Iistallation for incressixg the heat capacitjr of gemerator gas.
Stak. i ker. 13 no-7:28-30 i1 '56. (wu 9-9)
(Gas producars)
Results of conducting logging operations in the Moscow Coal Basin.
Razved. i okh.nadr 22 n6.2:4z-48 F 156. (MIRA 9:6)
(Moscow Basin--Boringo) (Moscow Basin--Coal geolog7)
7 . Ca -Z . 7, r,
AUTHORS: Vaynshtayn., E, Ye., Tugarinov A~ T. Tuzzoya,. A. M,
SheyaleyeyBkiy. 1,, D.,
TITLE: On the Hafniuv. Zirconium Ratio in Metanorphir; and Metasoma-tic
Rocks( 0 sootnoshenii -,afniya i tsirkoniya v netamorfiches~
kikh i metasomaticheakikh porodakh)
PERIODICAL: Geckhimila, 19551 Ur 3, pp~. 241 - 244 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The distribution of zirconium and hafnium- was investi~,.ted
in 14 samples from the upper sequon.~e of the
-series. Five samDies of them are from Sredneye Krivcrozhlye,
nine samples from. Severnoye Krivorozh -,,..The content ;.,as de-
termined by neans of X-ray apectral axialysis, the applied
method was destribed already earlier by the authorr, (Rcf 1),
A table gives the content of the single eazpleas of ZrO 21 lyf`02~
aG well aa the zirooniun oxida,hafnium oxide ratio, This li,:-s
in metamorphic rock3 betzreen 2o and 40 (Sredneye Kriycrozh~,,-~!).
In metasomatic rocko (Severnoya KriYorozh1,r,-), especially in
Card 1/2 natron r(7.clza. zirckniium in enriched, t~_.,e i:,-,tiG to hafnium
On the HafAium--Zirconiun Ratio in Metamorphi: and 7 56,:K-0/15
Metasomatic Rocks
oxide rises up to 112,, In ordor to explain these differences,
Boma properties of zirconiu~i and hafniuz aze compared in a
small table (ion radius, tonizatior, potential in eV, fcrma-
tion heat of the oxides), The differenGes In the nij:ration
capacity must, however, not be erplained by the ion properties
only, since these elerents were complexas ander natural con-
ditions, e.g, ao the rare earths as alkaline carbon--te nom.
plexes. There are 2 tables and 2 referencen 2 of Yhich are
Institut geokhi-.iii I analiticheskoy khimil im.V.I,Vernadskogq,
All SSR,Moskv_,i 'Mo3coyi Institute of Geochesastry and Aiw,,.lY-
tical Chemistry imeni v.r.,VernadskiYAS USSR)
January 14, 1958
.1. Rock. -Aaalycla "". 11afnium.-Datenninatdri; Zir~caii=
Determinati:_v. X-ray sre~tr,.,m
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Ronov, A. B., Vaynahteyn, E. Ye., Tuzova, A. M.
TITLE, Geoch9mistry of hafnium, zirconium and some other elements
hydrolyzates in clays
PERIODICAL: Geckhimiya, no. 4, 1961, 306-315
TEXT: Sixteen mixed samples, consisting of 277 samples altogether, were
examined. The samples originated from Fammenian and Yasnaya Polyana strata.
Partly complete and partly partial silicate analyses were made from the
samples (Table 1). The zirconium and hafnium contents mere determined by
X-ray analysis. The sand and clay fraction of two samples were mineralogi-
oally studied. Summarizingly, the following is stated; the mean hafnium
content in clays is 6-lo-4% and, therefore, higher than in theoretical
calculations (4-10-4%). The Zr- and Hf content depends on climate and
tectonical it is considerably higher in clays of humid than in clays of
arid origin. The Zr/Hf ratio changes littlej only at considerable changes
of the physico-ohemioal conditions, e.g., at the transition from the
alkaline medium of arid basins into the acid medium of humid basins, changes
Card 115
Geochemistry of...
occur which correspond to those of the A120 3/8'02 and Al 203/TiO2ratios.
Apparently, the Zr/Hf ratio is particularly affected by humic acids and
other organic acids with which Zr forms complexes more readily. Thus, the
Zr/Hf ratio decreases. A study of the fractions shows a concentration of
Zr and Hf in the sand fraction, i.e., in the accessory zircons and titanium
minerals. The amounts of these minerals contained in the clays and,
consequently, their Zr and Hf content increase toward the areas of denuda-
tion. This indicates that the majority of Zr and Rf is of terrigeneous
origin. The following persons are thanked for collaboration: Li Ang-mo,
Laboratory Assistant, for his assistance in the X-ray analysis,
K. V. Gorshkova, N. V. Yeremeyeva, A. 1. Yermishkina, G. A. Zolotova,
G. A. Korzina, and I. V. Markova, analysts, for silioate analyses,
I. I. Solodkova and R. F. Ryabova, mineralogists, for analyzing the sand
fractions, 1. D. Ekhus, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
for determining minerals in clay fractions, V. V. Shcherbina for discussion.
A. P. Vinogradovand I. D. Shevaleyevskiy are mentioned. There are 6
figures, 2 tables, and 8 references: 7 Soviet-bloc. rhe reference to the
English-language publication reads as follovs: H. Degenhardt. Geochim.
Card 2/5
Geochemistry of...
et Coemochim. Acta, 11, no. 4, 1957.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im.
V. 1. Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Geochemistry
and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy of the
Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: September 27, 1960
Legend to Table 1: Zirconium and hafnium contents in the clays of the
Russkaya Platform and their chemical compositions (wt~o)j a) region,
drilling; b) age; c) number of samples in the mixed sample; d) conditions
of clay formation due to facies or climate; e) C org ; f) loss on ignition,
i.e.,differenae between the loss on ignition and the sum of the determined
volatile substances: CO 21 Corg' H2 0+ and H20 - In the cases where water
was not determined, the loss on ignition indicates the difference between
the loss on ignition and the sum C02 + C org ; g) sum. (1) Valday, drilling:
Card 3/5
Geochemistry of... B107/B207
continental, arid. (2) Lyuboni, 7283; continental, arid. (3) Kotellnich.
opornaya skvazhina (test boring); saline lagoon, arid. (4) Redkino, test
boring; salt lagoon, arid. (5) Povarovka, test boring; saline lagoon,
arid. (6) Soligalich, test boring; saline lagoon, arid. (7) Sharlya,
test boring; saline lagoon, arid. (8) Loshaki boring 98488; continental;
colored, humid. (9) Loshaki, boring 98488, fraction 0.1 -0.01 mm;
continental coloredi humid. (10) Loshaki, drilling 98468, fraction below
0.001 mm; continental colored; humid. (11) Abakumovo, boring 110212;
continental carboniferous; humid. (12) Abakumovo, boring 110212, fraction
0.1 -0.01 mm; continental carboniferous; humid. (13) Abakumovo, boring
110212, fraction below 0.001 mm; continental carboniferous; humid. (14)
Bogoroditskoye, boring 93046; continental colored; humid. (15) Pronsk,
boring 110203; continental carboniferous; humid. (16) Nikandrovo, boring
7285; continental colored; humid. (17) Lyubytino, boring 6157; continental
colored; humid. (18) River Shuya, boring 6105, continental colored;
humid. (19) Lyuboni, boring 7283; continental carboniferous; humid.
