
Country Summary

2023 population pyramid



The Dutch began to colonize Indonesia in the early 17th century. The country won its independence in 1949 and is now the world's third most populous democracy, the world's largest archipelagic state, and the world's largest Muslim-majority nation.



total : 1,904,569 sq km
land: 1,811,569 sq km
water: 93,000 sq km


tropical; hot, humid; more moderate in highlands

Natural resources

petroleum, tin, natural gas, nickel, timber, bauxite, copper, fertile soils, coal, gold, silver

People and Society


total: 281,562,465

Ethnic groups

Javanese 40.1%, Sundanese 15.5%, Malay 3.7%, Batak 3.6%, Madurese 3%, Betawi 2.9%, Minangkabau 2.7%, Buginese 2.7%, Bantenese 2%, Banjarese 1.7%, Balinese 1.7%, Acehnese 1.4%, Dayak 1.4%, Sasak 1.3%, Chinese 1.2%, other 15% (2010 est.)


Bahasa Indonesia (official, modified form of Malay), English, Dutch, local dialects (of which the most widely spoken is Javanese); note - more than 700 languages are used in Indonesia


Muslim 87.4%, Protestant 7.5%, Roman Catholic 3.1%, Hindu 1.7%, other 0.8% (includes Buddhist and Confucian) (2022 est.)

Population growth rate

0.73% (2024 est.)


Government type

presidential republic


name: Jakarta; note - Indonesian lawmakers on 18 January 2022 approved the relocation of the country’s capital from Jakarta to a site on the island of Borneo between Samarinda City and the port city of Balikpapan; Nusantara ("archipelago"), the name of the new capital, is expected to be established in August 2024

Executive branch

chief of state: President Joko "Jokowi" WIDODO (since 20 October 2014)
head of government: President Joko "Jokowi" WIDODO (since 20 October 2014)

Legislative branch

description: bicameral People's Consultative Assembly or Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) consists of:
Regional Representative Council or Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (136 seats; non-partisan members directly elected in multi-seat constituencies - 4 each from the country's 34 electoral districts - by proportional representation vote to serve 5-year terms); note - the Regional Representative Council has no legislative authority
House of Representatives or Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (580 seats; members directly elected in multi-seat constituencies by single non-transferable vote to serve 5-year terms)


Economic overview

one of the fastest growing economies and largest in Southeast Asia; upper middle-income country; human capital and competitiveness phase of its 20-year development plan; COVID-19 reversed poverty reduction trajectory; strengthening financial resilience

Real GDP (purchasing power parity)

$3.906 trillion (2023 est.)
$3.718 trillion (2022 est.)
$3.531 trillion (2021 est.)

Real GDP per capita

$14,100 (2023 est.)
$13,500 (2022 est.)
$12,900 (2021 est.)

Agricultural products

oil palm fruit, rice, sugarcane, maize, coconuts, cassava, bananas, eggs, mangoes/guavas, chicken (2022)


petroleum and natural gas, textiles, automotive, electrical appliances, apparel, footwear, mining, cement, medical instruments and appliances, handicrafts, chemical fertilizers, plywood, rubber, processed food, jewelry, and tourism


$292.79 billion (2023 est.)
$315.746 billion (2022 est.)
$246.787 billion (2021 est.)

Exports - partners

China 21%, US 10%, Japan 8%, India 8%, Malaysia 5% (2022)

Exports - commodities

coal, palm oil, iron alloys, natural gas, steel (2022)


$264.426 billion (2023 est.)
$273.031 billion (2022 est.)
$217.579 billion (2021 est.)

Imports - partners

China 31%, Singapore 10%, Japan 6%, Malaysia 5%, Thailand 5% (2022)

Imports - commodities

refined petroleum, crude petroleum, vehicle parts/accessories, natural gas, plastics (2022)

Exchange rates

Indonesian rupiah (IDR) per US dollar -

Page last updated: Wednesday, July 24, 2024