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S71-11 fif Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 -Dora PRODUCED BY: NillelilrY OF STATION, SAIGON S .11,e2-11 T RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS STAF_E C FOREIGN DIMSEM (b)(3) RAS M 39/6, n3 Aran, 1969 VI I VIET CON REACTION TO- THE ACCELERATED PACIFICATION PROGRAM AND THE PHOENIX PROGRAM Summary; Documantary avidence as wall as specific actions undartakan by tha Viat Cong (VC) during tha late Novambar 1933 - lata March 1939 pariod indicata that the stappad-up Pacification and PHOENIX Programs have bawl major Communist targats. While tha Post-Tat Offan- siva has sat bac!.. tha pacification effort in cartain provincas, its ovarall affact on such afforts in the country as a whola has bean slight. This, and the fail- ure of other VC actions to make much of a dent in 'the Pacification and PHOENIX Programs then, would appear to constitute yet another example of currant Vietnamese Communist waanass and their inability to match actions with plans even against a relatively vulnerable target. I. PLANS 1. The Viet Cong (VC) reaction to the Accelerated Pacification Program and its component PHUNG HCANG DONG TIEN (Stepped-up PHOENIX Program) has been characterized by a relatively wide gap between calls for counteraction And actual measures taken against the programs. Almost immediately following the inauguration of the Accelera- ted Pacification Campaign,* rafarancas to it began to appear in captured VC documents, and during the November 1938- January 1030 period-, several comprehensive VC directives were promulgated setting out in broad terms the measures to be taken to counter these new Allied programs. An order of tha Peoples Liberation Armed Forces, dated 2$ November, was unique in that it was overt, being broadcast over the VC Liberation Radio three days latar. A circular, apparently issued by VC Sub-Ragion 3 (3R-3) on 26 November and by SR-5 on 10 De- cember, was noteworthy for its detailed treatment of the structure and activities of the PHOENIX organization. A *Initially inaugurated on 1 November 1963 under the rubric "Accelerated Pacification Campaign," the Accel- erated Pacification Program is now the preferred term. Although kicked off on 20 October 1968, the PHUNG HOANG DCNG TIEN was incorporated as an integral part of the increased pacification effort. NO FORE/G ISSEM SE .ET Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 Nur SECRET ,fte NC. FCREIGN DISSEM document published by 3R-5 on 12 December gave a similarly extensive description of the Accelerated Pacification Program. Finally, documents picLKed up in VC Military Region 2 (MR-2) and apparently published throughout this November-January period mentioned a VC anti-pacification program which apparently had two stages labeled "Rang Deng 1 snd 2." This VC effort placed spacial emphasis on the use of tactical military end psychological warfare factors. 2. The countermeasures generally called for by the VC in these documents can be grouped into the follow- ing categories: a. Military attacks .(with an emphasis on guerrilla warfare, technicrlas) on Allied units conduct- . ing sweep operations, Regional and Popular Forces (RF/PF) involved in pacification tass, and on the pacification teams themselves. b. Terrorist activity stressing the assassin- ation of "anamy" adminfStrative personnel and returnees, plus the destruction of facilities associated with the pacification effort. c. Counterintelligence efforts directed at uncovering "ena:Jiy-"' cespacir TEZEnX) intelligence networks and eliminating their members, inserting "friend- ly" agents into tha networks as a means to this and, and increasing other defensive security measures. d. Propaganda efforts directed at improving tha mftrale of "friendly" elements; re-educating captives released by the Govarnmant of Vietnam (GVN); Motivating the MS.SS3S in general to conduct "political struggle"; encouraging Southern refugees to return to their native villages; and converting "enemy" military personnel, pacification cadre, and local government officials. 