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? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of intelli.genco 7 April 1972 I. Communist activity has in d Military 'Region (MR) 4. The Communistselaunchedy in a widespread. coordinated series of ground probes and shelling attacks on government positions in five delta provinces on 7 April. These actions were coupled, with . p r.atta=v on -ev ratr.k; y "highway bridges. Late re'portd indicate that the 'Communists have overrun Kien Thien district town in Chuong Thien Province, and that several outposts were under heavy enemy attack further north in the Vinh Long - Sa Dec area. 2.- -us vi-lots have sighted a regimental-size Communist force about 20 miles northwest of - Tho, in the same area that had reported substantial a op movement. To the west, another regimental size Communist force reportedly has crossed into Chan Doc Province from Cambodia. These may ho elements from either the 52nd or 101D Regiments, which are subordinate to the enemy Phuoc Long Front 'and which were detected in this general area some days ago. The Com ; e 191-7 iment has not been locate: in several days and cou in sou Vietnam east of Chau nri her ttr%... 3. The enemy is also maintaining heavy pressure on .South Vietnamese positions in MR-.3. Press reports indi- cate that Communist gunners are continuing heavy shelling attacks against An Loc, the provincial capital of Binh Long Province, and are also hitting a nearby South Vietnamese artillery base. Enemy sappers reportedly have knocked out several bridges along Route 13, the key road link- between An Loc and Saigon, and othor late reports claim that Route 1 has boon cut just west of Saigon. These attacks are probably the work of commando 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 25X1 ? r No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 elements from the Communist 429th Supper Command, which recently infiltrated Tay Ninh Province and are now in good position to work against major lines of communications as well as South Vietnamese artillery support-bases north-6f Saigon. 4. The US Embassy. reports that some 8-10,000 refugees fled the initial 5-6 April enemy attack in Binh Long Province, a number that undoubtedly has risen sharply with the loss of Loo Ninh District. Press reports indicate that some civilians have been evacuated from An Loc, but there is no sign that the number of refugees has swelled to anywhere near that recorded for the northernmost provinces. Emergency aid is now being flown into various hastily erected reception centers around the country, but government resources may soon be overburdened, if the increased communist activity in the delta' provinces drives more refugees toward the major cities. emen s rom these units probalaly are also responsible for recent increased enemy-activity in nearby Phuoc Long Province. 6/ outposts as well as-for street fighting. captured document revealod that more forces would be pl?ovided for both ground attacks on South 7i etnam ar; - Captured documents o suggest., however, .that the 7th Divi.;ion elements now concentrated in eastern Cambodia may soon be headed for increased tactical activity in Tay Ninh Province. One recently No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 25X1 th Division forces would provide tactical support for a mid-April attack against Tay Ninh city by elements of the enemy's 9th Division, Military Rogion 1 25X1 7. Military activity remained light in the northern provinces, but there are indications that Hue may soon be the tax t attacks. a combined rocner-intantry assault is being planned for Huong Tra District, the 'urisd c ncon,nassing 25X1 Ilue. he Viet Cong attem es ?roy bridges both north and south of Hue on the nights of 5 and G Anrf 1 -N,fi e.rrara 25X1 enginber u" Its have been ordered to complete work on access routes toward Hue to enable Communist armor, artillery and infantry to launch the "final batt-In to resolve the war." 8. Since the fighting subsided two days ago, some Communist AAA and SAM units in 'the `areas immediately north and south of the DMZ have been relo- cating to new positions to reduce their vulnerability to air attack. For this reason, t1lere is likely to 4 be a temporary dimunition in the intensity.of ground- 4 wry n~ 4t. __~_ ._- .. 9. The US Embassy in Saigon estimates that 100,000 refugees---one-third of the provincial population-- have been generated so far by the fighting in Quang Tri. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 `v' No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 n of all i.nterm"I., i,steritll C n 11enxt,y...four~ iugea c ni.e~..a dt ,t the :usp1 as it.. ixd-` fi~; ~7A f~g -~ havC Uoeti established between Quaff. Tri c Y: ` t im~ee heAded,, by t.1in,istex . Of state ~c.nan puang . a no 'consisted ml r ly -of -rocket an . Pleiku Airfield received 13th Vi.c:twn~~~se posi.i:ions. -five, 122?mmt':.-bckets during the evening of 6 April- 4 nee r^as attacked early on 10. Ert.,,~r. ini.ti.atc r~ar attacks against A fi.rel)Ase Kontum rov can ARVN soldier killed and.12 ' ?at?i,i, e up ill :. antes soon. ,Vietnd mesa 120th 'at Dai t . North' As element Q ..tlx been ordesc . O .destroy an AfVN position' at ac Mut ` with marta 'r.e., and an-,.enemy ` 1o9istics unit "frnm the A ;3 Front, which usually stAys, wel .. out Communist's of Combat +. ,:.has mewed 12 miles , to the east, ' t- tlxe enemy is. moving its' swp_p1y.,,1- Line" suggesting p~ c closer to a; fi.cipated areas of fighting. New road cons tructia ttsz also been reported. side Viet Cong Coun'tr 11. w1 : the Communists currently are concen- trating th 0 l.k of their efforts on the big-unit contest in y'th Vietnam, Viet Cong military. and political us also are being encouraged .to increase pressure ag?'