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Referred to another gov't agency C' l,,HISTORICAL REV1i.W RELEASE AS SAMi :;... c) 1997 CIA and Gaatcmala Msa&tinalioat Ptopossls 1952-1954 C[AmivC rsadtrAm*%6 tluald K. Maine, !me 1445 C1AFitp By vftw in the ew t 19SO , rho Cmta1> atel* sce Adaagtdiiroctitl oa+-mi c netiass d dat mwwAag lb. - - gofSicabo A+bsutttltm w Am powia Owkna . Ia___ietimeeAbe6e+w~e iowtWgpeihaei rye poa~tofioelrAs goeenerdeatogldu aad {iaeteareTi Comrowlsts. 7hc Apmq dt.u up iha of iadivldtt lthrasaa do diep ~ tSer otatesa~, trailiomductedfn~id_ profit ag +t~rambkmtA~ureai~oof This bdcfsmdy tritCR, is A *aaologW.rnaz au, the i4ec oe of woe plartftsadpmpmmbimDtha?> UMoovartoper+dooipim dwA4aae pwaammtioi95yaedrheatleePBSEXX SSopaa tin 1954. 0spteoptstoiastrw thedepdtat sueltPbUniIgird61CVdof J,1. eneotA,gacyoddcisk italso sweaaapa to ddal wbczc the propwds ad$iaate4 i ap jovodtlw 6 std bow sdwacad tlea prtprmdom atctt atriew wcra 19ae . the ebpdy aaoemiw the imp1rsDeatitielt of sedt pMo.iiS aad the rpudt+- A a, is t6aaad tlw phma were diedueed srd no Atbeaa otSiwis or Oxsvwdsa Camewiiete were mad. 1% eMdy ie broad alms ac*adwly cu Diradaat ie of Opaa1 aa-areooade naWegto Pi9PClLTCBVBamdPBSUCt . Al ffxkw early as 1952 US palklwkt i viarred thr}SOV*WAM o[$raddW AfWm wft ioaae ahem. Alibatgh habad bempop zb.1y dect d is 19SQ gcuwigd Comm rod mdttewaa wio6hin his gormWW gswe the to co an in ttolVd d MUM that Mm hid qe+bi3ehedags~activav,~ridgsmi.oewith oCattwumt:_ Moreover Mbeaz' polidee had damaged US lni hers intCr itt 3n i aternaI a ssee l agrarian yet pelted Or the acpro jiaatioa gad cdt b do. pfmuch a(the Udted Fruit Cowpawfs lard;' Ahba*orag higk-Mvd US ai6aala reoogriZOd shat a Loadile xv"mnseat iA Gmftauk by hest( ct not aoa a tote a diet soaaity tbteat to the Ugiad Stater,, dky v ;WW eamtI there in the coate# of the gowiag glabat Cold Wsx er u gk with do Sovltt Uaiaa aad iisvwt tIat Guatemala could become a diem rata Scan which the Sov da could prnjeti power and iatlueroe tbxaugboat the Weatcro Hs phae.: Page 1 of I nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSA ,BB4/cia-guatemalal_l.html 2/17/2007 Referred to another gov't agency ,W .y ,c ...NONPL ,MIrl RCS CIA and bu drsgeseoe Co,nmunky rcponlt leaded to support that v r that L;usic nala and dw Arbenz rem were rapidly adft under the sway of the Communises.' Diroetorof Central lendligenoe (DC[) WLek r aeddl Suiuth and other Agalwy ofdals bdkved the siu,ation eased for ecdnet. Their aeeamment wass that without hdp, the Guatetnalan aipirosition would cemdn Inem disorgr pzcd and brdFectivc. The anti- CowAm nest eJe s - - the i}s6r hiasrchy. landoarm*l bueincss lm a=u, the milwaey vmrkcru unionk uniwrtsity stedcatal aid that Army were: prsperdd W prevent a eenunuxrst aoocoinn to power. but shy had gals outsides wppoec'` Otte" US o taisk eapod In the Dep srnseet o[-State. Buie d a aaore cwteouo 4prnadt. Tae Bu .u otlnbp tarieaet At r% br cscempke? did not wam so present "the odtbs+tieplr>ntt Ltaafsin* w,r>f LIle1 Oe itedbtetheencase" . It wetted s patio e~!'