(20) Staritsa, test boring; bordering land to marine; humid. (21) Mean
value for arid clays. (22) Mean value for humid clays. (23) Mean value
Card 4/ 5
Geochemistry of... B107/B207
for clays. C 1 - Yasnaya Polyana
(Note: Due to the size of the Table, we were unable to fit it to a master.)
Card 5/5
Ratio of zirconium to hafnium In the Lovoxero.Hassif Lwith summar7
in Xnglishl. Geokhimiia no.S.-743-?48 158. (MIRA 12-2)
1. Institut geokhImii I analitichesko7 khimii imeni V.I. Vernad-
skogo AN SSSR, Kookwa.
(Lovozero Tundras--Zirconium ores)
(Lovozero Tundras--Hafnium ores)
Tuzova, A. Y. and Nemodr-jlk, A. A.
TITLEs Determination of Small Amounts of Zirconium and Hafnium in
Silicate Rocks (Opredeleniye malykh kolichestv tsirkoniya i
gafniya v silikatnykh porodakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimi-ip 19581 Vol 13, Nr 6, pp 674-676
ABSTRACT: Tests carried out by the authors on the separation of zirconium
and hafnium. from silicate r cks by using the methods described
in the literature (Refs 3-6) showed that a quantitative
separation of both elements is not possiblo, if the conter"s of
Zr + ILf are lower than This fact was established bY the
aid of tracer isotopes. The authors found evidence that u sL,!nple
instead o-f SU14'Ur- c acA, d +
decomposition with 11f + "C104
hydrofluoric acid and the adoption of hydrochloric acid inatead
of sulfuric acid to solve the precipitate after dec~:;mpc:;-_',t1on
at4 on oi zi-conium and hafnium J,
allows a more complete separ,
the form of phenyl arsonatas (Ref 6). It war al:;o found- that by
increasing the added amount of phenyl arsonic acid, a
Card 1/4 quantitative separation of both elements can even be obt~_Jned
Determination of Small Amounts of Zirconium and Hafnium SOV/75-13-6-11/21
in Silicate Rocks
from sulfuric solutions, provided that the content of both
elements together is not lower than j.jo-4,,I')' . ijo,.,;ever, the
concentration of Zr and Iff thus obtained is insufficient sD that
zirconium can be determined only very inaccurately by the ai-I
of X-ray spectra because of its low content in the concentz-a"est
while hafnium can not be determined at all. The use of 7-ra.,
spectra for the determination of zirconium and hafnium, ir the
concentrates offers the advantage that the accuracy of the
results obtained is independent of the total sample compo~jitic_-4
The X-ray spectra method used by the authors (Ref 4) allDws the
determination of 0.5% Zr and 0-05c,o' Hf. A repeated preC4p4tation
with phenyl arsonic acid allows zirconium to concentrate up to
0.7-2%, while hafnium still remains difficult to determirp. Tff
however, the concentrate obtained by precipitating with phenyl
arsonic acid and by subsequent-, burning out of the precip-J.-tate
is repeatedly precipitated with'4-dimethyl amino azobenzene-41-
arsenic acid, the weight of the concentrate obtained from 10 k'
of silicate rock can be reduced to 3-5 mg, the content of Zr to
increasing to 10-661/fa and that of Hf to 0.2-1-571. The mentioned
organic reagent forms very weakly soluble precipitates with
Card 214 zirconium and hafnium. (Refs 7-9). To obtain a more complete
Determination of Small Amounts of Zirconium and Hafnium SOV/75-13-6-11/21
in Silicate Rocks
separation of these two elements, methyl orange or another
sulfonic acid having a sufficiently high molecular weight are
used as an additional precipitant when precipitating with
4-dimethyl amino azobenzene-41-arsonic acid. It was ascertained
by the aid of radioactive isotopes that this method separates
Zr and 11f up to 94-10Wo. Owing to the high degree of
concentration, a most accurate X-ray spectrum determination of
each of the two elements is made possible. A very accurate
description of this method is given, It allows to determine
1.1o-4% - 0.5% of the sum of both elements. The authors thank
I. D. Shevaleyevskiy for carrying out the X-ray spectrum
determination of zirconium and hafnium in the concentrates.
There are 2 tables and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernadskogo
AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical
Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of Sciences,
USSR, Moscow)
Card 3/4
Determination of Small Amounte of Zirconium and Hafnium SOV/75-13-6-11/21
in Silicate Rocks
SUBMITTED: February 18, 1958
Card 4/4 -
AUTHORSs Gerasimovskiy, V. I.,_L"Daa SOV/7-59-5-7/14
Rasskazova, V. S. _L A.M., Borisenok, L. A.,
TITLE: Gallium in the Rocks of the Lovozero Alkaline Massif (Galliy
v porodakh Lovozerskogo shchelochnogo massiva)
PERIODICAL. Geokhiniya, 1959, Nr 5, PP 449 - 454 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Gallium was determined by the extraction with rhodamine B
without previous separation of the other elements (method
according to reference 4). The results are given in a larb-e
table (Table 1), arranged according to the four intrusion
phases of the massif. Furthermore, the results of the spectro-
scopic gallium determination and the aluminum content are
given. The aluminum determinations were carried out by Yu. B.
Kholina. The Ga- and Al-values are given in a diagram as well.
Another table (Table 2) gives the gallium content of indivi-
dual minerals. The galliun contents fluctuate between 3 and
10.10-3%, 6.10-3% is the average for the whole massif. This
is more than the usual content of the nepheline syenites. The
third intrusion phase has the hi.ohost gallium content. Gallium
Card 1/2 is enriched in the later phases, compared to aluminum. Gallium
Gallium in the Rocks of the Lovozero Alkaline 11assif SOV/7-59-5-7/14
is able to enter into the crystal lattice for aluminum as ffell
as for trivalent iron, eq;. in agirine. There are I figure,
2 tables, and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analitichesko~r khimii im. V. 1. Vernads-
kogo All SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Geochemistry and Analjtical
Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy AS USSR, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: April 8, 1959
Card 2/2
Determination of small amounts of zirconiuji and hafnium in
silicate rocks, Zhureanalokhime 13 no.6:674-676 N-D 158.
(KIU 12:2)
1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimli im. V.I.Vernadekogo
AN SSSR, Moskva.
(Zirconium--Analysis) (Hafnium-Analysts) (Silicates)
AUTHORS: Gerasimovskiy, V. I., Tuzova, A.M., SOV/7-58-8-5/6
Shevaleyevski'y, 1. D.