3. The objectives of the VC effort were said to be the defense, consolidation, and expansion of tha "liberated areas." And 'though the aferamentionad docu- ments certainly take note of the damage done by the stopped-up PHOENIX -and Pacification Programs, the latter are presented as a frenzied "last gasp" of the "Free World" agencies involved, an effort that is doomed to failure. NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 Nur Nuir 2ECRET NO FCREIGN DISSEM -3- 4. Lass comprehensive, but more specific, VC provincial and district plans provide further insights into the anti-pacification program. As for military/ tarrcrist activity, VC guerrillas in the qua Son District of Quang N-m i'rovince reportedly were ordared in January 1939 to concentrate on sniping and the Use of mines in thwarting the pacification program. In the terrorist/ countarintelligance sphere, it was reported that the VC in Xhanh Hea Province had been directed in early Febru- ary to make lists of GVN village and hamlet cadre, Provincial Raconnaissance Unit members, and Revolution- ary Develop-aant (AD) personnel for the purposes of assass- ination. And AP extension of the propaganda/convarsion effort might he .een the report that the VC in Tran Cm District, Vin'l Loa, ware making arrange- ments to buy off ham. Id outpost chiefs and low- level GVN security personnel as of December 1933. II. ACT/CNS There are indications that prior to the inaugura- tion of the Post-Tat Cffensiva on 22 February 1039, the VC had begun to implement some of their anti-pacification plans. The P"c70EITIX year-end report of 1930 noted a general stepping-up of VC counterintelligence activities, and the numbar of VC assassinations and overall incidents directed against the civilian population both showed a steady Increase between late November 1933 and late February 1939. ril3s3 activities developed unevenly, however, and appear not to have been conducted on the scale planned for -- P presumed result of VC weakness. There was, however, a notable increase of terrorism in -luang Nam Province, especially directed against low- laved GVN officials, during December and January.* Further, a sharp increase in terrorism occurred in II Corps in early Fabruary, noted as being specifically targeted against the pacification program in Phuoc Tuy Province. In addition, there was an increase in attacks on RD teams in Thua Thin, Vinh Long, and Ba Kuyan Provinces just prior to tha onset of the Post-Tat Offen- siva, and an apparently stepped-up use of the threat of *Liberation Radio, incidentally, concurrently noted that the fiercest struggle against the pacification program was being conducted in oxang Nam Province. NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 'NW SECRET NC: FOREIGN DISSEM -4- assadsihetion in propaganda/indoctrination activities diractad against Civil Salf-Dafensa cadres, GVN Officials, and RF/PF membars throughout the counlirY during tha Dacembar-February paricd. It is not /mown to what extant tha iac1 of furthar information on VC counterintelliganca activities targeted against the pacification program rosults from a lac1". of activity in this fiald and to what axtant it results from a succassful implanantation of such policies. One of the more novel VC innovations, and ona which does not appear to have "seen duplicated elsewhere, was the activation in January 1939 of D "Countar-Pacification Committee" in Cha.0 Thanh D trct in VC SR-5. Tha committea in- cluded p3rsonn31 vagular Communist Party app g,, -Ap TAA-2*1, Financa-Economy, Supply 21.1.tary Prosalyting, Train- ing and rropazanea, aii curity Sections. 3. Following tha onsat of tha Post-Tat Offensive, Libaration Radio broadcasts strassad what thy claim was the high degr3e. of damaga to the Program inflicted by the effansiva winout, llowav3r, claiming that such was tha latLar's main 07,3j3eiv3. Co-rar .k3nortIng from Binh Dirh Previnc'e, 7,cr3cvr, indicatas '`Ilat Pt least in that province VC orders from the Caltral Cfff.c.. of Ocuth Vi3tnam 5tat3d that th3 sp3cific nurpcs3 of tha Clfansiva was to attacr tha Program, n-ad s IToth 7iatna- masa diplomat in Vientiana WPS said to '1F173 raw?alad in early March that tha chief mission of his country's troops in south Viatnam was to help tha vC destroy the Accelaratad pacifIcatIon Program. In 7!,DW of the tar- gats actually hit during the opening CVE1?,-3.0 of the Cffansive and the considarabla docu=tary -i7Adanca now availabla, however, it appears tht th off.ication affort was not th3 immadiata or major tt of tha Cffansiva. 