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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 OLL 85-1743 25 June 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: General Counsel Chief, Legislation Givision Office of Legislative Liaison SUEJECT: S.J. Res. 148 - National Commission on Espionage and Security 1. Attached for your information is a copy of a joint resolution introduced by Senator Byro to create a "National Co~:nission on Espionage and Security". Also attached are the Senator's remarks upon introducticn of this resolution. This resolution was considered as an amendment to the FY-1985 Supplemental Appropriations Bill (H.R. 2577), but was defeated (50-48) by the Senate on 20 June 1985. A copy of the floor debate concerning this resolution also is attached for your information. 2. The resolution follows, obviously, in the wake of the Walker espionage case. It would create a Commission to investigate the vulnerability of the United States Government to penetrations by hostile foreign governments. Membership of the Commission will be drawn from both the Executive and Legislative Branches. The Commission is vested with broad subpoena power and the power to compel testimony under oath. In addition, government agencies are required to supply the Commission with all information necessary to the conduct of its activities. The Commission would be required to report on its findings and recommendations within 18 months. 3. While the resolution was narrowly defeated (50-48) by the Senate, Senator Stevens specifically stated that this "amendment would be back in another form". We have been in touch with Gary Chase, SSCI, and will be providing him with some talking points opposing this resolution for use on the Hill. We obviously will monitor this proposed legislation very closely and will keep you apprised of any further developments in this regard. Attachment as stated Distribution: Original - Addressee 1 - D/OLL + DD/OLL 1 - OLL Chrono 1 - LEG/Subject + SWfi/Signer Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 .Lune 1 % 198.1 barges. Surplus barges have cortrib grain and coal expo to materialize. grain carried by The world oil ORDE UNTIL Mr. unani conch t in gu]]]]]] and!,6 arri{{ ges in tax lams al~d huge increases in orts and the amount of arges. lut. That has cut down on 11:00 A.M. TOMORROW recess until fi.he hour of 11 a.m. on to- m rrow. he PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. NATIONAL COMMISSION ON ESPIONAGE AND SECURITY Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, the pub- lished reports which have come to my attention since the first arrest was made in the Walker spy case have made it clear to me that there is a compelling need for the Congress to take urgent and aggressive action with respect to our Goc?ernment's ability to cope with Soviet espionage. It has been reported that 4.3 mii]ion Americans have received security clearances from our Government and therefore have access to the most sen- sitise Gas~ernment information relat- ing to our national defense. Every one of these indisiduals is a potential prime target for recruitment for the hundreds of Soviet KGB agents who ream our streets. The Defense Department is said to base only ],500 cisilian investigators who this year are expected to conduct 20,000 sensitive clearance insestiga- tions of military and defense contrac- tor personnel. The Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion. which has the primary responsi- bility for tracking Soviet espionage in the L;nited States, is said Lo be unable *.o cope with the huge number of sus- pected Soviet agents in this country. The mountains of Government paper marked "confidential," ??secret." and "top secret" seem to grow ever higher each day. and the entire c]assi- fication system is said to be held in disrepute. :GRESSIONAL RECORD - SENA1-E S 8~ 7 Assertions Continue that the top levels of our Government, including the CIA itself, may have been pene- trated by the HGB. Others strongly disagree. No one seems to know for sure. The Walker case is said to involve an individual alleged Lo have been spying for the Soviets for as long as 20 years, and no one even suspected it. This situation simply cannot be al- lowed to continue. We must take im- mediate action to uncover the scope and magnitude of- this problem and then take strong and effective action to correct it. We in the Congress cannot authorize billions of dollars for the most sensitive and sophisticated defense and intelligence systems, only to learn that the details of those sys- tems have been turned over to our ad- versaries by employees of our own Government. I have therefore prepared legislation which I am introducing today to estab- lish aNational Commission on Espio- nage and Security to investigate this problem. The Commission would be di- rected to investigate-efforts which may have been made by hostile for- eign powers to penetrate our Govern- ment-the adequacy of counterintelli- gence investigations by the United States to detect and protect against such penetrations; and-the adequacy and effectiveness of the classification system, background security investiga- tions, and the whole question of secu- rity clearances. The Commission will be authorized to hold hearings, issue subpoenas, and have full and complete access Lo whatever information it may need to fulfill its task. The Commission will be required to report on its findings and recommen- dations in 18 months. The Commission that will be created by this resolution will consist of eight members, to be appointed as follows: Four would be appointed by the Presi- dent of the United States, including one former Secretary of Defense, one former Director of Central Intelli- gence, and one former special assistant to the President for national security affairs: one would be appointed by the President of the Senator from the ma- Jority Members of the Senator upon the recommendation of the majority leader of the Senate: one would be ap- poi.^.ted by the President of the Senate from the minority Members of the Senator upon the recommendation of the minority leader of the Senate; one to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives from the majority Members of the House: and one to be appointed by the Speaker of the House for the minority Members of the House upon recommendation of the minority leader of the House. The members of the Commission would select the chairman and the vice chairman. The Commission would be author- ized to employ and fix the compensa- tion of such persons or consultants as it deems necessary and appropriate subject to certain provisions of the le4- islation. The Commission will be au- thorized Lo hold hearings, take testi- mony and depositions under oath, and do everything necessary and appropri- ate which is authorized by law to make the investigation and study spec? ified. The Commission would be author- ized and directed to make a complete investigation and study which would reveal the full facto with respect to the nature and extent of recent pene- trations of the U.S. Government or ef- forts to penetrate by hostile foreign powers to obtain the information that is described in the resolution: the extent and the adequacy of efforts of the United States to protect against such penetrations; the adequacy and effectiveness of the classification system; background investigations con- ducted for security clearances: systems involving the issuance of clearances: security systems, counterintelligence investigations, counterespionage inves- tigations, damage assessments, rele- vant Federal laws, Executive orders, directives and policies, investigative, prosecutorial and expulsion policy, treaties, and other international agree- ments to which the United States is a signator. and such other related mat- ters as the Commission deems neces- sary in order to carry out its responsi- bility. The Com**~i~Sion would have the power to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses and testimony of witnesses and the production of in- formation relating Lo a matter under investigation by the Commission. Mr. President, I talked with former President Carter yesterday, and he stressed the need for prompt action by our Government in this subject area He felt that it was a good concept and that we need to proceed. He indicated that he would be happy to appear and testify as a witness should he be called upon by the Commission. I tried to reach President Nixon yesterday, but he was out of the country. Today, he is back in the country and I have talked a-ith him and he felt that it was time to move to protect our country against those who would sell our coun- try "dow-n the river." He made some helpful suggestions to me and, likewise, indicated his willing- ness to appear as a witness before the Commission, ii asked to do so. I also talked on yesterday aZth former Secretary of Defense Harold Brown, a?ho was in California but re- turned last evening to the Nation's Capital. He likewise Joined in express- ing support for the effort and is happy to support and appear before the Com- mission for testimony if the Commis- sion should see fit to call upon him. Mr. President. I have talked with President Reagan earlier this after- noon, and he indicated that he would be happy to have a look at the resolu- tion and seemed to be supportive and, in any event, very interested. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 S RZt+B C10~GRESStONAL RECORD - SE!~'A7'E l1[r. Presidtmt, I thtnk ti would Dr very worthw?hlle tf forn-er DireMora of the CIA were stked to respond for the DurP~e of testirnorty. I talked with former C1A Director Admiral Turner (m yesterday, and he a=pressed strong eUDDort for the Idea and Ilitewise, as have the others with whom I talked. indicated a reads s?illutgntsa to appear before the Colnmissbn and vrork a'tth the Commission 1n any way, shotild the Commission see !it to call on him. I have not been able to talk ritR other former D~reE-tors of the CIA, 1d r. Gblb~, Mr. Helms, and others. and I hate not yet been able to resell Dr. Schi?strtRer. I called Rim on yesterday, brut he was in Europe, I believe. and will be rettunizig to the Untied States this evening or tomorrow. I hate not yet had an opport.unl*. ~ to talk to former President Ford, but I certainly hope to do ao. 11dr. President. 