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USSR None LE-OKIIEV, N. I., T114103HENK -0, A. 'P. and UDOVICHENKO, Yu. K. "Nonlinear Stabilization. 7 of ~!"Beam.Dist urbances7 Moscow -Zhurnal EksReriment~~ ~nol ~i Teoreticheskoy,fiziki, Vol. 59, No. 9, 19?0, pp 649-653 Abstract: The degree of stabilization.~of an electron -beam and the electron distribution function in the dynamics,af a high- frequency oscillation attenuation process are~.inveatiEated. The experimental apparatus was described in an-earlier drticle by the same authors (ZhTF, 40, 19709~P 542).-A beam:o'T electrons with an `10 kev and a current of u to 4 a w s,~int energy of a , roduced into a p plasma chamber 40 cm long and.3.7 cm~in~diametei., in a uniformly constant magnetic field intensity of 2500 oersteds. The diameter of the beam was 1 cm and the duration of the current pulse 7.5 lAs. The plasma density, allowed to vary from zei to!j()127cm3, was ro measured with two electric probes and.,b3~ the' chatge-upace wave USSR ISONTIM, N. I., at ale Zhur'na'1Ekspei-lzentallnoy i Teoretichoskoy Fiziki, Vol 59, No- 9, 1970, PP 649-653 method. Concluding that the attdAuation'.of the oscillations in the electron beam and its cdnsequeht~istabilizi~tion,axeexplained by e pair collisions and noalinear eff etas in th ~framework of the ex- isting theory, the authors exprese1heir gratitude,to V. N. Tsytovich and V. G. Makhanikov for their valua.Oble comments. USSR UDC 51 IKO YUSH- XOSHARSKI,Y, B. D., ASHEROV, A. T.,.TIMOSHrN A. N. TIMCHENKO, N. D., MEL KINA, L. P. . 'Troblem of Selecting the First Stage of an Autonated,rnterprise Control System" V sb. -Sistemotekhnika (Systems.'En~ineerifig--collection of works), Kiev, 1971, pp 113-125 (from RZh-Kibernetika o 12V400) No 121,~ Dec 72, Abstract VI Translation: The problem of SiAecting the first stage of automation when in- troducing an automated enterprisecontrol system is formulated. Possible 'optimalness and restriction criteria, povsible statements of the problem and the statement used in the present paper, the method of.polution and the results of eAperimental research for the.Western Siberian Metallurgical Plant are presented. I RC A CCES S I CN NO--A A 013~ 068 ABSTRACI/EXUACT--(U) U-0- HETAL OR ALLOY MELY Hs~EAI* 1). AND U,1~4T.G. AN ADC I T IV E F-AC I L I TY: SARA10V UNCLAS81 F [ED -PROCESSING DATE---20NOV70 AbSTRACT. r-l0L,TEN,PLA'I:S wAS MIXED 1W, I T HA IN RICLATICR TO THE GLASS) I'l A V I Pi ~; ADI FFERENT CF METALS Il -I EIGMS UF~!WHIGH COLOR THE GLASS. STATED SC IENTIFIC R.t.-.5 CAI~Cj HINSTITUrE OF GLASS. Ref. Code .c. Nr. Abstracting, Service: CHEMICAL ABST. OD vo 115211Y Kinetics of urea-decomposi In, the presencle Of moneammoniula phosphate &t,jl,igk,t es.. Stirbie'Vv', N. ~_-Tivigshemko"L. I tril A0 rL . . . . . . Psgo!E4. him. (Leuiggr adY 1970, 43 -919-~32 (Russ). Rc~t6ofdacompn.~Ofur~~Iiii-tai~t,'cotttg.*,81,tI *t._70 colpml-)%, VIROi~~`iafid'SOJV 20-10 wt. % NJ were n. easured:at 100-1,50'. Th 'd d7hc-e~6f,rati,co 'A I e,~ epen nst,~ (1.[tnole min) on temp. is k~ m-, j?quations, presented can ie egree o tl `d' f decouipm. alld-.the.titne.needed'foi t6tal-Accomon. .as 1. 'findlon "of temp. ureali deicoinpd. immediattly intoC02 and Z;.ti d' s, an isome_~lm tion of urea into NH,OCN does not- occlur.~ Dkompn. is 2nd-order reaction. Nan Wichterk EL PFRAME 1 984-1360 T;SSR UDC 614 .715 (477-2019'-5-1970 BORDISKIY, V. K., GRIXHINA, 14. A., and, TMOSMTfN'Q. Ici-pal S., Kiev MunA. Sanitary-Epidemiological Station Kiev "Characteristics of the Pollution of Atwspheric Air With Dust" Moscow, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 1, 1973.1P 108 Abstract: In the City of Kiev, the average yearly concentration of ditst in the air-was determined in eiCht locations: Pioneer Park in r.. mountainous area above the Dnepr (location I); Golos.eyevskiy Forest in the forest-part zone (IT); Kalinin Sq. in the center of the city atan air elevatian of 1.5 n (III); ditto, at an elevation of 20 n 4V); No 8 Zfekrasovskaya St., In; a residential section with plentiful greenery, situated in the vicinity of an rmtom3bile garage M, No 19 Volochslaya St., in the old industrial district of Todol, with heavy city traffic (VI); 110 7 Brest-Litovsk Higlzray; in the vi6inity of la!,ce indus- trial enterprises and in an area in vhich~traffic is heavy (VII): Privokzal naya So., next to a railroad station~and t6 a thermoelectric power plant (VIII). The average yearly dust concentration was 0.21, oa6, 0.23, oa4, 0.23, 0~43, at esp --rely 0-35, and o.1,,-o rjejr3,1, 11, 111) IV,. V, VI, ~rll, and Vill, i -ecti - The lowest fluctuations during the year (0.1-0.2 rz/m3) u'reye observed at I. The lowest concentrations there (0.1-0.2 mg1rr.3) vere recor4ed im Jan-Feb, when the ground was covered with snow, and the hi6est~(0-3-0.4-~~ng/iO) in the USSR UDC: 531-781,.082,722:621-317-733.011.2 TIM.OSHENKO, N* M., SRABOTENKO V. I. -"Effect Which the CaDacitance.of Connecting Lines has on the Accuracy of Measurements by Strain-Gage.Bridges-on:the Carrier Frequency" Kontrol'no-izmerit. tekhnika. Resp. mezhved. nauch.-tekhn'.. sb. (Monitoring and Measurement Technology. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Tech- fr 2 a - Tzmeri- nical Collection), 1971, -vyp, 11, pp 10h-110 (' 0m R h-,,Ietrologiy tel'naya Tekhnika, iio 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6.32.3 Translation: The existing procedure f6r calculating the capacitance of con- necting lines for stran-gage measurements is updated'. Formulas are given for calculating the lines as a-function- of the -Dhase L,.atching of the voltages across the demodulator of the measuring instrument, the error due to ebange in the deformation sensitivity of~the strain-gage resiotors and amplifier sensitivity. It is shown that there is.~an appreciable~ldiffekrence between the line length calculated by the conventioml procedtire and. by the procedure proposed by the author when the -actual mismatch of voltages at the demod-u- lator is accounted for. One illus"~ration,~bi,bliography~~,of four titles. _jjSSR UDc612.828-014-45 V&IMj A. G., and TP,10SHE1TXO,, T Ye' Ioningrad State University im-eni. A. A# Zhdanov- "Electrical Responses of Superior Olives,in Vespertilianidae and Rhinolophidae to Ultrasonic Stimuli 'With Various Fill Frequencies" Kiev, Neyrofiziologiya, Vol 5, ITO 1i Jan/Feb 73j. pp 33_~39 Abstract:_ Records of integrated electrical activity and of individual action 'Dotentials indicate that the . su-nerior olivary co,-Tlex in Vespertilionidnel, which emit echo-location signals with frequency motulation ruging fr0r, 30 to 120 khz, is Mayitrally sensitive to ultras=ds of 10-40 1w) z ~.Upon cessation of L.: stimulation with any frequency, the superior olives res- A -nor prolonged oscillations. In Phinolophidae, which emit almst monocl~romatic echo-location sounds of a basin- frequency of 80 khz, the ~ superior olivary coi.Tlex is waxilro_uy sensitive to two frequency bands, 10-40 and82-86 khz, while stimuli of 80 khZ must be 20-30 db louder in order to induce%a response. Tlie response areas of single neurons are in both species of bats sirdlar to thor~,a observed in other Ma=--als, except for the reaction to the 70-90 khz band.. The Rhinolophidso hw,,e,a large nwrber of neurons vhich are sharply attuned to 80-90 khz and whose response varies depending on'the fill frequency of the stimulus. Within 1/2 49 =0 I USSR UDC 62 13 96 P-7 o_q4 TIYMMWO,, V. G. "Radio Lines for Local Comnunication o Millimeter.Wa~res" Ya VO-Radioelek PP 34-39 Kiev. Izvesti -troniLml~ Vol 14, 140 11 IVIl Abstract: The communication.dis6ussei in this paper covers shoxt distances, in units of kilometers aver complex terrain such as moantainous districts and a water mediump a problem which, has not as yet been satisfactorily solved. Discussing the reqairements of such co=PmicatiOn, fronthe point of view of secrecy of cou=anication and noise inmmnity an well as seneral. efficiency, the author concludes that there is no doubt that the millimeter wtive band Is best for local lines. Secrecy can be obtained:through the usti~- ot hi-ghly directive antennas transmitting energy in a narrow come* ~UGO of thin. mMimeter radio waves is even better for thin purpose thanAaaar conmunidrAtion' oince the lat- ter works vell only tinder the beat ef atmospher1c.conditions; In fog, the attenuation of light moo nayexcecd 100 dB-Iper kilometow. A table giving the attenvation factors for the preferred range'of millimter vives due to the oxygen in the air, the vater vapor,densityp a!id moisture ik oh%~ V~ G. JPRS S2977. 27 April 1071 UDC 621.396.27.90.4 RADIO LINE FOR SHORT. RANGE COXMICATIONS IN THE WILLIMEM-BAND VIP-,: ?- an a to (Article by V. G. Timoahenko, Kievi IZI-extlyz" 1. 17JI, signed to press '25 Th t i?~~ article line for:.sbort-vave cozmun test tons, on fro- '.qu6ncies characterized by an intensive "baorption.of the radio beam,by atzoz-_ The: ba:~tc -merlti6~'of such, -line are tntvrfer*ara,:roa1ntance1 and.functions under veAfliir conditions. Introduction In -a n%mbvr -ol,csses the. need'artses to cstabltsb~ broad"ad radio~co=unications.ov 'r-comparat-tvirly short d*a-~ L tances (kilozetric~units)~ Sucha radio line is iDdtz ble' for: eximple, as a link, between urbarv..azd subutba; TS fanAta- matic exchangel,in. difficult geographical localities (ILD mountst nous. areas, I scroas expanses of water, and so on). This specific Problen, In spite of its se&atrg'Qi=P1'%- ctty,~hxz not to date be*.