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Publication Date: 
April 11, 1994
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500110002-1 SECRET DATA SUMMARIES (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Following are the perceived highlights from each source. - (5/NF/SG/WN/LIMDIS) Source A: SG1A^ -- is a healthy man in his thirties who is fair, blue eye an o nglish descent. He is associated with military bases. He works for a large bureaucratic organization in a large building work environment with windows. He has been associated with imagery to include satellites (computerized screens), industry, and was possibly around ships or planes in his past. He also has been exposed to energy or electrical systems? This individual writes reports and may deal with types of contracting. He has had a military career. He wants to be on his own now working for another organization and he has a personal relationship. His activities this year include the issue or new work or new employment. He has experienced some difficulty with the people he works with. He will be leaving because he wishes to change organizations. He may be interested in overseas work. In June, May-August, of 1994 he will transition away from military related work. He is waiting for this new job. SG1A __ prefers to be alone, but is always surrounded by people and has a majestic outlook or is a majestic thinker. He may have trouble with internal revenue and is not a good person for management. He is personable, a listener, and is reliable with a rustic manner. He may be one to command rank from his peers, but does not receive it because he is essentially in what he feels to be an unimportant or low position. - (S/NF/SG/WN/LIMDIS) Source B: -- The target individual is middle aged, has pudgy cheeks and a pot marked complexion, wears glasses, is over weight (has a round body shape) and deals with electronically related stuff. He is preoccupied with the concept of a "flip chart"(?). REPRODIICTION REQIIIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE OR HIGHER DOD AIITHORITY SOIIRCES OR METHODS INVOLVED FIIRTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY DIA/PAG OR HIGHER DOD AIITHORITY CLASSIFIED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES DECLASSIFY ON OADR 1 SECRET NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2001/03/~~LA~P96-00789R002500~~Q~re 1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500110002-1 BECRET -- He is a womanizer, frequents "girly" shows/ institutions, is a control freak and a real pig (i.e. slime ball). The concepts of unsavory and unrepentant are associated with this individual. -- His activities will involve watching a portion of a river-like body of water and the traffic moving upon it. It will be a location where steps lead from a higher level downward along a stone block wall to just above the water surface (Attachment A). The water here is dark gray/green and feels really dirty. The surface appears lumpy and stringy at times. -- There is a "V"-shaped trough or canal within this vicinity. It is steep, the sides are hard like cement, slippery and gooey, it smells stagnant here and the "exit" appears to be suspended several feet above a lower level. There are the concepts of underground and emerging associated with this feature. -- The target's intentions are associated with the following concepts: projectiles/missiles/rocket; a glowing substance shooting out of a pointed object; a fast, linear movement; slowing rotating motion; direction; and sensing. -- The term "Binder Cap" is also associated with what this individual is up to. --All of the sketches relate to what the target is involved with (Attachments B-E). It feels as if he is involved with a connection with a Middle Eastern regime; one that does not feel too friendly. -- Other unidentified or seemingly disassociated concepts, figures, etc. are: --- a series of "V"-shaped angles superimposed upon one another. --- a spinning motions which feel to simultaneously spin in both a vertical and horizontal direction. --- something or someone being "out-of-place". --- structures reminiscent of stone-lined tunnels or SECRET NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS STAR GATE Approved For Release 2001/03/O~I~~DP96-00789F~002500110002-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500110002-1 SECRET --- a cross-shaped object which sits atop a tall pole. --- computers. --- "super gun"(?). --- "sighting" apparatus. --- inverted cones. --- tracking. --- projectiles. --- electric motor armature. - (S/NF/SG/WN/LIMDIS) Source C: ---The target is a male individual as stated in the tasking dated 7 April 94. One can easily assume that the individual is oriental/American based on his name. -- The individual is middle-aged and looks younger than his age,. The individual is light-skinned and has light brown to blondish hair. The individual dresses casual and is quiet. At times he seems vague. He can be friendly. He is considered intelligence and has a technical background. -- The individual has had training and jobs with classified material and he may have a SIGINT background because radar was associated with him. The individual was perceived reading documents that were not written in English. The individual works at night. -- The individual is a loner. He spends a lot of time by himself. He may not currently be married. -- The individual will travel a lot by plane this year. SECRET NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS STAR GATE Approved For Release 2001/03/0~=~~2DP96-00789RA02500110002-1 Approved For Release 2~~~/,Q~,: CIA-RDP96-007898002500110002-1 i ~ ~x . ~trr SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE Approved For Release 20S: CIA-RDP96-00789F~002500110002-1 ATTACHIV.~NT A Approved Fc~r Release 2~f11D3/OrT: CIA-RDP96-007898002500110002-1 SECRET N4FORN se 2001/03/07 L ~789R002500110002-1 ~ r ,. ATTACHMENT B 001 /0/07 : ~,~~96-00789 Rb02500110002-1 V ~,~.. G Lnn .. SECRET Approved For Release 2001/ ~O ~P96-007898002500110002-1 Approved For Release 2001/~~1Qj74-RDP96-Q0789R002500110002-1 :.N" ~ ~, ~ ~,- ,~ \ n tl ~~~1 ~~~ SECRET NOFOR~~N Approved For Release 2001/~~ Li~~P96-00789F~002500110002-1 Approved For F~elease 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500110002-1 U SECRET SECRET NOFORN GATE Approved For Release 200~SCIA-RDP96-00789R:~002~QQ~,~0~~ E Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500110002-1 SECRET PROJECT EVALUATION FEEDBACK PROJECT NO. _ DATE OF PROJECT SG1J The following is an evaluation form for the project you reviewed. Please complete this form and return to Chief, Technology Assessments and ;3upport Activity. A. .Cs the information accurate? (Circle response) Catecxories Source Source Source p, g C Yes (true) (1) (1) (1) May be true (2) (2) (2) Possibly true ( 3 ) ( 3 ) ( 3 ) No (4) (4) (4) Possibly not true (5) (5) (5) Unsure (6) (6) (6) B. What is value of the Source(s)' information? (Circle response) Major significance (1) (1) (1) High value (2) (2) (~) Of value (3) (3) (3) Low value (4) (4) (4) No value (5) (5) (5) UNCLASSIFIED WHEN BLANK SECRET NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2~~~3A1~'~~~~ 0~789R00250011000~closure 2 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002500110002-1 SECRET C. Rationale for source evaluation. Provide rationale/analysis which led to your evaluation of responses provided above. Include confirmatory/new confirmatory data and whether collection requirements are currently validated/tasked to either obtain or verify such data. Please provide your written evaluation by source. NAME OFFICE/PHONE NUMBER SECRET NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2~~~~~~i~~~?-~0789F~002500110002-1