1 bare jt~t com~~leted a telephone com?ersation ti-ith io'mer security advisor. Mr. B-zezinsl?.i. He said that the whole security appar'attss is dtx for an ezamittation and it 1c long overdue. He was Quite enthtl(si;aa- tic about each a e~nmmi ,eion. ldr. President, I hope that the ad- ministration and mp ealfeagues on both sides o1 the aisle will be support- ive od the reaoltItioa that I will submit today. We are all f~ this tether. Both the executive and the legislative bt?anchea have much to contribute toward exarniniag the Droblem and coming vp with responsible and efieo- five tolutiona. This is a Eepartisan ap- proteh which I am suggesting to deal with a noQpattisan problem. I am not going aft,ef anybociv that I can think of as I introduce this resolu- tion. I am not attempting to bleats tale adiniitiittration tx annother, one party EY another. As I see it., our objective, simply put, h to find the hole` in our Ration's security fabric and to close them for the future, with no ecape- Boats. It is simply a serious and ftulda- aaenta] problems wbicie ~ m the very heart of the effective defense o1 our Nation. ivQr. President, I ask tutaaimous cozt- sent that I may have until 7 o'clc-ck today to introduce the resolution The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objet ion, It is so ordered. Mr. BID. Mr. President, I aLSO ask tlna,nirrous consent that the resolution be printed in the R>ecoan. There being no objection, the resolu- tion wa< ordered to be printed in the RECORD, ~c fo11oR?s: SJ. RES. 148 Resolved by tin Senate and Xotge o,{ Itep reaentalives 4~ the Ua.fted Stales oJdv+erica to Congress assembled, That (a) there is hereby established a na- tional commission which may be called for convenience of expression. the 1ational Comrrisswr, er. ifspionsge and Security, to t~rtduet an investigation and study with re- spect to t.tle adequacy of counterespionage, cottnLesintelligence and security activities of the United States In the protection Of v1t81 secret (1) defenre. (Y) foreign policy, and t3) imelligence information of the IIrrfted l3tatxa against the atfarts of hostile foretan pvaers to obtain sucD information. as fur then described in section 3 bolos. tD) The Commkslon created -> this reso lotion shall censfat of eight metaben, io be appointed as follows: (1) Fottt to be appointed by the President of the United Stag. lncludin? one former Seeretarp of Defettae, one former /?;rector of Central If!ketligenee. and otx former 6pe- cial Assistant to the President for National Securtt} Affairs. (2) One to be appotnt.ed by the President of the Senate from the malority Members Dt the Senate upon the recomrner-dation of the tna,iority leader of the Senate. (3) One Lo be appointed by the President of the berate from the wino..*ity Members of the Senate upon the recorrsrentdatton of the minority leader of the Senate. (4) Ore co be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Aepreserttaihres iron-. the ma jority Members 01 the House: and (5) One to De appointed by the Speaker of the House of RepresentaU~e~ from ttte mi norit) Members of the House upon the roc - omnu.nd2:: or. of the minority leader of the House. tc) The members of the Cbmmss;on sha?; select a chairman and a r7ce chairman. Va E:artcies in the aremberehip of the Commis? aion shall toot affect the authority of the re~ maittint members to execute the fuactiona of the Cvmniission and shall be filled it the same manner as the otiQi.'18: appocntments to it are made. Seettrity systems: tb) Cotmt.erinteIligence in~rstigatioru; (6) Counterespionage int estigatioas: (T) Damage assessments: (E) Aelevani Federal taws. executive orders, directives, and policies tD) imrestrgative, presecut.orial and expul- sion policy: and (10) Treaties and other international agreemertL to which the United State= is a signatory June 1i, 19bi td) 8ueh other rrlnted matter. as the Commission dorms nrerssary M order to carry out H.s responsibiltUCs SEC. ~ 6ub)ect ooh to other provis:orr of Chia resohrtton. all departments. ttgenctes acrd other components. and all officiate and other employees. of the L'nitxd States (tor ernment are authortzrd and directed to. ta) Extend fut'. and complete cooperation to tM Cammtsston lb) Render such assist.anee ~ the Comrris 6i~r1 may request (c) Prm-ide such Lnformatior. anC testimo ru?, s?hether at hearin?s or Dl' lnt.en?tew or deposition. ar the Commisstor, maS request. (d) Provide access to all record:. aritini;:.. documents and other materials u thf Co:r: mission ma} request. fiEC. 5. (fit The Commies:nn, or an; rnemSer of the Comnasstor, wr,er. se author tied Dy the Commisstor~ shall Katie the power to issue subpoenas requiring the at tendanre and testimony of wtt.nesseF and the production of lnlornuuor, relattaF to a matter under tmesugat,or b~ tr,e Cc^ rr.:~ aion. A subpoers mac lTquire the person, tc whom it iE dtrected to produces euc^ ir.`:~r manor. a: a^.} time beiorf avc!. persnr.:a ;c testify. Suet, a:ter:dance o: a,tnes5e> altd Lhe production of such evidence ma)' be re- quited trUm any place withm the wt-isdic? lion of the United States at ~ desigrtate?d p~aee e! hzLervie>s or treari~ A p~rsan to whom a subpoena essued under this subsea Lion 4 du-ected ms). for cause shown. mote to solo ge or shorten the time of attendance and testimony, or ma}~ move to quash or modify a subpoena for the production of to formation H it b ttnrcasonable er oppres sine. L+ the ease of a subpoena issued for the purpose of Lakin[ a deposition ton ae~ ex- amination, the person to be deposed may make any motion permitted under rule 26~c) of the Ppderal Rules of Civil Procedure. (bXi) In case ad coninrnacp Or refusal to obey a subpoena issued to a person under this section, a coup of the United States sithin the jurisdiction of s?hlch the person Sa directed to appear or produce information or wkhin the jurisdiction of which the persott is foutsd, resides sr transacts busi- nees, a7alY upon spplicstion try the ALtarney General testae to arch persoc: an arde: re quirirttt such person to appear before the Commission, or before a member o! the Commission, or a member of the slat' of the Commission designating the Commission for stash purpose, there to give testimony or produce linformation t*eleting to the starter ustder tnvsestigatior:, as re~tifred by the sub- poena. Any failure to obey such seder of the court may be punished by the noun of n contempt thereof- (7) The t;ommiasion is an a~?ency of the United States for the purpose of oils BI(e)(3) of the I"edera? Rules of Cit-i. Prose duce. (c) Proce~ of a court to shish apP?;cation nsay De matle txtder this aecttot, may be sensed >a a ludic"ta? distrut wherein the person required Ln be served is ic?md. re- sides, or trarssacL business. SEC. 6. A court of the United States atthin Lhe jurisdiction in ehich testimor.~ of s person in custodti~ i5 sought by the CommL~ aion or sithin the jurisdiction of which such person h held In custody. bray. epee.: aP^l, cation try the Attorney General. issue a t~-rit of kaiSeos carpus ad testi.ricandurr, requ:rinf the custodsan to produce anti: person. belore the eotnaussion. or before a member o; the Coturaizsion ar a atember of the eta:f of the Commission designated by the Commission for such purpose. Sec. ?. The Commission Lc an agPnc) of tier United Stotts for the purpose o.` pan l' of title lE of the United S:ate Code Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 June 1 i , 1985 . ~NGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE S 8289 Sec. 8. (a) Process and papers issued pur- suant to this resolution may be served in person, by registered or certified mail, by telegraph. or by leasing a copy thereof at the residence or principal office or place of business of the person required to be served. when stn-ice is Dy registered or certified mail. or by telegraph, the return post office receipt or telegraph receipt therefor shall be proot of service. Otherwise, the verified return by the individual making service, set- ting forth the manner of such service shall be proof of service. (b) A witness summoned pursuant to this resolution shall be paid the same fees and mi:eage as are paid witnesses in the courts of the united States, and s witness whose deposition is taken and the person taking the same shall severally be entitled to the same tees as are paid for ;ike stn )ces in the courts of the tinned States. Su. 9. ca) The investigative activities of the Commission are civil or criminal law en- forcement activities for the purposes of sec- lion 552acbx7> of title 5. t7nited States Code. except that section 552a~.c)(3) shall apply after the termination of the Commis- sion. (b) The Commission is a Government au- thority, and an investigation conducted by the Commission la s law enforcement in- qutry, for the purposes of the Right to Fi- rancia] Privacy Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3401 ei sep.). Any delay authorized by court order ir, the nonce required under that Acf shall ..^.ot exceed the life of the Commission. in- cluding any extension thereof. Notwith- standing adelay authorized by court order, if the Commission elects to publicly disclose the information in hearinYs or otherwise, it shall give notice required under the Right to Financial Privacy Act a reasonable time in advance of such disclosure. Sts. 10. Conduct avhich. if directed against a United States attorney, would violate sec- tion 1111 or 1114 of title 18, United Staten Code, shall, tf directed against s member of the Commission, be subject to the same punishments as arc provided by such sec- tions for such conduct. Su. 11. The functions of Che President under section 10(d) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App. 10(d)), shall be performed by the Chairman of the com- m:ssion. Su. 12. (a) The Commission shall adopt rules attd procedures (1) to govern its pro- ceedings; (2) to provide for the security of records, documents, information, and other materials in its custody and of its proceed- ings; ~3) to prevent unauthorized disclosure of information and materials disclosed to it in the course of its inquiry; (!) to provide the right to counsel to all witnesses exam- ined pursuant to subpoena: and (5) to accord the full protection of al] rights se- cured and guaranteed by the Constitution of the L'r.ited States. (b) No information in the possession of the Commission shall be disclosed by any member or employee of the Commission to any persan who is not a member or emploS- ee of the Commission. except as illtthorized by the Commission and by law. (c) The term '~empioyee of the Commis- sion" means a person (1) whose services have been retained by Che Commission, (2) who haF been specifically designated by the Commission as authorized Lo have access to information in the possession of the Com- mission, and (3) who has agreed in silting and under oath Lo be bound by the rules of the Commission, the provisions of this reso- lotion, and other provisions of law relating to Che nondisclosure of information. Sac. 13. The Commission shall make a final report of the results of the investiga? Lion, together with its findings and Its rec- ommendations to the President and to the Congress, st the earliest possible date, but no later than March 1, 1987. The Commis- sion may also submit such interim reports sa it considers appropriate. After submission of its final report, the Commission shall have three calendar months to close tts af- fairs. and on the expiration of such three calendar months shall cease to exist. Sts. 14. There are authorized to be appro- printed for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1986 such soma as are necessary to carry out the activities of the Commission. Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, if any Senator seeks the floor, I w-ill be glad Lo relinquish it. This is my 75th speech on the subject, "The United States Senate" over s period o1 5 years. CONGRESSIONAL REr^ORM: THE LEGISLATIVE REORGANIZA- TION ACT OF 1946 Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, when we thir}k back to the nineteenth century Sen te, we can easily conjure up ima s of senators who enjoyed suffi- cient leisure to do their oa-n research, draft their own legislation, and to write engthy speeches. Most members had n other office space than their desks the Senate chamber or in their dinghouse quartets near the Capitol uilding. Today, the sites of many of hose boardinghouses are cov- ered wit House and Senate office buildings where member's have quaz- Lers that my barely seem Lo accom- modate th increasing requirements of their dive constituencies. In the middle oft a last century, members who requir staff assistance pur- chased it ou of their personal funds during the tls ally abbreviated legisla- After World Waz I. demands on members' time d attention escalated rapidly as impr ved means of trans- portation and co unication brought the electorate d the elected into greater proximity. As the national gov- ernment assumed greater role in the lives of everyday ci liens, pressures on Congress multipled. And as the 1920's gave way to the Gre L Depression and the New Deal era o the 1930's, Con- gress demonstrated creasing inabil- ity to legislate with he deliberation and expertise that h characterized its course during the eemingly less complicated nineteenth entury.' Congress had slight o porttutity to dwell on matters of irate a1 organiza- tion and support during he Depres- sion and New Deal ye By 1940, however, many members w re becom- ing painfully aware of the f to of rep- resentative bodies around th world at the hands of totalitarian egimes. Many recognized that a stron effec- tive Congress was the best pro Lion against executive tyranny. forei tad domestic. Later that year, )?louse Speaker Sam Rayburn warned that the ability or our democracy Lo survive was directly related to the ability of Congress to balance demands for ade- qua discussion against demands for pro pt and effective action. Rayburn acre d the necessity of independent "tec ical competence" as the founda- tion f a solid legislative program. "A great national legislature cannot sa.fel rely on the technical assLctance and vice which private interests are willin to provide."' ? Je Voorhis, a Democratic repre- sentati a from California, was an early and pe intent critic of Congress' in- ability maintain a strong and co- equal r le in the federal system. He warned hat the future of constitu- tional g vernment would be in jeop- ardy unl ss Congress insisted on exer- cising i traditional responsibilities with a fo and vigor equal to that of the in Roosevelt administra- tion.? Congress in 1941, was ill-equipped to accept the oorhis and Rayburn chal- lenges. At hat time, of every seven dollars tt a thorized the federal gov- ernment Lo nd, Congress spent only one cent on itself. Its 3,200-member staff was pr dominantly clerical and custodial wit not more than two hun- dred persons ho could be considered legislative pro essionals. Senators were required Lo their office clerks as the principal taSf of any committee they chaired, t us ignoring profession- al competence as the foundation for committee staf g?? This situation en= couraged the 'tional practice of creating additi na1 committees as sources of prest ge, office space, and extra staff fort it chairmen On the eve o Pearl Harbor, Con- gress remained eluctant to supply itself with rode dent sources of ex- pertise. Librarian of Congress Archi- bald MacLeish a ed in vain for in- creased funding o his Legislative Ref- erence Service. He 'ustified his request on the asstlmptio that the Congress had the right to 'scholarly research and counsel in law, d history and ec- onomics at least ual to that of people who come fore committees" from the executive ranch and private interest groups.? Strong opposition the House of Representatives kil ed MacLeish's hopes of revitalizing understaffed and obscure reference service. In the Senate, in June 1941, a similaz fate awaited a measure intr used by Sen- ator A.B. "Happy" Ch dler of Ken- Lucky. Chandler pro that the Senate allow each membe to hire one "research expert" at s competitive salary. His proposal did because many senators appazently believed it would establish a cadre o~ "political assistants" who would event~lllally be in s position to compete for their jobs.T The opposition had deep roots in the members' self-image. Congressmen feared the public would view the ap- propriation of tax dollars for staff ex- perts as an open confession of mem- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 S 892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SirriATE commission. We cannot afford to con- duct business as usual and just forget the problem or hope that it mill go 8R?ay. Mr. President, I urge the adoption of the amendment. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I rlae to support this amendment. 1 wish to emphasize the bipartisan-certainly nonpartisan-nature of this amend- ment. As one of the prime cosponsors, it never entered my head that it R?ould be art3'thing but that-that ls, a group that could give us the best of Informa- tion mthis very sensitive area, very timely area of great concern to our country. I hope that the commission would, in fact, look into the adequacy of our activities in any field of terrorism. I think we have, as we have all found out, very few intelligence assets in the Middle East in general, and in Leba- non in particular. Whether there is anything that we can do about Lhat from a grand policy standpoint I think would be a very appropriate and pro- ductive area for this commission to look into, as well as that which the distinguished minority leader dis- cussed; that is, the question of security clearances. An idea that. the distintuished occu- pant of Lhe Chair had and R-hich I supported irf the Appropriations Com- mittee-that ia, the use of the lle de- tecbr to test security clea.rartces-is also an area which I think could be ap- propriately looked at by this commis- sion. I am told that the lie detector is a very, very useful tool in determining the reliability-not just the truthful- ness but the reliability-of those with security clearances. I also share the view that it is a very sensitive area. We meant to be sure that there are ade- puafe safeguards in the use of Lhat lle detector so that it may not be used as an article of political revenge or that it be misused or any of those things. I think that could appropriately be looked into by this commission. The idea of s commission as opposed to the use of one .flf our standing com- mittees, Ithink, is also very good and very timely. We have in this country ex-directors of the CIA and the De- fense Intelligence Agency whose names are well-known throughout this country, whose reputations are above reproach, and who come from both po- litical parties. It seems to me that their appoint- ment to this commission, should they be willing to serve, would be a national asset of great value, drawing upon their judgment and their experience. It seems to me they could give this commission a broadness of view and a depth of expertise that is not likely to be equaled by any mechanism other than this kind of bipartisan commis- sion. So, Mr. President, I strongly support this legislation and hope it will be ap- proved. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair, in his capacity as the Senator from Alaska, suggests the absence of a quorum. The clerk will call the roll. The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mt. HYRD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, ft is so ordered. Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that I may be au- thorized to modify the amendment 1n two places, one being with respect to paragraph (b>c 1) on page 1 of the amendment which I haae before me, the other one being the paragraph that provides for the funding of the commission. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a,n objection? Without objection, it is so ordered. Will the Senator send the modifica- tion to the desk? Mr. BYRD. Yes. Let me say, Mr. President, that Daragraph ~ b)(1) of the amendment which I hold in my hand, which is the amendment that is avail- able and on each desk, presently reads as iolloR-s-and this is with respect to the appointment by the President of the United States of afour-member commission: Fbur W be appointed by the President of the t7nited States, including one former Sec- retary of Defense, one former Director of Central Intelligence, and one former Special Assistant to the President for National Se- curity Affairs. Mr. President, I do modify, having been given consent from the Senate, that paragraph by placing a period fol- lowing the words "IInited States" and Striking out the remaining words in that sentence, so that phrase, which now would require the President to in- clude among hLs four appointees one former Secretary of Defense, one former Director of Central Intelli- gence, end one former Special Assist- ant to the President for National Se- curity Affairs-Chat would be stricken and the remaining >oi!ords would be these: "Four to be appointed by the President of the United States." The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator has that right under the unanimous consent previously granted to hfm. Mr. HYRD. I make that modifica- tion, Mr. President, because the distin- guished present occupant of the chair, the distinguished Senator from Alaska [Mr. Sr~s3 stated on the floor a moment ago his concern about that language. I can understand his feeling that >ovay. The distinguished majority leader also hats expressed his concern to me about that particular language. I can understand the concern. I can only say that I hope the President would carefully consider appointing a former Secretary of Defense, a former Director of Central Intelligence, and a former Special Assistant to the Presi- dent for National Security Affairs, but I have now deleted that language from the amendment as a requirement. June ~'0, 19b' The other modificatfon, Mr. Presi- dent, I will make in a moment after conversation with the distinguished chairman of the Committee, Mr. HAT- rtrl.n, and the distinguished ranking member, Mr. Jox>rsrox. But for noa? I suggest