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USSR UDC 669.141.241.2:621.746.5 BURDONGV, B. A., ANOOINA, A. L, RYZHKOV-V,.R,, VAL'TER, V..A., and BRONFJN MAILOER, A. M., Kazakh Metallurgical Plant '$The Quality of Small Ingots of Killed Steel" Mos cow, Metallurg, No 12, Dec 70, pp 17-19 Abstract: The optimum consumption of aluminum (300-400 g/ton) for the deoxidation of St.3 and St.6 steels poured to small ingots was determined, With an aluminum consumption of 300-400 g/ton and a pouring rate of 0.4 m/min or less, cracks do not generate and hairline oracke are not observed on the final rolled metal. An increase In the number of deoxidizers in the foundry ladle results in a greater concentration of oxide.impurities. A linear dependence was established between the depth of the shrink hole and the bailing period. The possibility of using calci= carbide for desulfurization of steel in the ladle is demonstrated. UNCLAS$1F1FD ~RROCqSSING DATE--20NOV70 5YN!CK-,ajNji GENERAWRS UP Td 100 Kei u flu I, - I u Y Z HA W V. 5~. r L A OL" I I L il. v SH YN V.K. CCLNITRY Uf 1'%.FC-LSSR E-- L fe. I i, CTE Ki--% I K kL ECTR [CAL E,'.'G Ili,'-: Ek. 1;iG) 1970, INO 1, P~71 t"' i;A TE, F U'-S - - - - - - - -70 SV3JECT At-,f1-%S--ENE.R(;Y CGiNVI.RSION, (NON-PROPULSIVE) ~.'~~_TGPLC TA'JS--~YNCmak:N,-LJS GC%iLkATiJk, WINI; POWEREO MOTGRI AAC"'ETIC C1.1WIT CC,-~NCL MARKIING-NG RESTRICTIONS k-UCCUMEtJ CL-'-SS--L;NCLAS5IV1LU PROXY P-.EcL/!'kA~*-,E--3004/CI;~5,~. STEP ',ID--U-3/C292/70/t',150/(1~Ot/005o/0058 CIAC Nu--ApG13c';h-8 - - -------------- UNC L -AS 5 E Fl ED PROCESSING 0ATE--20N1flV7C C-I'l-C- A5STi,ACT. THE SPECIFIC OP ri'A T I N ~; C 13,ND I T I G N S 0 F G E v, I Ck S I I %'G U,-, 1 V E iN P C w E R P L A ~,~ T S, ARE ANALYZED. THE KL~'~'UIIREMFNT FUk A SPECIAL!"L6 SFRIES U C6~,JACTLE~S i~ P U kAT f C r T r; E- I,,; U kJ S F c, &I A L i- R E 0 U EN C Y I S P R Cj V E D THE FOLLOWING SEkIE-S 0 F N C;., I ft L IS '~Jlt-PFEj): It 2t 4,. 6, U)i 30 KW (ROTATIONAL SPEED 15 0 G P:w 2co ;~t,, (SPIEEL) I.CcO RPm. THE TYP~ Of: hAt"CHIN11c ilfli CLAW A P t U ~~(j T CR A' f, SELLUED AS iEING t LXTERNAL MAGNETIC ClkCtjlr, I $ P k I T tR I A . JPTU~AL ~.ITH r'E"JARD IC -i C;H`PLEX GF TECIV,11C~11_ Ai%D r-CU',;Lt;,lfc C; THE C-El"i F I uuR AT I CN I S L-~jSLD W, I T H NATURAL EXTF_i~,NAIL C'UIN6. T Li il A S I C T EC Hl"i I C,;~ L S PC c I i:- [ C A T I G.-I S T HE G~,`,, :r: P Alf ,,"A S I'C S f S P R 1, S rE T E 0 ( F M T H C R&SLLIS LF PNOTCITYPF I_i, crasr~,umUN is CIVL,14. THE L)f- ]'HIS SLIAES ARE W THE LEVEL UF JHF nACHU%; " F T hi W '[:SF CCNTEMPf,,iiAlzY 1SERIES alfl, C 5 t VL;l E-11~_iRGY, Yt-l"hT, ~-%,j sIzF cp trt-ri;~ ;wio HAVE 3L~~Y h[GH RtLl,~61LITY" 1, rLA~S.J.Flf-il VSSR UDC 619:616.9-022.7+ 636.2+ 636-34-636.4+ 636-52/.58 SELIVANOV, A. V.; MARMOVA, V. V.; A "MMA L F. "Comparative Study of the Immunity and Vaccinal Reaction of Cattle Immunized With Vaccine from Brucella Strain No 19 by Aerosol and Subcutaneous Methods" V sb. Sb. nauchn. rabot. Sib. n.-i. vet. in-t (Siberian Scientific L Research Veterinary Inst collectio f Scientific 1.1orks), No 17, 1970, pp 22-28 (from Rzh-58. Zhivotnovodstvo i Veterinari- Z-a, 1,10 4, Apr 71, Abstract 1110--4.58,630) Translation: The level of immunity in animalm vaccinated via aerocol 6-16 months after inoculation (upon infection in the conjunctiva with two and twenty times the infective dose of virulent Brucella) vra~t not lower than in aninals i,-zaunized sub- cutaneously with strnin Nio 19 in a doze of 60 billion cells. Tests were conducted in an infection during the normal duration and develoDment of brucellosis. Aerosol immunization of cattle with strain 19 vaccine is harmless and produces shifts in organs and tissues rich in lymphoid elements indicating an active immuno- logical process. 98 USSR uDc.- 621.396.677 VENDIK, 0. G., RY=OVA~ L. V. "Matching of a Linear 'Phase Array of Waveguide Rpdiatoj,s in the Case of Wide-Angle Scanning in the E-Plane" V sb. Antenny (Antennas--collection of works), vyl;,. 10, Moscow, "Svyaz", 1971, pp 3-11 (from RZII-Radiotekkunika, No 5, Klay 71, Ab-:.tract No 5B34) Translation: The ai,thors discwss a diagram of a linear antenna array of waveguide radiators in which the chazzige in the reflection coefficient is compensated at the input of the system in the oscillatox~r sector of' the radiation pattern. Circuit parameters are determined. Calculation of the reflection coefficient at tle innut as a function of the oscill.atory angle of the radiation pattern shows that compensation irq)rr,-;es mat-claing con- siderably in a broad sector of o2cillatory angles oP the radiation pattern. Six illustrations, two tables, bibliography of four title.,i. Resuir"e. UDC: ~621-396.6T7.4 RY=-VA, L. V. "Compensation of ?or-ward and Reverse Matual Coupling in an Infinite Straight Line of Radiators" V ob. Antenny (Antennas-colleat ion of works), Vyp. 8, Moscow, "Sxr z"', 1970 -P 28-39 (from h-Radiotelchnika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract No TB34) Translation: An infinite straight line of radiators is renresented as a network whose input terminals coincide-vith the inputs of real radiators, while the output terminals coincide with 'he out 6rs. This makes it -nuts of the individual radiat possible to express all elements of the seattering matrix of the line of radiators in terms of the coefficients of coupling between the input terminals. An invest-i- gation is made into the possibility of compensating the leakage of energy frora some channels into the inputs of other channels, and of re-ernission by a~pertures Ehree illustrations, bibli- T of the enerrr incident on them from other apertures. ography of three titles. Resur6. PD^ 621~n'A77.4 RYZHIKOVA. L. V. "Simultaneous Comensation of Forward and Reverse Mutual Coupling in an Infinite Array of Radiators V sb. -4-ntennv (Antennas--collection of works)-, Vyp. 8, Moscow, "Svyaz1", 1970, Dp 4o-46 (from ~Zh-Padiotek-hnika No 7, Jull 70, Abstract No 7B35) Translation.- A method is nroT)osed for calculating the scheme of compensation for mutual courl-ng of t -he radiators in a flat array in the form of a. system of openings interconnecting the sunDly inpu-,,s of radiators in -the array. It is shown that in a two-dimensional arrav 4t is nossible to comoensate simultaneoualzr for the ener&r leakage from, Some ch_-nnelz irto the innuts of others (reverse mutual CoLmling) and re-ezassion by apertures of "he energy incident on them from other anertures (forward mutuoi couD~~ng,. One Illustration, bibliography of four titles. 43 USSR UDC 539.2?t54,6.3 SIROTA, K. N., Academician of the Acadeny of Sciencec Belorussian 3SR, and Institute of Solid-State and Semiconductor Physics, Acad- wry of Sciences Belorussian SSRp Minsk. "Neutron Diffraction Study of Magnetic Transformations in 11n2As-Mn2Sb Sys- temil Moscow, Doklady Akademii Hauk SSSRt Vol 203, No 6, 1972, PP 1275-1278 Abstracts The article describes result.-. of a neutron diffraction study of the structure and ri, ~,etic trannformations in the quazibinary Yh2&-~:n25b system at temperatures of '18 to 60 K, The neutron diffractomi-,ter mounted on the mc-earch reactor of the Academy of Sciences Belorussian 85R. using an effec- 0 tive neutron wavelength of A - 1.24 A, was used for the netitron diffraction analysis. 'rhe magmetic stato of the Z;pecimcns was studied from the behavior of mixed nuclear-nagnatic (001), (110), (101) reflexes in the case of ferri- raEpetic orderizvg- and nagnetic (()()3)t (101), (111) refl6xes in the case of antiferromagnetic ordering. An analy-sis was also made of variations in 1/2 USSR SIROTA, N. No, and RYZHKOVSKIY, V. H., DoMady Akadeniii Ilauk SSSR, Vol 203, mo 6, 1972, pp 1275-1278 diffuse neutron scattering in the transition from a magnetic ordered to a disordered state. A phase diagram of magnetic transformations was constructed from the neutron diffraction data, The magnetic-state diagram indicates that the formation of solid solu- tions leads to a drop in the magnetic transfox7ration tonperature at both ed-e-ges of the quasibinary system, This drop is due to the difference in the types of magnetic ordering of the components. The system contains both fexTimagnetic and antiferromagnetic domains of two typesi a) with the direction of the nag- netic moments parallel to the axis C (Fi+, Ae)j b) with magnetic moments situated in the basal plane- (F--$ Ar). 49 - USSR UDC 541.67:535.34:542.943 VALITOVA, F. G., RYZHHANOV, Yu, ., and GAZETDINOVA, N. G., Kazan' Physical- Chemical Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR "Study of the Formation of Free Radicals in the Phosphonehydrazyl Series During an Oxidation Process by the EPR Method" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 7, Jul 73, pp 1491-1494 Abstract: Kinetics of the oxidation processes were studied by the method of EPR spectroscopy on a series of phosphonehydrazine derivatives; the first stage of the oxidation of the products has been recorded. The conclusion was reached that the phosphonehydrazine molecules are bound by a hydrogen bond into associated chain,;. The calculations carried out showed that the reason for the absence of the super finestructure split due-- to the 31p nucleus is the fact that only about 17. of the spin density of sp3 hybridized orbital in 31p phosphonehydrazyl radicals have 8 character. VLO UNCL-ASSI FTED PROCESSING DATE--l8Sr:P'fo tTITLE--INTERACTION OF LIQUID OXIDE PHASES WITH A CA-PSON MELT -U- AUTHOR-(03)-MAZHENOVt M.A., RYZHONIKOV'Lo0or FILIPPOVe S.I. OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 709*13(l) 13-17 i~SOURCE-IZV. VYSSH* UCHEB. ZAVED.? C ERN. MET, 19 .,-.DATE PUSL [SHED------ 70 ,~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS ~_..IOPIC TAGS--,4OLTEN METAL, IRON OXIDE, CARBONs SLAG ROL !4A(4KfNG--N0 RFSTRicritlNS C.GNT ;~'-WCIJAENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIFD ~'PROXY RE~L/FRAME-1998/0949 STEP NO--UR/C)140/70/013/001/0013/0017 I- Ct_RC AC.CESSION ND--AT0105618 UNCLASSIFIEO Z/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PIZOCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRCACCESSION NO--AT0105818 -,,,.ABSTRAC,T/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ROTARY CRUCIBLE METHOD WAS USED TO DET. THE INTERACTION OF MOLTEN OXIDE PHASES WITH FEO AT HIGH TEMPS. THE ROTATION VELOCITY OF THE CRUCIBLE WAS 360-570 RPM. THE PRESSURE CHANGES IN THE SYSTEM DURING THE INTERACTION OF A C 14ELT WITH THE SLAG CHARGE CONTG. 