TITLE: On the Zirconium-Hafnium Ratio in Rocks of the Lovozerskiy
Massif (0 tsirkoniyevo-gafniyevom sootnoshenii v porodakh
Lovozerskogo massiva)
PERIODICAL: Geokhir-iiya, V!50, Nr 8, PP 743 - 748 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: 48 rock samples from three magmatic complexes of the L,,,.vo-
zergkiy massif, Kola peninsula (Lovozerskiy masniv, Kol'skiy
poluostrov) were examined. The zirconium and hafnium content
was determined by the X-ray spectrometric method. The
results are recorded in a table. The zirconium and hafnium
content ran,,7es from 0.07 to 2.31% ZrO2 and from 0.015 to
0.057% HfO 2P while the variations of the zirconium-hafnium
ratio are'insignificant. Zr and 11f are concentrated in
later magmatic complexes:0.167% in the first, 0.29(Y//o in
the second and 1.49% ZrO 2 in the third. Agpaitic rocks
have a higher Zr and 'If content than miascite rocks,
Card 1/2 but no relation between sodium-potassium and zirconium-
On the Zirconium-Hafnium Ratio in Rocks of the SOV/7-58-8-5/8
LovozerWdy Massif
hafnium, contents could be observed. There are 1 figure,
1 table, and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhinii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernads-
kogo AN SSSR, Moskva (institute for Geochemistry and Ana-
lytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy AS USSR, Moscow)
SUBMITTED: July 15, 1958
Card 2/2
Geochemistry of hafnium., zirconium., and some other hydrolyzate
elements In clays. Geokhimiia no-4:306-315 161. (MIRA 14:5)
1. V. I. Ternadsk.T Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical
Cheikistry Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R., Moscow.
TUZOVA, E. YE. -- "Epideidological and Laboratory Material Concerning Sporadic
Cases of Infectious Jaundice, Vasillyev-Weills Disease." Leningrad State Order
of Lenin Inst. for the advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. E. Kirov,
Leningrad, 1955. (DinBertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical
SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 35, 1955
RODMOVA, Ye.G.: RUMTANTSEVA, N.V.; sortiravahchitea pismennoy korres-
ponde.u",F-'i; KITAYETA, A.V., pochtallon; ILIKOV14 L.V.; sorti-
roveh,ch,, ja piameracy kor respondents ii; ZRALILOYA, M., brigadir
pochtal ,ov; XMILLOVA, T.I.; KEARINA, T.I., brigadir pochtall-
onov; 1-_ADVA, G.A.. sortirovshchitea.
Leading postal warkers are sharing their experiences. Test. aviazi
20 no.11:22-24 H 160. (KIRA 1_7:12)
1. Nachallnik 98-go otdeleniya avy&zi g-Moskvy (for Rodenkova).
2. Leningradsk-ty pochtamt (for Ruu7antseva). 3. Arzamasakaya
kontora avyazi Gorikovskoy oblasti (for Kitayeva). 4. Mnera-
3=dskoye otdeleriye perevozki pochty (for Klimova). 5. 5-ye
otdeleniye svyazi g-Chelyabitska (for Zhalilova). 6. Rachallnik
24-go otdeleiiiya svyazI g.jvanova (for Kirillova). 7. Kuybyshevakiy
pochtamt (for Kharina). 8. Otdel obrabotki pismennoy korrespordentsil
Sverdlovakogo otdeleyniya perevozki pochty (for Tazova).
(Postal service--Employees)
he remains of vood in
structure and atratigraPhic Position Of t an. fil. AN
TertiarY cOal-bearing deposits Of Bashkiria. Izv- laz (MIRA 11:2)
ssSR. Ser. geol. nauk no.4:173-178 157
(Bashkira-Trees, FO;,3il)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1,
pp 129-130 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Bludorov, A. P., Kirsanov, N. V., Distanov, U. G.,
Tuzova., L. S.
TITLE: Tertiary Coal Deposits in Central and Southern
Bashkiria (Tretichnyye uglenosnyye otlozhenlya
tsentrallnykh i yuzhnikh rayonov Bashkirii)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Geol. in-ta Kazansk. fil. AN SSSR, 1956, Nr 3,
141 pp.
ABSTRACT: The oldest formation, gypsum and dolomite of the
Kungura series, outcrops at the surface in stock-like
forms that break across red beds composed of conglomer-
ates, sandstones, siltstones, and mudstones, with
layers of limestone. These red beds represent deposits
of the Ufa, the Kazan" and the Tataria series, and
part of the Triassic sequence. Layers of coal are
locally present in the Triassic Surakay series. On the
Card 1/4 north, Jurassic formations are coal bearing; on the '
Tertiary Coal Deposits in Cantral and Southern Bashkiria (Cont.)
south, they are marine. The Upper Cretaceous contains marine
fossils and occurs north of the marine Jurassic. The PaleoCene is
composed of sandy clay deposits, with layers of coal in the Oligo-
cene rocks in the southern and eastern parts of the region. The
Miocene rocks, with the greatest quantity of coal, consist of clays,
sands, gravels, and subordinate siltstones and clay breccias; clays
predominate in southerh Bashkiria and coarse sediments, sands and
Aravels~ are most abundant in central Bashkiria. White kaolinitic
clays are characteristic in the floor rocks, locally also in the
roof rocks, of the coal beds. Gravels are common both at the base
and in the middle of the Miocene coal-bearing sequence. The latter
occurrence divides the sequence into two parts. The undisturbed
attitude of the Tertiary sediments is destroyed by karst and salt
tectonics, which led to the development of faults. The total content
of heavy minerals in the Miocene deposits is 0.15 to 0.30 percent of
the rock, reaching one percent where there is pyrite in the lower
Miocene and in the coals of the middle Miocene. In the sandy
gravelly rocks and the clays of the middle Miocene, the increase is
due to hydrogoethite. The principal minerals in the heavy fraction
Card 2/4
Tertiary Coal Deposits in Central and Southern Bashkiria (Cont. )
(> 10 percent) are iron ores, pyrite, hydrogoethite, locally also
zircon, tourmaline, rutile, and picotite. The chief light minerals
are quartz, chert; and feldspar. Tourmaline, picotite, rutile, and
deucoxene are index minerals for correlation in the Lower Miocene.
In the Middle Miocene, in addition to those mentioned, ilmenite,
sillimanite, and disthene are also used. The Southern Urals formed
the provenance for the Miocene deposits. The coal-bearing sequence
is composed of sediments of alternating alluvial, lacustrine, and
paludal facies, usually in seven to eight lithic groups, the number
of which is almost twice as great in the southeastern part of the
area because of the greater mobility of the land. ThE. Miocene
dating of the coal deposits is supported by pollen-spore complexes
and by woody structures that point to the predominance of conifers
on the south and of woody plants on the north, including warm-
climate forms. The plants belong to the Turgay flora and were
introduced through the Turgay Strait. Both simple and complex
coal beds are formed by dense and earthy coals, by small or large
fragments of lignite, locally with peat-like varieties. The coal
is brown, dull, with clotted ma, trix and indistinct segregated
Card 3/4
Tertiary Coal Deposits in Central and Southern Bashkiria (Cont. )
inclusions of xylain, fusain, vitrain, cuticle, spore husks, tar
bodies, and minerals. The coal in the surrounding parts of the
deposit has more ash than the finely crushed coal in the central
parts. The coal accumulated in Tertiary time in a succession moving
in general from south to north, forming in the southern region in
the Oligocene (weakly) and in the lower Miocene. The entire region
was the site of coal accumulation in the middle Miocene. Uplift
of the southern part of the region led to erosion of the middle
Miocene coal deposits. Rare accumulations of Pliocene coal have no
industrial value.
Card 4/4 A. K. M.
