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Approved For Release 2003/01/17: CIA-RDP96-00789R003800010004-6 IIMOMMO/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS?ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) CRV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICE:: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NUMBERg None DATE OF SESSION:: 27 May & 12, 16 June el REFERENCESg None DATE OF REPORIg 18 june 87 TECHNIQUE UTILIZEDg CRV NICKNAMEg Project "M" TARGET COUNTRY UR SESSION NUMBER:: 01, 02, 03 MISSION STATUSg Continuing SOURCE IDENTIFIERg 011 1. (S/NF/SK) TASKINGg Monitor was compltely knowledgeable concerning the true nature of the tal:ArAng,I 18.,:./17b/8.2., and told that this was a new target not previously worked by Him. No other cuing or descriptive data pertaining to this target was provided to.Source. 2. (S/NF/SK) SESSIONg There were no reportable incidents or anomalies which may have influenced the information provided in this report. These sessions were all conducted utilizing only Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) protocols. /SI ) SUMMARY: a. (S/NF/SK) Source's first two sessions provided only. inclusive, ambiguous or patently unrelated data. It was not until the third, and final session covered in this report, that Source began reporting data which could be easily correlated to known or suspected gestalts of the target vehicle. b. (S/NF/SK) In the third, and most productive session, Source spent an inordinate amount of time in Stage 1 and 2, completing a total of 19 separate TAB attempts bef.ore moving into a Stage IV matrix. An interim summary following the 19th TAB was interesting in that Source reported a perception of, "clanging and hissing noises, industrial...", which may have been an early sensory impression of the train yard. Unfortunately, however, Source used these strong sensory impressions to erroneously form a non-relevant AOL of an ApplIMITI/ Etii:4-6S91R003800010004-6 SG1C Approved For Release 2003/01/17: CIA-RDP96-00789R003800010004-6 aPRIMPRIT/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY industrial target consisting of, " floors", without actually indicating any type of production. Throughout this attempt to "verify" His own AOL Source continued to provide spot data of probable significance, i.e., "enclosed...organized...back and things wrapped in soft material, metallic sounds...hollow sounds...", and finally, what amounted to a breakthrough word, "segmented". (SEE PAGES 1 20 OF SOURCE NOTES). c. (S/NF/SK) Following the initial use of the word, "segmented", (a possible good descriptor +or a train), Source seemed to "drop" deeper into an altered state of consciousness as though the word itself was driving Him to Remote View the target in a more acceptable manner. "Segmented" was examined closer by Source, at the direction of the Monitor, and was clarified with additional descriptives including, "limited, repeating pattern, long, vertical lines, dark/light grey, AOL - Tunnel". After returning to a standard Stage IV matrix, Source continued to report data cued by the word, "segmented", such asal...wide...moving things...", and an interesting AOL of,'"Metro", the regional mass transit system. (SEE PAGE 23 OF SOURCE/ NOTES). . d. (S/NF/SK) A. short break was.taken at this point and upon returning, Source volunteered ttlat-H6 Wanted to-Itobjectify -an it IL'' continuing and wrote, 4a.H.5:117:111 C3 post in Kiev subway system22, again providing an interc,iiijin-Fgrir-All system rhis was I mmediately +allowed by a series of sensory words, (82s) beginning with, "loud screechl clank, hissing sound, oily 4e52,1, wet...scraped knuckles...", and sever.';a-F-6tncirms which tffI'i have had relevance such as, "closed in, surrounded...rounded on the bottom (wheels?), sloping up, flat on top...". The session was terminated soon after but not before Source was tasked to prepare a final summary of His perceptions. That summary is included in its entirety, with only minor editing 'for" ease of readincp BEGIN SUMMARYr, "Site is a long, large, enclosed structure in which the lighting is very "contrasty". The structure is segmented lengthwise (AOL like a worm), (and has) a very thick a thick cement /metal (shell). Inside (there are) moving things which seem white, sjick looking and shiny Outside the structure (:1A) is . wet and gives the impression of being water but "feels" solid. A part of the structure is definitely above "ground" in a wide open flat and mostly empty area". END SUMMARY. 4. (S/NF/SK) OPS FEEDBACK It should be noted that this Source is undergoing a series of extremely str(iful events in his.persanal life pertaining to His health, career and family cAtlons. Source readily admits to a great degree of conscious and certainly unconscious anxiety over these issues. The fact that Source was unable to provide any substantive data during the initial two 61-4:46Pb.63-069i91R003800010004-6 Approved For Release 2003/01/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003800010004-6 milMOMPIP/NOFORN SKEET CHANNELS ONLY sessions and had such a difficult time even providing marginal data? during the final session may derive from this anxiety. These outside agendas affecting Source's personal life are far from being resolved and by all estimates may take as much a one more calendar year to be fLII ly addressed and/or solved. It is hoped that Source is able to overcome these issues or as a minimum to relegate them to a proper perspective that will permit Him to +unction in a more acceptable manner in the performance of His role in this unit. SG1J 1:51: 3, Dh Monitor sii011101.11WieFORN 1:5KEET CHANNELS 011...Y Approved For Release 2003/01/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003800010004-6