
Country Summary

2023 population pyramid



Gabon became independent from France in 1960. El Hadj Omar BONGO Ondimba and then his son, Ali BONGO Ondimba, ruled the country from 1967 to 2023, when a military coup ended the dynasty. Gen. Brice OLIGUI Nguema, a transitional president, now leads Gabon.



total : 267,667 sq km
land: 257,667 sq km
water: 10,000 sq km


tropical; always hot, humid

Natural resources

petroleum, natural gas, diamond, niobium, manganese, uranium, gold, timber, iron ore, hydropower

People and Society


total: 2,455,105

Ethnic groups

Fang 23.5%, Shira-Punu'Vii 20.6%, Nzabi-Duma 11.2%, Mbede-Teke 5.6%, Myene 4.4%, Kota-Kele 4.3%, Okande-Tsogho 1.6%, other 12.6%, foreigner 16.2% (2021 est.)


French (official), Fang, Myene, Nzebi, Bapounou/Eschira, Bandjabi


Protestant 46.4% (Revival Church 37%, other Protestant 9.4%), Roman Catholic 29.8%, other Christian 4%, Muslim 10.8%, traditional/animist 1.1%, other 0.9%, none 7% (2019-21 est.)

Population growth rate

2.37% (2024 est.)


Government type

presidential republic


name: Libreville

Executive branch

chief of state: Transitional President Gen. Brice OLIGUI Nguema (since 4 September 2023)
head of government: Prime Minister Raymond NDONG SIMA (since 7 September 2023)

Legislative branch

description: Transitional Parliament (formerly the bicameral Parliament) consists of:
Senate (70 seats; members appointed by Transitional president; member term NA)
National Assembly (98 seats; members appointed by the Transitional president; member term NA) 
note - all members represent legally recognized political parties or leading political figures, civil society, and defense and security forces


Economic overview

natural-resource-rich, upper-middle-income, Central African economy; significant reliance on oil and mineral exports; highly urbanized population; high levels of poverty and unemployment; uncertainty on institutional and development reform progress following 2023 military coup

Real GDP (purchasing power parity)

$48.201 billion (2023 est.)
$47.134 billion (2022 est.)
$45.776 billion (2021 est.)

Real GDP per capita

$19,800 (2023 est.)
$19,700 (2022 est.)
$19,600 (2021 est.)

Agricultural products

plantains, cassava, sugarcane, yams, taro, vegetables, maize, groundnuts, game meat, rubber (2022)


petroleum extraction and refining; manganese, gold; chemicals, ship repair, food and beverages, textiles, lumbering and plywood, cement


$12.935 billion (2022 est.)
$11.229 billion (2021 est.)
$7.275 billion (2020 est.)

Exports - partners

China 43%, South Korea 8%, Italy 7%, India 7%, Indonesia 5% (2022)

Exports - commodities

crude petroleum, manganese ore, wood, veneer sheets, refined petroleum (2022)


$3.499 billion (2022 est.)
$3.353 billion (2021 est.)
$3.454 billion (2020 est.)

Imports - partners

China 22%, France 21%, UAE 5%, US 5%, Belgium 4% (2022)

Imports - commodities

poultry, plastic products, iron pipes, fish, excavation machinery (2022)

Exchange rates

Cooperation Financiere en Afrique Centrale francs (XAF) per US dollar -

Page last updated: Wednesday, July 24, 2024