& solved satisfactorily. The proolez is that such radio liaes,ar* taxed by increased demands ior transmission security and interference resistance, tbe radia- ting space mast be minimal. not the least of the problaza . , concern %he portability And sinkplicity of equipment, installa- tion conditions (for,examplo, height 01 the antenna above ground), and v0 on.. (I USSR Fj ~ I The well-known la6er communication lines by either light or infrared waves are alzost unequalled tor similar purposes, but they work only under suitable Atmospheric con- ditions. The attenuation of optical vaves in fog can exceed 100 db par kilometer, and this increase in lama cannot bts com- penzated for by increaning Amplification by zntenitas, since an a result of atizospheric refraction, an excessively narrou bean can miss the receiving antenna. Th~-.rafore, the millimeter hands have a definite zovaa- toga ovor abort d"tancesca:eco;rred vttb theblongervaves of the SVCh lauperhxrh fr q nc bind and sit infrz ed and spectrum light waves. Two circumstances make the application of millimeter waves extrr=ely tczpting.- in the first plaae... it to possible in principle to cr~zto a aarrov-band-etgbal with a very wide absolute frtquency field an the order of hundreds at zogacyclos: In the recond place, the highly di- roctional radio L~ams =y be obtained from compact antenkin. r .yMtj*Wle. It IS no accident that =*rc and more zttrnt_ion-hA6 born given recently to the ponstni,lity o~r..tbotzr uiio for the purposes of aillimetar radio ViLad~co;icxunicattons. Azz 4e~xzeples. we present a radiotelephone link of 6,ka In -tile 3.4 = band [ I ), a radio tranrmission.ltne for trio. vision programs over a dtgtanev of 10~kz in the 3.2 mm hand 12, 3); an experimental co=runtcutton line of 2 XtA on a fre- quency of 90.5 giactcycles (3.3 =) (4). The report on the application of a portable millimeter band comsiunications 4p- pars tum, work ing At frequenctr& of '16-3A zigacxcles at a din- tance of 15 nautical miles 151 Is vorthy of attention. A basic peculiarity of.t1beAteseminationor millimeter radio wAvas in the.vartn's almosphere. to contrast to longer. _is-thetr Significant attenuation. The sources of An- waves sorpttoo aro,mainly oxygen and -&ter vapors. The oxygen re- sona nue litea nro concentrated A% freruencies at 53 to 65 6,1gac yclos (also about 120 Cigacycles). causing~quLta a bit of Absorption in these frequencies. Thrre is stgntftcratly J:reater ab&arption by water vapo a 16. 71.- The resonance Itnea of water vapor cause sizai~tcapt absorption at 20-30 gLgacycles,and above 150 Zigacyi:laa [7, 6]. The selective naturo of the, attenuation of millizelor radio vav" by tLe eartz's "k-eg; it possiUle to select, for communications, those *ections of the frequency bacd that give minimal attenuAtLom -- in the frequency ranges *X 30-45 ateacyclos, SS-103 zigacycles. 130-153 ;%Cacycles, end also 64-74 gigacycles. These aones are "transmiasion vtndowall and an the most promising for communications p4r- poses, they are used by almost all millimeter hand equipment. 2 USSR wo 661.143 'KHMERSKIYO YU. X., T18HMQ.X,_G.. VOYEVODA* L. V., and BEZLr.LYY, Y. D. "Blec tro-Fluorescent Substance, USSR Author's Certifictas No -335967, filed 16 Mar 681 published 18 Aug 72 (fron Referativn Zhurnal Xhi-rdya,.No 12(II)l 1973, Abstract No 12-L182P by V. D. blatyeYOVI Tranalationt This electro-fluoric substance is used to sanufacture electro- chemical indicator systems in computer technology and in systems for auto- matic control and has a luminescence during, the application of an electric current across an electrode in liquil solutions, , It contained dimethy1for- mamide as a solventt lithiun halide as an electrolyte, and benzophonanthrone as an electrophor, A change in the above mentioned ele*trolyr~e from tetra- butylammoniumperchlorate to LiCl increasen, the intennity. of the electrotluoric lumniscence 10 fold. The substance is-made-of a solution conW-ning 0.004- 0.9 g LiCl and 0.002-0.2 g benzophenanthrehe and dimethygormulde. For examples 0.0012 g. of bengophenanthrene and 0.1,6 g of: UG1 axe d-is-uolved In 100 ml of reagent grade ethy1for-Laide. The prepared solution.1o placed In the slectrofluoric ampule and an alternating current approxim,,~tely 10 M1.1liamps is applied at approxizately 6.3 volts, The lumiscence obtainea in the of 420- 47,0 microns uas 10 times the luminescence obt Ialfted for the electrophor. 1A 38 USSR UDC 534.29' TIHMKMO V. 1. Taganrog Radio MVizeering Institute i,7 "Coa*rti~g.the Velocity of the Re Drift of Aerosol Particles in a Powerful-Sonic Field," Moscow) Plwatichoskiy 2hurna.11,1NO 27# vP Is 711t PP 133-13.7 Abstracts One of the major causes of acoustic coagulation of aerosols is the ..bydrodynaide Intoraction.betoon ~. aerosol pax+Acles in, asonic field. The -forces -of, Abe. hydrodynwdc interaction deporA aubatamtially on the conditions of streamlining of the particles, by, the: xediua; this van bo'characterized in the ztationary process using the Reynolds number. This article gives an~exprosslon'obtajned in quA'zistationaTy approxi- nation for tho velocity of the relative hydrodynazic. dAft a- -aerosol paxticles from the interaction of hydrodynamic fields under Stokea streaklining con- ditiow. As analysis is made of the velocities of tho ralitiye (Mft as a function of the sonic field ard aerosol pW=Otora,, Thai time ~njqujred for convergence of tho particle* In the Soceas, of relatiVe ~Aydro4Tamic drift The author concludes thato an a result of analyzing the x-asults of 1/2 Z UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0138244, ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--tU) GP-0- ABSTRACT.1 JHE PRINCIPLES OF THE CHEBYSHEV EQUALIZATION METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING ~A KINETIC MODEL OF A COMPLEX CHEM. 5 REACTION ARE OUTLINES MATH. TO CHECK T14E APPLICABILITY OF THE CHEBYSHEV METHOD, EXPTL. RESULTS ON:THEIKINETICS OF THE OXIDATIVE DEHYDRATION OF NiBUTYLENE WERE ANALYZED.- THE, PROCESS ~WAS CARRIED OUT ON ''A CR-K-NI PHOSPHATE CATALYST, IN A,-CIRCULATORY STREAM SYSTEm, Tl"E PRODUCTS UNDERGOING FURTHER IRREVERS18LE REACTIONS. TWE EXPTL. RuEs OF CONVERSION OF INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS WERE DETDi~ FGR N,BUTYLENE, -6UTADIENE-t 0 SUB2, H SUB2v COv-AND CO:SfjB2$- EQUAT10NS~FOR THE WHOLE RESTRICTIONS WERE- SYSTEM IN CHEBYSHEVIS TERMS WERE WRITTENti-SOME PHY1.). ADOPTED# AND THE COMPUTATIONS WEREIPERFORMED. FOR *,CO.MP,ARISQNp EXPTL. RESULTS WERE ALSO TREATED BY THC- KEY COt4PONENTS METHOD iUSING 6 VARIANTS OF 4 KEY CHEMICALS) AND BY THE METHOD OF~-LEAStl .SQUARES.~ THE RESULTS ARE TABULATED. THE TABLE SHOWS THATr-ACCORDING TO BOTH'~THE KEY COMPONENT METHOD AND THE LEAST SQUARE METHODr THE;RATES OF C.014VERSION ALONG CERTAIN PATHS ARE NEG., WHICH 15 AN ABSURD CONCLUSION FDRJHESE IRREVERSIBLE PATHS, FURTHERMOREiTHE TABL E SHOWSj HAT THE KEY COMPONENTS METHOD GIVES WIDELY, DIFFERING, RESULTS DEPENDING ON THE CHOICE OF KEY:CO.MPOfNENTS. HOWEVERt THE.RES,ULTS.OB.TAINED 8VASING THE 'CHEBYSHEVIS EQUALIZATION METHOD ARE-PDS.~IVAL.UESI REASONABLE IN MAGNITUO-E,.AND CORRESPONDING PHYS.JO-THE~PROCE$S INYESTIGATED. UNCLASSMED. JPRS 56168 5 June 1972 VDC 547.20*118 SraDIESIS AND 1).VFSTIGATTO.4 OF PHOSPHC72C ACID ESTERS CONTAININ'; A TRICHLOM4-Mr. CSOUP. THE PREPAFATION CHLOFOSFGLI [Article by,Tt. - S. Shep ojvA, M~ S, B .t-r dath, P. 1. S^nLn. A-P_G4jl,'f r, Yn ank. 1. L -.- Inxtituts of Petrochemical Synt . lznl~ zcp'ch-* jkv. USSR Ac6domry of Scia-as; Hoacow'.ALM'l AN Idn Vol 203~ No 4. 1972, signed to prvas 9. Julys 1971.. pp M: it in 'known Chat the. ;~hysiol-alcA117 Active phosphe-orsamic compounds choliaoszorass inhibitors are pentavalent phoophor" compounds geourally ,n* represented by the formulai, P.~ X, B 0 Here, and Is Are the. framing olkoxyl. alkyl. 4tyl-and ottK-r,- groups; Is the weak acid residue., Subsequently, the X bond with phospboras has an anhy4ride char,itter. %:'Ad the substance Itself has the propsirties of a p!wapharylstinj Agent. Utilized in the tapaol Y of jSro%sp'X vert'prectpLiarrs, qr hydcalluorle t Acid slid dygrocyonle scld~ phenalo. And twvcaptAtvi of vatlahle,structuCe And others- Trithloroalkoxy groups were used in, the present work far~X since it Is known that the correAponding alcohold containing a trichlot*ethyl group are markedly Acidic. A number of trichloralkylphd5rphoric Act& **term van wyntheol.-ad and invcotigarsd. Their characterlstic* are cited In Table 1. The synthesized esters at" colorless, slightly mobile liquids vith 4 weak ArcoatIc *cent, easily soluble in organic solvents, mineral and "-gatablo oil*, and poorly soluble in water. The synthesis *the=* iocl.~de* the following reaction*. USSR UDC 582.285.12:633.13(47+57) TIMOSLM.OZ. V., All-Union.Scientific Research Institute of Plant Cultivation imeni N. I. Vavilov, Department of Immuaity, Leningrad "Distribution of Oat Infecting Smut Fungi,-in the USSW' Leningrad, Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya,!Vol 7, No 4,1~pp 367-368 Abstract: During 1969 to 1971 identification was conducted in the various rayons o f the USSR to determine the agent-of oat smuts Ustilago avenae and U.