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Intelligence Studies

Studies Intelligence Volume 51, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2007)

Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence Volume 51, Number 3

Intelligence Today and Tomorrow

Meeting 21st Century Transnational Challenges

Building a Global Intelligence Paradigm

Roger Z. George

Historical Perspective

Oral History

DCIs Colby and Helms Reflections on the CIA’s “Time of Troubles”

From the CIA Oral History Archives.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Revisiting Sherman Kent’s Defense of SNIE 85-3-62

Michael D. Smith

Intelligence in Recent Public Literature

Elegy of Slashes

Review Essay: Legacy of Ashes: The History of CIA

Nicholas Dujmovic

Intelligence in Recent Public Literature

The Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf

Compiled and reviewed by Hayden B. Peake


Download PDF of complete issue (68 pages)


Nicholas Dujmovic is a CIA historian, a veteran intelligence analyst and member of the Studies Editorial Board. He is the complier and editor of The Literary Spy.

Roger Z. George is Senior Analyst at the Global Futures Partnership of CIA. He has served as an analyst in the Directorate of Intelligence, was a National Intelligence Officer in Europe, and has taught at the National Defense University. He gratefully acknowledges the conceptual contributions to his article of GFP colleagues Carol Dumaine and Warren Fishbein.

Hayden B. Peake is the curator of the CIA Historical Intelligence Collection. He served in the Directorate of Science and Technology and the Directorate of Operations. He is a frequent contributor to this and other intelligence journals.

Michael D. Smith served as an analyst in the Directorate of Intelligence and the National Intelligence Council. He teaches analysis at the Sherman Kent School of Intelligence Analysis at CIA University and on-line with the American Military University.