&rs pett7tts$OA Wltlt tho wiYbbetlalhgg eai vhrttwtlhy appp isa ataace, a+d elec Oep ofesgitary dr*teeeaeeiittamflepects with lE Salrado~ Mciratg ,, sod Houdtt11L ANteotty~r f1tL:fl epatlmtAtt Subs peedt;oce bleptecti the e~dat puld~ I lS . 00 1 W . t h e C I A asso4AUalt Oldes obsWon had a Wan w i l l the Tnaa n L t e ae w+dl. This led to the dt:alopmraet ofd co+rert action program designed to apple the Atbeaat gpvrcmnent - - PBFORTiJNE, Qf$ Pollt~adag a ririt to Warttegtpi hY Nicaragua, Ptesideaet Aiuutasio Somap.a in Apse 1952 is W" 3ewrtoz$ bMal ed tact if pcovidd arm he and Cmabanafea *die Carlos Castib Am" could Oveldrow Anise;, Pte ddent furry Trucrnta Wood DCI Smith, to iavaadjate the pauWft. Smith sou in meat, codcnanles d SMWOR f. to content Gusty gnehre ddbidtatttaboot armed NOW t egaintt theArben? regime.' Alter seche ropaeti,I 3Cltkf4FlhsE , Oivtdanolabe D'rraR7toratr of Plan= (DPi prapatsad to Deputy Dieettor cf ratan WeWaum Men D u w that the Apo -7 ut y CNIO Armes with inns and S2'25,GOo Lund that Nterly' Wa and Hodttrai dxsialt the Gtealcm dmt with air auppon.' Gaining bepartme,tt of State s+Rp 4 oet 9 Ses tbamber [452, ollkialt~* approv ed[ 7's r to Initiate operation PBFORTu q to aid Ous0oe2ike cots to c er rowimS +Arbetts, Plaueniag far PBFCLI-TUM lLt3tod b tc y a math bawe wr, when Smith terodnated it alley he learned InOMborthatitbadbeenM ift, - TIu augioA plan** for PBFORTUNE there were proposah for ai etie . - Even month: before the oO!dal appeoval of PBFORTUNE. Dire ctorate ofplais (W) e dotnpikd a 'hit Get_" Wodltirlg Ran aii old 1949 Gtratemtltan Anny list of Commie is and infcrmatioo suappliod by the Dirac torata of t eldige:ncc in January 1452 DP o$rcen compiled a list of-top Ol* Commmists whom the new god wooed dotero to dietinate inzrt ediately In arc of of snoooseftul recto-Getenna mist aqu Howou^ hers shed -L 3 to verify the list and rrecanunarnd any additlosi on deletions. Eleadquarters also requested 31o verify a tint elan addItioiai 16 Co univ3 aMlor syarpadsz,ers whom the oew gevendsrue:at woj!d desire to inatt 3rnenedilttdy if the coup sumee&&t e Guatemala 'rty added three wra~ee to die list in ens r ep1Y.'a Nino -*mnths titer, In 2 Next Pxevi?us Page I of I http.// nsarcMv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB4/cia-guatemalal_2.htnd 2/17/2007 Referred to another gov't agency SE LrICF'ORD, die GtA a c tt in touch with CeiWID Anna, fprwadad to 1 LNdQUarters dispcsa) list cornpikd by CasriEo Arma.t. That list Bled for the tceaeia n dwovo cxeuive anion of it Gus coalsni (Cateioiy 1) ned the in prisonr x at exiteof'F4 addiiiwn! Gusuaoafaws (Cltegory U).