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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500750001-5
,. ,~. Oil
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 A-RDP96-0078
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
REVIEW ON: f -1,
Approved For Release 0 LAfDP96-00788R000500750001-5
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information on a designated target area.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S),
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer. At TAB C are control analyst questions
and comments during the session.
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#66: This will be a remote session for 1100 hours, 18 December 1980.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax and concentrate, relax.....
relax, relax. Focus your attention on the stadium area in the
photograph I have shown you. Foetus your attention solely and
completely in perfect detail on the stadium area in the photo-
graph I have shown you.
Holding your focus, holdingcyour focus, relax and concentrate.
Move now through space and time so that you may perceive the
stadium area 2200. hours, 2200 hours, 10 December 1980. Move
now and report on the stadium area, 10 December, 10 o'clock at
#31: Umm..... I'm in an. infield...........
#66: All right. As you stand now in the infield look all around
you as you stand in the infield. Look all around the stadium
....ask yourself now..... 10 December, 10 o'clock at n7.ght,
10 December 10 o'clock at night in the stadium, ask yourself
for information about the stadium area of interest to intelli-
gence. Describe your impressions to me.
#31: Have a, ah, there's some sort of something goin' on here. I've
got....when I was out in the infield I was picking.up..>?...?.
a sort of a, had the feeling the lights were on, and that they
were on.....not everywhere, but on one side of the...there were
people but. it was like some sort of a meetin g or rally but not,
+05 not the whole place occupied.
#66: Narrow your focus a bit. Narrow your focus a bit and discover
to which area of the stadium are you attracted when you ask
yourself the question concerning intelligence interest.
#31: Umm...I working at a...the area of attraction is's
ah, I'm standing right along side a retaining wall that, ah,
edge the infield, and...on the, on the......I have to go up
to find out. It's on the east side of the stadium. Ummm....
I'm going to go back down ......It seems like I'm closer to the
t rQ closer to the north end,
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j?_ :, r
it seems o e
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#31: I keep tryin' observe'that which is of intelligence interest,
and, I'm continually always attracted to this area up in the
I keep seeing the bleachers, and I keep getting the feeling
that this smaller group of people is a thing of interest.
#66: All right.
#31: But....... now, when I just got. here I don't believe there are
people, because I just...I went to a seat in that area, and
looked down the seat, and there....seats are empty. I don't
know what I'm doing here, but, ah......
+10 #66: All right,I can help you.
#31: Maybe just the people part might 'just;:be overlay.
#66: All right. I can help you resolve this situation.
Allow yourself now, to be attracted to this area which
appears to be an importance. Move now over to this area,
now, when I count to,three, you'll be able to look down and
see through the seats and see underneath the seats in the area
below the seats. Watch now, as I count three, and you'll be
able to see through them to the area below the seats.
One, watch carefully, two, three.
#31: Ahmm... It seems as though I'm in some sort of a hallway.....
inside ........... got like bare cement walls and things, ah....
corner elbow and a staircase.
#66: That's fine. Proceed now to the area of intelligence interest.
Move down this hallway. Search out.....
#31: I'm in a room that has a......sort of a large room......
I feel that I'm on one level down from where I was before. But,
it's's got a..... let me look at it again. ....regular
+15 piles, pyramids of boxes, ah....on pallets, ah.... Like several
I've seen several of these. Like four o rfive in this room.
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#66: Describe the contents of the boxes to me.
#31: Keep getting a, ah,-greeney. (phonetic). granular, too heavy
to be a powder; too big a powder. It's more
like... something about the texture ...... kitty .litter, but
it's not dry. It's ...not wet; it's ...about like a...
while I'm working on this stuff, I see a, a thing that looks
like an open suitcase.... old fashioned, open suitcase, sitting
on a table. This is like a....... no, not like the consistency
of.....fresh, fallen snow, if you pack it a little bit, it'll
stay, but, then the minute you drop it, it'll fall apart.
