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USSR SERGIYOKO, LYMMILA, Leninskoye Znamya, 14 May 72, p 4 "Transportation calls for a great deal of effort! Sometimes a vessel travels for 2 or 3 days. The sun is scorching mercilessly. We stretch awnings over the deck, protect the backs of dolphins with moist- gauze covers, and take their cardiograms. If there is a storm, things are altogether bad, because the dolphins get seasick..." "You have been working with dolphins for 6 years. Have you had any favorites?" "Slavkal A white-sided dolphin. We caught him 5 years ago. Somehow we liked him immcdiaLaly. "Slavka had a slate black back and a sly Lwinkle in his eyes, When we arrived at the place, one of our a3sociates took Slavka in his arms (at: that time Slavka weierhed 80 kg). However, the dolphin played uritli his tall and our young colleague with the dolphin in his arms flew overboard. "Later on, when working wich Sla-vka, we became convinced that Slavka was unique. lie wau the first to begin grasping geometry, Md very successfully at that. At the sound signal 'ready, on your mark' he took up a position, 4/5 USSR SERGIYENKO, M-DMILA, Leninskoye Znamya, 14 'May 72, p 4 From a distance of 20 ri lie determined the contour of a Eigure and chose the required object correctly. Slavka learned to spend the trinter in cold water and to willingly swallow vitar.Ans hidden in fish. SlavIca refuted all the assumptions by scientists that white-sided dolphins train poorly. Inci- dentally, Slavka has lived in captivity for a long time, i.e., 5 years, and this is a record." 5/5 20 ..u2 036 UNCL AS S [IF I EO NG !)ArE--13NOV70 TITLE--ACUrE HYPOXIA TOLERANCE AFTER ~VAREOUS EXPOSURE. TIMIES 1%, MEDIUM WITH A HIGH CARBON DIOXIDE CONTENT -U- AUTHOR-f(12)-ACA0ZHANYANv N.A..9 SERGIYENIKOf R.V. CCUN'TRY CF INFO--USSR SCURCE--jAKAiJEiMlIA NAUK SSSRv DUKLADY,:VO. 19L, MAR. IL, 1970, 13. 487-489 DATE PUBLISHEC-11MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-HYPOXIA, ~,'HITE RATY CARBON.010XIDE, ALTITUDE ADAPTATION, ALTITUDE CHAMBER, HYPEpr-APNIA CQ"TROL MARKIN-,--j'40 RESTRICTIONS OCCUMEINT CLASS--IJNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAIME--1994/1092 STEP NO-UR/00213,e V` I /0C0 7'04 69 CIRC ACCEc)SICN NO-AT0115111 1 It P: 1, A _5_ S I F 1 F 0 2/2 036 UNCL ASS I FJ ED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0115111 AdSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- A-5ST!'RA-1-T. EXPERIMENTAL [INVESTIGATION OF THE BEHAVIOR OF THE HIGH ALr[TU[)E TOLeRANCE OF 'dHll*[-' RAI'S As A FUNCTION OF THE- EXPOSURE TIME TO A HYPERCAPNIC MEDIUM. THE ANIM4~LS WERE KEPT FOR 7 DAYS IN A CHM-ISER CONTAINING 6 PER CENT CARBON DIOXIDE ONURMAL OXIGEN CONTENT) AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE, A TEMPERATURE OF 25 DEG C, AND A RELATIVE HUMIDITY OF 89 PER CENT. ACUTE HYPOXIA TOLFRANCE WAS STUDIED IN AN ALTITUOL CHAMBER (12,000 t-1 AT AN ASCENT VELOCIrY OF 25 Ili-SEC). THE RESULTS INDICATE THAT TOLERANCE TO ACUTE HYPOXIA INCREASES AFTER EXPOSURE TO A HYPERCAPNIC MEDIUM FOR~A PERIOU OF ONE DAY, BUT DECREASED APPRECIABLY AFTER AN EXPOSURE TIME OF7 DAYS. FACILITY: INSTITUT tiEDIKO-BIOLOGICHESKIKH PROBLEMs NOSCOW, USSR. 7,,7' 7 1/~ C 14 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-LiDEC70 TITLE-f-ECTHERVAL ZCNALITY OF THE: COMPOSITION OF EASTERN CISCAUCASUS ?EJF6LV_UVlS -U- for F.A., SEkGlYENK0, S.I. :_-_CCuNTRY OF. 1,NfC--USSR ~~-51;W,(;E-DOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970, 193 1) 183-91 JATE PUhL AREAS-EARTh SCIENCES AND ()CEANOGRAPHYt MATI-RIAL S 10 P I CTAUS-STATICTICAL ANALYSISP PETk0LEUM DEPOSIT, TEMPERATURE MEMI SMEMEIN'T, GEOLOGY ~~-CCNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIGNS JUCUMENT CL;-SS--UNCLA5SIFIED -OXY FICHE f0C---FL)7C/b050b0/F03 srEp ~iO--UR/0020170/193/0,01/01~88/0191 P 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IIDEC70 ClkC ACCESS I OW NO-AT0144412 .ABSTkACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AbSTRACT, STATISTICAL ANALS. OF THE REGIONAL TEMP. VARIATICN-S IN PETROLEUM OF MESOZOIC PLIOCENE FORRATIONS IN EASTERN CISCAUCASUS ARE STUDIED. BASEU ON HIST06RAMS, A GOOD CORRELATION IS 'TRULEUMS. H iGl-i FOU NO bETVEEN SP. Gk., STD. DEVIATICN, AND TEMP. OF PE T EM P .HYDkOCARBONS EXIST IN T14E MESUZOIC f-ORMATIONS OF THE CARPATHIANsi AS~ UG ALS(] DISTINCT GEOTHERMAL ZONES. i Md-r. i Af F . .. ...... 1/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 _TITLE--PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS FORMING COMPLEXES WITH UREA -U- S.R.t AIDOGOYEV, A.v GARBACINSKIY, V.A. VOW --USSR ...COUNTRY OF INFO ~,SOURCE-IZV& AKAD. NAUK TURKM. SSR, SER. F[Z-TEKH., KH101. GEOL. NAUK 1970, (31t 46-53 PATE _PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ~.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYI MATERIALS, EARTH SCIENCGS AND OCEANOGRAPHY --UREA, T , X TOPIC TAGS PIETROLEUM PRoouc HYDROCARBONj (31i(;-ANTC COMPLE, COMPOUNUP PETROLEUM DEPOSITY GEOGRAPHIC LOC.AtION CWNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/17fl-9 STEP CIRC ACCF-5STON NO--AP0138702 2,Nr"=~27!f~! HIP ammmmmm-Ir- 'i . , , "'F~ 1 1 ; 1I '. ~ _ U_ - _rn -, ' - .1 mini _0 ~dft= 7-W 2/2 0 1 L UNCL ASS IF It'. 