55.5-83*5PERCENT FEO ARE GIVENt,AS.WELL AS THE EFFECTS OF TEMP. AND OF THE ROTATION OF,THE CRUCIaLE. UNCLASSIFIED USSR LIDC 621.777-07 GtP;, G. Ya. POLUK-KIN, P. I, YAKOVLEV, V. 1. _rOLOVINOV, F. , ! % PRIUD-KAVSKIY, B. A., KORSETSKIY, G. M., RYZHOV, A. F. and "Optimal Die Designing for Pressing A-'u=inum Alloys" ,w Plasticheskays Defor-matsiva Metallov :1. Splavov, Moscow, No 64, "Metallurgiya," 1970, Vp 139-199 Translation: Questions of optimal die designing are considered using a computer. On the basis of statistical processing of a nu:!~ber of existing dies and theoretical and experimental research, a methoci is proposed for calculating the working belts and location' of the cenzer of gravity of a section on the die. Five 'figures and three tables. 29 Aluminum and Its Alloys USSR UDC 669. GOROKHOVY V. P., MiSEV, A. F., OSADCHIY, V. A., V., and ZHALiNIN, 1. A. "Special Machine for Manufacture of Lax9e -Area 'Power Switch- boards With a Considerable Number of Holes" Rekhnol. legkikh splavov. Nauchno-tekhn. byul. VILSa (Technology of Light Alloys -- Scientific and Technical Bulletin, of All-Union Institute of Light Alloys), 1970, No 5, pp 130-131 (from -.Wh- Metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 71, Abstract No 3 G166 by 'G. SVOWSEVA) Translation: A table-model special macitine for the manufacture of perforated power switchboards used in the refining of aluminum alloys by the injection of nitrogen and arcron has been manufac- tured and put into PrOdLICtiOn. The mi-chine mak-es possible the high-efficiency drilling of holes 0.3 to 0.5 diameter in graphite, steel, and titanium up to 5 mm in thickness. 1/1 Radiobiolog'y~ USSR UDC 577.1-5.016 DROZHENNIKOV, V. A., GUBEMNIYEV, M. A., RYBAKOV, N. I., and MASMSKAYA, T. Ye., Scientific Research Laboratory of Experimental Immuno- biology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Effect of Ultraviolet and Ionizing Radiation on E. coli K12 (A) Nuclease Activity" -4, Biol, Mosco, himiya, No 5, 1971, pp 833-888 Abstract: The intensity of activity of endonuclease 1, exonuclease III, and phage-specific exonuclease of E. coli K12 (X) was studied after exposure to different doses of ultraviolet radiation and-high-energy protons. The ac- tivity of the first two enzymes was not affected by ultraviolet radiation or high-energy protons at doses causing maximum induction of vegetative phage. The absence of an effect is attributed to the fact that these agents, unlike a chemical mutagen, such as Triitom, ycin C, do not result- ir degradation of the ribasomes of the bacterial cull. 'nic activIty Of C,CO11LLCJ.eaSe specific for phage X was related to the degree uf induction of Vegetative pliage, rLlaclhilig a peak at the time of lysis of irradiated colls. Exonucleasc, activity at this time was much lower after the use of high-enorgy protons thaii af ter ultraviolet radiation. Analysis of the concentration of intracellular DNA 1/2 USSR DROZHEMKOV, V. A., et al., Biokhimiya, No 5, 1971, pp 883-888 and. total protein in material not incubated after exposure to the inducing agents.showed no change in these indexes..: 2/2 WC 577-15.016 DROZWRaKOYj V. A., CUBMIYEV, M. A., RTBAKOVP N- I and HASHIJISKAYA, T. YE. s Scientific Research laboratory o Al, Mft~Kmuno- biology# Academy of Yedical Sciences USSR# Moscow "Investigation of Nualease Activity of X. Coli After Exposure to Mtraviolet Light and Ionizing RadiatiW Moscout Biokhimiyal Vol 36, No 5, 19711 pp 883-M Abstracti The activities of endonuelease 1, exonlicleaze 11Ij and the phaga- specific exonualease of the lysogeaic E. Coli X12 (gamma) strain wore studied. After exposure to various dozes of ultraviolet light 6.46 erg/=?-/see) and 645 YeV protons 60 rad/sec), induction of bacterlophages tinder these condi- tions vas also investigated. Doses which evoke wtximum induction of bacterio- phages do not change the activity of either endonuclease Lor endonualeaso III. On the other handl the activity of the phaV-specific exonucleaze Is proportional to the induction of bacteriophagesp reaching its maximum just prior to lyzis of the irradiated cells. As a resultp curves representing the lethal effects and bacteriophage inuotion caused bl irradiation with ultra- violet light and with high eaer~r protons have, different a6apes. After exposure to ultraviolet light, a spike-shaped mpdmum induction occurs at a dose of Z50 erg/miT.2. After exposure to high energy protonsi the induction 1/2 USSR DRCOHENnKOV, V. A., et al. 9 Blokhiniyat Vol A No 5, 1971, pp 883-888 curve W a plateau extending from 50 to 100 Krad. 2/2- USSR U& 621.316. IMYANIaN, L. P., AGEYEV, A. I., PRAKIIIN, B. YA., RYZP,,--Q,,,!,- "Calculating Electric Power Losses in lUgh-Voltage Municipal Networks on the Vral-2 Computer" V sb. Tekhn. progress v elektrosnabzh. v _,orodov (Technical Progress in Electric Pbver Supply of the Cities -- collection of works), Leningrad, Energiya Press, 1970, pp 20-23 (from RZh-Elektrotekhaika i Energetika, No 4, Apr.71, Abstract No 4 Ye 285) Translation: A method and algorithm for a program to calculate the electric er losses in the open high-voltage municipal networks on the Ural_2 digital OW P computer are described. The electric power losses are determined by the load -ba ts taken for groups of consumers with the same type of load. Calculations Uwe. performed by means of this program for the Ivanavo Underground Municipal Network. The calculations make it possible to,offer recommendations for reduc- tion of electric power losses. There Is 1 Illustration :and a 2-entry biblio- gxaphy_ USSR UDC _RYZHOV 0. S., Moscow "The Nonlinear Acoustics of Chemically Active Nledi3" Prikladnaya Matematika i Mckhanika, Vol 3S, No 6, 1971, pp 1,023-1,037. ABSTRALCT: A study is made of the nonlinear propagation of perturbations in reacting mixtures, the change in composition of which is determined by the occurrence of a unique chemical reaction. Two basic t)Tes of processes are distinguished, depending on the ratio of the macroscopic the relaxa- tion time: quasifrozen and quasiequilibrium processes. Media are also studied in which the frozen and cquilibrium speeds of sound are similar. Solutions are constructed for asymptotic equations describing the parameters of the flow be- hind shockwaves and in rarefaction waves. A mathematical analogy is formulated concerning the influence of the rates of chemical conversions and the "longitu- dinal viscosity" and heat conductivity on.the structure,of the perturbed field. 1/1 UNCLASSIFIED --20NOV70 017 PROCESSING DATE ~-TITLE-KEW REAGENTS FOR THE PHOTOMETR;C DETERMINATION OF MERCURY -U- UT.HCR-(04)-Cf-ERKESOVv A.I., TGNKOSHKUROV, V.S.# POSTORONKUI A.I.v RYZHOVI C. M rR_Y OF INFC--LSSR ~.SOURCE-ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 19709 25(3)1 466-73 ~:'DATE 'PUBL ISHED--70 ~SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY JOPIC JAGS-PHOTOMETRIC ANALYSISt CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, MERCURY CL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/i-RAME--3001/0380 STEP NO--UR/0075/70/025/003/0466/0473 -CIRC ACCES~SILGN NO-A."0126135 .2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICNI NC--AP0126135 ~ASSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TWO NEW REAGENTS ARE SUGGEsuD FOR DETN. OF F.G(11) IN ACID MEDIA: AZOXINE~ASH -(4,(aFtYCRC;XYv7tQUINC-LYLAZO) t57flYDRC-XYo2o7tNAP~ITFIALA:NC-L)15t)LFONIC ACID) (I) AND AZG-XINE TS ([;IYK 3,ta,HYDRCXY,7,QUINDLYLAZC),1,5,NAPHTHALENE,DISULFONJITE) (11). THEIR ..SYNTHESIS IS CESCRIBEO. I IS SOL. IN H Su8Z 0 AND,AI-C.v LESS IN ME SUB2 CO. TFE ACID SCLN. HAS A CINNAMON COLOR. - 11 IS WELL SOL. IN H ~SU[12 0 AND ALC. AN ACID SOLN, HAS YELLCW COLOR. THEIR ACIO DISSOCN. ':~CONSTS. OF THE OH GROUPS wERE DETD. SPECTROPHOTUMETRIZALLY FOR I AS K SUBI EQUALS 2.01 TIMES 10 PRI14E NEGATIVE9, K SUB2 EQUALS 1.65 T114ES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE13, FOR 11 K SUBI 3.8 T114ES 10 PRIME9. HG REAcrs WITH eOTH REAGENTS IN A 1:2 RATIO, THE MOLAR ABSORPTIVITIES FOR THE COMPLEXES ARE 3.54 TIMES 10 PRIME4 AND 4.38 TIMES 10 PREME4 AT 540 NMI RESP. ThE TOTAL INSTABILITY CONSTS. ARE, RESP., FGk I Z.37 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVEIZ AND FOR 11 4.27 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGAFIVE10. HEEk'S. LAW 15 OBEYED FOR 1-6 MU G HG-14L NO SUB3 PRIME NEGATIVE,~SD SUB4 PAIME2 W:GATIV`b*t ALK. EARTH AND ALKALI PIETALS# Pbt AL# BE* XNv COv SC# INt GA AND NUT VERY LARGE AMTS- OF FE(IIJ)p 819 C'Jp NI, ANIY CO 00 NOT INTERFERE WITh Tht PHOTOMETRIC DETIN. OF HG; 8CTH REAGENTS CAN BE ALSO USED FOR THE PERCURIMETRIC DEToN.UF CHLORIDES. A PHOTOMETRIC METPIOD IS SUGGESTED FOR THE OETN. OF SPALL AMTS. OF HG, WITH It AT Ph 1.6 IN-PURf,SOLNS. AND IN ARTIFICIAL MIXTS. FE# CUo,.AND NI ARE PASKED~wITHIK OXALATE. FAGILITY: SARATOV PEDAGOG. INST., SARATOVI USSR. UDC 621.317-757 USSR V. p., cHMIYsHEV, V. M.,, and TSVETKOV, F. A. vAnalysis of the Spectra of signals With Respect to Khaarls Functional' Tr.- Taganxog. radiotekhn. in-ta (Works of the-Taganrog Radio-Engineering Institute), 1972., vyp.28, pp 15-21 (from 4h-Radiot-ekhnika, No Up Nov 72~ Abstract No 11 A286) Translation: The authors note the advantages of the orthcgMMI expansion of sig- nals which are realized by a unit based on pulse technology elements, for example according to Khaar's functions, in comparison to the known oithogonal expansions according to the functions of Laguerre, JAgendre, and Bessel+ It is shown that the technique for the realization -of orthogonal analyzers operatin'g according to Xhaarr's functions is accomplished on the basis of electronic keysahich are con- troUed by rectarr-rular voltages. The use of high-speed, pulned units and careful execution of electronic keys, integrators,, and readout circuit makes it possible to obtain an error which has been brought close to -that of the value for the maxi- mim coefficient af expansion and does not exceed a percentage fraction in the frequency range up to hundreds of kilocycle&. , The, possibility of electronic re- tw2ing of the studJ--d analyzers malms it possible to utilize them in the production of adaptive systems for measurement,, control, and automatic control. A.K. USSR UDC; 621.391.8 ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., KOZHUKHAR', S. V. and=7XQ "Optimal Bandwidth for M Pulse Reception on.a. Reverbera- tional Noise Background" Kiev, Izvestiya VQZ -- Radioelektronika, Vol. 13, No. 9, 1970, pp 1.156 --1115 8 Abstract: Since the realization of optimal filters is technically difficult, nonoptimal systems for processing complex signals in the form of a "band filter, detector, and low-frecluency filter" strip are often used. The width of the band filter is then usual- ly chosen equal to the width of the signal speCt3'IIM. This articlet however, demonstrates that in this type of receiver, the optimal bandwidth should be less than the signal spectrum vidth. The au- thors take, as the index of the noise:immunity, the improvement in signal-to-noise ratio with the pasBage of sigaal and noise through the band filter. The signal at the receiver input is taken to be 1/2 a pulse of rectangular envelope with a definite amplitude, dura- tion, and a linearly varying filling frequency having a specified deviation. For a signal in which theproduct of tile pulse dura- tion and the frequency deviation is*greater than one, it may be assumed that the envelope of the signal spectrum is square-shaped and the spectral width is equal to the frequency deviation. It is assumed also that the band filter is in the form of a single oscillatory circuit. The authors derive an expression for the change in the ratio of the maximum signal amplitude to the effec- tive noise value when the signal and noise pass through the filter circuit. Since this expression is also the value of the improve- ment in the signal-to-noise ratio noted above, it is investigated for an extremum and found to have a maximum. The optimum band width is thus derived. This result waa experimentally verified using an FM pulse oscillator with a pulse duration of about 1 to 20 microseconds and'a frequency deviation of up to 10 kitz for an average filling frequency of 50 kHz. The FM nonlinearity was no more than 5%, and the band filter oscillatory circuit had a re- oonant frequency of 50 k11z and a Q of 120. 