That's what this consistency is, and I keep...seeing it as
being this bluish stuff, steel blue, bluish color, bluish
#66: The description you've provided me........... may appear
different to you. If you-can control-your perspective of
it in your mind, allow yourself to move back away from the
contents, and see them from the different perspective.
#31: Umm....looking at a block. It looked like about, ah,....
small loaf of bread size. Little rounded...on the edges and
corners; oversize brick size.
#66: ready to move now to the infield area again?
#31: Aha.
#66: Okay. Remembering now, 10 o'clock at night, 10 o'clock at
night in the infield area, I want you to. look at the next
4 hours from now, 10 o'clock at night, 10 December, look at
the next 4 hours and describe briefly the activity that takes
place. Describe for me if there is any activity in the next
4 hours.
#31: Just don't get any feeling of movement in the arena _or out
and around in t ,.v ble iers. I get. a fee7;ing of. movement
over in this funnied up-area, down in under the bleachers.
It's internal in the building. It's not out. It-no exposed.
Some kind of activity that'goes on (over there. Inside. Not
#66: Report this to me.
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#31: People, several people comin' and going. Actually, it was
like, more a departure, like two people, one o r two people
departing. Like they had been here all along, and now are
leaving the area. Like they had done, to do, prepare something
were here when I first got here, and,-so, then, the thing that
changes is they leave over the next ...period of time. They....
#31: wearing that.I saw wearing a suit, wearing
a gray suit of some older style... feeling of like a....older
....I'm reminded of like the suits of the 50's. He's carrying
that round briefcase. Rounded ....old. fashioned briefcase...
he's leaving..... earlier I'd seen this..... briefcase having
the squares put in it. It was as though.....I don't know if
it's....the squares they were being loaded in it like..... they're
like bricks, and they were like....I don't know.....when, when
I thought they were stacks of bills, but at the other point.there,
I thought they were like blocks of, blocks of this.funny stuff
that I was talkin g about, being put in a brief-- suitcase.
#66: Okay.
#31: That was before; but now I think I'm getting is this guy leaving
with a suitcase.
#66: All right. I want you to-relax and concentrate on him for a
moment, and focus solely and completely on him. Look very care-
fully at him. Spend some time with him without reporting while
I check with control.
#66: Describe for me then, this individual who carries the briefcase.
#31: He's a....about 5-8...ears sort of stick out a little bit, and
+32 he's got a.....I'm gettin' these feelings of like a short hair,
crew-cut, a1 blond, light blond, but it's a.....not really a
crew-cut; it's mora like a......a butch, but....guy's ears stick
out. Salmon, caucasion complexion, almost cartoonish, roundness
to his face, his head.
#66: All right. Let's prepare to move now. Remembering your time
window, remembering 100, 10 o'clock at night, 2200 hours at
night, 10 December, move now up, up-and over to the dark building
I showed you in the photograph. Move now from the stadium area,
2200 hours, 10 December, move now in this same time window over
to the dark building. arrive at the dark building ask
yourself the question, what intelligence interest in the
+35 dark building. Mote into the area and describe your impressions
to me.
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#31: I'm in a...some sort of a basement room, and there appear to
be, ah, windows, basement windows....and this...along the
right wall exposed brick inside. Like it's ...not finished
over...on the one corner of the building away from the
stadium side.
#66: Okay. Move up to the next floor above you and explore that
#31: Now, there was two things.. One thing is something at the end
of a.large room.. It's against the.wall. I couldn'.t tell if
it was a staircase or something... and the other place is empty.
The other thing was, is.that there seems to be some roundness
about this room, as though I ' m in some sort of a , ah, y-ou A0- -r C CU L-7>
think 14at was like a track, but it's ...... somethings flat and
dividing goes.around the outside I can't
figure out what it is....either a pattern on a floor, pews or
or bleachers, I have no idea. There's nothing here.
#66: Okay. Take a look now, just as you did before, take a look
at the next 4 hours, take a look at the next 4 hours.....
#31: Not a thing.
#66: Okay.