* SESKEOFlD also repcsicd m the samns titg% IS September 1932. that to etterei ]talitel Tie lor, the dksater of the Doatttnarr Repel q trod arced to aid Caetao Aria iareture for "-kwws a(faetr Santo D4anttticana at pt*6W rrsidi is ttlf} 2 low diyj iioy to iD1T, or to SEEMOM, Castillo AnAm mw* anti, bI earadOOad Ik it could not bedtas poor to D-day bonnie ofsa wdy r wens. Cttattlla Amu t1,rtkrr added that las 0wa plus lidded aitt*ar atxioat aatf tbal qeaial agrads w ars afrOady tadaar" mete is no rec ed than sowqvuww took saw modes mpgft C AN& l mxe iist. After 9*29 TUNE opaitioui s eawwly t+dew'sratad, "Aganry catstaaeed toprrck np aapores otasawainadoa piaatdtg oa ltte pert ot'the q~posWo Jet hoe Now mbec 1933, it o aarpla1 tlu UPI "ki 0 i bnn Jcsder, is aooiw ut1oe with SBUUKMM ooaBrmad do t astiEb Maas had speda$ lC" ~t ups whose atiwipn W1240 IN iS letdfrg pollded and Arrlitaer lmder~ "ddial do l k list at$t!t this W adm of the bomee and ottlf:a opal ptdets had aboadybeen drawn up u Oo 12 Demrubw $MKP ID Maul Rtrtber a n t Qxft MM &ra0od tb 0010 nuudnatae me of the SW SPIPtWO vatiatOn aro$et ka ct tiara do iailtnMa ~ u Corn m,sl ktelkrs. ra In sddidw to erg in G u*teruatt? the Agaoey oudin aed to try to iaAuenca do idopatenut and to &at ideas for a poeIo al'krcl- fi3ures is the 3 eoverta~taat. is 1953 txopased not only to fogs on aabotagq'detbotitiq, P 96% and pro" citts **b regard w Gwlet,wia? but to eiiwiftwt 3 s *A mentorygr r06 after cneatina a story obey prepeebg is oust the Cooaymwdats, he card be wed assns, -at[oa wI 31w= quid be "laid to the " and uaad to bring aboeal a rasa 44C tlcn of the Geiacemalae WW.13 A Weatece Il sphie Division memo 0123 tltutst 1953 elm aaggette d paap* key Gmrteoselatt "taryo3lccrs iff y retuned tote oonvortcd Rock rebel cauaa. in Sepoemher 1953 is action "N* l cl ded a refyrcnae lo' notraruring" key mWomy Ie5den w to the p wlolagicd tivuEe+a iret. GuddKSta i ty Stadoa! seat G Guatemala. "death notrcd" cards 16r:10 ~ A lawlins commix in Statlae: > ed the a &yz beguuqS 15 Ap4 1933, The peatkin b*atiag 15 Juno 1911 but wportod no reaction from the targeted teaders,'t 3 Next Previous Page 1 of 1 2/17/7n)7 Referred to another gov't agency 11_0 um = By the fag of 1933, us poIe makers, indtuJ fig CIA a Bali. vw,xe .caching i'w a new o all suoVare for de with Asbt tt The Cmm= Jan header had movsd even chart w the Coaununlsts, He W c tproprlatcd additiontl VAN Fruit Cornpusy bolA is On d the G ataiWtut Comma in raw. the Par. said supp!eed aati- Cdwnunid oppoehhn CbUotvii eu abortive vpdi cg at Sdastting any' katir khan reclpireta at thin tiara baum it touch off' whaleeatle,aptisds." It dlaliag, that tine plan wits "to lease trot irk. be wehritheka mooted chat[ 1 angles %imb to "ettady- the se ,estioa rot utirdty now or in tlte, Mttma"r' White A&wwj paramilitary and payrdtoiop3itatl warfare pla wueg both lecludad wggestions vt+" implied sseasauwlon proposals. base proposak appear eavef to lutwq been itnyiementcd. TTheE 3cI&thad aoaght t use Csstlo Mnsa' "x' yp+pup scheme but the war no State Depvtment or White House'suppwt. Such was also the ease when the eab3o a of sstaasinsdis emerged in WgA?krd Agcec sad b%w-aGency pla.iu i ,g diaerssionr. Next 213. ni Page 1 of I Referred to another govt agency A weekly PBSUCCSSS me0i16 at riua4Quartecs ON 9 Mwdi 1954 *"Awed the elf ruination of 15-20 of Quatemala's tap koders widr -VOWS trained p oLeros." Thom aueadnE the raeatwg were Jn' flpaaiion . alnetg with Suto Depxrtmau r Ycs ( 3. Addccsdt$the grttep,C ]Mile haling de*dy tbi t "att~t dtwrn~wn Coat pars d Ow p endcouldbedo,~e Qbjcc ed tot ,~pcerstiea~to C ]' . xpr ice ilw .sew that "larockiog of the under: aught eaakc it po line Army to tits over.?V Mowigg t i l t s aroethrg. L I *Mew W he do A p s i c X td who revived ddiwndau oraspast"4on at in option,. On 25 March In h i o hcd j raswaod from the Oram&Adae otAm.