2/2 Receivers and transmitters USSR ZAVADOVSKII_', A. Z., KOZIiUYJUXRI , S. V., RYZHOV, v. p. "Optimal Passband of a Linear-FM Pulse Receiver in the Presence of Reverberation Noise" KIev, Izvestiya VUZ Radioelektronika, No 9, Sep 70, pp 1156-1158 Translation: The use of complex signals not only improves'the resolution capacity ~Tf a system but also increases its immunity to reverberation noise [1). However, great technical difficulties are involved in the use of optimal filters for complex signals. Nonoptimal systems, in the form of a band-filter--detector-- LF-filter channel, are hence often used for processing complex signals. The passband of the band filter is then selected usually equal to the width of the signal spectrum (2]. We will show that with this receiver structure and with the use of 1-inear-RI pulses, the optimal passband must be narrower than the width of the signal spectrum. We will take an improved signal-to-noise ratio as the means of noise suppression in the passage of a signal and noise through a band filter. 1/8 USSR ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., et al, Izvestiya VUZ Radioelektronika, No 9, Sep 70, pp 1156-1158 ffi 44 We will examine the signal at the receiver output in the flonn of a pulse with a rectangular envelope with an amplitude Ue, du ration T, and a linearly varying occupant frequency with deviation F. With a signal base n = Fr ~~ 1; we may consider that the signal spectrum.envelope is rectangular and that tile width of the spectrum is equal to the frequency deviation. 2/8 240 MV MIt 3 M. L"AIIJIMM M-1 HIMIMMUMMMMM"MM USSR ZAVtMVSKIY, A. Z., at al, Izvestiva VUZ Radioelektronika, N'o 9, Sep 70, pp 1156-1158 We will assume that the band filter is in the form of a single oscillation net- work with an energy bandpassA f. To determine the maximum atiplit-ude value of the signal at the filter output, we will use the dependency of themaximum of the network dynamic transfer factor KA on the value ;ej cited in (3]. Because the function 'KAM is very complex, we will approximate it with the following expression: Ilia function 4(v) computed with preci, tie formulas (31 and its approximate curve are given in figure 1. if we regard reverberation interference as the result of superimposition of signals reflected from a multitude of diffusers, we can consider (1] its random a power spectral den- process with a distribution close to the normal and v sity of practically rectangular shape (with m ~pl) and-equal to; 3/8 Problems connected with the instability of reverberation noise are not discussed in this article. We will use the following formula to determine the noise voltage at the network output: (3) P Using (1), (2), and (3), we will find the change in the relationship of the maximum signal amplitude to the effective value of the noise during the passage of the signal and the noise through the circuit (bettering of the signal-to- aoise ratio) (4) n -C at 4/8 The results of calculation with formula (4) are shown in figure 2 for m - 50, 100, and 200. Investigating expression (4) at the extremum, reveals that n has a maximum in the region (5) 4 equal to nKM-0,88 ), M. (6) Let us compare the signal-to-noise ratio at the ciTcuit output with the cor- responding ratio at the output of the aptimal,filter n (7) Y wT, 5/8 4; -s- ~ ~i;; I"H-1 1; ~ . 7 1z ... !M";'- -UM I. MI ll I Fl I,, ..I I I IMM IT I.- IV, W, USSR ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., et al, Izvestiya VUZ Radioelektronika, No 9, Sep 70, pp 1156-1158 We will now determine the relation between the duration of the signal at the input of the circuit using the principle of frequency equivalency and the time changes in the signal as it passen through the linear circufi.-[4) T_- (8) where AIA is -the dynamic passband of the circuit; Is the output pulse duration determined at the same level (0.707).as the passband. A/it In determining Ala we will use the dependencies. -01 adduced in [31, where 181AMISH -0,8 (9) Calculated with formulas (8) and (9), the dependency of Tf- on is demon- 7' strated in figure 3 for m - 50, 100, and 20O.....-The,minimum value for the duration.of the output pulse is equal to and is located in the region of the maximum of the curves 6/8 J-2 USSR ZAVAWVSK1Y, A. Z. et al, ~sti a MY Radioelektronika, No 9, Sep 70, pp 1156-1158 For an experimental check of the derived relation, a linear-FIR pulse generator was used with controlled pulse duration (from one to 20 msec) and with a fre- quency deviation of up to 10 kHz, with the center frequency occupying 50 kliz, and with FM nonlinearity not exceeding 5%. The investigated oscillating circuit had a resonance frequency of 50 kliz and a Q factor of 120. The dynamic transfer factor of the network and the duration of the pulse at the output with a constant passband (for m - 100) was investigated. An oscilloscope was used to do the measurements. The experimental values are shown in figures.1 and 3 with crosses. 7- M7 V "0 10 40 so 0 to 14 3V 40 50 7/8 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 USSR ZAVADOVSKIY, A. Z., et al, Izvestiya VUZ Radioelektronika, 'No 9, Sep 70, pp 1156-1158 Thus, using formula (5) to select the circuit passband, minimal duration of the output pulse and a maximum signal-to-noise ratio are provided. In this case, the signal-to-noise ratio and the duration of the output pulse are worse than when using the optimal filter approximating the factor 4-m.: However, the dis- cussed system is designed considerably simpler than the optimal. Bibliography: 1. 01'shevskiy, V. V., Statistical ProRerti s of Sea Reverberation. Izd-vo "Nauka," 1966. 2. Malyarevskiy, N. M., Krukovskiy-Sinevich, K. B., Comparative Noise Immunity of a Nonoptimal Detection System in the Prenence of Signzl& with Noise and FIX Content, Izvestiya VUZ SSSR Radioelektranika, 1969, Vol 12, No 1, p 51 3. Martynov, V. A., Selikhov, Yu. I., Panoramic Receivers and SEectrum Analyzers, Izd-vo, "Sovetskoye radio," 1964. 4. Tikhonov, V. L, Statistical Radio Engineering, Izd-vo "Sovetakoye radio," 1966. 8/8 AUTHOR-- RYZHOV, YU CORRESPONDENT TITLE--- A SEA-GOING CATAMARAN NEWSPAPER--- VODNYY TRANSPORT, FEBRUARY 31 1970, P 29 COLS 1-5 ABSTRACT-- THE "EXPERIMENT".. A SEA-GOING FISHING CATAKARANO HAS PASSED ITS TRIAL TESTS IN THE BALTIC AND NORTHERN ATLANTIC HAVING SAILED MORE THAN 21joco iMILES. THE CONSTRUCTION Of THE SHIP WAS A 'DcKrY9 PROPOSED IN 1964 BY DOCTOR OF TECHNICAL:SCIENCES BY A, RKHANGORO PROFESSOR AT THE KALINGRAD TECHNICAL INSTITUTE OF THE 14E~IISTRY Oi- FISHERIES U.S SIR0 Yu. KADIL NIKOV., CHIEF OF THE SPECIAL EXPEP.1- ..MENTAL-DHIGN 5UREA6 OF THE ATLANTNIP10 S. STUDENETSXIV DIRECTOR OF THE p ~ZMENO~Jv DOCENT E. EYTV'hj ATLANTNIRO N. SADIN 10 YE* GRINKO AND E. GRUDNEV. AN0018460 ACCORDING TO A. FERIN, ASSOCIATE OF THE KALININGRAD TECHNIcAL ED FOR LOADS UP TO S;OO K,'-l INSTITUTE THE CATAMARAN-BRIDGE WAS RA.Tp_ PER SQUARI CM. THE 0EXPERIMY-NTE ARE 07 TRE SPE:CIALISTS W40 CONDUCTED THE TEST OF MUSTBE IN_Tiiz CO OPINION THAT THE CATAMARAN.DESIGN NSTRUC- TION NOT ONLY OF FISHING VESSELS BUT SALVAGING VESSELS, HYDROGRAPHIC AND WEATHER VESSELS, AS VELL AS RESEARCH VESSELS$ THE MINISTER OF THE FISHERIES HAS SIGNED THE ORDER FOR THE CONSTRUC- TION OF TIE wrXPERIMENT-20 AT THE SVETLOVSKIY SHIP REPAIR PLANT. 1.9602050 039 UNCL ASS I F [ED PROCESSING 3ATE--02OCT70 r tTLE--EF-ISSI0N AND PROPAGATION OF ELECTPC4AG.NETrC WAVES IN '-IiAiTICALLY INHOM-r-GENEOUS 'MEDIA -U- UTHL,'R-(02)-RYZHOVv YU.A., TAMOYKINt V.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR co ~Ot)RC'E--IZVVUZ RADIOFIZIKA, VOL. 13v NO. 3v 19709 P. 356-387 DATE PU.6L ISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL EN6R. 'T.PPIC'--.T'.IGS--ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE:r RADIO EMISSION, WAVE PROPAGATION, ENNA PERTABATION METHOD taJTROL MARRING-NO RESTRICTIONS ,-.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/F PAME-1991/0146 STEP NO--UR/0141/70/013/033/0366/038T CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110112 (y,.rLASSIFIED ziz 039 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS ING DATE--02OCTT0 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0110112 ABSTRACT. SURVEY OF PROBLeMS CONCERNING THE ELECTRODYNAIICS OF RANDOMLY INHUMOGENEOUS MEDIAt WITH EMPHASIS ON ASPECTS RELATED TO THE MEAN FIELD AND TO THE CONCEPT OF THE EFFECTIVE PERMITTIVITY TENSOR. THE MEAN FIELD AND THE EFFECTIVE PERMITTIVITY TENSOR ARE ANALYZED FOR ISOTROPIC AND ANISOTROPIC RAVOOMLY INHOMOGENEOUS MEDIA. THE PERTURBATION METHOD IS APPLIED, AND THE LIMITING CASES OF S14ALL AND.LARGE SCALE INHOMOGENEITIES ARE TREATED. AN ISDTROPIC MEDIUM WITH ANISOTROPIC INHUMUGENEITIES IS ANALYZED, AND ATT04TION IS GIVEN TO THE RADIATJON r-ROM AN ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC DIPOLE IN AN INHOM.OGENEOUS MEDIUM.. THE RADIATION FROM A THIN METALLIC ANTENNA 15 ALSO EXAMINED9 -TOGETHER WITH THERMAL EMISSION AND THE EMISSION FROM A U.'qlr-0R4LY MOVING .._~...CHARGE.