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USSR UM 62,1.365.82 ALEKS-AJIDROV, V. I., MdRINA, T. M., ZhEK and TIAT-MiTsEV, V. M. "Induced Radiation of Tu3+ Ho3+ in Crystals of Zircon Dioxide" Kratkiye soobshch. Ila fiz (Brief Communications on Physics), No 2, 1973, pp 17-21 RZh-Fizika, No 9, Sep 73, Abstract No GD726 Translation: The absorption, luminescenceland induced ratiation spectra of two kinds of crystals are studied -- Zr02:Tu3+ U% by Vei.ght), Zr02: H03+ (1,%l by weight) -- both with 20" Er203 by. weight. The uav6 length of oscillation for H03+ was 2.115 microns for Tu3+ -- 1.896 microns. 1he lifetime of radia- tion. levels was measured with T=770K and 3000K. It was found that zirconates activated by H03+ and Tu3+ have oscillation thresholds in.termodiate between YAG or Yt'103 and glasses. Eleven bibliographic-citationo, S.A.K. USSR UDC 539.3:534.1 ZHE KOV, K. -A- 'tDetermination of Natural Oscillations, of Cantilever Isotropic Plates:by the Grid Method" Moscow, Prochnost' i Ustoychivost' Tankostenn kh Avdatsionnykh Konitruktsiy, 1971, pp 101-108 Abstract: The subject castilever plate has one straight edge which is built-in. The plateis subdivided into agrid of rectangular elements. The basic equation of dynamic' equilibriam Q) can be put in the form of a matrix equation (Z)~ This equation contains the stiffness matrix. The stiffness coefficients required for this matrix can be calculated by formula (7). Tables show the expre.Ssions of these coefficients for different elements' of'the plate. Numerical examples s howl the :calculated aria. experimental natural frequencies and nodal lines for Ave differe-nt rnddes. 102 1/2 009 UNCLA SSI FIED PROCESS ING DAT E--l 1 S EP70 :TITLE--EXAMINING ELECTRIC TRUCKS BY THE:METHOD OF THE CONDITIONAL CYCLE OR--ZHEKO Z". -AUTH TVA- ~C'60NTRY- OF iNFO--BULGARIA ~SOPRCE-MASHINOSTROENE, 1970, VOL 19, NRI 1, PP 7-91 'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AR.EAS--MECH.9 IND., CIVIL AND MARINE~ ENGRI ELECTRONICS AND ~,:,:ELKTRICAL ENGRG ~-.T_QPIC T4GS--ELECTRIC EQUIPMENIT, DUMP TRUCKt FORKLIFT VEHICLE, DESIGN ~C'Okr A 0 L. MAWING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLAS,S--UNICLASSlFIED %PROXY~ REEL/FRA4E-1986/1482 STEP NO--BU/9002/70/Dlq/00110007/0009 ..Cl RC ACCESSION NO--AP0103313 UNCLASSIFIED oi~ 2/2 009 UNOLASSIFIED IPROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 C-1 RC ACCESSION NO--AP0103313 I-ABSTRACT/ EXTP ACT-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE 03 S RIBES THE METHOD OF INVESTIGATING ELECTRIC TRUCKS 13Y WHAT IS KNOWN AS THE Cr)NDITIONAL CYC-L E, IT SHOWS T14F qESULTS OBTAINED, FROM THE INVESTIGATIONS CARRIED OUT ON THREE.MACHINES, NAMELY: -A HAR D CO NTROLLED LO',VLIFT TRUCK, A UNIVERSAL FORK LIFT TRUCK, AND A HARD CONTROLLED FORK LIFT TRUCK. AN ANALYSIS HAS,BEEN OFFERED OF THE OPERATIONAL,~.PROPERTIFS OF THE MACHINES ~INVESTIGATED ON THE BASIS OF GENERALIZED;'INOICES;.:, THE METHOD IS LIKEWISE APPLICABLE TO PROGNI)ST.ICATION , AND' EVALUATIoN OF A NUMBER OF EXP LOT T ATJ ONAL PAR4-METERS-MD ESIGNrNG ~-NEW. TYPES OF. ELECTRIC TRUCKS. UNCLASSIFT -'AAJ q 0441LW AUTHORS-- m6v -PROFESSOR$ _m_paAXk0y4_V.. PROCESSOR 3-T A AND -LISHi 4 1 ICAL J_~_ CANDIDATES OF ~UCIHN SCIENCES TITLE--- IN THE ULTRALONG WAVELENGTH BAND WSPAPER-- PRAVDA OCTOBER 29, 1969, P 3p COLS 7-a Y3 ~.~..ABSTRACT_- SOME RESEARCH INTO THE EFFECT OF THE IONOSPHERE ON THE PRO- PAGATION OF ULTRALONG-WAVELENGTH SIGNALS,/15'-45 KILOCYCLES/ WAS,CARRIED .'--OUT BY-OKOSMOS-142 14 AND "KOSMOS-2,59* WHICH WERE LAUNCHED FEBRUARY AND DECEMBER.14, 1969 RESPECTIVELY, THE EXPERIMENTS WERE CARAIED OUTIN-REGIONS BETWEEN 50 RGREES NORTH AND SOUTH OF,THE EQUATOR AT ALTITUDES Of 200-1350 KMS. IT WAS DETERMINED.THAT THE ATTENUATION OF SIGNALS OF ULTRALONG WAVELENGTH.WAS LOW IN THE LOWMIlONOSPHER7, AT NIGHT TIME, AND LITTLE DEPENDENT UPON FREQUENCY. THE DAY TIME ATTENUATION WAS ~-'MUCH MOREAPPRECIABLE AND INCREASED-WITH -FREOVENCY 0676 USSR uDc 621.791.85 MAMIL-13 M. S., ZHEUDITOV, V. I., TYUPOV, G. G., FT-Ln,,PoV, A. F., and SMMYREV, I. A., NO-Scow-, -e1 Alloys During Electron "Elimination of Nitrogen and Oxygen From Chromium-Nicb. Beam Smeltir4l, Moscov -43 Fizika i Nhimiya 0brabotki Materialov, No 1, JP-n/Feb 73, Pp 39 -long e,.gosure Abstract: Oxygen was removed from Ni-Cr-Ti alloy durb-g- a 5-min 0 te an electron beam when the surface temperature. of th-~ niolten metal ~,ao 1600- 16200C. The residual cencentration of oxygen was 0.001%S, regardless of the initial oxygen concentration. Metallogrp,.phic ana~Lysiv,of the initial and refined metal showed that oxygen was present, in this al:Loy he form of a and. TiO2 (if, Ti J.-.*~ present) . Thu complex spinel consisting of Crp03, A1203, refined metal was purer and the inclusions -in it vere &L8trlbuted more uniformly. In order to decreatse the concentration of' nitrogen in N!-ICr alloy from 0.099- 0.01V1, to 0.02-0.01%. a 20-minute eyposure of molten metal to the electron beam was required. For nickel alloys containing 8 and 20% Cr, the elimination of nitrogen amounted to 30-40~. The addition of 1 .5% Ti to, nickcI al I oy contain- ing 8% Cr did not ebange the elimination kinetics of nitrogen. However, the purification rate of the alloy containing 20% Cr and 2% Ti froui nitrogen was 1/2 S., et al, Moscow, Fizilm i K%imiya Obrab~jtk-i Dtaterialov, NO 1, Jan/Feb 73, P.P 39-43 higher compared vith the same alllo~ without Ti. A sharp dc.,crease in the concentration of oxygen and nitrogen during melting of the electrode and a ex osure of molten matal to the electron beam showed that VA6 wet'hod of refining of metals has many advantages. The jarge,,it ELmount. Of Ef'E'Sez Were removed from the thin layer of molten metal during the fusion of the olectrodc and from molten metal drops. The rate of elimination of nitrogen front the molten metal is controlled by the mass transfer vrocesics. ~.2/2 61 Instriments and 'MaasUreinan,h USSR UDC 5-44.8 KATORGIN, V., ?TIKOLAYEV,~V.. ~T B~WJA "ODtical Device for Measurement of the'Parameters of Ultrasonic and optical Filtering of.Radio Sig'nalsill Uch. zap. Ultyanovsk. gos. pred. in-t (Scientific Annals of Ullyanovskiy Stato Pedagogleal lnsMute), 197P, 2-, Issue 3, Part 1, PP 274-280 (from RZh-Elektronika iye 0 pr=aneniye. No 3, March 1971, Abstrac-tTo- MUM 7 '.1'ranslation: X-cut quartz plates 20 in diaiaoter with funda- Rental Trii-quenoien of 1, 3r-.5f~ 7, and .;10 MHz' w'6re used as ultra- sonic radiators. 5 illuctrationsp,6 references. N.B. USM uDc 621-317-784-029-64:621,398 2HEIDUBAM, V. 11. and KUKUSH, V. Do "Permissible Time Lag of a Telemetry Channel for Measuring the Transmitting Povier of. Super-High Frequency, Operating Under Variable Load Conditlow" Radi0t0Rhrdka,, Roo# mezhved. temat.' nauch.-tekhn. ab. (Radlotokhnika- Republic Intai-a- gency. Thematic, 8-Aentific-Technical Collection of-Articles), 1972, vyp.21, PP 194-201 (from RZh-XadiQteMnika No ]I,, Nov: 72, Abstract No- 11 A224) Translation-: A theoretical study is presented on the wasurem-cnt of transnitting power in output tracts operating undervariable load conditions with re'spect to time. Load characteristics am given for oper-ation.undercontinuous and pulse emission conditions. Formlas are derived f or ~estimating the lag time of a telemetry Channel used in measuring transinitting povier. Original article: five illustrations. Resume, 6 5- USSR UDC 669.243 GAVNBM(, A. A., YUZHANINOV, 1. A.,, DEKOVOV, YU. D., and ELDYBIN 0. 1. llja$camination of the Process of Continuous Converter. Blowing of Fe'rronickel" 'Moscow, Tsvetnyye Netally, No 2, Feb 71~, pp 18,-21 Abstract: The artJ:cle considers rerults of thel first ph.-Ise- of inves4c.igations of.aontinuous converter bloving of ferronickel cond"cted at the Uningrad Mining Institute i" tooperation with the "Gipronikell 11 Institute, The basic regime,cFaracteristics of the process are determined. Conversion to the contlinuous Bessemer process eliminates many shortcomings of the periodic process carried out in vertical converters. B10'1471ng is carried, out in the fullowing manner; after,arc firing 6-f the furnace up to SOO-10000C, the bath is set by discharging ltxap electric- furnace ferronickel. Then the prelicated to 1500-1550(le and the arc is discQnnected. ~The:.electrodes ar, .t~ removed from the furnace, the electrode holes are filled with refrac-41.