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Travel Facts

US State Dept Travel Advisory

The US State Department currently recommends US citizens Reconsider Travel due to crime and terrorism. Exercise increased caution due to civil unrest and kidnapping. Some areas have increased risk.


Passport/Visa Requirements

For the latest passport and visa requirements for this country, please consult the U.S. State Department’s “Learn About Your Destination” search tool, available through the link below.


US Embassy/Consulate

[57] (1) 275-2000; US Embassy in Bogota, Carrera 45 No. 24B-27 Bogotá, D.C. Colombia; https://co.usembassy.gov/; ACSBogota@state.gov

LGBTQIA+ Travelers


Telephone Code


Local Emergency Phone



The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Colombia: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia, COVID-19, and influenza.



Tropical along coast and eastern plains; cooler in highlands

Currency (Code)

Pesos (COP)

Electricity/Voltage/Plug Type(s)

110 V / 60 Hz / plug types(s): A, B

Plug Type APlug Type B

Major Languages


Major Religions

Roman Catholic, Protestant

Time Difference

UTC-5 (same time as Washington, DC, during Standard Time)

Potable Water

Opt for bottled water

International Driving Permit

Suggested; additionally, if you plan to drive in Colombia, you will need an Inter-American Driving Permit issued by the AAA

Road Driving Side


Tourist Destinations

Salt Cathedral; Tayrona National Park; Monserrate; Santuario de Las Lajas; Los Nevados National Park; Cartagena; Cano Cristales; Qhapaq Nan/Andean Road System; San Agustin Archaeological Park; National Archeological Park of Tierradentro

Major Sports

Soccer, boxing, shooting sports, taekwondo, wrestling, tejo (involves throwing a disc at a small target)

Cultural Practices

Shake hands when you meet someone for the first time. Kissing on the cheek is very informal, and it's only acceptable when you already know the person.

Tipping Guidelines

A 10% tip is common at restaurants. Taxi drivers are rarely tipped. An appropriate tip for a porter/bellboy is about $1 (USD) per bag.


Crocheted mochila bags, handwoven and mola fabric items, leather goods, silver/gold filigree and precious stone jewelry, ceramics, carved wooden statues, musical instruments, Tagua plant carved items, coconut-sourced goods, coffee

Traditional Cuisine

Ajiaco — a soup made with chicken, three varieties of potatoes, and guasca (an herb); typically garnished with capers, avocado slices, corn on the cob, or cream

Please visit the following links to find further information about your desired destination.

World Health Organization (WHO) - To learn what vaccines and health precautions to take while visiting your destination.

US State Dept Travel Information - Overall information about foreign travel for US citizens.

To obtain an international driving permit (IDP). Only two organizations in the US issue IDPs:
American Automobile Association (AAA) and American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA)

How to get help in an emergency? 
Contact the nearest US embassy or consulate, or call one of these numbers:
from the US or Canada - 1-888-407-4747 or from Overseas - +1 202-501-4444

Page last updated: Wednesday, June 19, 2024