7. Nonathalass, it saams claar that harming t.ha Accalaratad Pacification Program ramao a nr,j6.4.� VC objactiva and, it also appaars that tha Offen." 51173 servad to coma axtant to tbs .aa,7L 2.7it th3 overall affact of th3 cfuiva on tha IyAcficaUon af2ort was not graat, pnd tha damaga that occut--zad as localizad. In Mnrcht dun,-?; tha ::mccoo-.)eing phacon cf: tha Offensive, thare waci o,:irL!idarL7613 sci on attfing tha pacifi- cation program and tha various alamants involved in it. Thus, thor3 was an incraasa in terrorist incidents NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421, Nair S "ACRET NO FCREIGN DISSEM -5- diractad at personnal involvad in varicus aspacts of tha ovarall pacification affort. B. As of 1 March 1939, CORDS reporting noted that as a result of tha Cffansive, tha momantum of tha pacification affort had baan slowed in Quang Nam, Thua Thian, Gia Dinh, and Dinh Twang Provincas and that its momantum had baan haltad with s scmawhat lowarad sacurity Laval in tha rural areas in Quang Tin, Kantum, and Eau Fghia Provincas. Furthar, it was raportad that pacification had been "sat bacla" (i.e., that tha GVN had suffirad more than a fiva percent loss in population central) in Phuoc Long Provinca. In tha latter province, the GVN dafansa :effort appeared to have collapsed in the face of a VC onslaught, a situation at least partially attributable to tha lower caliber of governmental leader- shin there. Ac a result, the PHOENIX Program was largely suspended and the RD effort reduced to a security role. G. By mid-March, Kontum Province had movad into the "pacification setback" category. Moreover, there were indications that the situation in Quang Ngai Province had deteriorated. Reporting on the provinca agrees that the pacification momantuaf, has been slowed down there, and one source says that tha Program. has suffered a sat-bac:a. CCIUS in its early March tabula- tion noted that Quang iTwai Province had more RD tams withdrawn for socury reasons than any other pravinca. As the month pragrassa, it lachaad as if the pacification effort might have received significant damage in Long KhanNProainca as well, since the Accelerated Pacifica- tion Prtgram hamlets were reported to have been hit especially hard by the VC. 10. The "a'llat Evaluation System (HES) statistics for 31 March indicated that the following provinces had suffered over a cue percent decrease in "relatively secure," "GVN controlled" population over the course of the month: Quang Ngai (from 32.2% to 59.3%), Phu Yen (from 30.110 to 37.0%), Tontum (from 92.4% to 90.4%), Phuoc Long (from 00.1% tc 83.3%), and Quang Nam (from 35.6% to 34.2%). Thus, the two provinces apparently hardest hit at the onset of the late February Offensive, Phuoc Long and Kontum, seem to have continued to decline from a security standpoint, albeit at a lower rate. Similarly, in Quang Nam Province, where the pacification program has been noted as encountering trouble since NC FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421 S ECRET ,qmpf NO FOR3IGN DISE= -6� D3camb3r 130 (aboval paragraph 5), and in Quang Ngai Frovincal whar.? such difficultias Nava baan notad from lata Fabruary onward, tha situation apparantly continuas to go downhill. Finally, howavar, according to tha 31 March stattEtIcs, tha situation has bon stabilizad in Cluang Tin, Nghia, Thua Thin, Gia Dinh, and Dinh Tuong Provincii, initially raportad to hava baan affactad by tha Pcst-TaL Cffansiva (abova, paragraph 3), ad in Long IThanh rrovinca yhara stnilar difficultias had baan ralocrtad durin: March. It should ba notad that this sat of 730 statistics shows an ovarall iricraapa for tha cou-itr; as a wcla in tha parcantaga of lociralTb-n in tha sacura," "G"/N controllad" catagcry on 31 March as cor:parad to tha situation on 20 Fabruary. NO FOREIGN DISSEM SECRET Approved for Release: 2021/08/05 C05015421