-ory chokes, 1/2. 31 USSR t USSR UDC 6-1-396.6-i8i.5 I al-- OV S FIT Pil 0 v V. 1-: T LK 'A G. 41S `~'roblems ila the Tcchnol~--,f~r eu D~ dz Ome 0 f Vnin-Film Cir it - ar --- f, r Large-Scale Hybriid integrated- Circuits" IZV. llenirlj~,- -.!,,n. in~ta (New-s of the Leming-l-ad, El-ctr-lc,~ a elehl te! Engincerlt, & Inst-t-Lite) , 19'ri, vyp. 92, pp .1-3-25 UVO-n 140 7, Jul- 71, Abstract No 7V280) Translation: Ihe pppol pre ehts the resultv r~f devc.-~1cpm,-mt of a C:i-r board teehnoloW ;,~)Id as fll~,. mLterial fl-n. t, 11-.2 tation layer, fused qu.,,,.r(z for -Lhe in(-.erlzqer in!311 ti tj or, Lmd nlunivwn, I for the upl)f-.r layer. -T! i c z;ame combination of layerz v F-, s for nmkin~,- capacitor--. Me vilna ~;trur--tiwos wero made by tb(,~ ;nt-;,4L-hcI,5 of ion vap~)- i - Zati on. Imbe parw7i~%ter~; of lJiv T,,wocv~,"s of atr,-'d -"In Ili,-, al (I dewniting, rilm'; an~ prua(.,i-sted. Ono 'Muntratialri, one., toil.c. USSR UDC 620.179.16 BABIN, L. V., BEIOGORODSKIY, B. A. Z-ILELEZM and KHOPOV, V. V., Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F o e, Acade4~y of Sciences, USSR "A Multi-element Scanning Device for Acoustic Ifologra hy" p Sverdlovsk, Defektoskopiya No 2, 1972,:pp 100-104 scanning device described here is intended for Abstract: The multi-element riondestructive inspection and f law detection by methods of acoustic holography. A simple electronic device was developed for discrete interference processing of the obtained signals. This is a dev'ice,of a mixed. type, tdiich to a certain degree combines the simplicity and reliability of a mechanical scanning systen, with the rapid selection of an acousti6field that is~inherent in electronic scanxiing systems. This effect is. obtained by means of mechanical scanning by a large number of pickups situated in a;line, with simultaneous electronic commutation of the pi&eups allong the, Vne. The described device was tested during. operation with commutatingpulses 30-50 microseconds in duration; the duty cycle was varied within the limits of 1T5 magahertz; the number of cir- ures. 1 reference. culation cycles was on the order of 80-100.' 3 fig 136 USSR 1JDC 622-323(4?7)6) -.SKRIPNIK, V. A., Z1MLEZ140__V_,___R- A., KLY.AROVSKIYA: and KISELI, Ns As Prospects for Development of Lelyakov Petroleqm Deposits With Consi- d derati -on.of Liquid Overflow BeItween!the P1+2 an P3~Stratall ~Kiev, Nef-tyanaya i Gazovaya Promyshlennost'. No'.6, Nov-Dec 70, PP 30-33 Abstracti Three levels of oil deposit are bei' a ng, exploited in Lelya- kov areat PI+2, P and K1 F1+2 y1elda 1.15-30~s~t/day, F3 -- 15-210 ..tons per day, whil; K, is -only of secondary importance. Oil overflows -from P3 level to Pj+~ where there is no~clay burrier between them, and In wells exploiting oth levels, The,pressure in P1+2 layer Is about ~26-30 kG/cm2 lower than In P Lelyakov deposits are among the rich- -est ones in Ukraine. It is ~r'oposed -to.-increase, the yield to about -200-250 t/day by drilling more wells# and preven~ting:the overflow from P3 to P1+2 by building up the pressure in F,+ Ahrough the inkut of ..water. Tt has been calculated that 8:pproxigaiely 3 aillion ml of water per year will be needed to keep the~'Pressure in P1+2 at 160 kG/cm2. FOR, ENT14MVERMCHMM-0111 M1 MOM. ......... . 'USSR UDC: 621~319-4 -EZNOV, M. T. YURINOV, M~ M. BUTS, V. P., ZHEL "Vacuum Capacitors" VakuumnyVe kondensatory (cf. English above) , Leningrad, "Energiya", 1971, 134 pp, ill. 55 k. (from RM-Radiotekhnika, -No 6, Jun: 71, Abstract No 6V377y) Translation: The use of vacuum as a dielectric makes it possible to pro- duce capacitors which have a, better combination of electrical and opera- tional, characteristics than air,,! -M e , mica or~ceramic capacitors gas 3. 1 d in a certain region of working fre4uencies. vith:lcwer~veight and overall dimensionn. This book systematizes available information on vacuum capaci- tors. Ye. M. 6.5 USSR UDC: 51:621:391 g! Values ol their Basic 'The Properties of Physical Signal Models and Limitin Parameters" Tr. Leningr. In-t Aviats. Priborostr. [Leningrad Institute of Aviatior Instru- ment Building], 1972, No 74, pp.3-10 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 11, 1972, Abstract No HV378,~ by the adther) Translation: The basic properties of physical si*gnals.which must be retained in a model to avoid development of paradoxes are formulated. The most important are: 1) random functions finite, i.e., of limited length T; 2) mean energy limited; 3) predominant portion of,energy concentratedjn effective frequency band Afe; 4) generally, the process is non-stationary relative to the correla- tion function. Two main parameters are introduced: 1) the number of base com- ponents N0 hav ing the properties of being~finite, non-coTrelated and carrying the greatest possible share of the energyof".-he signals; 2) the coefficient of energy concentration K and Af I,wo M -formation of N are studied: ~O~hods of e 1/2 6, agn~ i-~gaa;; -wWQ7W1 W01 PRIKHMI! A H.. I zur USSR UDC: 51:621:391 Zheleznov., N. A., Tr. Leningr. In-t Aviats. Priborostr., 1972, No 74, pp 3-10 sequential and simultaneous, leading to the i(arunen-Loov-Pugachev expansion. A basic theorem is proven, yielding the best (or asymptotically best) estimates for N and K It is shown that Ng[Mfj, while K with simultaneous foTma- 0 e' e e tion of the base components, may be arbitrarily close to I (with sufficiently great N It is demonstrated that in this latter case, the information of the 0 initial signals is retained with arbitrary completeness,in the base components. The signals for which the limiting:values of parameteTs:are reached are dis- cussed.. It is noted that the theorem allows us to limit ourselves to a finite- dimension approximation when the Gaussian model is use&, eliminating paradox6s -a-numbe S. i n r of important problem 2/2 -USSR UDC 621.771.23:621.,771.011 PAVLOV, I-M., YARGSTORF, P CRIGO RYAN, G..G., and Z.AAL&QgXt4p -FROINDEL19 P-$ Moscow Ins titute of.-SteeIr'And.13-1 OYS "The:Effect of Outer Parts on the Edgewise Deformation-in the Light-Gauge Sheet-Rolling Process. - First Report"..: Hescow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Chern' a Metallurgiya, No fly 11,,1970R pp.81-85 Abstract: The interaction mechanism of outer parts with the defcrmation source-in the process of light-gauge sheet rolling is discussed from the viewpoint of the edgewise interaction of internal longitudinal stresses. The physical interpretation of this interaction is discussed by reference to. diagrams showing the alignment proces& of the t1ransvarse difference of thickness of a band and the relation between the i-iregularity of the edge- wise deformation and internal stresses. Experimental data show that with increasing length of the band, the transverse differencti. of thIckness de creases in the beginning and then becomes!cons.tant. A functim is derived from whicli a coefficient characterizing the capacity of4elf-alignment from d' externv-U acting parts can be determine k, comparis6ti of experimental y and-theoretical rolling data is presented4 J USSR UDC: 51:330-115 SHARAKSHP-NE, A. S., ZHELEZ Y. 142V, Z.h. "On the -Process of Developing Mathematical Klodels of Large Systemsil V sb. Nauch- prakt. prc'~-!. bol'shi-kh sistem. Sekts, Bcilsldye slst=--y. Te6riya, =-etodol., modeHr. (Scientific and Practical ProbLems of Large of - - 3 -y, M Systems--collect:.Lc- works. Large Systems Section. Theoi lethodoloQv~ Modeling), Moscow, "ITauka", !0,71, pp 186-191 (from. RZh-Kiberzietika, No -118-63) 12, Dee 71, Abstract No 12 Elio abstract] UDC 681.327.02(088.8) USSR YHOKIN, V. Ye., and ZHELEZ JW, A.'B. __g_ NYAK, 4__ "Device for Time Selection" USSR Author's Certificate No 275128, Filed.3/04169, Published 15/10/70 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemakhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 5, 1971, Abstract. No 5b231P) Translation: The device for time selection suggested,contains a digital winding of a magnetic accumulator connected into a bridge circuit, a write pulse shaper, and an amplifier-shaper. The essence of this inventioll is the creation of a device for the formation of-a pulse.for time selection of signals read from the magnetic accumulator, contair-ing L,.