-IN.A MEOIUM WITH INHOMOGENEITIES. FACILITY: G9RIKOVSKII ,..:v-:~GOSUDARSTVENNYT UNIVERSITETP GORKI-s USSRIP I A USSR UDCs None RYZHOV, Yu. A. and TAY10YKIN, V. V. -"Electromagnetic Wave Radiation and Propagation in Chaotic Nonhomogeneous Media" Gorkiy, 1%vestiYa. VUZov SSSR Radiofizika Vol 13, No 1970, PP 3 56 - 597- Abstractt This is a review article dealing with a subject directly i~elated to many problems in astronomy, astronomy, radio navigation, radars sonar$ communications, solar physics, the inter- planetary medium, the earth's ionosphere, acoustics, optics, etc* The review concentrates on problems in the electrodynamics of ran- domly nonhomogeneous media* It is divided into three sectionss the first concerns the average field in an isotropic medium with random nonhomogeneities; the second relates to anisotropic chao- tically nonhomogeneous media; the third concerns electromagnetic radiation in a medium with random nonhomogeneities Some of the items discussed aret the tensor.of the medium's 1/2 USSR RYZHOV, Yu* A., et al, Izvestiya VUZov SSSR Radiofizika Vol 13, No 3. 1970. Pp 356-387 dielectric permeability; an approximation of the perturbation method; the magnetoactive plasma; and heat radiation in a chao- tically nonhomogeneous medium. 2/2 50 !7 VIN. in M, RYZ110V, Yu. M. I'Spectral Conditions of Orthogonality of Gaussian Measurcs Corresponding to Stable Processes" Teoriya Veroyatnostey i I-lat. Stat.,Mezhved. Nauch. sb. [Theory of Pro- babilities and Mathematical Statistics, Interdt~,)artmental Scientific Collection], 1972, No 7, pp 128-131 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 1, 1973, Abstract No I VISO by the author). Translation: Suppose E IM and G2 (t), te[O, Tj are stable, mean-square continuous Gaussian processes, ii F, and pt are measures in the functional 1 2 space corresponding to these processes, RI (T) and R 2(T) are their correla- tion functions. If the limit R5 M-R, (-r) 'Tie doIes not exist, or exist-, but is not equal toII measures W F, 1and PF2 will be orthogonal, Considering this condition, -this work produces condi- tions for singularity of jacasures v and v in terms of SPCCtT,-1I ChaTaC- 1/2 111 . 2 USSR RYZIIOV, Yu. M. "One Theorem of Existence and Uniqueness for Stochastic W.fferential Equations" Teoriya Veroyatnostey i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. sb. [Theory of Probabilities and Mathematical Statistics, Interdepartmental Scientific Collection], 1972, No 7, pp 122-127 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 1, 1973, Abstract No I V128 by the author). Translation: The existence and uniqueness of the solution of a stochas- tic differential equation dC(l)=a(l, t(t))dt+0((-pI))d7j(I), are proven, where the coefficients a(t, x) and LT(t, x) satisfy the condi- tion x)-O(I, Y)V< C M I X-Y 12,. C(t) is a random function, continuous with probability 1, while n(t) is the process of Brownian motion or a D-martingale. IN ~111 "I I ~RHIIIFII ff ~MHI USSR UDC: 519. 21 YZHML-YU- -11. "On the Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution of a Stochastic Differen- Equation With Gaussian Process Differential" Teoriya veroyatnostey ii mat. stat. Mezhved, nauch. sb. (Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. -Interdepartmental Scientific Collection), 1971, vYP. 5, PP 107-115 (from RZh-.Xibernetika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No nvll4) T Translation: The author proves a theorem~on the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the stochastic differential equation dC (1) (t, C (f)) dt + a (I CH))dE(f), where i(t), ir-10, rl is some Gaussian process from the class containing such processes as those which a-re stationary with rationall-fraction spectral density. Author's abstract. 'one USSR UDC: 1, YERMOLOV, I. IT., VOKIZIN, A. Kh. , a "A Device for Ultrasonic Defectoscopyl' Moscow, Otkrvtiva, izobreteni_va,, -pron3,yshlqnnjjye obrastf3y, tovarAye znaki, I-To 4, 1973, p 98, No 36591" Abstract: The distinctive feature of this device 'or use in defect- locating equipment is a second oscillograph indicator with scanning proportional to the change in frequency of the pulse sieyal fill- ing. This has the effect of improving the accuracy of deterraining the form and dimensions of the defects. No illustration of the circuit is given. USSR mc: 681.327 BOCRM, Yu. Ya., ZITIVOV, 11. P., IMA!"11N, Yu. Z., I.F. Ye "I -ral Scient-* fie Researeb institute cT Large-Scale A4-tomation C en "Pneimoelectronic Acewniflator of Sta' distical Information" Moscow, Oth.~-tiya. lzobreteniya, ProiVzILIm)nyye Obraztsy, Tomrnne Znaki, No -13, May '72, Author's Cer-ttificate No 335705, Division G, filed 29 jun 70, published 11 Apr 72, PI 2 Translation. This Ikuthor's Certificate introduces a pnewt:oelectronic ac- cumul, i 'ic at 4 ator of stebist. al inform- Connected to the input channels is a pneumoco=utator controlled by an address selection module. Thi13 coMau- tator is connected in series to a nox-mralizer. Mw tic cumulator also con- tains an mialog-diCA&I converter comiected throut)m a counter to a data ule mhose oirttput Js connected to a printer ~mdl a punchcr, aTle output r; a d to 4 accun*u" Z-.-jf;o inc-Ludes a c~Drjlrol -Lmit connected to a titrcr, vre~ armlog-dir i ril rf-A dir-; A, jn~ z L;. ISOCINMI, Yu. Ya. et all., USSR Author's Certl ficate No 335705 input oa -ollinF the electric sirnal commutator is comiectee to the ad- ress. ticn z::odulc, _nd the output is connected throu[~i tile exLra nor- xalizer to "he C The c--.:tput of the adder is conn cted to the vmt~lor,- -digillal cc.--vertnr, =d a second in-put of the-adder is connected throu6h the zain normallizer to 'he pneur-memn--mutator. J USSR UDC 536. 243 GORLOV, I.G. and RZA "Hvdrodynamic and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Flow of Liquids Through Tube Coils" Moscow, Teplo-Massopernos v Odno-i Dvukhfaznykh Sredakh, 1971, -77 pp. 71 Abst-ract: The review of literature on the hydrodynamics and heat transfer with flow of liquid-vapor mixtures through the'steam generator tube coils is made. It is pointed out that the liquid phase is concentrated on the inner side of the bend rather than on the buter one where it would be moved by centrifugal action. Flow visualization experiments indicated that the liquid is moved to the inner side of the bend by the action of secondary flows which are directed away fro the axis of m the bend at the center of the tube section, toward the axis ol the bend near the walls (see fig. 1). 1/2 USSR GORLOV, I. G. and RZAYEV, A. I., Teplo-Massopernos v Odno-i Dvukhfaznykh Sredakh, 1971, pp 71-77 Pressure losses for two phase flow through tube coils are given (fig. 2 and 3). Graphs of beat transfer for two regimes are shown. One regime refers to steam generation from~a liquid film; the other one to steam bubbling through the liquid. 2/2 7-44- USSR UDC: ~21-396.945 JERLINSKIY, Yu. S., KULESHOV, V. N. KENU "On Some Characteristics of an Interference-Free Receiver for a Wireless Electrical Communications Channel with Erasurej.1 Za tekhn. progress (To-ward Technical Progress), 1970, No 5, pp 1-3 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No:IIA251) Translation: The paper gives a report on a theoretical stutky of an optirmim receiver designed for isolating a signal from noises in the case of trans- mission over a wireless communications channel with erasure. Use of optimum phase AFC synthesized on the criterion of minimum mean square measurement error makes it possible to improve interference killing for reception of a signal which contains information on the rotational speed of a turbodrill. A receiver based on this principle is optimum only at -the rmted 1311 1-to- -noise ratio. 'Ibe optimiun receiver is a narrow-band bigh-01'~ued unit with trancient 1)roccauea 1&,3ting no more than 2.5 seconds. Exprezfliona are given for the variances of the phase and frequency erroz-a of the ~receivcr an a function of its parameters. The requirements for precision in realizing the optimum.parameters are determined. Four illustrations, one table, bibliography of four titles. A. I. USSR UDC: "lone and CIRUDZIEVA, Sh. 0. "Temperature Dependences of TlSe and GaSe Nonocrystal 7-lastic Con- stants" Baku, Izvestiya Akademii .7" izerba-;dzhanskoy 2,SR--;:'eriya fiziko- tekhnicheskillh i na-c-_--maticheskikh nauk 1070, _'o. 3, pp 76-78 -ion of the behavior of monocr stal elaSt- Abstract: The determinat - Y ic constants as functions of temperature is important. because o-.F' the light it may shed on the nature oz' the atomic forces in solid bodies. This article investigates this behavior on ~,he basis of data the authors F-athered on the velocity of propa-,)tion of uIt"ra- sonic waves and from the density computed from data on Qxpansion due to hr.,at. The temperature dependences of TlZle and Ga3e' mono- crystals are given in the forms of eauations and curves, whicii show the dependences to be linear. Jhe curves furnish additicial proof of the anharmonicity theory, vhich states that the weaker the connectiGn betwaen atoms and the lower their mas8, the stronger the anharmonic effect. 90 UDC 621.315.592 LT 'S F Ar. BLASIM-U, A. I. , VM 1-J, I., BURDIMI, 1. 1." 1DZHAF 01 T.._D. i'-1. A. "Temperature and Concentration Dependencies of the Diffusion Coefficient of Zinc in Callium Antinonide" Leningrad, Fiziha i Tckhttika Po1iD)rovodn11zo Vol 6, No 3, 1972, pp 467-472 Abstract: In order to exclude the concentration dependence of the diffusion ) -ite sa 1( -.r the - ration mechailism of coef f icient in each sei ar. and discovc r-i S zinc in gallium antir-onide, a studly wa% made of diffusion by the isoconcentra- tion difft;,Ior --ethod. The cherical diffusion of zinc in C,:Sb specimens alloyed vith tellurium with difl-crent colicentraLion's wi-S also investigated. , ., vere usti-d to ii1ve9ti-atc the chr-mical and, isecon- Radioactive -ins c "')Zu in and p-type galliun nntimonide alloved centration. diffus4c -47 ~ - w with tellurium or zinc in the tc-mpcraturc range ef 510-660' C. Durin.- cher.-tical diffusion, the effective diffusion coofficient (Deff ) depends linearly on the concentration. I A~s from e;-.peri-ment~, in electron transfer, zinc in C*-.