0 pl~clcc-s!i PIG CIRC ACCESSION 1140-AP0138702 Aq-STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTIR,ACT PARAFFIN CYCLOP41--~'AFF1 'i CONTENTS 1;J, DEAROMATIZED PETROLEUMS FROM THE EASTF~RN SHORE fA: THE !',ASPIAN '-,EA (RESP.i ZHETYBAf X.N0 UZE:i'l FROM THE MAINGYSHILAK P~::N;IINSULA. KOTUr"ITEPE "'N~l BARSAGELIMES FROM 'WESTERN TURKME~t AND SHURTE?E AiNID PaGM BUKHARA) WERE SHOWN ON MICROFICHf~. FACIL~rY: INST. KHEP4.l ASHKHABAD, USSR. 1/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30(3CT70 .TITLE--TH;_:RMAL DIFFUSION SEPARATION OF A MIXTUkE OF HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT . ISU"PARAFLIN AND HYBRID PARAFFIN-CYCLOPENTANE: HYCARBONS -U- ,.AUTHOR-(05) EMR111, Kqr S.R.v ERNEPESOV, D.N.t ERNEPESOVt KV.N.j KORCTKIYt Ao Go i MEL ?11K ..:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-DOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970, 19015), 1159-61 PUBLISHED ------- 70 -~,:SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL--SEPARATIONP PARAFFIN WAX3. CYCLOPENTANEr THERMAL DIFFUSION CONTROL M*ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/lIZ5 CIRC STEP NO--UR/0020/70/190/035/115911161 ACCESSION NO--AT0119979 I " UNIC LAS rl I F IE 0, ... ........ 2/Z 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ACCESSION NO--AT0119979 .ABSTR,ACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FRACTIONATING EFFECTIVITY OF A H SUBZ' 0 COOLED, THERMAL DIFFUSION APP, HAVfPJG HOT AND COLD WALL TEMPS. OF 125 AND 27DEGREES, RESP., AN&CONSESTING OF 2 COAXIAL 1.000 MM COLUMNS, THE OUTER 50 MM IN INTERNAL DIAM., SEPD. FROM THE INNER BY A 0.4 MM GAP CONTG. SPIRALLED WIRE, AND EQUIPPED FOR SAMPLE REMOVAL WITH NEEDLE VALVES AT 200 MM INTERVALSi WAS 99.,12 100.2, AND 105.4PERCENT AFTER 8t 10, AP40 12 HR DIFFUSION FOR A MIXT. OF EQUAL VOLS. OF CETANE AND.CECALIN (I)v SINCE CIS-1 AND TKANS-I BEGAN TO SEP. AFTER 10 HiRe FRACTIONATION FOR 12 HR OF A B. 350-4500EGREES CHELEKNE SEA PETROLEUM FRACTION HAVING RATIO (A-C) GF ISOPAkAFFIN PARAFFIN CYCLOPENTANE HYDROCARBONS 65:35, AV. MOL. WT& (BAR M) 280 AV d NO. 'K SUBO) OF RINGS-MOL. 1.2, D PRIME20 0.8303, AND N PRIMC20 SUBD 1.4585 YIELDED A FIRST Ffl(ACTION HAVING.A-C 90.5:9.5t M 2611 K SUBO 0.31 D PRIME20 Ov7939t AND N PRIME20 SUBD 1,4438, A FOURTH FRACTI04 HAVINGA-C e2:18t BAR 14 2861 K SU80 0.7t D PRIME20 0.81021 ANG N PRIME20,SUBD 1.4504, AND A TENTH FRACTION HAVING A-C 21.5:78.5, M 296t, K SU80 3#61 0 PRIMEZO 0.9139, AND..N PRIMELO SUBD 1,4840. IN THE ORIGINAL MIXT. AND THE RESP. FRACTIONS, THE NO. OF ME GROUPS-MOL. dAS 4.4, 34..4.7, AND 4.8 AND THE NO. OF CH SU32 GROUPS-MOL, WAS 6.9f 13.61 10.21 AND 1.2. COMBINED FRACTIONS 2v 31 AND 4 'WERE REFRACTIONATED TO PREP. NEARLY PURE ISOPARAFFINS. FACILITY: INST* KHIM.t ASHKHABAOt USSR* UNC LASS I F I ED A-15SR uDe 612.?)*.2+6i2.rj45 MMYLOV, V. Y., YEOAXOV, S. V., ABROSInov, V. V., SE, PqIYr,,_rzxOP _V. B,. , 1-1; 11114 :" _ _ ~ , P17s:Lology Department, State Central Institulile of Fh~rsiaa_l Cuiture, eild Biorachanics Sectort All-Union Scientific Reseaxch Imstitute of Physiwd caturet Moscow "Energy Vallue of Muscular Work Under Fatigue Conditit~nz" Leningradv Fiziologicheskiy Zhurna.1 BSSR ineni 1. M. Sechenovp Vol 560 No.9, 1972P pp I,.397-1p402 Abstracti HypotheseB regarding the mechianism of inr::,:var3o in th,~- erz~~rizy valup. of work are based on the fact that. arldltioiutl muaclei~ are st=ozicd in fatigue situations, changes hi the physical properties of tha n=cles, azd tion of ftuictions. Considering the possibility of fv.11-ligue by glycolyi;is of ve-spiration durizu,; muncular vork and the reductioti. in urygon consiziption in the case of acute fatigue, a role of activation al.,' glycolysis with low energy effect and sixultaneous supprension of the highly efficient o:c3t&tL&ve phosphorylation in the aeOwdsin of incrawal exp3naturer, duXing fatigue iG proposed. A study was made to chock the hypatheaea. of suonax Experienced bicylista doing a variabla ajanount of r. eapacity on a bicycle ergometer were t-ested -to detaritiirie the oxygen. need 1/2 -USSR MICKAYLOV, V. V. et al., Fiziologichealdy Zhurnal ~SISSR ~nteni 1. H. Sechenovt Vol 58, No 9, 1972, pp 1#39?-1;402 of ifork pe-riods uthich WOM stan~=d with n. ~speet to capaol ty and duration and also the veptative ared biometric Indexae. DurIng tho fatigue wriod, the oxygen d.--,nmA vas 104-i?,6,1-v" higher than otherwise. Tbvq phoacmerm of using additional nuscics in the pm-ence of fati&ue tzot fun:~Uonllng provioubly and also discoordiii-m-Lion of the funotioaa irv= not detectad In the study. An increaze in vork value init-Obe =e of fatigue ime caumid by recruiting additional mator units of the pr1rexy iforking muscle,4i azA also activation of glycolysis with low energy efficiency.. 