High-freqaeney hardening of spindle ends of machine tools. Stan.i
instr. 33 no.7:33 J1 162. (MIRA 15:7)
Variability of internal organs in the silver fox (Valpes fulvus
Do=*)* Zooltzhure w*7s.1090-1098 JI 161o (KCRA 147)
1e Department of ZoologyO State Pedagogical Institute of Kostromae
(silver fox) (Viscera)
'3(0) *
AUTHORSt Bludorov, A. P., Tuzova, L. S., SOV/20-123-3-37/54
Shishkin, A. V.
TITLE- The Coal Content of Lower Carboniferous Coal in Northwestern
Bashkiriya (Uglenosnost, nizhnego karbona severo-zapadnoy
PERIODICALI Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 3, pp 517-516
ABSTRACT: Although Lower Carboniferous coal-bearing strata were found
in all oil drill holes, the petroleum technicians usually
speak of them only as coaly shales. The Kazan' Branch of
the AS USSR has been concerned with this problem for several
years. Bituminous coal occurs in Bashkiriya in the Tourzaisian
and ViBean Stages. The former contains a fauna and spore
assemblage in terrigenous deposits which(the aseemblage)is
characteristic of the Tournaisian Stage. Its thickness is
65-160 m, and oil was discovered in porous limestones. The
Visean is represented in all substages and horizons.
L. S. Tuzova discovered a spore assemblage here which is
characteristic of the Stalinogorakiy horizon. The age was
Card 1/4 determined by this spore assemblage since no fauna have been
The Coal Content of Lower Carboniferous Coal in SOV/20-1 217- zl-37/54
Northwestern Bashkiriya
found in this h:)rizon. The thickness of the Visean Stage is
25-74 m. Coal iv rare in the Tullskiy horizon, and a character-
istic fauna, as well as Tul'skiy complex spores, occur in
limestones. The thickne_~s of the Tulfskiy horizon is 3C-60 m,
No coal was found in the higher lying sediments of the Lower
Carboniferoue. The limestorps ho.,ra and in the Middle and
Upper Carboniferous contain a characteristic marine fauna.
The coal-bearing sediments lie in northwestern Bashkiriya
between the Tatarskiy and Bashkir;3kiy arches. The coal seams
are found at a depth of -1150 to -!250 m, and in the south
at -:750 m and perhaps atil. deeTe-I. The --oal-bearing masses
of the Stalinogorskly horizon forwed or. it swampy plain n=ar
a shallow sea. I4%-,s sediments belong to the following facies;
a. littoral, b. river bed, c. deltaic, d. lacustrine and
e. swamp. Alluvial sediments of facies d. and e. are pre-
dominant, and no fauna were found. The structure of the coal-
bearing mass shows several variations. Thus, 3e7era-l groups
of sectionscan be recognizeds 1. Thick, white quartz sand-
stone with cross-bedded strata, dark gray aleurolith and
Card 2/4 argillite. This mass is 50-74 m thick here, and the -.oal
The Coal Content of Lower Carboniferous Coal in SOV/20-123-31-37/54
Northwestern Bashkiriya
seams are also very thick. It lies in depressions of the
limestone foundation on erosion surfaces Of VaTious old rocks.
2. Dark gray sandstonesi however, argillite sometimes pre-
dominates. Coal seams are of slight thickness or absent.
The mass here lie on highs of the limestone foundation,
possibly with slight erosion. The thickness is 25-50 m. In
conclusion the coal seams and the types of coal are described.
Table 1 presents the chemical analysis. The authors dis-
tinguish: 1. cannal coal, 2. semi-cannel coal, 3. van-i-
anthracite and 4. coaly shales. The coals of the region
discussed here lie at great depths and have reached the stage
of long-flame coal in their transformation. They belong
mainly to the humus coals. S. N. Naumova gave valuable advice
and references. There are 1 table and 3 Soviet referenses.
ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (Kazart Branch of the
Academy of Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTED: June 30, 1958, by N. M. Strakhov, Academician
Card 3/4
Y&U7N, S.S..;. TUZOU, L.St;_PAVWU. N.N.
Some data on the structure and age of the Devonian terrigenous
formation on the right bank. of the Ufa River (Pokrovskly District,
Bashkir A.S.S.R.).' Uch.' zap.'Vmz.' un.' 117 no-�:301-303 157.
(WRA 13 ' 1)
1'.Kazanskiy gosudarstvannyy unive.reitat im~. V.I .. Ul'yanova-Lenina*.
Kafedra geologii nefti i gaza*
(Pokrovekiy District (Bashkiria)--Geology, Stratigraphic))
akademik, redaktor.; MIROPOLISKIY. L.M., redaktor; SIIAPOVAWVA, G.A.,
redaktor; PA.VLOVSKff, A.A., tokhnicheakiy redm)-tor*
[Tertiary coal-bearinic deposits of the central And southern regions
of Bamb)-dria] Tretichnye uglenoonya otlozhentia teentrallnykh i iushnykh
raionov Bashkirii. Movk7&, I%d-vo Akftdemii nauk SSSR, 1956. 138 P.
(AkAdoxiia nauk SSSR. Krizanskii filial, Kazan. Geologicheakii insitut.
Trudy. no-3) (MLRA 9:10)
(Bashkiria-Coal geology)
Lower Carboniferous coal resources of southern Ud=Lrtia. Dokl.AN
SSSR 136 no.5:1168-1271 F 161. (KMA 14p5)
le Geologicheokiy institut, Kazanskogo filiala. AN SSSR. Predetavleno
akad.N.M.Strakhovymo I
(Udmirt A.S.S.R.-Coal, geology)
BLIMOROV, A. P;JJ ~11~ -
Coal deposits of the lover Carboniferous in the Tatar A.S.S.R.
DokI. AN SSSR III no.3:663-666 N '56. (MLRA 10:2)
1. Geologicheskiy institut Kazanskogo filials. Akademii nauk SSSR.
Predstavlenn akademikom N.M. Strakhovym.
(Tatar A.S.S.R.-Coal geology)
Stratigraphic importance of spores and poUen in the Devonian of the
eastern Tatar A.S.S.R, Izv. Kazan. fil. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. nauk
no, 7:97-182 159. (MIRA 14:4)
(Tatar A.S.S.R.-Geologyj
TUZOVA, 14.11. (HoBkva)
V;4~4~~ ,
Hkaterina Vasillevna Xopteovao Modesestra 18 no.4:37-38
T.rwrvnra Iosifovna Shatova. Med. sestra 18 no-3:41 Mar 159.
ALIYEVI D.A.; TUZOVA, N.V., khimik
t ---
Use of the chromatographitt, method for analyzing pyrolysis gas.
