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Intelligence Studies

Volume 56, No. 2

June 2012

Unclassified Extracts from Studies in Intelligence

Intelligence in Public Media

Espionage and Covert Operations: A Global History – An Audiocourse

Reviewed by Nicholas Dujmovic

Intelligence in Public Literature

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Reviewed by Frank J. Babetski

The Orphan Master’s Son: A Novel

Reviewed by John Ehrman

Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf

Compiled and reviewed by Hayden Peake


Frank Babetski is a CIA Directorate of Intelligence analyst. He holds the Analytical Tradecraft chair at the Sherman Kent School of Intelligence Analysis at the CIA University.

Nicholas Dujmovic, a member of CIA’s History Staff, is also a member of the Studies in Intelligence Editorial Board. He is a frequent contributor to Studies.

John Ehrman is a CIA analyst specializing in counterintelligence matters. He is a frequent, and award-winning, contributor to Studies in Intelligence.

Torey L. McMurdo is a researcher focusing on US national security and the Intelligence Community at Stanford University. She has served on the staff of the Office for Egypt and Levant Affairs at the US Department of State and with the Walt Disney Company’s Global Intelligence and Threat Analysis division. She earned a B.A. in political science magna cum laude from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2012, and completed research for her submission at the University of Cambridge.

Hayden Peake has served in the CIA’s Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology. He is celebrating his first decade as the compiler of the Intelligence Officer’s bookshelf.

Nicholas Reynolds is the CIA Museum historian. He has served in the Directorate of Operations. He recently completed a tour teaching at the US Naval War College in Newport, RI.