-levis. Differentiation was based primarily on the structure of chlamydo- a pore membrane. In recent years~U. levis.was found to be limited to Amurskaya and Kirovskaya oblasts-andthis phenomenon wass apparently due to the success of prophylactic measures.1 --68 USSR UDC 58.08:582.285.1:632.4 KRIVCHMKO, V. I., SHCHELKO, L.~G., and T '"OZAWAY&I All-Union Research Institute of Plant Growing,imeni N. I.. AaVr +0 v "A Yethod of Evaluating Barley Resistance to Stony Smut and Oat Resistance to Loose Smut Leningrad, Mikollogiya i Fitopatologiya Nb'6, pp 523-525 Abstract: The coats of barley a~nd' Oat seeds are bruised with an RT-1 tissue grinder and'then,inoculated with tus'pensioifts.of,the agents of smut. The treated seeds are dried at room temperature' and kept for 20 to 40 days in a cool place (5 to 12'C, 60 to 90 percent hu.midl ty). Vne ~seeds are planted at the usual time in wo rows 1.25 m. long. An~infected standard is Dlaced after every 20 inoculated seeds. The.Hannchen (K-4104) and Vantage (K-18504) barley varieties and the L'govskiy 1026 (K-10796) ~,and,Anthony (k4054) oat varieties are used as standards because of their high, susceptibility of smut. If the standard sh(rws an attack rate of more than 50 percent, the experimental seeds can be used to characterize the degree of resistance. T1w latter is assessed both from the percentage of affected-ears aad~_from the percentage of diseased Plants. 56 USSR UDG 541.1i23-71 A. B* and Xazan' State University "Polythermal Evaporation of Sea Water Concentrate at B611ins Temperatures" Moscow# Zhurnal Neorgudeheskoy:Xhinii, ~ol 17, No to Jan 72, Pp 259-261 Abstract, Evaporation of coneentratem" sea,typm brine obtained after separation &I bromine arA most of XaC1 was -studied In basin type evaporation. The start- ing.xa-terlals was prepared frox chexically pure reagents 0 and It had the follow- Ing,compositiont MgSO: - 7.58%, HgC1 4 2 - 10#45%sr KC1 -Z Z~%, Nael - 9.99%. Evaporation was carried out In a three nook flask equipped with a mechanical ati=er P_rA a thermometero its rate, being about,.150 g of water from I kg of GOlUtion per hour. The startin solution begins~to boll atoundJO80 Ct the fint cr 9 14.40' ystals appearing at 112 C. In the ~oterva.1-112-1 C'the only pro- duet precipitating is the halite, above 114.4~C.a coneurre4t precipitation of balite, laxLgbeinite (X2SO4'2M6S04 ) andkieserite,(VOj,-H~O). The entire evaporation process is metastable. The quantities of precipitating salts were calculated by the method of material~balancei'Plottilig these values against the boilUig temperature shoved that precipitation of-all of the salts-increases in the early stages, eventually reaching a plateau. END,- _.CSO: 1841-W 40 96 7, USSR UDC 621-391:519-27 PUCHKOV, V. F. and TVOSHENKOV Yu. A. "Estirating the Indeterminancy of the Identification, of the Parameters of an Object Using the Integral Yethod" ~Tr. Tadzho politekhn. in-ta,~(Works of the Tadzhik Polytechnic Institute), 1969, ~.YF-_4, PP 34-45 (from RM-Rddiotekhnika~, No 4, 1970,~,Abstract No 4 A48) Translation: Relationships are deAved'which make it T-ossible to estimate the accuracy C of parameter identiff ation of'ar. object usir~,-_ the -integral method 'where the object is represented as a neA rly inertial link. Dispersion of W the limit of deviation is accepted as the measure,of scattering. Normalized dispersion limit graphs are set up for alconstant.speett-al plane of interfer- ence and input signal. The input signals, can be both ramdom rind determined. Conditions are derived for obtaining de.termining 1. amplifi- he cation factor and the time constAtnt,of the object. Orig -anal qrticle, three illustrations and four bibliographie entries. ~N. 8, 54 - 71, VI-6b. DISTRIBUTION COEFFM CXTS OF TELLURVii AND ZINC YON CRTSTALLIZATION OF C&Sb-InSb kELTS [Article by M. 9. M1rx&,Ia7&;=74. 1,~A-Strel'uikoys, A._S, Tizo,hin, V. mateev, III Acizer-% 19 Z, p 781 Experimental d0he diotrit;utioft coefficients of To., and Zn in under-the cou4itlons or dr&vtng crXstal. by 'vit Czochralaki-%~t6od. It was that In the G&AS-ZaAs s7fkib the dependence of. the distribution coefficlenta of both alloying ole to am on the composition at. the Ca$3k-In5b =#Its'la charocttrit*4 by stronit begative. d"Ietiou from the addittv-, cr.iiht iint. In the case of tellarium,tho cur" passes through Tmo bt!,Avior ot,tellurlum end x1ne-1s: obviously connected with the appearance of laterimplac:ular intersction lit the M*60-losb oolutions leading to the formation of- ordered structures, Expsrim~ntal, atu4l** war* made of,~ the ~Viscoaity,-&W the electrical conductivity of~ liquid solutizav of Gs,,qh-InSb~- - The axist~*oca of slosular sake corresponding ~to- eomp*oig lam* of .33.3 and and p atsi~l* in a aroad, temp"otum vac" was detected. , the letter indicates the defined .4,4grea of ordarLr* Eat the**, coupoalc.Lons-~,~ It Use, established: that the -concentration dependence of the aciftr volute* to ebaratterlaW by- margativa deviation ftow the laws, of ideal: oolutions which makes the formation, of sasociates, of at*"Ao 04 Wh-165b value law :~thjrwmdl ItaLly possible. 12 USSR VDC: 550. 83h TITMOSHIN, Yu. V. ,T 10 VI TM73BLYAK, A. A. "A Device f or I-rocessing Data of Area Seim*ic,Observations" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobrr:teniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Trovaarnyye Znaki, No 11, Apr 72, huthor's Ccrtificate No j33510, Division G, filed 8 Oct 70, ko ImlAished 21 14ar 72, P 183 Translation: This Author's Certificate, introduces a device for proces.-:ing data of area oeimic obsn'I'Vationo presented jn:the form of i3aismokinofiLms. Ihe deN-ict: contnin5 it data reprodcuction'uni'~, viti) vatbcde ray tube, uptical. system, infort-tation carrier and transport mr-chmisris. The flevice also in- corporat tes a cc-z-i-luter and signal otorage unit with j. TA. p otter. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, specd. is increas,ed by installin[~; a I~iotomult i p I i or at the fomw of tlj(~ 01)4e(- t4Ve J()Cjjted I)ehind tl,,f il- forma-tiou carr-I or. 'The output of ~ the pliotarwitiplier irj c~~mnectc;j to the modulator of th,2 CRT in tlie ztorage iaiit.:~ 'Elio CRILI 1,4 to a 1- 211 scanning oscilliator in the unit for re oeejdirg siEnals. the SeLi=iC pr 1/2 USSR UDC 621.762.002.5(088.8) MACHIN I. V., MAKAROV, V. S.1 TIMOSHIN,,2. Y GAYEV, 0:. B., and GRIN, L. T. With Liquids" "Device for Processing Powdered Miateriiis USSR Author's Certificate No. 268610, Filed 1/07/68, Published 3/08/70 .(Translated fron, Referativnyy Zhurnal4letallurgiy a,'Nb~ 2, 1971, Abstract No. 2,G472 P). ~Translation: The device includes a container, the baie of which is equipped with a drainage aperture and a!perforated barrier.. In order to -eliminate oxidation of the powder near.the~bottom of the container as it is dried, an automatic valve is viounted,doaxially with, the drainage for dr aperture ainage of the liquid.. 41 USSR UDC: 5 0. -3 Y -a. V. TIMIOSHIN, B. V TERHELYAK, A. A. Device for Processing Data of Area Seismic Observa~tions" Moscow, Otkr-ytiya,, Izabreteniya, PronWshlenn~ rye Obraw sy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 11 Apr 72, Author's Certificate 14o :333510, Divisicai G, filed 8 Oct 70, published 21 Kar 72, p -183 Translation: This Autherls:Certificate introduces a device for processing data of area seismic observattons presented in the foim of teismokinofilm~ The device ccntn~ins a data reproduction', unit with catbo~le ray tube, optical U The device also in- system, infoi ation carrier and transport, rnochanism-s. carporntes a computer and 5--i[ine-1 starage:unit vith it-agc pIctter. As a distinguishing feature of the petent, -;peed is increa--,~~;d by. inFtaallinC a photcmultiplier at Vic facus of the objeativc lens loa,~Ltcd behind thc~ in- fornation carrier. Thr: output of the pbdLozmultiplie;~r 1- cornecLed to tale modulator of the CY"ff in the storair iT is J~onne,~ted to a frame .7,e unit.. , 0,,e CI scalining oscillator in the unit -for reprodueing the sef.:~mic sigre-Is. USSR UDC 547.341 TUDOVIK, A. N., KRUSAINOVA, N. G., and TIMOSHINA, T. V., Kazan' State University "Cycloaddition of Diphenyldiazomethane to Allenylphosphonates" 'Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 42(104), Vyp 10, 1972, pp 2159-2162 Abstract- The 1,3-bipolar cycloaddition'of diphenyldiazomethane to diethyl L allenylphosphonate at room temperature in petroleum ether and diethyl ester, yields 3-diethylphosphono-4-methylene-5,5-dipheayl-delta2-pyrazoline as indicated by the IR and PMR Prot,>n Magnetic R sonance" spectra of the e product. An intermediary delta] suggested. If the reaction is conducted at 75% the product indicated by the IR, PIAR, and NL-Na (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectra is 1-diethoxylphosphonyl-2-metliyl-3-phenylin- dene. An intermediate of 2, 2- diphony 1-3-d ie thoxy lphoaphony lane thylene cyc lo- propane is proposed. At both roolit temperature and WC dipheny1diazomethane reacted with diethyl alphaphenylallenylph.os phonate to.~ive 3-diethoxyphos- confirmed by the IR spectrum phanyl-2,2,3-t-ripheny-Imethylenacyclopropane, as of-the product. An intermediary,deltal~pyrazoline is-indicated, which cannot rearrange to the.delta2- as the 3 hydrogea.has been reVlaced by a phenyl group. 