !jystems for Regulation of Measurements and Control, Volume 1--collection of works) 1972, pp 5-14 (from RZh--Matematika, No 7,1973, Abstract 110 7V453) Translation: Concepts of eD$ilon entropy as well of speeds of generating messages by a source with prognosis and without antici- pation are considered. In the adoption of these concepts it is understood that with the restoration of the communication after its transmission over the channel at some moment of time, the orieinal cownunication will be known either before the moment coinciding with a definite moment in time or preceding it. It is indicated that for stationary sources the speed of generating the message is always defined and is.realized in a broad'class of cases by stationary pairs of input and output messages. For a 1tsr3rov Gaussian message and and the source, representations are given of the outgoing message realizing 1/2 USSR GORBUNOV, A. K. and FINSKER, M. S., Inform metody v sistemakb upr. izmereniy i kontrolya. T. 1, 1972, PP 5-14 epsilon entropy and of the speed of generation of the messages by the source, and an expression is written for the epsilon,entropy and the speed of message gener- ation. From the authors' introduction. 2/2 39 USSR UDC 621.395.34 BASSALYGO, L. A., PINSKER, M. S. "Concernin the Complexity of an op timum, Nonblocking Switching Network Without Reorganization Moscow, Ptoblemy Peredachi Informatsii, Vol 9, No 1, Jan-liar 73, pp 84-87 Abstract: Assume that there are two nonintersecting groups of n subscribers in each and that it is required to construct an economic switching network which permits connecting any two free subscribers from different groups re- gardless of paired connections already existing in the system. This article deals with the problem of constructing switching circuits which satisfy the given condition and contain the least possible number of elements. Exact formulation of the problem is based on the ideas of graph theory with certain preconditions. 46 USSR SAGAW TICH Yu. L. "Lower Bound of the Capacity of a Code of the States of an Automaton" MOSCOW.T ProbleiTr Peredachi Informatsii; July-September, 1972; pp 53-66 ABSTRACT: The 1cruer bound is obtained for the nwnber of states 14 of an autonat-on which are stable for corSlicts aild malfunctions of any t or lers of the total number n of its internal elements. The bound is obtained by a riethod of randon, coding of the states of the autcmaton by code i-Tords of length n. The total ntribec.- of code i-iords ensuring that the automaton iiill have the abo,re-mentioned pro,)erty if) callod the OMO 0*' t1la Antoa of Lbo autmaton. A probldin i:~ colvad in tho pon- eral case of q-positioned internal elements, in connsation uith which tl-;o modells of the states are suggested. The upper bound is found fo--,- the correctin'r capabil-ity t -Gai .3 of, a code of the states of an autoriaton in AUch its capacity M re r an ayponen- tial increase. In particular, for q 2 this iss true for every case in -kfnich t