Neftianik 7 no.9:14-15 4 162* (" 16:7)
(Pyrolysis) (Chromatographic analysis)
0 V.-'i
Cryoscopic m-e,~j, -,,d for temi n ng ~jcme r crin n zY
fleftepor. I rlulft,okhim. no.4:1.2-~.4
1. Bakinskiy zavod "Ileft-egaz",
tu~--, t
Ob s e r v ons -vere Tia--3e on a-_-, zj ta:-C S
of the disef-ise. The r-..ut,,or
t *. mi t !on I'or I, r vt~ c in Uie or 516sence
of the dl~ic~ise. in walt",y cattle t,lo
but becariie T)OS-Itive soc,i a'ter an
of the disca-se. ilhe ag:rJutination ViClz~ In
rear--,'-,~;n oilu-n reia i,o
1: sLF-. -e
e o v e i i
after tlie tialLma-l-, were :'ree frOll i nfi-eCLIorl, ~ut c-,eri
thou:7h the y ~ia _. be r, o,-.qe in.,L-'e c 4,- F-".! . !a7 .'Le- S ".,
the pha,,,cc..--tlc reaction. (11,/,C_~3iol, Ito 2,
SO: Sun. 492, 12 N'lay 55
[Rabies in farm animals and how to control it) Beshenstvo seltzko-
khozialetvannykh zhivotnykh i mary bor'by a nim. Kinak, Goa. izd-vo
BSSR, 1954. 68 p. (MIRA 10:3)
USSR/Medicine Veterinary FD-466
Card 1/1 Pub. 137 - 7/24
Author Yuskovets, M. K., Prof, Active Member of the Academy of Sciences,
Belorussian SSR; and Tuzova, R. V., Cand Sci
Title Tuberculosis in poultry
Periodical Veterinariya, 7, 22-24, Jul 54
Abstract Tuberculosis in poultry is a chronic infectious disease Involving
liver, spleen, and intestines. A large number of fowl 4-5 months of
age have been found to be infected with tuberculosis. Control meas-
ures used on poultry raising farms should be the sa as those used
on cattle raising farms. Single injection of tuberculin does not
guarantee detection of tuberculosis in fowl. For more accurate test
a 2nd injection, 40-48 hours after the first, is necessary.
TUSKOVETS, M.K.; TUZOVA, R.V., kandidat veterinarnykh nauk
Preventive remdts of the specific propbylaxis of brucellosis in cows in
t4a White Russian S.S.R. Izv. AN BSSR no.1:37-45 J&-7 155. (Mla 8:7)
1. DeyBtvitellny7 chlen AN BSSR (for Tuskovets)
(White 11-assia-Brucallosis in cattle)
TUZOVA, R*V,, kandidat vaterinarnykh nauk.
Results of testing the effectiveness of vaccine from strain no.68
in Waits Russia. Veterinarlia 32 n*.7:43-47 Jl 155. (MLRA 8:9)
l.Institut zhivetnovedstva AkeAsmii nauk BSSR.
I "
A, 1".
YUSKAVETS, M.K., akademik; TU70VA, R.V., kandidat vatery-narnykh navuk.
Dissemination of b d-ty~petu MrCuNar mycobacteria in the tissues
of chickens. Vestsi AN ESSR.Ser.biial.nav. no.3:69-73 1569
WaL 10:1)
l.AWemjy*,j2auK BSSRkfor TU9AZTW%9j
(Tuberculosis in poultry)
--I-ru/--, O-V/tl,/ X'. V,
TUZOYA, Raien Vladimlrovna.
[Brucellosis in farm animals and its control] Brutaelloz aellska-
haspadarchykh zhyviol. i mery barAtufby z im. Minak, Dziarzh. vyd-va
BSSR. 1957. 38 P. (MIRA 10:11)
Catc~-.-Ory ~~icrobiolory. Vicrobes PathoZenic For Van and Animals.
jour No 2~, 1958, *,o 11078,'fl~
Au-~hor -Yuskovets V.K., 'DAZQja--R-V-.
Institut. :Scientific Rarearch Voterinarv Institute of the Aeadcmvw
T ItIo :'omDarative Testinfr of' NtbOrculin from a Local Avia-)
Tuberculosi3 Cialture and a Standard 3iological
Preparations actory Pro-paration of' Tubsrciilizi
Orjr, lub. ::-Yui. nauchno-tokhn. info'rn. vat. in-t Akad. a.-kh
natil: 4SSR, 1)57, 0 1 , I
li-~bstract -*.a abstract.
*of Arr1cultural Scioncon of the i-elonissian SER.
GOLTJBZV, I.Ye. [Holubeu, I.Eol; TUZOVA, R.V. [Ttizava, R.V.];
ZffaYMDV, I.S. [Zharykau, I-5-il
Moisei Kalinikovich Makovets. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser.biial.nav.
n0,3:102-107 '58- (MIn 3-1: U)
(rUskovets, Mosei Kalinikovich, 1898)
CATEGORY : Diseaser of :~ninals* Dineases Caused by
and '-~o ri - 1
,ps. ~J
'PTO. 1959, '.0.
RZhKal .
J, it*
PST. 6,010-r-Lisslan ",usbandry
(f '~ljr
.:,r of DS31:1, in I',
vo tno vo d 3 - v~
n. '101orlis.,;1c. ill-ta
A 7.JS'l C. T I arts .~'notm t'~iat the inr)culution of cal-tle wiMa
v~iccinc from - rain ":o.66 -~)vodiices an imiuno-
bio'!'ocrical chan[;e-oveil of the orran-ism which is
9c.cwlp,,lnJ.c6 b-.r the fo-r-mation ot~ a:-~-)lutinim and
co.-llerlert~-f~xjjl" Sub3tances In tnc blooo
choc'nrl) of vaccinst,--d snimalr by ~-wpns oi' nn
-rrrlutlm~~tiorl 2nactann (i..111, brinj-:3 about a -ta-i
bilize,'. pasitivo _,eactiori by tt%lo !,,;th-21";t"l day
In t'qe f;oruri ti ter of 1 :20G I In ihdi-
viclual c-,_,scs t'-,, a-lut_~nation t1tol. may
ADS. JOUR. 'R7.hBiol. vo. 6 lg!;g, ro. 251)7~
A 53T 71 A CT no hl,-,hor than 1:r',' :lCC,. 1-,Iading away of
c on t- d. titer of A2 bor~ins nonths after vaccination,
'~~nd ir a nu,ibor of un:L-qalls Vi rIis:-a,)')car3 completq_
I- by ta Ot'a-10th -month. ".\,zrtliernioro, the
t Ion bocoriez e;~tinct rioro a!rnpidly in calves vac-
cinated at the arte of L-6 months, more slowly so'
in older r~roups of youn!~ cattle, and still m ore
sloi!ly in adult an-1.1-mls (co,..;s). 'ilic vaccinatud
ANS. ik.,!,'P. RZh,,Iiol..t flo, 6 !9"g, I;c. 7 -3
0 p T G. PUM.
f Per- l' rin
J4 P'~TP Cml not prc3crit 3ourcc. ot ir-
cont 'd. Or
c u !,,a t Ion val c c i-.(-l fl, orl s t-_-*
L 11
nc) Occar;ion n' y n r~.,
I tD 7,,., i r, j. IC., I.Cy -.1 f) 2
t~vle oon,~* J* J o n 2 or-, 1-1, C u o-u`
of c,-.Scs. 1 C, v c
"PS". JOUR. 1952, Ito.
r., R, T
P T-,CT Ic Llt,
1;i v
all su
TUZOVA. R.V.,[Tuzava, R.V.); IVANOV, D.P. [Ivanou, D.P.]