34 - - ----- - --- --- gum SSR Yu UD.C %7.1; 31a PUDOVL A N KRUSAINOVA, N. G., and TIMOSHINA~ T. V., Kazan' State University imeni V.J. Ulyanov Lenin' Higher and ~Secondary Specialized Education RSFSR DialkoxyphosDhonoalkylalkynyl,,-aminoallcynyl Ethers and Dialkoxy- phosphonoif;o-oropylalkynylamines'I Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol,40, No 5, May 70, PP 1040- 1042 Abstract: Continuing their studies on the synthosis of organophos- phorus compounds, the authors obtained m-'dialko-T.Tphosphonoallcyl- Propargyl ethers as a result of the reaction of propargyl bromide with the sodi= derivative of dialkyl esters ofo4. -hydroxyalkylphosphonic a cid The interaction of diallcoxy.Dhosphonomethy~eneproDargyl ethers with secondary anines and paraform in the presence of copper acetate nro-aarsyl bro- gives 4-dial!-.jIaminc-2-buI.Ynyl ethers. The reaction of -opypho,,3phonic acid in the ..mide with dialkfl esters of OL aminoisopi presence of triethylamine gives dialkoT."hosphonoi-sopropylpropargyl- -resultant compounds waz stud- -amines. Tho biological activity.of the 1/2 62 Acc. Nr: MOM= PRIMRY: SOURCE: Z"hurnal Xikrobiologii, Epidemiologii, i Immunobiologli, 19.7Q Nt 1 pp, 'IV -J~- DYNAMICS OF DISCHARGE OF TYPHOID BACILLI: IN CHRONIC CARRIERS IN DIFFERENT SEASONS OF THE YEAR AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN THE EPIDE- MIOLOGY OF THE DISEASE & R. Khoml ~a- Af Ferdinim d, G. Shirda, SK,6vaMua v, K. 1. Po. N. S. Sol,~vt Ap P. Pova -~kpeykina, M. D. The feces of forty five carriers of typhoid bacillus were examined In differert seasons of the year. The greatest number of bacilli was dischargeO ~from JJanqa to May (0~1 to geo million a gm of feces were the number.of bacilli founc uthp 71he year). Thereforej the ors recommend examl nation of carriers to be carrlid out - of the mainly d.uTiq9 the first haif year. There was established no association betwee In.the seasonal distribution 6f t%e incidence of the disease. and the Intenisity of bacterial discharge. REEL/ E USSR UDC 6-10.1:669.1 TI610SI JK, L. T. "Mechanical Testing of kletals" Mekhanicheskiye IspytaniNa Nietallov [English Version Above], Metallurgiya Tess, -1971, 224 P~LgeS. ANNOTATION: Based on the experience of standardization of inethods of mechanical testing of metals in the Soviet Union and recommendations of international OTganizations ford standardization of the CENIA and ISO, this book analyzes various nethods of riechanical testing o-jf* metals and alloys. Brief information is presented from the:areas of metal science and the strength of materials, used to provide a basis for methods of determination of the characteristics of the mechanical 'properties of metals. Diagrams and photographs of test equipment are presented.. The book is designed for the engineers.of plant testing laboratories for mechanical testing o-f -etals, and can be used by technical school students, graduate students and scientific workcrs~ dealing with the mechanical testing of motals, 173 Figures; 16-Tables,- 44 Biblib. Refs. 1/4 ,JIM MI't'l M If -4 it IF -2 SSR -77 .. ... UDC 620.1:669.1 TIMOS11UK, L T., Mekhanicheski-ye Ispyt4niya Metallov, Metallurgiya Press, 1971, 224 pages. 'TENTS TABLE OF CON F oreword Introduction 6 Chapter 1. General Portion. Structure of Metals and Alloys; 9 2. The Concept of Residual: Stresses '117 Chapter Il. Evaluation ofthe Mechanical~Properties of Metals 1. Mechanical Properties of Metals* 30 2. Stresse&State Under the Influence of Exterrial Loads 34 3. Equivalent Stress.States- 38 4. The Concept of tfie-Mechanical~Stato Diagram 41 5. Types of Mechanical Tosts. of Metals 44 ~Chapter III., Extension 1. Tensile Testing 46 2- Diagrams of True Stresses, and Deformations in Extension 55 3 * 'Stress Concentrations During Tensile Testiug~ 60 4. Development of Plastic Deformation~ and Ruptuie in Extension 65 S. Equipment for Tensile Testing 72 2/4 USSR UDC 620.1:669.1 TIMOSIM, L. T. ,'Mckhanicheskive lspytnniya Mtallov', IMu-tallurgiva Press, 1971, 224 pages. 6. Devices for Measurement of Defomations During blvchanical Testing of Metals 85 7- Standards for Methods of Testihg"-of Metals in Extension 92 8. Tensile testing During,'Research,WOA 96 94 Selection of Specimens for Tensile Testing 100 10. Influence of CompliZince of Test~Equipm_ent on TestResults 104 Chapter IV. Compression 1. Influence of Friction on Load~Bearing Surfaces of Specimen on Results of Compression Testing of Metals 112 2. Characteristics of Mechanical Properties of Metals Produced in Compression 116 Tivisting Chapter V. -1. Stressed and Deformed State Dur~ihg Twisting 120 .2. Technological Specimens for Twisting 129 Chapter VI. Shear 1. Shear Testing 131 2. Standardization of Methods of Shear Testing of Metals 132 Chapter V11. Bending 1. Stressed and Deformed State During~Bending 13S 3/4 =now W, . .... ..... USSR UDC 620.1:669.1 TINIOSHUK, L. T., Mekhanicheskiye Ispyt~niya Metallov,- Metallurgiya Press , 1971, 224 pages. 2. Rupture During Bending.' 143 3. Equipment for BencLing~Testing 148 Chapter,VIII. -Impact Testing. 1. Conditions of Transition of,,Nl tal.:to the Brittle State e 151 ass 2. Determination of lrPact-Toughfi 156 3. -Determination of Brittle. Strength. by Impact 1esting 160 Chapter IX. Xariable-Load.Tests. * 1 Elastic Imperfe o Me f a 1 s 170 2. fatigue of Metals 174 .3. Rupture of Metals by Fatigue 189 Qapter X. Hardness 1. Measurement of Hardness 195 2. Error During Measurement of Hardness 203 Chapter XI. Elements of Statistical Processing of Mechani,,,al Testing Results 1. Basic Concepts 206 2. The Concept of Correlatloti 220 Bibliography 223 4/4 UVC 669.14:620.172.2 USSR GULYAYEV, A. P., LEBEDEV, D. OVSYANNIKOV, B. M., ,TDIOSRUK L T. "Determination of Mechanical Characteristics of High Strength Steels in Exten- sion" Moscow Zivodskaya Laboratoriya, Vol 37: No. 8, 1971, p 967-970. Abstract: Problems are studied related~to the necess" ity of supplementing existing All-Union State Standard,.GOST 1497-61 for estimation of the mechanical properties of high strength, low ductility steels (aB2400 kg/=.2). r1jese additions concern both the norms for the. technology of preparation of specimens, their surface condition, shape and size,: as me 11 *as thle~. techniques of prepara- tion of machines for testing. The existing standard should be used for tensile /1M2 testina of materials with strengths of 10s -than 200 kv and-relative reduction in area greater than 15%. Ford high strengtk, low '.ductility materials, the characteristics produced by the standar& method may be unreliable, ---- - --------------- ----------- -DC USSR TU 533.6.07 GORLI11, S. M. , KIFUDYAKOV, G. Ye. ,ZIBOROVA,, S. P., TIMOSIWK, L.. T. E -,"fe c tWhich Initial Flow Turbulence Has on Flow Arbundl.;Solid~, and Their Charac- teristics" V sb. Nlauchn. Ronferentsiya. Tn-t mi kh an XGU. Tezisy do'--l. (Scientific Conference. Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University. Summaj~ies of the Re-norts-Col- lection of works), Mosccrw, 1970, Pp 22-23 (from RZ-h-1feKh6irdk&,: No 9, SeP 70, Ab- stract No 9B5o4) Tranclattion: Data are given from studies of the effect which Anitial flow turbulence C0.11as on streamline flow and on the aerod~,namic characteristics of various so-lids. th E:O =~O. 2-10%. It is shown that: The research was done in a subsonic wind tunnel w]. 1) the lift coefficient of the wing and the model is cr~ticallly dependeiit on the -Darameter co; 2) the initial flow turbulence has a considerable effect on the critical Reynolds n-wraber for rounded, poorly Btresitlined:: bodies; 3) for poorly streamlined solids with sharp edges, as co:increase s as a consequence of the change in nature of the burbling zone, first an increa6e, and then stabilization 1/2 USSR upc 622.16-SOL.433 POPOVICH, N. G., BAZILEVICH, P. A.-T ALTIUKHOVI YE. I., YASHCHUK, i. M HT HC V a ndT1MnS "Investiiation of- Automatic Control System f"or with Magnetic Power Amplifiers and.Contactless Dynamic Braking Mode Pixed Speed Transducer" Vestn. Kiyevsk. Politektin. In-Ta Ser'. Gron. Elektromekhan. I Avtoma- tiki,(Herald of Kiev Polytechnical institute Hining . Electromechanics and Automation Series), i4o 1, pp 48-52, 1969 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika,l Vychislitellnaya Tekhnika, No 2, 1970, Abstract No 2A643 by B. A.) Translation: The dynamics of an automatic control system for a care elevator in the dynamic braking modelwith magnet-,'x posver amplifier and contactless fixed speed transducer type,130-501A are studied. In con- nection with the low output power of-:the transdueer, an intermediate magnetic amplifier is used. :In orderto study the stability of the control system, the authors derive th.e.characteristic',equations of the closed system. Values are found~for. pa7ametera oC the, interme4iate magnetic amplifier for which,the syst 0 _0%~~ij-on-theiibouhd~ry of at'ability. ne illustration, t WO bibil WO USSR UDC 615.849.114.015.3 FROLOVA, A. V.9 I and VOLOSHKO-.E. N., Moscow Scientific Research ica ns tit, Rentoeno-Radiol-.3g ute, ministry of llealth~ RS:FSR "Qualitative Composition of Radiation at Depth in an Irradiated iMedium" Moscow, Meditsinkaya Radiologiya, Vol 16., No '3, Mar:71, pp 75-77 