
Country Summary

2023 population pyramid



A Swazi kingdom was founded in the mid-18th century and administered as a UK territory of Swaziland from 1903 until its independence in 1968. The country’s absolute monarchy adopted limited political reforms in a 2005 constitution. Swaziland changed its name to the Kingdom of Eswatini in 2018.



total : 17,364 sq km
land: 17,204 sq km
water: 160 sq km


varies from tropical to near temperate

Natural resources

asbestos, coal, clay, cassiterite, hydropower, forests, small gold and diamond deposits, quarry stone, and talc

People and Society


total: 1,138,089

Ethnic groups

predominantly Swazi; smaller populations of other African ethnic groups, including the Zulu, as well as people of European ancestry


English (official, used for government business), siSwati (official)


Christian 90% (Zionist - a blend of Christianity and traditional African religions - 40%, Roman Catholic 20%, other Christian 30% - includes Anglican, Methodist, Church of Jesus Christ, Jehovah's Witness), Muslim 2%, other 8% (includes Baha'i, Buddhist, Hindu, indigenous, Jewish) (2015 est.)

Population growth rate

0.7% (2024 est.)


Government type

absolute monarchy


name: Mbabane (administrative capital); Lobamba (royal and legislative capital)

Executive branch

chief of state: King MSWATI III (since 25 April 1986)
head of government: Prime Minister Russell DLAMINI (since 6 November 2023)

Legislative branch

description: bicameral Parliament or Libandla consists of:

Senate (30 seats; 20 members appointed by the monarch and 10 indirectly elected by simple majority vote by the House of Assembly; members serve 5-year terms)
House of Assembly (70 seats statutory, current 69; 59 members directly elected in single-seat constituencies or tinkhundla by absolute majority vote in 2 rounds if needed, 10 members appointed by the monarch, 4 women, one each representing each region, elected by the members if representation of elected women is less than 30%, and 1 ex-officio member - the attorney general; members serve 5-year terms)


Economic overview

landlocked southern African economy; South African trade dependent and currency pegging; CMA and SACU member state; COVID-19 economic slowdown; growing utilities inflation; persistent poverty and unemployment; HIV/AIDS labor force disruptions

Real GDP (purchasing power parity)

$12.814 billion (2023 est.)
$12.222 billion (2022 est.)
$12.164 billion (2021 est.)

Real GDP per capita

$10,600 (2023 est.)
$10,200 (2022 est.)
$10,200 (2021 est.)

Agricultural products

sugarcane, maize, root vegetables, grapefruits, oranges, milk, pineapples, bananas, beef, potatoes (2022)


soft drink concentrates, coal, forestry, sugar processing, textiles, and apparel


$2.095 billion (2022 est.)
$2.132 billion (2021 est.)
$1.808 billion (2020 est.)

Exports - partners

South Africa 66%, Kenya 5%, Nigeria 3%, Democratic Republic of the Congo 3%, Mozambique 3% (2022)

Exports - commodities

scented mixtures, raw sugar, garments, industrial acids/oils/alcohols, wood (2022)


$2.288 billion (2022 est.)
$2.173 billion (2021 est.)
$1.686 billion (2020 est.)

Imports - partners

South Africa 76%, China 4%, US 3%, Mozambique 3%, Mauritania 3% (2022)

Imports - commodities

refined petroleum, gold, plastic products, electricity, garments (2022)

Exchange rates

emalangeni per US dollar -

Page last updated: Wednesday, July 24, 2024