Kh.S. Harabliad; on his 60tb birtbda7. Vestai AU BSSR Ber.bilal.nave
no.4:132-135 ,58. OaRA 12:4)
(He~~abllad. Khariton Stepanovich, 1898- )
TUSKOYMS, MoLuey Kallinikovich; MOVA, Was Vladimirovna
[Ir-mnological reactions in the diagnosis of brucellosial
Im-mnologicheskie reaktaii v diagnostilm brutselleza. Kinsk,
Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red.selikhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 185 p. (MIRA 13:12)
YUSHKOVETS, M.K., akademik; TU.ZOVA, R.V., kand. veterin. nauk
Ways for the elimination of tuberculosis in animals in
White Russia. Veterinarila 40 no.10:14-17 0163. (MRA 17:5)
1. Belorusskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy veterinarnyy institut.
YUSKOVETS, M.K., akademik, otv. red.; BOEKOVA, A.F., kand. vet.
nauk,, red.; GOREGLYAD, Kh.S.,, akademiko red.; DEMIDOV,
V.A., red.; red.; KARKLINA, E., red.
[Controlling losses in animal husbandry; transactions)
Bor'ba s poteriami v zhivotnovodstva; trudy NIVI. Minsk,
Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. Ut-ry BSSR, 1963. 212 p.
(miRA 17:6)
1. Minsk. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy veterinarnyy institut.
2. Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Yuskovets, Goreglyad).
YUSKOVETS~ M.K.; TUZOVAp R.V.v kand. veter. nauk
Pathomorphological changes in cattle infected with avian-
type tuberculosis, Veterinariia 40 no.6:27-33 Je t63.
(MIRA 17:1)
1. Belorusskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy veterinarnyy insti-
tut. 2. Daystviteltnyy ohlen AN BSSR (for Yuskovets).
YUSKOVETSj M.Ko, akademik; TUZOVA, R.V.., kand.veterinarnykh nauk
Infectibility of cattle with 1,~ycobacterium avium.
Voterinariia 37 no-4:29-31 AP160. (MIRA 16:6)
1. Akademiya nank BSSR i &ademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh
nauk WSR (for Yuskovets).
TUSKOVETS, M.K., akademik; TUZOVA, R,V., kand.veterinarnykh nauk
tuberculosis in cattle. Veterinariia 38 no.6t29-31 Je
161. ()M 16:6)
1, Akademiya nauk BSSR (for Tuskovets),
(Tuberculosis in animals)
AUTHORS: Kogan. M.G., CarAidate of Taclariif~al Sll-,-Lences
TUZlUko-va, V,.A. , Engixzeer
TITLE: Hz*-.-~!
ya obrabctki t-,Ter-dykh
(Ulltrazvukoiroy stanok d.
PERIODICAL:Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 1958, Nr ll.. pp 92-95 kUSS11)
ABSTRICT: Au ultra-sonic mar-hi-uing bench, type UM....211,
illustrated in Fig.l., is described, which has been
developed by the Institute for Scientific; ri-roduction
Research (Nauchnc-Issiedoiratel'skiy Teldmologicheskiy
Institut-).. The tool vibrations are indu~,ed by a
magnet o-stl ric~ti on -ransducer, type PDIS--.?, at 22 k,,;ps
with an output of 2 kw. The working conditions of the
transducer with e-n amplitiide of magneti c. induction
amounting to O~06 - 0.1.8 Vsee/m3 and an
irlbensity of
the polarising field of 1300 -- '~'-500 amps/m a):e
adjusted. by the 'variable supply voitage a-.d
magnetising current, Flg.2 shovis t-he distribution of
vib,mtion amplitudes alonw the tranz-du~.P-r core. Owing
to the reducina- cross.-5e,'Aion a mechanical ampl-Lt-ude
Card 1/3 D1i-Lude
transformattion takes place and a d-rj-i~.riP-
'), ()V/12 ~~- -rl:a
Ultrasbnic Man_*r..i-('- T-.1 f(...
of 10 mi-_,rons corresponds to 70 micaoris a-D tibe working
tcol face.. The workinn, tip of the -rool Ls iriter-
changeable to cater for rapid wear. The supply of
abrasi,oj auspension is carried out; by a piijap bu.ilt-
...nto I-lie bed (A the machiae.. Uwing to its h1g;h power
the bench is suitable f-..,r the piercing of iarge holes
(up tc. 60 mm diameter '):, When piercing glass,. the i-at-e
of De-neGration of the fIrst 2 am amounts to i--5 mmAcd-n.
The- volume _t~emoved -frarjes between 200 and 2000 MM3/yrdn.
At. a greater del-th. the diffi-c-ulty cf abras.1--ye supply
reduces the rate. A water suEp3nsion of boron caybide
is used as aa abrasi-v-_ A tool with 24 tb._,a-gauge
tubes scIdered to Its face is shown (Fig.4) havi-ng an
abrasive liquid supp.ly through an internal cavity,.
Ye,rrite cc-mocrient-s are machined. at a hig--i ra+,e
(E-8 MM/Min). Carbide and hardened steei reQuire the
grea-,est amplitude, large grain abrasive and a
Card 2/3 subsequent finishing operation. The tooi damension
Ultrasonic Machine Too! for Hard Materials
should be smaller than the nominal by 0.12 - 0.15 mm.
The time for finishing a hole of 12-15 mm, diameter to
a depth of 12 mm, in tongsten carbide is ?Q-80 min.
There are 4 illustrations including 2 photographs.
Card 313
"Tuberculosis of the Avian Type and the Biological Peculiarities
of this Infection in Domesticated Mammals in the Byelorussian
Soviet Socialist Republic"
17th World Veterinary Congress held in Hanover, West Germany
1b-21 Aug 163
TUZOVA, R.V., kand.veterinarnykh nauk
Etiological role of Mlycobacterium tuberculosis, t..vpes bovinus and
avium in the incidence of tuberculosis In human beings. Zdrav.Bel.
7 no.11:7-9 N 161. (MIRA 15-11.)
1. Zaveduyushchaya otdelom po izucheniyu tuberkuleza Nauchno-
issledovateliskogo instituta Akademii sellskokhozya_Tstvennykh
nauk BSSR.
XVKOVETSP M*K., akademikj, zasluzhennyy deyate.11 nigul-i Belorusskoy SSR;
TUZOvA-j R.L-2 kand.voterin.nauk; SYUSYUKIN,, V,A.., nauchnyy sotrudnik;
DEDYMNAP E&G., nauchnyy sotrudnik
-Effectiveness of Veterinary Research Institute tuberculin in
the diagnosis of tuberculosis in chickens* Trudy NIVI 1:34-38
16o. WIRA 15:10)
1. AN Belorusskoy SSR i Akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk
Beloruaskoy SSR (for Yuskovets).
(Tuberculosis in poultry) (Tuberculin)
TUZOVAp R.V,j kand.veterimenauk
Role of the mycobacteria, of tuberculosis of the avian type in
the epizootology of tuberculosis in ma=als. Trudy YM 1:39-43
t6o. (MIRA 15-10)
(Mycobacterium) (Tuberculosis in animals)
TUZ"A 11 ~:and.veterin.nauk; TROITSKIY' N.A., kand.veterin.nauk;
_X~ 0
KO~L INIOVP A.A.,, kand.veterin.natk
V44of radioactive phosphorus (P32) for studying the body
reattivity of healthy and tuberculosis infected chickens.