2/2 USSR uDc 612.741 M]DWAYLOV, V. V., ~AMTOV, G. M., ABROSIMOV, V. V., and SEB IF nNKO V. B. Department of Physiology, State CentralInstitute of* V, Culture, and Biamechanics Sector, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture, Moscow "Effect of Switching Levels of Functioning of Muscles DurIng Rhythmic Worle' Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR, No 8, 1971, PP lj128-1,133 Abstract: The value of changing levels of muscular activity was studied in 18 athletes during 10 minutes of work on an ergometer bicycle involving, two dif- ferent methods of pedaling (downward and circular) differing in amount of effort involved, rhythmic structure, and distribution of exertions. Analysis of the oxygen demand and tracings of electromyograms of 22 wiscles revealed the down- ward technioue to be more efficient than the circular in terms of the energy expended. However, alternating the two mthods proved to be more efficient than when either was used alone. Switching levels of functioning of muscles improves the blood flow and thereby prevents the formation of foci of local 'fatigue. 61 Ref' Code: UR 0239 Acc. Nr; AP003702e zhunial SSSR, 1970, Vol 56, PRIMARY SOURCE: Fiziologiche-s~iy Nr 2, pp 016* - Q 10 STUDIES ON INITIAL PPRIODSOFINIUSCULAR ACTIVITY IN TRAINED SUBJECTS P _S. V. Mikhaylov V. V.; Abrosiniov'-V. V.; Voznyak, Semashko, S.18.-,- Sergiyen 0- 170 B "Pi-TY-5 T -V -. e - - a] 0ilture, and the Lab. Dept. " 6,-:1. Con 0"ITVSTC of Monicch;llics. the Nationat lies. Institute ol PHysicat Z;ulture, Moscolv Increised energy cost of initial stozo and during submaximal work performed by sportsmen on a hicycle ergoineter rightafter less intensive work, is dizcovered as compa- red with energy expenditures undeor a steady state condition. VnInes of Clio electric activity of 12 museles of legs, arms and body. of the efforts applied to turn the pedals ond shown by dynamogram, and of oxygen demand during various periods of work, are compared, Increased energy expenditures (luring initial work periods are rogirded from the view- point of a possible role of anaerobic reactions prevailing over aerobic those, spreading of excitation over the C. N. S. and energy expenditure overcoming inerLia of the niecha- nical system. REEJ/FRAME 1972 956 Acc. Nr: AP00347644" Ref .Code: UR 0241 PRIMARY SOURCE: Medi tsinskaya Radiologiya, 1970, Vol 345, Nr 1 pp IDENTIFICATIONT OF FOCAL LESIONS ON. SCANNOGRAMS Ignat'yev, U. V.; Serebryanyy, E. G.; Sergiyenko, V. B.; -Summary nlaM, Experiments -%,vhich helped io establish regularities making po~,.Mble for the physicians to read scannograms and identify local lesions on them ate described. Information cha- racteristics are presented and recommendations substanflated, fatilitating the choice of optimal scanning conditions. REEL/FRAME 0 1917:11474 MR ~ ~%Jjf, UDC 537.3-1-1.33 0 r; Y VANY-1-10V S . GlUE LIS, e and SEIRG "Blectron--l-lole jvnc+.ion in a Diamond Obtained T11---oudi the Inf il- tration of Boron and Thos-,horus Ions" Tlosco~,,,, Dol--lad- A'~a-ie-nii neuk 4, vol, 200, 1071, P, p 821-824 Abstract-: TI-e -results nre j7iveii of -2~_rformed to estab- lish a ~-n- J.-.22-cticn, in :.11~=,onds -OTT -::e C;r --e~hod. 0 T .0 wl~as u:3(_,6 [,,-- thc accc-~.-o_r i~:,-purity lancl E-~ -.hc. Jonor. T--c rcascll~; f or ;,lli~ .~:erc "ha-11-1, 1-1 u.- V group Ln 0-- an,- ilziatan,,al' do-,"Or, has the of and that, on tullIC i=_ls Of the Cra7l- 0' :-r:a Of J-i-r~3 an- f i'l te c 6 -;u- c f, n`,c ass,,L:i.7_.d t'-.2A of eon or ce t E, 1-1 can be ob -U`~~. in-ad -.. i t'.: t 1-.e _-:"e dosa~-e ol phowphorus- can be Suc,. t r C U- iL, ator's as L-d .2 f'. -11 C u r - S r 1 D "I C) E! I, G t 0 i I S -.Ie I f of` and for 11-1,e~ ol th. junc- tion as tation c o. n c'Li, u-, 7-r V. 3 - et al, D-~-! adv -mil-PI49-1i i 1971, PP 821-824 4, vol. 2C0, CorresPondi2j~- _'ezzber o, -1e o-:' Sciences, for his sup- W L -y port ol' u., - c Ork., to Gusev 7 ~or hi-s assjs~,~-cc -,.7i th the tration 1, 1 u __ - to -Po. , nts, A. e OV and Yu. ali'-ov ~cr their ilel~) e ,.2 e a sit; r o m e r, t s .-he Etre as2oc" iatued -v.-ith the Lebedo-,r -'-.Iyoics inzt-ill-l-Ite, U'~-- cader- o--~ ;jci -112 042 UNCLASSIFIED OROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF N AND P TYPE SEMICONDUCTOk DIAMONDS PREPAqED BY AN [ON INJECTION METHOD DURING STEPPED ISOCHPONOUS ANNEALING 'AUTHOR-(04)-VAVILOVi V*S.t GUSEVAr M.I.VKONOROVAt E.A.t SERGIYENKO, V.F. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~:SOURCE-FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROV. 1970, 4(l) 10-16 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSt EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--DIA.40ND, LITHIUMv COPPERv POTASSIUM# ALUMINUM, BORON, IONIZATIONP ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITYi SEMICONDUCTOR CRYSTAL, ANNEALING .CE,'NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAMF--198311469 STEP NO--URi'0449/7D/004/001/001010016 CIAC ACCESSION NO--AP0054325 UtNC L A S S 11: 1 F 1) "P" AMR, i PER .PROCESSING DATE--l35'-P70 212 042 UNCLASSI FIED .CIR'C ACCESSION NO--AP0054325 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ELECs COND. OF SEMICONDUCTOR DIAnOND LAYERS OBTAINED BY INJECTION OF LI, C, P, AL, AND 8 IONS WAS STUDIED. INJECTION OF Lit C, AND P IONS LEADS TO THE FORMATION OF AN N TYPE LAYERo WHILE