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Document Release Date: 
December 3, 2019
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Publication Date: 
October 20, 1967
PDF icon METEOR BURST[15744135].pdf29.48 KB
Doc ID: 3860802 Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 006809310 e. t 052- - r7061rif;54 Ao Oa" 1 CONFIDENTIAL �x.4'.. 4- trot WE4-, Meteor Burst Burst �Jar The Soviet Interest in meteor bunt communica- tions clearly developed as a result of related work , In the Western world. The wiliest Soviet paper � (HEE), by Atone, consists of a review of !stale factors, all of which were obtained from US, US. and Canadian periutheab." Later, original Soviet work began to appear. but it has 'sometimes been of questionable quality. , lraprinsental results began to appear in 1Q87, consisting of measure- ments of different man, signal strength, intervals between bursts; isesonal verbatim; and polarisa- tion cluusget." '13 Only two Soviet parrs were foung-CU' ntaining detailed analysis of problems tmeountered In the design of meteor burst cam- ' munkations systems."'" Despite the lack of sig- nificant Soviet publication on meteor burst cam- municatitms systems. TASS announced an 17 August 1937 that the Soviet Union would soon Introduce u meteor burst communications system to the for north. Either security restrictions imposed upon burst communications techniques or the nature of the communication traffic Intended to be trans- mitted over the meteor system are possible cepla- nations for the apparent suppreuton of publication of detailed technical papers. In addition to the communkations aspects of meteor trails, a large Soviet &eft has been under- way for souse time dealing with radar detection of meteors, properties of meteors which cause tonimtion, propertim of the upper atmosphere, etc. �rhis Kvms to be basic research and not directly cimnecwd with ansununications. � Mete= bunt innizazioleation b aceeniplidied by refloat- ing Apia utt tuuhrd minx tads. Cammunteglas aunt be hi bunts shim sub tail *Motu testi bagel than slew beaus& CONFIDENTIAL 7 ,voye...., 4c. Ifie14 Non - Responsive Approved for Release: 2019/10/29 006809310