Abstract: Since ionizing radiation is widely used in medicine and biology, it is.of importance to determine its composition at some depth of the ir- radiated medium (tissue, for instance). Todatermine changer, in the quali- tative composition of a radiation.beam with the depth of the irradiated medium, a phantom-dosimeter was developed by the authors, which allaqs one to determine simultaneously the dose field.and the qualitative composition of the irradiation as a function of the thickness.of the medium. The device contains two scintillation pickups, one of-which conqists oftsI, the other one consists of a scintillating plastic based on polyst~rcne containing PTP, POPOP and ZnS(Ag) additions. Each pickup"was a cylinder 2 mm in diameter and 2 mm long. The relationship of thexeadinss:of each of~,the pickups to the qualitative composition of the irradiation.differed. Vie sample cell was a rectangular plexiglas vessel 12 x.12 x 17,~cm.which could be filled with any liquid. A polyethylene film served as a window (55 mm diameter) for the 1/2 USSR FROLOVA, A. V., et al., Meditsinkaya Radiologiya, Vol 16, No 3, Mar 71, pp 75-77 incoming radiation beam. The instrument was used,to measure the dose field .,along the axis of the irradiation beam and to,measure,the thickness of the medium at which the radiation beanihad lost half its iiitensity. Water and myogenic tissue were used as tissUe-like.m.edia for the measurement of long- wavelength radiation. The data re ortedIn this paper can be used for cal- p culations of absorbed x-ray doses, in cases when it is hecessary to consider the dependence of the conversion coefficients.from roentgen to rads on the effective energy of the radiation. - --------- 34 USSR UDC 539.385 TIMSHIN, V. T. "Fatigue Strength Conditions in the Presence of a Compley. Stressed State" Sb. fiauch. rabot molodykh uchenvkh. Kuybyshev. aviats.., in-t (Collected Scientific Works of the Young Scientists. Kuybyshev Aviation Institute), 1971, vyp. 1. pp 55-58 (from RM--Ifekhanika, No 6, Jun 73, Abstract 1,1a 6VIO03) Translation: Satisfactory conparlson of experimental with calculated data for CT / T 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 was obtained for.. the complex atressed state caused by a. a the joint effect of bending with rotation and twisting of 301'hGSA steel samples. It was proposed that in the area:of the effect of.the maximum tangential stress, the condition T + K(j 3 ~ T is observed, where T is the maxinum max max eff tangential stress; a is the maximum normal'stress in~the area of effect T max Tyl I X, K and Teff are the material constants whlich are defined by the test results for high-variable pure bending and tortion 3 4(2T T K eff 2 3 USSR uDc 669.243 "Effect-of the Electrical Plode~on ioss of 'Ni cklel and Cotalt. With Waste Slags in the Electric-Melting Processif -Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 5, may 73) ppjq-20 Abstract: Long-term experimental melts'vere made at tlx_~ Buruktal'skiy Hickel Plant to study the effect of electrical=de on nickel and cobalt losseo with the waste slag. Melts were conducted using linear transforiller voltages oi- 220, 317.5, 367, and 440 volts.: From the acquired dta-,r- it i~as found that a transformer voltage of 317.5 v and electrode subm~,rsion depth of 1 .3 electrode diaracters produced the least nickel and cobalt looz in~the was' slag, yielded norrial output of desired products, and eliminated overheating of the Ni out of 0.9~~rlj slag in the electrode zone. For these paTanr_ter~.,i O.C)01:',2 Ni in the ore was lost while for cobalt., :0.009WP Out of'~ 0 .057% in the ore wal slost. 1 figure, I table, 4 bibliographic referencos. 63 ~212 011.1 UfqCLA$Sff IEO:- PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 C I RIC ACCESSION NJi--AP 0 129969 -:A9ST;RACf/E:XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSYRACT. "ANALYSIS 0 F ;A lo Yrc~",' EX--'U~IENGE 71TH 467 PATHNTS 'WITH U.NICO!,lill- I CATE D C~UMIP~",ESSI-'Jilf r- I R A C TO R E TW~~ SPINIE Z -TITUTE OF JliUP IS AT T H KA -- A N S E A,~ C ! f TRA UNA TO LOGY A. D G,-, A PRESUITcD. THEE LATE kESULTS OF TREATIL't.iENT H,;,tVE BEE'N ST0017-~,) Ul 113 P 41 T I EN T ci 4 1 T I i F 0 L L 0'~' U t~ Fr~ Clm~ i r o 13 YeA')S. I T 'W A IS F 01, 1" 10 fI I A T I 0.t-lP k E S S 10 N FJR A C T UR E S C fj N'S T I TV I'c '7 9 6 R EIR C EN T [IF A L.,,' SPI.NE iz-RACTURES AiND THE NW BER Of- SEVEqi-- JAJUR I ES IR.ESULTING IN PR0LJ'*-,iGED BELONG TO N t 1. DISABLPIE.NT (~UNCTIO.NAL TkEATMENTP 206 239 DAY~5)y At"10 IV RE' 'l L E N V A L I F 3PEAC ENT 2) THE ~ii-SULTS OF NOT It. QUE;4TLY STA P I TY ( I., E L Y 'D f -3 OF TREArMEN TREAT,,,IE-': T. APPEAR T13 LARG- DEP EN )N -THE. -FMPLOYEO.~ METHU.' T. OF THE CJNSEI~VATIVE 1-1-TH. JF TREATME!NT t THE FUNICi [ONAL IS THE MOSTPHYSPROC-ICAL FOLI-OWEI-) BY 600D L.ATE:RESULTS AND f~ORI: SH011"T OF DISABILITY. A E C 0 E N; J A T 10 N S ARE SUMITll" ~pg WITH RESPECT TO U 5 E 0 F F A I T Yl; K AZ AN 5 Kf-jGf1 INSTITUTA TRAV'l -ATOLOGII I URTOPEDI I UNCLASSIFIED T777-: 1,777 039 UNCLASSUff,ED :~PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 fl"TLE-INTERCOSMOS I IN ORBIT--U- ~~AUTHQP-(02)-TIN022"'!';-P. ZHITNIK9 ~.,-CGUNTRI# OF INFO--USSR, CZECHusLaVAKIA, ~~AST G ERMANY 1970, P* 'S KC E PRIRGOA, NO. 4, 78- 7 E PUBL IS14ED------70 li,.S.UBJECT AREAS-SPACC TECHNOLOGYt ASTR.ON0MYtASTkOPHY$lCS T --0PIC'.TAGS--ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATGLLIT~, :,SOLAR UV RADIATIt'Pl, SOLAR X RAD I 4T I ON vPfiDf0MET[-k, POLAktMETEKt SPNCECRAFT CAR,RIED EWEPMENT, SOLAR FLAREt SPACE PROGM14 TECW,41CAL~ASSISTAN ICE/ (U) tNTER'C0SM0S L SATELLr-TE ---CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICT'IONS .DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 :'-~P1MY, kEEL/r-kAMF--ZO0O/149O STEP 'N Q* -UR/0026/70~./ooofooz?-/ooT8f~)oa*r CIRC ACCESSION NO--APO 125118 UNICLASSIF18D 039 UNC.LASSIFTEO ~R06.ESSING DATE--Iniomr, CIRC ACCESSICIN' -NO-AP0125113' A8STrRACT/E-XTR-ArT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT~ DESCR',pTtot4 oF THE DESIGN A~40 EQUJPMENT OF THE INTERCOSMOS.1 SATELtITE LAUNCHED ON CC-T- 14, 1969 Vl THE SOVIET UNION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ;STUDYING lJV 'AND X RAY SOLAR EMISSION AS A BASIS FOR THE PPEDICTION OF SOLAR FLARES- tHE SAT~'LLITE CARRIED AN ALPHA PHOTOMETER, X RAY ANU OPTICAL PHOTOMETERS,'4N X kAY POLARIMETERr AN X RAY HELIOGRAPH, AND TV AND OTHER SYSTEMS t-141111UFU'l TUPED IN THE SOVIET UNION, CZECHOSLOVAKIA AND EAST GERMANY. THE PERPGRMANCE OF THE FACILITY-' AKADEMLIA NAUK SSSRP ..SATELLITE IS DISCUSSED BRIEFLY'--- FIZICHESKII INSTITUT, MOSCOWt:USSRo e_ UNCLASSLF-MID USSR UDC 621-371-029-55 V. '.Some Diffraction Effects in the Ionospheric Propagation of Short Waves" 140scow, V sb. X Vses. konf. po raeprostr. radiovoin. Tezisy dokl. Sekts. 1 (Tenth All-Union Conxerence,on the PropagL~tion of Padio Waves; Peport Theses; Section.1--collection of viorka' "Vauka," 1972 PP.329-333 (from RZh--Radiotekhnika, No 10, 1972, Abstract 1-16 1~04330) Translation: In shortwave propagation in the ipnosp)iere, the can-- tribution of the "side" wave. caused diffraction offects in the total field nay be quite substantial over extended distances if the contribution of the "Jumps" is small as a result of stront,,, ab- sorp.-ion in the D and a layers. Two illustrations, bibliaGraphy of three. A. L. 1A 34 USSR UIDO 621.382:5155-376 GOFSHTE-M-GARDT, A.L., KOVYREVA, N.I., KOGANP L.M., KULAGIN, L.N., KURLYAND, B.I., ZIIVIIOV A.P_, TRUSIMIIA, V.YE. Osemiconductor Light Source (Light-Emitting Diode) Cf Gallium Phosphide" V ab. Poluprovodn. pribory. i ikh primenenlye (Semiconductor Devices And Their -Application--C ol lect ion Of Works), - Issue 4~. Moscow, "Sov radio, " 1972, pp :5-14 (from RZh:Elektroniks i 7eye.primeneniye, No 9, Sept 1972, Abs~,,,ract No 9B)10) Translation: The results are discussed of.the developmort and an investiration of the electrical and optical characteristics of gallium sphide rod-radia-tion pho light-omitting diodoo. The izethod of creation or p-n utructurts and -the design of the light-emitting diode ore described. The 'principal areas -of application of, the light-emitting diodeq are considered. The devices described are characteriz- ed by a quantum efficiency of radiation of 0- 1-1 perconU 11 ill. I tub. 19 ref. -Authors abstract. OW', USSR v- T I N if -Roll Mos idzzL'Lcl ow" 70,, ---44 Abscrac--: j S, stt.&' ty f~ tho e -rui 7 , Th,:% e, S c45 vc; (i 35) 3 4i3p) deo.-.- -sa -~S Were pl:QdUcL'-- d' i V Lo -ILO -'IC(: Ll 1 -2 C 0 u 2j Lhe ar., Ar. d In- le C. Of V C'a u 0 Y mi, USSR UDC 539.3/5:678 'IL CH UM&ISKIY, E. S., KRYUCHKOV, V. V. DEB,RIV.NYY, I. Ye., PIN111102 V.. I., and TINYAKOV, V. G. (Kiev) "An Installation for Investigation of Creep-and Long-T(,rm Strength of Filn Materials at Reduced Tenperatures" Kiev, Fro"DIMY Prochnosti, No 9 Sep 73, 107-11.1 PP Abstract: A descrin'ion is given.of an installation and a proecdurc for the study of ercep and restoration, at static andl~ pul-sed lon.ds, of comip-coillion f ilris at reduced temr,.,ratures (plus '10 to'nulnus 1200C). A d; J feature of the instailation ir, the use of semiconductor' thermi0clectric batteries for cooling the working, volumm of the chamber.~, 'liances i e develo-p-d with se.