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4 Photos
Grande Comore, part of the Comoros archipelago, appears in the center of this view with Moheli (mostly cloud-covered) toward the bottom. The silvery surface of the Mozambique Channel is due to sun glint. Photo courtesy of NASA.
All three main islands of the Comoros archipelago are visible in this satellite image: Grande Comore (top), Moheli (middle), and Anjouan (bottom). Photo courtesy of NASA.
Karthala is one of two volcanoes that make up Grande Comore (or N'gazidja) Island in the Comoros archipelago. In this image from November 2005, Grande Comore appears only in outline as material from a recent eruption completely obscures the land surface. The volcanic ash ranges in color from tan to beige. The volcano has erupted about 20 times in the last century. Photo courtesy of NASA.
A close-up satellite view of Moheli, the smallest of Comoros&apos; three main islands. Photo courtesy of NASA.