&un Statce.utiog it Casucas, Vwm=i ? that void t7t t an atedernaoo gist w 'N a[ .1 agtn ( ,~ dbe hash dna h is tl labts iraoe the ooaglronco ott h ?atkods to gtt s;d ortwa Arbe* Sovcraiaestlt.C 3 t that i* hie "t artmiaatlae bI 10jel is of ft go+mttea-1 vmutd bin a tie n u&' Hethai,""W ltis a ntemout,.eoor vat Is womw byS*w p ahaptt"essst aaasager niivmber. a y 2tr, v, a be meres t. ' tress tints a woekbucr[ 'wised c loft 31 Muck. the r do sot bdua wkr[ )derv to[ 3"trert c m thatdue the [ 3 oWcers were a" to draw up as up-tktsed ittrgst hilt. Crkwk fm letuioo au the dapoed list ahrt be D) bigb govenencet and a~ toadors'"ureurocahty ianltlbpled In Convuuttht doauirta and per,~(I)-ow m d mt Ivor Comm" teadtitb? or (3) those rew iaugtniduah in key govsstt ouo and sulilmy potrdons of tactical Importance "wboaa rou oral for psychological rgwiratloo d or other rcapaoe ia- aaudatoryt for t w jeccesi orna tury actioe." #' Tlac~ 3chitteook the snow list with I*e w am ha Qomadin Castillo Armes on 7 Apt 1954. 3 isoborowd oCopyortt4 bioethe todahTe[ ) ctdef nad Qsdlo Areas spparmtdty rlasossed the list acrd at kart lc+dsdvcly agreed that any mwmvaiadoo wmM talcs place doting, tlw scwaf is mmiam oW atateala by CastillcArrrtu` fnr1cce. Tim wai std no ti ue date for the 74 ilium be JtumingorkoedJIues, howc er. Agency to a with GOtieervative C.umemalam e,a7a lender( 3 at tltc same time also prod as nasasti mCw pst. [ 3 r a CIA cumut with a ofCommuurru p tcs he woakt lko to aceuecut+ed.. )saw L 3&s a loots camtok however. Thr-yd d not wut lm to become in rotvcd is PSSMC1Et.5' S." CIA reed* further Department of $tata sacquragwnem for assast ubon pkKfue is April 2954. Vuet7mg the Bra for action,( ", in a nreatifl$ with [ j and anptlter CIA oliiaar. concluded 69 "more drastic and ddhitttve steps to overt row the goveman t tin Next Previous nsmhiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB4/cia-guatemalal 6.htm1 Page 1 of I Referred to another govt agency Guarenulal must be rsker~," In rerpaase ro a gt*rtion of whether Gwtemalan f J was "Salvagtabk." [ ]nepiied in the ntatiw and wnetxed The be cI n coated.'3"' On 16 May 1954 the 4 1.015utr at propomad in s me nerandara to [ a CJde0r( ? )and[ jmw aervigg as[ J that assaasinatitss be incuporated ito the pmydiwlo1i ad part of PBSUC)CUS. The 1 30flioer laid oat a spacillc suaavimam ecbedtde Iead;eg up to D-Day. the sctwt invas3ipn by CsatiUo Annas. He proposed a raid on( ]on D12. This was la be a aleow of Corw no one mm la be tsaamad and the shack wee to take place when, c ]wa3 absrad[ f Tina[, ]3lficer, howmc4 propcaad case d poses of r, , on D-10 to a means of pa>?alya&i the Th.