-Jronductci, Corresponding devicen and app sensors, which permitted. the accuracy~ of maouremaent of Lhc forces zind tions to be cons-Werably incroased, in comparivon. It"o the cxistinr. mc-thcds Typical diagrlmlls of creep and restoration a tstatic and subsequent pulsed are presented. ficarc-s. 6 refemnees. 79 M.1.10SKIY1 E. - S. KRYUCTMOVt V.-V.; DIEBRIVNYY, I. Ye., 1,WCHEITKO V I", and TU1YAKOV,,!V. G., Kiev Polytechnic Institute "Stand for the Investigation of Creep andFatigjr-ue Stren;zth of Com-nosition Filias of Magnetic'.~Caj~rler Type. at;..Raised Tem-peratureWl Kiev, ProblemyProchno'sti','N'0.5t'MaY 73, il-P 103 107 Abstract: A t,.,ielve-sectional expe~-L-nentat, stand for cree-D and fatigue strength Lrivestigationz,,developed on the Chair of the 'Strensth of Materials of Kiev llolytecimic I-n-31titute, is descri- bed by reference to its general viezi and electromechanical and functional schemata. The standcan Ialr>o be,used for testino- short-term strengt?i wid relaxation. The intn'-1-rumentat ion Of, the stand includes an auto:.-.a-'1jJ1c servonech,-qism~fo- 'em-ccrature con- trol Paid registration (exactness �1Q0. and also a n-.ultichanael oyotem for recoraing deformations on proionged mechnanic~J_ tests. Investigation methods of creep and fCatir-,ue strezuth of com-posi- L - g tion filmis of magnetic carrier ty?e in.t'he interval of work-ing temperatuure3 are discussed, The,d~.,scribed the develo- pednethod make it possible to-situdy the mles of accumulation and dininishing not only -o--P:, the 1otal -but also of the-reversible (elastic and high-elastic') def ormat, ions:. F our figures, five bi- bliographic references,. END - USSR UDCi 621.317.799.621.376(088.8) ZEN'KOVICII, A. V., T11 V I Foam "Device for Measuring,Spurious I~requency (F'hase) Modulation in tu"I Signal 1-Uxers" USSR Author's Certificate No 278872, FiledIl Apr 69, Published 13 Nov 70 (from RZh-Radiotek-hnika,.%o 4, Apr 71, AbstractSo 4A335P). Translation: The proposed devIce,using a frequency deviation meter and a selec- tive display is distinguished ~y the~fact that in order to exclude the effect of a spurious frequency modulation source of the AM-signal and the frequency deviation meter, a phase inverter, a harmonic oscillator, an attenuatorand an FM-signal generator, the output of which is the input of the in- vestigated mixer, are connected in series. to.the outpuCof tile JVI-si nal source. 76 UNCLASSI PLED" - iPROCIESSING DATE-- L3NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0I269Zb ABST,RA.-T/EXTRAC_T--tU) GP-rj-, ABMACT.. THE TITLE COMP6. (1), USEFUL AS VULCANIZING AING HARDENING AGENV FOR. URETHANE' RUU~ERS AND AS AN, INTER-7-1EDIATE, FO~ DYES, WAS PKE1PD% BY!CONDEINSATIOI~11 OF 0,CLC SUBe, H.SU84 _N1H,SUEQ i4ITH Cri SIJ32 0 INI THE PRESENCE.-OF P.CL IN)JOLUENE, PHCLj OR CLUI CH SU82 CL. THUSt 31PERCENT HCL ~WAS AUDFO.f,0 rj,CLC SUB6 H SUB4 NH SU62 IN PHCL,h SU82 (] AT 20-50CGREEs,ti 37PERCENT HtHO WAS ADDED AT G t4IX'T.~- WAS HEATED 5 ~Hk AT 85DEGREES TO ~60DEGREES 1.4[THIN 2.5-3 HR, ANID. THE GIVE~98,7PERCEW 1. FACILITY:~ SC I E NT I F I CRt INSTuruTE OF CHEM I C-A LS FOR NOLYMERIC MATERIALS- q; LI, LAS S I F I E U imaterialsi USSR UDC 621.039 C KOT, A. A., Doctor of TechniPa,l, Scien6es, GRUZDEV, ~:N. I., SHCHAPOVj G. A., TIPIKIN,_S. A., and BOGUSLAVSKIY, V.~B,.,,Engineers A'Study of the Radiolytic Processes in the Loop WateT of a Reactor" Teploenergetika, No 1, January 1972, Pp, 31-34 Abstract* Investigations were conducted at the second unit of the BAES '(B~eloyarsk Atomic Electric Power Plant) with reapect to a study of the radiolysis of water, the extent of the radiolytic decomposition of ammonia which is dosed into the feed water of the reactor, atid the formqtion of nitr2tea and nitrites in the area of the reactor* Methods wera studied for supproosion -of the radiolysis of the water and removal of the rodiolytic oxygen. The experi- mante-were conducted during a change ofthe reactor power from 130 to '60 mega- watts (thermal) which correspondsto the electrical power of the unit of 40-IN megawatts. The vapor content in the evaporative chann6le of the reactor remained 'constant independently of the reactor power end was equal to 15.4 16.6 percent. 4 fig. I tab. 2 ref. 0l I UNCCASSr.F. IED PPOCESSING DATE--090CT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0115897 :A6STRACT/ EXTRACT- (U I GP-0- ABSTRACT'. DECAR8URIZATION OF TRANSFORMER STEEL~. CUNTG. 3.4PERCEPir SI AND A IMIXT. UF Ny Holl AND WATER VAPOR IN VARIPUS FRUPORTIGNS WAS INVESTIGGAiED. THE GAS.u[AS 0 PURIFIED TO 0.001PERCENT, AND-DRIED TO A DEW POINT OF MINUS~40 TO MVINUS 50DEGREES. DECARbURIZATION WAS STUDIED AT 650-1050DEGREESt:AND AT RATIOS (H SUB2 (ii-( H SUB2) EQUALS 0.2, 0.4t 0.6. THE-DRY GAS CONTAINED 20PE-RCENT .4 SU82. THE INITIAL G CJNTENT IN THE 'METAL WAS 0.02-0-0.025PERCENT, AND [HE HOLDING-TIME IN THE ATM. WAS 5 141N THE BEST DECARBURILATION RESULTS WERE OBTAINED AT 800-50DEGREES, AND AT (ii SUB2.0)-tH SUB2) VALUES-OF 0.4 AND 0.6. THE RATE OF~DECARBUKIZATIGN WAS DETD. AT -850DEGREES--AND AT (H SUBZ O)-(H'SUB2), EQUALS 0.5*'- THE METAL, 0.35 MM THICKs AND'WITH 0.020-0.025PERCENT.0~ ITS INITIAL, C CONTENTi WAS DEC ARBURI.ZE,D- -DUKING, 5 MI-N- P01 k~ VALU~: LIEIS--S-ITHAAI'O-~~005PE-Rr-EN-T,;, AND -WITH O.,045--~0.055PERCENT OF THE INITIALC CUNTENT TO THE SA14E,VALUEt BUT' DURING 7-MIN. FACILITY: VERKH-ISETSKII M~_T. ZAVQDj USSR. a UNCLASSIFIED TJSSR UDC: 6m .'396.96:62i. 39l. 837. 1 VOIKOVSKIY, S. A., Z~~ t r (Edi o-s) "Pxoblems in Analys"s of Devi s'for Self-Cont 'ned '-Radio Control of ce ai Aircraft.and S-oace Vehicles" 'Vo7pros_,f analliza ustroystv avtonomno~Lo radio%mrav:Len4-,-,,,, avoo-zatam! 206 (cf. Fznj=,-sh~above. Works -iyp. o.f.t.he 1,.bsci--w Aviation I=zt tutet No 20.8) Mo-cews 90~pp, iii. 58 k. (from Jan '71, Abstrs:ct. Vo ~IG18 K). TrzinsleUen: 'Me collection 41=.Ptains e i gh tarticlesd,f-aiing with theo- retical anzl~isis of radio transmJtters.-,rn-.-yste= for x..,elf-contained cantrol, incividing prolble=s of studying specific . signa4s. IT. S. 1281 UNCL AS S:ll ED PRbCESSING OATE-30OCT70 _____itMPERATURE EFFECT ON THE DEFORMATIGN PRO .VERTIES OF HIGH TENACITY POLYACRYLONITRtLE FIBERS -U- :-AUTHOR-(04)-STALEVlCHv A.M.9 LAZARIDI, KO'KH., TlkANOVr V.G-it VOLFv L*A* CCUNTRY OF INFC-USSR SOURCE-LEGKA PROM. 1970# (1)# 2~-4 DATE PUBLI'SHED--70 ~-_,-SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS -VISCOELASTICITYt POLYACRYLONITRILE:FIBER, TEMPERATURE IC TAGS DEPENDENCE,, STATIC. LOAD TEST., CCNTRCL'_MARKlNG-N0 RESTRICTIONS ;_-VIDCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED '-'"PROXY REEL/FRAME-ZOOO/0879 .:STEP NO--UR/051817010001001/0022/0024 ~-C IRC ACCESSICN ING-AP0124542 UNCLA-S.S.IftED, UNCLASSI'ViED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124542 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT*~.. THE VISCOELASTIC. PROPERTIES OF POLYACRYLONLTRILE (1) YARN.(Z9.'4 Tb(l WERE- EXAM0. AT~. STATIC LOADINGS AND AT.NEGATIVE40 TO POSITfVEIOODEGREES4. THE TEMP. 'DEPENDENCE OF I FIBERS AT VARIOUS LOADINGS AT 1009.70* AND 40DEGREES; THE DEPENDENCE OF THE ~DEF(JRMATION AND OF THE DEFORMATION INTENSITY CGEr-F. 0,14 THE TENSION AT NEGATIVE40, NEGATIVE20s 01 20t 401 7-00 AND 100DEGREES; AND FINALLY THE DEPENDENCE OF THE ELASTICITY OWTHE TEMP* WERE DUD. A NEW FORMULA WAS SUGGESTED FOR THE ELASTICI.TY OF I IN-THE GLASSY STATE FOR THE REGION OF LINEAR VISCUELASTICITY. FACILITY.- LENINGAAD.~INST. TEKST..LEGK. PROM. IM. KIROVA, LENINGRADP USSR.,',,~, UNCLASSIFIED 7" 7 j -2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-230CT70 .C.IRC ACCESSION 440--AP0124448 ~:'ARSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. POLYPROPYLENE FIBERS WERE a 'ETCHED 4PERCENT OF THEIR LE* S TR NGTH, KEPT IN THE SIRETC14ED STATE 1-960 AND ALLOWED TO CONTRACT WITHOUT LOADING. THE rIME REQUIRED BY THE FIBERS TO ATTAIN THEIR Pt:RMANENT~ SET~ VALUES INCREASED WITH THE TIME OF THE ELONGATING STRESS APPLICATION. DURING STRETCHINGs-DUE TO STRESS RELAXATIONI THERE IS A DECREASE OF THE, INSTANTANEOUS ELAS~ICITY (REBOUND ELASTICITY) AND AN lNCkEASE*0F THE HIGH. ELASTICITYL COMPONENT OF THE FIBERS. THIS.SHIFT IN THE ELASTIC PROPERTIES AFFECTS THE RELAXATIONAL FIBER~PROPERTIES* FACILITY:- LENINGRAD. INST. TEKST, LEGK. PROM. 114. KIROVA, LENINGRAD# USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 112,,7. 428 UNCtASSI F,IED" PROCESSING DATE-'-18SEP70 JULL-FINE STRUCTURE ANO PROPERTIC.S 43F~PEFORMED AND, ANNEALED TUNGSTEN m.SINGLE CRYSTALS -U- KOTLVARt!A.A., GRODSKlYt E.A., MIRDNOVA, .-a,-aw OUNTRY OF INFO"USSR ,t,.',_$OURCE-F-IZ. METAL. METALLOVED. 1970,. 29[l): 175-9 _~'~DATE PUBLISHED---70 UBJECT AREkS--MATERIALSi MECH*w IND., CIVIL*AINDMARINE ENGR -,'T0PlC,TAGS--TUNGSTEN, METAL SINGLE CRYSTAILY Z RAY DIFFRACTION, ZONE MELTINGt METAL DEFORMATION, WARR ROLLING, MICROHARDNE.SS,, RESISTIVITY ~-_C.CNT%ZOL, 14ARKTNG--N0 RESTRICTIONS ~90CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED E :PROXY-RcEL/FRAME--L9q8/0700 STEP NO-.