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Studies in Intelligence 67, No. 2 (Extracts, June 2023)

From the Archive: A Basic Tension: Openess and Secrecy

By David D. Gries

In remembrance of David D. Gries

We have reprinted this commentary to take note of the thinking of the late David Gries, who was the director of CSI during 1992–94, a time when CSI and CIA's Information Management Staff were beginning to undertake a wide-ranging and intense effort to compile, review, and declassify historical intelligence materials from the Cold War.

The early result was modest, but soon after David retired, the trickle had turned into a considerable flow of material published during the mid- and late 1990s on CSI's "Books and Monographs" site and the Freedom of Information Act Reading Room's Historical Collections.

This article originally appeared in Studies 37, no. 1 (1993); it was made publicly available in the second unclassified collection of Studies articles published in 1994. David Gries passed away April 4, 2023, age 90.

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