.st the, south Vietnamese : in the villages. bout A number of e._~:ports the country ;:tpdicate Za ie ie otzg oca apparatus is busy tryi to take advantage of the impact on the rural papux;;'on of the initial successes enjoyed by the Communi A( plai n?-forces. . 12. Cot i; nist agents around Da Nang reportedly are txying~-. propagandize the increasing number of refugees tO i :~ ave government camps and return to their formef. Plomer. Undercover agents are contacting the refugee'..; pnd advising them that they should come 25X1 ....--. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 25X1 cavex to tle winni n s i.#c ? e . r ;nt!y rice .c' ..SO' a a e h r tart ouanrf 96m P rd ;axe:. working ' hard to, sjjruce up -tour arc p? ~ organizations in outlying hamlets and village. ng is is actin . laced on olqganizing support, amo be having doubts about the ability of government security forces tc -protect them. 13. Farther south in MR-3, enemy cadre in a Communist command northwest of Saigon reportedly have k ?s p. i taruct zj t st epgthen ?1oca1 , Viet ,-students and individuals with fami.l~t members in the these plop `1:11 ~ 1111, are now ely to a moms vulnerable to Communist v rtUre ..for support. while South- Vietname$e scats 11 are under attack and suffering heavy losses. 14. In the delta, enemy cadre reportedly are forming "special action teams" to help penetrate and overrun more government outposts. An enemy provincial directive authorizing the formation of 'the new teams stated. that the capture of government outposts was an important part in disrupting the government's pacification program. The destruction of the program' the document claimed would provide the necessary "springboard for a genera). offensive.." in Kien Phong Province, Viet Cong cadre reportedly have been instructed to step up their efforts to organize subversive organ- izations in government areas to help launch a general uprising campaign at some future unspecified date. 1.5.. Much of the current Viet Cong activity being reported does not suggest much of a change from .standard Communist procedures at the local level. The ..current emphasis, however, indicates that Viet Cong officials clearly hope to capitalize on the adverse psychological effects government setbacks are having No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 25X1 ot the local population as a result of the successes of their main force attacks farther north. Popular Reactions 16.? Communist agitation plans notwithstanding, much of the civilian population in Saigon and 'in other parts of the country well away from the fighting is still going about its ordinary business with very few outward signs of serious alarm. As the action spreads from one front to another, however,'apprehension among civilians is growing. 17. One bit of evidence reflecting the absence of panic at least in Saigon is the fact that over the past several days the black'market rate for the US dollars and the price of gold have actually dropped slightly. Pro-administration politicians remain publicly optimistic, Lower House Speaker Can was quoted in the semi-official press yesterday asserting that the South Vietnamese army is holding the line in Quang Tri and that only US air support was needed to-defeat the enemy. 18. At the same time, many leading figures in the capital are voicing increasing concern. Leading Buddhist Senator Mau, whose strongest support is probably centered in the northern provinces, expressed'fear that Quang Tri City is "doorned" and Hue might prove impossible to hold. Another politician who has long been a caustic, critic of the Thieu regime, senator Chuc,'charged that the military situation was not as disturbing as the lack of political leadership being provided by the government.' in Quang Ngai Province, in southern Military Region 1, local Buddhist notables are "extremely concerned" about enemy attacks further north. The monks reportedly are supporting the expansion of an organization among local high school students aimed at preventing Viet Cong infiltration of student bodies or of Quang Ngai City. Any relevant information will be turned over immediately to province security authorities for action. ' No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 19. So far, however, most Vietnamese are still tQ ail)g. ,the. situat onn carefully and there :do a not appear to be any popular groundswell of sentiment either for or -against the government as a result of t:avervMali level .11iovea through the Ban Phone area in March. The cargo .,~cL-.~i:tt an.s vf- rice, 1,000 tons of ordnance, and 1,100 tons 6f gasoline. T ho ordi ance deliveries, in March 'increase the amount of arms and ar nuniti n moved to that area since 1 February to at ,.:r.east 3,800 tons, most:of,which is probably for support .of major offensive campaigns in the B-3 rront and 21. The extremely large volume of gasoline-shipped .is'sufficient to maintain a m~;jor transport effort in the southern Panhandle and northern Cambodia well into the wet season. 20. During. March the flow of supplies through the GQmmunist logistic network in the southern Laotian 22. the 14 rth V i,etna ]nese w co i arge quan sties of supp ' at least through A ril p . the he third day of April ' which it called ` the mo nth of the , "Gen tatipn Offe e, z s use of the term may indicate that the No rth Vie tnames e pla n to move more supplies 25X1 during Apri l than in any of t . he three previous months 25X1 III North Vie tnam 23. The North Vietnamese 325th Division is apparently moving south from the Hanoi area to supplement Communist -- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/14: LOC-HAK-559-30-15-2