-io differential read amplifiers, the opposite inputs of which:are connected in pairs -dith bw outputs of the digital winding of. the magnetic accumulator, while the output of each one is connected to the input of an individual strobing The two implifiers have op o it initial imbalance, the magni- amplifier. p s e tude of -,&ich is greuter tlian. the amplitude of the leading noise but less than the amplitude of the sign.-I. The outputs of the s,-6rob*Dg devices are connected through an OR circuit to the amplifier-shaper of the narrov strobe pulse,,which appears at the moment the read signal appears at the output of the strobing amplifier. 1 fig. 1 A 2/2 028 UNCLASSIFJED,~::_ 1~ROC~SS ING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSI;'N NO--AP0132217 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPTL. LIQ. EXTN. STUDIES IN 6 SYSTEMS (h SUB2 G-ACG-h-C SU66 H SUB6f H SU82 0-PROPIONIC ACID-C SUB6 H ~SU136, IISGAMYL ALC.-PbENOL-H SU82 0, ETOAC-ANILINE-H SUB21 0, H SUB2 O-ACUh-ETt;ACr AU. GLYCEROL SGLNS*_NITR0oENZENE).- Y.IELUED AN EQUATION FOR CALCG. MIASs rRANSFER COEI-:FS. K SU6P FOR $YSTEMS. IN WHICH THE u(SPERSED PHASE HAS SPALLER THAN ZOPERCENT~DROPLETS OF 0.241-0.80 CM IN DIAM. WHERE THE. CIRCULAT[CN MODEL OF R. KRONIG AND 1,~-.EIRINK:. 41950711 ANC) THE TURBULENT :NGUEL UF A. FANOLCS AND T. BARO.4 it 190) DO NOT AOPLY.~ THE EQUATION 408TA' INED FUR K SUSP LS A 14001FICAT10N OF THAT OF:,K. AND B. FOR DROPLET .~DIAMS,(o SUOU1, OF 0.3-0.8 GMv: THE. K-,SU8P VALUE'jS NEARLY CONST. AND IS GIVEN AS K SUBP,SIMILAR. TO U SUBb PRfME .7." EXPTL. DETD. K SUBP VALUES -OR MINUS 9.4PERCENT WITH ALUES CALCD..5`Y USING K SUBP _,~..AGREE TO PLLS,, EQUALS' K SU898 (0.5 PLUS 0.7 401SUBO-,G. 8) WHERE K SU13KB IS THE' PASS TRANSFER COEFF. CALCDo WITH Tfll:K. AND:B.'EQUATION. FACILITY: VSES. NAUCH.-ISSLEb. I NS T.! NE FTE KH I M~PROT~ESS-., LENINGRAD, w o UiN C L A S S I F I E D USSR UDC 621.385.6 NMHNIKOV, V. V., BEZMENOV, B. A.9 ZHELEZOVSKIY, D. YE. 'lAnalysis of a Two-Signal Balanced Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier" Kiev, Izvestiya vuzov SSSR, Randioelektronika, V61 XV, No 8f 1972, pp 1042-1046 Abstract: A theoretical and experimental study was rhade of the conditions of simultaneous amplification of two signals of equal.input amplitudes and differ- frequencies in an 0-type traveling wave-tube. The predoninant amplifica- tion of one of the signals is determined by its frequency, amplification co- efficeint and the s~teepness of the amplitude characteristic in the signal of single-frequency mode. Dependinglon the operating.conditions of the tube, each of the mentioned parameters can be defined. Witli equal steepness of the amplitude characteristic and the.amplification coefficient, the higher f1re- quency signals will receive predominantamplificationi For equal amplifica- tion coefficients and small detuning, the signal. trith.;: greater steepness of the amplitude characteristic will receive predominant amplification. The signil with a high amplification coefficient will. receive predominant amplificati,on for equal steepness of the amplitude characteristic and small detuning. 99 USSR uDc 616_oo3.q7(viBRio1-057:656-6l ZUBKO, V. 1. and ZBEIEWYAK, L. D., Basin Sanitary-B-pidemiological Station, Black Sea-.Azov Aq7 iia~tic~sioi_of Public Health, Odessa ."A Clinical-Epidemiological Description:of,the Transportation of Nonaggluti- sly nating Vibrios by Seamen Taking Long Cruise Ybscow, Zhurnal l,dkrobiologii, Epidemiologii, i Immunabiologii, ITO 3, 1973, PP 72-74 Abstract: Foreign and Soviet seamen arriving at Black Sea ports after lonJ cruises -were tested in 1971 for the presence of nonagglutinacting vibrios. Vibrios were, detected among 0.2% of the,individuals analyzed at different inten- sities throughout the year. The number of carriers f6llowe, d the annual pattern of incidence of acute intestinal infections and detectability of vibrias in the envirorjr~eent at ports of call. Most carriers had visite%;t ports in Indonesia, Yhylaysia,.Txidia, and Bangladesh at which cholera outbreaks had been reported. while 44.8% of the seamen carried vibrios for 60 days after leaving such ports, they were also detected among, seamen 15 to over 60.days after leaving. On the busis of occupation, 75% of the carriers were- coT4,mnd staff and medical crnloy- can. It in ouggested that sea water is ~an important source of infection. 'Ibe need for enactin8 infection control meaoures at Black 00a parts io apparent. TM R i~ T USSR AN, A'. KEI., YAKUBOV, 1. T. (Vioscow) HNATSAW4Y. "Relaxation and Nonequilibrium Radiation Behind Shook Waves in Air" Moscow, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Ga za., No 4, Jul-Aug 70, pp 161-174 Abstract: The article deals with relaxatlQn:bBhint~ shook waves -Lociti in -air at ve, es o' B-12 PrQfiles!of the gas para- iaeters behind the frontare obtained4 p6puiation densities of, radiant states of atoms and molecules are ~c.';o~mputed. The spectral radiation distributions of the relaxa: tion,zone are found, In a number of spectrum intervals tha.radiatidn inten3ity passes through- a maximn which is in exce:ss of the ecLuilibriura level. A corwarison is made with experimental data obtainoid in shock tubes The radiant fluxes of heat from the rela;mtiori zone are of is radia- compu;ed. Estimates are made the contribution of th tion to the radiation heating of bluntbodies In a hypersoftic. streamline flow. In the first tw6seations ofthe article are written the equations of moleoular and, lonizatiba role-nation,, the 1/2 USSR et al, Makhanikk Zaidkosti Gaza, No 1 174 velocity values o.,&'.* the basic processes are presented. In the -h rd :section are discussed the ini 0 i cinditions which are t determined by the state of the gas~,befbre the rront. The reoults of calculation of "-he kinetics of relaxation are presented in the fourth section. The fifth and sixth sections deal with calcula- tion of the nonoquilibrium zone in.atomio lines and. molecular bands. A comparison is made with e-Aperimental:dats; this is a ~necessary stage which permits correction of the theoretical re- sults. In the seventh and eigh'40h seetiona, nq3iequilibrium radiant fluxes of beat are computeda The oontribution of non- equilibrium radiation to aerodyramic hoating ~jt conipared uith equilibrium radiation and aonvactivo beating. I tAblet 7 f igurea, 41 bibliographic entriea~ 2/2 USSR uDc: 621-390'.677-001.5 KALACHEV, V. N., KASHIN, V. A. ~1~11 Y~AKZII M "On the Theory of Statistical Synthesis of Antenna Arrays" -1815 Moscov, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 17, N0,9, Sep 72, pp 1807 Abstract: A previous paper (V. A. Kashin, Radiote.~nika i Elektronika, 1971, Vol 16, No 11, T) 2082) proposed a method of statistical phase synthesis of antenna arrays with discrete phase regulation. There the metbcd -vas applied to the simplest case of synthesizing the radiation pattern of a square aper- ture in one of its principall planes. In this paper the -method is extended to synthesis of the volumetric radiation pattern of alflat arerture. The technique of synthesis is considered both in the case of cophasal current distribution and in the case where the initial distribution has undesirable phase distortions leading to a rise 4n the short-range side lobes of the antenna array. A circular flat aperture is considered. 32 _MT-1 USSR UD-V 621.396-677.4.001.