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Intelligence Studies

Volume 58, No. 4

December 2014

Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence


In Memoriam: Jack Downey

Ambassador Donald Gregg

Inside the Inferno

*Counterterrorism Professionals Reflect on Their Work

Dr. Ursula M. Wilder

By the Numbers

*The ICA’s Struggle to Express Analytic Uncertainty in the 1970s

James Marchio


*A Tale of Two Semi-Submersible Submarines

Jim Anderson, LCDR USNR (ret), and Dirk A.D. Smith

Intelligence in Public Literature and Film

A Most Wanted Man: the Movie

Reviewed by James Burridge and John Kavanagh

A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination

Reviewed by Thomas G. Coffey

Russian Roulette: How British Spies Thwarted Lenin’s Plot for Global Revolution

Reviewed by J.R. Seeger

Mission R&AW

Reviewed by Ryan Shaffer, Ph.D.

Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf

Compiled and reviewed by Hayden Peake

Books Reviewed in Studies in Intelligence in 2014


Jim Anderson had 32-year career in the US Navy on active and reserve duty, serving on surface ships, submarines, an aviation squadron, and the riverine warfare community. Dirk A. D. Smith has spent most of his career working in the software industry. He is an award-winning feature article writer, mostly for Network World magazine. His father, Dawson C. Smith, ran the SKIFF project and served as the boat’s chief test pilot.

Thomas Coffey is a former CIA Directorate Intelligence analyst serving with the Lessons Learned Program of the Center for the Study of Intelligence.

James Burridge and Paul Kavanagh are both retired CIA officers. Burridge also serves as a contract historian at the Center for the Study of Intelligence. The two are frequent reviewers.

Donald P. Gregg served 31 years as a CIA officer before become national security advisor for Vice President George W. Bush. He has served as Ambassador to the Republic of Korea and taught at Georgetown University. He is presently chairman of the Pacific Century Institute.

Dr. Ursula M. Wilder is a clinic psychologist with the CIA’s Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis. She has worked in the counterintelligence and counterterrorism fields. She has recently completed a fellowship at the Brookings Institution and a tour as a member of the Studies Editorial Board.

James Marchio is a retired US Air Force who serves in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. He held a variety of intelligence assignments in his Air Force career, and he has taught at the Joint Military Intelligence College and Cornell University.

Hayden Peake has served in the CIA’s Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology. He has been compiling and writing reviews for the “Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf” since December 2002.

J. R. Seeger is a retired CIA paramilitary officer and frequent contributor of reviews and articles.

Ryan Shaffer has a Ph.D. in history and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Global Studies at Stony Brook University in New York.