
Country Summary

2023 population pyramid



Colombia was one of three countries that emerged after the dissolution of Gran Colombia in 1830 -- the others are Ecuador and Venezuela. Despite decades of internal conflict and drug-trade-related challenges, Colombia maintains relatively strong democratic institutions characterized by peaceful, transparent elections and the protection of civil liberties.



total : 1,138,910 sq km
land: 1,038,700 sq km
water: 100,210 sq km


tropical along coast and eastern plains; cooler in highlands

Natural resources

petroleum, natural gas, coal, iron ore, nickel, gold, copper, emeralds, hydropower

People and Society


total: 49,588,357

Ethnic groups

Mestizo and White 87.6%, Afro-Colombian (includes Mulatto, Raizal, and Palenquero) 6.8%, Indigenous 4.3%, unspecified 1.4% (2018 est.)


Spanish (official) 98.9%, indigenous 1%, Portuguese 0.1%; 65 indigenous languages exist (2023 est.)


Roman Catholic 63.6%, Protestant 17.2% (Evangelical 16.7%, Adventist 0.3%, other Protestant 0.2%), Jehovah's Witness 0.6%, Church of Jesus Christ 0.1%, other 0.3%, believer, 0.2%. agnostic 1%, atheist 1%, none 14.2%, unspecified 1.8% (2023 est.)

Population growth rate

0.48% (2024 est.)


Government type

presidential republic


name: Bogotá

Executive branch

chief of state: President Gustavo Francisco PETRO Urrego (since 7 August 2022)
head of government: President Gustavo Francisco PETRO Urrego (since 7 August 2022)

Legislative branch

description: bicameral Congress or Congreso consists of:
Senate or Senado (108 seats; 100 members elected in a single nationwide constituency by party-list proportional representation vote, 2 members elected in a special nationwide constituency for indigenous communities, 5 members of the Commons political party, formerly the People's Alternative Revolutionary Force (FARC), for 2 legislative terms only: 2018-2022 and 2022-2026 as per the 2016 peace accord, and 1 seat reserved for the runner-up presidential candidate in the recent election; all members serve 4-year terms)

Chamber of Representatives or Camara de Representantes (188 seats; 162 members elected in multi-seat constituencies by party-list proportional representation vote, 2 members elected in a special nationwide constituency for Afro-Colombians, 1 member elected by Colombians residing abroad, 1 member elected in a special nationwide constituency for the indigenous communities, 5 members of the Commons political party for two legislative terms only: 2018-2022 and 2022-2026 as per the 2016 peace accord, 16 seats for rural conflict victims for two legislative terms only: 2022-2026 and 2026-2030, and 1 seat reserved for the runner-up vice presidential candidate in the recent election; all members serve 4-year terms)


Economic overview

prior to COVID-19, one of the most consistent growth economies; declining poverty; large stimulus package has mitigated economic fallout, but delayed key infrastructure investments; successful inflation management; sound flexible exchange rate regime; domestic economy suffers from lack of trade integration and infrastructure

Real GDP (purchasing power parity)

$978.024 billion (2023 est.)
$972.073 billion (2022 est.)
$906.034 billion (2021 est.)

Real GDP per capita

$18,800 (2023 est.)
$18,700 (2022 est.)
$17,600 (2021 est.)

Agricultural products

sugarcane, oil palm fruit, milk, rice, potatoes, bananas, plantains, maize, chicken, avocados (2022)


textiles, food processing, oil, clothing and footwear, beverages, chemicals, cement; gold, coal, emeralds


$67.762 billion (2023 est.)
$73.06 billion (2022 est.)
$50.907 billion (2021 est.)

Exports - partners

US 26%, Panama 10%, Netherlands 6%, India 4%, Brazil 4% (2022)

Exports - commodities

crude petroleum, coal, coffee, refined petroleum, gold (2022)


$75.983 billion (2023 est.)
$89.649 billion (2022 est.)
$70.914 billion (2021 est.)

Imports - partners

US 26%, China 25%, Brazil 7%, Mexico 5%, Germany 3% (2022)

Imports - commodities

refined petroleum, cars, broadcasting equipment, corn, packaged medicine (2022)

Exchange rates

Colombian pesos (COP) per US dollar -

Page last updated: Wednesday, July 24, 2024