T14E INJECTION OF AL AND B LEADS TO A RHO TYPE LAYER. THE ELEC. cOND. ACTIVATION ENERGY IS 0.25-0.45 EV. DURING ISOCHRONDUS STEPPED ANNEALINGi THE ELEC9- CONO* OF THE LAYERS DOPED WITH 8 FALI-St AND THEN INCREASES WITH INCREASING TEMPo TO A VALUE SEVERAL ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE HIGHER THAN THE ORIGINAL. ON PROLONGED ANNEALING AT 1200DEGREES, THE COND. OF PREVIOUSLY ANNEALED LAYERS DOES NOT CHANGE. THREE VALUES OF THE ELEG. COND. ACTIVATION ENERGY WERE 013SD: 0.2 PLUS OR MINUS 0o0"9 0.29 PLUS OR MINUS 0.02v 0*;!9 PLUS OR MINUS 0.02t AND 0.4 PLUS OR MINUS 0-0-2-- EV. THIS AlTkI-BUTED. TO.. THE- PRE$ENCE OF RADIATION ZEFECTS. IN.SPECIMENS DOPED WITH Lit Cs Pp AND AL., THE CONO. BEGINS TO DECREASE AT AN ANNEALING TEMP. OF 600DEGREFS, WHILE AT HIGHER TEMPS. THE AESISTANCE OF THE LAYERS IS RESTORED ALMOST TO THAT OF THE UNDOPED CRYSTAL* i/2 041 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--ISSE970 TtTLE--HALL EFFECT IN P TYPE SEMICONDUCTOR DIAMONDS OOPED WITH BORON BY THE ION INJECTION METHOD -U- AUTHOR-(04)-VAVILOV, V.S.9 GUSEVAt M.1.1 KONOROVAj E.A~t, SEIGIENKO, V.F. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROV. 19TOo 4(l) 17-22 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSt EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--HALL EFFECT, SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALP DIAMONDo BORONt IONIZATION, IMPURITY SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROL M4RKING-N'O RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED TROXY REEL/FRAME--1983/1468 STEP NO--UR/0449/701004/001/0017/0022 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054324 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 041 UNCLASSIFIED CtRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054324 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE HALL EFFECT AND CARRIER MOBILITY IN SEMICONDUCTOR DIAMOND LAYERS DOPED WITH 8 BY [ON INJECTION WERE STUDIED THE '4EASUkEMENTS WERE CARRIED OUT AT 300-1200DEGREES K. THE PLOT OF THE LOG R SUBS (THE MEASURED HALL CONST.) VS 1-T EXHIBITS A -MAX. IN THE SAME TEMP. REGION IN WHICH A DISCONTINUITY IS-OBSD. IN THE PLOT OF LOG SIGMA VS. I-T (WHERE SIGMA IS THE ELEC. COND.), THIS BEING A CONSEQUENCE OF THE FORMATION OF AN IMPURITY ZONE. AT THE DOPING LEVEL USED, THE IONIZATION ENERGY OF THE B ACCEPTOR LEVEL WAS 0.19 EV. THE OOSD, ACCEPTOR LEVELS OF THE RADIATION DEFECTS HAD fONIZATION ENERGIES OF 0.29 AND 0.4 EV. AT 500-600DEGREES K, THE MOBILITY IS 30-50 CM PRIME 2-V_SECj AND DECREASES WITH RISE IN TEMPo THE OBSD. RELATION BETWEEN AND TEMP, CAN BE EXPLAINED BY THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE .~:.~CARRIERS AND THE IONIZED IMPURITIES AND LATTICE VIBRATIONS, ASSUMING DUE _~_'--ALLOWANCE 15 MADE FOR THE FACT THAT THE IMPURITY CONCN. IS NOT UNIFORM OVER T14E LAYER-THICKNESS. Analytical Chemistry USSR UDC 543.422.14,i-541.49+54-6,831/8'-,-~2 SERGIUNKO, V. I., DAVIDOVICH, R. L., IEVCHISUNTA, T. F., SKIZADNEV, Yu. N. 4QveIffT9tPj'Dopartment, Far Eastern Branch, Siberian Department Acad. Sci. USSR) OInfrared Absorption Spectra of Zirconium and Hafnium. Itaxafluorocomplexes" Moscow, izvesiya Akademiyi Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya. No 5, _~L-y 70, pp 1021-1025 Abstract: In the present uork are presented the results of the study on the infrared -spectral absirptionlof hexafluorozirconates arid hexafluoroHehafnates of the composition; _.'-.i2EF6 W = Li, K, Rb, CS). 6H20 (xii- + Ni, Co, Fe, F6 - 4H20 in which Arl o ii MrAEF6 - 5dZO and CuE represent a vionovalent, - and A divalent cations and (EF6)2-- represent the octahedral ions in the crystal molecules (E + Zr, E -"). Th.e sDectra of all herzfluorocomplexes of zirconium and hafnium with divalent cations showed strong absorptIkon in the jegions 4oo-800, 1600-1700, and 2900-3,000 cm-1. In the region 4,70-4-)5 cal- thW-re is a strong absorption which agrees with the phase of the monovalent complexes. From Ue analysi the infrared spectra it,becomes evident that the --roups (ZrF6) and (HfF6, are present in all specimens studied. 112- 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ,TITLE--IR SPECTRA OF M SUB2 UO SUBZ F tUB4 H SUB2 0 COMPLEXES -U- AUTHOR-(02J-SERGlEhKOi V.I.v GAVIDOVICVv R.L. OF INFO-USSR ~,SOURCE-SPECTROSC. LETT. 1970, 3(2), 35-42 PUBLISHED--70 SUI~JECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ,TOPIC TAGS-IR SPECTRUM, URANIUM COMPOUND, COMPLEX COMPOUND, RUBIDIUM COMPOUND, CESIUM COMPOUND IMARKING-K RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO :PROXY REF-L/r-RAME-2000/1679 STEP NO~-US/(jOOO/70/003/002/003510042 ~~CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0125300 UNCLASSIFIED 21Z OZ3 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125300 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--( U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE IR SPECTRA (50-4000 CM PRIME NEGATIVElJ WERE RECORDED OF M SUB2 UO SUaZ F SUB4 XX PRIME 0 CM EQUALS R8, CS; Xv X PRIME EQUALS H, 0). THEASYM. UG SU8Z PRIME2 POSITIVE STRETCHING FREQUENCIES (855 AND 847 CM PRIME NEGATIVEL