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Intelligence Studies

Studies in Intelligence, Winter 1998-1999

Unclassified Extracts from 1998-1999 Winter Issue of Studies in Intelligence

Feature Article

An Intelligence Success Story

The U-2 Program: The DCI’s Perspective

George J. Tenet

A “Hot” Front in the Cold War

The U-2 Program: A Russian Officer Remembers

Alexander Orlov

Historical Perspectives

Jed Team Frederick

1944: An Allied Team With the French Resistance

Robert R. Kehoe

Mornings in Pacific Palisades

Ronald Reagan and the President’s Daily Brief

Richard J. Kerr and Peter Dixon Davis

The CIA and Double Demnology

Calling the Sino-Soviet Split

Harold P. Ford

Valuable Source

The Civil War: Black American Contributions to Union Intelligence

P.K. Rose

Looking for a Rogue Elephant

The Pike Committee Investigations and the CIA

Gerald K. Haines

Lessons Unlearned

The CIA’s Internal Probe of the Bay of Pigs Affair

Michael Warner

A Key Player Looks Back

Reflections of a Cold Warrior: From Yalta to the Bay of Pigs

Richard M. Bissell, Jr.

Book reviewed by H. Bradford Westerfield

Intelligence Today and Tomorrow

A New Doctrine

Planning Satellite Reconnaissance to Support Military Operations

Thomas Behling and Kenneth McGruther