-ifted in the form of positive ions with an effective -Jr he . Se charoe clore to A i !r1 is proposed for expl; ding L., nb rved behwricr of zinc in galliw~i 112 During clic-,:iical CiLMision, the valucs of D eff are than durinj-, IfUlIfn PW.. I Mr. 111W. I I iff "THROPIRM-1 OMM01 109F�RO In, IS BLASUKU, A. I., et al., Fizika i Tekhni-11-a Poluprovodnikov, Vol 6, No 3, 1972, pp, 467-472 - Ath an increase in terperature, isoconCenLration diffusion, and t the difference in the values of Deff decreases. It was proposed tli'lat the observ"I dccrease in D durin- chei-Acal diffusion mav be the result of the effecL of brakinc, in- eff ternal electric fields occurrin- durin'- diffusion of zinc in -,-type 11,alliLIM antim-onide. The effect of thc zinc vapor pressure on diffusion was also in- vestigated. The diffusion .7~2chanism Ls of a dissociative nature. The decrease -;vo in the effect d:-:fusion coefficient in n-type GaSb henvily.alloyed with tellurium can be con-irected with the effect of. both electron-hole interaction and COMDIC!,: fomntion between the zinc and tcllurium on-diffusion [A. I. Rlashku, e L al.,: F-EP, No 5, 755, 19711. /2 UDC 616~001.17-07:[616.4234-616.42-008.839.6]-07 USSR I RZ-A-Y-EV -N. A. and FARMMOV, R. T., Azerbaydzhan Research 1,ftstitute of Hema- _Fo7r_o_jryWn_d_"B1ood Transfusion "Rate of Lymph Flow and Total ProteinContent of Lymph From the Thoracic Duct in Thermal Burns" Moscow, Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Ekspeiimental'nava Terapiya, No 6, 1969, pp 31-35 Abstract: Experiments were performed on dogs using a vacuu= apparatus de- signed by the authors to obtain. lymph from the thoracic duct while simultaneously recording the rate of lymph fl(.ow. Soon after the burn was inflicted, the general condition of the animals deteriorated aG the lymph flow accelerated from the thoracic duct and the Lotal protein coatent of Line Lymph inereased. Thereafter the rate of flow tended to become normal but the protein content remained high, It was not until 15-20 days later, when the animals' general condition improved and the wound bealed, that the rate of lymph f10%-/ and pro- tein content returned to normal, Tibe two phenomena are thought to be a pro- tective-compensatory reaction to the trauma, aimed at restoring the regular quantitative relationships between body fluids, especially in the lymphatic system, which evidently plays a major role in the pathogenesis of burn disease. 70 018 UNCLASSIFM PROCESSING [)ATE--230CT70 TITLE--ALKYLATION OF PHENOL BY A PETROLEUM OISTILLATE OBTAINED FROM BAKU RAW.MATERIAL IN THE PRESENCE OF A KU-2 ION EXCHANGE RESIN -U- AUTHOR-104)-FATULLAYEV, A.N., GADZHIYEVA, L.K., GSANOV,.D.G., RZAYEV, R.G. "COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~_.SCURC.E-AZERB. NEFT. KHOZ. 1970t (1),,35-6 E PUBLISHED ------- 70 .'.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS :TOPIC TAGS--LUBRICATING OIL, LUBRICANT ADDITIVE, PHENOL, ALKYLATION, CRUDE OlLt,PETROLEU14 DEPOSITP GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION, ION EXCHA, GE ESI,'4/(U)KUZ ~'ION. EXCHANGE RESIN ~CUNTROL 14ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .-PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/2070 STEP ~10--UR/0407/70/00-3/001/0035/0036 CIR C A PACCESSION N0--AP0127443 J~U 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127443* 'ABSJ'RACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE OPTIMUM ALKYLPHENOL YIELi)s (45PERCENT) WERE OBTAINED WHEN CRUIE PHENOL (1) WAS CONTf.."11JOUSLY ALKYLATED AT 140DEGREES WITH 2 VOLS, (BASED ON 1) OF A S FREE PETPULEUH DISTILLATE (INITIAL B.P. 75DEGREES, 75PERCENT DISTD. AT 1270EGREES, -FINAL B.P.. 180DEGREESt D. 0.7420) ON A COLUMN OF 1014 EXCHANGE RESIN KU-2 IN NA FORM. THE UNREACTED PETROLEUM DISTILLATE WAS RECOVERED -PRACTICALLY UNCHANGED. THE ALKYLPHENOL HAD SNILAR PROPERTIES TO THE -$TD. LUBRICATING OIL ADDIT[VE-PRODUCED BY ALKYLATING I IN THE PRESENCE OF1 PHSO SUB3 11. FIFO _"rM' rl't T.~ F71i A ...... 015' WNCLASSEFIED PROCESS INIG WV7~ DATE-20t JlTLE-L b'NDE-,,SA-TIGN OF AL KYLP"t-11OLS ;rllTH FORMALL)EHYCE lei THE ORESENCE Of!- :~.,_~'IOXALIC ACIG CURING THE PREPHRATIGN JF A B&%Z[)FUr.ANCAK.~GXYt. ! C ".Cli) G.A., RlAYEV, P.Qt NA.'4ALjV j1.1. r GASANOV, OF INFG_-USSR ~,,'5QURCE--AZEFB. NEFT. KHI;.!- . 1970, 13) 34-5 OfA T EP U b L I Sri E 7 S.Ui3JECT A,'~ki-S-MATEXIALSt C11E.41STRY -TUP.IC TAG S--(, C ND k IN 5 A r I C N 1; Cl C T I ON tPHENOL.t, FORPIM.DUMM, FUR AM ARGAMATIC CARtIOXYLK ACIUt CORRUS I -RATE CCPITRCL GXAL(C ACID, DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFLED b/ L 7; o S TF PNO-UP. GA (3 770 ~'C On_:J 00 3 4/ G 0 3 5 PROXY kLEL/h~A01 CIRC ACCESSILN NO-AP0135~61 :j:,! C L -OCESSENG DATE-20NOV-10 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED GIRC ACCESSIC11.4- ING-141"01-145361. %-T/EXTRACT-(U) GP-C~- 4,73STikACT. .-ABSTkA, I ti& Oil T I MIJ Mi, GAI., ITIONS FOR .-CONCLN SfNG ALKYLFInENCILS ~i[Tfi CH SU62 0 (RATIO PO:25) IN THE PAE5;-:i,CE- LF 0.5 NAATS Hil SU62 CCO SW32 WAT 980EGRFES. C,:)IIDENSATION INI THE PkESUNCL OF HCL i.IU-e.E E-Ff-EGT[VE BUT THE CUROSICIN ~~ATE ;I-iAS 10 JIMES T~-AT ~-,ITH h0 SUB2 CCO SMS2 ft. T H ~PP.Oo'-[)CrS Of THE .2 111IC-ft-1005 WERE IM I LAIR 112 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESStNG DATE--20NOV70 71TLE-SYNTHESiS AND REACTIONS OF UNSATURATED URGANGSILICON A14D 3RGA%CGEkVAi%IUM CGAPWNDS. SYNTHESIS OF OIM=~THYL,PvrOLY(.HYURI()i]SrLANE :_'UTH0R-(G4)-ShIKHIYEVt I.A., GASANDYAw R.YU.v ASKERGV, G.1:4v RZAYEVAt S.A~ ,iXUNTRY OF 11`06--USSR 06SHCH. KH10. 1970s 40(4) s 817-19~ PLBLISHEr,---70 ,_~.TCP1_C.TAGS--fJf-,GAN1C SYNTHESIS, ORGANUSIL[CON COMPOUNDt ORGANOSERIMANIUIM COMPOUND, ORGANIC, SILANE, ACETYLENEt ALCOHOL CCNTROL MAkKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/~AAME-3002/1199 STEP NG--UR/007ci/70/QA-0/00i/08L7/0819 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0128b17 LASSIFIED 2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS ING OAT E-20NOV7 0 RC A-ICESSICh NO-AP012-3617 S' TRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ME SUB2 S(CLH h;4 .5 G AN, D RiB E -PROM 24G MG REFLUXED DAYS GAVE AS SHCWN ON MICRICIFECHE. FAC I L I TY: INST. NEFTI KHIM. IM. AZ[ZP-EKGVAj BAKU, USSR. UNCLASSIFIEO RIMEM P. smom --"d 6's T X211-4. )mw rtmOCRI!,1TALLINE LAYM OF SILICON CC; NO14OR1- DMIN-C SUBSTRAIES jArticle by X. A. $At-wnko, A, G. Xllae~ko. ft. V. Rrhanov, 1k. -,Sh. Z ~v, L I'L -k. k.alf;r~ 12-27 Jun. 1972, A now Pracv4ute has barn devoinped for connectinR omnocry4talltne places of skItc.1% to n-rLcnttmm ovh.trAte. (C.rarlt) via an intermediate lAycr of solid solutions (Ge 4 St). V,a chardeterincic feature of clan pio#rreas or the oroctas and Its differeritep from #ojdaTlog and Sluoing consipts In the fact that the traA%Itnt '.ayer (the solid solution of mermantuawith ollicad) is momocryatellint. It ham mlectrophyvica% and chemical properties close to the ptevertics of the cmnecred *tact of silicon., The crvotaLLizatsC"i be-,trA YLth the surface or the ommacryqtall1am milican plate an.) &volova-la thr directim *f the "marlenting oub *%rates. Tht*-in3uT*A the mo~.acryatlltne nature of the transient layer of solid solution with "spect to its "tics thickAess. The silicon layers obtained in this way on the nonorlontinir subetrat-re with- stand the uxual.1y "ad the"Ical. ther"t and swchantcat (etching, polishIns, cooling and heating free li4uid helitum to ordinary diffusion temveratur" Ilk st) trenteant. The eotIxst** w4de damooritratod that the trnnatont lajeT icon have a thickness a* the order of several aterene. Thicknesses of the solid eolution Mv ~ SO of 6-8 mtcron4 could be obtained vxpvriorntally. It was #*tabIt%1,r4 that nhvto~jnly the dislocation density in the silicon itself art- ots froo the differrnce in coefficients of ther,mal extionsim at the substrate and the atjtc~. The oilitnn layers were obtained m substrateit of mullite ceramic with a dtalocattom density of $-W-L-105 cm-2. On the basis of the *xpertronts.perromed, the heating and cooling rate conditlano oC the layers were SeItctod which do not lead to 4 noticeable variation of chair electrical propertie yers of atlican were obtained with a specific MtmocrysCAI line Is re Istan a 1.500 ohno-cim md election sobility to 1.5,00 cw'2/ per setand at rom ca"cature. for &it of the spocLommav the particular scattering of the re and the absence of dosp levels are characteristic. ca'r 1/2 017 UINCL AS S I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--Z30CTTO TITLE--FAST SURFACE STATES lj*'l SILANIZED GEWUNIUM -U- AUTH(3R-(02)-RZHAN0Vj A.V., KOVALEVSKAYA, T.I. ~::.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S.OURCE--FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROV. 1970, p4\i2), 321-4 DATE PUBL ISHED------70 -.SUBJECT APEAS--CHEMISTRYr MATERIALS I_.-TOPIC TAGS--GERMANIUM, SILANEr SURFA'~E AREA, CHLORIDEI GAS AGSORPTIONP METAL ETCHING ':...CONT-ROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS --,'DOCU,4ENT CLASS-_UNCLASSfFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1476 STEP NO--UR/0449!70/004/002/0321/0324 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120263 UNC LASS II cE D 2/2 017 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120263 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SINGLE CRYSTAL ~111) ORIENTED N-GE SAMPLES WERE ETCHED AND THEN TREATED WITH A OIOXANE SaN, OF ME SUB2 SICL SU82t WHEREBY A HYDROPHOBIC P3LYSILOXANE FILM OF 100-500 ANGSTROM IS FORMED, THE IR SPECTRA OF TREATED SAMPLES REVEAL A 14EW ABSORPTION PEAK AT 975 C;N PRIME NEGATIVEI IN THE VICINtTY OF THE Sr-O BOND ABSORPTION PEAKS (104-0 AND 1120 CM PRIME 14EGATIYEI). THE NEW PEAK IS ASSIGNED TO THE GE-0-SI FORMS AND IS FORMED FROM BOND. SAMPLES PITH VARIOUS INTENSITIES OF THIS PEAK WERE STUDIED BY THE FIELD EFFECT METHOD COMB1.14ED WITH STATIONARY PHOTOCOND. MEASUREMENTS. THE SURFACE POTENTIAL Y. SUBSIGMA DEPENDENCE OF THE RECOMBINATION RATE S AND OF THE CHARGE OF TRAPPED SURFACE PLOTTED. THE Q SUBSS Y SUBS PLOTS ARE EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS WITH SIMILAR EXPONENTIAL COEFF. 6UT WITH SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT PREEXPONENTIAL TERMS FOR THE SAMPLES OF VARIOUS INTENSITY IOTA OF THE 975 CM PRIM~:: NEGATIVEI PEAK. IT IS'ASSUPIED THAT THE PREEXPONENTIAL TER14 IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE CONCN, OF SURFACE STATES N SUBSIGMASIGMA. THE N SUBSIGMASIGMA IOTA PLOT IS LINEAR AND JUSTIFIES THIS ASSUMPTION. SILANEC TREATMENT OF GE SURFACES INVOLVES A -,SU3STI-TUTION OF PART OF THE UNSTABLE 0, 014# AND H SU82 0 BONDS WITH THE MORE STABLE GE-n-SI BOND. THE TREATMENT.15 ESP. EFFECTIVE WHEN CARRIED OUT IMMEDIATELY AFTER ETCHING. FACILITY: INST. FIZ. POLUPROY., -'NOVOSIBIRSK, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED FIRM ~ill--lfll PANIM, UIOC 1537-226+537-311-331:1537+5351 V. G., RZRANOVL-i--&k and SVITASHEV, K. K. "Photoelectric Phenomena en Boundary Between Two Single-Crystal Germanium Blocimll a V sb. Tonkiye plenki soyedineniX teLlura s metallami podg_nipp tsinka i Olliva (Thin Films- of Telluriim Compounds vith Metals of Zine and Gallitu-i Subgroups -- Collection of Works),. Villnyus, 1970, pp 216-227 (from TrLh-Fizika, No 10, Oct 71~ Abstract No 10YE807 by V. B.:SnrDO14IR5KIY) Tra=:Lation: The authors inveGtigated the photavoltage (PV) and photoconductiv- ity (PC) of the contact of two D-Ge single crystals at 300 and 770 K. Dimen- sions of specimens: 17xl2x3 nm; specific resistances at 3a10 K: of the order of 40 ohm,cm. The PV distribution along the spuciii:en has two iTaxima of opposite signs on both sides around the interface. Ithe PV sign correspoarls to the blocking band bending around the interface (IF). Contact is, nonsyrretri- cal. The form of the current-voltage characteristic agrees with that repoited in the literature. 