FOR COMPOS. WITH .4 EQUALS R8 AND CS RESP.) ARE CONSIDERABLY HIGHER THAN THOSE OF THE '--URRESPCtk'DING M SU83 UO SU82 F SU85, VERY NARROW (HALF WIDTH 3-5 C14 PRIFE NEGATIVEI) SYM. UO SU82 PRIME2 POSITIVE STRETCHUNG VIBRATIONS WERE U-36SO. AT 614 CM PRIME NEGATIVEI. THEU-0 FGRCE CONST. (6.40 MILLIDYNES-AINGSTROM) IN BOND CRDER (2.141 AND THE U-F 6OND URUER 10.430) ARE HJGffER IN R8 SU82 UO SUB2 F SU84 H SU62 0 THAN IN Rb SUB3 U0 SUBZ F SU85. ANAL. OF THE OH AND OD VIBRATIONS Ih-DICAfE STRONG H BONDS (BONO ENERGIES 2.5-4.0 KCAL-IMOLE)t TH; PRESENCE OF 2 KINDS OF H SUc32 0 MOLS.1 AND STRONG COURVINATIUN OF H SUB2 0 IN THE COORDINATIUN SPHERE OF UO SU82 PRIME2 POSITIVE. IN M SUB2 UO SUB2 F SU34 H SUJ2 Or THE COORDINATIUN POLYHEDRON IS A DISTORTED PENTAGONAL DIPYRAMID WHOSE EWUATURIAL PLANE CONSISTS OF 4 F ATOMS AND I H SU82 0 MOL. UNC LASS I F I E 0 112 029 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DArE--090CT70 :TITLE--19, ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF THE M SU83 UO SUB2 F SU85 LOMPLEXES -u- R.L. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-SPECTROSC- LETT. 1970, 3(l), 27-34 DATE PUBLISHED----70 .....S46JECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ~':TOPIC TAGS--IR SPECTRUMi, URANIUM COMPOUND, COMPLEX COMPOUNO, AlIM3NIUM COMPOUNor HYDROGEN BONDING, FLUURINE CQUfROL, MARKIING--NO RESTRICTIONS DUCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASS11LIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1992/1856 STE. PNO_--Ur)/ 00,00/ 10 loo.if o6 I loa;~ 7/ olio iti CIRC ACCLSSION N(J--AP0llZ840 212 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-090CF70 GIRC ACCESSIUN N0--lAP0llZ840 .AbSTRACTIEXTI'ACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE IR SPECTRA 01~ UO SUBZ Pf%llhFZ -4 1 1UG SU82 F SU551 (14 EQUALS NA, Kt R8i CS, OR NH SUB4 POSITIVE It 4 SU83 ' PRIME POSITIVE) AT 180-4000 CM PRIME NIEGATIVEI ARE DESCRIBED AND THE LHAAALTEkISTIC BANDS ARE ASSIGNED. THE ASYMI. STRiTCHING ~-REQUENCY OF Uo SU62 PRIMEZ POSITIVE EXHIBITED A REGULAR DEPENDENCE ON THE M IONIC RADIUS, EXCEPT WHEN M EQUALS NH SU84 PRIME POSITIVE, APPARENTLY OWING To THE F6RMATION OF H BONUS bETWEEN NH SU84PRIME POSITIVF- A,,4'0 F IN THE COMPLEX. FACILITY: F. E. DEP., SIB. 8R., VLADlVOSTOK, USSR. -LASSIFIED .112 017 UNCLASSIFIED PRUCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-HEPAIGRENAL INSUFFICIENCY 114 MECHANICAL JAUNDKE CAUSED 13Y CHULEGOCHGLITHIASIS -U- AUTHOR-SERGIYENKO, V.S. CQUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SCURCE--KLINICHESKAY4 MtOITSINA, 19709 VOL 481 NR 6s PP 58-63 DATE PUEL ISHED----70 SUbJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL :SCIENCES -LIVERt KIDNEY, JAUNDICEs GALLULADDERt HEMORRHAGE TCPIC TAGS CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--U, NCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0105 STEP NU--UR/04-97X70/048/006/0058/00(-)3 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0129363 UNCLASSIFIED- un, 212 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7C CIRG ACCESSIGN NO--AP0129363 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. OUT OF 145 PATIENTS OBSERVED IN A SURGICAL HOSPTIAL BETWEEN 1965-1967 FOR MECHANICAL JAUNDICE ASSOCIATED WITH CHOLEDLICHOLIYHIAS!S 75 WERE OPERATED UPONX IN THE POSTOPERATIVE -PERIOD IN 47 CASES THERE WAS HEPATORENAL INSUFFICIENCY OF MODERATE AND SEVERE FORM, IN 23, MECHANICAL JAUNDICE WAS COMPLICATED BY AN INFECTION. OUT OF THIS GROUP OF PATIENTS 19 DIED AS THE RESULT OF THE HEPATOREANL SYNDROME. ALONG WITH HEPATORENAL INSUFFICIENCY IN It PATIENTS THE AUTHOR OBSERVED A MARKED HEMORRHAGIC SYNDROME, 14HICH WAS MANIFESTED BY PROFUSE GASTROINTESTINAL AND INJASAL HEAORRHAGES. THE HEPATORENAL SYNDROME WAS VERY MARKED IN PATIENTS WITH 14ECHA141CAL JAUNDICE, WHICH WAS COMPLICATED BY AN INFECTION (CHOLANGITIS, CHOLANGIOLITISt MICROAaSCESSES ~OF ThE LIVER, ETC.). THE AUTHOR NUTED, 13 SUCH CASES WHEN ACUTE OBSTRUCTION OF THE CLRMUN BILE DUCT AGA114ST THE 6ACKGROUND OF TORPTID CHULANGITIS WAS COMPLICATED BY HEPATORENAL INSUFFIC[ENCYr WHICH WAS THE CAUSE OF DEATH. IN SUCH INSTANCES DUE TO THE SEVERITY OF THE STATE OF PATIENTS SURGERY IS CONTRAINOICATEDt CONSERVATICE THERAPY IS ADVISABLE. FACILITY: PERVAYA KHIRURGICHESKAYA KLINIKA TSENTRALINOGO INSTITUTA USOVERSHENSTVUVANIYA VRACHEY I KLINICHESKAYA BOLINITSA IM. aOTKINAt MOSKVA. UNCLASSIFIEO USSR uDc: 621.396.677 HOROBETS', M. M., SERHIYENKO, Yu. I. Certain Properties of Self-Phasing Antenna Arrays" Visn~Lk Kharkiv. un-tu (Ymarkov UniversityTerald), 1972, No 80, Radio Pbysics and Electronics, -v-yp. 1, pp 15-18 (from RZh-Radictekhnika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8B56) Translation: Radiation patterns are calculated for a lattice comprised of veakly directional raOiators connected in pairs by fee-der lines of iden- tical length in such a way that there is a difference of X/2 in the length of the lines connecting adjacent.pairs. It is shown that such lattice arrays scatter electromagnetic energy in directions which dif-fer from the direction of arrival for any angles of incidence of the