- 17UL KASHIN, V.A. "Statistical Estimation Of The Attainable Level Of Side Lobes In Phase Antenna Arrays With Nonlinear initial Phase,Advanc Radiotekhnika i elektronika, Vol XVII, :No 6. pJune 1972, pp.1185-1190 Abstract: The miminum level is estimated of lobes of discrete phasing which it. is possible to obtain with the use of a nonlinear initial Dhase advance Inabegi. The reaults of numerical calculations are presented, As the object for the calculationa an equidistant array was claosen with a.circular aperture and the number of elements N 3000. The results of ~th.e calculations agr-3a with the preliminary estimations. fig. ref. Received by ed.Ltors, 7 May 1971. USSR UDC 669.293.5.784.018.44.621.785 TIKHONNOVA, G. S., NIEL'NIKOVA, L. V., ZHELEZNYAK, 0. N., KONOVALOV, S. V. "Structure and Mechanical Properties of Alloys of Niobium InTi-th Cirbon as Functions of Heat. Treatment" Nauchn. Tr. N-i. i Proyektn. In-t: Redko,meti PYOM7Sti [Scientific WorR-s of Scienti- .fic -Research and PIsming Institute for,the Rare Metal's.Industry], 1971, Vol. 32, pp, SO-S6. (TransLited from Referati -Zhurnal 'Metillurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abs- vnyy -tract No. 5 1737 by the authors). Translation: The alloy 51,Xrs with 0.05% C is heterogeneous in its structure. The mechanical properties of the sheet material at high.tempera-tures depend on the phase composition, resulting from the heat treatment mode. 2 figs; 3 tables; 4.biblioxefs. Fib ~PROCES:SING DATE--160CT70 '2- ~021 UNCLASSIFIED e,T-ITLE--PREPARATION OF REFINED SECONDARY-ALUMINUM ALLOYS~IN A MACHINE 3''CONSTRUCT 10IN SHOP -U- ',AUTHOR-(05).-K,I,MSTACHv G.M., UTKINi S.YE.-t L.R-, KORYAKINs -1 YEFIMOVA A.YA. INFO--USSR NTRY OF PROIZVOD. 1970, (l)f 16-11 7.~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~,'S_UBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS IC TAGS--ALUMINUM ALLOYw SECONOARY METAL,v MAGNETK SEPARAIION, METAL tF IN I NGI TECHNICAL STANOARD/t U)AL4 . A I, U114 IINUM ALLOY il~IjNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .VOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~ORDXY REEL/FRAtIE--1995/1380 STEP NO--UR/0128/70/000/001/0010/0011 -CIRC ACCESSION NCI--AP0116829 L) N L- L ASS4 T F I E D -.~2/2 021 UNCL45SIFIED DATE--160CT70 ,C4RC ACCESSION NO--AP0116821) ,-ABST.RACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE ALLOYS WERE PREPD, FROM AL TURNINGS (GRADE A1.4) IN 2 STAGES: PRELIIIINARY TRE&TMENT AND -RE IME L T ING. THE PRi:LIMINARY TREATMENT CONSISTED ~IIN SEPNo FkOM DIRT ON _:.SCREENS, DRYING IN DRUMS AT 300-50DEGREES? AND MAGNETIC.SEPN. FROM IRO"4 IMPURITIES. T14EN THE., TURNINGS WERE REMELTED IN AN INDUCTION CRUCIBLE FURNACEv AT 740DEGRE-ES, 1.5PERCENT FLUX (KCL 47,;,NACL 30, AND NA SU63 A~IF SUB6 23WT.PERCENT) WAS AODED, AFTER MELTING OF WHICH C SUBZ CL SUB6 YAS. ADDED ( IN 0.1PERCENT AMTS, FOR A TOTAL AMT. O'.7-0.3PERCENT). dEFORE TAPPING LIQ. FLUX (KCL 47.5, NACL 47.5, AND NA SUB3 A[F SUB6 5 WT*PERCENT) IN THE AMT. 2.5PERCENT OF THE.METAL WAS ADDED INTO THE THE RESULTING MIXING DURING POURING RESULTED 1,14 EFFICIENT -REFINING FROiA IMPURITIES AND GASES, SO THAT THE RESULTING METAL ~~..-._CORRESPONDED TO GOST STDS. FOR THE OR[GINAL AL4 METAL AND CUNTAINEO -.,:-..GASES 0.10-0-12 CM PkIME3-100G WITH COMPLETELY PnRE FREE TEXTURE. -AUT0140BILE CYLINDER BLOCKS CAST WITH THE AO.DN. OVIZOPERCENT OF THIS ,::,~:'SECONDARY METAL WERE OF THE $AMC QUALIJY AS THOSE CAST FROM 100PERCENT PR IMARY ALLOY AL4t* L IV$ j :PRr)XY PEEL/FRAME--2000/1397 STEP NO--UR/0033170/0471002/0308/0321 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125043 UNC LA SS-I 38~ c f O~ I t b' UN LA S Pik 'CESSING CATE--230CT70 Z:IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125043' USTRACT/E-EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS: IS, T.-i ESECO?110 PART OF TH[S 'IN. ZH.r 47Y 601 STUOY OF TYPE III SOLAR RADIO BURSTS (PART 1: ASTRt 197,0).- THE PAPER *4 ANALYSIS OF THE Eff-ECTS OF COINVr~RS[oifq OF THE GIVES At ELECTRONS To THE ~E-NERGY OF PLASMA WAVE' GENERATED BY A FLUX OF FAST. 'kAo,ib EMISSION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL~ TONE, AND SECOND HARMONIC OF TYPE [If -"PURSTS. EMASSION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL T,ONE::I-,4 TYPE 111 SOURCES IS Cp'EAT~--D BY, SPONTANEOUS (RAYLEIGH) SCATTERING OF PLASMA WAVES ON -THERMAL IONIS OF .,THE CORONA. THE NO'LINEAR CONVERSIDN~QF PLASMA WAVES INTO :ELECTROMAGENTIC WAVES AT THE FREQUENCY OF~ THE FUNCIAMENTAL TONE is INSIGNIFICANT FOR TYPICAL TYPE III BURSTS. EMISSION 01: THE SECOND HARMONIC IS CAUSED BY THE COMBINATION SCATTERJNG OF EXCITED PLASMA WAVES -0, 'C,FLUCTUATIONS OF THE TYPE OFPLASMA~WAVES WHOSE~:LEVEIL IS CONSIDERABLY k ENH ANC ED, I-N - COIARNRl SON W-ITH T-H;--':,RMAt 'WAV.ES;*- T'HI:S-' ENCREASE I-S- CAUSED BY THE RAYLEIGH SCATTERING OF EXCITED PLASMA.WAVES. ESTIMATES OF THE CONCENTRATION OF FAST ELECTRONS IN FLUXES.NECES54RY FOR EXPLAINING THE OBSERVED INTENSITY OF TYPE III BURSTS (ABOUT1-10:ELECTRONS TIMES CM PRIME NEGATIVE3) SATISFACTORILY AGREE WITH THE iESULTS OF ROCKET MEASUREMENTS OF THE DENSITY OF HIGH ENERGY ELECTRONS IN INTERPLANETARY SPACE ARISING DURING SOLAR FLARES. THE AUTHORS DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITY OF EXPEPIMENTAL CHECKING OF THE DEVELOPED THEORY. THFY ESTIMATE THE 1141f4IMUM CONCENTkATI011 OF PARTICLES IN ION FLUXES (N SUB$ PRIMEIMIN IS b t. AIEGAT[VE31 NECC-SSA Y FOR SIMILAR OR EQUAL To 200 lamS T1,14ES ~M PRINE R -:.EXCITING.PLASMA WAVES IN THE CURONA9 SHOWING.THE LOW EFFICIENCY OF IONS 'G TYPE .IN GENERATIN III BURSTS. FACILITY: RADIO PHYSICS INSTITUTE AT GORIKIY UNIVERSITY* UNCLASS-1 FIED- AP0042575- 0 013-3 Acc. Nr. Ref. Code: pa-'s Theory of Type-III Solar Radio Bursts (Abstract: "On the Theory of Bursts of Type-III Raaio Emissf',on," by V. V. slk~#YMN~~d Ir. V. Zaytsev, versity:-~ Moscow, Lstrdnomicheskiy Zhutnal,. Vol 47,~ No 1, 1970, pp 60-75) A study.was made of theinfluence. of nonlinea-c effects on the dy- namics of-development of beam instability...Under conditions.typical for sources of . type-III radio emission.. ~-, T~a , authors d~_-mlonstrate that it is take into account.~he quasilin.ear.relaxiation of the distribu- tion function for fast electrons, whose at least not greater than the characteristic time of development of the most effective nonlinear process related to induced scattering of beami-excited plasma waves an coronal thermal ions. For this reason the stabilization of beam insta- --bility is unimportant. The authors clarify the role of collisions and inhomogeneity of the leading edge-of the stream in the restoration of beam instability after quasilinear relaxation. The.article includes computations of the energy of plasma waves generated by,.'a stream of fast electrons and the conditions are determined under which 4t is possible 11o neglect pumping of plasma waves in the spectrum due to induced scattOring. Thua, this arti- cle examines the nature of' the. devtl~pment of be&-,u lastability in applica- R60-1/Frame J_ USSR UDC 542.3i532.782t541-123-21,547.26 Institute of Physical Chemistxy# USSR Academy of Sciences 'Density of Supercooled Water-Alcohol Solutions" Moscow# Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSRI Seriya Xbimioheskayat No I# Jan 72p Pp 3-8 Abet=ctt Aqueous solutions of the lower alcohols exbibit anomalies in the density-concentratlon curve, and~these are known to increase with tempera- ture drop. The situation in the case of very lou teniipexatures Is a matter ,of interest. Using the nethod of detendming thermal expansion in capillaries, the author studied isopropyl alcohol, tertiary butyl alcoholp and glycerine, in aqueous solutions at temperatures ranging from +3000 down to -400C. It was found that for the first tire aubatances,~'there is a maximum and a minimun in the density~concentration curve In the came of all temperatures below -200. For most aqueous solutlon&at tenDeratuxes below +4OCj the difference between the density of pure water a~d its partial density in solution I=reases with temperature dropl but:for the,;two alcohols reforred too, a revem effect Is observed, within; a n=ow razg~ of concentrations and-tempe--atures. ~Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code:. hOO399or CHMICAL ABST. IR o 0 2"0 Fri r I water vapor pressure on 6a co:nmn- trpIte Dependence 0 the anomiflous COMPMearin zkodiW wate ton I REY., )an, B. Zheleznv, V - 'T2'ih-M-"Irb V12 Moscow k A GrNe uk WtjE 970- W- T. Mr- e's .4'IriodiSed.wiL defibed [Phys Cherni (Ruse). Thi oetall as -hkh -is er and khe otl:r2 mponent system, one of x~ =ned to aS "inomalottic9mponeqt o. v. ture is unknown foi the Oiii6nt, was studk&'~ Thtanomiimts 6in.- iiff,~ is~'.smalk4-'its d': IS Ponent is less vojatile':it~ diffusto, ~)k t' pprecta y.grqater aart o ti, iuatywater.~ Th*eriioL~wt.-of,lbi~046tiiatoii!