#31: Not a thing.
#66: 1 can tell from your voice that you've been at this quite
a while and your off. Are there
+38 any final comments that you have before we draw the perceptions
that you have had?
#31: No.....the, there's nothing in this one building here.
I don't know....
#66: All right.
#31: ...I sat and I waited and nots happened, and....
#66: All right. Would you like to respond to one more question?
#31: Sure.
#66: Move in time holding on this building, move in time to 18 December
....2200 hours, at night, 18 December, and now report this area
to me.
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#66: Relax and concentrate now on this new time window that I have
given you. Relax and concentrate on the new time window, and
hold your response now while I turn the tape over. Hold your
response now, concentrate, while I turn the tape over.
#31: I don't see anything happening, other than the possible
arrival of an automobile with...something...think I was like
riding in an automobile drive up. I don't see any, ah,....
Umm...I dof see something outside a, ah,...some.sort of an
entrance thing that's really divided. It's gotah, funny,
it's got funny shaped sling shot shaped dividers down its
middle. I think they're its middle anyway, but I see people
coming and going like a reception or a ralley or a...I mean
impressed with the idea of publicity, meeting type of a
situation, but that's a where the car came in. It's like
a bunches of people standing around and a car drives up and
people get out of it and they go in. Not a heavy, heavy crowd,
but like a reception type feeling. Ah....
#66: Is the ve center of focus personality?
#31: Well, yeah, like one of the people arriving in a car. Like
this would have been, but, ah,....I'm going in and see what
I get; just a minute.
#66: Ask them what they're doing there.
#31: Some sort of a /alley of a minor party type of officials, and
groups. Some sort of a neighbor, something to do with the
neighborhood political thing. Low-level, low-level meeting.
Get the funny feeling that it's sort of a brazenly open or
whatever, but that this now, bunch of, nothing illegal about
it or... I keep thinking like block meeting or something like
that, but that's all I can get.
#66: Okay. I understand.
#31: May be only 20 or 30 or 40 peo...2O or 30 people here, and I
still haven't been able to find out where they are. And, I
know they're here, but I don't know what the room looks like or
anything. It's like it's been...a town meeting thing....
#66: Okay.
#31: The central-guise. The feeling of a professorish, Umm...55 or
60 small, dark rim glasses, receding hairline, sort of a, sort
of a quiet bolshevik, you know. The quiet, but brutal or.mean
in underneath. In other words, demanding and dictating, but
even though he's quiet, and has this really neat academic air,
and sort of bushy eyebrow. It's more of a prominent nose.
#66: What is the....what is his profession, this, this one personality.
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I-?+y? by,ra
#31: Keep seeing-woo-& beakers, and eye droppers in a white lab coat.
Like a chemist or a pharmacist or something.
#66: Okay.
#31: I always,~psee him sitting at a, a long type of counter, and like
an old.`1lght lineoleum counter. somewhere. Something technical
and glassware all around him, and like chemistry would be.
#66: Okay. Fine. Focus your attention now, back here, on me in the
room. Let's prepare to draw those eprceptions that you've seen.
Focus your attention back here on me in the room, move your arms,
move your legs, take a few deep breaths, prepare to draw.
#31: Okay.
#66: Certainly. All right. Yes, go ahead. I may interrupt you with
a question. Go ahead. Drawing number 1.
#31: Drawing number 1 is an overhead of the stadium area. As far as
my trying, when you told me to go on up, try to figure out where
I was, I sort of imagined, you know, I remembered that there was
a north arrow right in the middle of the target.. So, I sort of
imagined that that north arrow was still there, and where had I
been that. So, I would have been in somewhere up in the
northeast end of the stadium. Now, this place where I spent most
of my time was hanging aorund outside this damned wall down below
the bleachers, but on the infield.
#66: This is drawing number 2, now.