1he PV spectral dependence itdicates a change of charge in the surface states of the IF on illixrdnation. The conclusion was draim that eada block has its own system of surface stater. PC also increases sharpb, as the "signal probe" approaches the IF. The PC localized at the IF is 1/2 UC PANIM, V. G., et al., Tonkiye plenki soyedineni."r tellura a metqllard pod-grupp tsinka i galliya (Min of Tellurium ConTzounds Witil Metals of' Zinc and Gallium Subgroups -- Collection of 1~orks), VillnYus, 19(0, pp 216-227 (from RZh-Fizika, Ito 10, Oct 71, Abstract Ito,10YE807 by V. :B. SMIDDMIRSIM) observed when excited by light in the region of impurity absorption. It can be positive or negative and varies with the superposition of voltage. 2/2 USSR Lcs UDO 621.~83.52-072-1 VARLAMOV, I.V., KALADZE, M.K., Ph-.PRUSEVICH, V.A., RZHANOV, A.YE. "Spectral Characteristics Of Silicon Photoresistors And The Parameters QE An Optoelectronic Switch" Sb. -Po Rrobl. mikroelektron. Meek. in-t elektron.tekhn.(fiz._Mat se'riya) [Collection Of Scientific Works On Problems Of 1-ficroelectronics.1-loscow In.-titute Cf Electronics Technology. (Phyiiico-Mathematical Series)],1972,lssue 9,pp 109-114 (from RZh:Elektronika i.yeye primeneniye, No 10, Oct 1972,AbBtract No 1OB245) Translation: The dependence was studied of the photo emf of a photoresistor operating in an optonelectron switch paired with a GaAs light-emitting diode. The phortorouiotor was produced by building up of an epitaxial layor of n-Si with a resistivity of 1 and a thickness oC 13 micron or, a p-3i wafer with a resistivity of 10 and a thicknqoe of 200 micron. The Upper emitter and the collector of the junction were fulfilled by planar technology with the method of diffusion of P and B. The depth of occurrence of the junctions amounted to 1.5 WA 3 microns,re-opectively. The spectral characteristics of eech p-n junction were measured at light intensities corresponding to the lineur section of' the lux-voltage characteristics of each junction. Wring illuminution of the 1/2 USSR VARLAMOV, I~V., at al. po probl.mikroolektron. elektrdn tekhn. (fiz.-mat. aerjya), 1972-, Issue 9, pp 109-114 structure by light with 0.93 micron, corresponding to the maxinrim of the radiation spectrum of the GaAs light-emitting diode, the process of generation of the free carriers involves the entire volume.of the crystal including all three junctions; however, the maximum response of all the structure is found in the region of the shorter wuves, Oacillograms were taken of the transient pro.. ceases during connection of the photoreoistor, and the voltage charucteristics with various currents across the emitter and at various temperatures. 4 ill. 4 ref. I.V. 2/2 USSR UDO 621.385.52.072.1 VARLAMOV, I.V., DESHEVOY, A.S., KAL.U) 7E PEETRUSEVICH, ,RZHAEGV.A.YE. OMeasurement Of The Impadance Of Photoresistore'In The Pinch-Off Region And At The Section Of Negative Differential Resistancen probl.mikroolektron. Mosk. in-t elektron.tekhn. (fi2--m-at.sariya) t0ollectf;n Of Scientific Works On Problems Of Microole'ctronins. I.Ioscow institute Of Electronics Technolor7. (Phyaico-14athematical Series)], 197", lvsue 9, pp (from Mh:Elektronika i yoye primenenjye, No 10, Oct 1972, Abstract No IOB242) Translation: A device -for mesearemont of impedance which uses the methcd 0 phase detection is described, and some of the measured parameters e- the 4-layer structures at the section with no-ative resistance of the volt-ampore character- istics are presented. 4 ill. 5 ref. 1.V. USSR UDC 621.791.7S4.011:669.715 CHERNYSH, V. P., SYROVATKA, V. V., Kiev Polytechnic Institute, GRITSENKO, A. F.,.RZHANOXr, B. P., Dnepropetrovsk s of Seam Metal in AMg6 Alloy Welded with Electro- "Structure and Propertie magnetic Mixing" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 11, Nov 72, pp 16-19. Abstract: An aluminum alloy was welded by argon-arc welding using a tungsten electrode at a rate of 10 r/hr. Mixing was achieved by an axial discrete magnetic field by a coil attached to the welder. Electromagnetic mixing of the welding bath was found to produce a finer primary stnicture and complete uppression of zones of columnar crystals. The increased fineness of the structure was accompanied by an increase in total length of crystal boundaries by more than a factor of 3. The orientation of the structure was decreased from 28% to 21%. The mobile state of the are during mixing helps to intensi- :CT removal of the oxide film from the bath, decreasing the porosiry of the welded seams. The use of the electromagnetic mixing method helps to increase the yield of defect-free joints by more than.4 times. Induction of the con trolled magnetic field has a decisive influence on the results of mixing. The reversing frequency influences primarily the surface rolief (if tho scam. 60 USSR UDG 621-38-002 WYAIVOV, S.A., ANQV_ V-n-, SHERGOLID, YEA. *Problems Of Protection Of Unhoused Semiconductor Devices And Integrated Circuits' V ob. Mikroolaktronika (Microelectronics--Collection Of Works), Moscow, Izd-Vo .'Sovetskoye Radio," No 4, 1971s pp 141-151 Abstract-. The over-all problem is considered of the protection of aon-housadsami_ conductor devices used in hybrid microcircuits from the effect of the environment. 'The significant chortcomingo arc shown of compounds of epoxy rasine, various varnishes, etc., used at present for protection of such devicts. k method is dea- oribed for creation of a protective covering based on thin glass films. 4 fig. A Ubo 7 refs USSR UDG 621.382.~22 SOPOV, O.V., ABRA:M.~, L.I., T.R. "Stabilization Of MOS Trir.3iBtor By Phosphoro-aa Silicate Gf~60" lektron.- -.e!:hn-; a. '~.aucnno-te!,hn. ab. Polu nrovadr. priborv (Eloc'%ronic Tech- nolozy. ScientifIc-Tec?.nical Collection. Se:jaiconductor L Isoue lcvicos), 1970, n 4 2(52), pp 169-186 (from RZ',I--Slektro ~ a h I P i yelle prinarteniye, No 1-11 re 197 tract ','.'o 35215) Abau Translation: 7ne problem-o are conoidared of' "he ntabiliz~?tion o~. a MOB trana- istor with an inducod p-channol by phoDphorou5 oilicato [A'ocfomoaMk&tnyy1 glass. An investigat-ion is conducted of the effoct of the condit-4om- of form- ation of phlo--phoroua biliCQtO g1&03 on tho Dtability of the dev-1co. lbo oxio- tanco of opt~.,n-jn conditiow. for tho ntalbilizution procom) 1i) ewtablinhod. It is j34-ab4 liZal pojrible t',Ae aid of Uion by phouphorouB oilicate tlLao to asouro h, "h n~ bi, il o*' u IM tranciritor during the long-tom, action of an oluctric- tl a I y , al load and increaced tomporature o' the enviromento' 5u:--ary. .55 USSR UDC 539.4 PAMMYE:V) A. K..1 WMVIN, L. X., GL SHCHENYOj H. I., KONOVALOV, V. I., and TRIPOLISKIYp S. S. (Zaporozlye) "Investigation of Combined Vibrations of the Disk-Blade System of the impeller of a Turboprop-Engine Turbine" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 11, Nov 73, PP 78-81 Abstract: In order to study the nature and modes of the vibrations of a turbo- prop-engine turbine, as well as the distribution of the stresses, a tensomtric investigation was conducted of the entire ste of the 82 blades and the disk of the turbine impeller. Results of the conducted tests Ghov that the cause of the high stresses occurring in the blades is to be found in the critical Impeller rotation rates, at which combined vibrations of the disk-blade system occur in accordance with a mode vith five node diameters. Frequency adjustment of the disk-blade system was conducted via variation of the system components. A correlation was established between the critical rotation rates and the avera~,,e frequency dtiring the axial mode of vibrations of the blade cet. On the bacir, of this correlation, control over the average vibmtiort frequency of the blade set durins the axial Yibration node has been introduced into the process of blade production. figures. 18M I N M19 ON71 W11,11 USSR UDC:534.282 HAUVE-YEV, V. V., CIIAYKOVSKIY, B. S., KOITALFV, M. S--,-RZHAV1N L. N. e Ki v '.'Influence of Design Peculiarities and Loading Conditions on the Damping Ability of a Herringbone Lock Joint of a Turbine Blade" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 10, Oct 73, pp 66-70 Abstract: Results are presented from an experimental and theoretical study of design damping in the herringbone rock joints of turbine blades. The influence of a number of design and technological factors is studied, as well as the influence of loading parameters on the damping ability of lock joints. UNIt. tss I F 1EC. PPCCESS ING it) A I C--- I 7JUL., ~C li TLE--STUCY IN I R c RF T E rl., G f N C- CF TFE VIO-NATION STt,.ESS CF SHRULI TUR 3 1 IN F ELACES -U- --RZk-AVIN, L.N., CPALIKHIN, N.1 IvATVEYEII. V.V, Lt NUY Cf INFC---LSSQ Ir- -SCURCE-PROBLEMY PFCCHNCSTII VCL. 2, FE2. IS7C, P. 3-7 DATE PLBLISFEC ------- 70 SUEjECT AREAS--PRGPULSIGt%i ANC FLELS, AEPCNALTICS, ENERGY CCN~F,!,qslc;N TO I C TAGS-V IllkA T I CA 5 TRE 5 SA I k ~-,'R AF I E NO I NF Ul? E 1 N F S H-ICLIO '(Lj R 8 INE BLACE, GAS t. YIJ~OINE ENGINE CENTRCL aCCUMENT CLASS--LNCLASSfFIEC PPC-XY, R E E L /Fq Al-lE -- 178 /184 1 S T E P N C - - U R/ 37,01 2 U"J 0 /013 010 0 7 CJPC tCCESSICN NC--AP0046577 UNCL'SSIFIEC ~X: Abstracting Service: Acc. N Ref. Code: JV0046Yi7- INTERNAT. AEROSPACE ABST-I-/7a "Z/ rA70-25288 study of the vibrati6ij stress of shrouded ,aircraft engine turbine blades (Issfedovanie vibratsionno! napriazhen- nosti bandaxhirmnnykh turbinny kh lopatok. aviaUionnykh dvigaielei). L. N- Rzh8rvin. qj. 0 aLikhin. and V. V. MaNe'-w LAkademiia Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, Institut ProbleWl Prochn8sv - 2-F- . I p- SSR). Problemy Prochnosro, vol. , eb-J970 D.Jn Russian. Results of an experimental study of die vibration strets of a new *Ype of construction of shrouded aircraft erigine turbine blades, using various methods oi joining.the shrouds. On, the basis of, a tensomet.dc aM, ysis, of these blades on a working engine, it isfound that setting up paired blades with a, fixed tension along the shrouds ensuies minimum vibration stress on the blades during vibrations in the first flexural mode under all conditions of operation of the engine. A.S.K. JIEEL/FRAME 1UP7Q1841 USSR uDc: 681-326 .35 &ZBrSKLYA A-, !.DVCHJVI, A. P. LEDVIN, -Ye. K. "A Pneumatic Pulser" USSR Author's Certificate No 251918, filed 29 May 68, pLiblished 12 Feb 70 (from RZh-Av-tomatika, Telemekhanika i LV.Ychislitellnaya Tekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11A69 P) Translation.: This Author's Certificate introduces a pneiznnatic pulser. The device contains two three-diapbragm relays, the first of them ccnnected in an OR circuit, -vhile the second is connected in an AIID circuit, The device also contains a follower with displacemerit, a choke - capac; tali cc link., a com.