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Studies in Intelligence, Volume 1, Number 1

Artifact Details

Three copies of Studies in Intelligence, CIA's quarterly journal

Studies in Intelligence brings together some of the best thinking in the profession of intelligence.

Sherman Kent created the publication Studies in Intelligence in 1955. Kent – the most renowned analyst in American intelligence history – served as a CIA officer from 1950 to 1967.

Kent envisioned a journal devoted to intelligence theory, doctrine, and techniques. Studies in Intelligence was born from this vision. To help guide this new journal, Kent followed these principles:

  • Intellectual rigor
  • A conscious effort to avoid unconscious bias
  • A willingness to hear other opinions
  • The use of outside experts as checks against in-house prejudges
  • A candid admission of shortcomings.

The quarterly journal is still published today; unclassified issues are published on the CIA’s website.

Artifact Specs

22.8 cm x 15.7cm

(L x W)

Learn More

Fifty Years of Studies in Intelligence

Studies in Intelligence

Sherman Kent and the Profession of Intelligence Analysis

A Tribute to Sherman Kent