#31: From there, this is drawing number 2, from there, I couldn't
figure out if there were people in the bleachers or, I knew it
was after dark because you had given me 10 o'clock time, and
everything, p.m, didn't tell if the lights were on or not, but
I had the feeling, first that there was a small group of people
up there in the bleachers. This small, small group assembly
came through a number of times, because even later on in the
session it came through at that other place. All right. I kept
asking myself the abstract, you know, what is it that's of intelli-
gence interest here. Okay. Well, cattycorner across the infield
is a large door that is large enough to accommodate a vehicle for
track maintenance or something, to drive in there into the in-infield.
The feeling of people upstairs in the bleachers sort of disappeared
'cause I impromptu went up there, sat down in the middle of 'em
and looked down the bleachers, there were nobody, there wasn't
anybody in it. Okay. So, I presumed that there were
no small, was no small group of people outside. And, what
I was interested in was on the other side of this buffer wall
that runs around the interior of .the bleachers, well somewhere
in there, of course, typical, what you would expect to find
in underneath the stadium there's some maze-of some maze of some
halls, and hallways, and..ninety degree curves and angles and
hallways, and rooms and stuff like that, anyway, the only
thing that I got was this, off a hallway, ahd some sort
of a large door to it...that had three stacks of boxes in it.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ?!p~~-00788R000500750001-5
#31: The pyramid, parametal, stacks.of boxes on pallets.
which I've drawn in sketch 3, all right, and these are pallets.
They were pretty neatly stacked, you know. It was like a
display stack. Stack of stuff you'd see-in the grocery store.
I figured, well, umm, what is this stuff. This must be cleaning
supplies. With my luck I entered the warehouse, you know, of the
stadium or something like that. Anyway, I examined the contents
of the boxes in great detail, and it was as though they were
foot by about 8 inches by 8 inches. Made out of regular corrogated
cardboard, and that contents was like a, small granular, but mushy
granular blue. Not hard granular like sand,.and not mush but no
granular like re-fried beans. It's, it's granular like corn, ah
meal to which water has been added to make tacos, tortillas, rather,
you know. It still has the cornmeal granual but it's sort of mush.
It's not a constant paste.
#66: Okay. I have a question that seems obvious to me to ask this
question, and I want you to answer from your perspective, because
you went through this experience yourself. Is it possible that
this material that you're describing is a packing material as
opposed to the actual content of the box? That this is some
sort of a, you know, these styrofoam packing.
#31: No. I don't think so. No. I don't think, no, no. It
was moist. It was not like dry styrofoam packing material.
#66: Okay.
#31: It was like I was trying to explain there with the tortilla,
before you're having cooked the tortilla, but having made the
tortilla. When you're using cornmeal it still_has.its granual
and the granuals are puffed up because they have water and
they're soft. The feeling that I got, coloring feeling that I
got was that they were electric blue, it was an electric blue.
Ah, how do I describe electric blue? The base color, when all of
it was stuck together was a very, very electric blue. Eye catching
blue, is what I mean. but as you got less and less and less of it,
the color would fade out to be like Columbia blue. The other
feeling I had was like if you scratched it, the nice smooth
surface of the brick, let's say, if. you scratched it, then what would be darker on the outside where it might be a.little
dryer, but when you put your fingernail in it, that-the stuff
you scooped up in your fingernail would be a paler blue. Okay.
Like running your fingernail along, sss--- putty, or not putty
...oh, that kid's stuff, silly putty, or not silly putty. What
the hell is that machine that they make everything out of with
#66: Mr. Playdo?
#31: Playdo! That's what I'm thinking of. Playdo. You know how
playdo is? And, it was about the consistency of playdo.
#66: Do you have the feeling being around this stuff whether this
is edible or not?
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#31: No.. I did not think it was edible. It never entered my mind
that it was edible. It was cleaning. That's
why I got thrown off on this, ah, cleaning supplies, or store
room supplies feeling......
#66: But, at the time it never occurred to you that it was edible?
#31: No.
#66: Okay. And, looking back at it now.
#31: No.
#66: Okay. Let's go on to the next drawing.