- parison element, wid a valve. The units of the dcvice arfe interconnected in a special way which improves the characteristics of the device in comparison with conventiona]II pulsers. ~,Then an input comriand signal is receiveti, the device produces a pulse of a definite length at the output. One illustra~ tion. N. S. USSR UDC 534.1 RZHEVKIN, S. N., Chair of Acoustics "Vibrations of Bodies Immersed in a Liquid Under the Action of a Sound Wave" Moscow, Vestnik Moskovskogo University, Seriya III -- Fizika, Astronomiya, Vol 12, No 1, Jan-Feb 71, pp 52-61 Abstract: The article considers different methods for solving the problem of vibrations of a sphere or cylinder immersed in a liquid under the action of a plane sound wave with the velocity amplitude v 0., Graphs are obtained for the velocity amplitude and phase of the body 9(a) as a. 'function of the wave parameter a = ka . lira .where a is the radius of the sphere or Y cylinder. This wave parameter is also denoted as a (a 4-sults are c~ given of an experimental verification of the'.theory to, a value of a 2.5 (a 0.4 A). 28 - ------ .,-1,12 026 UNCLASSI PIED PROC ESSING DATE--27NOV70 LEVEL IN SUNFLOWER AND COTTONSEED OILS -0- AUTHOR-(05)-GRIGORENKOP L.T.t DIKUNP P.P., KALININA, I.A., MIRON'OVA, A.N., RZHEK!~~r__V.P. Cowtrzy OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-PRIKL. BIOKHIM. MIKROBIOL. 1970, 6(2)v 142-50 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--BENZENE DERIVATIVE, AROMATIC POLYCYCLIC HYDROCARBONt CARCINOGEN, VEGETABLE OILP SMOKE, FOOD TECHNOLOGY-i FOOD ANALYSIS, THIN LAYER rHRO.'-ATOGRAPIiYt FLUORESCENCE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--Uto'CLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/0109 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0135606., UNGLASSIFfrD ---------- 212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27,41=70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOi35606 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. POLYCYCLIC HYDROCARBONS IWERE DETO. BY MODIFICATION OF A METHOD USED IN THE ANAL. OF SMOKED AND OTHER AINDS OF FOODSt CONSISTING OF SAPON. OF 50 G OIL WITH 25 G KOH AND 100 96PERCENT ETOH 1-2 HR OVER BOILINGI, SEPN. OF THE NONISAPOND. FPACT10i'l 3Y THIN LAYER CHROMATOG. ON AL SUB2 0 SUB3 IN AN ASCENDING CURRENT OF SUB2 Ot FOLLOWED BY QUANT. AND OUAL, FLUORESCENCE ANAL. THE 3t4-BENZOPYRENE CONTENT IN SUNFLOWER OIL OF VARIOUS~ORIGINS VARIED WIOELYt BUT WAS MOSTLY 1-5 MU G-KG OIL. IT WAS ALSO~FOUNO IN COTTONSEED OILS* FACILITY: ALL UNION RES. INST..FATSp USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: ~620.18.539. MALANIIN, Yu. M., KAVERINA, S. N., RZHEVSKAYA, I., Ya., SHULEPOV, V. I., YUDKOVSKIY, S. I., Moscow "Study of Various Zones in a Welded Joint in Molybdenum by Methods of Internal Friction and Electron Microscopy" Moscow, Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov (The Physics and Chemistry of Materials Processing], No 6, Nov-Dec 73, pp 123-126. Abstract: It is demonstrated that the high probability of formation of cracks in the zone around a welded seam in molybdenum results from the disappearance of the cellular structure of the metal during welding, the sharp drop in solubility of interstitial impurities and the separation of carbide particles, around which significant local phase hardening occurs. USSR UDC 539.67 VERNER" V. D.J PIGUZOV., Yu. V.,, and RZHB _T_. Ya. IrRelaxation Spectrum of Molybdenum. Governe- d by Incorporation Impurities" Bb. "Vnutrenneye treniye v metallic-heskikh materialakh" (Internal Friction in Metallic Materials), Moscow, Izd-vo Vauka%~1970, pp 61-65 Abstract: Results of an investigation are presented Which make it possible to explain the complex relaxation spectrum in molybdenum with a substantial con- tent of impurities. A graphic resolution of a comlex 220-degree peak, obtained in molybdentun vith oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon additions, is presented. The shape of the oxygen and carbon solubility lines in a solid molybdenum- based solution is refined and the true diffusion.coefficients of these elements are detennined. 2 tables, 5 figures, 3 references. 65 USSIIII VDC: 539.4:624.011 RZH---VSijY, V. A. and 'LSIPENYUH, I. F. -ions of Elastic and Blastopinstic S-5ysterais to "Com-Daring tAe React Seismic Actions" Tr. Kishinev. politeklin. in-t (Transactions of the Kishinev Poly- technical institute) 1970, iiic. 21 -pp 186-191 (frorn No. 2, Feb 71, Abstr,-,ct ILtb. 2V954~ ,,ivr--n of investi- t-wis of the lliotion Translation: Results are g a of eiastic-,;lastl ic single-mass uscillat-ors. The depandence be- tween the mass displace!.acats and t,*ae restoring force is given iri the form of a Prandtl di_-eram.. 11he exturnal action is snecified in ts'z,,:; form ofL -a stationary liaarwonic C-oceleration a-opli.~,d to t?ie base of -he oscillator. I numericr~l solution of th_-'~ differcntial equations of motion eras realized lelith the con.pater for a large number of var-4--ants of the oscillator parameters. '.^'he fre- 112 USSR RZMVSKIY, V.A., et al, Tr. Kishinev. politekhn. in-t, 1970, No 21, pp 186- 191 (from RM-Mekhanika~ No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 211954) quencies of srall line-ar oscillations were varied relative to the plastic de-for-natIon and' thu yield point. Tlie coilclusiun v.-as drawn that the maximum def orma-uiorn of. the ela stic-P1---'_,7 tic and 'F,~lastic oscillator differ subsiantially from each other in a narrow range of frequencies close to the resonance zone, respondinj to tiie equality of frequencies o-f tile external action and the natural oscillations of the oscillator in the elastio re:"ion. -k'-In -oria basis of some lcr-ical discussion, th--,a conclusion i8 dravm that the mic load on a reinforced concrete structur- can:be det;~rriiin-:~d -without con-c--iderin,-,. ---he Dlastic def orma t-ions; i.e., as in elastic systerts. Ya. 14. Ayzenberg 2/rP WRI-WIMM Aeronauticail. USSR UDC: 621.822.5 BELOUSOV, A. I., TIZIR I P. KASHIN, B. bf. , RUBIIICIIIK, Yu. G., Kuy- byshev "Order of the Red Bqnner-Ef Labor" Aviation institute im-eni Acade- mician S. P. Korolev "A Throttle for a Hydrostatic Bearing" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 5, Feb 73, Author's Certificate No 364773, Division F, filed 18 Dec 70, published 28 Dec 72, p 107 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a throttle for a hydro- static bearing. The device contains an insert of M porous material accom- modated in a housing. As a distinguishing.feature of the patent, provision is made for regulating hydraulic characteristics and improving-operational properties. The throttle is equipped with a control device Made in the form of a washer with channels for passage.of lubricant which rests on the porous insert and is compressed by a nut mounted in the housing. 1/2 USSR BELOUSOV, A. I. et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 364773 2/2 USSR UDC 621-371.029.6 RZHEVSKIY, V. V., XORENBERG, Ye. B., ORLOVSYJi.YA, E. D., and _~~T M. D. "Experimental Investigation of the Propagation of IUD' Radio 1,'aves in Tunnels and %line Shafts" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. 1?o ras-prostr. radiovoin. Tezisy do)[1. Sekts. 6 (Tenth All-Union Conference on the Propagation of Radio Waves; Report Theses; Section 6--collection of works) "Naulka," 1972,-pp 66-72 (from M--Radiotekhnika, No 10, 1972, Abstract 11o iOA393) Translation: The investigation was conducted in tunnels of the sub- Way, lined t7ith tubine (circular cross section) and in mine shafts (rectangular cross section), sunk in &ypsum strata. Results of the measuromenls showed that in rectilinear patho, the attenuat-ion is comparatively low; this permits use of: U11F waves for the transmis- sion of inform-tion along shafts. In: paths with turns, there is a substantial addition to the weakening ~f the -field, and retransla- tors are needed for the transmission,of information. Four illus- trations. 1-1. S. 58 - USSR UDC 621-371.029.6 RZ Y,,, VV. KORD14BERG, Ye. B.,011ZLOVSK&YA, ~E. D. I and BEL', M. D. "Propagation of Broad-Band UIT Signals in Tunnels and Shafts" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. I-onf._po rasT)r6str. Tezisy dokl. Belts. 6 (Tenth All-Union Conference on the Piopa,4_-ation of Radio Waves; Report Theses; Section 6--collection of works) 1111auka, 11 1972, pp 64-67 (from RZh--Rad.Jotekhnika, No 10, 1972, Abstract Ho 1OA392) Translation: BExperiments investigating the passage of Pulse signals in the tunnels of the Moscow subway are described. Triangular radio pulses 0.08 As wide at half value were used, with a period ,Liti of repeu on at ~oo lAo,on a carrier frequency of 2200 Miz. To detect distortions of broad-band signals, televizion images were transmitted along shafts and in ;the tunnel of the oubvjay. Results ofthe experiments showed that the distortion of the pulse fronts did no' exceed 0.02/As; the raultibeam nature of the propagation has no effect on the accFacy of U-1 signal transmission; the qua- lity of the TV transmission is good. Three iliustratuions, bifi- liography of one. N. S. 1/1 UDC: 621.-LiOlu'.945 RZHEVSKIY, V. V., Edi-for I'lauchn. tr. :-~aosk. i-n-t Trann -act ions-, of th-- cow !Anin.,, lustitute' -r,~E;cc-w, 1970, 95 pp, illue3'rat~.d, 25 konp-Ics U --L;h -'~ad 11 ..1 111 112() 1.- .. ro. -ii , 3, I:arc' 71, j'bstrl ct - 3 4 Tr-amslaticn: 'his collec'-ion is, devotA 'o i)rob'b-!:!s in V-- choic- Of fr,~~quvnc, ,c d V-I~-, fol?m 0" ipodula!-ion, trazym-ission condi- y r~njjr; r tiolls of radio i,.,av-s throuf-h a n-cdium e,-nd I on r- e o shalts, tli c,,, ice of o;)-limal transmiss-i,:;n chamctt;r-istics for minin-r, ra!-lio co.-,mmi- catio ns und,-~r conditions c-i~ normal oper,10-ion, and emergency '-ork. V. Ch. UNCL ASS I F1,70 0ATr---13N0l/70 TITLE-~tU._Al,-ioLATE CA14LYLLI.) DEC0,NJU,;j%TI ON AUTHOR- (133) -SH !511K INA A.A., RZHUNIKOVi V.M., PfV,%'TTSK1Y, K.K. C CUN T R YOF INF-03--USSIFR S OURC E Li I PP IR . S MED I N1970, 46( 1138-9 DATE MiL ISHED - - - - - - -70 --BIOLOGICAL AND 0 1 C A L -SUBJECT AREAS SCIENCES, CHEMSTRY TOPIC TAGS--ANURQGEN-j ALCGHGLYSIS, CHROMATOGRAPHY CON'Tl UL Ukv 1 NG--,Wj' R E S Ti~ I CT I GNS OOCUME:~r CLASS--U;';CLASSlFlEo 'PROXY STEP t-.