[ I strggsawd Star l be kllad on Dom, Tbb wootel acoot+ w they J0 ,r. e d Tale ft[ 1 dWWW ofrhe Mbenz M &M Thee 1ODlcar Wed lbr the dbpeeeT en D4 of [ ] io she Criratemsian Cartr0.7ut i Party (P01) L ] Tbu would hone 0 ameba sC ] xr befeved. on D-4 [ 3 would be mate& D w a x to be d mooned so thrt lbe rebd fora * would not have to worry about hair or deal with trim alter victory. The Woes caruideried the pasrlbilit y ofat:pd Js at * wafoaeei in his ,them. but doodad that 'S icb aetronti we a espsclad iarw*y. ' 'ntC E. loss= argered that his proposal, if adopted, wrrald not ady be pirsaily imps asiva but psy4obgicalty 4i &m by pr ridir a show of sum%* for dire oppostdoo. It would aho'3rolkn Grp" the tncmy, He added that his first Am anmestioaa had the previous approval Of E 3. Ok, 2l May salnsd litsndgrNt'tels Wr permission to implement t e [ ] O e*t s proposal and asked for wI oar about this specldc in ridaab to be tatgdad. No roe born Nesdgparterr to[ ]hub= Wand. On 29 may 1954, howorer, the L Ichiefrequested the name: afthe Your foal" he and the L -)()MM d tend a,;raraiiaatigg. an Haute lily thtr -1 ehWwsnted to talc, up th Issue again vaith Cud% Alma. Agsirr, no a&* reply float Readquarteri or [ 1 has beat toamd.{' Al the same tirne,, C 3 oomirroed wmpihag btfomatiie s on [ J sad slats ofharaa addrraeea foe irtdir+ldriala ristucd oa the disposal Ust" drafted in Aprd,'a( 3bdisved [ jsarai a ??worthy target."', btcarrwha'[ ]traveled to Washington and tubrauttcd a Dropout on I lane 1954 that suggested that as on akaxnativa approach to the paean iary arxson program .specwfic Wasp and possibly pobticai a:sassirur(on should be ereluIIy worked out and effected.-" t Itook up , ];ug ion ire discusewm will r 3 on I end 2)u,te. According to( I considered the proposal at then nW it out. "at lout for the immediate fatsuek on the ground that It would prove counter productive' ( )wanted somespccifl plane oanccttri the i,dividual targets, dating. and allamnt of pwposc BOA[ I kW f ] agreed that the ad+arnd gas Vied by dais type of activity needed to be dearly spelled eat."' This appears robe the aid of 7 Next Previous Page 1 of l 7.html 2/17/2007 Referred to another gov't agency r sensual phuwing in waikisgton riot eke b-chrsion offeCai++a+smiralion proposals in PBSUCC7EsS. Rctwnin3 t'ront Waslwtgtan tti [ 3. on 2 lane 1954, [ I tiawevar. Iepumd to his salt dial the eoaienw: Ls Wasltatgton was that" Arbcr&- rouse so. how does not mauCY:.?i 77?e AaruntAf m t7i-sr~eaaw On 16 left 1954 Ca+a+Oo Anna? ( -imported J ac a oann cd sxRes entered Comes eta. while these tbepea a1,a iced tenbdv* bt die Mote tend,[ City on 36 turd 37 Jima met with a htadigg Guatann8maliiitwy cot'+s asadet, is the 110pee oIoon rtg No so head a toW Axbsrt IS titeae tgaotaeioas. the mitiuty =uunandeer hinted he wtntld So to aae ? . ? iod. The 4rattsutad iry tba+ooetittuad inactiaa o!'the Ge>atanalus nI" mm"mm tdw. m6i 13et d at Ilse warted dttaet ldgod be altotdd do is ltitra Datgpite the;Gtatmwian eotnaatadw tr ~aihadaet, e[ 3csbk indk*ted ihst he r~ malted xm in ad.Mt[ dad -to be e6mintett.4' With the tidateinals AnW* pad dad