the absence of a quorum The PRESIDING OF'F'ICER. The clerk will call the mll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. DURENBERGER. Mr. Presi- dent, Iask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be re- scinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. VVith- out objection, it is so ordered. Mr. DURENBERGER. Mr. Presi- dent, Irise in opposition to the amend- ment by my good friend and colleague, the Democratic leader. Md I am not in the unfortunate position of rising as a committee chairman and I srn going to make a statement that says we do ail these things; we do not always do them well. But we, in effect, have these things in place. My great col- league, who has been here so much longer than I, has heard this; but I trust that he will listen to at. least a part of it, and perhaps there is in the structure of his amendment some room for accommodating to the con- cerns that I will express. I do not know at this time whether there fa sueh room, but I trust that he may find that kind of room. Our colleague from West Virginia has been an ex officio member of the Senate Select Committee on ltntelli- gence since its inception. He had a substantial role to -play personally in the creation of the Committee on In- telligence, and I trust that, therefore, he will be especially sensitive to some of the comments I will make about the impact i.hat this Commission can have on the objectives he is trying to achieve. I .thought perhaps >tve would find some support from Lhe administration in makirtg this case. I find, in the statement I just referred to of the ma- jority leader, as being the administra- tion's position on CommiecioTlS, that the administration opposes the statu- tory establishment as unnecessary; they oppose it on the ground that there are existing mechanisms' they oppose it on the theory that the executi~ e branch has primary responsibility and on Lhe theory of constant cooperation. There may be some of that in my statement as well, but I think we need to go Just s little further. Before ~y colleagues vote on this issue, let me give them /ust a little in- formation and perhaps education on the role that the9 play, as Members of this body, in resolving some of the problems of security and espionage. 1[r. President, I sympathize with my good friend from West Virginia, who has long been an ex officio member of the Select Committee on Intelligence. He has been a steadfast Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 ~IuRC 2U, 1985 CO?~GRESSIOtiAL RECORD - ,+~'~ATF supporter of U.S. intelligence and I partly Lo greater protection for classi- greatly admire him for it. fled information that this act has pro- f oppose m~ good fricnc'r. amrnd cid~?d. As Assistant Attorney General menL, however, for I tear that his pro- Stephen S. Trott told the Washington posal would retard, rather than ad- Post the "'graymaU' Act gives the vance, the adoption of improved coup- dovernment 'the capacity to surface terintelligence and security practices. I and prosecute lsples- without com- am confident, moreover, that the exec- promising national security or letting utive branch and the Senate Select defense lawyers spew secrets all over Committee on Intelligence can better the place.' " accomplish what the minority- leader Under Chairman Goldwater, the seeks to achieve than will a National Commission. The state of American counterintel- ligence and information security is a mattxr of great concern to us all. The secunt y of our country may not depend entirely upon this, but tetra>?- els and intelligence penetrations are a sure way to undo years of devoted and costly efforts by loyal Americans. We have good reason to be con- cerned regarding these matters. The Walker famil~? spy' ring alone is enough to warrant our attention. From what a-e read in the papers, it may have gone on for two decades: it involved two generations, as well as friends and other relatives: it ine?oh?ed chief warrant officers, the cream of the crop of Navy- enlisted men, a?ho have made Lhis country's security at sea their careers: and it may have com- promised vital information on U.S. weapons systems, communications, and operational patterns. Other recent cases are equally both- ersome. In Los Angeles, we are wit- nessing the first trial of an FBI agent for espionage in our history. A man in New York has been indicted on charges of spying while he worked for the CIA. Md news stories assert that the Soviet Union bugged U.S. Embassy typewriters in Moscow for years, giving them secxss to a steady stream of important information. The Select Committee on Intelli- gence is deeply disturbed by these events. We are determined to learn the causes of the current situation and to help bring about major improvements ~ it. ' The Select Commfttee on Intelli- gence and its House counterpart have given high priority to counterintelli- gence and security problems ever since Lhe creation of the committees in 19 i 6. Under our first chairman. Sena- tor Dexret. IrvoII~ of Hawaii, the P'BI committee took the lead in calling for increased resources for FBI, CIA, and Defense Department counterintelli- gence operations. We also passed the Intelligence Ldentities Protection Act to stop one especially dangerous form of intelligence compromise. This year, as part of the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 1986, the committee recommended legisla- tion to address the Soviet intelligence threat that was later passed by' the. Senate in the form of amendments to the Department of State authoriza- tion. Md this year, as in every other year, a?e have used the budget authori- zation process to address the perform- a~tce of U.S. counterintelligence ele- ments in the various agencies. Earlier thLs year, the select commit- tee began planning ? broad review of II-S. counterintelligence and security programs. On June 11, 1985, the com- mittee agreed to begin a oomprehen- aive review of the Soviet intelligence threat and i1.S. counterintelligence and security programs. This review is to be done within the context of the committee's continuing oversight re- sponsibilities and will include an ex- amination of the implications for na- tional security =rowing out of the Walker case and others. Topics to be addressed include: Changes in the nature and extent of 6oviet espionage operations both within the United States and against US. installations and interests over- seas: The reasons behind the record number of espionage cases in the last 9e~ ; Hoa- effectively U.$. counterintelli- gence agencies have utilized the in- creased resources made available to them by the Congress: and What needs to be done to improve security so that truly sensftive infor- mation and operations are better pro- counterintelligence budget was Includ- tatted. ed for the first time in the overall Na- The committee intends to examine tional Foreign Intelligence Program. all aspects of the problem, including Later we passed the Foreign Intelli- the classification system, the person- gence Surveillance Act, which gave our nel security system and the communi- counterintelligence agencies a secure cations security system, as well as and constitutional means of wiretap- computer and other forms of technical ping suspected spies. This has Proved and operational security. We are in to be an invaluable arm in the arsenal the process of holding a series of of security. - closed hearings and briefings. We also An Intelligence Committee study look forward to cooperating-with the several years ago also led to passage of executive branch and benefitting from the Classified Information Procedures the internal reviews underway in Lhe Act, which limits the impact of gray- Defense Department and other agen- mail defenses that threaten the re- ties. lease of more classified information in We have instructed our staff to co- spt? cases. The increase in espionage ordinate with other interested Senate prosecutions in recent years fs due committees. In particular, the select S 8.93 committee expects to follow up on the recommendations of Senators NIINN and Rorx of the Permanent Subcom- mittee on Investigations. which ha.~ completed an tnvestigation of short- comings >n the Government's Securi? ty Clearance Program. The aim of the committee is to pre- pare a full report on the adequacy of U.S. counterintelligence and security programs and the improvements needed Lo protect the national security in these fields. As indicated in letters that Vice Chairman LsnxY and I have recently sent, we solicit the sugges- tion.~ and views of all Members of the Senate as a?e begin this task. A National Commission on Security and Espionage, Mr. President, is more likely Lo retard progress on these issues than it is to further it. If we truly want to improve eecurfty prac- tices, we must convince departments and agencies to change entrenched a?a}?s of doing things. That ib hoa simple it is. No commission is going to get the bureaucracy of this country -to change its habits. It is difficult enough for us in the Senate and the people in the House to take advantage of situe? lion like the Walker case Lo do some of the things we are noa? able to get them to do. The people who must do that are the leaders of those agencies, not a group of outsiders, no matter how distinguished. What will happen If ire establish a National Commission? The first thing is that people in the bureaucracy who are resistant to .change wUl say that nothing can be done untU sitar the Commission completes !ta work and issues its report. So any chance for early improvement will be quashed. That is ? record which has been rep- licated for many, many commissions. The bureaucracy gill teII 7ou they cannot do anything to comply with Your desires until the Commission completes its work and tissues its t"eDor't. The consequence of that is that aII bf the work that we treed to do is 1Y85 that we need to implement in 1987 will all be postponed at least nbtU after this commission makes its report in 1987. A second likely consequence is that the issues of security and counterintel- li!gence wUl become politicized. Pirat there will be the usual jousting over the membershtp and staff of the Com- mission. Then there will be inevitable conflicts between the Commission and executive branch personnel who will resist the thought of dtaclosing our deepest counterintelligence secrets to an outside body. tMd then there will be watering down of conclusions, as Members with diverse views and politi- cal constituencies try to arrive at com- promise recommendations. Mr. President, I submit to my co]? leagues that this country needs better ?security, better counterintelligence, and better counterespionage. But rather than piecing together s politi- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 SI4~ C()tiGRESSIU'~AL RECURD - SL..ATE calls balanced group of outsiders, we must encourage our top policymakers to bitE? thr bullet th~ms~?ltr:, and take nr~cded nrtiun. Rat1:;r ]bait dis.