#31: Okay. So, anyway, there's these pyramids, three pallets, and in
this room is where this feeling of sketch 4 happened, and that
was, I think it was somewhere in that room, anyway, that, somewhere
in the room, and I had the feeling it was like happening right
on the other side of a pyramid from what I wa...that I was looking
at at the time, and I sort of went, zipped over there, that there
was this dusky gray, and brown crummy, round cornered, old-
fashioned hard cased, suitcase. You know, the types that's got
the wrinkled exterior on it from the mid-fifties type of thing,
and, you know the type that you could almost nowadays expect
to see tied together with a belt because the latches don't work
on it anymore. Anyway, in the suitcase I saw the suitcase laying
on the table, suitcase was opened, there was a layer of white
in the bottom of the suitcase, as seemed like it
wasn't very far down from the lip. It was as though somebody had
clothes in the suitcase, and the action that I saw was that
smaller, brick sized..things like a red housing brick-about 8
inches by 4 by 4, were being taken from the pyramid and were being
layed in on top of the clothes in the suitcase. As though, and
they weren't being hastily packed or anything, but they were being
layed in there. The bricks were being layed side-by -side. When
I first looked at it, I thought it was, you know, it sort of
reminded me of the classic bad guy putting the stacks of green backs
in a suitcase before he makes the getaway. Right. But, that was
just a fleeting idea, and.I think it was just a conceptual type of
message that was being given to me.
#66: Okay. The objects placed in the suitcase were of a different size
than the ones stacked.
#31: Than the ones that are in the...the things that are being placed
in the suitcase are smaller than the boxes that are stacked in
pyramids on...
#66: I understand. Okay.
#31: I don't know if they come.. out of htose boxes or where they
come from. They, themselves come out of a stack. Okay.
Four, five.
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#66: Drawing five, when I asked you to...moved you to the dark
#31: The dark building. There was a empty basement room with
lights along like-street level at high, my head, and you
moved me upstairs...I haven't done a sketch of upstairs
in that building, but, then upstairs, I':,think, which
would be ground floor level, there's some sort of a.wide
area. Like maybe a conference hall, but it's with a stair---
some sort of a staircase or ladder arrangement at one end,
and.some sort of a circular pattern like know what
I was reminded of that goes around this room,.I was reminded
of, ha, independent tracks-that had walls in between them.
Like ..... let's say raise turtles, okay, when you
raise turtles, you'd have to, you just couldn't put the turtle
down and let-it run, you'd need to keep it like a rat in a
maze, you have to keep it in a maze, something, and there was
some sort of. partitioning of this..... business inside this
room. Okay.
#66: Okay.
#31: Ah, like, umm...... okay, like a cafeteria line.. You know.
Where it goes back and forth, back and forth, back and forth,
and it's got ................metal partitions in between the
#66: From what perspective did you perceive this?
#31: From a low lateral (phonetic). Maybe 20 feet, 10 feet off
the floor. Sort of looking away on my right, and I'm sitting
here inside this room, and there's this thing going..... about
five or six partitions stripes going away into the distant
#66: Could they have been lines on the floor as opposed to walls?
#31: I think they might have been.
#66: Okay. You just described them as stripes. I wondered if
#31: Yeah, the pattern was striped but it appeared that it had depth
to it. I don't know if that was true or false that it had depth
to it. It appeared that it had depth to it. And, therefore
having depth to it the stripes stuck up like walls, and the
shadows stuck down like passageways. Okay, and six.....
#66: Okay. We seem to focus on one particular individual there,
and you had some things to say about him. You said he was
academic and.his ears stuck out, among other things. Do you
talk now about this drawing that you've done, and your experience
with him?
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#31: Well, what you had me do in six is describe the imagery that
made me say that I thought that he had something to do with
chemistry-or some sort of laboratory work, and this is what I
saw. I saw the guy that I thought to be him dressed differently
in a right type lab coat, little bow tie, really nurdish, and
he' with an eyedropper dropping goop in some-big,
fantastically odd shape beaker on a desk, ta-working table,
and to his right there's all sorts of glass beakers, jars and
frames, and wires, and-all sorts of other apparat---para-
ph:ernalia which...the likes of which I could never begin to
draw .... that's his occupation.