~ co -d rgppnen wa. t t s o - atid by a mith as 180 detd ' exptl. as 200-4: 50' -Od of computhb 4~50. For the presefit, th~~ valu6:'gWin toy niA. wi.4i~ merely te~atative~upperliinitvaluei. Th6i~hang'es observed i6jnodified water upon removal of o: 'J&tely j~e- ne of the Ompo'nents are com versible. The state of complete in"ficitiozi of4ater:, f.e*.a s6ite irk which the water is satd., -Aith the'andmalous cotn'~onent,~ is equally reversible; however .the time required for attil"Ming equil may be several days or even wecks.' REEL/FRAM& 19741300 USSR uDc. 681-3.o6:51 ZHELEZOV zLi.J. ontrol on Discrete Situational Nets" V sb. Nauch. i prakt. Probl. bol'shikh sister.. Sekts. Bollshiyre sistemy. Teoriya.-Metodol., modelir. (Scientific and Practical Problems of Large Systems-7collecticn of works. Large Systems Section.:Theory, Methadoloor, Modeling), Moscow, "Hauka", 1971, pp 286-292 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dee 71, Abstract No 12V931) 'Translation: A definition is given for a discrete situational net. The following are proposed as control criteria on a-discrete situational net: 1) minimum. (maximum) path between two active decision'vmakers; 2) irinimum number of active decision makers; 3) minimum (maximum) delay of objects at an active decision maker or along arcs of the ziet;,4) maximum number of objects which pass between decision makers; 5) passaSe along arcs between some given active decision makers in a time which is less than some predetermined time interval; 6) passage betweenle',ome g-~ven active decision makers along the =st reliable patb. An algwvit~= is presented 1/2 in ...... ~~i mmmm-m-wl-m MEN On -11 T ..USSR UDC 539.3 ZHUXIOVSKAIA, L. A, UKOV, V.' P., P.ANKRATOV,:N~ D., RASSUDOV, V. M. "Calculation of Hollow Shells in a TemperatureTield" Mauch. tx. Saratov. Dolitekhn. in-t (Scientific Work;-of Saratov Polytechnical Institute), 1970, blo. 49, PP 79783 from RM-Mekbanika, No 9, Sep 71,, Abstract No 9V125 Translation: A hollow shell rect -n plan with constant major curvatures angular i and heated according to a lin-ear , law over L.the. thickness- and ac,::ording to an bi law ong the coord' plan~~:is:zli~cuss For the case when ar itraxy all in e., 6 d the-temperbuture changes only over,~the -Ehickness and.along one of the coordinates in plan the system of equations for,sbell equilibrium~ in displacements reduces to a, differential equation of the eighths order relatlv~p. to:the displacemeryt function. The latter is integrated for a she" which trio edges (along which the temperature is a variable) area fastened ~in an arbitray-1 marner and the two others are hinged. The general solutio ds~ ~ iven in the form cf the sum of a n 9 particular solution of the nonbomogeneous equation and the solution of the cor- responding homog neous equation. The flrst4s assumed to bea known and the te second is obtained in the form of a unary series' N'u~erical re3ults are not given., V. M., Nulakov. USSR uDc: 621,385.63 BESSONOV, V. I., ZIEELEZOVSKI B Ye., MIRKIN, V. I. "Para tric Amplification and Fr~quency~ eonversion in:a Wo-Section Travel- Ing-Wave Tube" Kiev, IVUZ. Radioelektronika, Vol 15, No 3, Mar 72, pp 290-295 Abstract: A two-section parametric traveling walre tube is considered in which the first amplification section is. also a noise transformer for cooling the fast waves of the space charge.,.Iin analysis of I expressions for the couplin'- coefficients of the waves in the tuba thovs that the elect-ron stream can be cooled in the first section while simultoncously attaining high values of gain and conversion. Because. optiiirxii operatine. conditions are only slightly different for minimizing the noise factor and maximizing the gain and converoion factor, the two-section parametric -r. traveling wave tube should make an effective low-noise,imicrowave amplific 2 USSR WDC 621.385.6 HASHNIKOV V. V., PE TROVA, V.11 tudy of Complete Suppression of one of the Signals in the Two-Frequency Operating Mode of Trave ling. Wave Tdbes' Kiev, Izvestiya vysshikh uchcbnykh-zavedeniy-Radiot6khnika, Vol XIV, No 9, 1971, pp 1027-1031 Abstract: A study is made of some results of the theoretical and experimental investigations of the Kompfner effect: in traveling wave tubes operating in the two-frequency mode. Inasmuch as the output signal in this case has a complex spectrum, the complete suppression of one of the signals is taken as absence of the component with the frequency of the investigated f~--ignal tit the traveling wave tube output. Analytical methods of: analyzing multifrequency operating modes of 0-type devices are develcped, mid the physical processes in them are analyzed in depth. Graphs are presented for the relative drift angle as a function of the parameter X proportional to the am litude of the input signai, p the,magnitude of the suppression current as a function of the parameter X1, the voltaj;e of the total daraping of the first ignal. as a functton of the input power of the second signal, and the experimental funct!ion for the output power 1/2 USSR MASMIKOV, V. V., et al., Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnyllh zavedeniY-Radioteklinika, Vol XIV, No 9, 1971, pp 1027-1031 of the first signal as a fimction of the input power of-the second signal. With an increase in power (amplitude);of the second signal the voltage at which com- plete damping of the first signal takes place changes., The output power (ampli- tude) from cutoff of the sigual depends,on the input~~power of the second signal. The mechanisms beh--nd these phenomena ire discussed.: 2/2 168 SR 7RW, ZOVSKIY S JUMEL'YAN a- BORI "Electron Beam Parametric URF Amplifiers" (Elektronno.luchevvve parametri- cheskiye SVCh-usilJ.teli), Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka,". 1971, 4,000 copies, 384 pages Abstract: The monograph correlates the results of working with electron beam parametric amplifiers for the UHF range. The physical bases of elec- tronics and the elements of theory of various types of electron beam para- metric amplifiers are studied on the basis of modern~concepts and, as far as-possible, from a common point of view. Significant attention is given to the problem of space discharge wave para- metric amplifiers. Some information concerning the characteristics of these waves is presented and methods of excitation amplification, and of separa- tion of noise power from these corresponding waves are considered. The amplification of the electron beam's fast sDace-discharge waves moving in free space, as well as in a field of direct. and backvard waves of distributed microwave devices (twt and backward-wave' tube amplifte'Ts) is examined. Along with numerical methods for describing the.physical processes occurring in i `66HIJi6 6m, It ~At 4 11 61' W6 i1141 i .11 111. r2ldim alld I imi.A 1, 1 i ad hdj0dha*34OI -na, 4- USSR YEMEL'YANOVICEI, "Electron Beam Parametric UHF Amplifiers" OVSKIY, BORIS (Blektronuoluchevyye param tricheskiye,SVCh-usilitelij), Moscow, Izd-vo AlNauka," 1971, 4,000 copies, 384,pages the examined devices, various approximation methods are applied, in particular, the method of coupled waves and the method.of exponential series. Parametric amplifiers with o-type axial fields are examined. An analysis of transverse waves of the electron beam with distributed coupling elements with ithout cold losses is presented. :A Taechanism Cot the parametric ampli- and w fication. of fast cyclotron waves is.discussed. When examining the elements of the theory.of parametric amplifiers with crossed-field M-types, much attention is given to the. problems of the inter- action of electron beam cyclotron waves in direct wave an&backward wave distributed coupling elements and to the me,thods of.amplifying fast cyclotron waves. The monograph also presents information on parametric amplifiers of special types: amplifiers of fast strophotronic waves, amplifiers of M-J and E-types. 2/5 USSR ZUELEZOVSKIY, BORIS EMEL'YANOVICH, "Electron Beam Parametric UHF Amplifiers" (Elektronnoluchevyye parametricheskiye SVCh-usiliteli), Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka, 19719 4,00-3 copies, 384.pages The book may be useful for scientific workers, aspirants, engineers, and also students of radio engineering specialities. The book.has two tables, 249 -figures, and 125 citations. The chapter headings are as follows: :PART ONE Page 'Parametric Amplifiers of Space Discharge Waves (2iapter 1. Some Informatiom.Conceini, ng-Space Discharge Waves 14 Chapter 2. Coupling Elements for Electron.Beam.Parametric Amplifiers of Space'Discharge Waves''. 