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Approved For Release 2000/08 lLLU t DP96-00789R003500990001-5 520,016/DT-S -i -fir `f N ,? b HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: CH SCIENTIST, DIA DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/~Q : 1-7RDP96-00789R003500990001-5 t NB J f OEFF}~ 13 September 1989 MEMORANDUM FOR CHIEF SCIENTIST, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Operatioanl Report - Project 8927 (U) 1. (S/NF/SK) During the period of 21 August 1989 to 7 September 1989 inclusively, twelve remote viewing sessions were conducted in an effort to determine and describe the key current activity at a target site identified by the Encrypted Coordinates 764313/316913. 2. (S/NF/SK) Remote Viewer 011 described the perception of a target activity as ng occurring between two men in a swampy, dark area labeled as some sort of retreat. COPS COMMENTS: Remote viewer appeared unable to access the target site.] 3. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 018 perceived the "key activity" as aTwt-ck- ,jAp and deli' very point for objects/packages being ransporte dto 'a large, secure room that could be located below ground. See sketch at TAB A. The 3 .j.ects were Mr ped;in dark, yellowish burlap arid-;.}houadai with black tape; their configuration reminded 018 of `'bales of hay." See sketch at TAB B. 4. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 025 described two, apparently unrelated facets of a key activity. The first involved the tic II ;l _4V of an encapsulated object from a tubular turret type object. See TAB C. The second perception involved the shipments of cargo in art,mente( containers via ground vehicles, (subsequently~cenife as) trucks. An object shaped like a carousel (with a ,inning motion?) and made of "zirconium" was perceived as being related to the key activity. Moreover, a separate valve system was involved; the purpose of the procedure was to roduce?a whitish substance The substance was not further identi ed. [OPS COMMENTS: The dictionary describes zirconium as a strong metallic element having a high melting point, an element that is highly resistant to corrosion and used in the production of alloys and ceramics.] WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED Approved For Release 200q&p 96-00789R003500990001-5 5. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 032 perceived the key activity as involving the 'A of trucks at the target site described as a hot, G9Q dusty, area Viewer 032 located and described the target as a large, expansive, storage building where ceramic containers were . The ceramic containers appeared- ec alike huge E? ec 'rical insulators. See sketch at TAB . The containers contained a granular substance that stung the eyes and irritated the nose and throat. The objects were hurriedly being ort.e :by a7 craft See TAB E. 6. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 079 perceived the target site as being located in a somewhat hilly, brown,!and dusty area. The key activity is perceived as being related to a "white aircraft" -. in ~a predetermined out_e-of _trave Trucks were in the area, and in context of the key activity, they were somehow related to the aircraft activity. Personnel at the target site appeared to be of a Latin or Middle-Eastern origin. Men were observed ,, '"large, square, slim boxes containing equipment in the form of "plates/shields." See TAB F. The price of gas or oil appeared related to the target site. 7'. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 095 perceived the key activity as a form of :,ermenta , medical research possibly involving living su ,7ec s, probably animals. The activity dealt with stimuli onses to , tie Ces in u terns. The presence me Ga on and - electronic equipment produced "machine-generated" graphs. See sketch at TAB G. 8. (S/NF/SK) By way of conclusion, one can infer that the key activity appears related to the receipt, storage and shipment of objects described as containers. The essence of the material appears to be caustic, and medically or chemically related in an atmosphere of scientific testing. Transportation is assured by trucks; and, may possibly involve an aircraft. SG1J 7 ENCLOSURES TABS A-F SKETCHES Approved For Release 200 0/4-10 ~'.=C1-A RDP96-00789R003500990001-5 Approved For Release 2000/081010 14 -00789R003500990001-5 AJAL)S10?, S/CJs 76V3i3 31( /3 f 6-v / La- !u L1 t-7C. Upf1~ a r'~ P / A`f A tyre e d - Li Ff(cd- L cs'Yk /a S !~Ul.~.J ~ ~ ~ V~ L 'J d p -5,j /' l ? ye a R?D F ar u w p~ 4v1 ~s v,/ ~ L( /V Approved For Release 200Q/ 4;0-%91001-5 %9 C:~ Approved For Release 2 P h'2 DP96-00789R003500990001-5 /~-- /S I V /,S I/ /.- e- ~- 1~