#66: Okay. Going back to.....going back to him, when you perceived
him at the.....
#31: Meeting, or whatever it was.
#66: ....the meeting, which was 18 December imagery.... tell me about
some of the people that were with him.
#31: Men and women. They were dressed...... they were academics.
They were academically oriented, as well. They did not come
across as being an assortment of shipworkers, and dock workers
and students, and teachers, and everything. They all came
across.....but, this neighborhood feeling of a representative
.....cross-section of a group of people around also came through.
They were dressed up a little bit. Like you would to go to a
Sunday afternoon church social type thing. You wouldn't wear
levis down at the heels, shoes, you'd put your suit on, you
know. Your business, your daily working suit on. They seemed
to be middle aged. I'd say the youngest was maybe 30. I had
the feeling that this, the room was 30 to 60 as opposed to
teenager to any other level. This guy be some sort
of a presence, but he was a real ba-, he was a mean guy. Like
.............a martinet'-:., call him an academic martinet'.--:,
aape.evish,, in the sense that little ego, centric-,, and expected
everybody to do what he wanted them to do, and he was brilliant
in his own right, and now it was time to knuckle down on these
turkeys, and they were going to do it his way.
#66: Okay. Returning your attention now to the work environment
which you perceived, the beakers, and everything, do you have
any impressions about his work associates.
#31: No. I felt that this meeting was people that he was associated
with, but no, I said that that's like a block meeting, but
they're all the same type of people. It would be as though this
guy comes from a......oh lord ........ an isolated environment in
which everybody is all.the same. You know. Like an academic
community. But, when an academic community has a block_party,
committee meeting, or something like that, ydu`'ddni.thha'Ve
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#31: stevadors and dock workers. They be academians,
because they're the only ones that live in that community.
So, even though the purpose of the meeting might not have
anything to do-with academics, you're only going to get academians
there, you see. Because they represent the neighborhood type of
thing. So, I don't know. That's the feeling is that they were
all academics. This meeting was something like this bring them
all together.... bring representatives all together from everywhere
else, and other than that, it's all conjecture. I don't know.
#66: Okay. Returning now, specifically to your-drawing where you
draw him putting things in a beaker,.you said, before, that
you thoguht,.to you that looks like.a chemist. Ah.....
Do you have any strong feelings about other professions that
this image is communicating to you? Any other possible professions
that this kind of a thing might mean to you? You said before
that you thought he probably was well educated, and brilliant
in his own right, and so forth, and so on, and that he.....
#31: Well, he could be a physicist,chemist, he could be a pharmacist.
What else could it be?
#66: Okay. So, that's ...... that's.the feelings that you get when you
think about this image, is what you're saying.
#31: Right. I don't get some guy who mixes paints for a living. It's
you know, I don't get some guy that shoes race horses. I get some
guy that's like in the physics or doctor or research chemistry
.... ah,..0
#66: Some sort of a higher level professional type person.
#31: Right, right, definitely right.
#66: Okay. Fine. Let's move on then, to your final drawing here,
and explain tome when it was that you got this image. This
is, I guess again, the 18th, 18 December?
#31: I don't know. You had me working on......constantly asking
myself of asking the question of look for what know....
what is of intelligence interest here. That was a good
question, quite frankly.
Ah, this is I think associated with the dark building, and I
think it has something to do with the dark building. I don't
believe that I got off the target.
#66: In drawing 7.
#31: In drawing 7. I have a car coming up and stopping and then
somebody, and I think, iit~''s>m6~b.e our guy here, who got me
started, see, in sketch 6, this guy like arriving and going
in through the building through a set of glass doors in the
building front, and the building has these peculiar T-shaped
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#31: blocky fl-shaped ornamental, ah....pillars. Those pillars
are.outside, and I did no t..they might hold up a roof, but
I can't believe they held up a roof, because I thought they
were ornamental pillars outside in this... concrete, between the road and the building. All right.