wave on the array. This property can be utilized for constructing ecl-ioless chambers, and also for reducing the effective reflecting surface of various devices. Three illustrations, bibliography of one titlc. N. S "A 4 MUM loan teAna USSR UDC 621.317.7.029.64 GOROBETS, N. N., SERGIENKO, YU. I. "Centimeter Range Polarimeter with Pointer" RadioteMinika. Recn. mezhved. nauchno-takhn. sb. (Radio Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), 1970, vyp, 14, pp 135- 138 (from RZh-radiotek~nika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A306) Translation; A polarimeter is described:which operates by the nethod of two circular-polarized antennas. This polarimeter permits measurement of the ellipticity factor, the angle of orientation of the polarization ellipse and the direction of rotation of the field vectors. The ellipticity factor is measured by means of a logometer. An electronic commutator is used to improve the measurement accuracy. The commutator permits one detector and amplifying channel to be used for both circular-polarized components of the field. There are 3 illustrations and a 3-entry bibliography. 1/1 USSR TJDC 911.3:616-936 SERGIYEV. P. G., LYSEENIKO, A. Ya., MIROVSKAYA, A- Y., and SEMASHKO, I- N- V sb. Materialv Nauchn. konferentsii, T)osvyashch. 50-letivu In-ta med. parazitol. i tropich. med., 1970 (Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the Institute of 'Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine 1970 - collection of works), Moscow, 1970, pp 12-14 (from RZh-Ifeditsinskaya Geografiyaj No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2.36.81) Translation: The conteMDorarv area of Plasmodium vivax was reduced to almost half its size in connection with advances made In tbe eradication of malaria. P. vivax in multiple foci of malaria divippeara later than P. falciparum. Strains with a prolonged incubation (primarily a long latent period) were found to be more adaptable to sanitary measures than we're. strains with a short incubation period and a secondarily long latent period. In practically malaria-free territories, when malaria outbreaks occurred because of previous cessation of~sanitary measures, these out- breaks started with 3-day malaria. USSR uDc 616.936.2-085.920'-039-71 TIBURMYA 11. A., SEREMILLUUk I NOUOVKUT, V. M., Institute of Medical _Pd=sitology and 1",edicine imeni Ye. 1, Martsinovz'Kiy, Unistry of Hda]_t1L.U5-SRF and First City Psychiatric Clinical Hospital imeni P. F. Kashchenko "WilcAl..'Chemoprophylaxis of Three-Day 11alaria of Two Incubation Typez with thd.-Shorter Incubat-ion Type Predominatinel Mdscow,111editsinskaya, Parazitolog3,ya 1. Paxazitarnyye Balemi, Vol 40, No 4, Jul/Aug 71. pp 431-433 Ali�tractt Research was conducted at the First City Psychiatric Clinical HftpiW Imeni P. P. Kasbehenko on patients requiring mimlaria therapy, Forty- seven-patients were infected with strain P. vivax via mosquito bite producing MaUria. of two incubation types, with predominance of the shorter incubation on:-types. Of the 25 patients in the experimental group, 14 receive'd tiomycin., and_j_l_~received chloridine, with 5 also recelviwg quinocide 5 months after infection, Results showed that patients receiving biomycin in doses of 2 g dally.-over seven incubation days and patients receiving chloridine in doses of oio5,g daily over the first 3 incubation days showed no primary disease r4ami- festations. Stfbsequenttl- relapses were not, elizinatedl ho-4ever. Daily 0.05 9 ddses of.chloridine over 3 incubation days and with quinocide in 0.03 g daily LWH:'~' TIEUFSK&YA, N. A., et al., Meditsinskaya Farazitoloeiya i*-Par~.zit tayye~ Bdl-dzni,- Vol 41,01 No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 431-433 a 10 day period within 5 months of infection eliminated initial and--amlapse symptoms of the disease. , I USSR uDc 616-993.162-022.39-o84.47-036.8 �LFG 'EV P. G. 13EYSLP-KU-M R. I., Y,0SHKGVSK1Y Sh. D.J MIDEA N. A. KELLIffA, 0. 1., SHn-KM, E. Ye., SEW=, V. P., WK9A]fINA, N. X., TRIYERS, 1. I.Y SHCHERBAKOV.. V. A.Y YARDIRCIAMEDW, M. A., USKOV, If. Ye., LOSIKOV, 1. N., and TIEDOSPELOVA, Ye. I., Institute of Medical Para-sitolor.,y and Tropical ~Ledicine imeni Ye I. 14artsinovskiy, Ministry of Health USSR, Moscow "Results of Mass Vaccinations against Zoonotic Cutaneous Leistrraniasis" MoscCiv, Meditainska Parazitologiya I Parazitarnyye Bolazni, Vol 39, No 5, ya SeP/Oct 70, PP 541-551 Abstract: Preventive mass vaccinations with a virulent iitrain of Leishmania tropics. major were found to give reliable protection against cutaneous leish- r-aniasis. Only virulent strains can be used for vaccination. The degree of inoculation with such strains is almost 10C~, the inoculative process having, an a rule, a favorable effect. The maximum size of the vaccination lesion does not exceed 2 cm in diameter In 3/4 of the stibjects vaccinated, In practically all carses., the process does not last more than 5-6 months. Morbidity occurred in the group vaccinated with the lcv-virulence atrain, am:)Dg those without lesions, and among those whose lesions were less than 0-5 in diameter. 