^],,Sint? counterinrel;ifrcncc secrct~ to more outsiders. ae should use the Institu- tions alread}? in place to handle such information-including our own Select COnlmllleP On Intelligence. Rather than settling for the a-a? tered-down 3-year-old recommenda- tions which will eventuall} come- out of this Commission, ore should demand a hard-nosed examination of these slues that leads to real improvements in our counterintelligence and security posture. I am confident. IN!r. President, that both the executive branch and we are currently sufficiently' energized to deal with these issues speedil. and forth- rightl-r. The White House L clearly as concerned as R?e are regarding the need for improvement. and the Select Committee on Intelligence ha: re- ceived assurances of close cooperation from counterintelligence officials and top policymakers. I knove Rhat motit?ates my good friend from West Virginis. I am think- ing of it as I stn reading the state- ment, that g< soon as John Walker and his family are off the front pages. the issue may 'well also lease the top priority of our concerns in this Senate. That may very well be, from his expe- rience, one of the reasons that our col- league feels strongly about the need to continue to focus the attention of the country on the issue. I must say, however, Mr. President, while I agree with that theory, it is also the responsibility of this body to do something about it and I fear great- ly that turning it over to a commis- sion, postponing any work on counter- espionage and oountei-inteliigence policy for 3 years, just is not the way to make sure this job gets done. It is our responsibility here to force these changes on the administration, not the responsibility of an outside agency. 1dr. President, i tsttggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OF'F'ICER (Mr. Evexs). The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. llittr. BYRD. IIiET.r. President,, I ask unanimous consent that. the order for Lhe quortun call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. AIdWD!@f7 AO. ;lib AS IQRTHEa 1[ODIILED Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I had in- dicated earlier my desire to modify the amendment in respect to the last pro- vision in Lhe amendment. I modify what is now an open-ended funding provision, so as to specify that the funding be limited to 5900,000. I have discussed this with the distin- guished manager and the distin- guished ranking [minority manager, and it is their feeling that it should not be seen as an open-ended funding mechanism, and I think we have come to the conclusion that a 5900,000 cap would be a reasonable modification. I so modit~' m~' am?~ndment. Tne PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection. the amendment is modi~ fled. The modified amendment Is as fol- loa-s: (b) The Commission t~reateti by this reso- lution shall consist of eight members, to be appointed ab follows- (1) Four to be appointed by the President of the United States. (2i One to be appointed by the President of the 6enate from the majority Members of the Senate, upon Lhe trcommendation of the majonty leader of the 6enate: c3~ One to be appointed by the President of the Senate from Lhe mmortty Members of the Senate upon the recommendatior. of the minority leader of the Senate; (4/ One to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives from the ma- jorit~ Members of the House: and (5) One to be appointed be the Speaker of the House of Representatives from the mi noritc Members of Lhe House upon the rec- ommendation of the minority' leader of the House. (c) The members of the Commission shall select a chairman and a ace chairman. Va- cancies in the membership of Lhe ComtrlL- sion shall not affect the authority of the re- maining members to execute the functions of the Commission and shall be filled in the same manner 85 the original appointments to It are made. - (di Amajority of the members of the Commission shall conatttute a quorum for the transaction of business, but the Com- mission may affix s lesser number as a quorum for the purpose of taking testimony or depositions. (e) To enable the Commission to make the investigation and study authorized and di- rected by this resolution, the Commission fa authorized to employ and fix the oompensa- tion of such persons as it deems necessary and appropriate, subject to the provisions of Section 12(c) below. Ssi-tlo>A 2. The Commission ie authorized to hold hearings. take testimony and depo- sitions under oath, and to do everything necesciiry and appropriate which Is author- ized by law to make the investigation and study specified in subsection (a) of the first section. Sscrlox S. Without abridging in any way the authority confelred upon the Commis- sion by the preceding section, the Commis- sion fs authorised and directed to make a complete investigation Ind study which azl; reveal the full .facts with Ieapect to' (a) The nature and eztent of recent pene- trations of, or efforts to penetrate, the United States Government by hostile for- eign powers to obtain the information de- scribed in section 1 The classification system; (Y) Background investigations conducted for security clearances; (S) Systems Involving the issuance of such clearances; - 1~) Security systems: (5) Counterintelligence investigations; ((i) Counterespionage investigations; (7) Damage aaaessmenta; (g) Relevant Federal b1as, ex~utive orders, directives. and policies: (g) Investigative, prosecutorial and exput? sion policy; and June ,.'(l, 1.4~~.; (10) Treaties and other in.ernauona~ tgreemen~5 to which thr United States is a siRnatorc. td~ Such other nletrd mattrr~ a th. Commission deems necessary to order to Carry out Its responsibilities. Stu-non 4. Subject only to other provi- sions of this resolution, all departments. agencies. and other components. and all of ficials and other employees, of Lhe UNted States Government are tuthortzed and di rect.ed to: (a) Extend full and complete cooperation to the Commission: (b) Render such assistance as the Commis lion ma)' request: (c) Provide such information and testimo nc, whether at hearings or by Interview or deposition. as the Commission mac request. (d~ Provide accesc to all records, writings. document+~ and other materials as. the Com mission ma)' request. 6e,c-non 5 ta, The Commission. or any member of the Commission R?hen ac wthor ized by the Commission. shall have the power to issue subpoenas requiring; the at tendancr and testimor.~ of a-itnesees and Lhe production of information relating to a matter under investigation be the Commi sion. A subpoena mac require the person Lv whom it is directed to produce such Wor- mation at anc time before such person is to testifl ~ Such attendance of witnesses and the production of such evidence mac be re- quired fmm anc place within the jurisdic- tion of the United States at any designated place of inten?iew or hearing. A person to whom a subpoena Issued under this subsec- tion is directed may for eauae shown more to eNarge or shorten the time of attendance and testimony, or may move Lo quash or modify a subpoena for the production of in- formation u It is unreasonable or oppres- sive. In the case of a subpoena issued for the purpose of taking a deposition upon oral ex- amination. the person to be deposed may make any motion permitted under rule l8lc) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. (bXI) In case of contumacy or refusal Lo obey a subpoena Issued to a person under this section, a court of the IInlted States within the jurisdiction of which the person 1s directed to appear or produce ~nform~~ Lion. or within the jurisdiction of which the person is fotmd, resides or transacts busi- ness, may upon application D5 the Attorne}~ General. issue to such person an order re quiring such person to appiear before the Commission, or before a member of (die Commission, or a member of the staff of the Commission designated Dy the Commission for such purpose, there to give testimony or produce information relating to the matter under investigation, as required by the sub? poem. Any failure to obey such order of the court ma3' De punished b9 the Dour[ ab s contempt thereof. (2i The Commission is as agency of the United States for the purpose of rule 81(s)i3i o1 the Federal Rules of Civil Proce- dure. (c) Process of a oouri to which application mac be made under this section may be served in a judicial iiistrict wherein the person required to be served is found, re- sides, or tranSaCta Dusfness. Sacrro>A 6. A court of the IInlted States within the jurisdiction in which testimony of a person held in custody .ta sought by the Commission or within the jurisdiction of which such person is held in custody, msc. upon application by the Attorney General. issue a writ of habeas corpus ad testifican- dum n~quir[ng the custodian to produce such person before the teommisaion, or before a member of the fbnsmission or a member of the staff of the Commission des Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 CU:~GRESSIONAL RECORD - ~E1`A7-E S S-~9a ignated b> the Commission for sucl; pur Dos.. Srrnot. i. The Commission is R^ RFenc~ r.1 the 1lmted Stags for the p?,:r,x?>~ 01 pr,"! ~' 01 Utle 18 0l the United St ate Cud, .SECTION 8. (a) PrOCes~ and paPer~ issued pursuant to this retoluUon ma>~ be' sc nrd in person. b} registered or certified matt. by telegraph. or D) leaving a cop3 thereof at the- residence or principal office or place of business of the person required to be sen Pd v+:hcn aen?ice is by retristrred or certified mail. or by telegraph, the return post office receipt or telegraph receipt therefor shat; br proof of aenice. Othenn-iu. the verified return b}? the individual making scn?icc. set tinK forth the manner of such service shall bt? proof of sen-ice. tG) A witness 6ummoned pursuant to thL resolution shall be paid the same fees and mileage as are paid witnesses in the courts of the United States. acid a aitnes~ whose deposition is Laken and the person taking the same shall severally bc? entitled to the same fees t are paid for like senices in the courLS of the United States. SEe'rION 9. preach werf before this body. I offered an amend- fJsaa Us. Qu-saataa: I am wring be re- agree agree to that the weaken that osa laa- i which hope a tti b are eem ment that was oosponsored by the dis- quest that 7ou schedule ansarings in the bodied in vu- iesidtal l are e ti ttnguished Senator Irom South Caroli- -hear future on two pieces of legislation entio and rata and that you of at l na Mr. TwuRatoatal that could pro- which I raeentlI Introduced. S 1446 and S. to wing to consideration. UUmse bills during the vide an additional option-that of 2604. Both bills involve a long overdue current eeaslon mandatory We sentence without effort to Improve the Senate confirmation Your asiatance vivald be appreciated parole. So that would be an option in -proem Sincerely. The future if the other body agrees. U a. , 14d6. 