35 Chapter 3. ParametricAmplification of. Space Dis6harge Waves in a Drifting Electron Current 48 Chapter 4. TWT Parametric Amplifier, 91 Chapter 5. Approximation Methods fi3r Analyzing TWT Parametric Amplifiers 121 Chapter 6. Backward-Wave Tube Parametric Amplifier 184 3/5 USSR ZHELEZOVSKIY, BORYSIVIELIYANOVICH, "Electron Be-am Parametric U11F Amplifiers" ..(Elektronnoluchev)?ye parametricheskiye SVCh-usiliteli), Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka," JL97lj 4,000 copies,, 384 pages PART TWO O-Type Axial Field Parametric Amplifie'n Chapter 7. Fundamental Character~stics,of Transverse Waves of an Electron Current. 213 Chapter 8. Interaction of-Transverse Waves of an Electron Beam With Waves, of Distributed-Coupling Elements 226 Chapter 9. Amplifying Section, of Parametric Amplif iers of Ust. Cyclotron.Waves 253 PART THREE Cross-Field M-Type Parametric Amp _is Chapter 10. Fundamental Characteristics of Cyclotron Waves of an Electron Current Moving in Cross Fields Chapter 11. Distributed touplin'g Uement of M~Type Cyclotron 292 Amplifiers 302 4/5 1-1 USSR ZHELEZOVSKIY, BORISIENEL'YANMUCH, "Electron Beam Parametric OF Amplifiers" (Elektronnaluche,.nrye parametriche. siliteli skiye SVCh-u Moscmd, Izd-vo IlNauka," 1971, 4,000 copies, 384 pages Chapter 12. Amplifying Section of M-Type Parametric Amplifiers 317 PART FOUR Special Types of Parametric Amplifiers~ Chapter 13. Elements of.the Theory of M-J Type Parametric Amplifiers 328 ~Chapter 14. Parametric Amplifiers:of Fast Strophotronic Waves 341 Chapter 15. E-Type Parametric Amplifiers 358 5/5 USSR UDC 621.375.8 ZIIELEZOVSKIY, B. YE, *"Elektrannaluchevvye Parametricheskiye SVCh-usiliteli. ~(Cathode-Ray Parametric Iticrowave Amplifiers), Mosco%%r, Hauka Press,: 1971 384 pp, ill., I r 63 k. (from RZh-Radioteklinika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 0234K) Translation; This book can be used as a text for students in ne advanced courses of radio physics specialties and also for post-raduates, scientific workers and radio engineers working in the field of Mir-ra':ave electronics, The basis for the book is a lecture course given:by the author at the physics department of Saratov University.~ The main emphasis'ii *;placed on discovery of the physical essence of the ph6nollena, whith occur ill cathode ray parametric amplifiers. This, to a significant extent, predetermined the efforts of the author to develop a number of approximatp.metliods of analysis along with strict numerical calculation techniques. These approximate methods permit simple, easily understood analytical relations to be obtained for the basic characteristics of the studied devices-i - ---------- USSR mc: 6,,>1,385.633 BESSONOV, V. 1.5 ZHELFiZOVSKIY, B.,Ye., and TYURIN,,S. V. "Starting Conditlons of a Baok-ward,1-11 e Tube I Jth Preliminary av Modulation of the Electron Beam" Kiev, Izvestiya VLJZ USSR--Radioplektronika,, No 10, 1972, pp 1216- Abstract: This paper considers the operational peculiarities of a backward wave tube oscillator as affected by an external oscill-a- tor.whose frequency is substantially different-, the external sig- nal is propagated in the electron b'eam inAhe corm of space-charEe current waves without coupling with the delay aysAem. The case in which the outside signal is propagated along the betun in the form o-f` a slow space -chlart:;,e ivave is also examined. The theoretical lysis begins with a nystem of equations deocri"Anc the Drocess of wave interaction for the case of phase velocity sync1ironization of the voltage waves in the delay system ,%-,nd thle slow -wraves in the electron beam for a sufficiently large:space charEze. From this system, equations describing the spatial amplitudes,of the waves in the delay system at the tube output are derived, and it is these equations from which the starting conditions of the tube are f und 6r) Converters USSR UDO 621.;1,85.6 Y-27QV.9LjY --M MASHNIKOV, V.V., BESSONOV, f.1. ."To A. Theory Of An Electron-Beam Frequency Converter" ..V ab Vopr.eleldron.tekhn. (Problems Of.Eleqtronic Tachnoloey-Gollection Of Work;),. Issue. 23. Saratov, Saratov Universityp 1971, pp,52-58 (from M-Elek-troni-ka i eye primeneni-te) No 3) March.1972,lAbstract No ~A83) Translation; The harmonies are theoretically studied the current In an electron stream modulated beforchond in a klye-tron-typp gap by signals of two frequencies. The problem is considered in a kin-amatic spproximation. An ex- presuion in obtained for the combitiation:compononts of a bunchod curroat. VIC conclusion in reached that within wide limito aa itlactran-beam convertQr can anouro vatioractorily olmpla rotuning with reapact to Proquoricy. The proposed method of analyzing tha harmonics of a current can be'luoeful to a consideration ofthe nonlinear proooDsea in other alactron-beam miorowave devices. 4 ref. R.M. -LU.L#;:V.L5 juu, USSR UDC 621.385.64 XUZITETSOVO M.I.t BEBBASOV, V.A., N [Gorkiy State University" J 'Pre-Oscillation Clarge Distribution In' A C~lindrical! Magnertron" Izv.VUZ:Radiofizika, Vol XV,~ No 23, Feb 19721 pp 283-2,90 Abstract: In previous works one or more of the authors of this paper diricuseed certain ;asumptions on the nature of the diffu9ion electron motion in a plane magnatron. On the basis of these assumptions, a diffusion equation is obtained for the distribution of potential and charge in a cylindrical magnstron dioie. -A calculation of the pre-oscillation diatribLrtion of' oharge: and potential in the irregular part of the electron cloud ~was fulfille(I with the aid OIL an electronic computer. It is found that st'least, at H ; > 1.5 HcrP the major part of the electron cloud is in the regim~,cloao to.the atutic synchronous one. 2 fig. 10 ref. Received by dditors$ 26-Yeb 1971, 'Eilt7"l, ME-9 JJSSR UDC 621,385.64 KUZNTrSOV, It. I., BERBASOV, V. A. U~i N~;. Gor'kiy State University "Pre-oscillation Chatge Distribution in 13 Cylindrical Magnetron" -ysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniv, Radiofizika, Vol XV, No 2, GorIkiy, ,T~estiya pp 283-290 ALstract: The concepts of the nature of diffusion motion of eleccrons in a ma-netron discussed previously (V. A. Berbasov, Izv. vw-sh. uch, zav., Radiofi- Lika, Vol 1-1, No 9, 1423, 1968; M. I. Yuznetsov, ElektrQnnaya tekhnika, seriya_.I, Elektronika SVCh, No 12, 83, 1970; No 1l,.28,.19691 as npplied to a flat magne- tron were used to obtain the diffusion equation for a cylindrical magnetron. By solving this equation it is shown thatiat least for H > 1.5 H the majority cr, of the electron cloud is close to static synchronous. Tive calculations show that the. charge a2d 2potential (.11r),tributions delwnd very IlAtle or. We parame- ter C - ITnwHn /2TrE (e/m)T,: - ]-in a broa&range ineludinl,, the experimental 2 IG2 0 r 11 a values of 50 < C < 1,000-2,000. The sta6,d,ard results of calculations of the 2 preoscillation charge and potential distributions in the~irreguLar section of the electron cloud of a magnetron are presented in graphical form and artalyzr,d. The basic result that the pregener~ation state of the space charge in a 1/2 '7 - - ------------ USSR -Un k 'ETSOV, H. et al., Izvestiya vvsshik-b uchehnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Vol XV, No 2, 1972, I;p 283-290 cylindrical magnetron is close to static synchronous is catif Irmed by Sonde measurements in magnetrons with thin cathodes [0. Dochlerip Ann. de Radiael., No 3 27, 1948). It was recently also confirmed by meapurements of the poteu tial distribution in a magnetron with a thick:cathode ai Gor'kiy State Univer- sity. The results of these measurements trill: be published later. The results presented in this paper will be of value in , constructing the theory of excita- tion ofa magnetron generator. 