1/2 USSR SEMIYEV, P. G., et al., Maditainskaya Parazitologiya I Parazitarn~ye Bolezni, Vol 39, NO 5, SeP/Ovt 70, PP 541-551 Secondary pyococcal infections represented the only complications observed; allergic exanthem was noted occassionally. In order to prevent local and general allergic reactions after vaccination, it is necessary to exclude per- sons who have had cutaneous leishmaniasis# If past disease cannot be revealed by means of anarnnesis or medical examination, -Vne intracutaneaus lell3hmanin t'-est is recomwnded. The level of the virulence in inoculative strains should be periodically tested, since insignificant initial virulence or its weakeaing during culturing make a given strain unfit for preparation of inaculum. USSR uDc ~JERGIrrllv P. G., 11. I.j Sh. D.., KuLn'A" 0. i., Slumn-11, E. Ye.,j"E;QM V. P., LUKHANIM., N. N., TRTM3~ I. I.J1 SlICIM-11MUMV) V. A., YAR-7TtUd-ZEbbV1 M. I r.,-~SKOV, 11. Ye., WSMOVIT I. N., and NIEDO-SPELOVA, Ye. I-j Institute of "Aledical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine imeni Ye I. lVartsinavskiy, Ministry of Health USSR, Mor3coler "Results of Mass Vaccinations against Zoonatic Cutaneous Leiahmaniasis" Moscov~ 14cd1tsinsXqya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyye E 0.2 e/3. Zr --as e7trart--d in the fr, O'~ Z~'! C' I D,- and H I' a F aq % - )2 (7! c)2 Hf (OH),NCS and /':"CS/aq At > 1.5 mole/1. Z:!- niid Hf could be f(OH)2(1"CS C transfe=ed into than ormnic nhase in the for:n of tet=thiocyanate ccrmlexes. -L.-~e 1/2 M., TTIFRRIMIM .1. r 9 us S R GOLUB, A. N. and SERGUIN" V. Pi'. Zhurnal Prikladnoy i~h~-,vii vol 4:), No 6, June pp lfl()3-!2a9 hiGhp-st e.-Itr=4-~,'Djl4ty into CHN and TBII was shown by tlic (:,CS), o" Zr ---d Hf. The extractea thilocyanate co-molexes contained in tlne ;5rjenic phm--e sol~rpated with 1-2 -,:olecules of CMIT or TJ3P. On -rindin; 0 L of di~~kr M:iC~'.S with dry 14OCI-2,11" 0 att-,ent of the mixture with the oolvent!l used for ey.-traction, the exe S M coRTI (0102 (DICS)p '2S01V (Solv = CHN, TZP) formea. USSR UDC 661.142.323 lq~,r L. A., Active Heribc.-ts of thc Sclentific and -fe-~hnical Societv of Ra-l'io Engineering, Electronics and Com.-nunications imeni A. S. Popov "Utilization of a Quzinti-,riiig Cathode Ray Tube for Conver.-iion of Wide. Dand ';i,,- nals to Digital Code" Moscow, Radio teklinika, Vol 27, No 1, 1972, pp 92-95 Abstract: A study was made of the errors of an analr,.7,-to-digit-al wide-band signal converter executed fron. a quantizing cathode r.-;iv tube. A cz3thrj,,.Ie ray tube having, the following basic char-acteris[Acs was considered: number of quantization levels -- 15; collector current -- 1 railliai,.lp; sonsitiv- ity with respect to deviation 6 volts per quantization level; output capaci- rance of the collectors picofarads. The functional scheriatic of the analo,-.-- to-digitall converter based on the quantizin;t cathode i:ay tu3be and thtt :static anplitude characceri-itic of 3 channeds of thc, cathzx-le ray tu-6-i- repre-selltin~T the dLu4!ndence of the load vclt.L,,,,e connc-cted to each of the cal- lactors on the magnir-tide of the defloctIng volta,~.,,,c av! prcsented. Yomiulzls 'ITC dcffiVed for cal.colatinp the dispersion of the signal dlAortion, and thc results are plotted as a function of the parameters of the converter. The 112 us SR SERGUSHOV, YU. D., et al., Radio te',rhnika, Vol 27, No 1., 1972, pp 92-95 quantizing cathode ray tube with the Indicated parwicters caii be use(] for con- 0 version of wide band signals (with a band of about 2-3 megaliertz) without further complication of the systen; to eliminate coding air,,Aguity. 2/2 43 ml~"m!luw=Hw o -112 OC7 UNCLASSIFtED- -iPROCESSING UATE-~-ZONOV70 rlrLE--TYPIFICATIGN OF HYURGGRAPHS OF LAQU10 ANO SE~DIMENT RU NOFF FOR ESTIMATICN OF DEBIT STABILITY OF INFILTRATIO.'iS IWER INTAKES -U- AUTHOR-(04)-SERGUTINP V.yE., PORYADINt A.F., TURUTI N, Bo+,.r CHERKASOVt 'A.YE. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~'SOURCE-METEORGLOGIYA I GIDk-d'L'Q-GIYA, 1970t NR 5v PP 76-61 DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUaJECT.AREAS--.tARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY ~:-TGPLC 'TAGS--RUNGFF, RIVER wArER, SEDIME4T CONTROL MAKKING-NO kESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELlFRAME--3CC5/GC67 STEP NU--UR/005017C-/0001005/007et/0081 CIRC ACCESSICN NG-AP0132380 U,Ni~ LA 5 5 1 F I E D 212 C07 UNC LAS S I F I ED PROCESSJNG DATE--20-NOV70 -CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0132380 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TYP[FICATiqN OF ~IATER REGIME (IF RIVERS IS PERFORMED ACCORDING TO THE PKINCIPLE OF MOM 'N SYNICHAIIHIS114 OF LIQUID (Q) 014i'liU SEDIMENT (G) RUNOFF (CISCkni'ARGES), 1.E.. ACCORDIvG TO COINLIDENCE OF PEAKS CF INATER AND TURBIDITY JUE I'fJ SUSPEiNDED LUAD OURING THE SPRING AND SUPMER FLL00S. TYPIFICATION OF COMBINE0 HYDROIGRAPHS Q AND G DISCHARGES IS PERFORMED ON THE BASIS OF WELL KNOV%N REGULARITIES OF INTRA ANNUAL DISTRIBUTICN OF THE RIVER RUNOFF. CERTAIN EXAMPLES ON THE CONTPUL OF INFILTRAIT0.1 WATER INTAKES OPERATION M.4E GIVEN. FACILITY: KkASNOYARSKLY INSTITUT TSVETNYKH PIETALLOV. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC:669.187.5 ZAYTSEV, B. Ye. , GOTIN, V. N. , SHCHERBAKOV, A. I. ZHITKOV, N. K., OKOROKOV, 'G. N. , BOYARSHINOV,~ V. A., TULIN$ N. A. V(1'A'N0V5K1Y, Ye. V., TOMLIN,- V. V. , POZDEYEV, N. ~P. , SMLIMOV, A.I. G. , OSIPOVA, L. A. , CHEILNOV, yu. V., and WAIM #.T. S. "Specific-s of Vacuum Arc Remeltina of Nickel-Based Alloys and Stainless Steels With Reverse Arc Polarity" Chernykh Metallov (Production of Ferrous Metals--Collection of Works), No 75, Metallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 181-183 Translation: Results are presented from a study Of V3CULIM. arc remelting of nickel alloys in a crystallizer 3180-180 mm in diameter with thermocouples calked in length and height. The rate of melting with reverse polarity is 210% higher with identical bath depth of liquid metal. This is a TeSUlt of more ip- tensive heat transfer from the walls of the crystallizer during melting with reverse polarity. 1'he macrostructure, chemical composition N, D, fl.and rnechani- cal properties cf the metal produced by melting with fozmard and reverse polarity are identical. The ingot produced with reverse polarity hand no corona- 2 figures; I table; I biblio. ref. 15 USSR UDC 547.241 AZERBAYEV, 1. N., DZ11AYLAUOV, Yu. G., BOSYAKOV, K. B., _YERZW1O_V_,_Y,~_B. SE TtAYF.V.._K_ S and ALEKSEYEVA, N. N., Institute of Chemical Sciences, Acad. Sc., KazSSR, Alma-Ata "Reactions of Unsaturated Phosphites With Aldehydes and Ketones" Alma-Ata, Izvestiya Akad--mii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya No 1. jan-Feb 73, pp 51-57 Abstract; Condeusation of dipropargy! phosphite with chloral and bromal yield* 0,0-dipropargyl (I-hyd roxv-2, 2, 2-t rich loroa thy 1) phosphanate and its tribrorno analog even without any catalyst. In the presence of sodiura alkoxide the reaction of diallyl phosphate with 2,5-dimcthylpLperidone-4, 2,6-diphonyl- piperidone-4, 2, 6 -di (2-hy drox-I pheny 1) -pipe ridone -4, 1,2,5 -t rime thylpipe ri done- -4 yields the respective 4-di ally lphosphanepipe ri doles -.14; with 2,2-dimethyl- tetrahydropyranone-4, 2,2-dimethyltatrahydrothiopyranotle-4 and 2,5-dimethyl- tetrahydrothiopyranone-4 the products are the respective 4-diallylphosphane- tetrahydropyranols-4. The esters of a-hydroVphosphinic acids of pyr&ne, and thiopyrone series are unstable, decomposing on distillation. 23 law USSR UDC 547.241+547.362+547.81+547-823 AZERBAYEV, I. N., DZHAYLAUOV, S. D., BOSYAKOV, Yu. G.,,YERZHANOV, K. B., and_~k4gpAykV.J~, S., Institute of Chemical Sciences, Y(~~Temi--O-M-M;nces KazakhSSR "Reaction of Dipropargylphosphorous Acid With Heterocyclic Ketones" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 4 3 (105), No 2, Feb 73, pp 288-292 Abstract: Reaction of dipropargylphosphorous acid W4th f-ketones of the pyraa, thiopyran, and piperidine series in:presence of sodium alkoxide leads to the formation of respective dipropargyl eaters of heterocyclic m-hydroxyphosphanic acids. It was shown that. nucleophilic addition of -dipropargyl phosphite to pyranone and thiopyranones, in contrast to piperidones, requires the presence of alkaline catalysts. It is assumed that the aminoketone acts as a catalyst. fill u3SR UDC: 517-933 -ici,2 in lllnramutr-icr'i, Det,-,rmining, -0i, ccwauln-ted .11erturbat U y turbed Systems" n~auclhn. rnbot ciEni-.ntov. U-n-t d-ruzh-~-,: j.-. -L=TwTby, 1 7 -:~ E~ T, stv. n. (Scient-ific 110-10~s ol 4Ce pirants, ~ atr.L -Uuzumba University o-I Intern,..tional ~Amity--col- lecticn, Dc:partment of Lhysic-l IE-athematic-s a"d --aturai Ccience) 10 - _ -I--, --o. .-'--:~ch 71, 1970, ! - 7, pp 76 152 (from Rzh-,:aL,,-m2-tikn~, Ilbstract 331QI7) Translati The problem. of B. V. -13uD,,-akov rer -on ~-a r,3 J n r- '.he rjccu----,u- lation o-IC nerturbations in one coordinate in a fixed tirr,~ inter- val T is solved. 'The I-Torst parametf,,r values ai-,,d th-~ worst v--ri- ation in conztantly activu perturbationo realivin~-, ~i- c Maximmat mom---nt T are found by aosuming cons,trtilt -,j in "O,tjI_I of all t!lements in the fundamental I-atrix of li.YIL-~-!r ruart o.-- the system. 11. Aieksandrov 13 - U33IR UDC: 517.933 SERIKBAY-EV, Sh. S. "Absolute Jtability Conditions of (Jontrolled Systems I.-Iith One 1~-on- linear Element" 3b. nauchn. rabot aspirantov. Un.-t dv,,,zhby narodov im. Patrisa Lumumby, ---a'K. fiz.-Lnatem. i yestestv. n. (Iocicntific 71"orks al- Aspirants, Patrice Lumumba University of collection, Department of Physical 4161,athelmatic.~i a-rid Ii-atural L;ci- ence) 1070, -io. 7, pp 182-186 (from 3, -It-irch 71, ekbstract I'To. 33198) Translation: lith lhe heilp of the soluticn of the problem of B. V. 1-julgal"ov re-o-irding t.-.e acetunulation of perturbations, the necessary -.9nd suffLicient condit-Jonts are found for the absolute stability of the nonlinear system 1/2, USSR SERIKBAYEEV, Sh. S., Sb. nauchn. rabot aspirantov. Un-t drw6hby narodov im. Patrisa LumumbY, Fak. fiz.~rmtem. i yestestv. n., 1970, No- 7, PP 162-188 n X, S 11 ... in S p Sjxj n and j-6 10, a