taaoeellie and the awtookle on in doubt, a [ ~, raqueatn Patsta to bomb the !ew day: hater, the [ 7 dri In andC LQAXWampoMW on22limn that kdid mx L waat to ware air w0m tp[ ]or ]whgsa battle was tttgjeig ac Zael " The ]+ufd[ lelso aupp0 dthel 3 sesQuest to Comb[ ] with a draeaMk cable w Momb Repeat Aaaid i? LINCOLN sad wrtmrs held AS and( w"I sever bombed. "We do no take aolood with grave ear palicyirttpikaduae aiaptas agent for the podoyntsltcra," TAttkt cabled LWOXK Preaidmt Arbenx, on 27 Awe 1954. it t a bittt:t - sa+Awdon Do* resigned in office and sought asylum in the Mtatican embassy in Gusteimb (sty. MIN walla Arenas arsumed the prerld y. how*ver. Arbema was abawpd to leave the cnunhy dun Madaor, which granted him pc ldai asl-ium. to adduios, 120 admr Ate gtt+rarnnaiest etdioisla cr Coec+anutpsta depeuW t' unleash Madan a are pamge agredtte* with tern C aIUlo Ataeats ,government u Thm is no evkknes that say Geataataiana wean exataiied. e'ror rcLwlON C1at opens rmpanaibk bar pianniag and ietpleascot{ag covert artiarl against the AIbenz gbvenvntat engaged ire etctataire disettaaiorp over a twar-and a half yaK period 7 about the posai&ty orasmpaatittg G suislc o1bcini d J Conddermion o[usutg aattassltutiiotfro ) purge [3uat ui* of Conattuiist. ioIhe i ce was barb orate t 4ce, tc tensions in the catty Cold War yew. The Agenryd d not ant uidlatwf!y, but *i smoked with Stale DepaAment oWciala with re.4p!oadbtlity for pdicy towtrd i.atarAmeitm is the end, no a Iadom of Cwatemafut of c#tis were ctrr-ed out. according to IN available cviddcaC . `{ Next Previous Page 1 of I nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB4/oia-guatemalal_g.html 2/17/2007 Referred to another gov't agency Page I of 1 PxopQ *k w asaassinaatao povadcd both PBFORTVNE and P'BSVCcSS. rather Theo be+ng canlincd to as early stags ofthese pro ttts. Evm t~dbro oflk st appr,d o(PSMI 7' 1F, CIA oRieei compiled elimination Bela and disoused [he cotiCe{tt ofaew?rgtioa with Ouatuadaa opposition kaderx Until the day that Aril eat aescgnod in hate 1954 the optiotr aofassatinariaa was still ben comsidarod. Diumsdow of atseattl2*lwt 1C*Chnd a i j j kvd widiia the Agemy. AmctW those ias"blvad yobs; I iatowa to btwe beep lt+Caeat a! one eeeengswltera ((rtes subjcA oi'ttta ion fart came srp. 1[ rC till it at )wiu also aaarsitgpat:ral ttttma tMt s twlku was tuadter 8ar+satoott. 19etoa0 FG[n , *co* Mod ptepatyclons ware made. Some aerial s woes sdacted, haitirtS btu sstd t=its*** "Aid pots" wa o dmwa up yet an co+vaitt axctba yba itwo aa,aa~ttaeoaa ofGwsmmi1sis was ever appruMed w f trHea.aaed. Site iJsr M1 ot+tjvedv. ofPB $ wan w tomove go gevarrefeeat oos'sd ra~il6e[tt biovdtiltsd if pnstttible." E rt tMioa liars were never &mliinad, taaraasrn k1e proposals teamed ooadttaw:taiel wiffiia tine Agettay. and it nppeni that no Om mnwlaos [urodmd va A[beatis we amsaiatcad. 