-Ult/012617010?9/OOL/0175/0179 .t'tqC-- ACC E S S I ON NO--AP 0 105 676 -F IED UNCLASSI UNCLASSItFIED. PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 GIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0105676 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP_o_ ABSTRACT STRUCTURAL CHANGES DURING ROLLING ~.AND SUBSEQUENT ANNEALING OFAWS.INGLE CRYSTALS Wro-RE STUDIED BY X RAY DIFFRACTION IN' COMBINATION WITH '~ ICHOIiARDNESS MEASURERENTS, AS WELL AS BY ELEC. RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS AT LIQo N TEMP. LNVESTIGATEO WERE W SINGLE CRYSTALS PREPD. BY ELECTRON ARC ZONE,MELTING AND CONTG, A HIGH CONCN. (0,05PERCENT) OF INTERSTITIAL~IMPURITIES,' 'ESP. C. PRIOR TO DEFORMATIONo THE SAMPLES WERE'ANNEAL.ED AT 15000FCrREES FOR 5 HR TO REMOVE (fASTING STRESSES. AFTER THIS THEY WERE ~. ROLLED, AT 2000EGREES IWARM ROLLING) BY 5v 8, 12t 16# 25v 27t OR~ 30PERCENT, THE PLANE AND THE 01RECTION OF ROLLING WERE CHOSEN ARBITRARILYi ANDIIN THE GIVEN CASE CORRESPONDED TO APPROX. 1123) (110)*, SAMPLES Dar-ORMED BY 12-30PERCENT WERETHEN ANNEALE 'U" SUCt-ESS'IVELY AT- 900f 1200-9 1500'1 1'800-t AND 2400DEGREES FOP, 1 HR* AT EACH STAGE OF THE TREATMENT# THE SUBSTRUCTURE OF W WAS INVESTIGATED BY X RAY DIFFRAC"TION (SCHULTZ METHOD), AND THE MICROHARDNESS AND ELEC. RESISTIVITY WERE 14EASUPED AT LIQ. N TEMP. CERTAIN PROPOSALS ARE MADE'A'S TO THE NATURE OF THE~PROCESSES GOING ON IN W.SINGLE CRYSTALS DURING COLD DEFORMATioNTO 30PERCENIT AND STEPWISE -.:.;A*qNEALING. WARM ROLLING TO.30PERCENT PRODUCE&IN W SINGLE CRYSTALS A SUPERFRAGMENTED OR A FRAGMENTED-SUBSTROCTURE. STEPWISE;AN.NEALING OF -SINGLE CRYSTALS WITH SUPERFRAGMENTED SUBSIQRUCTURE PRODUCES IN THEM RECOVERY AND POLYGONIZATION, WHEREAS FOR FRAGMENTED~SUSSTRUCTURE IT PRODUCES ALSO SPOT RECRYSTN., LEADING TO COMPLETE WC-AKEN'.114G. AND THE FORMATICIN OF A PERFECT STRUCTUREt llNrl AqqTFIFn 77 660.2-9:62o.i- -4!-- ="U R, "L . a A Uctuxe an! . ropert';ies of Deform ed and Ann, 3ir'Z'e r-l'ystals" Sverdlovsk, Akademd Jan - Y-- "'au?. SSSR. Fj 175- zika lletalaov j 7()- PP -,-1701 Meta love"eniYO, V02. 2 9, o Abstra, ct: StructiLral chan.~-es Cccurring i, ;1~ subso:; ~O I Were - it'll., invitstirat.d. - '- ..'~ -crczcOpy an4 b:r :!~'easuri 0 --e ;;ethod s Of 4-ray asista'Ice az ~,~ne nit1*0gen to. d Rlparat~je Ure 3-'j I,.j(I ue s a re zrea3r;,ed of CZ7 L'. vi are also -zz-e crystal phoj: -1Z. straQture befol-0 ~je -0_ "I' S, Z;'r v 'Id 24COO) at 30~ al -,d allnualod th'at tlie Cii slo #I;xL ;.rain ca~ion 40110ity 12cL, to ar*d av - A s-ab* - = 2,-,~ the subgrain bc)~ bz'ai"'s incroases -4s state is %. lu"darles are n' - co~'di~iOrla]IY character-4 0 10r,-,~ar di-cerniblo. tativGly new. F"-- ~-~ Ized O-S prefraperitn, .p - % stuate cocurs. ?j, rY'. ,It E ::: 27"~- a C L'a "L~Pto 30,~) tung . q lz~ubstlruc-ure ap,. Sten single cry, properties oo de_ tures are studied. tals ~aft(--r annealin 112 8. at various tdMpera- MWAWA USSR TIRASPOVSKI-1, V. I., et, al, Akadelm'.va Nauk SSSR, Fizik,-;i.Y-etaUov j. A MetallovMeniye, 'Vol,Z No 1, Jan 70, PP 1?5-179',-:, The 1jaz-iation of the residual electrical resistance and inicrohardness of samoles deformed at 25 ud 'k;~v nalyz and annealed at 9001 are -presented in eraphs and a. zed. The results show that hot rolling with 30~ strain produces a prefra-Umentary or fra:rmexitary su~bstructure, depending on strain. The stept'-b-11-step annealing of single crystals with a prefragmentary substructure inducos only relaxation and polygonalization. in the case of a_fragmentary substruc~Wre i.t also induces re- crystallization, which leads to a total sottoning and a:]~erfeat structurei Orig. art. has: 5 figures. 2/2 54 -1 E UNCLA~SSIIIII~F IEDII. RO(ESS ING OA --20i IVY0 T T I E X T A C T- - U G 0- ABSTRACT CASE H I S T I E S G. F 2 84 PA T 1 ENT S --.wITH C4.46EYES MIELLITTji PEUNOPAYHY OF A OIFF~I-i-lk[-NT FJECFEr- OF N T- E.% Sl T Y A fR E A !'I-- A " Y Z A 1'4 E Wl RK 1 N-G CLASSIF, lCiVrION CF Ul I A B E T I C - -'T.Hli:S, iNHICH T"'KES AC UUNT bF' ANU FUNCTIOt iTl .1,A A IC I C 4 R t MCIAPHOLOG ,AL IAL L V E V: THE 0 R G N S C, F 61-S 1 CNI IS.~CFFE~,F- CHANGE ON TiiE DATA Lj.'l rHE DEG F EE F -~ E: T I f, P A f H Y A S A F U N- c r i o oF T 11 L 5 EX A i'll D AGE G~ THE PATHIPl,'IS-, A THE 5 i~ V E k f T y 'AN u GI) R A T I C N Of T H E I AF F 1:~CTJ (IN PRECE;Dl,"!G~~IAN'D CONCU.'ll Wir i,%-r- fi- C T !i-, THE: OEGilf I-- CjF DTABET~-S cc I%-TRUL CQMqf'~INAT ION. UF DIAUCT IC A E I N-E PA T f-Y ,41TH HYPI-i~T~NSI~hlli AINJ~ AT6EROSCLEROSIS' D INSULIN ll-~, L 'ThE P,*;r I E, 'ILI-fY'- L NS T REQl-l HENTS C;F T S AfZL INTED. FAC EXP~. E' EX; C IN ~'-L C fl E 1-; - ACAD. M C M OSSR. .5 1 USSR 'C IJ W UNC LA S, I Fl 1. I ;, - 4 - - Abstracting" Seivi C~ i,~:.~, Ref Cclde~: IN rERNAT -AER09, 1" '"ST. "X.R,00 ~2 0 A70-2~168 jNwIle'attion of 'the method of successive awaxi'mations to the, inte#stion of. boundaiy laydr, equations (Primenenie, rn atoda postedoinitel'nykh priblizherM k inteUnrovanq uraynenit pogranichnooo 'Sloiio. E. A. Kovach hnd G, ~Tirsk (Moskovskii FiAoTekhnicheskii Institut, , Mosa Akadern4a lVauk SSSR, Dcklzi~y, WI. 190, Jan.. 61-64. 6* refs. In Russian. Oescription.of a new variant of the meth(t~d of successive aPProxio-4tions -for numer6,, integration, of lwo-dimans~onal equations for an',asymptolically 'thin boundary's layer with an arb',trarY Pressure gradient at ~vli~'ch 6 solutian to tN'.problem exists. The distinguishing feirture of Ilie proposed app ropch. ties ',In the construction of i ions w syc e a w t terati h ay tJu t6 (n 4~ 11-th approximation, in.thecaseof art 6 ac;tJormulation W'jhi, problem of an asymptotic boundary layer. lc~i be , writt Ion In ricljrtent form in terms of the nth antwoxlmathin'~i;o~~a% to-obtain a new num,peival Al USSR UDC 547.822.1 ._LIRZIT G. D., and DUBUR, G. Ya., Inst~Ltute of Organic Synthesis, Riga "3.,4-Dih dropyridines as Inhib tors of"'Free-Radical~'Reactions" Y Riga, Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soy.Mineniy, No 1, Jan 1972, pp 133-134 Abstract: Certain of the 1,4-dihydropyt:idines are known to possess hydrogen- donor properties. This led to.the present study.of.these compounds as in- hibitors of free-radical reactions. Thiautooxidatioi.i of linetol was employed, the level of peroxidation being determined with the use of iodometric titration and wi th the reaction with 2-thiobarbittric acid The antioxidant activity of the 1,4-dihydropyridines was then, expressad in percent of reduction of- auto- oxidation. The reduction of electrocher~i'luminescence by this group of conpounds was. also studied. The authors conclude~ttat 1,4-aihydiopyridines have been definitely established as a new class oflantibxidants inb~bitors of ~ree- radical reactions. Tables of data obtain i cc a the paper. ~e,a OMP ny 9 PROCESSING DATF_1-230CT70~ .4 t_t--T~HERll0C0l%lPENSA TED MICROTENSOSEMSORS FOR STRESS CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENTS AUTHOR-(03)_TISENKOv 114 YAROS"EVSKAYAP L.S.t RODIONOVAt N.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR VT :,,SCURCE--ENERGOMASCHlt4OSTROENIEi L* 16t MAR*: 1976, P. 10-12 DATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 ..SUBJECT AqEAS"-.14ATERIALSi MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGRt METHODS AND 'EQUIPMENT TOPIC TAGS---STRESS CONCENTRATION, AUSTENti'JIC STEELS, ALUMINUM ALLOYS, TENSOMETER- MICROELECTRONICS, 8R0NZE,:8RASSvwCAST~IRON C. (IN TROL 4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,.-:".,'D0CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :Pf~OXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1487 STEP ~40,:----UR/0114/701-')16/000/0010/0012 ~C-IRC ACCESS ION NO--AP0120274 UNC L A SS I* F I C D USSR UDC 621.73.073 TISIUY~~**-XONRAD, TUs G& FOUTAKO L. A. jSTWSMOo N. V. t and _WA_DjJaY# At NO "Now Steel 9MUIM (DI-32) for Hot Def'omin Die Tool" Noscow, Ruzaechno-Shtampovochnoye projgv4.dstvo, No 8p Aug 73, pp 14-16 Abstracts The results Of CoMparative sttuUes of the basic properties are pxesented for a new steel 5Kj0jHV (D1-32119 standard gXude steel 5KhNMj *xA a steel recently presented, 40MMFt,is well as the strength of dies Rade fxom the nev steel and 5nKM. Chemid%Lcompositioh,of the three steels van (in C Ifn Si Cv NO Ni W V 5Kh2W2,TF 0 Iq 0. 9 0-40 1-1?6' 0-4.9 IV50 0.87 0-37 5KKIIII 0:54 0-~4' 0.:24 0. 80 0. 19 L65 -- 40mismF 0.36 0-57 0.80 L69 0.95 0.*10 -- a. 35 Data of mechanical tests showed that the new steel surpasses the other two steels-in both heat resistance and i#act ~st h for the -same level of rengt strength. The new steel also had higher Nat'ness than the other two steels for.all Umpering temperatures. The average.5trength of dles made from UDO ARS._,70 'YANI, I PAS-_rT OV, F.F. A . A . , TISTICHME,0)' A.A. , Rl-,_S1!!'Y, K'.N St;Ae Univ.,creity] "Interf!arometric ln,.~octivation Of Phe r,~ Fluctuationp Cf C clie rc-, nt Opt c -_i 3. Ra d, -i,-t, on In The Atmospi-ere" Izv.VUZ: Radiofizika, Vol XV, No 8, kxg~`9-12, pp 1225~42, Abstract* 7"he r-3b,.xlts -are presonte4, of' an investig-nt-L'Qrl Of of coh,erent opticz!l rad,~LaUon propagutin&in a rlindomlr inho-L-.0gener'Lls The equip-j.ent, used inuluded an interfert):a~itric systc*rl ba-;,Cd cal ti zh_-~,_~n typo interf,irometer Lnd a special 8 ppar atua I' 6i tc~M-Jc-r- ature 1-,ullsations. A I a r 0.6~ micron) operc-, 1 r1 a I' e I oscillations, waa tio-od s3 the ro-diaVo s n ou.rce. The mdiiiu oC 11-c cm. An -in, -made oa' avera-ed~ WterVerui-jet, 1, -,t' 7', C r f]11110 G ,j the divarevity base of the interfemnvo The irjturfoxz~nce f~i~ttcrn:3 -ca- ct - tuinud '.1nder varle'll, r."iAr, Oro! o~,-.ieal condit.lor,2 w:doh vjor~~ ohartiotorizcd by VbriWO VOueo ef the str~:,cturall const-,int cW th~; rafractiA-. `Lmla.,. it, ifi that the e- bc-twf,;,;v. the theoretical. and 1/2 W. R SSI U et al. ~71y~ Retdilofizik-n vol 8 1972, -PP 1,228-1232 is determined by the turbilerce in' e n -,3L' on thu t ruc Je, r u, shovir of ths pha ~;e v~iriqtions or, t~ he mctqorolo,~'cul. cG-,,- n- : t i t 11 e t, rc c in particul3r oil he . ul,anvcrze.vclocity a;.id tracc lenc-th. I f 2 tub. ref Receiv--d by 2 Im, 10~1 -2/2 WIN USSR UDC 621.375.018.756 BEIZWKIY, YA. YE., LEVITSKIY, 0* V., ItSITOIENKO, A'. ~~G. "Analysis of a Pulse Transformer Amplif,' Otbor i peredacha inform. ResR.