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Leaders and Cabinet Members

Last Updated: 5/8/2024


Joao Manuel Goncalves LOURENCO

Vice Pres.

Esperanca Francisco DA COSTA

Min. of State and Chief of the Military House of the President

Francisco Pereira FURTADO

Min. of State and Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic

Adao Francisco Correia de ALMEIDA

Min. of State for Economic Coordination

Jose de Lima MASSANO

Min. of State for Social Affairs

Dalva Mauricia Calombo RINGOTE ALLEN

Min. of Agriculture & Forestry

Antonio Francisco de ASSIS

Min. of Culture & Tourism

Felipe Silva de Pina ZAU

Min. of Economy & Planning

Mario Caetano JOAO

Min. of Education

Luisa Maria Alves GRILO

Min. of Energy & Water

Joao Baptista BORGES

Min. of Environment

Ana Paula Chantre Luna de CARVALHO

Min. of External Relations


Min. of Finance

Vera Esperanca dos Santos DAVES de Sousa

Min. of Fisheries & Marine Resources

Carmen Sacramento NETO

Min. of Health

Silvia Paula Valentim LUTUCUTA

Min. of Higher Education, Science, Technology, & Innovation

Maria do Rosario Braganca SAMBO

Min. of Industry & Commerce

Victor Francisco dos Santos FERNANDES

Min. of Interior

Eugenio Cesar LABORINHO

Min. of Justice & Human Rights

Marcy Claudio LOPES

Min. of Mineral Resources, Oil, & Gas

Diamantino Pedro AZEVEDO

Min. of National Defense and Veterans of the Fatherland

Joao Ernesto DOS SANTOS “Liberdade”

Min. of Public Administration, Labor, & Social Security

Teresa Rodrigues DIAS

Min. of Public Works, Urban Planning, & Housing

Carlos Alberto Gregorio DOS SANTOS

Min. of Social Action, Family, & Promotion of Women


Min. of Telecommunications, Information Technology, & Media

Mario Augusto da Silva OLIVEIRA

Min. of Territorial Administration

Dionisio Manuel da FONSECA

Min. of Transportation

Ricardo Daniel Sandao Queiros Viegas de ABREU

Min. of Youth & Sports

Palmira Leitao BARBOSA

Sec. of the Council of Ministers

Ana Maria de SOUSA E SILVA

Governor, National Bank of Angola

Manuel Tiago DIAS

Attorney Gen.

Helder Fernando Pitta GROS

Ambassador to the US

Agostinho de Carvalho dos Santo VAN-DUNEM

Permanent Representative to the UN, New York

Francisco Jose DA CRUZ

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