906 CA an4 State Depaihstmtt.Accra wars dMded (nod wtdetidedj abowt uai[g asaasniutatioa Obatsslon of whather to ass' seats Cieatowahn Goeammaaisu and laden sympsf *& to Coal sIal pcoJctmus Oct pine. in a histoticet era yai[adlBL'ratt iiaea the premIL So,W Ceetm rn bad named it [mept[tntioe elf teslag vtdtatcvcr tttteatt were anpadiiatt to SdYaros,iulo toow's i[t~r iateataiiv^sky. Caed4esleR M scow's msc$nadaas Is Eastern Burepq, two to dis Kommn war. spoaeorahip oaf robvesin lh rostglt Catntrotuist ser stes le #>e'i~tir+d World, cued tatptaeal o(ma ideolagy ret SNared to (taro kbd 7tepmmtiny stn the s(((uited cctiva~ t otli is and the Mtai'wt p 6b stilts rtgsnaod fsirelp Cotmott nbt Eludes as Soviet pasha and art thrastanlaS to Yitd us aeoMity iatearats. Cold Waf rte mad pcroepda ar a dkioned Artraiam agiwda tassel what paSties1 weapon. war's I trmate to rase to the tale UW alg'k st Cam. h would bo ? over two.deades after the events In Catatetaabt bel bre DCI WWiam Coll ptoluvtad any C EA l ivoNatttnt is astats.inado.t and a abaaguratt Esecut vo Order hearted say QS goo me eel invoJvvmcet in saansiaetio[t.. 9 Next Previous nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB4/cia-guatemalal_9.html 2/17/2007 Referred to another govt agency Picto S~eljasaa, &V Gerd ?Jcg erar G aie .k Reworw~rwr sru(rie C ft SWA& 1914- n: A?rlwoneur tTatiwe..ryr Prq 1!l71I.1'R 1le7 Uniwd fruit d.raiaa..d Cuaiemalau =7t AioA cluKio(tod Ah0 IAleraa1JofJ 1ta.'kcvCc stlp A snd i s aaeeeh.r-r L t had a poaopoi?of GWknwl.s akryral~ elrippIq kwar a?aad to etr0 Qr.ta.eiart rovenuaentar an eoipb ir GI jeba, Artlen.d!Ji p rw1RirihdK Ira.rp.n! % 2% CM itr CraennoiArc T.Finnrr J~iN6gr'a/6S+aeee veodlgy (Aa dn; Uniraatitr ar73tt.sPsa 3lI2 lerSeaaal waviews oabrnoaa IV Jana. MW 31 Maxh 3934, I .e 143. a aaldnrgaCable uf 3Allaru.w tlS2.19sR?;$} 29 7rararp 1935 Bart L0 (S~. in, Sae 1't yo.tlk.atlh i~enamrtIdbat) a(L7.ui.aM&"Opaaiivas eYCALA1.IG1JltS," (CS.u71o It Sigd..rber 115& Di 3340). r? liep.e*31o R.Wr.sbelweea~sair.rrrtaLT1.jillear3aala t7snttaara~" la Al?ptonairt t537, Harr I34 (li). Aauu.Lnatlor w m a any bw 6a0avit soot ofowIrNaLsn pehtda[. Atlreaa Eas?a the kSlN y6 d7d:ateh s3t4 fbtGe itr d~lecyFrix Area. is 110. n'rJPt+o[ Zwtrao~"aotdtrtet.t; 3 D.ap.hex 1932, east t cS . i?I1e ~aratreti'Gaerat4 APbseiarr d IIiruril~ Orprt ILi*,' 12 D4aeabet 15Z, Bac 134 i $ . e . Aeiirj Chie([ 711r6tk6 wwAm rmvhpkmo Dkisks as cr ed d ie)Liic nb.r 1432 ad CAr.l5110 At 'us t1AO a i4iq FW'eae.r8ynid n flout. NIaarn.frntrm lar she 889cr4 "PW Cdr* cnce," S Na,cnibcr 1553, 0ci lit 0. The GWdl Sr$!s repDrlad that the A bon rora.aserM bad tapped~sadNoAtm..1 .1 adttalion. "Sim[ ] ]0 Ile.relt J133, moat go (a "SWC )nerrecsdwni. "Pcpaaed Coors..Aodse 1tPlm Not Conafiru41* F+e.e?r tAcc wnhlalbetpmbabty ISSJ Bat. J34(S): BOWES -ra 1ira iep3Ct~a DL4siea, ateaMD. "IeADRY11NF1"9t A.rwc 1931. that T2 {S} 3mrww ti E j-C rw..te - laaaar ?1 aa ar .,,? i 1 sqraraact 193, Iar a C. s aJ.e PFt rar+dw Auw C I*( 1, s I53 (ts). Previous Page 1 of I nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB4/cia-guatemalal_l0.html 2/17/2007 Referred to another gov't agency Spaeaal J I f "Ci'il?n~aD ? Cepow pbo OrAa;rn; Dom i (Tdf aid ( j aapms r.r3he eam.d 45 S Zie w -P - 1 F ] 1 S. , . ce I3 . i QC OMew 177 soca1:0.Macaufer r9w. 4oP1 i~4e?t$ 35 t 19.5 #t:14I of Dieoq~iwp- u,d latystVSJd eu- MI3JfCC S." ] P 13taaNtbwr s. lteadtptee4eq S 1a.,~e1r 11N,14, Sax t aad s lledq~a~er~ i t a,wryL93/.Soai1311 lift tbomv lJa?; ! Eisnt 1951. ftx t3 or. E JftIUW 41aw? rtr 904. MW I t3r.. _qAMM " [ w Chief, CAt.1XGM1IJS D* ft .