About the New Headquarters Commemorative Plaque
On Nov. 1, 1985, CIA employees participated in the CIA New Headquarters Building (NHB) Cornerstone Ceremony. To prepare for the ceremony, employees were asked to suggest documents and other materials that were sealed within the NHB cornerstone. The items selected provide a historical perspective of the Agency, as well as current (as of 1985) examples of Agency endeavors.
At some future date, when opened, the box will provide items of historic interest concerning the CIA. Contents of the cornerstone box include:
A copy of the CIA Credo, which sets forth the objectives and ideals governing our work in intelligence.
A CIA medallion, which is representative of that given to all employees upon retirement from service.
The program, photo booklet, and text of President Reagan’s speeches to covert and overt employees at the groundbreaking ceremony on May 24, 1984.
A copy of the current (as of 1985) editions of The World Factbook, containing political, geographic and economic data on all countries in the world, and of the Factbook on Intelligence.
The publication Directors and Deputy Directors of CIA: Dates and Data 1946-1983.
A miniature agent camera and crypto chip with a brief description of their use and technology employed.
An aerial photograph of the CIA Headquarters complex before construction of the new building.
An artist’s rendition of the new building as it will appear when completed.
Remarks of the DCI, William J. Casey, at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, on Oct. 29, 1983.
Remarks of the DDCI, John N. McMahon, at a memorial service.
The program and Vice President’s remarks at the Cornerstone Ceremony on Nov. 1, 1985.

The plaque includes the names “Ronald Reagan, William J. Casey, John N. McMahon, Harry E. Fitzwater, Ray A. Kline, and Smith. Hinchman & Grylls, Assoc.” along with their respective titles.