#66: What is it that attracted your attention to these strange
#31: Well, I'm sitting around, you know. You're tellin g me, tell
me what ha-, tell me if, you don't, you didn't say tell me
if anything happens. You just said tell me what happens of
intelligence interest in the next 4 hours. So, I'm okay,
you know, sock i t to me, what's going to happen, and this
...I see this car drive up, and this feeling that the guy
gets out and walks in through the front door. .
#66: Okay, but again.......
#31: Now, if that's of intelligence interest, I don't know what
message is being conveyed.
#66: Okay.
#31: I think that that....... give me a chance, huh.
#66: I'm interested in, I understand you're response. I'm
interested in what is it that attracted your attention to
describe the T-shaped objects o r this one shape object.
#31: It's the area. That's the only reason. It's a characteristic
of where this event occurred. That's the only reason I've
written it down.
#66: A key descriptor.
#31: It's a key descriptor is all it is, and that's, know.
Anyway, the guy goes inside, and that's when I began to get the
feeling of this little meeting that this martinet was having,
that had these other people around that were 30 to 55 years old who
were all sitting around and he was sort of.... getting his....
getting his jollies telling these people what to do. The
neighborhood block party feeling, block meeting feeling, you
know. So, the only reason the T-shape thing......
#66: Again, I ......
#31: 7 actually precedes 5. I mean it precedes 6. It
should go 5, 7, 6 in order....
#66: I understand, because I asked you about this profession after
this point in time. Ah, I have a couple of questions about
drawing 7 then.
#31: Okay.
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#66: Umm....again you mentioned that he, this feeling of a block
party. Am I understanding you correctly that you used that
term to describe a group of people with similar identities
and goals.
#31: No. I used that term as though it's like a city block..
warden meeting.
#66: So, that you.....
#31: That's what I'm talking about. Now, it just so happens that
they all have similar ideas and goals because they all come
from an area which is academic in nature.
#66: Okay. So, you do feel then there is some geographic.....
#31: Contigu.....contiguity
#66: Cont.igui :ty.Y' in these people.
#31: Yes. Right.
#66: I understand now, okay.
#31: Yes. That's what I'm trying .... when I say block party
I mean like block warden meeting, business not associated
with real academic professional business, but some other
thing that has to be done on a monthly basis or......
#66: Okay. Does this man on here that you've described, this
professional man, have any authority in the situation he was
#31: Yes.....
#66: Formal authority or.....
#31: Yes.
#66: Formalized authority. And, what is it you experienced that
makes you say this?
#31: 'cause he had them all under his thumb. He was the....he
didn't have to ask if they would do something. He didn't have
to be diplomatic about having something done. He was, all right,
now we're going to talk about this.
#66: Okay. Ah, when I asked you previously to focus on a, a focus
personality, was there someone on which these people were
focused? You said there were like a group of people. When
this man arrived in the car, do you feel he arrived alone?
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#31: Yeah. I do not feel that he was chauffeured there. I feel
that he was taxicab'ed ; there, and that he arrived alone.
#66: Aha. And, in the meeting itself, does he share this authority
that he has over these people with other individuals? Just
from your feeling of the attitude in the meeting.
#31: I'm trying to remember who I saw up on the dais, or whatever.
Up front everybody was looking at..........................
There was someone else up where he was, where he was like at
the one end of the room. It was almost, somewhat of a
confrontation type thing, you know. People looking at each
other-s, sittin g across from each others, and I seem to recall
there being a feeling of one or two other people, but lesser
sitting on the left side. One of them was a woman, and then
on the right side was the rest of the people that were getting
dictated to, but that he in reality was the biggest guy, but
like the woman and the other person at this meeting might be
like the, I don't know, local senior committee members. So,
therefore they get the right to sit up there with this guy
who comes in, who is the non-local senior, super-senior
committee member, and so it's a matter of protocol that they
would sit up there. But, not necessarily shared leadership.