1Rew shat al my La reRino mafs of concern racer oern RosritT C.'Brat The court will not choose the option of that the &enate ihas cot been setting are- Well. time went on and I reoeived no execution. It at least has the option, quate Information upon ablob to fulfill Its response, and so I wrote a second provided by my amendment to the "advice and consent" luaction under Article letter on May 21, and addressed it to DOD authorization bill of salting the It of the U.S. Constitution. On many CM=- the distinguished Senator and it said traitor away for the rest of his life be- adom we have seen situations where new In- this hind bars If a judge chooses that op- formation concerning a nominee for high rich Zia M. tlheanhhutr. In my letter of Ma , then the wretched `Benedict government office came to light only after Arnold" Would be imprisoned ed for life time nouarmitaa glad been received by the S. 1 zequesied that bearings be scheduled or. aerme trod tthe saaaltrmatiaa htartngs bad two piwas of 4ockdation which i fund recent with no -cope oT parole. gun on other occasions. the Senate was by inuedueeQ, & 2444 and 6. 2604. both in I hope the House will accept my unaware of such data until -even after the valuing an effort to hiprove the Senate con- amendment on that score. We ran nominee had actually been confirmed Urination process. expect the Soviets to have persons in It seems to me that these kinds of prob- I am still of the view that the enactment of this country who will spy on us, but lem rvce a fundamental flaw in the these measures is essential during the cur- what we should not have to expect is confirmation process. attributable in part to rent session. and I would appreciate your !il!lierican Chinon who forgets his art 1it7eaenp ki the background inves- letting me know whether you will be able to an . forgets en his patriotism, and ttgations conducted by the ffxeo Live process these bills In yoga Committee this heritage Tear ft -sells -his eountrs for a few measly dol- Branch thha 4o the incomplete. - sesof slid JfnformatIon ion erovided to the rW alncereg. tars. In that case, if he can Trost be tale- propiate Senate committees. cuted, then st least let hire have the My lesislation. IL 2446. attempts to ad- tlloaLRT C. BYRD rest of his life behind bars where he dress this problem, that, by placing the su- will a postscript. I said: not be able to enfoy the fistful of Verson of bactgrotmd investigations in an money that he may have been liven indeperhietst office of government, namely BtU. T hope you can srbedule a hearing you- ter ttietr't~yioig his txvelttt7. the Office of dnowmment Rhine Once man. Thank you ]stow, Sdr. President, the lath- share isisestigatiass we completed the bill would also regtite that the Senate be phn That was May 21. guished senior Senator from Delaware ABA tU.b the lull and complete results of On June 18. 1984, 1 received the fol- lead this to say, and I thV* It am quot- 'those bigtfiries. In addition, my prgposal towing letter from the distinguished ing him correctly. If I am mot he der- would require, for the first time, the pro- -Senator thinly may correct me. I believe he muigatiion of atandards for the oonduet of said that It was roper to live the these background tnvestigalons, so as to Thank you for aontactkeg me concerning be 4nouf a umt all relevant Information is lacer- the two bills you have introduced on the li Beeas eootiaid than Can gained .soncorning a Prospective nominee's Senate oofiirm Ucin press. I apologize for en more fete the etstio Hoot,ti" arid stn be may tillat e ere ft he weer be for 'tithes and gualifiaations for office. the delay In getthrg back to you. smuch a +ooatmat 'If it eshoula be re la them a done j -have also Included In S. 2416 a ao-callled I must tell you In all haneatty That I have ? fsD-softe' providon to cover slltuations serious problems wltlt iota legislation. I =- through the restdaar W eoess tiled tie- we, deta6nlte our beers` efforts. some previ- derstand your ojijectives, but I bebeve that Bence to the proper eon odttse~ samb atioso-n lrhtoe atcion later acs's to -s ,ors. of aftber wd Rl oat party , am well I attics it Is, appropr to argue 1ieht ends alter a ooaninee has been ran- me this oppssttnrt,g tiff polRlsl purposes. I that this matter or- adds matter firmed. I ino isico would require that if strorUfy agree with i.ioyd Cutler that we which may come up toff liibe floor by a p is weed to a second has' m, helve vets serious problems in making got - way iratisn r:rcimeat atoek. and I believe that ti this leg- y of an ammendmerit ment a abot;loho?~ be Urst the go top officials of his adininis Cttored s ithe e i would have to be reconfirmed If they are to Islatioa is implemented it could wall have a i~ ej counaftbee in dallied dw ing a sweddenTs dhoting coeds on the departments. 4m eratis< 1 4ft legs Clod Qmt eoedtn>: setsahe 2etm In hiss way. taw fly tftwv- For example, %. 7eG4 world require the with that it *IL L host s, tiLidt that gaeI iaf evst#len etetesd provide s mew baths lop twenty sf'ficla-s a! an Aftdhftttatlon to It would be ]vela for the died Was will The Senate could 4ndhorle its ie waeoadtrmed by -Ice Senate if they were Senator from Delaware to be re ind- ? 19 rsapoa slbllities. to remain in sftioe ltrrlcig a Prwddent's ed. in the event be dour minis remember, The leased 661 11 bare it rodaced. Cs JON, second 'yew Berme the Incumbent oomi- of a letter which I scone to kim in f identical to the secenfirasation 1wevolon arse would have a accord at seatrioe In office 1884 a bad 1rdg+o d felitTattoei of -S. 2446. It results from say aoatclusion during his Cast term. I am maoeiaed a ie- that a second confirmation process for The bowing g could become nothin w which i wof 1 would Tile r nt beads 'tbe in the cleat 20 Vregider*,s second tem is so top officials of sovernment ioduring a side more of an than a fort Administmirtoation. debate the past poli- a President -were to be elected to -a i desenvkig of special attention by the proem. a few to could. for or purely prolonging second term and were to wish that the Senate on Its own merits, separate and apart political siesf. - ef i-e fectifty cvely 'hamstring r e- Loom the other prthvisious of S. 1444, which od de- same Depar>mtwd !beads wbo bad iparthreats for a substantial period of time served in his pate--Saas Bdnltnistratiott deal with the overall confirnmtion Process. I by ewllicig Into gnettion whether the chiefs would continue in the same rapacity feel very strongly that agembes of the Cabi- of the argansations swill rennin in place Jliritu a Second adsisisidlistiegL The net and a small number of other high-level The result court well be government parcel - oeipeotive The officers of government should be willing to As at the very time that a President has just .iepdatiaa was So be ~ reaelved snore and would not I new applied too oeseg *Kicl la wcrdtlny if they -ere to aa>ea mandate the -Current tidrr3 shratbn. .lefotoe rsesajnn to the same poets during a second q; ~Y thatnbe ca e-hi ly teahe a qualifies. cconfirmirigsuch DtlrartanentbRads for si nasal term. Under the passeat qty ator l ba gr m e the ny nomminee a second term, the Senate would take system, ~y a president and vice president tar tree moral backgroaund of the iior high office. tltrther, siappropriate a new look at a Department head cad mare accountable to the electorate, and we Etta tdnould continue to monitor the hold him to account tt1tJ10sne of his mc- should again fulfill our 'advice and von- conduct of individuals. and. of course- bold t.iorfs or ieaetiDns;d the prurlOes tem. sent" responsibilities so as to express the &mrxWs anytioe an their activities. And so I wrote to the titisgaistmd yeopte's will concerning the 2D UP officers Mr. President. I can respect, do re- Senator from Delaware and urged that = pammtttee~has played a -significant spect. and did respect the argument he schedule hearings on thisrneama'e. role in insuring theeffectivenecsofourgm-- that was made by the distinguished Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 S 8500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - S chairman in his response to my two letters and my oral and personal re- quest of him here on the floor. I have no quarrel at all with the position he took in opposition to the legislation. But the last paragragh is a paragraph I want the Senator to recall. In short. 1 would think your legislation would have a deleterious effect on the func- tioning of the Executive Branch, and. thus, I do not plan to hold hearings on the legisla- tion. Thanks again for letting me know of your serious concerns over this Issue, and I again apologize for being so tardy in re- sponding. Sincerely. WILLIAM V. RorH, .la. The Senator certainly had a right to his viewpoint in opposition to the leg- islation I Introduced. But I offered the legislation. It was referred to his com- mittee. I wrote to the distinguished Senator, urging him to give that legis- lation a hearing. I wrote a second time. I talked with him on the floor, right here in the aisle, about the legis- lation and indicated that I hoped a hearing would be held on my bills. Finally. I get a letter back which not only expresses to me his opposition- which was fine: that is all right: I do not agree with every other Senator, nor does every other Senator agree with me many times-but also, he spurned my request for the hearing on the legislation which had been Intro- duced and duly referred to his commit- tee. Mr. President, I have been around the Senate 27 years and in the House 6 years. Never do I remember any other situation in which a chairman of a committee refused a colleague the re- spect and the opportunity to which I think a colleague is entitled-to have a hearing on his or her legislation if re- quested. Today, the distinguished chairman suggests that this is the kind of matter that should be referred to a commit- tee. I introduced a resolution a few days ago which would provide for such a commission as does the amendment I offer today, except for a couple of modifications I bave made on the floor, at the request of the distin- guished chairman of the Appropria- tions Committee, Mr. HArrraln, and the distinguished Senator from Alaska [Mr. Srrvras]. That resolution was re- ferred to the distinguished chairman's committee. Now the distinguished chairman comes to the floor and says that this commission is a matter, If we are going to create it, that should be done in the usual way. It should be referred to a committee. How can I have any hope that the committee, under the chair- manship of the very distinguished Senator-in light of my previous expe- rience-will hold hearings on this leg- islation? In other words, if he is op- posed to it, he would not even conduct a hearing on it. Mr. President, with all due respect to my beloved colleague from Dela- ware, I think this could be perceived as a rather arrogant way for a chair- June 20, 1.955 man to treat an important piece of leg- islation that Is duly referred to his committee under the rules-legislation concerning which a colleague writes to him twice and personally, in a conver- sation, urges hearings; and the com- mittee chairman turns down his col- league's request to have a hearing on It. I am sorry to have to bring this to the attention of the Senate; but if that is the way the distinguished chairman is going to handle my requests for hearings on my bills, the only recourse I have Is to offer the subject matter as an amendment to a vehicle which comes up on the floor. I say to the dis- tinguished chairman that I have been watching for a vehicle since that time to which I might offer the amendment dealing with the reconfirmation proc- ess. If I cannot get a hearing in his committee, then I will let the Senate be the judge, and I will get my hearing on this floor. I am sorry to have to bring to the at- tention of the chairman this corre- spondence between the two of us. but I have no alternative, Inasmuch as he makes this argument today against the pending amendment: Send it to the committee. Let us have a hearing. Let the committee deal with it. I tried that once and got nowhere. I must say that never, as chairman of a committee, would I deny a col- league who requested a hearing in Committee. Mr. ROTH. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. BYRD. Yes, I am happy to yield. I should like to hear the distinguished Senator respond to what I have said, based on the letters he wrote to me. Mr. ROTH. First, let me say, of course-and I think my colleague will -agree--that I always try to be coopera- tive, to accommodate my colleagues. I have to say, respectfully, that it has been experience that I do not always get a hearing on every bill I introduce, -and I amderstand that. I understand that committees' resources are limited and that priorities must be set. In this case, I would point out that we had no other request, including anyone on that committee that. I am aware of, from either political side for such a hearing. . But in any event, let me assure the distinguished minority leader that if the proposition he has placed before the Senate today were to be referred to the committee, I would be pleased to hold such hearings. I think this matter is a matter of great Impcttanc e, and I am not sug- gesting that his other bill was not, but I point out that we have something I think like 300 bills referred to the committee each year, and we do not hold hearings on each one of them but attempt to respond normally to hear- ing requests from within the commit- tee itself. Perhaps that was a mistake in this instance. In any event I apolo- gize. It was not intended in any way to be discourteous to the minority leader for whom I have the greatest respect. I do say and do offer that if the dis- tinguished minority leader would like to hold hearings on his important pro- posal to create a commission on espio- nage. I would be happy to proceed with such hearings at an early date and do so. As I said In my earlier statement I think that, if we were to go this direc- tion, we should hold careful hearings and carefully craft our recommenda- tions to meet the situation at hand. So, I say to the distinguished senior Senator from West Virginia, if he cares to hold hearings on this subject, he has my personal assurance and I am sure that of the distinguished mi- nority ranking member of the commit- tee Tort EAGLLTOI , to hold such hear- ings at the earliest possible date. I make that in the form of a ques- tion. Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I thank the distinguished Senator from Dela- ware. I thank him for his apology. It takes a big man to apologize, and I re- spect him for that. Therefore, so far as I am concerned, that matter Is now behind us. Mr. President, I am ready to vote. Mr. WILSON. Mr. President. I wonder if I might address a question to my distinguished friend, the minori- ty leader. Mr. BYRD. I am happy to try to -answer the Question. Mr. WILSON. The question is this: Having listened with interest to the Senator's stated desire for a hearing on his measure and understanding and .sympathizing with that, I have a con- cern that if this commission, which he proposes, is created and If It is to be In business for an 18-month period before making Its report, some may argue that any. effort to address i44di- vidual problems relating to espionage and security. for example, measures brought before the Intelligence 'Com- mittee, measures brought before -the Armed Services Committee, might find that there is some bar to their being heard, precisely because of the exist- ence of such a commission. It would disturb me greatly and I suspect many of my colleagues if this burned out to be the case, because it may very well be that the proposals will be introduced certainly within the 18-month period and in fact I know of some that are proposed for hearing now, one in a subcommittee which I chair. Others I suspect will be. Would the Senator, If this measure were adopted, feel that the existence of such a commission should stand as a reason not to go forward with pro- posals offered by his colleagues In the -form of bills that are referred to other committees? Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I think the resolution speaks for itself and I think that the appropriate arguments have been made on the floor in sup- port of it. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 aunc 20. 1985 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - NATE I see no reason to delay action on this matter. The country cries out for an effort to find the answer to this dif- ficult and dangerous problem that confronts the Nation. I would hope that the Senate will adopt the amend- ment so that it might go to conference with the other body, and as I say I am ready to cast a vote on it. Mr. WILSON. Mr. President, with all due respect, I do not think my friend from West Virginia really an- swered my question. So I will simply state as a concern, and I think a very legitimate one, the fear that were this measure enacted, were this commis- sion created, there would thereafter be many on this floor and many off this floor who would say we dare not go forward with any other proposal be- cause, of course, the definitive work is being done by the commission and we must await the result of their delibera- tion. I suppose, Mr. President. that if I felt the need for a special commission of this kind, I might be persuaded that such a delay was wise. But it seems to me that there are resources available to standing committees of this body and of the other body, the House of Representatives, that make It possible for us to act deliberately and yet not delay in a time when we are quite un- derstandably concerned with problems of security and espionage. Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, will the distinguished Senator yield? Mr. WILSON. I yield for a question. I am delighted to so yield. Mr. BYRD. Not necessarily for a question, if I could just have a moment In which to respond to the theme of his argument. Mr. WILSON. That would please me. and I am happy to yield, retaining the floor, yes. Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, the dis- tinguished Senator I would hope would not feel that the adoption of this amendment and the creation of such a commission would cause Sena- tors or committees to delay efforts they wish to make to pursue this sub- ject matter. Earlier today, I said, I believe in re- sponse to the distinguished chairman of the Committee on Intelligence. that this should not be looked upon as an interference with his committee, its rights, duties, responsibilities. and powers. That committee could quite appropriately proceed with its own agenda- I would not see the appointment of the commission as any reason or justi- fication for any Member or committee to just lay back and say, "Well, the commission is doing its work, we should not or we will not proceed within the -purview of our own powers and responsibilities." I see no problem there at all. I hope that answers the Senator's question, and I apologize if I did not respond to his question earlier on the point. My thoughts were distracted while he was speaking. Mr. WILSON. I thank my friend from West Virginia, and I am reas- sured that he personally will raise no such objection. However, Mr. Presi- dent. I am not reassured that his reac- tion would be universal. Indeed very much to the contrary, I think our ex- perience has been that when we create commissions it is generally for the purpose of gaining an expertise. a point of view that somehow seems denied to,the Members of this body. notwithstanding the resources that are available to us. I think we have in recent memory the experience of the Scowcroft Com- mission which was an extraordinarily valuable asset, one that did bring a certain deliberation to a process that we found useful, useful in a way that required the creation of such a com- mission. I do not decry the creation of com- missions where there seems a need. It seems to me in this instance. Mr. President, there is not such a need and that rather than doing good we would be delegating a responsibility that Is properly ours and one for which we are equipped, one for which outside re- sources are readily available. So notwithstanding the Senator's personal assurance that he would raise no such objection, I fear that it would be raised as a bar upon the part of others, and for that reason, reluctant- ly joining in his concern, I think we would address that concern best by simply proceeding to hear measures that will be before other committees of the Senate. I thank the Chair. Mr. DENTON. Mr. President, we all share the concern of the minority leader and those who join with him in cosponsoring this amendment with re- spect to the fabric of our espionage laws as they may be applied to specific cases. Having said that. I must also add that I do not believe that yet an- other Commission Is the answer to our problems. Mr. President, we have at this time two very well staffed intelligence over- sight committees, one in each of the respective Houses of the Congress. Moreover, in the Judiciary Committee we have a Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism which has within its mandate oversight of the espionage laws of the United States. In addition, Mr. President, we have a Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations which has only recently completed extensive bearings on the problems inherent in our system of issuing security