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Approved For Re1eese 200f~ . ~~B88988JO!!P600060030-O I Copy ~i ~ .,1 , ,~f)Cl MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Deputy Director for Science and Technology SUBJECT: Reprogramming of FY 66 OSA Funds 1. This memorandum contains a recommendation for approval by the Deputy Director for Science and Technology. Such recommendation is contained in paragraph 4. 25X1 2. During the month of January, OSA was able to recoup I Iof OXCART funds and I lof IDEALIST funds from prior year contract close outs. It is expected that recoupments of this type will accelerate in the ensuing months. 3. During the prior month OSA has identified several contracts that need additional funding to satisfy prior year requirements. These are as follows: a. OXCART 25X1 These funds are required to cover Chango Numbor Ono to ECP GK-H. Our original fixed prieo contract was for I I When Tagboard Aircraft Number 135 was lost, we were able to reduce this cost by ~ I The additional change of scope by adding Change One to ECP GK-8 increased the total fixed price to f thus the difference between this ana the original I I is required. b. OXCART I 25X1 This original contract totaled ~ lof which OXCART portion was I Th1S contract has had a final audit and the requested money is required to cover time and mate~ial work that was requested by the OSA Technical Monitor. l' ',I I TOP SECRET App oved For Release 2006/09/26 : CIA-RDP89B00980R000600060030-0 Declassification Review by NGA OItOUII 1 lulud.d fr.", aulo",.,I. dO"""II,.dl"V Oft" cI.clnlliflcatio" 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 I 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 X1 25X1 oj TOP SECRET Approved For_leasr 2006/09/26 : CIA-RDP89F0098Qi.O00600060030-0 IAPp' ~oved For Relea~{~C~B00980R000600060030-0 f";.J'~~~': ,~"""'" . downDr.dl", and'l 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Page 2 c. 25X1 OXCART I This contract originally was funded to I There have been additional Task Orders numbered one through six that increased the contract scope and incurred the costs cited above. 25X1 d. 25X1 OXCART I This contract was originally funded for I Towards the end of FY 66 it was realized that we would not require this total amount, so I Iwas deducted, leaving a I I contract. At this time, the Government has completed an audit, and with the change in overhead rates, it is necessary to add the above amount to satisfy the final contract termination. 25X1 25X1 e. 25X1 IDEALIST I I This contract was originally funded for I 25X1 and the above amount is required to close out this time and material contract. Overruns were determined to be caused by work requested by the Technical Monitors. f. 25X1 IDEALIST I This original contract for development and fabrication of 15 light weight tracker cameras and support equipment was funded for I I This overrun has been reviewed critically by the contracting officer and he concurs in this slight additional cost. 25X1 g. I DEAL! ST I This contract was originally funded for I This slight overrun is the amount requested the contractor and is felt to be correct by contracting officer. An audit will be held when the contract is finalized. ~ 25X1 25X1 by the 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ILLEGIB TOP SECRET Approved For.lieleafe 2006109126 . CIA-R.DP89~009~00600060030-0 I Page 3 h. IDEALIST I This original Task Order was funded at I and the above amount reflects the costs as determined by the contractor. The contracting officer concurs in this overrun and will have a Government audit of the contract upon termination. i. IDEALIST I 25X1 I 25X1 25X1 25X1 This was a technical representative contract for support of electronic equipment and was originally funded for I I This slight 25X1; increase reflects the contractor's final billing and is concurred in by the contracting officer. An audit will be held on this contract upon termination. 4. Request OSA be given authority to program a total of I lof prior year funds to satisfy the above listed requirements. 5. OXCART funds in the amount of I Iwill programmed from the L-- ~f FY 65 OXCART funds and funds in the amount of I _ Ibe reprogrammed from FY 1964 IDEALIST funds. IDEA 1ST has a total of I available in prior year funds at the present time. be re- IDEALIST I I Brigadier General, USAF Director of Special Activities APPROVED: L .) r..,j ."~ fl~ f! 25X1 Date Acting Deputy Director for Science and Technology I ",,', ~ I OW"" Approved For Rele DP89B00980R000600060030- h'~:;~D'::::'.:.:~";"'" d.clautficotlpn 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/09/26 : CIA-RDP89B00980R000600060030-0 Approved For Release 2006/09/26 : CIA-RDP89B00980R000600060030-0