212 pRorESSENG DATE--04DEC70 2/ 2 047 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137447 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE SHA PE AND SItE OF HIGHLY DISPERSICO CO PARTICLES ORTIANED BY ELECTRODEPOSITLON UNDER DIFFERENT CONDIT'IONS WERE STUDIED IN THE TRANSMI:SSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPE. CHANGING THE ELECTROLYTE CONCENTRATI-ON FROM.100 TO~400;G-L- COCL SU82 SUB2 O.LED TO A SHARP INCREASE 'IN *PARTICLE SIZE AND A GREATER DEGREE za6H ~OF DENDRITE FORMATION; RAISING THE.ICATHODIC C:oD* FROM 4 TO 40 A-UM -:PRIME2 GAVE PARTICLES IN THE FORM OF THE FINE FIBRES. CHANGING THE ACIDITY FROM PH 5 TO-~PHI ILIITLE; EFFECT ON THE $HAPE OF THE CO PARTICLES. --UNCLASSIFIED-- USSR UDC 5,1,~9.212 + 5,13:620.11 ~_md SYSKOV, K. I i, Moscow ins~ituta o' Chemdcal Technolcgy 11'.0scow, Ministry af Higher arAd Secor4ary Specialized Education RSFSR "Optical Study of the Structure of Pyrolytic Carbon" -97 Moscow, Khiniivra Tverdogo Topliva, Nko 5,, q,.OP-Qct 70, pp 93 Xbstract: The authors studied the effect of cex-tain procesz factors on the formation of the globular-cQnical structure of pyrolrUc carbon and attempi ted to study the structure of the globular formations by. I~e neth*d ol connecut! e surface addetion. , The 5ize (diameter), of &).obul..jr fo_~iiation- wa---; studied in relzetion proce, to to the - ;s tine =,d temperalkoure, 1-he,c,:)ncen-t,.r.!ition oi~ the re- action zone. The results indicate that the _.globule size increases with an in- crease in all these factors. This is proof and the formation of pyrolytic The globular and ~ e canon4cal structure weve found to be inter-related, uh confinung that a sti-age in thie formation of pyrolytic carbon Ls the appearance of. high-molecular hydrocarbons. These intemLediate evitpoundti take the shape of drops. USSR :7HFT '.Q',OVSKA-YA, E. 1., wid SY'SKUI, K. I.,Kid:ja T7 Chir erdogo. Topl iva, No 5, The method of consecutive oxidation of Mor olytic carbon j'4 Lms, developed by the State Soientif ic Research institute of the Elei~trcde Industry, Chelyaoinsk, was used to study the fine microstructure of the globules, "-ng it poz5zible 'dation stages and to study the behavior of pyrolytic carbon in individual ox-4 to find a nimber of peculiarities in: globulei: strue' ur On: the basis of the ~u results, a mechani sTi is suggested for the in�tia-Lion. py-rolytic carbon and the growith of its &Lobular-conical struct JIM,: MI-11 W. ON I I'M USSR UDC: 8.74 ZHELINS KXY S. "Organizing the Operation of the Magnetic Tapp Access Unit in the 'Minsk-221 :Iypass of Defective Sectionu" Computer With I V sb. 7boriya ipLptft. riekhanizir. obrab..ekon. inform. (Thrzo~~y and Practice in Mechanized Processing of Economic Information-coll6ption of works). Moscow, 1971, pp 140-149 (from Rgh-Kibexnetik~,, iro 6, Juni 72, Abstract No 6V69,h) Translation: The autlor ccnsiders a, version of organizing the operation of the.magnetic tape acceas tmit in the "Mdnsk-22" computer',with bypass of de- fective tape sections. This version ass=es use of an economic interpreting system for the "Pinsk-22" computer and is realized as a block tidded to the 11magaetic tape accesn" operator. This block providin fo r: 1) ' dtitermining the ~boundaries of a defective tape acction 'as b1formatIon, is nVc0rded on the mapv-tic tape; 2) axitotatic recording of the~alrdrearea ofidefective sections -on the corresponding tape-trmisport mechanil3m; 3) a4omatic recording of thv portion of the data blo& witb bypass of a defectiveq Ii ection; 4) auto- -tatic reading of the portion of the. data block vitIl bypESE: -of P_ defective section. A. defective section is miderstood-to mean a section Iii vhich re- 2/2 USSR UDC 536.25 VEWTISHCHEV, N. F., "Cellula Convection in a Vorticity Field" -Tr.. Gidrometeorol. n,i. tsentr. SSSR (Works of the Hydrometeopological Scien- tific Research Center of the USSIR), 1971, No. 73, pp,3-16 (f~rom RZh-Mekhanika, No 9, Sep 71, Abstract No 9B686) Translation: The nonlinear problem of cellular convection in an at-nosphere rotat- ing with,constant angular velocity is discusged.; It is sho~.m that the rotation has a "stretching" effect on convective motion in the::atinosphere. The critical values of the absolute vortex under which the existence of hexagonal convective cells or two-dimensional rolls becomes impossible arena funrtion of the non- linearity of the temperature profile ' viscosity and the scale of the parturba- tions arising. An increase in the nonlinearity of the tempi~rature profile and the coefficient of temperature viscosity and a drop i6 the wavelength leads to an increase in the critical value of the. -absolute vortex under which regular convection in the form of hexagonal cells'and two-dimensional rolls becomes impossible. Quasihexagonal cells,may exist for a ma,~n;tude of the absolute 1/2 83 UMt629-78-015-076.8 USSR 14IN Yu. N ZHEL On Optinal Control of an Aircra Under Conditions of Uncertainty" ft Uch.zap.Tsentr. Aeror-.idrodinam.'in-ta (Scientific 11111otes of the Cbntral AerohyirodYnamia Institute) 1971,Vol 2., No 2, PP 50-57 :.(.from Referativnyy Zhurnpl Rake-tostroyeniye, No 11, Nov ?1, Abstract 11.41.161, Resume~ Abstracts The problem oil optimal control of an Rircraft in the presence of unknown disturbances, and incoronletc &i.ta on currPnt ard measvrina instruments is phase coordicates received by onbo considered. Methods of the theory of differential gnmes are used for solvina this problem. The problem of optinal control of f 1. i F h Dath of a hypersonic cr---~ft at atmosrherl-c entry,is considp-red. The structure of o-ot-imal control: and of the most unfavorable dis- turbances for one class of entry trajectory were determined on the basis of a qualitative' analysi-~z of. necessnry optimal con- ditions of g;3pie variatlional Droblem. 6 references. V004616V ~Ref Code: I/R 6 J44 Acc. Nr PMIARY SOURCE., Teore-Licheskaya i~~,4t aticheskaya Fizika, 1970, Vol Z Nr PP ~z THE REPRESENTATION OF ~SPISORS J~Y REAL A N D CONIPUX VEN SOR ~ AG G REGATES V. A. ZIIeIjiorojvi~i ar and tensor cliaraktvri-Atics are All indepentlent real and complex. as well *as 5cal. found for spinor~i iii n-dimensimial (comyslex, in' general ca ~Iz e IEuclidian space. The one-to-one correspondence is established. between the components of a spinor and of a certain cumillex tvn!~or aggre2ate C,. defined iby the spiuor. For real Euclidian spaces the homomorphiSm ;; deduced between thexomponents of the ~:pinor and of tho real tensor aggre-gate D, defineil bv the spinor. All relation;zhips ~botwecrt 4he spinor and the -aggelzates C, and D are ~A-ritten~ out separatelv in flie, i%i-,e o; Minko-kvski Spaco. The regults obt.ained open t1w passibility of tantrical &scriptiou, (it the interaction baiveen formion and gravitation f M6, 19781240. USSR UDC: 621-373-535(2o6.3) B. L., S?,MR?IOV, G. 1. IIA (;as Ring Laser With Naturally Active Cell" Leningrad, Optlika i Spehtroshopiya, Vol -V ,No 2, Feb 72, pj) 388-391 Abstract: The authors consider the polarization chara.cteri -tics of a C-,as ring laser with an isotropic element. having natural optical activity placed In the Favity with Pan even nimber of mirrors. 111. is shlo-~ni th.~,t linear 1--r and ellipti- polarization in eael~ of le opposing vayes as well as circtL a cal. polarization is possible, depending:on the coefficient of nonlinear coupling of the circular field cozi.Tonents on the Zeernar sLbleyeis of tile atom. The stab-43ity regions for circtilar.and ellipticid. po.Inri7ations M-ay overlap, cawsinr- hysteresis phenor-ena in transitions f I%Im cni mode to another when there is a continuous,var.--Lation :in NjetIMijIr--, Of t1--e. resonator awwjr from the frequency of the atomic transition. The -!~homk V. S. for --c-pe-ated disclizsions during the vork, arid Tro,,-hiyj for the idea of the pro,"Alem. One fig-ure, bib-Uography of USSR UDC 621.375.9:535 10B, V. S FAMEYEV, A. P ZEMMNOV, B. L. SMIR1, ItInstability of Unidirectional Radiation In a Ring Laser" Leningrad, Optika i Spektrosko2iya, Vol 26, No .4, April 1970, Pp 744-746 Abstract: This article contains a study of the problem of inter- action of counter waves in a ring laser. It is demonstrated that in the case of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous types of broadening of the amplification circuit ther&is always a genera- tion energy range which depends on the difference of the genera- tion frequency and the atomic transition frequency inside which the conditions of unidirectional radiation are unstable with respect to excitation of a c-ounteriwave. In the solution of the problems the field inside the resonator is found in the form of traveling waves with amplitudes which slowly vary with time. Both a gas laser and a solid stateilaser are considered. Ex- planations are given for the do ondence of P on the radiation P energy, where P defines the increment in the weak field (E -exp Pt)., In the analysis of the solid state laser;,it is poinad out 112 2/2 17 .