$U-~~-U,%103').3/7(-1/006/()01/013?3/~)139 ACCCSSIGIN N03--AP01-1175 212 01.6 WICL ASS[ F IEL) VROCESSPNG UATE--13iN,3V70 E .CIRC ACCESSIOINI ,411--AP0131175 ABSTRACT/EXTIRAICT-W) (;P-0- A P,.; TC T D EC QNJ U'G7 A T I oil 0 FI A % D I I P, Y TE-;,T-i"UOK INI TERT-3U01H 16 H.4, 20JEG:~EES) WAS OBSID. FROM THE C,RULJ-C P4,f)DUCTSY III G",, IV 'dERE 06TA PIEU 6Y LPI SIG) SU.1~2 1F3ZPE-7~"':-:.NT) . IV is RAPILOLY OXIDII-HD TO V FRIDM 1WHICH VI wAS 0`1ffAI.%.;7D (59PERCENIT) 6Y CHRdMAT3,k'-,. ON AL SUU2 0 -SUB3. ANA3CL IC ACTIVITY [IN THE triYOP HERSCHBEdGER 11~53) OF TH& HYDROXY, DIKETOPIES (VI ) 4~ND OXY KETONES (VII ) i.44S Fi':Ut%.'L) TO, BE 20PF-;'\*GENT, OF THE ANATLJIIIL IC ANJ ANG;~CGEN I . -1 ) EFFECT OF TESTOSTER0,N-f-': P;03PiONATE. FACILITY: 1,11sr. FKSP. EM00KRINOL. K1-11-1-1. MOSCJ~', USSR* ~,A ce j JPRS 547&7 23 Deccnhcr 1971 UDC 621.311-25.62-C17-53E.001-5 RELSASE VAT.VF ralz r;r)*jEcTmr urvMICALLY SEAUD ARL%S OF ATOMIC P014ER STATIONS [Arifele'by B. yu. V. nical -Institute; NoLc". No P, Is7l, pp A2-653 kadloactive matarlijis ara fvr.:.,cd ana accumilated in the r~cctcr and ccKAont durlng the operntion of an atomic power rtaticna. Tbe of theiv leikzre and mprcad throui,,hvit the neighborhood o! the I zzatZtni rt-pre. sentD a daneer. UeakaZ~ ofradioactivc products Fr-_=m The lc>~,,) rmy occur under wirz-al optration throu.-h leiks in th(i ecu!;-,.tnt, th.Mj-1 reactor cvarloods, and, uhat In most vith & 't-eak izi.thc radioactiveccc,Lzmt loops ?P-tbods for-pl-eyenting contamin;ttlon oe "-he cl- vlrowwnt Gre.deter-=ined.17y the cwicopt of maximum accielent. Yrst viden-pread is the thooT-1 accordinr to which one should take Into account z~~ p=ribility of instanVj~cov% of El.c line of groatruDt dia=eter This has 1L~I to the developm,~nt of shielding she 111-cont3itir5 inte.-A~4 im -A.-lin all the coolant considering the entrV of residual heat r*leace, tn_d th. onargy of axother-mal rsactions which ray occur at high ~Lvptrar"re% between the core materialz and the coolant. Mother, lasn widespread concPpt of the mximtAm accideitt is tzi~c~i on 0,;p(-rIvncc In usina pipolinos in ordinary thennal power steiticzz. Ar~alysiD of statIlatical data on rop-ttircs of lines showed that -.he prol~azz__,.~tv of their damage for rz--ons of an operational nature is very zttall bird ra~'_-~ze3 W;th an Increaac In the dianotei, of he 11ina. Since corroaloa and fat.ii,,%., darage develop slowly, they may he observkA and prevented in tine undmn zcrrect Control. In ruptures of lines of small diameter, rielting of the reacter cc-e or damage to it in a laxge scale can be prevented in general or at leart 'In the Initial stage of tho accident. These considerationg have led the USSR ttec. Nr: Abstracting~-Service: Ref. Code: AF0049309- CHMICAL ABST. S-70 u R O;zA (0 103984q ceacuiation, U the bond tae in MOWS. 12-2 f B; 't. (USSkI. Porash. Mef~:.1970, 10(l); 66-8'.~Russl-vvvt o-IjJ'WTZhtinuatiOII of 'the previous Work I an the bond energy and equil. interat. distances in metals K, Ca,Sc, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr,-Xb, Cs, Ba, and La, by means off th .e ap.plication of th~, model~of the $'free- electrons and '.'impenetrable- ionic cores.~ The calcd. data are in good Weement with the expd. datta.' The com- pressibility was c~,dcd. for a majority of the enumeiated m0als. The theoretical comortsiibility values correslionding to the single crystals differ by 20-35~,,v from the expd. data obtauled on BeIns- cryst. samples. S.A. Merr-ol, REEL/ FWIE USSR SAAD ELIDIN, 34., DUBININA, YE. M., SPIVAK, G. V., VOLKOVA, T. V, "Using Pol~mer Films for Studying 'Microf ield3 With a Transmi3sion- Type Electron Nlicroscopa" 2ayt, Vol 34, Moscow, Izvestiya Akaderdi Nauk, Seriya Fizishosk No 7, 1970, pp 1567-1569 Abstracli: This paper investigates films formed on the surface of sDecimens under electron bombardment of condensing nonomer vapor, These polymer 'ilms are used for investigating the struc- tu--o of surface nicrofields at superaptical magnification. A curve is given showing the thialmesses of -,,,-he fil:= investi,cl-ated as a fmnction of the Doi-ter of the olectron bean caasing the poly- -aerization. The 'ilm~- were obtained both in a -high vacuum n-nd U J. under glow discharge conditions, and the objects of the research were D-,-. -.1`11-1-1con diodes, The electron boa-ra wria gonarated by a 11-hree-electrods gun, and the electron energy iras kopt at t,ho level of tens of electron volts to increase their sensit'iv-;ty to the microfialds and reduce the 4-A=ber of secondary cloctroni with high velocity dispersions. Images of the coba,lt donain structure were also obtained. This and ot-hor photomicrographz illustrate 1/1 the arj --18SEP70 0 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE .TITLE--ORGANOSILICON AMINES USED AS CORROSION INH[BIYORS--U- '.4UTH0R-(05)-SHREYBER, G.K., SAAKIYAN, L.S., LOSEV, V.B., ALKHAMEDAN, KH.r SKRIPCHENKO, V.I. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAD) 1970p 43(l) 200-2 ~~DA.TE PUBLISHED ------- 70 !,SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS -JOP I CTAGS--CORROSION INHIBITOR, ORGANDSILICON COMPIOUND, AMINE DERIVATIVE ONT R 0 LM4RK1NG--N0 RESTRICTIONS .-OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1983/0300 STEP NG--UP/0050/70/043/'301/0200/OZOI CIRC -ACCESSIGN N,3--AP0051285 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIEU: PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 C'IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0053285 ~74BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CORROSION INHIBITING ACTIVITIES OF THE TITLE COMPDS.t RS11GET) SUB3 (1)p WHERE R EQUALS H SUB2 N(CH SUB2) SUB3 PRIME NEGATIVE, ET SUBZ N(CH SUB2) SUB3 PRIME NEGATIVE, ET SUB2 NCH SUB2 PRIME NEGATLVE, PHNHCH SUB2 PRIME NEGATIVE, H SUB2 JN(CH SUB2) SUB6 NHCH SUB2 PRIME NEGATIVE, H SUB2 N(C SUB2 H SUB4 NH) SUB2 (CH SUB2) SUR3 PRI14E NEGATIVE, AND H SUB2 NIC SUB2 H SUB4 NH) SUBZ CH SUB2 PRIME INEGATIVEr WERE DETD. fTHE RESULTS ARE GIVEN IN TA:BULAR FORM AS PERCENT PROTECTIVE ACTION) AT VARIOUS TEMPS. AND CONcNS. -_-OF I.. I CONTG. POLYAMINE GROUPS WERE MOST EFFECTIVE. 'CLASS[FIEO ~-RCJCESSING DATE--23(!CT70 1/2 020 UN PLANE CONTACT PkOi3LEM OF THE THEORY OF ELASTICITY FJR A CIRCULAR RING -U- -~.',AUTHOR-(02)-84BLOYAN, A.Aav SAAKIANt V.G. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SCURCE--AKADE.MIIA NAUK ARMIANSKOI SSR, MEKHANIKA, VOL. 23, No. IZVESTIIA, 1970, P. 3-17 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--MECH.v IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR, PHYSICS 'roPIC TAGS--ELASTICITY THEORYY METAL RINGf BIBLIOGRAPHY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FPAME--1997/1491 STEP NO--UP,/0430/70/02,31001/000'~/0017 I L 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0120278 PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.. SOLUTION Or- THE PLANE STRAIN PROBLEM FOR A CIRCULAR RING WHOSE INNER AND OUTEI',', BOUIINDARIES ARE LL3ADFD BY MORE THAN ONE IDENTICAL SYM4ETRICALLY VOSITIONeO R1010 PUNCI-IES WITH EQUAL DIMENSIONS ON EACH OF THE BOUNDARIES. ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO CASES WHERE THE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PUNCHES ARE OPPOSITE EACH OTHER AND WHERE THEY~ARE STAGGERED. THE PROBLEM IS REDUCED To THE SOLUTION OF A DUAL TRIGONOMETRIC SERIES SYSTEM WHICH IN TURN IS REDUCED TO TWO INFIN[TE SY-STE,',!S OF LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS. CONVENIENr FORMULAS ARE GIVEN FO,R CALCULATING THE CONTACT STRESSES AND RADIAL-DISPLACEMENTS. 'FACILIT-Y: AKADEMIIA NAUK ARMIANSKOI SSRt INSTITUT MATEMATIKI I MEKHANIKIt YEKEVANt ARME141AN SSR. USSR UDC 612.13-088.4 MI., SHEPOTINOVSKIY, V. I., and TITKOV, B. P., Rostov S" A., LUBE, V. Medical Inst'tute "The Regional Blood Circulation Studied by the Ultrasound Method" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii Meditsiny, No 5, 1971, pp 116-119 Abstract: A bloodless method of deep zonal ultrasonic sphygnography based on the principles of acoustic bioecholocation is described. It yields specific information about the state of any part of the vascular system regardless of its site (in bone canals, skull, soft tissues, etc.) or the amount of ultra- sound absorbed by the tissues surrounding a blood vessel. Aa ultrasonic sensor using a reverse and direct piezo affect emits short acoustic impulses toward a blood vessel under study and receives a signal reflected from it. If there is an increase in the volume of blood entering the vessel, its diameter widens, thereby increasing the area of the lateral reflecting sur- face. The amplitude of the reflected signal grows at t1he sane time. If there is a decrease in the volume of blood entering the vessel, its diameter narrows and the amplitude of the reflected signal decreases accordingly. 1/2 USSR SAAKOV, B. A., et al., Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii Meditsiny, No 5, 1971, pp 116-119 Thus, changes in the amplitude of the signal are proportional to the degree of blood supply of the vessel. These changes are recorded on an ink-writing device. 2/2 1 3N q V 7 0 112 012 U N C L A Sp S IF I E 0 PKOC(7. )ING DATL ~,T1TLE--S1]LF;fYj4YL Gi~JUIPS I;, THE wATE;; SIJLL)t~b.:: PRf Tl:j*~j~ OF IN THE Q. COUkSE 0~ f~XPERI!VNTAL ALLr:rtG1G "t-CEPHALOMYELITIS -IJ- --(0Z)-SAAK0V, i.A., TRAPEZ0,"ITSEVAI HeA. AUTHOR -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .:.S0U4CE--PA Ti-,'L,'uGICHf5KtiYA FIZIOLOGIYA I E KSP Ell 1 "IEN TAL ':JAYA rEiiAPIYA, 1970, i -:VOL 14, N"k 3, ~P 59-61. ~',~'D A T EPUBL I S~iEi) ------- 70 ~:SUBJECT ARFAS--8IGL&3ICAL AdD iMED I CAL SC I ENCE S I T IS, PAOTFIN, SOLUBILITY, ttiATER .TOPIC TAGS C CIN T R f3L M A P K I NIG- ---3 K E 5 TK I C T I G IN s DOCU3ENT CLASS-01'ICLASS11 let) PROXY S TE p INJO-Ulk /03961 V)l 0 1 tt /00 1 /00 5') /0 Ob I G IR c A c E 5S IN, j U - - A 10 0 12 621 5 If L S J) F 1 1) PROCESSING UATE-13NOV70 2/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSI,'),',l NO-APOL26254 ABSTPACT/EXTRACT-W) GW-0- ABSTz(ACT. DEVELOPMENT OF E.XPE.,.~IME~MTAL 3Y. REDUCTIfliN OF ALLERGIC l:1,iCEPHAL0.'.,YLLITIS IN DOGS WAS ,0ACCOt4PA14j~,li:0 CONTENT OF SULF'IYDRYL GRUJPS 1;',l THE IWATER SOLUt3L'.-- P11,0rEINS OF THE CORTEX AND OF THE ',-iHILE MIATTER GF THE GREAT HEMISPHIERES. WARMING OF THE At .1 c -ESC EXTRAcrs CF W'TER SOLUBLE PR' T- INS AT 40DEGRE FCR 20 ;-IINUTES CAUSED AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF SJLFHYDRYL GROUPS IN THE PROTEINS GF THE BRAIN OF (.0,'l4lTk0L ANIMALS, AND A FALL IN THEIR CONTENT IN THE PArJT'r:INS OBTAIiNED FRO.A THE BRAINI Of: ANIMALS SUFFERING FROM. EINECPHALOMYELITIS. ~FACILITY: TSENTRAL'14AYA NAUCHNO fSSLED. LAC.6'~ATL)~,;IYA iWSTIOVSKOGO MEDITSPNISKOGO INSTITUTA. ikii4*mlmiiH[.,Hiiiiii:ldi-imilliTli"!IglmulgihN.~iaim~iip~iriuijuimfiiti malm