` 1 Feting ItS1. Da. !4> ~41e0. dW. tl 3 etpset rw~. t7 fox 9" 4303% R*SAW dk 70511etetd mwL r~tjzllize~Jtl4,,uorrT3(3)Ie1'[ ,~2ta Ni:tdgrwleell 31 k7ar~yr J~i4. 81e1 I c* IM septrJebrl lflt.llerd 33 to itd *bF J., I W4 ottttate Jir W1 t1zw . Rlr1 E7sekeaece 11d11s, 2 l! liMY~eyP 113~~?!dt T4 Sea aim ( Jt~t Ntat4prtum 4 Aw4w W5 0" t (S). The "map~ s Deptttryoap), ttGhe pw1# start t s !BMW J34 . atvut 9TM1Mt dAsa,uJta1 "A Sn+dg*of Jl+mndJJalia+4 A hand a tw owes atzee tl lnasNelt eyd dwpwh "azmtrist a[ 26r [ ,. Thiiic tl IJ ii'albass* kLdmtUS( j "Seer 380 rmdomw% aAm19KSeti(5IrC 1a 19]ROD"$ '~Cwtetenl 19S1.8px J 34 (SJ ntd'C>DO1za pltse$I tt(C~LI.l46R13 O-Weisstio4? 1 ! Ogptm6c4 Aaprq," 331~tutryr 1-54. (S}, (3. * N5UCCB9$. R4bre). ?.5 .6 laJ+s 1lS4, S.te Tf s"Ts i.NOOLN I M171931. `Tai iira JtatJeetiout (pan 11)?" i3) arw To LD(COUI. 9rtl u iJsns? i46ere tray Apiast b0vi 1u 9 Am 1971, Jtae So (a n See ap$ G"knala Gq. q W v a J1vsi"sJS afwis in. twdmo4. Dos 4k jq aid Ooottemti Qry~ w 4LD4OO*Ni 14 1931. See a1w tlta C3$, 41 peek t,uate als Clow LIP COU1. $4 Dae 1$C {T5),. irt?be1'sm Deu -,? - s a+t uac lee mt ~Cusaantlaa lndsnwp r tet)td to b wwlatllMIs l thid eR uts Drat stt i tsiOl~glett Yrrj, Gad t. bo mad ata bT are dsee s r ) 7~Iim l t 701 e'w eltcy w~ifl W belt iR about Ps t r L )'A+teisi*ith. DeW1t," J31 J934 Doc Tp ((fix[ ' ica ra ute eat+aret. ~+iewtN~- ?C? Much 1!!1.am1O(S), It ]*Now u eh.4~e/taC'R,crortafibtt.[ ]on OA$ C hrmot;- v bunk 1914. Spit 143 (1Y). r Seq Quid. F.ieom, tt'arf r ~ J+atart to 4611 Sta1lOff vs. ldwka~of ladMdt 41s fee D1np~ ut rw Jahla Ce.ttp.' 31 Mai *. ISSl.OD< 143 (S). Wi I i.'. a $kd f ee tl it 41st " ~[ ]WWI" letba.k? b+e :iced ia4cl_ 1n 1 1, wk. 5c4 : atgp baste for 71 d4.eca 19.54. Doe 1S1(Sh, 4Kalea 814; 113 (5). ISae m kml aad aaathnient .wrr ew Uw mew. which indk. cs ant 1+Fermad di ft 10 i}u Rte e t 1 I-1931 A-- CA4 5 ( Pt f- Next Page I of I nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB4/Cia-guatemalal_II,html 2/17/2007 Rbferrcd to another gov't agency Page l of l .raiorMl Me. SaexKraoeo[ `$ua~rrm~aubs . ]set 31 AM 1114, Baa 134 (ft w p t t > ' . I t Jdao 1954. Boc 134 {Si: mdu t. -J10( 3-4 Mgr ON. Bmt 1S4 (5). IN-C_ 71- ab% sm[ 1.24 Jape; t1S1. Baa U) OMs. ? I b 6WC1141. 19 l" 11954. 93 (S). mrA LWCMM. A 1113 "aft , u m 1934.1l * 43 liftw.1. PB$1CCM 4*04 L 1 t? 1 4 . 2 2 l a n e 11%.8ax i+ti (S~ arrd [, om links, 17 1934. q4a l (5J. m$ma }lcidgsIMers if UNC01.N. Sts?. 22 Ms 1954. Me 143. (TS). " Sae tlaateamlt ,1k 977r ob IAIC IL ?S ieee 1914.11a* lei t"S PBSUCCESS ). Ilmha K Watitr. ait laspoue' Gwua4.ldw 1 zbwm ft mw. Ciriraae of the [Mft=M psetsipbtORA lstktr t 1179. Previous http://v ns=hiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB4/Cia-guatemalal_12.htmt 2/17/2007