Trudy NIVI 1:44,47 160. (MIRA 15:10)
(Tuberculosis in ppu.Itry) (Phosphoruo-Isotopes)
"Avian type of Tuberculosis in Large Cattle."
Veterinariya, Vol. 38, No. 6, i9ft. p.29
Tuzova, R. V. - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.
Continuation of their article in "Veterinariya" No. 4, 196o.
Isotopic U234/U238 ratio in natural waters and its use for nuclear gea'-
chronology. Geokhi!-,Aia no,5-40-1-413 1~y 164. O-URA 18:7)
1. Institut, of Physics and Mathamatics, Academy of Scienc-39 of the Kirghin
Soviet Socialist Reptibliv, Frunze.
L 2147"22-6'
ACC NR: AP 66~677 SOURCE CODE: UR/)413/66/000/003/0049/0049
INVENTOR: Shumitskaya, L. F.; Golldfarb, M. L.; Tuzova V. K.
ORG: none
TITLE: Glass resistant to vapors of alkaline metals
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3.
1966, 49
TOPIC TAGS: glass, glass product, alkali resistant glass
ABSTRACT: An Author C rtificate has been issued for glass resistant
to alkali metal vapor0containing SIO~,OB203,tA120~, CaO, and SrO.
In order to produce glass products wi .h ut ma te, . tis suggested that
the above Ingredients be introduced in the following amounts (Vit
S102, 12 + 2; B203, 32 + 2; A1203, 32.5 + 2; CaO. 20 + 1.5; SrO,
35 � 1.5; and in additi6n, not over 0.3 Uf Fe203- (LD]
SUB CODE: li/ SUBM DATE: 28jul64/
Mc: '666.117.4
Effect of the temperature of the end of rolling on the mechanical
properties of rail steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met.
6 no.8:137-140 163. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut i Kuznetskiy
metallurgicheskiy kombinat.
CHALOV, P.I.; MUSINT, Ya.A.; TjV.~ I A)_ T.V.; Ma,,KHLO'VA, K.I.
Isotope shift let%-een u234 and 11238 in cecondary uranitm Z-inera:s
of some hydrothermal deposits. Atom. energ. 19 no.1:82-84 Jl 1651.
(MIRA :L8.-7)
Isotopic ratio U234A,238 in natural waters and ifts use in
geochronology. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geofiz. no.10:1552-1561
0 164. (MIRA 17:11)
1. Institut fiziki i matematiki AN Kirgizskoy SSR.
P.I.pred.; BODANOVA, A.P., tokhn. red.
(Brief handbook on motor vohiclod Kratkii avtomomibllnyi
spravochnik. Izd.4., perer. i dop. Moskva I Avtotransiz-
dat, 1963. 311 p. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Moscow. Ilauchno-issledovatellskiy institut avtorobill-
nogo transporta. 2. Laboratoriya gruzovykh avtoi!obiley i
avtopoyezdov Nauchno-J.ssledovatel'skogo instituta avtor,.o-
billnogo transporta (for all except Grinber, Bodanova).
(Motor vehicles)
TLZSONp G.j ing-
Problems of mechanical balancing in the sugar industry. Ind
alim veget 13 no.5:132-3.37 My 162.
lo Energoreparatii, Bucuresti.
-TUZS 4, Gabor,_oklevele3 gopeszmernok (Bucharout, Rumania)
Static and dynamic balancing of rotating machine p8rta.
Energia es atom 14 no.7:317-321 n 161.
ra "now cm
mW uWk wcjg &4wd*d on
trd with t---ek. ww the catatetw No
uma. t
tabn 13-2n
m, datd. Cakistfuln Ow
Mew per loo milk 3
00 .,L-i i4i
I.. IS d saidej At *.w dd4
10 it I T- v FA L I i
o 0 81 a A 4 it 9 a it K a KW I
0 6
00-00 0-4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4
Me a
V If 9 A 4 2 0 V
0 0 0 0 0 a
R9 A M
TuMN v.). Aj &W kndxk AMIm MGM Obovis 6*$WW (00 th4
rmlttrpe diwww caused by Apritw &Wkus+-A~;x, Aist.-oW. Mw. Awmi.,
Pars but., xxxvi, pp, 1312-IW, 2 pl, 1943. I(lennan summary, Received
may. 1947.1
Ararkus nw&ws fArmXaria nWIml w" fowA to be responsible for the dying-
oflof grafted peach trees (R.A.M.. xxiv, p. 25J oboerved annually in a large orchard
at 9rd, Hungary, on a recently clared forest site where the fungus was already
widespread and onntinued to thrive on the decaying roots, stumps, and other
woodydebris. Entry into the dernswaagainrd through the juncture between scion
and stock, which ahould preferably be located at a higher level to avoid any risk of
cmuct with contaminated mail.
9 O~r'y 0
MA at
- .
:Ago Ski. Road. 2 13 1952)
&d.-7s!qcC &: .
-color Int I F prod6Q by tMti"s avot I kaws with
Ilucar reUtion with the lyscroic mcid (I
l oinsir
"''tent (cf.
rA Uakcs t' CA ~ 45, N, M), the colot itnttric don, of these
Ikatolds is postAble with 1. triintuetrine maleate. or ergo.
clavine as standard. The intensity (if the blue color pro-
duced Is 'I'Versely proportionA to the mol. wt. The tlepth
of color is tint rnfluenced by 9-tig. the reductable duohle
bond of 1. Ergotoxii-n pho9phaic (11) (cf. Smith and
Thninis, C.A. 24, 4200), in. 194 0" (Acconipli.). killed white
mice at V3 III&Jkg.. acted syllipatlinlyfi,ally (in the M.
lated ratihit utTrui at 0.0223 ing ~kti . and iiiisrd the bloM
prctsure Of cats at 0.5 mill./ko. 11),ir')gell'ition of If in
di). dinxiine at 44) 50' and 50 atin, gave the dihydro Oeriv.
III),m 198-9'(decatnpri.). Ill killed A hite mice at 1(10!ng./
t., acted sympathoiytimlly on the 14olrited rabbit titeaus at
e blood re o
-cats at
0.016 m ./kg., and lowered t
I KrIa
.3 mg./ it.
TUZ,SGN) Jolan
Gibor-VaMr ChronutOgIaPhY of d1g1WU
Chemical Abet. =a h d - glucosides-
P-0. . %-JOIAn TEft6 (StA- fly. Inst
Vol. 48 No. 6
n rePO
,7y 00 thq -pn. of the glucWd. prelitni.
d f Difitalij janala
pape chrot~ntogmphlc Method by laing a mixt, of
Mar. 25, 1954 Perfumes ne. 11CC4, 4nd trio In a MUO G1 10: 1
Pherms0euti0al8t C09mat'as' 5:3. N. I--
TUZSC,N, Jolan
. h-par-Ition of (ligitali.; Ly I -
raph"Y, :o -1~llvv ~1. 1'.
'I ILI - 1 - fW '.t ). Pl;!,' "I . -W 1 14 1 1- :~l I I ; r-. ' :~ 111 ' - ' ~ .. (I! I
411, o"'U, A ~tqqd, r~l, w I, 1q, ~ :,,;i . :~ , ~! r~- , 1, 1
thv -, .