-:2/2'. 024 UNCLASSIFIED. PA."OCESSING DATE-30OCT70 'CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0123987 ,-.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPERIENCE Of ORGANIZATION OF HEL14INTHIC DISEASES CONTROL IN THE ROVNG AND CHERNUVTSY REGIONS OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR'WAS STUDIED. STATE SANITARY~CONTRGL'.OF THE SANITARY -.CONDITIONS lN RURAL COMMUNITIES IS WELL ORGANIZED* r.OWING TO WHICH AND TO DEFELMINTHIZATION MEASURES THE.I.NFESTATIOWRATE OF ASCARIASIS HAS BEEN REDUCED CONSIDERABLY IN A NUMBER OF AREAS. HELMINTHIC DISEASE ~w CONTROL MEASURES ARE PLANNED FOR EACH SETTLEMENTo A CONSIDERABLE ROLE IN THEIR ORGANIZATION IN THE VILLAGE BELONGS TO SANITARY FELDSHER OF THE DISTRICT HOSPITAL. A NUMBER OF METHODS~FOR BETTER ORGANIZATION OF '..HELMINTHIC DISEASES CONTROL. PARTICIPATION OFRURAL COUNCILS IN REALIZATIGN CF SANITARY MEASURESt GREATER ENLISTING COOPERATION OF RURAL KEDICAL WORKERS AND PUBLIC SANITARY WORKERS lWCONT AOL OF SANITARY :CONDITIGNS ESPECIALLY (IF DESINFECTION OF FECAL FERTIL12ERSv CONBINATION OF 1-tELMINTHIC DISEASE CONTROL MEASURES AND.MCASURES'.FOR CONTROL OF ~ENTERIC INFECTIONS# ETC* FACILITYZ INSTITUT! IACDITSINSKOY -TROPIC14ESKOY 14EDIT5lNY`lMMART5IN0 SX0 PARAZITOLCGII I_ V GO FACILITY: KIYEVSKIY INSTITUT EPIDEMIOLOGII.j.'MIKROBIC)LOGII I ~.PARAZITOLOGI-I. FACILITY: RUVENSKAYA,OBLASTNAYA lGORODSKAYA ..,.~.SANITARND. EPIDEMIOLOGICHESK LYE STA TSI I N UNC LASS IFIED_~_ USSR UDC 632.951.2.07 -KOZLOVA, T.. F., SHAKHOVA, G. B., BELUGIN, V. F., ZHELMIN, V. G., and N. V. Synthesis of the Koral Insecticide Moscow, Khimicheskaya Promyshlennost', No 6, 1971, pp 29-30 (429-430) Abstract: Koral -- 0,0-diethyl-3(3-chloro-4-methylcoumaryl-7)thiophosphate is an insecticide o1 low toxicity in respect-to cattle, when applied ex- ternally. The synthesis of this matei.lai consists of four steps; prepara- t1on of 0,0-diethylchlorothiophosphate (1) by the reaction of thiotrichloro- phosphorus with ethanol; synthesis of a-ehloroacetoacetate froui aceteacetate lmd sulfuryl chloride followad by condeneation with renorcin-ol to yield 3-chloro-7-hydrox-,j-4-methylcoumarine (11).and finally condensation of (1) with (II) by refluxing their mixture in aceton cohtaWag potassium carbo- nate. Koral is a white powder, m.p. 92-92.5%. It ispractically insolu- ble in water, slightly soluble in alcohols, ~zind h*droca:xbons, dissolves An ket~ones. well '46 2/2~ 021 QNC L ASS I F I E 'PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 D C IRC ACCESSION NO--AP.0136200 GP-0- ABSTRACT*~ COLUMN CHARGES' [IF IGDANIT (A MIXT. ~-__OF 7 L. DIESEL FUEL WITH 100 KG GRAN 'UL AT'ED NH SU184 NO SUB31 , GRANUL IT _:AS-8, AND ZERNOGRANULIT (THE COMPN.-OF ' T'HE LAST:TWO t-XPLOSIVES IS NOT GIVEN) WERE INITIATED. TO AVOLD- DUST FORMATION .WHEN: F ILLING THE BLAST 'HOLES W ITH _ZERNOGRANULI Tr 4PERC;EN'T WATER. OR ~ DUE.S~L FUEL WAS ADDED TO THIS EXPLOSIVE. THE EXPTS.*WERE DONE IN MINES UNDERGROUND, IN STEEL -PIPES 4-4*5 M TIMES 100 MM OIAM.v WITH 2,5-MM WALLS. THE EXPLOSIVES DETONATED WHEN INITIATED BY 2 LINES OF DETONATING CORD PLACED ALONG THE WHOLE LENGTH OF THE CARTRIDGESv.OR. BY TWO 00N.OR-CHARGES (MIN. WEIGHT OF 0.4~KG EACH)t CONNECTED BY TWO LINES.OF,'DET.ONATING CORD. FACILITY: KRIVOROlH. GORNORUD..:INSLT.:r; KRIVOI ROO, USiR. UNCLASSIFI90 USSR UDC 547-7,95-5-556-3 K-OLODYAMAYAL, S. Smo-Nmr, A. 1-I.J. ZM, LTIKOIVA, N. N., and POZHP-'iSYIY, A. F., Rostov State University, Postv.-on-LWn- Intramlecular Nitr)gen Bondirg iu a Series.of I-Substitutped 2-Ar-tnobeazirdda zols" Riga) 10iird-ya Get -urt klicher-kikh SoyedineiLty, 5, 1-hy:19731 j)j? 714-715 Abstract: Co=,po"Inds of t-he tNTe I-aryl-2-w-dnobenzinda=ol (I) Conn, in .,addition to the inter, iolecular bonds, intrEw.0lecula,. nitrogen boading. Which occurs in ithe o-position of N-aryl radical Emd leads W the formation of dibenz [a,g] inida-zo [2,1-CI[1,2,4,1 triazinees ~(Ii-v as follows: -)-R C) C11- N The ring closure occurs smoothly in concentrated H3POI,.; the presence o' 1~1 soj~ results in the fornation of 5- and 6-aZoben,-,imidazol5. A rnet;hyl- group in thp m-position on the 11-aryl radical facilitates %the ring closure. Elemental analysis, IR data, phyf3ical constantsp and molecular imights are given J: -2/2 021 PROCESSING DATE-16OCT70 UNCLASSIFIED ~-_CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0118700 :ABSTRACT/EXTkACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FI'G. 1. SPECIFIC ELECTRIC -1 RESISTANCE (OHM CM) Of: FLUIDIZED BED OF GRAPHITE;IPARTICLES I- - IM 16 -VERSUS DENSITY OF CURRENT (A-CM PRIME2.) WITH EXPANSION OF 1.2: 1, :ARGON, 20DEGREESC; 2, HELIUM, 20000E~REESC; 3, ARGOINt 2000DEGREESC. -FIG. 2o SCHEME IF EXPERIMENTAL INSTALLATION: I-),ICHAMOTTE; 21 -ELECTRODES; 3, ALUMINUM OXIDE FILLING;~ 4~# GAS DISTRIBUTOR; 5, FLUIDIZED BED. FIG. 3. COMPARISON OF RELATIONSHIPS P EQL14LS F11.) FOR GRAPHITE PARTICLES 0.16-0.2 MM IN DIA WITH EXPA,NSION I.I,FOR RECT4NGULAR (LIGHT) ,AND CYLI,'IjDRICAL (DARK POINTS') INSTALLAJIGNSt RESPECTIVELY (Pt OHM. CM; .11 A-CM PRJIME2): It TEMPERATURE 20- DEGREESC ', 2 1 TEMPERATURE 1000 4PLITUOE (PERCENT) OF DEGREESC. FIG. 4. TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE, OF At FLUCTUATIONS FOk PARTICLES 0.16-Ob2 Mili IN DIA WIT-i EXPANS10,14 1.- 1: 1, RECTANGULAR INSTALLATION; 2, CYL'INDRICAL INSTALLATION. THE NCE -LECTR DEPENDEi OF SPECIFIC C -IC ~E&ISTANCE OF A FLLJIL)IZEL) BE[) OF PAKTICLES ON CURRENT DENSITY; I~S STUDIED. ELECTROoviAMIC MECHANISM, OF THE. RELATIONSHIP S EQUALS,.-F-- JIA JS 065,CRILRED AND IT' IS --SHO'i4t THAT WITH INCRSAS ING . TEMPERATURE, THL-AMPLITUPE AND FREQUENCY OF -~_~..':~tLECTRIC CURRENT FLUCTUAT)"ONS DECREASE' WHICH DEM&~STPATES LOWER -FREQUENCY OF 'AS B UBBLE MCTION. UNCLASSIFIED Heat nt.:. USSR mc 62i.785,6zo,igg-.46,669,14.oiB.8 ZRELTOV~,? G,A., BEIVIGY, A. L., KRISTAL-1 M. '.1 ADUCIM, R. A.j Idl-Union and DesiGn. Institute of Chemical ~Iicbin[3 Buildbig 51~ S "Effect of Heat Tre-atment on the Tendency of MM16MI5,3 t el to 111ter- crystalline Cox-rosion'" Hoscow, Pietallovedenip) i Te=lcheslkaya Obtrabotka matallov, No 4, A-or 73, pp 12-15 Abstxacti Production of OOOXh16'1;ip-,3 steel 1h th e fox-m of chcmical con- tainers with 0.03j',, 0 (max.) has been mastexed, and Sammles for iwtallo- graphic studies wid corrosion tests wore quenche(l from iiOQ and 1200 C; C 1,rlth 30-minute uo.-,J-,s and repoated heatinC, to.550-950 0C every 50 a C with 10 and 30- minute, ami 1- - -, 50-P wid 100-hour moak-, VitTic aoid (65,c") w s twed 5 , 10 a In the corrosion tozts, It was found that hoatilig at ~>50-950 C Causes pre- ci iL pitation of caxbidez and chi-phase in wohqj16m,rv,,~ steel amt procip lation. of carbides and the siViza- and chi-pbazos,ln OjCjI7111611~31' stoel. With increasod quenching temiparature the regions of carbide and intaTmetallide precipita- -the ng tions for 00011~116NI5111, steel co=eapond to - lo so6kine, tlmo~s. Inter- cry-stalline corrosion vras detected only Oter lengthy (not lass than 10 hours) the-mal action for Woxm6n5l.13~ stee1 caUSing pZecipita"Uon of a continuous 1/2 et ZHOLTOVAt G. A.j et al.# 1,~ allovedeniye i Teriaichar~,kaya Obrabotka Mletallovt No 4, Apr 73? pp 12-15 network of.carbides and ch' phase along the au.-itoniii.,; graim boundarloo, while for stee! OYhI?M6I,,3T this for.-,, of corrosion ylis observed afUx only four hours. The interex-ystalline corrosion tendency,for the inve3tigrated steels develops after a short soak at 700-850 0C. Tho ten6ency of OYM711-I6113T steel and its weld joints is greater than for 00ORWN!"-1,13~ steel and knife corrosion is absent in 00OKh1ONI5M'3 Steel when tested In n1tric acid and in the medium of a synthesis colmin and the-mixer for.carbamide produ