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T' 7 6 3 1 -0 Ncvembur ABSTRACTS OF REPORTS PRESENTED AT THE. FIRST ALL-UNIO.'! CONFERENCE. ON METAL-DIELEECTRIC PiViz-c- TRANSITIONS Excerpts from Russian-languagc: book, Sbcrn", Krat~lkh r1okladov lre~31~%Ien ykh N. I Vse,,.,uznUvu Ferethc a 'g~ - -A~ T-:;'M~nccs U To F-fri 15 2. .5,~Z Mry ol Higher and Sec~;nar; cialized Education Moskovskogo Universiteta, Mfoscow, pp 8-10, 10-1Z, 15-17, 18-23. CONTENTS PACE 7. Metal- Die We tric Phase Transitions of BISb Alloys in Strong Magnetic Fields 71~- (H.B. Brandt, Ye. A. Svi rtova),. ......... 1.M. Lif.hitsl Metal-DialectrIc llha3e Tr4nsitioms In Alloys Under the Influence of Prowsurn (N.B. Brandt, et al. )................... ......... .......... 3 On Instability of Two-Zono Modol of Metal Ralati%-a to A--nibilation ScattorLn$ (Do chan Kat, Yu V. Kopayev) ................................. Light Absorption in V,03 (G. 0. AndriaRov, et al.) ............... .................... 7 TPRS 57631~ 3 C? METAL-ME.WICTRIC PHASE TrUNNSITICYNS Oil BiSb ALL40YS IN ST11ONr, FIEV)s (Article by N. H. Brandt, Vt. A. Svistoyaj Moscow State Uz1--*vCrf4xY, Physics nepartment, Presented In this paper are the results of, a study of' thr rna"~,ti-z rcsistan~v of sperlmt~ns with sz-all-cantrolled Trrarlapplitg ef =Cne,; -1.nd c0ntVollcd G1Vrej1':il.-t, i-0-, of metallic and s"jconductor all01-s of bismuth anJ antimony in which the antimony concentrations vary up to 221., in pulsed magnetic fields up to 700 ke in the Z-77'r tcmperatvra range, the purpose nf which was to discover effects Telatnd to q=li-.n%Ivo thanges In the energy sp"ttultz of the specimens In the ult-raquantum: of magnetic fields. Quantizarkiln ~f carrier exier;y and tile spin distribution of the energy levels in the cagnetic fiVW me of lead to displace nt . ilic V,6 7darie, u of the energy zor=-(~'Igurc 1). In the UItT,*kqU=tU3z reZio.1 the displacement of --cne boundaries. (4) reaches a ma;nitu,:+ comparuzI-c to or greater then the Fer;%L enerV in the 6-oncs of the =etais or the slit in semiconjuc_ energy 'Drs. Here electron transitions.may occur, depending on the ratio of the spin and orbital massas of the carriers. A concentration of current carricrs increase. When 11 > 11 the c1larzerer of Jisplacoment of zone houndaric!; changes qualitativoly: the extrct":- ---------- T continues to descc-nd, but -zliom the extremum ~, begin5 to risu. Consequently overlapping of zuncs L and T vanishes when It ~ if ;Lid an energy slit is formed when 11 > Ilk' , whereup, on the metal bocom,2s Figure 5. a semiconductor. The exponential increase of =agaetlc resistance for it ', 1`111 a pearanco of of electrical resistance on P temperature when H > H k" dependence of' field iij on the composition of tlh~? alloy (magnitude of zone overlapping when Ii - 0) indicate that =ono over- , slit lapping in the energy spectrum vanishcs,in field I tind an anjvy~ appears when H >11 Then metallic BiY'J alloys &o into the k, state. Also observed in tho work,lz the transition of 4 semiconductor into the slitless stdta. This ty-oo of transition is a consequence of convorgence and subsequent divergence of the is and I a axtrona, located at the- s=o point of the phase space. If the substzact Is a seniccnductor -hen It - 0, then because of convergence of the oxtreu the semiconductor goes into a unique slitless state, rharacteriz" by an anomalously-small energy slit between the zones and by increased conductivity. More conplex transitions, related to the,motion of seAral different extrema. were also observed in the work. 1. H. LIFSHITS' METAL-DILLECTRIC PIMEE TWSITIQNS IN III "Ipx ALLOYS U%,DLA THE INVIXENCE OF PRESSURE (Article by N 8 Randt, S. - H, Chudin-o N. Y*stie-bava' M03 tate University, Physics DIpArt- ment. pp I,.17h,'!,sccond and fifth o7der phase transitions predicted by co 1. ". 1.1 hi ,, which occur in 111 1-1 Sox alloys under the infNance of pressure, are analyted. The Shubnik oscillations of longitudinal and transverse mapTictic resistances in fields 0 < H < 70 ke and th~r galvano- c ma patic tensor component (for the case urt