Ilon oLerrof a kaloids by paper chrom,tagaphy
, ~zj-, -iLT%
Imt., Iluda-
t)(-d .=te CrKu't
afp~1141, p4pr
pul"us afil, as sol,e~ltl, kidill ~,nli a
a di
G. Vastagh DStaatlich. Hyg. InA-T*.I?III
s - 'A
Purm. Ada elv" 1955, 30 (U), 444 451-!rrift
ex.--t cond0jons for making quantitative tho paper-
chromatographic separation of the digitaN glycu-
aides have hmn fixed. Low wpverie4 (=W jvr
cent.) are obtained, partkulatly m tilt! lil.~ual aij~th(xi
of assay, but the ptirernt'l,C I-I is firat Orally like
same for all the :,iyCt,mdri, The I~tnatnsi&-C.
carnpauent always e,tat-ainq i. tii(h. ,t%~ untmomi
glycw(le al fmpn,it% A. V
'~' TUZSUllrj I J .
it Paper chromatography of coitlm;tcriodjj fit i room Lemperaturc," by J. TLFZSONI
State Institute Of PLIbliC Ifealth & I Medical CLI-nic, MeflLcal University tlf
Budapest, Nature, Supplement IV- 25, to Vol. Ic,4, 110. 47031, 19 Dec. -Lq-*5-), U.
/'j 1-Y
-U-t-4-45 a 1=da'd in the ok&iwit: wv-.
q9" 4WOM61
V N Go aad1sWa_1UY=(NbTilir r A~lj Chin
Acad. Sci. Hung. 2. 15-2_(1952)(in (k-r man). -Since
color Intensity produced by treating ergot alkalrAds wiffi
Mc.NC.H,CIlO in the presence of has a definite
ncar relation with the lysergic acid (1) content (d. MoInar
and Uskcrt, C.A. 4S, 5573A the colorinietric dein. of thm
alkaloids ig ponible with 1, ergmuetrine inaleate. or crgo-
clAvine as Ftandird. The Intensity of the blue color pr%-
duccd is if] vemUrtiputtional to the mol. wt. The tlevth
of color Is l"It uenced by 910g. the rviLe:able double
bond of 1. Erjotoxine phasphaic (11) (cf. Smith and
Tlim"Is, CA. 24, 42119), m. LF.1 -(I* (drcornpn.). killed white
mice "t 25 njg.lkg., acted symputbolyfically on the [so-
luted rabbit uterus at 0.022A tng./kg., And raised the blood
premur of cau at 0.5 mg./kIl. Ilydrogenation of If In
d1l. d1oxanc at 4D-W* 2iM M) am. gave the dihydro deriv.
III kilka~hltern;ceat IrA)kng./
ICE., acted syInpatholytirally oil the liclated rabbit atrus at
0.015 mg,jkg., and lowered the blood nure of cats ut
0.3 mi./kg. lartin
-- -Al -T , -
i L ~ .- a, -V I
o'N.,V3, -,ImRs a-. I __, -%- - ra-, , WE I I - ~ M-
Exp fal s by Spef
chr CW g4lpf- Tor"
953).-1n a series of attempts to sep. glucosides of D.
nala and their product; of degracLation a mixt. of EtOAc
.and CHC4 was used as a mobile phase. Applying Ata-
cberey-Nagd No. 214 and Schleicher-Schfill No. ifi-, I filter
V papers as a stable phase, t~m,best suitable mobile phate vras
. 10:8:5 and 10:10:5 murt. of EtOAc,.CHCl,-.lT,O, Tesp.,-
in Cage Of Digilaald and Migitoxin. Defilemeno or the
Ifilter papers were retnoved:by allosving the strips to stand
~Ll'f Un an atm. of EtOAc. i
Ascending chrornalographY was
17 applied 2.6 his. The spra ingagent proposed by Svend.,ten
C an
4) -was use
and Jensen ~ C.A. 45, 172
, eo%vn
was observed un
t quartz
filt- paper can be reduce& by, spraying a 6% aq. PhOll
~-A J~"4 Iola. on the per and drying 5--Q.min. at .901. The soln.
d b
f SbCJ
" propose
the chrorn2to-
also for develo
Digitoxin and g1toxin run in the proximity of the
V";,t front while gluemides rcmah~ cloie to the starting
line. !, ~ 13tvAn Finkly
TUZS"-:l1-, -" .
AlkaLolds of solr~num. 11. Soladule"dine
F. 31, (,tCTA CH'I,-JCA) Vo'L. l?, ::o. i, in G-ri%-n
Eud:lrest, fillni-ry
SC: '.'~:)nth y Incley of Ea.-t &,ro;.e~n Ac~essd-ns ~L. Vot. 7, ro. 3
I-',;trch 1.5-P
Country : JIMIGARY G
Cantc-Gory: Orc-,anic Uic:. :_stry ipjtural Corlpoulicla r.;Id Irneir
!.bs jour: RZhniia., No 17, 1950, m. 61o2l
41,ut'iar Bite, P. - Ifuzs,*--,n, P.
Iris t
Title "SolanurV IV. Di.ssocL~L-on S,~,lasexl::-Iiu, I.
OriG Pub: MaC;yar tud. ah~%d- hu-.i. tud. c)szt. kozl., 1958,
10, No 2, 235-24o
Abstract: Solasodinc (1) ucs dissocicted in accordance with
the well 1.-:Am 1.'ct',,od (Knim, R., Low J., C-ion.
Bor., 1952, 55, 416). Tha results 6otailned frma
ncetyl,it_-.o~7 nnd isomerization wero ovalu,~tcd by
the d,;temilat~cns e.,f &0D. Presented arc cur-
ves for the acutylation of I with (C.7!3CO)20 ill
Card 1/7
Country : 11UNWRY
CateCory: Organic Chemistry. Natum, 1 Cctipouncjs -111cl T11cir
Synthetic .'.;m-1-oLues
Abs Jour: MKhim., No 1.7, 1959, 11c. 61021
C 7.15N at 0, 25, 751 and at boilinL; point tei-mcra-
tarc. It is Qstnblishcd that the rcactJ,on procec-
ds as follows: I -----)O-acetyl-I N-diftcc:-
tyl-I (Ily). I-.-. tile acctyl--'I'i(,-",. ~~f I vluh ketones,
the yiuld :Ls ")5',',., t!A,.c ruacticia schL.-., ~'s I
-acetyl-1 (1v) III . Startint.~ Wi. T, JU'.
accordaiic~j with t'io usual schQ1.1u, c:f
-3 /,~ (V) is ob-
tained wi-cn t1'Q 4a,' yiud, in thi! ccutylation of I
with a kctcnc thc YiQld is 6o,,~'. Frou ITI
yield of V '.s dc:r--'Ivr-,d; froz, IV the YiLid 01 V iS
201p, duc. t,-, Vic -xtrtial acetylatioi-, of tht.; free
011-Group loc3tc-a at CM durin(; the iso7,-.c-r'zn-
Card 2/7
Country : HUNGARY
Category: Organic
Synthetic :.=_I