#66: Okay. These T-shaped structures. I'm sorry. You called
them sling shot shaped structures. Do you feel that as they
sit there in this entranceway, are they a permanent fixed
thing or are they temporary in nature?
#31: Aha....two rows of, I thought two rows of them, and they were
permanent. I had the feeling they were made out of concrete,
and that they were sunk in the...... sunk in the concrete in
this little walkway there.
#66: Okay. An integral part of whatever was happening right there.
#31: Yes.
#66: And some, and a key feature....
#31: And a key feature by which....
#66: (mumble)
#31: Yeah.
#66: Okay.
#31: With or without a roof. I don't know.
#66: You draw there in 7, ah, him arriving in the car, and you
saw some people leaving as he's arriving, and so forth, you
talk about people coming and going.
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#31: Yeah. There are people coming and going, and there are
people waiting. There are groups of people on the right
and left of the street, of the scene.....25 or 30 people
on the left and 25 or 30 people on the right. Not 2 and 3
on each, but larger numbered, but not a.mob, but a bunch of
people who are there watching the arrival and the departure
of these people.
#66: Aha. Now, during the meeting itself, do these comings and
goings continue? Do people come and go during the meeting
#31: No. I don't....I can't answer that. I did not thing, I
didn't, I had the....I didn't have any feeling that would
make me say that the comings and goings continued. I had the
feeling it was a fixed group in time meeting.
#66: Okay. I know that we didn't ask you to pay attention to that
at the time. I just wondered if you recalled.....
#31: Yeah, but I didn't, I didn't have any feeling of
fluidity of the group. I had the feeling that it was.....I
sort of assumed that it was static.
#66: Okay. Do you have any feeling about the identity of the group
of people at all?
#31: No.
#66: Okay. I don't think that there's anymore information that's
going to be available to us. So, if there's anything that
you have to add about your feelings about this session, how
things went, is there anything that you can, ah.......
#31: Aha. I was very..I was deep, and I felt good, but I kept
looking for something, and there was nothing there. Very
little there to talk about.
#66: In asking yourself the question, what's of intelligence
interest, you didn't get very many answers, I guess that's
what you're saying.
#31: Yes. That's right. Knowing also, of course,-as we. know, that
that's a dangerous question to have to ask yourself.
#66: Certainly.
#31: Because you create your own interest that you look for.
#66: Sometimes we have to use that methodology, but we don't.....
#31: Yeah, I understand. That's why I'm sort of back out of the
situation here,. because I "just could, did not see anything,
you know......
#66: Okay. Well, that'll do it then.
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r- r r7!
1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was shown overhead
imagery of the target area and was told that his target would consist of
the stadium, a dark building and a light building. and a light building.
The imagery is not included herein due to its classification.
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the remote viewer was asked to focus
on the time windows 102200 Dec 80 and 182200 Dec 80, and do four hour time
scans. The viewer was directed to focus first on the "stadium" and then the
"dark building."
3. (S/NOFORN) During the session the remote viewer was asked to elaborate
on portions of his perceptions by the interviewer as directed by the control
analyst. See TAB C.
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1. Stadium
2. Dark Bldg
3. Light Bldg
Start time: 1100 Target Time: (2200, 10 Dec 80)
1115 VU: Boxes
MON: Look in boxes
1120 VU: Bluish, packed snow
MON: Mo a away a few feet
1125 VU: Block bricks
MON: Move back to infield, scan 4-5 hours ahead for EEI
1130 VU: People
MON: Where do they go?
1135 VU: Describes 5'8" man
MON: Move to dark buildin g
1137 VU: Basement room
MON: Moxe up one floor
1140 VU: Large room, track, no activity
MON: Move 4 hours ahead
1143 VU: No activity
MON: Move to 18 Dec
1148 VU: Car people
MON: Ask them what they are doing
1150 Vu: Boss is described
MON: What does he do?
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