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DCI Allen W. Dulles' Stamps

Artifact Details

Two brown stamps with the name "Allen W

Allen Dulles’ stamps help to commemorate his legacy and the “Golden Age” he brought to the Agency.

Former OSS officer Allen W. Dulles was the longest serving DCI from 1953 to 1961.  To many, this period was the “Golden Age” of the CIA, for it was under Dulles that the Agency matured and developed its characteristic style.  These two well-worn stamps were his – one when he was partner in a prestigious New York law firm and the other simply his name.

Artifact Specs

8 cm x 6 cm x 2.5 cm (large)

8 cm x 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm (small)

(L x W x H)


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Learn More

Fifteen DCIs’ First 100 Days

Allen Welsh Dulles: 1893-1969