-mezhved,._jsb. (Information Sorting and Trans- mission. Republic Interdepartmental Collection), l970I,--vyp# 26, pp 96-101 (from RM-Radioteklinika, No 4, Apr 11., Ah,*Stract No 4DO) ~Translation: A mms-istorized pulse deviae connected,according to the scheme 'with acommon base with.the transform-r clu t pling is analyzed. The possibility -of-excluding insignificant frequency-depe'ndett..parametata of the circuit is investigated in order to construct simplified circuit diagrams of the investi- gated amplifier for the operating frequonety range. A method of.series con- sideration of the f requency-dependent circu's t parameters~ by subdividing the operating frequency range into zones inslde~which it is possible to neglect certain frequency-dependent parameters is proposed.. Siinple relations are obt,%ined for the boundary frequencies of theizones, and,the frequency zones are constructed by the proposed procedure for a.specific amplifier circuit, The bibliography hass 7 entries. .311.351;6PJ'. .397 BELENIKIY, Ya. Ye., MIKHALEVSKIY, V. I*, TISHCHENKO,~ A. G. TSERKOVNYLTK, E. A. "A Device for AUtomatic Isolation of Television Si al Test L-nes and Their 94 Eleraents" Moscow, Otkry-tiya, izobreteniya promyshlennyye obraztsy, -11ovarnyye zneki, No -1, Jan 71, Author's Certificate No 291371, Division H, filed 15 Apr 69, published 6 Jan 71, D 161 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for automatically isolating-the test lines of a televisicm,siignal and their elements. The device contains a synchroselector, a selector of line 6-nd frame pulses, a -line frequency pulse oscillator, a-half-frame separatioii circuit, a switch for selecting the location of a line ele=nt, a cadence~~pulse generator and a flip-flop with separate triggering. As a distinguishiiig feature of the patent, the device is simplified and its ooerational r~-liubility is impro~,ed by-comtecting two multiphase multivibratoni: in series through flip-flops with separate triggering between the selector of line and frame pulues and the switch for selecting the location of a line element. A sipial from the line frequeney pulze oscillator is sent to the inputs of these two multidbrators, and the cadence pulse generator is connected to~ the third, multiphase multi- vibrator. The outputs of this third multivibrator are connected to coinci- dence circuits to which signals are sent frown the line position~selector switch- 124 USSR UDC*622~7: 321-9.004 INIK, N. D.,!,Xa AKOPOVA, K. S., DOKSHINA, 1. D, TYUTY.UN ZAD)ROZIINYY, V. G. BELOGAY, P. 1). ,DECTWARENKO, A V.. ,TIEUCH E-~O.,A- G. "US& of Ultrasound in Enrichment of Titl~inium-Zirconium Deposits" p MoscDw, Tsvet e 'Mietally, No. 11' Nbv'. 70 ~,pp, 86-84P UY Abstract* A method has been developed f:)r application of acoustical oscil- Tat'i Ene to minerals to change t1eir surface properties before enrichment, This article presents results of, an inve!;tiration of the influence of ultra.5onics on the minerals in. titanitin. -aiirconium placer deposits. It has been estibl;shed that 1-3 minutes actlon~ of ultrasound at 20 Khz and an. intensity of 3.8 W/CM2 gTeatly activa~ i!W' he flotfti66 of minerals by t6 t the 'flotation oil. The yield of minerals, the' foam ly'r'oduct increases as,follows: zirconi um from I R. 6 to 98-994,~: rutile~ from 3 - 0 to 97.5%, ilmenite from, 0 to 9404, staurolite from O~to 9,0% The, openditure of collect-ars is also reduced and the f lotation~ properties ~of minerals from different deposits are made more similar. 47 USSR. UDC: 621*373-53l BELEli KIY Ya. Ye., DYSSA,.O. F. , TISHCEMIKO A "Statistical Scatter of the Duratiori ofi. 'Pulses From t~ Relaxation Oscillator ~with Common Emitter Couplingi Otbor i Deradacha inform. Resn. ms zhved A. (Selection and Transmission of Information. Republic Inter-depart -mental Collection) : 1970) vyp. 25 PP lit-122 (from M-Radioteklinika, No 2, Feb 71, AbstractNo 2G233) 'der the-~ s oduction of a Translation: The authors cons, 6 nibility for mass p r relaxation oscillator circult with common semi 'tter coupl,,Lng. Tne scatter of duration values for pulses -from the relaxation oscillator is determined by using deterministic and probabilistic nethods of calculation. The func- tional relationship for the relative, change in the, output parameter as a fune tion I-of the relative changes:,in:individtial circuit-elements and the statistical characteristics of the circuit elements within the field of tolerance axle used for the scatter character.'.stic. 'Die deviation of the output parameter is presented in the form of statistical- ~characteri sties of random errors in circuit elements related by the functional relationship. 'Tolex;ancezc are distributed awng the paramete.~7s of the individual circuit elements vith regard to the corresponding inf nce functions. Bibliography lue of five titles. Resume. USSR 621.375.4 N TISHCHENKO, A. G. w9a-l'y S 15 of a Loaded Transistorized Amplifier with Parallel Inductive Correction" Otbor 1- peredacha inform Resp. mezlived. sb. (Information Sorting and Transmission. -90 (from P~,%-Rad 4 o- Republic Interdepartmental Collection), 1970, vyp. 24, ?p 85 - jekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8 D86) Translation: This article contains~an analyjsis of a amplifying cascadewith emitter countercoupling and parallel inductive correction operating on a comple -x load. Expressions are obtained for the correction coefficients corresponding to the optimal frequency and*,phase charactexistics of the ampli- fier. *.L'he characteristic features of the loaded transformer a.-liplifier wiEh parallel inductive correction are noted by comparison WiLh an analogous tube and unloaded transistor amplifying cascade., The bibliogr hy has sevdn entries. 4P 7 USSR UDC 621.373.531.1 BELENKIY, YA. YE., TISHCHENKO A "Ifultiphase Inultivibrator with a Pulse Length Less than 100 Nanoseconds" Sorting and Trans- Otbor i peredacha inform. Resp, mezhved. sb. (Informatio.-I _.qission. Republic l-,iterdepartmental,.Coil-lection), 1970, -vyp. 23, pp 72-77 (.from M-Radiotekhnika, No 9,_Sep 70, Abstract No 9G277) Translation: This article contains a description of a multiph'ase mu" tivi- brator circuit with parallel inductive correlation made, of transistors and operating, in the nanosecond range, An analysild: of the c:~rcuit diagrain of the multiphase i-ailtivibrator in the flip singe is presen~ad considering stra cauacitances. The solution of the characterillitic P_ uation is Cound by the Lcibaette-vskiy-Craffe-Dendelen method. Front the ntininum poi3itive root condition., an expression is obtairned~for findin the magw"Itude of the cor- xective inductance. SI-inple relations are presen'ted for calculating the basic C4,CUjt parameters and oscillograms OL-the pulses ol:rtained. The bibliogra~phy has rsiN entries. 141 '2 USSR um 621. W5. LI BEELEN"KIY, Ya. Ye., TISHCHENKO,~A. G,~ "Design and Analysis of Substitution Circuits for Transistorized Wide-Bvind Ampli- iers. Teor. elektrotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. nwichno-wtekhn. sb. (Theoretical Electrical Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Tei~hnical Collection), 1969, Vyp- 8, pp 58-64 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika,No 6, Jun 76, Abstract No 6DI30 Translation: To simplify analysis of transistorized wide-I)and aMlifiers, it is 'broken up into zonen which have a proposed that the working frequency range be physical interpretation -- specific substitutiomcircuits. Simple expressions are given for determining the limiting frequencies,of;the zones, Two illustrations, one table, bibliography of four.titles. Res=45. USSR UDC ~621.314.61 TUQWAYEV, I. T., and TISHCRUMO A T- "Control Circuit of Nonsymmetric'Bridge,Circuit of alThyristorized Rectifying converter" Sb. statey aspirantov i soiskateleyi H-vo vyssh. i sreda. spets. obrazovan- iya KazSSR.,Tekhn. n. (Collection of Papers-of Graduate Students and Cow.- petitors. Ministry of Higher and Riddle.Special Education of the Kazakh g SSR. Technical Science), 1969, Issue 8-9,.pp 216~2920 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 5, May 1971, Abstract No 5B458) Translatiou. The paver examines a circuit for control'of a thyristorized converter assembly, connected'to a 3-phade nonsytitmetria bridge circuit or to a 3-pbasse half-wave circuit, ind devel.oped In.the B-ranch Laboratory for Automation olf Drawing Processes of the Kazakh Polytechnical ~Institute. A number of advantages of the question are listed. Among the dis- advantages referred to are the presence of drift of the -rectified current during change of the anode voltage. .5 ill., 2 ref.