clear- ances. To the best of my knowledge, the results of those hearings have yet to be fully evaluated. Moreover, Mr. President, we have a Director of Central Intelligence. an In- telligence Oversight Board, a National Security Council, interagency working groups, and a host of other entities concerned with the adequacy of our laws relative to national security. Mr. President, all this is by way of saying that the solution to the prob- S 801 lem does not lie with the creation of a new bureaucracy. We have debated time and again the appropriateness of the use of the polygraph to assist in the screening of those who have access to highly classified information and I must say that some of those who are prominent in the sponsorship of this particular amendment have been equally prominent in efforts to inhibit further use of that important investi- gative tool. In closing. Mr. President let me say that I am informed that major reviews are already underway and the President is awaiting recom- mendations of his senior national secu- rity advisors on additional steps that should be taken. In particular an ad hoc interagency group with senior Cabinet level involvement will recom- mend specific implementing actions to the President. Recommendations from prolonged consideration of the espionage and counterintelligence issues over the past 4 years are already being imple- mented. The Intelligence and Armed Services Committees-of the Congress have al- ready looked into these matters at considerable depth and will continue to apprise of new developments. They have also begun the process of sug- gesting improved statutory authorities for Government agencies and the real- location of resources toward areas where they are needed. At this critical time it is imperative not to divert intelligence resources to a comprehensive investigation that would expose a widening circle of -people to the extremely sensitive tech- niques and sources of counterintelli- gence and counterespionage. It is for this reason that I oppose passage of this amendment. Thank you, Mr. President. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment. The yeas and nays have been or- dered and the clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk called the roll. - Mr. CRANSTON. I announce that the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. Borum] Is necessarily absent. I also announce that the Senator from New York [Mr. MOYIUusN] is absent because of a death in the family. I further announce that, if present and voting, the Senator from New York [Mr. MoyNia N] would vote "aye." The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there any other Senators in the Cham- ber wishing to vote? The result was announced yeas 4a. nays 50, as follows: (Rollcall Vote No. 130 Leg.] YEAS-48 Andreas Burdick Eagleton Baucus Byrd Exon Bentsen Chiles Ford Biden Cranston Glenn Bingaman DeConcini Gore Bradley Dixon Fiartin Bumpers Dodd Ran Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 S 8502 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1 Hatfield Heflin Matsunaga Meicher Rockefeller Inouye Metzenbaum Rudman Johnston Mitchell Sarbanes Kennedy Nunn o Kerry Pell s n Lautenberg. Stennis Leahy Proxmire Stevens Levin Pryor Warner Rlegla Zorinsky Abdnor Annst-Ong Eloachwita Chafee Cochran Cohen D'Amato Danforth Denton Dole Domenky Durenberger FAft Evans Garn Goldwater Gorton NAYS-Sp Gramm Grassiey Hatch Hawkins Hecht Heins Helms Hollings Humphrey Kassebaum Hasten Laxalt Lugar Mathias Mattingly McClure McConnell Murkowski Nickles Packwood Pressler Quayle Roth Simpson Specter Stafford Symms Thurmond Trible Wallop Weicker Wilson NGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE or, from his work with the Senator The legislative clerk re re 1 from Idaho, will be able to settle the ad as question. Then We will h The Sen t a ave a number or from Illinois 1Mr I of other amendments that we can y himself. Mr. HYNNZ. Mr. S.ixs~x~ , -_ - Mr. Mnv?.,.._ raise which I believe c an be w can com l te p e time this 0111 some. Mr. DIXON. v ?umoered 3J the late afternoon, Unless we unanimous consent th to fu trier run into some unforeseen Issues which ing of the ame have not yet been Laid b am e n ndment be d alters of the bill fore the man- with. . We will ask Senators to be on the The PRESIDING OFFI floor because I belie out objection d R. i , ve we can dispose t is so ordere of many of these amendments in a The amendment is as follows: very quick way. We have cleared a se page 92, between lines 14 number of them alre insert the foil d oOD a y with lndivid- ual Senators which we can handle im- There is hereby AND SFFZLTER mediately. There is hereby appropriate raoc I Just Wanted t t d 0 la the Federal Emergency Senate the Possibility Manap y before the Agency, to remain available until stint. of completing ao. 1 oRa this bill in the T. to a ft e NOT "lls point, unless- the and shelter program, Notwitrinergency VOTIN Senator hstand from Alaska wishes me t other provision of thi o yield, I ,will such s made any o So the amendment (No. 388) , as fur- aka molls consent to set aside the the terms andhc nd, ions of the (ol they modified was committee amendment in order to b Paragra h r abl . , _ ejected. to e offer other e p 5 Mr. HATFIELD amendments. The Directo M r of the Federal Emergr r. Presiden t, I 'wanted d to move to next NS? Mr. President, I Management Agency shall, as soon as reconsider the vote by Which Mr make a comment. ttcabie after enactment of this Act, con the amendh1ettt was rejected. vote lute a national board for the purpose of lay- DOLE. Mr. President, I yield to the Senatorf o Mr. m esldent. I distributed how he that motion on the table. move to his co A.asks for distribute ed to mment and then I i The w motion to lay on the table was west to ll make the tional board shall co se shall consist in of seven en set aside the committee The United Way of America, st inernim T agreed Pto. RESIDING OFFICER. amendment in order to get on with the Army, the National Council of Churchag -_ other the Salvap Senator from Oregon, CER' The business e I of Sal amendments that Christ in the TT c . -- Could have order in the Senate , I rRRC -'1nJ1NG OFFICER. The Jewish Federations IncEl re the C repryw the can Ike Would L a , If I SenBtOr f rom Ala? cross. and the Federal mittee Mr' ST'4ENS? Mr, President, j ment Agency shall each Emergency a Amendment that Is the PendcOm- ing regret the fact that this represen to sit on the national board. !'1 question. to say that we have g been a fair] last vote has representative of th Mr g Y . e Federal Erne Senate realizes that this I hope the Management Agency shall chair the ow Senator RD. Will the distinguished his amendment al board- Yield? will be back in another fo Mr' Senator yield HATVMLD- I Yield I want to call to rM? Each locality designated by the national Mr, ByRD We still have m ~ ~ the fact thane attention ik of the board to receive funds shall constitutes, ment in the first d y amend- 5 years the the last local board for the purposes of determining with me if the dist degree. It Is all right has been able It get an (o how its funds will be distributed. The local gufshed chairman get an a authorization board shall consist, to the extent ask unanimous consent to chairman bill In Only 3 of those years. ble. of representatives of the same thactica- wishes tiate the to order for the y a not had any rea cclose ?e? We have lions mayor as or the national board except that the do not think there and nays. I with the cooperation a other rollct vote. will need to be an. House or with the a _ PPropFed head of government tration in dealing with either attar will replace the Federal Mr. IMr. President, of security or matters a Th e Di r Agency Emergency me Man- stand corrected- I it is time for terrorism. I believe that The ectorof theer}l awe l leader The Democratic us to show the really Management Agency is correct. His amendment in great concern of the country in these $110,000,000 to the national f t a board grant for the first degree is the pending two sub within tion. ques- which will by organizing a body thirty pos after eovctmgnt oe thin y Act f for I yield to the Senator ! and the unite the House, the Senate and phepose of providing emergency ooh he wish or whatever administration to pursue the p shelter needy individuals through es to do on that. It would be question of the ads private Voluntary of l satisfactory on out side to vitiate the qty our laws through units of locl oveaniz~tions and order for the a our Nattion not only our security but Eligible u government, Mr, g yes and nays? against terrorism. should Private voluntary organizations YRD. I make that request, Mr. Mr- HATFIELD. Mr. President, I noaccofn, have a voluntary President. now ask un bce nondiscrimination. The Is ~ system, and prac- RESIDING aside animus consent to lay nondscriccmination. PRESIDING there OFFICER. temporarily the Pending y Participation in the objection? REST Without objection, it tee amendment in order that enatorrs lion's based o r r upon should be Is so ordered, may offer other amendments Private voluntary elter z . unit a of local prOgr government's The question Is on agreeing to the The PRESIDING OF'F'ICER. to deliver emergency ability food and shelter to needy individuals and such other factors as amendment. there objection? Without objection, it are determined by the local boards, The amendment (No. 367) is so ordered. jetted, was re- Mr. DIXON addressed Total per rentr of costa shall not Mr. HATFIELD The PR the Chair. lion- d 2 r??nlum of the total a a. believe we are ? Now. Mr. President, Senator from Illinois. OF'F'ICER. The lion p ppropHa- on the the track where A tutt.jrtzo?1 ,y the Charter committee amendment AMID ?r NO. 371 shall ; C I Com- The Pending is the (?it '' .rporation, the Corporation g question. Is that correct? (Purpose: To appropriate $110.oaO, shall to ,t,d distribute b C surplus food OFFICER. the emergency Xfood and shelter pro > of ti i )r Senator Is correct The tine Inder irchan by the [he pora- Mr. HATFIELD I an amendment to the Preside smid I send hey "`' r al ,d distribution and emer- the Senator from Arizona opef u l that its l ask for tilt- r p"_eram in cooperation racioron with immediate consideration. nergenev present either a substitute y The PRESIDING A~cc nc Management amendment clerk will report. OFFICER. The Mr. DI ION. Mr. President. I rise Coda; 1 1 ;; , 1;urpose of offering an exi edg eme occ g the Rsco hun blew proacl wment ]donna, what di Presider tee on has Jura Senate I Jurisdict han pr( these in It has ing of Prograr cussed man of last yet thorizec and Shi Last ingly p troduct lion to ter Pr( include priatio Senate to 40", last At among than ,% Mr. bility in urt across many that budge the p: we cu be hL sistan when ante, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000300440022-1