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Intelligence Studies

Studies in Intelligence 66, No. 3 (September 2022)

Unclassified articles and reviews from Studies in Intelligence 66, No. 3

Letter to the Editors

Concerning “CIA Director, Richard Helms, the Nixon White House, and Watergate” (Studies 66, No. 2 [June 2022])


The Beginning of Intelligence Analysis in CIA: The Office of Reports and Estimates: CIA’s First Center for Analysis by Woodrow Kuhns

A Mission for the National Intelligence University: Transformational Learning for Intelligence Professionals by Julie Mendosa, EdD

Intelligence in Public Media

Collective Discussion: Toward Critical Approaches to Intelligence as a Social Phenomenon—Reviewed by Joseph Gartin

Russia Without Putin: Money, Power and the Myths of the New Cold War—Reviewed by Allen N.

The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War—Reviewed by Graham Alexander

Afghan Napoleon: The Life of Ahmad Shah Massoud and Swords of Lightning—Reviewed by J.R. Seeger

A Drop of Treason: Philip Agee and His Exposure of the CIA—Reviewed by Brent Geary

The Interrogation Rooms of the Korean War: The Untold History—Reviewed by Yong Suk Lee

Spying From the Sky: At the Controls of U.S. Cold War Aerial Intelligence—Reviewed by David A. Welker

International Brigade Against Apartheid: Secrets of the People’s War that Liberated South Africa—Reviewed by Paul Kepp

The Codebreaker—Reviewed by Randy Burkett

Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf—September 2022—Compiled by Hayden Peake and other contributors

Download complete issue of Studies 66, No. 3 (Extracts, June 2022) (82 pages)

Article Contributors

Woodrow Kuhns was serving as a member of CSI’s History Staff when he wrote this article in 1997. He would later become CSI’s deputy director, serving in that post until his retirement.

Julie Mendosa, EdD is a researcher and professor at the National  Intelligence University.


Graham Alexander* is the pen name of a CIA operations officer.

Randy P. Burkett is a member of CSI’s History Staff.

Joseph Gartin is the managing editor of Studies.

Brent Geary is a member of CSI’s History Staff.

Paul Kepp is a retired CIA operations officer.

J. E. Leonardson* is the pen name of an analyst in the CIA’s Directorate of Analysis.

Yong Suk Lee is the former deputy associate director of CIA for Korea.

Allen N. is a Defense Intelligence Agency analyst at US Central Command.

Hayden Peake* served in CIA’s Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology. He has contributed to the Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf since 2002.

Mike R.* is a member of CSI’s History Staff.

J. R. Seeger is a former CIA operations officer and regular Studies contributor.

David Welker is a member of CSI’s History Staff.

* These reviewers’ work will be found in the Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf.